Резултати претраге страна 27
Број резултата: 1741
Волео бих да никад
Кад бих могао да окренем пешчаник,
кад бих могао да вратим сат уназад,
то не би променило ништа што знам,
знам то.
И кад погледам свет око себе
видим те на мом кревету,
али сваки демон има цену,
сада то знам.
Волео бих да те никад нисам упознао.
У тренуцима кад сам најслабији, зовеш моје име,
отвараш ме широм,
играш ме као игрицу,
тако изгледа кад живиш свој живот са жаљењем.
Волео бих да те никад, волео бих да те никад,
волео бих да те никад нисам упознао.
Кад бих могао да напишем писмо у боци,
могао бих да га бацим кроз простор и време,
послао бих себи упозорење,
послао бих себи знак „стоп“.
Знам да ти он изгледа као нека врста спасиоца,
знам да његове руке делују као да су нежне,
али пази се,
Не дозволи да зароби то како се осећаш.
Волео бих да те никада нисам упознао.
У тренуцима кад сам најслабији, зовеш моје име,
отвараш ме широм,
играш ме као игрицу,
тако изгледа кад живиш свој живот са жаљењем.
Волео бих да те никад, волео бих да те никад,
волео бих да те никад нисам упознао.
Не знаш кроз шта пролазим,
из дана у дан, сваког дана.
Из дана у дан, сваког дана.
У тренуцима кад сам најслабији, зовеш моје име,
отвараш ме широм,
играш ме као игрицу,
тако изгледа кад живиш свој живот са жаљењем.
Волео бих да те никад, волео бих да те никад,
волео бих да те никад нисам упознао.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Everything passes
Whatever the sound of our tears
Time will drown out the racket
Silence our pain
It's a matter of days or hours
Like an hourglass on our souls
Forgetting our blues and our blames
Spreading the joys
That we hide inside
All the songs we breathe, angels will only hold the tune
Stop singing the worst
I Want To Be Groped
I want to be groped in the train. I want to be groped in the train
I want to join gropers in the train. I want to be groped in the train.
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Wow
I want to meet molesters on a dark night road. I want to meet molesters on a dark night road.
I want to meet molesters in the park. I want to meet molesters on a dark night road.
I want to be groped. Here comes
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. Here comes
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped.
Hey, mister, you got to understand my feelings more.
Actually, everyone likes it. Don't you know that?
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Wow
I want to be raped in the house. I want to be raped in the house.
I want to be raped by a doorstep salesman. I want to be raped in the house.
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Wow
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to get gangraped by motorcycle gangsters. I want to get gangraped by motorcycle gangsters.
I want to be gangraped in the wharf warehouse. I want to get gangraped by motorcycle gangsters.
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. come on
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Love it
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Wow
I want to be groped. Oi Oi Oi
I want to be groped. Oi Oi Oi
I want to be groped. Oi Oi Oi
I want to be groped. Lovin' it
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped. Yeah Yeah
I want to be groped. No No
I want to be groped!
The Hymn of Isis (Have an awe to Isis!)
May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
It is she, the sole mistress
It is she, the sole mistress
Have an awe
to Isis!
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
And (the mistress of) the two lands together
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
It is she, the eyes of Ra, greatly praised in nomes
Have an awe to Isis!
The one who grants many things to the king of upper and lower Egypt
No reply from the wind
No reply,
an amber sandglass.
Humans are mere spilled sand.
Say Mark2, the kindness lives.
I wish it is the reply to it.
It's more vivid than a dream.
It's more silent than a love.
An invisible intention whispers
in the sea where stardust sleeps.
There's petals of life
in the golden tranquility.
Who is the man touched them gently with his finger?
No reply,
stray children in space.
I wish I could embrace them in my arms.
Say Mark2, the kindness lives.
I wish it is the reply to it.
It's more mysterious than a dream.
Mankind and its encounters.
An unfamiliar intention draws a string.
The love is a guidepost.
Every time a shooting star falls, a new life is born.
Everybody will conceive distant stars.
No reply,
an amber sandglass.
Humans are mere spilled sand
Say Mark2, the kindness lives.
I wish it is the reply to it.
You Don't Go
The silence does not forget your name
I know that it's going to speak of you
When it arrives at 12
Oh my!
I don't know what your memory is making fun of
Every time because of it I feel you and I lose you
Now you have me sleeping with fear
Uh uh
I close my eyes and you're always there
But I can't go back
I close my eyes and I finally
Wake up with solitude
You don't go
I don't, I don't, I don't know
Why don't you go?
I cry, I cry, I cry, I cry because you don't go
I don't, I don't, I don't know
Why don't you go?
Why don't you go?
I want to think that I can take you out of my dreams
In order to replace what my sheets are going to erase
I want a mental detox
So I don't cry anymore
And that my heart
I can exfoliate it
But I continue here
With ashes of you
Uh uh
I close my eyes and you're always there
But I can't go back
I close my eyes and I finally
Wake up with solitude
You don't go
I don't, I don't, I don't know
Why don't you go?
I cry, I cry, I cry, I cry because you don't go
I don't, I don't, I don't know
Why don't you go?
Why don't you go?
The entrance ceremony with swords
Even if they collect thousands of coins
Money can't buy a human heart
The sympathy I received was plenty
The Jōshū ravens cry
They cry on this road
It's the first time I meet
With such a good young lady
Yes, yes, surely you are.
The young lady sees me like a great champion
Then, before the grave of my mother
I want to do the stylish entrance ceremony
On both sides of this sad foolish world
The ages have given me the idea
Everything exists in dreams
Who trained to be a sumo wrestler
Now wears a hat of shadows
I didn't become a sumo wrestler but a gangster
In the case you ask about me.
Young lady, I wish you come soon
To give you this money. It's the chance to hurry.
After I undertook to do it.
Please come soon.
Ah, hi, Otsutasan
Since when you live with a husband and a child?
Ten years ago you were a prostitute with come and hairpins
At least the lady who gave me her opinion
Will see me doing a ceremony entrance
Of a Komagata-born worthless
The make believe of a repayment
Is a duty command in Toride
Please accept it, Otsutasan
At least is Mohei's champion display
The entrance ceremony of a champion
The Same Old Regret
We still have things to say
But In a blink of an eye
It’s time to leave
It’s the same old story!
Before you know, it’s inevitable
It is time to go
Oh, …
The same old regret! The same old remorse!
All of a sudden
It gets too late
So soon!
Never Live Without Love
Sometimes nothing seems right but it turns out just right
And sometime it just doesn’t work out at all, however much one tries
Sometimes everything just comes together for a happy time
And sometimes it just needs to be catered for
Sometimes things just sort themselves out for no reason
And sometime there is every reason but it just doesn’t work out
Sometimes a thousand round of prayers go unanswered
And Sometimes that unbought ticket of you wins the lottery
Sometimes you are the poorest of the poor, at the bottom of your luck
And sometime the whole world is just at your mercy
Sometimes I miss the music of my heart’s laugh
Sometimes it is as if my heart is carved out of stone
Sometime this whole ocean blue of our sky
Gets dark and loses color, out of blue
Sometimes every breath feels as sharp as a razor
Sometimes life itself is just too much to bear
Oh, the youth was but just a dream
Sometimes we lose our chance before we know it
Doesn’t matter where you are, what you do
Never live without love, or your heart ages
Ahmed (1960-2002)
Kraj osamdesetih, ona posećuje svoju domovinu
Nepoznati muškarac drži moju majku za ruku
Ona se ne želi udati
Ipak,iz poštovanja prema svojim roditeljima će reći da
U Nemačkoj je upravo pao zid
Ponovo se gradi Maroko
2000 milja odbrambenog nasipa
I beg preko sredozemnog mora
Dvosoban stan, Frankfurt
Ona ga vodi odatle sa sobom
A on ne radi ništa za novac,
misli,doćiće sam od sebe
Ona plaća kiriju i čisti hotele
On nema volje, da se zauzme za posao
I dospeva brzo duboko u podzemlje
I tako izlazi on napolje,da bi prodavao drogu,
Dok njegova 9 meseci trudna žena sedi kod kuće,
A on- se više nije pojavio
A kod nje-podmakli dugovi i poodmakli stomak
Ni preko oglasa nestalih se ništa nije postiglo
Ostala je sama sa jednim duhom
Ja sam se rodila- majkina porodica je tu
A moj otac je tražen od strane privatnog detektiva
Kasnije smo saznali, da je već godinu dana bio deportovan
Odleže kaznu zatvora, u jednoj ćuzi u Nadori
Otpušten je sa dijagnozom raka
Došao je na ideju, da svoju porodicu ponovo vidi
Zahtevao nas je nazad,
kao da smo mi bili njegov posed
Ni ovog puta nije radio ništa sam, samo je poslao svog zeta,
Pretio je da će me kidnapovati, ukoliko me vidi
Od toga dana nisam smela nikada više sama napolje da se igram
Nikada ga više nisam videla ni čula, nikada shvatila
Ipak svi misle da sam preslikana on
Kada je umro, to za mene nije bio neki gubitak
Bila sam previše mala, a on već tada mrtav za mene
I sada se pitam,
Kako se o smrti priča,
Čujem puno toga, ali se nikada ne prisećam njega
Kada se vreme precrta-, jedan deo njega ostaje
Ahmed, 1960-2002
Sve što se računa
Part 1]
Daju mi 81 godina života ovde
50 sati nedeljno, životinjskog rada
Smejem se oko 13 minuta dnevno.
Svakog drugog leta uzmem godišnji odmor,
Dobijem 1,5 dete u proseku
I 45 hiljada eura bruto godišnje.
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Part 2]
Ručni sat je svaki korak izbrojao
Govori, da moram brže ići, inače će biti prekasno
I podseća me na to,
da popijem gutljaj vode
Tražila sam sedam puta značenje reči 'Smisao'
A Amazon mi je preporučio tu knjigu
(knjigu 'Smisao')
Ali u čemu je smisao,
Ako se nas dvoje ne vidimo?
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Rastavili ste me na
6 čula i 212 kostiju
Recite, kada srce više ne kuca, ko obračuna njegovu vrednost?
Rastavili ste me na
3 biliona ljudskih ćelija i 212 kostiju
Ipak srce kuca i čezne za nečim većim
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Brojiš li prašnjav sitniš u novčaniku,
Ti si švorc, ali mlad i lep, hejjj
Svet ti leži pod nogama,
samo novca nikad dovoljno
Tvoja koža nije dovoljno debela, pa da ne oseti ovu hladnoću
A ti, ti, ti veruješ da si sam sa svojim shvatanjima,
Sam sa svojim osećajima,
Sam sa svojom težinom
Ipak u osnovi, mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Imamo iste strahove,
Istu sumnju za poraziti
Nema vremena , nema uspeha, nema novca, nema mira
Sunce sija, ponekad ne možemo uživati u njemu
Mrzimo jer volimo,
'Od zemlje do neba'
Ležimo na podu,
ustanimo i letimo, hajdeee!
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Prevelike oči, premali želudac
Nikada ne pojedemo, ono što imamo na tanjiru
Ne svidja nam se ukus,
A hoćemo se sa svim i svačim hraniti
Pri 1000 i jednoj mogućnosti- neodlučni
Mi smo oni što ništa ne zahtevaju,
Ali sve hoće da imaju
Ako je čaša poluprazna,
onda je jednostavno napuni
Mi delimo odeću iz ormana, delimo našu hranu
Pridržavamo vrata, znamo to da cenimo
Pogledajte nas, mi nemamo šta da izgubimo
Samo sve da dobijemo, ako ispravno ulažemo
Kaže se, sa novcem nije uvek sve lakše
Ipak smatram da mi trebamo biti bogati
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako ti se čini da ja mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Mi smo svi milioneri
Beskrajno bogati u onome što osećamo
Mi smo svi milijarderi
Beskrajno bogati, nećemo ništa sa tobom deliti
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
[Verse 1: Benjamin Ingrosso]
You walk a meter in front of me
It was too fucking long ago
You turn around, we see each other
You feel I'm losing my breath
I ask you how everything is
And even though you feel fine
Yeah, I'm talking but my heart's stopped
[Bridge: Benjamin Ingrosso]
I remember every sin (Every moment)
The last thing you said (Before you left)
But now nothing's as it was before
Because you talk like it was (Another time)
Say you remember what it was like (To be mine)
So for you, I became
Like an old movie
[Chorus: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Just like being on VHS
You can never see again
Take us back
To the time I miss
Like a VHS
That I can see again
Want you back
But for you, I became like one
[Verse 2: Cherrie]
I feel something's behind me
So I saw you smile from the corner of my eyes
Everything that's happened to us, that's not yesterday
But nothing that I'm thinking on
Believe it would become too much
Comfortable that I can breath out
As baby, when I see you now
Know everything has its end
[Bridge: Cherrie & Benjamin Ingrosso, both]
But you'll always mean something
I wish I was something more than something
I don't wanna talk like it was another time
Don't remember what it was like to be yours
So for me, you became
Like an old movie
[Chorus: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Just like being on VHS
You can never see again
Take us back
To the time I miss
Like a VHS
That I can see again
Want you back
But for you, I became like a
[Interlude Benjamin Ingrosso]
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
[Outro: Benjamin Ingrosso]
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
Ay, I Drank
Ay, I drank on a Monday,
I lost my green wreath drinking, all alone
I drink alone, and I make merry alone,
I make my own bed, and I lie alone, alone
Ay, I drank on a Tuesday,
I spent forty crowns on drinking, all alone, all alone
Ay, I drank on a Wednesday,
I spent my salary on drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Thursday,
I spent everything on drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Friday,
I lost everything and my petticoat drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Saturday,
I lost my job drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Sunday,
I lost all my hope drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
I don't have anything to do with you
You are overly flirtatious,
It's obvious that you are new at this,
You intend to disagree with me,
Forget me and go,
Give up and leave,
No I don't want you anymore,
I don't have anything to do with you, x2
You say I'm heartless, indeed I am,
I can't stand a problem that comes into my life and doesn't leave,
I don't have anything to do with you, x2
You say I'm heartless, indeed I am,
I can't stand a problem that comes into my life and doesn't leave,
I heart has got much value that I can't just give it you, *1
How can I believe your feeling and interest in me?
Don't tell me you love, you don't even know me,
You know I have nothing to do with you so go,
I don't have anything to do with you, x2
You say I'm heartless, indeed I am,
I can't stand a problem that comes into my life and doesn't leave,
I don't have anything to do with you, x2
You say I'm heartless, indeed I am,
I can't stand a problem that comes into my life and doesn't leave,
I'll be lost without you
Wet asphalt, rain on the window...
Summer's song is finished
The house disappears in the darkness
But we don't turn on the light
We argue, but this dispute is old
We burn our bridges in a pointless clash of words
I am treading on ice again
And I repeat 'I'll be lost without you'.
An elusive mirage, a phantom dream...
Crying in a hall of mirrors
Scary and hoarse laughter of the echo
Reflects in the mirrors
We argue, but this dispute is old
We burn our bridges in a pointless clash of words
I am treading on ice again
And I repeat 'I'll be lost without you'.
You appeared out of nowhere, unexpected
Romance was something
I was about to give up on
Then, everything started to go my way
I don't know what to do with myself
'Cuz you've wrapped me up in your charms
But you never tell me you love me
Not even once
Whom you've been with, your history of love
I play it cool but I'm jealous even of your past
Tell me in secret
Without putting down the book you're reading
You light up a cigarette
You might not be different from any other men
But you are that special someone to me
All my friends say that I've changed
Before I know it
I'm playing into your hands
Whom you've been with, your history of love
It's not like me to let your past bother me
Whom you've met, what kind of love you've shared
Tonight, I want to know, so let's take our time
Tonight, I feel
A little bit jealous of your past
Don't know what I mean to you
Don't know what I mean to you
Don't know what I mean to you
Don't know what I mean to you
Don't Fall In Love
Lucky if you live it
Even if it's so strange
A fleeting effect
Lasting a thousand years
Impossible confusion
Reason won't survive
The heart deletes
Everything that writes
Why is love so cruel?
No one escapes from it
No one will know how to get it
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
Your voice changing
Breathing is a feeling
For getting over everything I want
I'm taming the flames
All value
Going up the ceiling
When we play this game again
When I missed you
Why is love so cruel?
No one escapes from it
No one will know how to get it
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
Hjallis , Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
Hjallis, Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
That was his name
Golf-trousered, a curlyhead
He was Hjallis
As a boy, he wanted to sail
Grown-up, also play ice hockey
Oh, if dreams could come true
Everyone knows Jokerit ja HIFK
Tepsi and Tappara have swetty jobs
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
You must understand that Ässät plays better
than Ilves and TuTo , who should be in the antiquarian
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
After taking his time sailing the seas
the adult man got bored to navigating
He came to his home port
Kicked some stones, turned a cup
Played billiards in the evenings
Thought: 'If I could buy a hockey squad.'
Everyone knows Jokerit ja HIFK
TEPS and Tappara have swetty jobs
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
You must understand that Ässät plays better
than Ilves and TuTo, who should be in the antiquarian
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
Oh, dear you, Hajllis, you're halls are so
expensive that it hurts the groins
Believe in dreams
still does that Moses not
To allow a dream
He would gladly kick
your balls into cereal
No, no it cannot, it cannot discourage a man
Everyone knows Jokerit ja HIFK
TEPS and Tappara have swetty jobs
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
You must understand that Ässät plays better
than Ilves and TuTo, who should be in the antiquarian
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
Everyone knows Jokerit ja HIFK
TEPS and Tappara have swetty jobs
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
You must understand that Ässät plays better
than Ilves and TuTo, who should be in the antiquarian
But who is this wonderman, who knows what he is doing
(Who) is Hjallis, who the damn Hjallis?
Welcome, One Last Time
Versions: #1
Welcome O sunset of my heart in this strange soil
Welcome O daybreak of departure
Welcome O yearning in the moments of parting
Farewell O white nights' love lines
Farewell O white nights' love lines
Farewell O tale of love
Farewell O oceanic blue love
Farewell O nocturnal scent of love lines
Farewell O the one always by my side
Farewell O my heart’s burning scar
O the one left behind, you won’t be alone
Leave you in the hands of the fallinghearts
Leave you in the hands of the crystallinemoonlight
Leave you in the ocean’s arms
Let me be a night dweller, shattered by the night
Leave you in the hands of a dream of days to come
O night! Don’t let her burn
O heart! Don’t let her [memory] die
May the grief don’t dry the words’ spring
May the time don’t take away this vocal
Farewell O the green tree of my heart
Farewell O my forever shade tree
Alas! You left still green
A Rare Love
O my rare love! Thinking of you stole the sleep from my eyes again
O my rare love! Your existence created this pure feeling
You and I are an ever-winning team
you make me laugh out loud
I let go of everyone but you
your eyes are a city night, full of starts
The finest love poem
A nocturnal seclusion
You made my heart crazy
Made it fell in love with you at first sight
My heart stands by your eyes
Asks for you all the time
You are my [whole] world, my breath
Your scent fills the air
You are still my love, the one
Stay with me, I’m so alone
I can live [just] with your eyes for a lifetime
You love made you eternal for me
Open your [heart’s] world to my heart, I'm [so] alone
Having you, I wish for nothing more in the world
You made my heart crazy
Made it fell in love with you at first sight
My heart stands by your eyes
Asks for you all the time
You are my [whole] world, my breath
Your scent fills the air
You are still my love, the one
Stay with me, I’m so alone
You made my heart crazy
Made it fell in love with you at first sight
My heart stands by your eyes
Asks for you all the time
You are my [whole] world, my breath
When you walk through Hongdae at night
And see chaos everywhere
You can also discover so much beauty
There are walls made from concrete
And the streets are full of song
You know that I hear them
It's so beautiful here with you
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
A city that you don't know
Their language is foreign to you
But so much, that unites us
You get lost in the feeling
You know exactly what you want here
But not, what you will find
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
(Our love is like Seoul, like Seoul, like Seoul)
We experience a high-altitude flight
Feel like we already drank three Sojus.
I get lost with you
I get lost with you
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
(Our love is like Seoul)
Songs to a Woman
Your body is as white as sand
On which no children have ever played
Your eyes have the doleful beauty
Of flowers, drawn in a schoolbook
Your hair cascades to the ground
As if it were the smoke from Cain's sacrifice:
I must murder my brother
My brother must murder me
All night your sandals cried out
As they stood, empty, beside your bed
Your right hand hangs down, as if from your dream,
Your hair studies the language of the night
From the torn book of the wind.
The curtains gently rustle
They are ambassadors of otherworldly powers
If you unbutton your coat,
My love for you grows twice as strong.
If you wear that round and white cap
Passion courses through my veins.
In the place that you love
All furniture must be removed from the room,
And do away with all the trees and mountains,
They make the world too crowded for you!
If you smile,
All serious thought evaporates.
At night, the mountains are silent beside you
In the morning, the sands accompany you to the ocean.
If you do good things for me
All factories close.
6 a. m. and without realizing it got dark
How difficult it is for me to leave, you know me
You say that I didn't want to stay the other time
Today I will stay, eh
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
I got addicted to your gaze
There are no grey days by your side
I want you to take care of me forever
I don't like it when you say goodbye
Tell me the time
We'll cancel everything, I only think of now
You give what I don't want to end
I know time goes by but I stay up late
I didn't see the time
We'll cancel everything, I only think of now
Easy, you can blame me
I know you already have a plan, but you prefer to stay
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
Fuck the bag, I don't want it, I don't need it, nah
Rather lay up with you, make a cinema
Tight grip on me, now we speak in tongues
This not really like me, I don't fall in love
Sixteen hours a day, I can't get enough
And those other last eight, it's you I'm dreamin' of
Fuck the bag, I don't want it, I don't need it, nah
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
6 a. m. and without realizing it got dark
How difficult it is for me to leave, you know me
The truth
Truth, show me your face, look into the light.
True word, accompany me on my path, don't stand aside.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
There was a day, when a boy's mind was tormented.
But the heart is tough, the accusations drop, they shatter.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
O night! Turn sadness into happiness
And make it pleasant wherever we are
Make the heartbroken happy
O night! We stay awake and live
Tell the day not to come
O night! Entertain us
O our night...come tonight
That we wake up on this beautiful night
Let us stay like this (happy)
That tonight is a sweet night
And this is the truth, O world
That is the wish of our hearts
In these days full of greed
The nights of beauty be like this night ( be more and more)
Tonight! At any hour of life
Think of this anecdote
Many years come and go
Tonight is one of the longest nights (of those years)
I feel safe
So let's live ( this tonight)
Girl with Green Eyes
Full of longing,
My ship was floating on the high seas,
But without seeing
Another mast on the way.
Today, at last,
I anchored in your harbor,
To your shore with green waters
I bound a bridge.
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.
When I look at her
I live a true dream.
To love, to be loved
It's so wonderful!
Today I found out
That longing can sometimes
To turn the nights into the mornings
And tears into flowers.
Chorus (x3):
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.
The nineties
Give me back the nineties
I want to move to Miami
Big dreams little guy
You took care of me
Always someone to be in love with
And we both sang along to November Rain
I feel how I am floating
Even if they were 'different worlds', we were safe
And I photographed you in close-up
But you had to be there to understand me
It was hairspray
Going through the newspaper
It was okay
Do you come along
Please take me there
Yes I know it sounds crazy
Give me back the nineties
'cause I remember when we danced all night long
I asked for a chance in your stairwell
O I know it sounds crazy
Give me back the nineties
Then we when we dug for gold in the USA*
Oh we were so young you and I
My nineties
I wanted to move the LA then
I wanted to be like Fresh Prince there in my neighbourhood
Sliding around on my skateboard
If if it's far gone I can still remember it
Hung posters in my room when it was punk
MC Hammer Bob Hund I was young
Usually tell a lot of stories to the kids about you
Now I take them back down my memory lane right away
It was hairspray
Going through the newspaper
It was okay
Do you come along
Please take me there
Yes I know it sounds crazy
Give me back the nineties
'cause I remember when we danced all night long
I asked for a chance in your stairwell
O I know it sounds crazy
Give me back the nineties
Then we when we dug for gold in the USA*
Oh we were so young you and I
My nineties
I still live in my nineties
Remember it like yesterday
Ripped jeans and Prince was my idol
I sit here and wait besides my phone
'cause I'm not going anywhere
Yes I know it sounds crazy
Give me back the nineties
'cause I remember when we danced all night long
I asked for a chance in your stairwell
O I know it sounds crazy
Give me back the nineties
Then we when we dug for gold in the USA*
Oh we were so young you and I
O I know it sounds crazy
Give me back the nineties
Then we when we dug for gold in the USA*
Oh we were so young you and I
Oh I dream myself back to then
We were so young you and I
My nineties
Malmö City
The lights
there over the Sound
are like the stars
making the sea glisten
I see my reflection
in the lustre of us two
We only have each other
I look at you
I see all the beautiful
I see the ugly
I forget to blink
I love it all
With you, nothing
is like usual
We're up in the air
You're like the weather on the ocean
You go right through it all
Through every type of clothing
You taste like salt (and mist)
Hear how the blood is rushing
like the wind sweeps through the city
The heart in me is racing
I always stay (anyway)
Lawless land
We're drifting forth
We're biking hand in hand
I tap a beat - you're singing
Bare knees
In the night it feels
like being abroad
Let's see where we end up
Sing a song
of how it was
when we were far apart
I never thought so
The sky was burning
I had to go there
because I was left behind
How come no one told me?
You're like the weather on the ocean
You go right through it all
Through every type of clothing
You taste like salt (and mist)
Hear how the blood is rushing
like the wind sweeps through the city
The heart in me is racing
I always stay (anyway)
I found you there
on your streets
beneath the stars
in the colors of the rainbow
When you smile
the silence tells
I close my eyes and listen
You're like the weather on the ocean
You go right through it all
Through every type of clothing
You taste like salt (and mist)
Hear how the blood is rushing
like the wind sweeps through the city
The heart in me is racing
I always stay (anyway)
And it smells like spices
patchouli and beton
I love your way of dressing
in bricks and neon
I just want to dance
and sing all your languages
Never stop taking chances
We belong together - you and I
Still A Child
In the end you're still a child
your soul doesn't want to grow up
maybe all the things she says
about your nonsense
about the fears and the years
that you guarded, heartbeats inside
you were excited, being shy
the tears that you shared only with G-d
maybe it's a bit right
come and wake up for a minute
Look around you, everything is beautiful
mom waits for you
come, eat, drink coffee
years, years pass quickly
stop to see it
everyone is forever children
whether you like it or not
in the end you're still a child
in your dreams you want to explode
like all the things that she says about your nonsense
about the fears and the years
that you guarded,
melodies inside
you turned around, searched for noises
the tears that you included only with G-d
maybe she's a bit right
and it's ok
come and wake up for a minute
Look around you, everything is beautiful
mom waits for you
come, eat, drink coffee
years, years pass quickly
stop to see it
everyone is forever children
whether you like it or not
In the end you're still a child
your soul doesn't want to grow up
half sad, half happy
half remains, half flees
half ex-smoker, half smoker
half withers, half blossoms
half resident, half guest
half optimist, half without hope
half stinger, half honey
and it's just a matter of time
until i will escape far away from here
battles inside the heart
yes it's just a matter of time
won't wake and won't fall asleep
battles inside the heart
half hate you, half love
half remembers, half forgets
half shut, half open
half happens, half imagines
half gives, half takes
half anger, half forgives
half optimist, half without hope
half stinger, half honey
and it's just a matter of time
until i will escape far away from here
wars inside the heart
yes it's just a matter of time
won't wake and won't fall asleep
battles inside the heart
half hates you, half loves
half mysterious, half transparent
half soul and half body
half aware, half ignores
half wants to be whole
Versions: #1
I say 'no' and you understand 'yes',
Spoil the meaning, whatever I say.
If you don't get it ask again!
As if it is so hard!
I'm in the bathroom, you knock on the door:
'Are you alright? What happened?
I've been waiting here for ages!
How long are you getting ready?'
Not long anymore, just the hair!
I'll be there in a second, what's all this questioning?
I'm doing this for you too, so wait!
and you like it, so don't be nervous!
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
I say 'yes' and you understand 'no',
Tell yourself something, you talk to me.
How do you understand what I mean?
If you don't listen to me?
You imitate me in front of our friends.
'Come on, baby, I'm just kidding!'
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Do you really think that looks cool?
In front of other people you act like a boss.
When I talk, you turn away.
At home you bring me breakfast in bed.
I'm sorry, truth hurts.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
How can I explain it to you when you don't speak my language?
When so many of my words sound like Chinese to you?
Come, I blindfold you, maybe you'll understand me blind.
Ah, that doesn't make sense, anyway, I'll take you like that.
When you hold your next monolog, excited like a child,
Then I pretend to be interested and just don't listen.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.