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Shouting to childhood

My river bends and I used to put a paper boat here.
My flowers are blooming, the grass got into the dance lightly.
My small fence, the moonlight soft sleeps sweet,
My air, the warmth of my father and mother.
Shouting to childhood, carefree years,
Shouting to childhood, the feelings of my hometown will not change.
Shouting to childhood, those years of freedom and fun,
Shouting to childhood, I miss you sweetly every day!
I miss you sweetly every day!

Hood Story

{Chorus} x2
{Cătălina Toma}
Everyday it's a story,
there's new hope everyday,
The same hood story it's happening again
and you start asking yourself if life's a gain!
Thank God my folks have always been with me,
they helped me during good and bad time,
But out there there's alcoholic mothers, parents that beat their kid,
keep your head up, the world it's wicked.
Look at this kid, no one thinks he's worth a dime,
he's loved by thugs, he grew up in the hood,
He did not had a father to take care of him,
he did not had the same life like other kids of his age.
So many screams, so many beatings, the same thing every day,
he cant wrap his head around it, he doesnt know what to do,
What will happen with him now,
will he forever be a thug in the hood?
{Chorus} x2
A young teen girl will become a mother soon,
she's with child, and this makes her life complicate,
It was no one's fault, it was just a mistake,
her parents dont want to hear about it and they kicked her out.
Thugs want to sleep with her
like she's a whore who makes money in the bed,
She has no money, it becomes more hard for her as time passes by,
nobody is helping her, not even the mighty God,
it seems like she's forgotten by all.
Over all this hardship, one day the kid is born on the dirty streets,
his mother is crying against a wall
and is holding at her chest the unwanted child.
She would like to get rid of him and everything to end,
she tried a few time but she could not do it,
Maybe it will get better, nobody knows the future anyway,
but I'm sure this is just a story for someone like you!
{Chorus} x2
{Cătălina Toma}
For some these are stories said by cocky people,
they dont pay attention to a story from the hood,
Some are well brought up, came from the good part of society,
they cant even stand when people cuss.
They claim it's scandalous, its dangerous to speak about such things,
to hear stories about teen girls and how it goes on the streets,
People talk a lot but they do little,
nobody is wondering why life is a struggle for some people.
Teens of today will become thugs, they holla for money
because they were born among thugs.
Who's at fault for this? Everyone will eventually find an excuse,
but when it comes to punishing, everyone says you're guilty.
I made a lot of mistakes, I dont wanna make em again,
if today I'm no winner, tomorrow I dont wanna be a looser,
Life's a string of same old stories,
there's the same story in every hood.
{Chorus} x2

mafijaškom devojkom

Све је у реду
Изгледаш као да си добро
Да видимо да ли сте добро
Фине фине фине фине казне
Излазимо као тим
Монтаигне Авенуе, прво у Француској
Наставићу да радим ако ово постане веће
Када возите прототип морате преузети (мора претпоставити)
Она је тако слатка да ће ово потрајати јако дуго
Са њом је ово као маратон
Са њом нећемо имати прилику да разговарамо
Банг Банг Банг
Ако је издаш ово је канализација
Мафиа Гирл, Мафиа Гирл
Овако ћеш ме убити
И вау, управо сам говорио португалски
Моја љубав почиње да се мери
Ако жели дете, то је мучење
Мислим да ће ово завршити цензурирано
добро сам
И ти си добро
Сви овде су добро
Са мојим пријатељем све је у реду
добро сам
И ти си добро
Сви овде су добро
Са мојим пријатељем је све у реду
Она је мафијашица, мафијашица, мафијашица
Нове пете и нова торбица
Она је мафијашица, мафијашица
Са мафијашком девојком, не играј се са својим човеком
Зато ме натерај да се заљубим
Пођи са мном у ову самбу
Да видимо да ли ће се то догодити, љубави моја
Када јој допустим да повећа брзину
Ја сам против волумена, она је тако шокантна
Вечерас излазимо, па ћу певати
Пошаљите ову ствар свим мојим пријатељима који се врате
А ми смо педесет дркаџија
Да вечерас смо педесет
А ми смо педесет дркаџија
Да вечерас смо педесет
добро сам
И ти си добро
Сви овде су добро
Са мојим пријатељем све је у реду
добро сам
И ти си добро
Сви овде су добро
Са мојим пријатељем све је у реду
Она је мафијашица, мафијашица, мафијашица
Нове пете и нова торбица
Она је мафијашица, мафијашица
Са мафијашком девојком, не играј се са својим човеком
Овде сам, она је моја жена
Обоје правимо велики филм
Она је она која чисти моје оружје
И можда ће нам требати два за чишћење
То је морроццан и бразилиан
Ако се качиш са мојим мужем, зајебат ћеш
Он је са мном, у РДВ
Не играј се са мном јер сам Бразилац
(То је то)
добро сам
И ти си добро
Сви овде су добро
Са мојим пријатељем све је у реду
добро сам
И ти си добро
Сви овде су добро
Са мојим пријатељем све је у реду
Она је мафијашица, мафијашица, мафијашица
Нове пете и нова торбица
Она је мафијашица, мафијашица
Са мафијашком девојком, не играј се са својим човеком

shiv tandav stotram lyrics

matted hair-thick as forest-water-flow-consecrated-area
गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमालिकाम् |
in the throat-stuck-hanging-snake-lofty-garland
damat-damat-damat-damat-having sound-drum-this
चकार चण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ||१||
did-fierce-Tandava-may he shower-on us-Shiva-auspiciousness
With his neck, consecrated by the flow of water flowing from the
thick forest-like locks of hair, and on the neck, where the lofty snake
is hanging garland, and the Damaru drum making the sound of
Damat Damat Damat Damat, Lord Shiva did the auspicious dance of
Tandava and may He shower prosperity on us all.
matted hair-a well-agitation-moving-celestial river
-विलोलवीचिवल्लरीविराजमानमूर्धनि |
Dhagat dhagat dhagat-flaming-forehead-flat area-fire
किशोरचन्द्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम ||२||
baby-moon-crest jewel-love-every moment-for me
I have a very deep interest in Lord Shiva, whose head is glorified by
the rows of moving waves of the celestial river Ganga, agitating in
the deep well of his hair-locks, and who has the brilliant fire flaming
on the surface of his forehead, and who has the crescent moon as a
jewel on his head.
King of mountains-daughter-sportive-kith-beautiful-
स्फुरद्दिगन्तसन्ततिप्रमोदमानमानसे |
glorious-horizon-all living beings-rejoicing-mind
compassion-look-continuous flow-obstructed-hardships
क्वचिद्दिगम्बरे(क्वचिच्चिदम्बरे) मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ||३||
some time-in the omnipresent-mind-pleasure-may seek-in a thing
May my mind seek happiness in the Lord Shiva, in whose mind all the
living beings of the glorious universe exist, who is the sportive
companion of Parvati (daughter of the mountain king), who controls
invincible hardships with the flow of his compassionate look, who is
all-persuasive (the directions are his clothes).
creeping-snake-reddish brown-shining-hood-gem-luster-
कदम्बकुङ्कुमद्रवप्रलिप्तदिग्वधूमुखे |
variegated-red dye-melting-applied-directions-beloved-face
intoxicated-elephant-glittering-skin-upper garment-covered
मनो विनोदमद्भुतं बिभर्तु भूतभर्तरि ||४||
mind-pleasure-wonderful-may it seek-in him who supports all life
May I seek wonderful pleasure in Lord Shiva, who is supporter
of all life, who with his creeping snake with reddish brown hood and
with the luster of his gem on it spreading out variegated colors on the
beautiful faces of the maidens of directions, who is covered with a
glittering upper garment made of the skin of a huge intoxicated
Indra/Vishnu-and others-all-lined up-heads-
प्रसूनधूलिधोरणी विधूसराङ्घ्रिपीठभूः |
भुजङ्गराजमालया निबद्धजाटजूटक
snake-red-garland (with) tied-locked hair
श्रियै चिराय जायतां चकोरबन्धुशेखरः ||५||
for the prosperity-for a long time-may he be-Cakora bird-relative-on head
May Lord Shiva give us prosperity, who has the moon (relative of the
Cakora bird) as his head-jewel, whose hair is tied by the red snake-
garland, whose foot-stool is grayed by the flow of dust from the
flowers from the rows of heads of all the Gods, Indra/Vishnu and others.
forehead-flat area-flaming-fire-sparks-luster
-निपीतपञ्चसायकं नमन्निलिम्पनायकम् |
devoured-God of Love-bowing-Gods-leader
सुधामयूखलेखया विराजमानशेखरं
महाकपालिसम्पदेशिरोजटालमस्तु नः ||६||
for the Siddhi-prosperity-head-locked hair-may it be-to us
May we get the wealth of Siddhis from Shiva's locks of hair, which
devoured the God of Love with the sparks of the fire flaming in His
forehead, who is bowed by all the celestial leaders, who is beautiful
with a crescent moon
dreadful-forehead-flat area-dhagat-dhagat-flaming
द्धनञ्जयाहुतीकृतप्रचण्डपञ्चसायके |
fire-offered-powerful-God of Love
king of mountains-daughter-breast-tip-colorful-decorative lines
-प्रकल्पनैकशिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने रतिर्मम |||७||
drawing-sole-artist -in the three-eyed -deep interest-mine
My interest is in Lord Shiva, who has three eyes, who has offered the
powerful God of Love into the fire, flaming Dhagad Dhagad on the
flat surface of his forehead who is the sole expert artist of drawing
decorative lines on the tips of breasts of Parvati, the daughter of
the mountain king.
नवीनमेघमण्डली निरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुरत्-
new-cloud-circle -obstructed-harsh-striking-
कुहूनिशीथिनीतमः प्रबन्धबद्धकन्धरः |
new moon-midnight-darkness-tightly-tied-neck
निलिम्पनिर्झरीधरस्तनोतु कृत्तिसिन्धुरः
celestial-river-wearing-may he bless-skin-red
कलानिधानबन्धुरः श्रियं जगद्धुरंधरः ||८||
moon-lovely-prosperity-universe-bearer of the burden
May Lord Shiva give us prosperity, who bears the burden of this
universe, who is lovely with the moon, who is red wearing the skin,
who has the celestial river Ganga, whose neck is dark as midnight
of new moon night covered by many layers of clouds.
-वलम्बिकण्ठकन्दलीरुचिप्रबद्धकन्धरम् |
स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिदं भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं
Manmatha-killer-city-destroyer-mundane life -destroyer-sacrifice destroyer
गजच्छिदांधकच्छिदं तमन्तकच्छिदं भजे ||९||
elephant-killer-demon-killer-him-destroyer of Lord Yama-I worship
I pray to Lord Shiva, whose neck is tied with the luster of the temples
hanging on the neck with the glory of the fully-bloomed blue lotuses
which looked like the blackness (sins) of the universe, who is the
killer of Manmatha, who destroyed Tripuras, who destroyed the
bonds of worldly life, who destroyed the sacrifice, who destroyed the
demon Andhaka, the destroyer of the elephants, and who controlled
the God of death, Yama.
अखर्व(अगर्व) सर्वमङ्गलाकलाकदम्बमञ्जरी
रसप्रवाहमाधुरी विजृम्भणामधुव्रतम् |
enjoyment-flow-sweetness-flaring up-bees
स्मरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं
Manmatha-destroyer-city-destroyer-worldly bond-destroyer -sacrifice-destroyer
गजान्तकान्धकान्तकं तमन्तकान्तकं भजे ||१०||
elephant-killer-Andhaka-demon-killer-him-Yama-controller-I worship
I pray to Lord Shiva, who has bees flying all over because of the sweet
honey from the beautiful bunch of auspicious Kadamba flowers, who
is the killer of Manmatha, who destroyed Tripuras, who destroyed the
bonds of worldly life, who destroyed the sacrifice, who destroyed the
demon Andhaka, the killer of the elephants, and who controlled the
God of death, Yama.
-द्विनिर्गमत्क्रमस्फुरत्करालभालहव्यवाट् |
coming out-shaking-evident-dreadful-forehead-fire
ध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तित प्रचण्डताण्डवः शिवः ||११||
sound-series-caused-fierce-Tandava dance-Shiva
Lord Shiva, whose dance of Tandava is in tune with the series of loud
sounds of drum making Dhimid Dhimid sounds, who has the fire
on the great forehead, the fire that is spreading out because of the
breath of the snake wandering in whirling motion in the glorious sky.
-गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्ठयोः सुहृद्विपक्षपक्षयोः |
most precious-gems-brilliance-friends-enemies-two wings
तृणारविन्दचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः
grass-lotus-eyes people and the great emperor
समं प्रवर्तयन्मनः कदा सदाशिवं भजे ||१२||
equal-behaviour-always-Lord Shiva-worship-I
When will I worship Lord Sadasiva (eternally auspicious) God, with
equal vision towards the people and an emperor, and a blade of grass
and lotus-like eye, towards both friends and enemies, towards the
valuable gem and some lump of dirt, towards a snake and a garland
and towards varied ways of the world
कदा निलिम्पनिर्झरीनिकुञ्जकोटरे वसन्
when-celestial river-bush-hollow place(in)-living
विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरः स्थमञ्जलिं वहन् |
released-bad mind-always-on the head-folded hands-
विमुक्तलोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः
agitation-shaking-eyes-the best-forehead-interested
शिवेति मंत्रमुच्चरन् कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम् ||१३||
'Shiva' -mantra-uttering-when-happy-will-be-I
When will I be happy, living in the hollow place near the celestial
river, Ganga, carrying the folded hands on my head all the time, with
my bad thinking washed away, and uttering the mantra of Lord Shiva
and devoted in the God with glorious forehead with vibrating eyes.
इदम् हि नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं स्तवं
This-indeed-daily-thus-said-the best of the best-stotra
पठन्स्मरन्ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धिमेतिसंततम् |
reading-remembering-saying-a person-sanctity-gets-always
हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथा गतिं
in Shiva-in Guru-deep devotion-quickly-gets-no-other-way
विमोहनं हि देहिनां सुशङ्करस्य चिंतनम् ||१४||
removal of delusion-indeed-for the people-blessed Shiva's thought
Whoever reads, remembers and says this best stotra as it is said here,
gets purified for ever, and obtains devotion in the great Guru Shiva.
For this devotion, there is no other way. Just the mere thought of
Lord Shiva indeed removes the delusion.
पूजावसानसमये दशवक्त्रगीतं
यः शम्भुपूजनपरं पठति प्रदोषे |
who-Shiva-worship-dedicated-reads-early in the evening, after sunset
तस्य स्थिरां रथगजेन्द्रतुरङ्गयुक्तां
to him-stable-chariot-elephant-horse-having
लक्ष्मीं सदैव सुमुखिं प्रददाति शम्भुः ||१५||
In the evening, after sunset, at the end of Puja, whoever utters this
stotra dedicated to the worship of Shiva, Lord Shiva blessed him with very
stable LakShmi (prosperity) with all the richness of chariots, elephants
and horses.
इति श्रीरावण-कृतम्
thus sri-Ravana-done

Slomila Si Mi Srce

Slomila si mi srce
Ali, moja ljubavi, više nema problema
Šta će sad da ostane (šta?)
Jedan mali delić svake afere
Slomila si mi srce
Ali, moja ljubavi, više nema problema
Šta će sad da ostane
Jedan mali delić svake afere
Ako ne bih sačuvao novac
Zašto bih sačuvao žudnju
Prva si zeznula stvari
Naš slučaj je gotov
Dok sam bio dobar, ostajao sam kući
Kada prebolim, onda sam užasan
Živim život kao samac
Spreman za igru
Slomila si mi srce
Ali, moja ljubavi, više nema problema
Šta će sad da ostane (šta Safadão? šta Safadão?)
Jedan mali delić svake afere!
Nikad nisam želeo tvoje srce
Previše ljubavi samo pravi probleme, ne, ne
Ali, onda, ti možeš biti
Jedan mali delić moje afere, samo jedan mali delić
Gotovo je, završeno je
Nastavi i zaboravi
Ali ako zamrdam kukovima, sumnjam u to
Nećeš izgubiti svoj razum
Zaboravljanje tebe, nije bio problem
Bio je problem rešiti to
Ova kiša afera
U kojoj moram prisustvovati
U ponedeljak sam bila sa komšijom sprat više
U utorak sam bila sa komšijom vrata pored
Sreda je dan te devojke
Koja živi na uglu ulice
U četvrtak sam počela rano ujutru
Zato što ih ima još dvoje, ne mogu poreći
Za vikend sve je u haosu
Previše afera, ne mogu prebrojati
Slomila si mi srce
Ali, moja ljubavi, više nema problema
Šta će sad da ostane
Jedan mali delić svake afere, samo jedan mali delić
Slomila si mi srce
Ali, moja ljubavi, više nema problema
Šta će sad da ostane
Jedan mali delić svake afere, samo jedan mali delić

Zasto odlazis?

Obećavam da neću plakati
Čekaću te i neću te zaboraviti
Pokloni mi poslednji poljubac
Koji ću sanjati
I ovaj vrisak ljubavi
Nikad neće utišati ovu ljubav
Radije bih živela čekajući nego da prihvatim da nisi tu
Volim te toliko ljubavi
Ne znaš koliko,ljubavi
¿zašto odlazis?
Zašto si zaboravila razlog zbog kog si bila ovde ?
Zašto si ostavila reči koje sam ti hteo reći?
Rekli su mi da ću te zaboraviti ,da vreme leći ali ti si i dalje tu
Rekli su mi da ljubav ne ubija ali boli
I boli toliko da iznutra umireš
Ništa nije važno
Ako ti me ne voliš
Iako si već otišla ja želim da si ostala.
Obećavam da neću plakati (neću plakati)
Čekaću te i neću te zaboraviti (neću zaboraviti)
Pokloni mi poslednji poljubac
Koji ću sanjati
I ovaj vrisak ljubavi (vrisak ljubavi)
Nikad neće utišati ovu ljubav
Radije bih živela čekajući nego da prihvatim da nisi tu
Volim te toliko ljubavi
Ne znaš koliko,ljubavi
¿zašto odlazis?
¿ Zašto odlaziš ,malena,zašto dolaziš ?
¿ Zašto odlazis ?
¿ Zašto odlaziš ,malena,zašto dolaziš ?
Ostala je velika praznina kada si otišla
Lažna obećanja i snovi koji ne postoje
Večno leto
Proleće u zimi
Otkrio sam poziv ljubavi i pretvorilo se u pakao
Nije bila moja krivica ipak sam rekao da mi je zao
Osećam da ti nisam bio dovoljan
Osećam da sam od toliko ljudi izabrao da se zaljubim u onu koju nosi vetar
Obećavam da neću plakati (neću plakati)
Čekaću te i neću te zaboraviti (neću zaboraviti)
Pokloni mi poslednji poljubac
Koji ću sanjati
I ovaj vrisak ljubavi (vrisak ljubavi)
Nikad neće utišati ovu ljubav
Radije bih živela čekajući nego da prihvatim da nisi tu
Volim te toliko ljubavi
Ne znaš koliko,ljubavi
¿zašto odlazis?
¿ Zašto odlaziš ,malena,zašto dolaziš ?
¿ Zašto odlazis ?
¿ Zašto odlaziš ,malena,zašto dolaziš ?
Obećavam da neću plakati (neću plakati)
Čekaću te i neću te zaboraviti (neću zaboraviti)
Pokloni mi poslednji poljubac
Koji ću sanjati
I ovaj vrisak ljubavi (vrisak ljubavi)
Nikad neće utišati ovu ljubav
Radije bih živela čekajući nego da prihvatim da nisi tu
Volim te toliko ljubavi
Ne znaš koliko,ljubavi
¿zašto odlazis?

I will cry

The wind has helped me with its bellowing gust,
With its furious waves the sea has helped me too.
I will cry.
All along the way I will call the stones,
The bushes, the ditches, the trees, even the forests.
I will cry.
When I hear a voice
And feel something in my chest,
I will cry.
So as to make the meat in my throat blow up!
So as to make my blood rush in a primal scream!
I will cry, I will cry!
I will cry, I will cry!
Like a man who's stopped to look at the horizon
A man who's finally free from the weight of his chains
That were forged by mad kings and bloody barons,
And monks, all red from the glow of the fire
Where my brothers from the past have burned alive
Who have sung about love and human friendship
And eaten white bread made of freedom!
I will cry, I will cry!
I will cry, I will cry!

Ukoliko me pogledaš

Ukoliko me pogledaš
Osetićeš da ne lažem
Da je zbog tebe
Zbog koga bih život dao
Našao sam te
Ispunili su mi se snovi
Živi i nemaj straha
Ne govori mi ne
Sedam svetskih čuda
Vidim u tvojim očima
Ispunjenim slobodom
Danima i noćima osećam
Iako je svet mrtav
Zajedno možemo više
To je puteljak tvog dlana
Među osmesima i suzama
Naša komplikovanost...
Oseti otkucaj u meni
Beskrajno je ono što mi pružaš
Vodi me, poput vazduha u vetru
I tvoje Sunce, biću kada ti pada kiša
Ljubi me, briga me ako gubim
Ako odem do vraga
Sa tvojim poljupcem ljubavi...
Sedam svetskih čuda
Vidim u tvojim očima
Ispunjenim slobodom
Danima i noćima osećam
Iako je svet mrtav
Zajedno možemo više
To je puteljak tvog dlana
Među osmesima i suzama
Naša komplikovanost...
Oseti otkucaj u meni
Beskrajno je ono što mi pružaš
To je puteljak tvog dlana
Među osmesima i suzama
Naša komplikovanost...
Oseti otkucaj u meni
Beskrajno je ono što mi pružaš!
Oseti otkucaj u meni
Beskrajno je ono što mi pružaš!
Oseti otkucaj u meni
Beskrajno je ono što mi pružaš!
Ukoliko me pogledaš,
Osetićeš da te volim...

Izgladnelo srce

Ne predajmo se olako
Još uvek nije krv potekla u reci
Zamislio sam drugačiji kraj od ostalih
Bićemo onakvi kakvi smo oduvek bili
Iskreni u našem delirijumu
Želje dosegnuti zvezde u vazduhu
Reci ako postoji jedan razlog
Da kao i meni, ostaje ti ova bol
Ukoliko ne odeš
Stvoriću ti mesto u ovom izgladnelom srcu
Imam ovaj život za ljubav
Ukoliko ne odeš
Imam nedeljna popodneva i milion večnih zima
Ukoliko želiš uđi unutra
Ne predajmo se olako
Dok u životu postoji jedan otkucaj
I jedan poljubac koji nas spašava i kao ranije
Reci ako postoji jedan razlog
Da kao i meni, ostaje ti ova bol
Ukoliko ne odeš
Stvoriću ti mesto u ovom izgladnelom srcu
Imam ovaj život za ljubav
Ukoliko ne odeš
Imam nedeljna popodneva i milion večnih zima
Ukoliko želiš uđi unutra
Za svet, ukoliko ne odeš
Da se budimo izjutra, gledajući se u lice
Ti i ja, ti i ja, spalićemo samoću
Sa plamenom ovog požara
Ukoliko ne odeš
Stvoriću ti mesto u ovom izgladnelom srcu
Imam ovaj život za ljubav
Ukoliko ne odeš
Imam nedeljna popodneva i milion večnih zima
Ukoliko ne odeš, ukoliko ne odeš, ukoliko ne odeš
Ukoliko ne odeš
Imam nedeljna popodneva i milion večnih zima
Ukoliko želiš uđi unutra
Ukoliko želiš uđi unutra...

Сенка твог осмеха

Сенка твог осмеха,
кад будеш отишла,
обојиће све моје снове
и осветлити зору.
Погледај у моје очи,
љубави, и видећеш
све оне љупке ствари
које си ти мени.
Наша чежњива звездица
била је превисоко.
Суза је пољубила твоје усне,
а и ја сам.
Сад кад се сетим пролећа,
свих радости које љубав може да донесе,
увек ћу се сећати
сенке твог осмеха.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

About pictures (paintings)

Should you see on this fine painting
River with the raft so fast,
Or the spruce with some white frosting,
Or the yard and overcast,
Or the snowfield with fun sleighing,
Or the field with hut in shape,
Then the naming for this drawing
Is undoubtedly… landscape.
Should a picture framed in amber
Has a coffee mug someplace,
Or the fruit-drink in decanter,
Or the rose in crystal vase,
Or the bronzed heavy kettle,
Or the pear and then some pie,
Or the objects altogether, -
Know this picture is… still life.
Should you notice someone's gazing
From this paining at us, -
Dashing prince - he’s fascinating,
Or the Jack in overalls,
Skyman or a ballerina,
Good friend Kolya – next doorway,
Necessarily this drawing
Goes by name of the… buffet!
Not the buffet, but portray!


How can I explain you what is like to be afraid of being happy,
If not even my friends understood that?
They tell me to keep calm when I need to,
They bring me some hot milk and blankets
And it's right when they're talking to me
That I'd want to scream: 'Thank you all, you can go now',
But I stay here
Watching a film
How can I explain you how patient I am?
Problem is I can't live without
Something that can oppress me,
That makes me realise that one day this life will be over,
Because my brain is really made of thorns1
And my heart is like a flower
In that it still believes in good
And doesn't know that its petals will fall off all at once,
In that moment it will want to just explode,
It will yell at me: 'Stop loving'
This is my cherophobia,
No, it's not negativity,
This is my cherophobia,
Happiness scares me,
But, you, stay here
How can I explain it, if no one understands you,
If nothing affects you,
Total indifference
For the astral form of evil,
We've built a special relationship
And I try to tell this in every song of mine
But people always think I'm talking about someone else:
'You're so pretty, you've got such a baby face, such a child voice...',
But that child grew up too fast
Between the walls of her bedroom
Where she started not feeling safe2
And everytime things work out,
I think I don't have the energy to bear it
And I look for every form of pain
Mixed with sweat and blood
And I feel like I can't breathe anymore,
Feel like my anxiety is getting stronger and stronger,
Let me out of this bloody room
This is my cherophobia,
No, it's not negativity,
This is my cherophobia,
Happiness scares me,
But, you, stay here
Tell you we'll be together,
Tell you we'll be fine,
Tell you this is how it's going to go,
Tell you we'll be together,
Tell you: 'I won't be fine'
My anxiety is coming at me
  • 1. Tricky line here. You can also interpret 'strafatto' with 'very high' as in on drugs, but both options don't make any sense to me.
  • 2. 'stare stretto' literally means 'be tight', but it's also used to say that something isn't for you and doesn't suit you.

Silent Stony Guards

On my yard many nights them dark shapes been stalking
hard granite men swinging their leather belts
I'm in a bad place in a mountain cabin
attacking me with erect lances
stony men, extinguished minds
wounds aren't light!
A form dark, stone hard from my door bursts
A black thong of leather my skin now deeply furrows
I'm in a bad place in a mountain cabin
attacking me with erect lances
stony men, extinguished minds
wounds aren't light!

Ask Me

The rain is falling slowly
Your step, a storm
Silence that is broken
With a subtle nature
I go around the house turning lights on
Life keeps on occuring, and everything goes by
The way a scent goes by
Intense is the way in which you know me so well
And the way that you kiss is something that can't ever be forgotten
I know that which came to stay
Tracing coordinates without looking
We look for...(a way)
Ask me for whatever you want
Release me from this doubt
Ask me for temptation
Once we are together in the dark
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me
The tricks that my mind pulls on me
Mapping my way
I feel like a passenger moving in reverse
His destiny in tow
We have as much peace as ways of getting there
They are remainders of desire that never comes
Always leaving one another, leaving one another
Ask me for whatever you want
Release me from this doubt
Ask me for temptation
Once we are together in the dark
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me to be that which I will never be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me for the diary of my skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me

March of the Red Guard

The small nation of Finland
is breaking out of its chains
the bowl of distress is full already.
Against this cruel tyranny
we're arising from our land, our army
the best sons of this noble nation for the battle.
The government is strong
a bunch of traitors
it spreads horror and pain all over this miserable land.
This democracy
is pushing its brave men into the world
we're battling for life, for death.
The struggle is escalating
while the will for freedom
is only growing among the poor.
The government won't be helped
by torment, torture or pain
the brave are falling with the song of freedom on their lips.
The bureaucracy is worrying about
the prisons and the underworld
hanging without trial, decapitation.
The hero of the revolution
shall sacrifice their lifeblood
the redemption of freedom will be expensive.
For how long shall we still
see butchering
until the nation has its freedom.
In the middle of the combat
one cannot know who is winning
the revolution or the regression.
The storms of revolution
rebels and waves
are washing the realm from edge to edge.
There may the evil spirits
thirsty for lifeblood
drink the gore with the ravens.
When we sow
once it will grow
into a new era of happiness, hundreds of times better
Then the democracy of Finland
shall thank its hero sons
that heroism will be rewarded by tears of happiness.

In those mountains stripes-stripes

In those mountains stripes-stripes they only dig
The fight for freedom is born and blood flows.
Its the brave Partisans fighting.
Its sons of Albania who gets revenge. X2
Today tyranny is trembling all over!
It's burning today and it's getting burning.
Because mountains filled full of Partisans,
Because today all Albania fights for freedom. X2
With an red flag in the hands!
With an rifle and ammo.
Tired of fascism,
The brave attack everywhere. X2
Today tyranny is trembling all over!
It's burning today and it's getting burning.
Because mountains filled full of Partisans,
Because today all Albania fights(?) for freedom. X2

You made my heart burn

Darling, I'm bonded to you heartfelt
Does a lover ever hurt a lover?
You made my heart burn
Bow shaped eyebrow
One who make me be in trouble, dear
I can't leave without you
You lovely beloved
Believe in my pure love
I'm in very bad case if I can't see you
Don't let me be longing for you, dear
You made my heart burn
Bow shaped eyebrow
One who make me be in trouble, dear
I can't leave without you
You lovely beloved
Believe in my pure love

Farewell of Slavianka

Arise for faith, o Russian land!
We composed many a song in our heart,
Glorifying the native land.
We loved you no matter what,
You, our holy Russian land.
You raised your head high,
Your face was shining like the sun.
But you've become a victim of betrayal –
by those who have cheated and sold you!
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.
Arise for faith, o Russian land!
The saints awaits Russia's victory.
Respond, o Orthodox host!
Where is your Ilya¹, where is your Dobrynya²?
Mother Homeland is summoning her sons.
We will stand all together under the gonfalons³.
And go, praying, as a procession,
For the right cause of Russia
We will shed Russian blood honestly.
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.
Arise for faith, o Russian land!
We are all children of a great empire,
We all remember the commandments of our fathers:
For the Homeland, Honor, Glory,
Pity neither yourself nor the enemy.
Arise, Russia, from your prison of slavery,
Victory's spirit is called: time to do battle!
Rise your battle flags
For Faith, Love, and Good.
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.

Shared Stories

She slept away the afternoon naked by the window
Nobody outside, no lights, no white doves
She doesn't play in the wind, the bells don't ring to her
All silence if you lack me, if you lack me
The rain will cry with me
And streets below the enemy's front door
Step out, they bully me after that I forget
Barefoot dreams through the road
We all have a love
A time for giving, a cycle
We are only another time
Or always the same at the start
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story
She slept away the afternoon and between her dream she gave you
When you arrived, the moon had felt something
'I am nobody's', You left to be with me
If it is to love you, I forget it all, I forget it all
We all have a love
A time for giving, a cycle
We are only another time
Or always the same at the start
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story


Leave telephone
Paint here, all over my soul
Let the word
To remain by your feet
A colorful baloon
Of my memories – pierce it
If you die of boredom
Who do you text 'beauty'
I swear for my life
I swear for a little bit of sun
After the rain
Say something at least
Refrain 2x
Leave telephone
Write here, all over my heart
From your lips
Even the poison is a medicine for me
And tonight
Let it be all by yourself
Just like it haven't been like that always
Leave telephone
Paint here, all over my soul
Let the word
To remain by your feet
A colorful baloon
Of my memories – pierce it
If you die of boredom
If you die of boredom
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!


It's been two months
and I still can't get over it.
Wondering if I'm dreaming.
This is all too good for me.
Picture a chick,
the prettiest in the country
and the most enraptured too.
She's all that - Célimène
and even more - Célimène
and it's for me - Célimène
that she's all that - Célimène
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène1
Me, I'm completely crazy
and that craziness is life
since I'm head over heels
and she's beautiful as life.
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
They said 'she's a nasty piece of work'
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
'you'll soon tire of her'
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
'she'll burn through all your money'
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
But when we met
I was totally broke,
and yet she agreed
to a date with me.
And when we met
we danced all night
We couldn't stop
even when the music did.
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
We spend our days kissing
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
She never has enough of love
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
And then we fall asleep in each other's arms
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
And that's it!
And that's it!
Now I'm the pariah of the land
They all envy me.
Seeing us drives them crazy.
They've always been madly in love
with the pretty Célimène.
But she leads them up the garden path.
She's all that - Célimène
and even more - Célimène
and it's for me - Célimène
that she's all that - Célimène
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
We spend our days kissing
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
She never has enough of love
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
And then we fall asleep in each other's arms
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
and wake up and do it again
Cé - Cé - Cé - Célimène
  • 1. that sounds like 'c'est l'hymen' (this is marriage/love)


If you approach this way, you know what I sit
I will never say that yes in the first attempt
I am going to remain quiet
I am going to lower the look
It is never nice to begin the history at the end of the story
I am not going to give you a kiss that deceives you
Though sincerely I have reasons
I am going to remain quiet
I am going to lower the look
Though I know that of our eyes songs go out
Already do not order me any more flowers
Without importing the colors
If you continue speaking to me
You are going to do that I fall in love
Already do not order me any more flowers
That I have not asked for anything you
I was not looking for you and today I get lost in your look
And though I am in love
Without importing the colors
Already do not order me any more flowers
Already do not order me any more flowers
I know that it is to lie to say to you that I do not like
If you want the truth, I scare the love
And though I remain quiet
And though it lowers the look
I know that within I am so happy when you look for me
Already do not order me any more flowers
Without importing the colors
If you continue speaking to me
You are going to do that I fall in love
Already do not order me any more flowers
That I have not asked for anything you
I was not looking for you and today I get lost in your look
And though I am in love
Without importing the colors
Already do not order me any more flowers
Already do not order me any more flowers
I have thousands of emotions
Without explanations
Since to my side you are
You have thousands of reasons
To do songs
I know where you go to
I do not know that it happens to me, it happens to me with you
I have thousands of emotions
Without explanations
Since to my side you are
I know that it brought the destination
You have thousands of reasons
To do songs, not
Already do not order me any more flowers
Without importing the colors
If you continue speaking to me
You are going to do that I fall in love
Already do not order me any more flowers
That I have not asked for anything you
I was not looking for you and today I get lost in your look
And though I am in love
Without importing the colors
Already do not order me any more flowers
Already do not order me any more flowers
Already do not order me any more flowers
Violettacastillo45 alias Marina

Why do you go away

I promise you not to cry
To expect and not to forget
Give me a last kiss that makes me dream
And this shout of pain
He will never keep silent about this love
I prefer living expecting to accept that you are not
I want so much my love
You do not know love
Why do you go away?
Why did you forget the reasons to be here?
Why did you leave the words that it wanted to say to you?
Already they said to me that he should forget you, that the time you treats and continues but you continue here
Already they said to me that the love does not kill but if it hurts you
And it is that it hurts so much that within you die
It does not import anything
If you do not love me
And though already you went away I want that you remain
I promise you not to cry (not to cry)
To expect and not to forget (not to forget)
Give me a last kiss that makes me dream
And this shout of pain (of pain)
He will never keep silent about this love
I prefer living expecting to accept that you are not
I want so much my love
You do not know love
Why do you go away?
Why you go away, girl, for whom you go away?
For that you go away?
Why do you go away, girl, why you go away?
Such a big emptiness stayed when you went away
False promises and dreams that already do not exist
Eternal summer, Springs in Winter
I neglected it to call of the love and a hell turned
I cannot detain you and nonetheless I try it
It was not my fault and even this way I say sit it
I am sorry not to be sufficient
I am sorry that between so many people I was choosing to fall in love the one that today takes the wind to herself
I promise you not to cry (not to cry)
To expect and not to forget (not to forget)
Give me a last kiss that makes me dream
And this shout of pain (of pain)
He will never keep silent about this love
I prefer living expecting to accept that you are not
I want so much my love
You do not know love
Why do you go away?
Why you go away, girl, for whom you go away?
For that you go away?
Why do you go away, girl, why you go away?
I promise you not to cry
To expect and not to forget
Give me a last kiss that makes me dream
And this shout of pain (of pain)
He will never keep silent about this love
I prefer living expecting to accept that you are not
I want so much my love
You do not know love
Why do you go away?
Violettacastillo45 alias Marina


I have not could finish the history just between us
I have tried to erase my memory just between us
Still the recollections hurt
You went away and froze the time
You left me without asking for pardon me
When you are not, when you are not
It is opened a wound that another love could not have closed
When you are not, when you are not
I have realized that I could not have given up your hand
For you I have been so a coward
And now it is late to give you the heart
And though you swore not to forget me, I stick to the pain
When you are not, when you are not
I lack the air and one forgets me that I do not know to breathe
Without I you do not know breathe
Without I you do not know breathe
Without I you do not know breathe (oh, uoh)
Without I you do not know breathe
A love always has given thousand promises just between us
I have waited for you but you do not return, only I remain I
And though you change the end of the story
And go away without saying ' Sorry '
I will finish this history
When you are not, when you are not
It is opened a wound that another love could not have closed
When you are not, when you are not
I have realized that I could not have given up your hand
For you I have been so a coward
And now it is late to give you the heart
And though you swore not to forget me, I stick to the pain
When you are not, when you are not
I lack the air and one forgets me that I do not know to breathe
Without I you do not know breathe (oh, oh, oh-uoh)
Without I you do not know breathe (not, not, not, not)
Without I you do not know breathe (ia, ia, ia)
Without I you do not know breathe (oh, oh-uoh)
Without I you do not know breathe
Violettacastillo45 alias Marina


Reci mi zašto plačeš
O Bože, čini se da ti je teško
Ako ti je tako loše, prihvati ljubav
Doći ćemo po tebe sigurno
Ako te je uhvatio talas, preneću te preko
Nije bitno gde si, dotrčaću do tvojih vrata
Ti si moj eho u različitim pravcima
Znaš da se moje srce neće nikada predomisliti
I u teškim vremenima ne moraš da se pitaš
Hoću li biti pored tebe
Mogu staviti okean između naše ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
To nas neće rastaviti
Mogu izgraditi zid, ja ću ga preskočiti, preskočiti, preskočiti
Samo da bih stigao do tvog srca
Ako nas uhvati talas
Dušo, pronaći ćemo put
Mogu staviti okean između naše ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
To nas neće rastaviti
Ljubavi, između naše ljubavi
Ljubavi, između naše ljubavi
Senke se igraju izvan dometa
Poludeću, hoću
Ali snašao sam se sa ludom ljubavi
Srušiću se pravo na tebe
Ako te je uhvatio talas, preneću te preko
Nije bitno gde smo, i dalje biram tebe
Ti si moj eho u različitim pravcima
Znaš da se moje srce neće nikada predomisliti
I u teškim vremenima ne moraš da se pitaš
Hoću li biti pored tebe
Mogu staviti okean između naše ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
To nas neće rastaviti
Mogu izgraditi zid, ja ću ga preskočiti, preskočiti, preskočiti
Samo da bih stigao do tvog srca
Ako nas uhvati talas
Dušo, pronaći ćemo put
Mogu staviti okean između naše ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
To nas neće rastaviti
Ljubavi, između naše ljubavi
Ljubavi, između naše ljubavi
Mogu staviti okean između naše ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
To nas neće rastaviti
Mogu izgraditi zid, ja ću ga preskočiti, preskočiti, preskočiti
Samo da bih stigao do tvog srca
Ako nas uhvati talas
Dušo, pronaći ćemo put
Mogu staviti okean između naše ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
To nas neće rastaviti

Anthem to Veryga

Veryga, you our Veryga,
Why you punishes us like this?
And showing to thirsty man the fig,
And still it's hard in this road.
Where's that angry and revenge,
I am shaking like leaf,
You made like Guardian angel,
Released over our heads.
Veryga, you our Veryga
Enlightened, fragile flower
We'll write you in the book
You are new Seimas' star
So long nightmare road,
How many times you're going to torture us?
When will be end of river of insurance,
You have, Veryga, heart?
We'll drink pure Water,
Okay, that you think of us.
Veryga, you our Veryga,
Everything like in the past, will no longer exist.
Veryga, you our Veryga,
You are Karbauskis' son.
We will drive to buy to Riga,
There cheaper all beer.

We Are the Seed

You and I, crazy in love
When one learns to be two in passion
And to travel and dream and dream from the heart
And now I know just where I'm going
Where I will go for you, my love
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
When thinking with the heart
You and I are right
Because only love gives the truth, in truth
Without condition
That's why I know just where I'm going
Where I will go for you, my love
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
Your mouth on my mouth
My skin on your skin
Drinking your water with my thirst
We are the seed
Your hand in my hand
Your skin on my skin
Joining my aroma with your honey
We are the seed
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter

Everything has a reason

They say that everything a reason has
Nothing is really for nothing
That you fall for someone
That is something i recognise*
I've digged out for you
But why you left me
They say it goes the way it goes
But I don't see the reason
I shared my heart,
My house and my money
Give me a reason now
That you just can do this
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left
You say the most stupid things
What was wrong with you
To just leave me
Oh what was wrong with you
I've digged out for you
But why you left me
They say it goes the way it goes
But I don't see the reason
I shared my heart,
My house and my money
Give me a reason now
That you just can do this
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left
But better now than later
Even though I'm having a hangover
We will speak to each other someday again
Just keep playing
If that other one of yours will bore you
Don't tell me the reason
Because that isn't necessary for anymore
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left
I shared my heart,
My house and my money
Give me a reason now
That you just can do this
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left...

Maid's Life

One, two, three.
Every day I wake up early.
I live away from my work.
When I get back from it, I usually want my sofa.
There are always loads of orders for me:
I mop and wax the floor,
But people find fault with my cleaning no matter what.1
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'm just imagining my little boss
Doing the laundry for me.
My workmate decided to put in
Hair extensions.
She spent her extra cash on them instead of paying her installments.2
Both of my boss' daughters,
The spoiled one and the smart one,
Only care about exploiting me, they aren't worth anything.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'm just imagining her, the singer,
Clearing the dinner service for me.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
Every day I wake up early.
I live away from my work.
When I get back from it, I usually want my sofa.
There are always loads of orders for me:
I mop and wax the floor,
But people find fault with my cleaning no matter what.1
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
  • But people are always critical about my cleaning no matter what.
  • 2. This sentence is already long. I can't and couldn't word it better here.


From the key hole I can see into my room
There's cage on the wall
Left under the velvet fabric for the black bird
the cage, it's empty, guardless
Is it me there?
Faith, hope, love
The strongest will be found eventually
The black bird is free
Free as a guard
Someone is lost in the house
Locked every window
Only the silhouette of wings on the board
And when it spreads it's wings, turns it's head towards me
I am very careful or soon there will be two birds in the dusky room
Is that me there? (3x)
Also with the dream and love, the five strong brothers, with the black bird I stay
To fly in my room
It's better to open the door so that the guard will escape
There are too many doors locked in the world
We don't need any more, only the ones that are there in the end, the last barrier
the last lock
I will stay with the black bird

Prvi poljubac

Razmišljao sam o tome
Kako izgledaš
Dok ti mesec obasjava oči
Ti si mi u glavi,
U mom srcu i znam da je to pravo
Imam tvoju ruku u ruci
I sviđa mi se ova stvar,
Sviđa mi se ova stvar kada
Izgledaš kao bling*
Nikada te neću pustiti,
Radiću ono što ja
Znam da je ispravno
I kada bih mogao da osetim tvoje usne večeras
Mislim da želim da radim ovo svaku noć
Ti si mi prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio da može da bude ovakav osećaj
Mislim da sam zaljubljen
Ti si mi prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio da može da bude ovakav osećaj
Mislim da sam zaljubljen
Ti si mi prvi,
Prvi, prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio da
Može da bude, bude
Ovakav osećaj
Ne znam da li znaš
Kada su mi drugovi
Možda rekli da sam
Lud za tobom
I osećam
To komešanje tako jako
Kao i uvek
Znam da govorim, ali
Moram reći da mi se sviđa
Ova stvar, sviđa
Ova stvar kada
Izgledaš kao bling
Nikada ne puštaj,
Radiću ono što ja
Znam da je ispravno
I kada bih mogao da osetim
Tvoje usne večeras
Mislim da želim da
Radim ovo svaku noć
Ti si mi prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio
Da može da bude ovakav osećaj
Mislim da sam zaljubljen
Ti si mi prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio
Da može da bude ovakav osećaj
Mislim da sam zaljubljen
Ti si mi prvi,
Prvi, prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio da
Može da bude, bude
Ovakav osećaj
Sanjao sam
Te tako dugo,
Zato sam stvarno morao
Da ti napišem
Ovu pesmu
I znao sam
Da pokažem svoje
Najgore odmah
Ali zbog tebe sam
Tako tih sada
Šta da kažem?
Ti si mi prvi poljubac
(ti si mi prvi) poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio
Da može da bude ovakav osećaj
Mislim da sam zaljubljen
Ti si mi prvi (prvi)
Poljubac (poljubac)
Nikada nisam mislio
Da može da bude ovakav osećaj (ovakav osećaj)
Mislim da sam zaljubljen
Ti si mi prvi,
Prvi, prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio da
Može da bude, bude
Ovakav osećaj
Ti si mi prvi
(ti si mi prvi)
Prvi, prvi poljubac
Nikada nisam mislio
Da može da bude, bude, bude ovakav osećaj

The Father Of The Land

The greatest of all artists
With profound understanding of science, arts and musics,
And whose hundreds of verses are as profound as a lotus.
As long as rain from the sky
Is making every tree blossom well,
We will know how to love harmony for the father of the Thai nation.
The nation pays respect to its father,
Because this country has fortune with its King.
The entire nation praises
And pays respect to Bhumibhol, the Great King.
To pay respect to the King, the heart of the entire Thai nation,
The Great King who excels in sports.
Developing communication, alternative energies to solve problems,
Royal rain from the sky for the peasants,
The Thai people is glad to have such luck.
He brought us Sufficiency Econony to nourish our lifes,
It is a philosophy that strikes in both earth and sky,
All Thais are proud to be Thais
Because of Bhumibhol, who protects the Thais.
To pay respect to the King, the heart of the entire Thai nation,
The Great King who excels in sports.
Developing communication, alternative energies to solve problems,
Royal rain from the sky for the peasants,
The Thai people is glad to have such luck.
He brought us Sufficiency Econony to nourish our lifes,
It is a philosophy that strikes in both earth and sky,
All Thais are proud to be Thais
Because of Bhumibhol, who protects the Thais.
All Thais are proud to be Thais
Because of Bhumibhol, who protects the Thais.