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Број резултата: 143


Last Words

Surely this will be the last opportunity for me to address you. The Air Force has bombed the towers of Radio Portales and Radio Corporación.
My words do not have bitterness but disappointment. May they be a moral punishment for those who have betrayed their oath: soldiers of Chile, titular commanders in chief, Admiral Merino, who has designated himself Commander of the Navy, and Mr. Mendoza, the despicable general who only yesterday pledged his fidelity and loyalty to the Government, and who also has appointed himself Chief of the Carabineros1
Given these facts, the only thing left for me is to say to workers: I am not going to resign! 
Placed in a historic transition, I will pay for loyalty to the people with my life. And I say to them that I am certain that the seed which we have planted in the good conscience of thousands and thousands of Chileans will not be shriveled forever.
They have strength and will be able to dominate us, but social processes can be arrested neither by crime nor force. History is ours, and people make history.
Workers of my country:
I want to thank you for the loyalty that you always had, the confidence that you deposited in a man who was only an interpreter of great yearnings for justice, who gave his word that he would respect the Constitution and the law and did just that. At this definitive moment, the last moment when I can address you, I wish you to take advantage of the lesson: foreign capital, imperialism, together with the reaction, created the climate in which the Armed Forces broke their tradition, the tradition taught by General Schneider and reaffirmed by Commander Araya, victims of the same social sector which will today be in their homes hoping, with foreign assistance, to retake power to continue defending their profits and their privileges.
I address, above all, the modest woman of our land, the campesina who believed in us, the worker who labored more, the mother who knew our concern for children. I address professionals of Chile, patriotic professionals, those who days ago continued working against the sedition sponsored by professional associations, class-based associations that also defended the advantages which a capitalist society grants to a few.  
I address the youth, those who sang and gave us their joy and their spirit of struggle. I address the man of Chile, the worker, the farmer, the intellectual, those who will be persecuted, because in our country fascism has been already present for many hours -- in terrorist attacks, blowing up the bridges, cutting the railroad tracks, destroying the oil and gas pipelines, in the face of the silence of those who had the obligation to protect them. 
They were committed.
History will judge them.
Surely Radio Magallanes will be silenced, and the calm metal instrument of my voice will no longer reach you.
It does not matter.
You will continue hearing it.
I will always be next to you.
At least my memory will be that of a man of dignity who was loyal to [inaudible] the workers.
The people must defend themselves, but they must not sacrifice themselves.
The people must not let themselves be destroyed or riddled with bullets,
but they cannot be humiliated either.
Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. Go forward knowing that, sooner rather than later, the great avenues will open again where free men will walk to build a better society.
Long live Chile!
Long live the people!
Long live the workers!
These are my last words, and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in vain, I am certain that, at the very least, it will be a moral lesson that will punish felony, cowardice, and treason.
  • 1. national police

What Lives Underneath

Would you like to be me?
Spring in everything here
In the coolness of the summer
And the vision, if the night is blind
The friend of hope
A celebration in autumn
The love living underneath
And turning to me
I'd like to be you
The hot springs of winters
Your blessing in disguise
The sun in your city
So many things in memories
Lost and returned
I love the free fire
Are you me, then?
Oh, you
My life has changed
Tell me
Oh, you
Tell me one thing
Yes, tell me
Oh, you
What lives in your soul
The secret of life
Obviously I'm your fire
Flaming is my spirit
I promise a meeting of love
So many things in memories
Lost and returned
I love the free fire
Are you me, then?
Oh, you
My life has changed
Tell me
Oh, you
Tell me one thing
Yes, tell me
Oh, you
What lives in your soul
Oh, you
My life has changed
Tell me
Oh, you
Tell me one thing
Yes, tell me
Oh, you
What lives in your soul
What lives in your soul


I sang that sonorous song,
And I took wing over the fence,
The bird in a white lace,
And in chinchilla fur.
Gibraltar, Labrador,
The thief is slinking by the window.
If a ripe raspberry,
Got black without a reason,
And a bark crumbled,
That means the game is over.
Gibraltar, Labrador,
The thief is hanging down from a pipe.
In yellow cloud of Sansara,
Old helicopter is suffering,
He is singing to me with closed mouth
Virtuoso polyglot.
Labrador, Gibraltar,
The fire is starting.
Diverse mongols
Are drinking carbide resins,
Turks are bouncing on coffins,
Just to the city Amsterdam.
Labrador, Gibraltar,
The hangar is closing.

They say you have a new guy

Good, you get it, good
no worries, I thought
we would watch that American film
but you already made plans
aha, good, good, that's cool
They say you have a new guy
I haven't seen him
but I know he's not bad
you always knew how to pick them
you always searched for an upgrade
They say you have a new guy
who after school picks you up in his car
and who looks down on us other guys
who also love you
they say, they say
You'll go with him to Jahorina
there it's happy and healthy, what could be better?
but I'll stay here in this dirty city
catching drops of rain in my mouth
They say you have a new guy
who perfectly fits
with your new bag
but when the bag goes out of style
will the same thing happen to him
that happened to me?
They say you have a new guy
who speaks articulately and smells fine
but what he doesn't know is that in your life
he's just a ladder, just another step you'll walk over
they say, they say

Загрлити живот

Ја не желим да цртам као Пикасо
нити да певам као Синатра можда
само желим да будем огледало својих снова
да будем оно што јесам, зато што ћу увек бити
У моменту играјући се да сам ветар
без веза, због лудила љубави
Загрлити живот
да га учиним својим
са белом кожом, која толико тражи
да научим
Загрлити живот, истински га осетити
и знати изгубити, сваки пут када он
бићу увек добро
Када сваке ноћи гледам звезде
ја не мислим на то колико сам мали
не именујем их, нити их бројим појединачно
нити их пратим јер знам где сам
У моменту,
играјући се да сам ветар
без веза, немам сумња
да се усудим да
Загрлим живот
да бих га учинио својим
са белом кожом која толико тражи
да научим
Загрлити живот, истински га осетити
и знати изгубити, сваки пут када он
бићу увек добро
( у води без да знам да пливам, или изгубљен на неком месту
са жељом да плачем, тражећи прилику)
Загрлити живот
да бих га учинио својим
са белом кожом, која толико тражи
да научим
Загрлити живот, истински га осетити
и знати изгубити, сваки пут када он
бићу увек добро, увек добро.

Please Don't Cry

Oh, and we were in a big forest,
We dressed a bush of green maple.
We dressed a bush of green maple
Come out, master, out of new chamber.
come out, master, out of new chamber
Give the bush at least a coin.*
Trinity, Trinity, Holy Mother of God
Sowed flax, flax, yes let it be born.
Please don’t cry in the morning...


My mood is gloomy1
Let's change skin
Each time
See my heart in disorder
My humour is in colour
Because plundered
When my heart is beating
I express something
Letting him quiet
Maybe... but for me
Very bewitching, without
My mood is gloomy
Let's change skin
Each time
See my in puddle
My humour in colour
With fists flying
If I'm bumped into by something
If it's a problem
I don't eat anymore
Even if it doesn't work
My mood is gloomy
Let's change skin
Each time
See my heart in disorder
My humour is in colour
Because plundered
  • 1. There's a mistake 'Mon humeur est noire'
    Also literaly 'My mood is black'

Zagrli me

Izgubio sam kurs tvog glasa
Među tolikom tišinom
I zidovima ove sobe
Crtam uspomene
Otkako si mi rekla zbogom
Više ne znam ni ko sam
Među tolikom tamom
Nedostaješ mi još više
Zagrli me
Među tolikom samoćom
Nostalgija boli još više
Zagrli me
Makar poslednji put
Molim te zagrli me
Živim na ivici depresije
Polako umirući
Dao bih ti srce
Za poslednji poljubac
Otkako si rekla zbogom
Više ne znam ni ko sam, ne
Među tolikom tamom
Nedostaješ mi još više
Zagrli me
Među tolikom samoćom
Nostalgija boli još više
Zagrli me
Makar poslednji put
Samo dođi i zagrli me
Među tolikom tamom
Nedostaješ mi još više
Zagrli me
Među tolikom tamom
Nedostaješ mi još više
Zagrli me
Zagrli me
Zagrli me

Old Man

An old white-haired man started crying
For he became old, for he became white
For he became old, for he became white
For he became old, for he became white
An old woman named Dona told him
That he became old, that he became white
An old woman named Dona told him
Keep quiet, old man, don't you cry
for that is a shame, for that is a sin
For that is a shame, for that is a sin
Look you, old man, on your white beard
Look you, old man, on your white beard
Please don't hesitate to correct me, especially if the translation language is your native language.
With Best Regards,
© Alexander Laskavtsev


Abraca, abraca
He would like as Petar Pan chasing
with captain Hook in the middle of the ocean
or wandering around the world like shoemaker Lapitch
but he needs a magic wand for everything
He would like chewing a spinach as Popeye
or making spite like Mickey Mouse
and he would like to be small as a pease like Tom Thumb
but he needs the enchanted powder for everything
Abraca, abraca, abracadabra
abraca, abraca, abracadabra
magic words, magic signs
ride through imagination children´s heroes
Abraca, abraca, abracadabra
abraca, abraca, abracadabra
magic words, magic signs
only school tasks are quiet
He would like many famous knights
beat the dragons and always be the main
and serves his princes to the grave
but he needs magic era for everything
He would like being big like giant Jože
and like Tarzan jumping through the jungle if he could
and sharing justice like Robin Hood
but for everything he needs magic land
He would like to having a beard like Robinson
or sailing like Piplfoks John
Let being a Guliver a Little Prince from dreams
but he needs magic letters for everything
He would be a famous David Crocket himself
Pinokio, Kekec or something similar
and fantazing like Huckleberry Finn
but he needs for everything a Tale of Long Ago

Jedna reč

Versions: #2
Jedna reč ne govori ništa
i u isto vreme krije sve
Kao što vetar krije vodu
Kao cveće koje krije blato
Jedan pogled ne govori ništa
i u isto vreme govori sve
Kao kiša na tvom licu
ili mapa izgubljenog blaga
Jedna istina ne govori išta
i u isto vreme krije sve
kao vatra koja se ne gasi
kao kamen iz koga nastaje prašina
Ako jednog dana tebe ne bude biću ništa
I u isto vreme biću sve
Zato što su u tvojim očima moja krila
i obala u kojoj se davim
Zato što su u tvojim očima moja krila
i obala u kojoj se davim

Nijedna reč više

Kada kuvaš tvojim poljupcima moje ludilo
Nešto gori u mojoj sobi
Još jedna igra bez milosti tvoje nežnosti
Koja leti ka meni kao vetar sa balkona
Kada se skinu tvoje telo i osmeh
Sve lepo umire kada izađe sunce
Samo jedna poruka i hladna kafa na prazan stomak
I izvinjenje na sektretarici
Da mi kažeš da si načinila grešku
Ne želim više da mi kažeš danas nijednu reč
Možda je sutra jače bez tvoje ljubavi
Ne želim više tvoje laži, ni tvoje fiktivne lekcije
Iako te volim i krvarim od bola
Možda je sutra jače bez tvoje ljubavi
Bez tvoje ljubavi
I ako sudbina prođe kroz moja vrata
Ni razgovor nam neće dati vremena
Ako je moj sram umro od gorčine
Zvakaći svaku sekundu tvoje izdaje
Kad me život muči zbog sumnje
I nada siđe liftom
Ovaj bol neće imati kraja i neće lečiti
Jer sam se opkladio na ovu igru u srce
Jer sam izgubio u ovoj igri srce
Ne želim više da mi kažeš danas nijednu reč
Možda je sutra jače bez tvoje ljubavi
Ne želim više tvoje laži, ni tvoje fiktivne lekcije
Iako te volim i krvarim od bola
Možda je sutra jače bez tvoje ljubavi
Bez tvoje ljubavi
Kada kuvaš tvojim poljupcima moje ludilo

Jos jedno slomljeno srce

Pokusao sam da te zaboravim
Hodam, ne gledajuci pozadi
Ali svaki korak koji pustim
Razumem da sam ja samo
Jedna lutalica bez tvojih poljupca
Na plamenu bez svetlosti
Moja sam senka ako nisi ti tu
Kao brod bez kormila
Plutam bez zvuka i razloga
Davim se bez tvoje ljubavi
Da te opet volim
Cini se vitalnim
Nikada nisam mislio da cu te izgubiti
Na ovaj nacin da ce me boleti
Uvek ces biti na mom horizontu
cuvam jedno mesto u mom srcu
Jos jedno slomljeno srce
Da, ti i ja mozemo da nastavimo
Obecavam da necu ponovo lagati
Jos jedno slomljeno srce
Ne verujem da cu dopustiti
Da te izgubim ponovo, bila bi smrt
Zelim da te jos jednom vidim
Mozda poput prijatelja i nista vise
Ako je to sto nam preostaje ljubavi
Jos jedno slomljeno srce
Ne verujem da cu dopustiti
Da te izgubim ponovo, bila bi smrt
Pokusavam da prezivim
Sa prazninom koja postoji u meni
Osecam se tako besmisleno
bez tebe na ovom svetu
Ne umem da nastavim bez tebe
Da te opet volim
Cini se vitalnim
Nikada nisam mislio da cu te izgubiti
Na ovaj nacin da ce me boleti
Uvek ces biti na mom horizontu
cuvam jedno mesto u mom srcu
Jos jedno slomljeno srce
Da, ti i ja mozemo da nastavimo
Obecavam da necu ponovo lagati
Jos jedno slomljeno srce
Ne verujem da cu dopustiti
Da te izgubim ponovo, bila bi smrt
Zelim da te jos jednom vidim
Mozda poput prijatelja i nista vise
Ako je to sto nam preostaje ljubavi
Jos jedno slomljeno srce
Ne verujem da cu dopustiti
Da te izgubim ponovo, bila bi smrt
Jos uvek nije suvise kasno
Ali se ne usudjujem da te pozovem
Prosli su meseci i ja sam i dalje ovde
Lud za tobom
Jos jedno slomljeno srce
Da, ti i ja mozemo da nastavimo
Obecavam da necu ponovo lagati
Jos jedno slomljeno srce

There are words we don't say...

There are words we don't say,
and without saying, we write them in stuff.
And the stuff keeps them
and one day, it answers with them,
and saves our world,
with a secret love
in which two sides,
there's only one entrance.
Isn't there a word,
of those we don't say,
that we have put
accidentally, in the middle of nowhere?
Just learning.

Officer Murga

Our Murga isn't an ordinary officer
his methods are modern
first he offers you a cigar
then he beats you down
Murga isn't an ordinary cop
psycho-phenomena interest him
he grabs all and says to their faces
you'll play the piano for me
Every so often he'll mock some kid
of these guiding leaders
afterwards, Murga slaughters
afterwards, Murga apologizes deeply
The night is dark
and the night is hot
it is the right time
for you, officer Murga
The night is dark, the night is hot
it is the right time
for you, officer Murga
Ever since Murga watched High Noon
Murga walked the center of the road
He sets a walkie-talkie to his ear
and listens diligently to commands
Maybe, in the dark, tonight
awaits his piece of fame
he bargained their beat downs, always with the same gang
legitimacy was on his mind
And while I sit here in this bar
I watch him through the window
I'm thinking if Freud was right
and if sex is the cause of all things

Crazy In Love

Versions: #2
I confess that I've been idealizing you for some time
My whole life searching for you
I don't know what to do, you look so fine
I'll get closer.
I confess that I'm not good at talking
I'm a shy person, as you can see
but this tim, I'll take the risk
I'm going to say it to you.
You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
If you let it flow,I'd give you anything you want.
I don't know, baby, what you have
when you dance with me
you make me so nervous
when you move like that
In a provocative way
that motivates me
dancing an old Reggaeton,
the ones that activate you
The ones that you dance slowly
Close together
You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
(I'd do anything)
You know that I like you
You know that I'm enchanted by you
Dance slow, you know it kills me
Go, I'm not in a hurry
Let's make this night eternal
Don't say you're leaving
Let's search for a place
without anybody, just darkness
Kiss me slowly, let's stop the time.
Hey, You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
You are meant for me
and I am meant for you
I'd do anything , anything for you.

Careful with the words

I went out for a walk and I entered in some kind of... I don't know how to call it. It wasn't a bar, neither a pub, nor an alehouse, nor a cafe, I don't know how to call it... maybe a tavern. And well, and approaching not to the counter but to the table, I didn't order a scottish but a whisky and I didn't order it on the rocks but with ice. And I remember that without getting close a girl, or I mean a woman, reduced the distance that kept her apart from me and not in the ear but to the ear, she said, or I mean she whispered 'I'm not for sale, but in turn of a certain ammount, not of gold but of its equivalent in money, you could obtain a good service not of myself, but of my body. I'm not asking you to answer but I wish to have a response from you.' 'Well you won't have it, but anyway I will answer. I know that it wouldn't cost me anything, but how much should I pay you?' I said, not in an onstentation mode but for satisfying, not her curiosity but her request. 'Not in this situation, nor in these particular circumstances. But in the present case -she said- you wouldn't have to pay me anything, though of course, it wouldn't be free.' My answer wasn't the following but anyway I said 'I'm not interested then. However I accept. Not with pleasure but willingly.' 'I can't say that I'm happy, though I feel happy' she said, not grabbing me by an arm but by the other arm. And without giving a single step nor going by foot, we didn't leave, but we moved walking until finding, not a hotel nor a motel nor a hostel, but an inn to which of course we never reached. However, without crossing the door we entered, and the manager without directing the word he said to us 'I have nothing to regret but... I'm sorry. There are no chambers available. But I can give you a room.' 'Don't tell us where it is, but indicate us how to get there.' requested, not my partner but the woman who was not with me but by my side. The guy didn't give use any indication but he showed us, not where the room was but in which place. And we didn't stay but we remained there, not all night long but until the next morning, not making love but... well, I hope you understood how is the technique of this.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Access forbidden

In my perfect world
if you're the problem - there's no problem!
You want me - it's too late
I forbid you access to me!
You tried but you couldn't feel me,
I thought instead of you for too long - till now!
Don't call me, don't text me, don't think of me
since you're gone, I'm better - why you came?
No way I love you instead of you again
you look like you meet a girl for the first time!
There is no point - you're just on the way
you're too predictable, I prefer to riddle!
In my perfect world
if you're the problem - there's no problem!
You want me - it's too late
I forbid you access to me!
Guess what - I forgot you, I'll say no!
All bad thoughts in my head, I send them away!
No way I love you instead of you again
you look like you meet a girl for the first time!
There is no point - you're just on the way
you're too predictable, I prefer to riddle!
Chorus: (х2)
In my perfect world
if you're the problem - there's no problem!
You want me - it's too late
I forbid you access to me!
You want me - it's too late, you tried but failed!
You want me - it's too late, I'm going where I want!
My way is without you and I like it that way!
Chorus: (х2)
In my perfect world
if you're the problem - there's no problem!
You want me - it's too late
I forbid you access to me!

Ljubav se zavrsila

Da ne mogu da te zaboravim, to ona zna
Da zelim samo da te volim, to ona zna
Da smo dva dela, oh oh
Ne vredi traziti jos jednu sansu
[Jennifer Lopez]
I meni se cini da i ti isto zaboravljas
Koliko noci si me ostavljao samu i da
I ja takodje vise patim sa tvojim odlaskom
Ali u ovom trenutku pocecu moj zivot
[Yandel & Jennifer Lopez & Abraham Mateo]
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh oh
Ljubav se zavrsila izmedju tebe i mene
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh, oh
Iako te volim, zato ti danas govorim 'Zbogom'
[Abraham Mateo]
Dosao sam i zavrsilo se
Od placa za tobom, me boli glava
Vreme je za brisanje i nov racun
Koliko noci sam proveo u agoniji za tobom
Idem na zurku, zurku! Hey!
Da te zaboravim zeno, koliko god da mi se cini tesko, pokusacu
[Jennifer Lopez]
Vise ne mogu da te volim i nije moja krivica
Nemam sta vis eda ti dam, moja dusa je prazna
Izgubljena sam u vremenu, ah
Nije vredno vise traziti drugu sansu
Zasto sam umoran da budem sam u ovom zivotu
Zasto ti na paznju skoro uvek zaboravis
[Abraham Mateo]
Zato sam skoro zavrsio svoju igru
I ostavicu te makar bila zena mog zivota
[Yandel & Jennifer Lopez & Abraham Mateo]
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh oh
Ljubav se zavrsila izmedju tebe i mene
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh, oh
Iako te volim, zato ti danas govorim 'Zbogom'
Duso, koliko puta si odbijala da me volis
Ja sa zeljom da ti ugodim, a ti mi pregovaras oko tvoje podrske
Ne znam zasto si bila tako losa zena
Nakon sto sam ti dao moju ljubav
Nakon sto sam ti dao moju ljubav
[Jennifer Lopez]
I meni se cini da i ti isto zaboravljas
Koliko noci si me ostavljao samu i da
I ja takodje vise patim sa tvojim odlaskom
Ali u ovom trenutku pocecu moj zivot
[Yandel & Jennifer Lopez & Abraham Mateo]
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh oh
Ljubav se zavrsila izmedju tebe i mene
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh, oh
Iako te volim, zato ti danas govorim 'Zbogom'
Ljubav se zavrsila (Ljubav se zavrsila)
Ljubav se zavrsila (Ljubav se zavrsila)

Dead Words

The mind is the surface
Like the waves of the sea
Though it may appear impressive
It lacks profundity
Thus I sailed through questions
And there are questions at every port
Their answers are banal
If they come from a dead heart
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
The word in dearth of essence,
Even in prayer,
Is but outside noise
And inner emptiness
An idle and fragile monologue
That you repeat every day
Devoid of substance
Empty, cold words
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
Delve into your own deep sea
If you really want to know
Wisdom pours out from you
If you answer with your being
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
Delve into your own deep sea
If you really want to know
Wisdom pours out from you
If you answer with your being

Bez reči

Ne udaljavaj se od mene
Ne udaljavaj se od mene
Pusti me da te gledam
Da te osećam uz sebe
Ne odlazi od mene
Ne odlazi od mene
Probudi se i ja te vidim
Sretnog uz mene
Sećam se
Videla sam da si provirio
Svojim očima
Bez reči
Osmehe, poglede i sve
Ponovo osećam
Nisam verovala da će se to desiti
Ponovo se rađam
Sol, život
Sećam se
Videla sam da si provirio
Svojim očima
Bez reči
Osmehe, poglede i sve


Када сам је видео,
Знао сам да ће то бити за мене.
Не знам шта да радим
Шта ако ми каже не?
Са њом могу се смејати
Ја сам најсрећнији у свемиру
(Широм универзума).
Са њом срце почиње да трчи
Глава ми каже да је пресечена
И тако без обзира шта је потребно
Морам да направим девојку моју девојку
Данас ће моје срце експлодирати
И не усуђујем се да га уђем
Шта ће они рећи? Али није битно
Једном ћу успети
Моја девојка ће бити - да!
Покушајте побјећи
Покушајте да више не гледате
Приближио сам се
И изненађење није труло да би дала.
Са њом могу се смејати
Ја сам најсрећнији у свемиру
(Преко универзума)
Када она није
Не могу да мислим
Не могу се концентрирати
(И понекад изгубим мишљење).
Са њом срце почиње да трчи
Глава ми каже да је пресечена,
И тако без обзира шта је потребно
Морам да направим девојку моју девојку!
Данас ће моје срце експлодирати
И не усуђујем се да га уђем
Шта ће они рећи? Али није битно
Једном ћу успети
Моја девојка ће бити - да!
Не размишљајте више о томе
Јака си да пробаш (Да, идемо!)
Она себе жели
Знаш шта можеш
Хајде, девојко
Ако сам шала, ако сам губитник
'Па шта?' Каже она
Чак и ако ме погоди
Морам то да урадим, морам да покушам
Хеј, ја сам девојка, девојка
Будите моја шикица, шика
Се ми девојка, девојка
Будите моја девојка
Данас срце почиње трку
Не могу тако да дишем
Тако сам запањена
Није битно, сада једна хитна шанса
Зато што ћеш данас бити моја дјевојка
Данас срце почиње трку
Не могу тако да дишем
Тако сам запањена
Није битно, сада једна хитна шанса
Зато што ћеш данас бити моја дјевојка
Зато што ћеш данас бити моја дјевојка

Ludo zaljubljen

Priznajem ti da te već neko vreme idealizujem
Celi život ja te tražim
Ne znam šta da radim, izgledaš mnogo dobro
Prići ću ti
Priznajem ti da se ne snalazim najbolje u priči
Malo sam stidljiv, što ćeš videti
Ali ovog puta, usudiću se
Reći ću ti
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Dušo, istina je da mi se sviđaš previše
Dođi, jer ostalo ću ti reći plesom
Priđi bliže
I, evo, sada mi ne silaziš s pameti
Lutam ovde često misleći na tebe
Biće da ono što osećam prema tebi osećaš i ti
Priđi bliže
Znaš da sam ja taj koji te pali
Ja znam da ćeš se sa mnom najbolje provesti
Znaš da sam ja taj zbog koga ćeš izgubiti kontrolu
Želim da plešem s tobom do poslednje pesme
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Da provedem još jednu noć s tobom
Učiniću šta god (šta god)
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Ako se prepustiš
Daću ti sve što poželiš
Ne znam, dušo, šta to imaš
Ali kada mi igraš
Činiš me jako nervoznim
Kada se pokrećeš tako
Na provokativan način
To me motiviše
Da igramo uz stari regeton
Jer to te pokreće
Od onih uz koje se igra polako
Skroz telo uz telo
(Reci, Farru)
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Dušo, istina je da mi se sviđaš previše
Dođi, jer ostalo ću ti reći plesom
Priđi bliže
I, evo, sada mi ne silaziš s pameti
Lutam ovde često misleći na tebe
Biće da ono što osećam prema tebi osećaš i ti
Priđi bliže
Znaš da sam ja taj koji te pali
Ja znam da ćeš se sa mnom najbolje provesti
Znaš da sam ja taj zbog koga ćeš izgubiti kontrolu
Želim da plešem s tobom do poslednje pesme
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Da provedem još jednu noć s tobom
Učiniću šta god (šta god)
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Da provedem još jednu noć s tobom
Ja učiniću šta god, učiniću šta god
Ti znaš da mi se sviđaš
Znaš da me oduševljavaš
Igraj polako
To me ubija
Hajde, malena
Meni se ne žuri
Napravićemo od ove noći
Beskonačnu noć
Ne reci mi da ideš
Potražićemo jedno mesto
Na kom nema nikoga
Gde je samo tama
I ljubi me polako
Zaustavićemo vreme
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Dušo, istina je da mi se sviđaš previše
Dođi, jer ostalo ću ti reći plesom
Priđi bliže
I, evo, sada mi ne silaziš s pameti
Lutam ovde često misleći na tebe
Biće da ono što osećam prema tebi osećaš i ti
Priđi bliže
Znaš da sam ja taj koji te pali
Ja znam da ćeš se sa mnom najbolje provesti
Znaš da sam ja taj zbog koga ćeš izgubiti kontrolu
Želim da plešem s tobom do poslednje pesme
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Da se zaljubim


Не греби ми срце,
не познајеш ме добро
Нећу вечно да сам на коленима
Ако умре љубав, умире и савест
И боље бежи ако постанемо непријатељи
Од данас за тебе ми је име 'Незаборавна'
Она коју желиш, а не можеш да је имаш
Она ти се види у очима
пуни ти их сузама
Она ти повређује срце за лаку ноћ
Трује те али га пијеш, зар не?
Од љубавних драма сасвим си се понизио
Пријатељи - не, хвала
Мрзим издајице
Са њима сам престала да сам добра и, види ме, заблистала сам
Од данас за тебе ми је име 'Незаборавна'
Она коју желиш, а не можеш да је имаш
Она ти се види у очима
пуни ти их сузама
Она ти повређује срце за лаку ноћ
Осмехом сечем, не ножем
За мном ћеш да плачеш сваке ноћи
Ево, пуштам ти мој лајв -
осећај се поздрављеним

Surrounding the Sky

When love came to me
When I noticed it already went away
And I watched up while I was crying
In the swing of my childhood
When I was little
I thought that riding you
I could fly in the sky
And nothing could damage me back then
Hug me
Time doesn't want to give a step back now and lets go.
Those days won't come back,
they will never come back to me.
Hug me
Even now our lives are separated
I will not forget this time with you,
I will keep it safe inside of me,
in my heart, forever.
And now I am sitting here
Regretting the time that went away.
That sky, so big and happy,
Retired from a cruel world.
Hug me
The clock keeps passing without stop
ANd my heart gets sad just thinking
that everything finished, it has already stopped.
Hug me
Even the night is surrounding my soul
That sky we watched you and me
I will keep it safe inside of me,
in my heart, forever.
And now hug me.
And now hug me.

Word of honor

This life
is worthless, away from you
that your love is oxygen for me,
without you I die.
Love of mine,
I can't feel you breathing beside me,
each heartbeat teaches me it's for you
that I'm living.
word of honor, - you must know
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you,
word of honor, -you must believe
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you
Soul of mine,
only you gave me so much love,
and I swear to you, - word of honor
that I'm sincere.
word of honor, - you must know
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you,
word of honor, -you must believe
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you
I won't leave you, - no, I'll never leave you
No, I'll never leave you, I won't leave you.
Just learning.

Going to the Abra

A thousand and one times I heard this song
Looking in vain for the words
That was hiding before the heartbeat
The central sun of the galaxy
From the south the wind, to the south the rivers
From the south my flesh and my nature
Of christian poor dog,
And of poet without inspiration
Far from the great city,
That saw me blooming
From those who dream of me defeated
Far from the nasal roar
That powers the chaos
And the reasonless unconsciousness
Going to the Abra, at the sunset
Of this fucking hard life
And I'm waiting under three peaks
That you make up your mind once and for all
To go far from the city,
From those who dream of yo defeated too
Far from the nasal roar
That powers the chaos
And the reasonless unconsciousness
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Yasak aşk

Yasak aşk,
en kötü ceza
birini sevdiğin zaman
çoktan başkasına ait olan kişi
Yasak dudaklar
çılgınca öpmek istediğin
ama yapmaman gereken
hep en tatlı olanlar
Sadece bir gece
sonsuza kadar akılda kalmak için
sadece dilek
Şafak vaktini bekle
çünkü hep rüyalarımı kovalıyorsun
ve o şimdi acı çekiyor
Şafak vaktini bekle
başkalarına gitmek için
çünkü ben rüyalarıma inanıyorum
bir kez onu hayal etmeme izin ver
Yasak şans
en büyük üzüntü
bir geceden sonra
hiçbirini hatırlamayacaksın
kalbimin anahtarı
o bu sırda
neden altın diğer parlaklardan
daha parlak
Sadece bir gece
sonsuza kadar akılda kalmak için
sadece dilek
Şafak vaktini bekle
çünkü hep rüyalarımı kovalıyorsun
ve o şimdi acı çekiyor

Be in Good Health

Be in good health,
You Local thresholds
Oh, where did you wander
My dear white legs.
Be there, Be there,
Do not forget us
Everyday, every evening
Do Remember us all!
Oh, that grey dove flys by
Yes hits itself with it's wings
Is my dear dove here or not?
Oh, here I am a grey dove awaiting!

If You Hug Me

If sometimes it doesn't make noise
And maybe it looks like it makes noise,
I know, every fear that is inside you,
Doubts and secrets, I also know it.
I feel tiny,
And I think you're big, enormous,
And you... yes, you...
Are the best creation,
The happiness of winter,
You make the bitter a licorice,
You turn my clocks upside down.
If you want, we'll make something new this sunday,
If you want, we'll kiss free like children,
forever, free without losing the will to run.
I can climb to the moon,
Lose my mind if they talk to me about you,
And I can feel the craziness,
With you so alone I feel happy,
I forget how to exist if you hug me.
Time passes by and so do the minutes,
It's your ear and my whisper,
And you... Yes, you...
You're like a monument
For the good feelings,
You're the first for me,
You turn my clocks upside down.
If you want, we'll make something new this sunday,
If you want, we'll kiss free like children,
forever, free without losing the will to run.
I can climb the moon,
Lose my mind when they talk to me about you,
And I can feel the craziness,
With you so alone I feel happy
I can climb to the moon,
Lose my mind if they talk to me about you,
And I can feel the craziness,
With you so alone I feel happy,
I forget how to exist if you hug me,
If you hug me.
I can climb the moon,
lose my mind if they talk to me about you,
If you hug me...

אופיר כהן וליאנה בא אלייך קליפ Ofir Cohen and Liana

'Everything you will ever ask for, I will give it to you all, right from my heart
Everyone in the city knows, that I love you
And you are the only one that I want so much
You rock\ shake my life, girl
Like a boat that swept away in a middle of a storm
If you call my name, I will come running to you
To walk with you, and to give you a hand
Because you are not alone anymore
I am coming to you, so I could 'live '[lit. be an important part in your life] in your life
To be in your arms, and to give you love
I am coming to you, to 'live' in your life
It is hard for me to be alone without you tonight, I am coming…
You have entered joy and happiness into my life
And you have lighten up the light in my eyes again
You are for me, the one and only
I will never ever know\meet someone like you
I am yours, girl