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Tera da verujes u ljubav

Ne obracaj paznju ne
Ne obracaj paznju
na osecaju sumnje
Zalkjucaj hejtere svuda
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Ne obracaj paznju
Jer znam da si bila povredjena
I ja znam kako cu te srediti
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Nece nas terati
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo, svoje telo pored mog
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo pored mog
Baby kad se ovako osecas,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad se ovako osecas ,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Pusti da te branim
od ljudaka i od bola
Ne moras da poludis
Nece nas terati
Baby, dacu ti
Hejteri mrze bez obzira
Jos uvek ce mo da vrtimo na igru
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Nece nas terati
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo, svoje telo pored mog
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo pored mog
Baby kad se ovako osecas ,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad se ovako osecas,
kad se ovako osecas
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Mozemo verovati u ljubav
Oh da
S tobom
Ne obracaj paznju
na osecaju sumnje
Zalkjucaj neprijatelje svuda
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Baby kad se ovako osecas ,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad se ovako osecas,
kad se ovako osecas
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?


Ušla si u moj život u slobodnom stilu
Htela si da budemo kao Boni i Klajd
Želeo sam da osvojim tvoje srce od titanijuma
Ali brzo sam shvatio da nisam za to
Dušo, onda, gde ćemo? Šta da radimo? Da pobegnemo?
Daleko odavde, idemo
Tako je drugačije, to nas privlači
Beng, beng, beng okolo se provlači
Pođi sa mnom ako si spremna za pokret
Ne želim da ostanem ovde, oni će nas zarobiti
Dušo, onda, gde ćemo? Šta da radimo? Da pobegnemo?
Daleko odavde, idemo
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Čokolada Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo
Ova devojka me ubija, ubija
Ubija, ubija
Seksi, prefinjena, ubija
Ovaj momak me ubija, ubija
Ubija ubija
Da, mogla bih da pristanem, ubija
Kao film u bioskopu, ubija
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Poverovala sam mu
Kad me onako pogledao
Imao me je
Ali nisam smela da mu kažem da računa na mene
da treba još da bismo otišli zajedno
Iako u suštini želim
Hajde napred i pusti da sanjam
Da, pokupila sam sve svoje stvari
Gde ćemo? Šta da radimo?
Da pobegnemo? Idemo ?
A sa ne zabrljamo?
Jedan glas mi govori 'ne, ne idi tamo'
S jedne strane se plašim da grešim u vezi s njim
Ali s druge me osvojio
Dobro, idemo
Ako ne krenemo, zažaliću
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Čokolada Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo
- Šta radiš ti ovde ?
- Čekaj ti. Dva minuta. Pričam sa svojom ženom, Aladine.***
- Tvoja žena? Već dve godine kako nismo zajedno.
- Kako to već dve godine kako nismo zajedno?
- Ima dve godine i ti to dobro znaš.
- Ne, ne, ja nikad nisam rekao da nisam više s tobom.
- Ja, ja sam rekla da nisam više s tobom.
- Pa, dobro, ali nisi ti ta koja odlučuje. Ako ja hoću da budem s tobom, onda smo zajedno. Onda, Aladin će okrenuti svog konja i vratiti se sa svojim drugarom, genije i on, i vratiti se u
- Ne, kod mene se vraća. Kod mene.
- I kakva je ovo glupa muzika 'čokolada, čokolada'? Misliš da si Omar Sy?*** Nema čokolade.
Čo Čo Čo
Ova devojka me ubija, ubija
Ubija, ubija
Seksi, prefinjena, ubija
Kao film u bioskopu
Ovaj momak me ubija, ubija
Ubija ubija
Da, mogla bih da pristanem, ubija
Kao film u bioskopu, ubija
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
ako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Tako je seksi, prefinjena. Seksi, prefinjena
Čokolada Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo
Ova devojka me ubija, ubija
Ubija, ubija
Seksi, prefinjena, ubija
Ovaj momak me ubija, ubija
Ubija ubija
Da, mogla bih da pristanem, ubija
Kao film u bioskopu, ubija
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada
Čo Čo Čo Čokolada

Химна УЕФА Лиге шампиона

Они су најбољи тимови
Они су најбољи тимови
Главна церемонија
Велики тимови
Један велики окупљање
Један велики спортски такмичење
Главна церемонија
Они су најбољи
Они су најбољи
Они су шампиони
Велики тимови
Велики тимови

This night

Your smile of a little girl is what enchants me
And shakes my heart
The sea in your big green eyes is what calls me
And makes me feel love
When it seems dark, you make me see the sun
I want to stay here with you
Live for you, just for you
This night will be immensity
The love between us will never end
Now and in the future, more and more
This night will forever be
The scent of your skin encourages me
To discover what I don't know
Through all the stars, you make me see the moon
And you make me sing love
When I lose every hope, you take my hand
I want to stay here with you
Live for you, just for you
This night will be immensity
The love between us will never end
Now and in the future, more and more
For the reason you only now
You only know
This night will be immensity
The love between us will never end
Now and in the future, more and more
This night will forever be
This night will forever be
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Blah, blah, blah, blah
Blah, blah, blah, blah
Blah, blah, blah, blah
No talking, no
No gazes, no
Not a single thing
Common or
Is left anymore
Since I'm not mute
And he's not blind either
But I fall to sleep faster
Than bullets from a lever1 (Bang bang bang bang)
So enormous
And dead serious
Is this distance between us
When I try to talk to you
You evade and avoid
This must not happen to us
We were surely able to quarrel properly
Settle with time and care
But quite quiet is our home
So here would be this monologue of mine again
(Blah, blah, blah, blah)
Is anybody there?
(Blah, blah, blah, blah)
Do you hear anything?
(Blah, blah, blah, blah)
Is anybody there?
(Blah, blah, blah, blah)
Blah, blah, rapid fire, blah, blah
Every day you have the same fucking jokes
I can't even remember how things were for us before this
This whole deal is completely rotten
Yes I want you, I'm burning with desire
But I fall to sleep faster
Than bullets from a lever1 (Bang bang bang bang)
Yeah yeah yeah, but this problem of ours
Is that you can't shut up for even a second
When I try to talk to you
You evade and avoid
This must not happen to us
We were surely able to quarrel properly
Settle with time and care
But quite quiet is our home
So here would be this monologue of mine again
(Blah, blah, blah, blah)
Is anybody there?
(Blah, blah, blah, blah)
Do you hear anything?
(Blah, blah, blah, blah)
Is anybody there?
Is anybody there?
Do you hear anything?
Is anybody there?
We were surely able to quarrel properly
Settle with time and care
But quite quiet is our home
So here would be this monologue of mine again
Blah, blah, blah, blah
Blah, blah, blah, blah
Blah, blah, blah, blah
  • This sentence doesn't seem to make any sense to me. The translation may be off.

Because Of (All These Reasons)

I coated the night while you were sleeping
I smelt the purest piece of the morning
Were you the only one who makes me good?
(I've never had somone as good for me as you)
Still i've a festering sore
Were you the only one who gives me everything?
Still nobody understands me
I wasn't looking for anybody because of all these reasons
I couldn't replace you with anyone in this night


I don't trust those
Who sleep on their backs
Who keep their eyes open
When they kiss
You smile by yourself quite often these days
Is there something I should know more about?
Work has started to
Accrue to you again
Because you're coming home
Before seven more seldom
Half an hour in the shower
What is taking you so long
Is there something I should know more about?
I count from one to ten
Even if I count till thousand
I become persecuted
Knives in a row
In upper and lower back
I become persecuted
There has been a lot of everything
That I haven't talked about
And might not talk about
So many have gotten mad before
I have been the wrong way round in the wrong laps
There is so much you should know more about
I count from one to ten
Even if I count till thousand
I become persecuted
Knives in a row
In upper and lower back
I become persecuted
Persecution when we're at home
Every time when we're out
It's always with me
As long as you're in charge
Persecution when we're at home
Every time when we're out
I become persecuted
Is there something I should know more about?
More about
I count from one to ten
Even if I count till thousand
I become persecuted
Knives in a row
In upper and lower back
I become persecuted
Persecution when we're at home
Every time when we're out
It's always with me
As long as you're in charge
Persecution when we're at home
Every time when we're out
I become persecuted


It's come to this once again
Here we've been
Here we've been a million times
Here we've been
Maybe everything's going to turn out better
If we try once more
It's come to this once again
Here we've been
Here we've been a million times
Here we've been
Maybe everything's going to turn out better
If we try once more
Maybe everything's going to turn out better
If we try once more
Maybe we'll learn this time

Can I really leave like this?

Now separation statistics
Grow and strenghten
We'll end up there
Like many others
What about those gifts?
How will we divide them?
Do I call the guests
Come and get yours back
Come and take me away from here
You stay in the hallway
I guess it's the last time I see you, see you
At last
You look away
Can I really leave like this, like this?
Can this really end like this, like this?
Now you don't have to
Watch after me anymore
Glad we didn't have the time
To get kids
I tried for years
To turn into someoen else
Sorry I couldn't
Love you after all
You stay in the hallway
I guess it's the last time I see you, see you
At last
You look away
Can I really leave like this, like this?
Can this really end like this, like this?
Can I really leave like this, like this?
Can I really leave like this, like this?
Can I really leave like this, like this?
Can this really end like this, like this?
You stay in the hallway
I guess it's the last time I see you, see you
At last
You look away
Can I really leave like this, like this?
Can this really end like this, like this?
Can this really end like this, like this?

In front of (the) people

Versions: #4
The street floods with people
They know nothing about us.
You wait for me at the station
Perhaps the clock will forgive me
I run the rest of the way
You're beautiful as always
In those high-heels of yours
You say: 'Tonight we shall walk, hand in hand
In front of (all) the people
Don't mind the stares
For we are together.
They know nothing, they don't belong in this story
That's told to but a few.'
The streets fill up with noises
Someone yells after us
You're the stronger (one) of us
When I'm with you, I'm not afraid of the darkness of the city
We come to a group of people
You hold me tighter
and my fear disappears.
For this night we shall walk hand in hand,
in front of (the) people
Don't care about the looks they give us
For we are together
They know nothing, they don't belong in this story
That's told to but a few.

Knife in the skull!

Infantry! Infantry!
I've been called up for warring,
But, at the most important moment, who would've thought
My rifle'd have ended up jamming1?!
With determination, the order was to kill.
I hung the enemy's skin up on the flagpole.
This is why I'm called Knife in the Skull.
It's Knife, it's Knife, it's Knife in the Skull.
Patrol, patrol, patrol all night long
In the jungles, at wars, in the Mendanha and Madureira neighborhoods
Hear, hear the Skull's laughter!:
Yahaha, yahahahaha, yahaha, yahahahaha.
  • 1. Or malfunctioning. It's when one's gun stops working perfectly.

Sve što moraš da uradiš

Navikneš se
Plesati sam
Od kada sam te upoznala
Ti me držiš na mojim prstima
Hajdemo negde
Imam nešto što želim da ti pokažem
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja (biću tvoja)
Ja biću tvoja
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da mi kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja
Ja biću tvoja
Drži svoje tajne
Sviđa mi se šta znam
Nastavljam da pogađam
I samo ću te držati bliže, da
Hajdemo negde
Imam nešto što želim da ti pokažem
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja (biću tvoja)
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da mi kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja (biću tvoja)
Ja biću tvoja
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da mi kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja
Ja biću tvoja
Hajdemo negde
Imam nešto što želim da ti pokažem
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja (biću tvoja)
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da mi kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja (biću tvoja)
Ja biću tvoja
I sve što trebaš da uradiš je da mi kažeš da me želiš
I biću tvoja
Ja biću tvoja

We are sustained by each other

We are sustained by each other,
And not by foodstuffs,
And the light from your eyes
Comes bigger than from candles.
All the world's pride is in you,
When you stand in profile,
And the darkness from your words
Hastens death.
We are sustained by each other,
And not by foodstuffs,
And the light from your eyes
Comes bigger than from candles.
All the world's pride is in you,
When you stand in profile,
And the darkness from your words
Hastens death.
We are sustained by each other,
And not by foodstuffs,
And the light from your eyes
Comes bigger than from candles.
All the world's pride is in you,
When you stand in profile,
And the darkness from your words
Hastens death.
We will live beyond long,
Beyond far, beyond letters, which flutter away
We are sustained by each other,
And not by foodstuffs.
But souls smell,
Like night violets, while the night burns,
If we touch each other,
Forever shall rain down on us.
We are sustained by each other,
And not by foodstuffs,
And the light from your eyes
Comes bigger than from candles.
All the world's pride is in you,
When you stand in profile,
And the darkness from your words
Hastens death.
We will live beyond long,
Beyond far, beyond letters, which flutter away
We are sustained by each other,
And not by foodstuffs.
But souls smell,
Like night violets, while the night burns,
If we touch each other,
Forever shall rain down on us.

Artificial Love

Versions: #2
Artificial lover From beginning to end
Mysterious you are under (cover, cover)
To me, this is love, believe me
Unrealistic you attracts me even more
Reasonlessly falling into the vortex
The desire for you makes me thirsty
In truth, the relationship between you and me
Is like the preset love game in the plot of a movie
The illusory feeling and
The secrets of an opaque romance
She don't love me
This is artificial love
Your as-if-once-pure artificial love
Tell me if your thoughts are real or false
Can't trust this
You got that
Fake smile Artificial Love
Fake tears Artificial Love
Fake love Artificial love
These are all yours, yours
Love, love, oh, oh
No, no, oh, oh
Though I clearly know this won't work
I still contact you
Though I clearly know there isn't a result
I still don't want to give up
Now you wanna play me
The impervious you that I want
Designed perfect, cold
Artificial love
Artificial lover
This love is too ironic
Unable to self-extract from this poison
Forgetting once the wounds heal
Unable to predict the feelings' tendency
Won't easily give or give up
Heart full of tears
Like the tide surging on the shore
Your cold breath
Is just like the morning air
Crossing the frozen void
Disappearing here in place
Destroying you, this riddle lamp
And all remaining traces
You know why, artificial lover
She don't love me
That's right Artificial love
(She don't love me, no)
Hollow heart Artificial love (oh, love)
Tell me if your thoughts are real or false
Can't trust this
You got that
Fake smile Artificial Love
Fake tears Artificial Love
Fake love Artificial love
These are all yours, yours
Love, love, oh, oh
No, no, oh, oh (Why you gotta act like that?)
Love, love, oh, oh (Uh, come here)
No, no, oh, oh (Uh, listen up)
What I want is
Pure love like what we promised
Light a path for me
Make a wish and make me
Trapped within the sweet white dream
Yeah, turn it up
Artificial lover (Artificial love)
Artificial lover (Artificial love)
Artificial lover (Bibibimbodobobo)
Can’t trust this (Oh woah-oh)
You got that
Fake smile Artificial Love
(Come on, artificial, artificial)
Fake tears Artificial Love
(Artificial love)
Fake love Artificial love
(Artificial love)
These are all yours, yours
(Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah, yeah)
(Come on, come on)
Doo-doo love, oh yeah
(I don't want your artificial love)
Woah, woah, woah
(Nanananananana) Woah ooh
(Artificial love, artificial love)
Artificial lover

Pocinjati Iznova

Moras da se suocis sa svojim strahom
Koji lezi na podu
Zakoraci u nistavilo, kog djavola sam ja ovde?
Hajde dodji i igraj se
Ubodi me u srce
Sve ovo vreme je potroseno cepajuci me na komade
Mi smo oni koji su povredjeni u tvojoj glavi
Izgubljeni u praznini onoga sto je mrtvo
Konstantno izvrces stvari koje sam rekao
Sreca je dosadna, umesto toga mi je potreban bol
Pocinjati iznova, pocinjati iznova
Ne mogu da verujem da je gotovo, Bog ce me izvaditi
Moje vreme je isteklo, ovo vreme je isteklo
Zasto je ovo gotovo? Bog ce me izvaditi
(Bog ce me izvaditi)
Puzim po podu
Svud po ovom prostoru
Govoreci sebi
Sta je ta stvar sa kojom moram da se suocim?
Prolazim kroz vrata
Da li je sve bilo uzalud?
I nastavljam, nastavljam razmisljajuci da bih mogao naci svoje mesto
Mi smo oni koji su povredjeni u tvojoj glavi
Izgubljeni u praznini onoga sto je mrtvo
Konstantno izvrces stvari koje sam rekao
Sreca je dosadna, umesto toga mi je potreban bol
Pocinjati iznova, pocinjati iznova
Ne mogu da verujem da je gotovo, Bog ce me izvaditi
Moje vreme je isteklo, ovo vreme je isteklo
Zasto je ovo gotovo? Bog ce me izvaditi
Bog ce me izvaditi (Bog ce me izvaditi)
Bog ce me izvaditi
Ti ne mozes da vidis
Otrgnut sam od svih vas
I svega sto mi je blisko
Ja ne mogu da se suocim sa istinom
To nije nista od onoga u sta verujem
Samo pobegni od mene, i zahvali mi se
Kada se oslobodis od mene
Dodji i uzmi me
Dodji i uzmi me
Dodji i uzmi me
Dodji i uzmi me
Dodji i uzmi me
Dodji i uzmi me (Mi smo oni koji su povredjeni u tvojoj glavi)
(Izgubljeni u praznini onoga sto je mrtvo)
Dodji i uzmi me (Konstantno izvrces stvari koje sam rekao)
(Sreca je dosadna, umesto toga mi je potreban bol)
Dodji i uzmi me (Mi smo oni koji su povredjeni u tvojoj glavi)
(Izgubljeni u praznini onoga sto je mrtvo)
Dodji i uzmi me (Konstantno izvrces stvari koje sam rekao)
(Sreca je dosadna, umesto toga mi je potreban bol)
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

The Fieldjagers

Jagers! Brave, though and free!
Quickly take up the gun
Everyone of you is a brave hero
The enemy approaches, take positions
For the beloved fatherland!
Add to our forces
Also your battlebanner.
From: Oder, Weichfel, Niemen, Mein,
From: Elbe, Donau, Lech and Rhijn,
We are the heroes here.
Fraternize with heart and will
Fraternize with bravery
You bind with them the strongest bond
You bind the case to the fatherland
From God, from good and blood
Not to conquer their lord marched
Far away from home
The Scandalous tyranny
The french you may fight
The battle is worth fighting (2x)
Join the formation,
Orange goes first,
Destroy with them the hatred
That is still present in our land
Break through their lines
God’s blessing you will get
May it help you on the battlefield
Think: even if it costs all your precious blood
Freedom is of highest importance
Do not forget their life (2x)
So, brave jager, though and free
No matter how sad your girl will be
Nothing will stop your fire
Be brave! Death or Victory!
The enemy must be broken! (5x)

i think that time you were 21 year old

i think that time you were 21 year old
and i was about to be 18
i was bit trembled and bit embarrassed
and i was scared of getting caught
the hidden love of our remained hidden forever
don't know how we apart from each other
don't know when the flowers fall when the tree is covered with flowers
tell me how will i make a garland ?
you always thought me a thorn in your life (disturbance )
but i couldn't tell you / i couldn't explain you my feelings in your way
and you thought me as a picture which changes*****
It wasn’t love after all i realised.

Anthem of San Escobar

This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
Even though our history is short
We create it right from scratch
In our veins flows tequila
With faith and honesty
Even though our land is small
We have a lot of potential
Despite the low number of citizens
The missing signs of power are just a semblance
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
You won’t see us on the map
But we don’t worry
Today people talk about us on the net
Crowds want to visit our land
There no wars in our country
We don’t engage in bad things
But we’re glad to help
Our allies and friends
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
We’ll build a fleet for you
And even cannons and planes
Our gratitude is endless
We don’t try to make business
We don’t create any barriers
All guests are our brothers
There are no visas, no guards
Let the world hear about us!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
You’re all welcome, you can come
A flight to us costs just two pesos
And from every other country
You can come underground
Others may have oil fields,
gas pipelines, big banks
In our land we have national pride
Cos we have no taxes at all!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


If I had to, I'd take a boat and row
for six months like a fish, only to see you
One could never point a sea large enough
to scare me off and make me give up on you.
If I had to, I'd build a machine
Faster than the doubt
More sudden than a teardrop
I'd travel as fast as I could
And within an instant of longing and sorrow
I would come to tell you 'I came to see you'
I want to share
I want to share
The good life with you
For such a great love must be lived all the while
And each hour that I'm away from you feels like a waste
I've only got eighty more years ahead of me
So please, give me the chance to live
I want to share
I want to share
The good life with you
There is nothing on the past
Everything left is here.
If I had to, I'd spin this whole world
Until time forgets to move forward
And goes back millions of years ago
when all the continents were one
so that I could walk towards you.
I know, woman, one does not survive only on fish
And we could never go back in time
My words are worth so little
And the oaths tell you nothing
But if there's someone who could rescue your faith in this world
then there's us.
I've also lost my track
Even my chant went mute
And I'm really suspicious that this world isn't all that.
But nevermind
We can invent our own life
And life is good
But it's better when I'm with you
I want to share
I want to share
The good life with you

I want to be with you again

Everything that begins comes to an end
What am I supposed to do with you?
What am I supposed to do with you?
When I have the vitamin 'U'
a single dose feels good
tingling all over my skin
And although I don't want to go away,
only you know how to turn me on.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again
(Yatra, Yatra)
Even if it takes time, I will be awaiting you,
you know that this love is not just something temporary.
When you're not with me, I crave being with you
because I swear that I love you, uh.
Baby, don't go, Tini, don't go,
Stay here with me, dancing on this beach
and when I kiss your entire body
I will paint on you an oasis where there was a desert.
May this summer last forever,
That I never disappear from your mind.
From Buenos Aires to Cartagena,
I will love you with all I've got
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
And although I don't want to go away,
only you know how to turn me on.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.

District of the moons

I colonize your breast step by step I dominate the rest
All this belongs to me in an instant and in one gesture
You'll be mine you'll see I'll be your sect
I will erect you, exactly as I wish (wish)
I will mark your neck of my viscous hickeys
So that you don't run towards other nasty vices
I'll stain your pout and one by one your long hair
From my red flag and my big swear words
You'll only be proud when you play the mothers
When I will suddenly offer you a bunch of happy kids
You just have to do on time and especially keep quiet
You will then have a long flight of good points 1
The city of the males watches over the district of the moons 2
They want to find their niches there and have to eat the asphalt
Pain, vein, tenacious
They shine with daring
Ignite, a phlegm that burns, so beautiful
Much more than the sun
The city of the males watches over the district of the moons
They want to find their niches there and have to eat the asphalt
Pain, vein, tenacious
They shine with daring
Ignite, a phlegm that burns, so beautiful
Much more than the sun
Mh ... (Mh ...)
I will exhaust your flame to fill my hands
From the hearts of battle and as a great clever guy
I will play checkers3, I will conquer
Without much delay, just a bit dishonest
You will be without clothes and as I please
I'll get dressed with nothing, just possessive grips
They will see that the ground is already taken
They will see my gun, yes better than my hands on
I will also make sure that you have no choice
You'll be exposed to a whole bunch of laws
That you will iron without ordering
Because only you know how to fold them
Then I'll caress you as if to appease you
Will make you fall, so as you don't revolt
Block your neck without you nauseating
And I will be sweet, whore
I'll be crazy
The city of the males watches over the district of the moons
They want to find their niches there and have to eat the asphalt
Pain, vein, tenacious
They shine with daring
Ignite, a phlegm that burns, so beautiful
Much more than the sun
The city of the males watches over the district of the moons
They want to find their niches there and have to eat the asphalt
Pain, vein, tenacious
They shine with daring
Ignite, a phlegm that burns, so beautiful
Much more than the sun
What? Do you not need my torso anymore?
What? Do you not need me when
In the street you will be alone without escort?
Tell me, how are you going to do without bark?
What? Do you no longer need advice?
What? Do not you need my rules anymore?
Hear my strengths I love you and watch you
You will see how there is no sun outside
The city of the males watches over the district of the moons
They want to find their niches there and have to eat the asphalt
Pain, vein, tenacious
They shine with daring
Ignite, a phlegm that burns, so beautiful
Much more than the sun
The city of the males watches over the district of the moons
They want to find their niches there and have to eat the asphalt
Pain, vein, tenacious
They shine with daring
Ignite, a phlegm that burns, so beautiful
Much more than the sun
  • 1. Good points : In mid XXth century french schools it was tradition to give 'good points' to pupils, sort of good behaviour token
  • 2. 'Moon' here refers to the bum
  • 3. Play on words : In French 'play checkers' sounds like 'play the ladies'


Na vreme su me opominjali: oprezno,
pazi kako laže pre nego što trepne,
pazi se takvog puta i takve sorte
koje je najgore na tržištu.
I mnoge usne su tako ljubljene
i možda će te povući u svoju plimu
i zato ti ne ostavljam zadatak za kasnije
brisanja iz svesti onoga što je prošlo
Oprezno, oprezno!
Ali ja - ja ulazim u tvoje vrtove
ne slušajući lavež mastifa (pasa)
i već pod šapom tvojih poljubaca
bez straha - bez straha od umiranja u avanturi
uživam - uživam u tvojim ustima sa ludom ljubavlju
i osećam tvoju ljubav sve do kostiju
i osećam tvoju ljubav sve do kostiju

Under our feet

Under our feet a highway white
To Latvia it leads.
To Latvia, where a ruthless enemy,
Sows death over the fields.
We're marching bravely and pridely,
And rifles are on our shoulders,
And the names of our ancient heroes,
comes, like a heritage with us.
We're coming soon, Latvia, wait!
And we'll bring freedom to You
Which is dear to us!
(x2) And we're going and going and running and rushing
Too late we musn't be!
One thought burns in our heart
To stand for father land!
And make the ruthless enemy
To pay for everything!
We'll make our rifles blaze then,
And grenade throwers yell,
But we'll have to spite death,
Call echoes to whistles of bullets!
We believe in three Latvia's stars,
May they shine in fire, forever!
(x2) And we're going and going to forward we're running
Too late we musn't be!

Slomljeno srce

Sad vidis, da nema dvoje bez troje,
da zivot dolazi i prolazi i da se ne zaustavlja...
i sta znam ja,
ali lazi me bar, reci mi da nesto ostaje
izmedju nas dvoje, da u tvojoj sobi
nikada ne izlazi sunce, niti postoji vreme,
niti bol.
Vodi me, ako zelis da izgubis
nikakvu sudbinu, bez ikakvog pitanja.
Sad znam, da srce koje ne vidi
je srce koje ne oseca
ili srce koje te laze ljubavi,
ali znas da najdublje u mojoj dusi
i dalje je onaj bol zbog verovanja u tebe.
Sta je bilo sa iluzijom i od lepote zivljenja?
Zasto si me izlecio kada je bilo ranjeno,
ako me danas ponovo ostavljas sa slomljenim srcem.
Ko ce mi predati svoje emocije?
Ko ce mi traziti da ga nikad ne napustim?
Ko ce me pokriti ovu noc, ako bude hladno?
Ko ce mi izleciti slomljeno srce?
Ko ce ispuniti prolecem ovaj januar
i spustiti mesec da se igramo?
Reci mi, ako ti odes, reci mi duso moja,
ko ce mi izleciti slomljeno srce?
Treses se za ovo slomljeno srce.
Treses se za ovo slomljeno srce.
*Dajes samo ono sto ti je suvisno,
nikada nije bilo deljenje, vec davanje mrvica, ljubavi,
ako ne znas ti, govorim ti ja,
posle oluje uvek dolazi mir,
ali znam da posle tebe,
posle tebe ne postoji nista.
Zasto si me izlecio kada je bilo ranjeno,
ako me danas ponovo ostavljas sa slomljenim srcem.
Ko ce mi predati svoje emocije?
Ko ce mi traziti da ga nikad ne napustim?
Ko ce me pokriti ovu noc, ako bude hladno?
Ko ce mi izleciti slomljeno srce?
Ko ce ispuniti prolecem ovaj januar
i spustiti mesec da se igramo?
Reci mi, ako ti odes, reci mi duso moja,
ko ce mi izleciti slomljeno srce?
Ko ce mi predati?

Amor Compartido

Y si él está contigo y tú estás conmigo
Sigue siendo amor, pero compartido
Él no sabe que cuando te llama
Tú estás en una cama conmigo
Mintiéndote al igual que él
Enchula’o de ti y tú no de él
Tú de mí, yo no sé
Él ‘ta enamora’o de ti y tú de mí
No es culpa mía que él no te lo haga así, baby
Yo sé lo que quieres de mí
Pero no esperes a que yo me enamore de ti
Él ‘ta enamora’o de ti y tú de mí
No es culpa mía que él no te lo haga así, baby
Yo sé lo que quieres de mí
Pero no esperes a que yo me enamore de ti, baby
Tú estás confundí’a, perdí’a en la vuelta
Con el tú te amarras conmigo te sueltas
Baby, háblale claro, no mientas
A tu socia le dices que chingo mejor
Y en mi cuenta has visto un par de ceros
Yo te corro porque te hablo sucio en la cama
Y el pana no es na’ de grosero
No es que tú no me gustes, es que yo no te celo
A mí me gusta cuando le doy con to’
Y me pide to’ el tiempo que el pelo se lo jale
Me dice con el chingando intento, pero nunca le sale
Mientras uno te hace el amor
Con el otro disfrutas del sexo
El primero te aburre en la cama
El segundo te moja en exceso
Él ‘ta enamora’o de ti y tú de mí
No es culpa mía que él no te lo haga así, baby
Yo sé lo que quieres de mí
Pero no esperes a que yo me enamore de ti baby
Él ‘ta enamora’o de ti y tú de mí
No es culpa mía que él no te lo haga así, baby
Yo sé lo que quieres de mí
Pero no esperes a que yo me enamore de ti, baby
Él te quiere, pero tú no
Te gustan malos como yo
Porque en la cama tú sabes
Que él no te echa tres, él se muere en dos
Ya déjate ver
Yo sé lo que quieres mujer
Pero baby, tranquila
Que en tu juego no vo’ a caer
Porque mami, no me enamoro
A to’as les hago coro
Pa’ estar mal acompaña’o
Sabes que mejor yo me quedo solo
Porque mami, no me enamoro
A to’as les hago coro
Pa’ estar mal acompaña’o
Sabes que mejor yo me quedo solo
Y si él está contigo y tú estás conmigo
Sigue siendo amor, pero compartido
Él no sabe que cuando te llama
Tú estás en una cama conmigo
Mintiéndote al igual que él
Enchula’o de ti y tú no de él
Tú de mí, yo no sé
Él ‘ta enamora’o de ti y tú de mí
No es culpa mía que él no te lo haga así, baby
Yo sé lo que quieres de mí
Pero no esperes a que yo me enamore de ti
Él ‘ta enamora’o de ti y tú de mí
No es culpa mía que él no te lo haga así, baby
Yo sé lo que quieres de mí
Pero no esperes a que yo me enamore de ti, baby

Paper soul

Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
This is the myth which you know
In which the man has to be the bandit
But I'm the bandit, an outlaw
I stole your heart and not for money
And bam bam, you know that I'm like a poem
Which only Eminescu could have written
And I only have, only have one life in which to demonstrate to you
Give me the clear soul and I'll color it
There is nobody
To give me an addiction like tobacco
Only you give me sense, you're my universe
On the soul, I write verse by verse
My mind is one in a thousand
And maybe I'll write it to you
On a paper soul
You're the one who deciphers me
You always know what follows
And all that I'll write to you
On a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
You're with the fact, I'm with the idea
I'm a padlock, of which you will be the key
You are the answer, I'm the question
We butt heads like the mountain and the sea
And tam tam, we do it on any type of subject
I'm more creative, you're the clever one
And I only have, only have one life in which to demonstrate to you
Give me the clear soul and I'll color it
There is nobody
To give me an addiction like tobacco
Only you give me sense, you're my universe
On the soul, I write verse by verse
My mind is one in a thousand
And maybe I'll write it to you
On a paper soul
You're the one who deciphers me
You always know what follows
And all that I'll write to you
On a paper soul
In this life, it was written in my DNA
To be with you for the rest of the chapters
I will be with you through the good and the bad
Because I'm yours and you're mine
My mind is one in a thousand
And maybe I'll write it to you
On a paper soul
You're the one who deciphers me
You always know what follows
And all that I'll write to you
On a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
Tell me, you have a paper soul
You have a paper soul
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


Spring come again and bring love. Attach each lover to his beloved.
Spring is here, flowers are open. My heart got in love again.
Spring is here, weather is great. My beloved is so modest.
I went to the field. What a great fragment it has. I went to the sea. What a fascinating weather it has.
This fragments and smells made me in love again.
This violets breeze made me in love again.

Khamkhama (Armenian folk dance)

Hey, Kham-khama, Kham-khama
I saw the girl and lost my mind
I am the first, she is the second
Jaralo*, jaralo, oh! jaralo
Hey, Kham-khama, Kham-khama
I saw the girl and lost my mind, oh!
I am here, she has gone
That's a pity, jaralo, oh! jaralo
Hey, Kham-khama, Kham-khama
I saw the girl and lost my mind, oh!
I am here, she is above
She became cheerful, jay-jaylo

Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy

We hear the echo of the old parade,
We dream of the routes of the main attack,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In the soldier's heart - you are, my Moscow.
We have reached honestly our suffered victory,
Betrayed to a holy consanguinity,
In every new home, in every new song
Remember those who left for the battle for Moscow.
Gray overcoats. Russian talents.
Shining of blue of unbiased eyes
On the plains of snow young cadets are standing.
Immortality began. Life was broken off.
I do not need anything in this ancient world -
Just that in the hard times you will be alive,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy,
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Everything what happened, our children will remember,
All that we have lost, and what have saved for them,
I wish you to remain the best on the planet,
The most fair and just city of the Earth.
Quivering looks of our old streets,
Strict lyrics of our young songs,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In each of our hearts you are, my Moscow.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Mr. Leather Vest

- Ah well article 31 still together!
- What voice are you doing?
- I'm doing the set voice, come on, it's set, set, ok, however, before you start you have to make the trademark Jad-O-OOOO
And go '
Hey, mr. leather vest, with rebel tattoo, that you pay dinners to the models, listen', I have something to say to you, more or less could you use it, I can not digest you when I see you in the most 'in' places, resting on the counter you sip a gin looking around
with a look at James Dean with the phone ringing
in constant drin, drin, gin, gin, pay to drink the model, for her a routine thing Check-in to your wallet, you're an evergreen, I saw you punk, metallaro, 'paninaro', dark now you're massacring in the gym to look like Swartzenegher dance the Rock, dance Rap, dances the Regge, skilled transformist do what you asked on the track leader type camorrista look, you see me and turn to the silverlead please
that if you start dancing near me I can not take my breath
so much so that it emits stench sweat and after shaving mixed it's like dancing near a wet dog.
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll beat your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll dirty your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
step aside, step aside...
I'm usually polite and kind, well behaved pleasant and civil, but tonight, I have been drinking a compilation of tequilas and every time you take the back of me dancing I hear the bile go up, Donald Duck's dance it's what you adopted in style, please, bring me a shotgun, I want to get you a little hole in your beautiful manly chest
or at least I make you lame, you came to me once too much dances a little clumsy, jolly when you pose and try to say a funny thing looks like the spot AIDS is missing the pink halo, if you try to board the physically exuberant blonde, run to the bathroom to put the Licya Persona, but when you leave, she immediately comes to my area and it sticks to me
and I do not spring like a snake rubs against my lower stomach
I wonder why maybe he sensed that, only the biceps hardens up to you
and in case you did not tell him that you're watching is not the RAI, what dreams of kissing Brenda Wolsch, that you will buy a Porsche next month Well, come back anyway from your little saint's face model
but in certain things he has more experience than Cicciolina, but when you come back and you're jealous the threatening look, friend, you're wrong, if you like to do the quarrelsome facts, seriously, that I already feel the impulse to pour a knee on your lower abdomen.
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll beat your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not I'll dirty your boot!
Hey Mr. leather vest STEP ASIDE, STEP ASIDE, COME ON !! If not it gets bad!
step aside, step aside...

Distant Road

Sun raised in my palms, spring on my face
Life caress my soul, deep inside
Does anybody know where my mind is? You took it away
I would like to ask, are you a breeze or love?
I came from a long road, my behind is empty
I used to say I wouldn't turn back from the way of love, who is drunk?
Take a look at the distant, spring on my face
Would this roads go to him/her? Who knows where he/she is?
I came from a long road, my behind is empty
I used to say I wouldn't turn back from the way of love, who is drunk?
I came from a long road, my behind is empty
I used to say I wouldn't turn back from the way of love, who is drunk?

From Deep Distress I Cry To You

From deep distress I cry to you.
Lord God, hear my call.
Your gracious ears are coming to me
And my prayers open up,
Because you want to see
What sin and injustice has done.
Who can, Lord, stay before you?
With you, nothing counts for Grace and Favour.
Forgive the sins.
It is our doing for free,
Even the best in life.
No one can boast of you,
Everybody must fear that
and live in your grace.
That's why I hope for God.
Do not rely on my merit,
On him, my heart should let itself be,
And trust his kindness.
I like his words.
This is my consolation and faith.
I always want to wait for that.
And if it lasts until the night,
And again in the morning,
My heart is to God's power.
Do not worry about the despair.
So does Israel,
Which was created from the spirit,
And their God endures.
Whether our sins are much,
There are many more graces with God.
His hand didn't have to help
How big the damage.
He is the good shepherd alone.
Israel will redeem
For all its sins.