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That's How It Was

Don't strangle me, release your grip
If not, my soul
Will die in anguish
Don't scream in haste
I'm not your enemy
And if only we could start all over
From a clean slate
But it's no longer so
Chorus (x2)
That's how it was, so much pain
Killing me quietly with every word
Shooting words
First at my heart, then at my soul
I don't need any more of that
Day after day I pray
Let heaven shelter me
I'll hide all the pain and sorrow
But you can't mask the pain in my eyes
I'll wipe my memory clean
For a while now I haven't trusted, haven't feared, haven't asked for anything
But withal my wounds live on
So much pain, no need
To live to see tomorrow
Can't you see that the sun has burnt out
And the world has collapsed around us
We're no longer side by side
We'd start it all over
And again go up and flames
But it's no longer so
But it's no longer so
That's how it was, so much pain
Killing me quietly with every word
Shooting words
First at my heart, then at my soul
I don't need any more of that

But the May flowers must remain

Her dreams are about
Faraway lands, her beloved
She believes that not yet
Everything is so black and sick
Her nights are spent
Selling her peace
And when morning comes
She'll forget everything again
Scattered with the May flowers
Her smile, and she believes that
Pain comes and pain goes
But the May flowers must remain
Colored in the violins
Her spite and her heart
Tremble in fear to scatter
To wake up in the violins
Her mornings don't lie
They, with a smile in mirrors
Tell about how good
It would be with a fake end
Forgive the lipstick
And the bit of eyeshadow
But what to pray for, if in life
You really don't have anywhere to go
Scattered with the May flowers
Her smile, and she believes that
Pain comes and pain goes
But the May flowers must remain
Colored in the violins
Her spite and her heart
Tremble in fear to scatter
To wake up in the violins

Eternity (My Neighbourhood)

It is eternal, the naive smile of a child.
Are eternal my words in a glass of wine.
It is eternal the root of a tree that has seen history,
a thought tainted by memory.
He is eternal, the one who's chosen to live in his own way,
my desire, peace, the war between a cat and a mouse.
It is eternal, a puff of wind while you close your eyes
and everything that gives an emotion when you touch it.
Wait here for a minute
and hold my hands forever
because, if I look at you, I don't believe
that, from tomorrow on, all will be changed
and we will not ever see each other
when, after all, eternity, for me it is you.
It's eternal, the feast they throw in my neighbourhood,
the one who jumps from the tallest peak when about to fall,
the almost stock lightness of this song,
an idea that changes the mind of so many people.
Wait here for a minute
and hold my hands forever
because, if I look at you, I don't believe
that, from tomorrow on, all will be changed
and we will not ever see each other
when, after all, eternity, for me it is you.
It's eternal, the road that leads to our discourses,
The embrace of a son for the father for his efforts.
It's eternal, life, if you're able to understand it.
He's eternal, the boy who dreams with tearful eyes,
your voice in the morning that zeroes the nightmares and the past years.
It's eternal, all this, if you can give it a sense.
I beg you now, wait.
Wait here for a minute
and hold my hands forever
because, if I look at you, I don't believe
that, from tomorrow on, all will be changed
and we will not ever see each other
when, after all, eternity, for me it is you.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Groznica (Solo verzija)

Groznica, gubim razum
Spušta se niz mene polako od vrata do pupka
I znaš, nema leka
I gubim manire, obrazovanje i staloženost
Groznica, ne prestaje
I lagano se spušta klizeći niz moja leđa
I dostiže 40 stepeni
Proleti kroz čitavo moje telo kada prođeš pored mene
Reci mi šta da radim da uklonim tugu
Moje srce ne može da podnese toliki pritisak jer
Provodim svaki dan
Misleći na tebe i na tvoje crne oči
I na tvoj lepi osmeh
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I kako između tvojih ruku ja gubim glavu
Dođi i nežno izleči svu ovu toplotu koja prolazi kroz moje vene
Izleči me nežno jer samo ti imaš recept za lek
Ti si moj recept
Doktor kaže da nema leka
Ne postoji lek koji može da izleči ovo ludilo
I moram da ležim u krevetu
I pitam se da li bi mi pravila društvo do jutra
Ovo je neka epidemija
Pronašao sam antibiotik na tvojim usnama i nogama
I rizikovaćemo
Zarazićemo se, pa nek nas ova groznica istopi do zime
Reci mi šta da radim da uklonim tugu
Moje srce ne može da podnese toliki pritisak jer
Provodim svaki dan
Misleći na tebe i na tvoje crne oči
I na tvoj lepi osmeh
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I kako između tvojih ruku ja gubim glavu
Dođi i nežno izleči svu ovu toplotu koja prolazi kroz moje vene
Izleči me nežno jer samo ti imaš recept za lek
Ti si moj recept
Kakva dobra stvar
Ti si moja groznica
Ono što mi se dopada
TI si moja groznica
Ono što mi se dopada
Imamo groznicu (vidi kako je lepo)
Imamo groznicu
Imamo groznicu
Samo da plešemo (i kako?)
Imamo groznicu
Sve loše neka ode
Pusti je neka ide, kasnije postane dobro


[Ricky Martin] 
Groznica, gubim razum
Spušta se kroz mene polako
Od vrata do pupka
I znaš, nema leka
I gubim manire
Obrazovanje i staloženost
Groznica, ne prestaje
I lagano se spušta
Klizeći niz moja leđa
I dostiže 40 stepeni
Proleti kroz čitavo moje telo
Kada prođeš pored mene
Reci mi šta da radim da uklonim tugu?
Moje srce ne može da podnese toliki pritisak jer...
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I na tvoje crne oči, i na tvoj lepi osmeh
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I kako između tvojih ruku ja gubim glavu
Dođi i nežno izleči svu ovu toplotu koja prolazi kroz moje vene
Izleči me nežno jer samo ti imaš recept za lek
Ti si moj recept
Kakvo lepo lice, niko je ne može zaustaviti
Temperatura raste kao u pustinji Sahari
Ona sluša moju muziku i sija
Piće u ruci dok se motor pali
Hajde izleči me, skini se, usredsredi se
Dušo pruži mi šansu, samo se otkrij
Ti i tvoje prijateljice se znojite
I ja nastavljam da te gledam, nastavljam da te zamišljam
Zašto ne ostaneš sa mnom?
Dušo, ti si vatra koja gori
Tvoje telo je zarazno
I to mi pravi probleme
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I na tvoje crne oči, i na tvoj lepi osmeh
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I kako između tvojih ruku ja gubim glavu
Dođi i nežno izleči svu ovu toplotu koja prolazi kroz moje vene
Izleči me nežno jer samo ti imaš recept za lek
Ti si moj recept
Veruj mi i videćeš
Da sa mnom vreme stane
A ti ostaješ opsednuta sa mnom
Bez dodirivanja, ja se zagrevam
Ukloni mi ovu groznicu i ubij moje želje
To je plamen koji samo tvoje telo može ugasiti
Želim da osetim tvoje vlažne poljupce
Daj mi više sebe, stigla si u pravom trenutku
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I na tvoje crne oči, i na tvoj lepi osmeh
Provodim svaki dan misleći na tebe
I kako između tvojih ruku ja gubim glavu
Dođi i nežno izleči svu ovu toplotu koja prolazi kroz moje vene
Izleči me nežno jer samo ti imaš recept za lek
Ti si moj recept
Ti si moj recept


Oh, uho-oh, uoh-oh, uoh-oh
You-yeah, yay-yeah
Uoh, oh
Toliko dugo vremena me zamisljas
Zamisljas nas
Nismo ispunili to obećanje, to obećanje duso
Ako tvoje fantazije plesu sa mojom kožom
Moje usne sa tvojim
I odluci se više
Poludeo bi kada bih te poljubila
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u zamku ćemo se voleti
Želiš da budeš moj kralj, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem kruni daćemo se
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u bilo kojem delu cemo se voleti
Ako želiš da dodjes, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem krunisacemo se
Sa tim pogledom koji me dovodi do svemira
Ne želim te slabo niti te želim polako
Ti nastavi da me tražiš
Ja ću nastaviti da se gubim
Ja ne želim princa koji će mi pisati pesme
Ako imam tvoju ljubav, ne trebaju mi razlozi
Ti nastavi da me tražiš
Ja ću nastaviti da se gubim
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u zamku ćemo se voleti
Želiš da budeš moj kralj, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem kruni daćemo se
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u bilo kojem delu cemo se voleti
Ako želiš da dodjes, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem krunisacemo se
Toliko sam sanjala
Da sam znala, da ljubav nije bila na mojoj strani
Ti si došao
Promenio si to
Kako je lep osecaj biti zaljubljen
Ako je ovo san i nije me probudio
Neću se ni ja, sve je lepse sa tobom
Znam da sam sanjala
Uz tebe sam se zamišljala
Da me želiš, da me udaljujes od prošlosti
I sa tobom sve je neočekivano
Ostani sa mnom, jer sve je lepse sa tobom
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u zamku ćemo se voleti
Želiš da budeš moj kralj, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem kruni daćemo se
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u bilo kojem delu cemo se voleti
Ako želiš da dodjes, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem krunisacemo se
Toliko dugo vremena me zamisljas
(Zamisljas me)
Zamisljas nas
(Zamisljas nas)
Nismo ispunili to obećanje
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u zamku ćemo se voleti
Želiš da budeš moj kralj, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem kruni daćemo se
I ja ću biti tvoja princeza
Celu noc biću tvoja princeza
I u bilo kojem delu cemo se voleti
Ako želiš da dodjes, pregovaracemo
I sa jednim poljupcem krunisacemo se

Lovely sister, come with me

Lovely sister, come with me
To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough,
And we will gaze at the waves.
Lovely sister, come willingly
To the church in Vigo, where the sea is up,
And we will gaze at the waves.
To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough,
And my mother and my friend will come,
And we will gaze at the waves.
To the church in Vigo, where the sea is up,
And my mother and my beloved will come,
And we will gaze at the waves.

O sea waves of Vigo

'O sea waves of Vigo,
have you seen my lover?
O God, will he be back soon?
O turbulent sea waves,
have you seen my lover?
O God, will he be back soon?
Have you seen my lover,
for whom I sigh?
O God, will he be back soon?
Have you seen my lover,
whom I love so much?
O God, will he be back soon?'

You've Been Away for a Long Time

You've been away for a long time
I wait for hours and days
You've been away for a long time
I know that you'll come
I'm impatient
Without you, I know no one
Without you, I can't recognize a thing
You're my other half
The aim of my wandering
When there is no love
The sleepless nights remain
When there is no love
I listen in on you coming
To take me with you
To take...
Into your life
Get me out of here
Light me up with your love
For me living alone
I'm not capable of that
If you can hear these words
My heart is yours too now
If you can hear these words
If you were here, I'd be better
Without you, I'm alone in the world
I know that very well
Get me out of here...

Oh Waves that I came to see

Oh Waves that I came to see,
Can you possibly tell me
Why my lover tarries without me?
Oh waves I came to gaze at,
Can you possibly explain
Why my lover tarries without me?

This South-Moravia is surely a beautiful land

There, where the warm wind blows,
the darkness already dims the stars,
the air smells like pear trees
the most beautiful land.
A little lad half-asleep,
he brought the horses out from the stable.
We perceive the world in moments,
the Moravian land is beautiful.
Moravia is a beautiful land,
in which I am born,
and in her I was brought up,
raised by my mother.
She took me to her
maternal heart, to her my life shall be dedicated.
This South-Moravia is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
This South-Moravia
is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
Where the river Morava hurriedly flows,
there, where the wonderful people sing beautiful songs.
The maidens are beautiful there, tender like flowers,
there is my home, the only one.
When the sun goes down behind the peaks of Pálava
I remember how the youth went by so fast.
I only have one wish, after all I love Moravia,
in this beautiful land I would like to sleep.
This South-Moravia is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
This South-Moravia
is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
Everywhere, where the vineyards
cover the Moravian land,
there till this day in the villages
a lad will sing with his kin.


Uh, uoh-oh,uoh-oh,uoh-
You've been imagining me for so long
imagining us
We haven't fulfill the
promise,the promise
If your fantasies dance with my skin
My mouth with you honey
And now decide
I'm going crazy if I kiss you
And I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess
And in castle we are going to love
You want to be my king,we negotiate it
And with a kiss we crown
And I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess
And anywhere we love each other
If you want to come,we negotiate it
And with a kiss we crown it
With this look that takes me to the space
I don't love you soft nor I love you slow
You keep looking for me
I keep loosing me
I don't want a prince that writes songs
If I have your love,I don't need reasons
You keep kissing me
I keep loving you
And I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess
And anywhere we love each other
If you want to come,we negotiate it
And with a kiss we crown it. I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess
And in castle we are going to love
You want to be my king,we negotiate it
And with a kiss we crown it
I have dreamt it so much
But love wasn't by my
You came
And changed everything
Being in love feels so
If it is a dream and I didn't wake up
I won't,everything is more beautiful with you
I know that I dreamed it
By your side I imagined
That you love me,that you are moving me from past
And with you everything is
Stay with me,everything is more beautiful with you by my side
And I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess(uoh)
And in castle we are going to love(And we are going to love)
You want to be my king,we negotiate it
And with a kiss we crown
And I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess(oh)
And anywhere we love each other
If you want to come,we negotiate it
And with a kiss we crown it
You've been imagining me for so long
(Imagining me)
imagining us
(imagining us)
We haven't fulfill the promise baby
And I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess(ohh)
And in castle we are going to love (yea-yeah)
You want to be my king we negotiate it(ohh)
And with a kiss we crown it (ohh)
And I will be your princess
The whole night I will be your princess (oh-uoh)
And anywhere we love each other(in a castle
If you want to come,we negotiate it(do you want to be my king?)
And with a kiss we crown it (with a kiss,baby)
Uh, uoh-oh,uoh-oh,uoh-
Yay-yeah,yeah (ohh)
And I will be your princess
And I will be,I will be your princess
I will be your princess
And we are going to love
And crown it(uhh)

Poor Martin

With his spade always on his shoulder,
a song just to sing something,
a song just to sing something,
deep in his heart a staunch will,
always digging and nothing else...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
For twopence and a loaf of bread,
early in the morning, at noon, at night,
early in the morning, at noon, at night,
back and forth around the hill
digging ground until dead tired...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
A face as hard as larch,
neither jealous nor mean,
neither jealous nor mean,
he's dug up other people's land
like this his whole life, without a smile...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
And when death looked in his face
and told him to stop digging,
and told him to stop digging,
he began digging his own grave,
quietly, quickly, and alone.
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
He dug his own grave by hand,
in case someone came over,
in case someone came over,
and then lied down there quickly,
without a word to anyone...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
sleeping in the ground, under your time.

Game of cards

Like an unfinished Game of cards
that looked like you
a never full game we were handing out
with no real success
i was affraid of dying,
i begged
as one had to suffer
i whispered
scraps of prayers, monotonous chants,
we were hearing,
I am now worthless to you, i deserted,
i left you
i didn't want to
go on
i could only see
burnt ground
i was affraid of dying
i drowned
i didn't want to follow you anymore
i was bored
but without mercy,
you were laughing
about all my Dreams
why do we always have to kneel
to answer for our past
i was affraid of dying
i was imagining
Strange castles
that i was destroying
Like a Game of cards
a never full game
that looked like you
I was affraid of dying
Yes, i was affraid of dying

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The most beautiful land

The most beautiful land, you already know
It's called the Soviet Union
And I come from it
I'm called Natascha
Here are great rivers and mountains and much forest
Where palm trees grow it's hot, it's cold on the Ice Sea
Here is a capital city with underground trains
People look at every station like at a castle made of gold and marble
We have so big candies and awesome waffle ice cream
Also apples as big as pumpkins, as everybody knows
We also have a Spasski-tower with a red star
Which glows even in the night and everyone likes it
The most beautiful land, you already know
It's called the Soviet Union
And I come from it
I'm called Natascha
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


i will cherish you with this lullaby
i will rock you to rest on a fine cloth mesh
i will soothe you to sleep with a gentle sway
in a short while, you'll soon be at rest
my aching heart - it hurts so much.
with a pain so intense that i cry
o Lord, please shower me with nurture
it is pitiful if i were to die.
and as soon as i know that you're sound asleep
i will cover your face with my handkerchief
so no fly will land on your tender face
and you'll enjoy your slumber in peace
and when you are awake from your restful sleep
i'll be right there to hold you so you don't weep
and i'll cuddle you as a little child
so you could see my wonderful smile


Daleko smo dogurali
da bi sve ostavili iza
pitam se zasto
zasto si otisla
ostavila me sasvim samog
nema reci da kazu
mojaljubavi molim te ostani
ti i ja
ostali su trenuci da ih delimo
ti i ja
mozemo uspeti bilo gde
ti i ja
mi pripadamo zagrljaju jedno drugog
ne moze biti druge ljubavi
sada znam da ne mozemo imati sve...
svake noci se molim
da budemo zajedno
jos jednom
vecito cemo ostati
na ovaj nacin u ljubavi
nije vazno sta kazu
do kraja
ti i ja
ostali su trenuci da ih delimo
ti i ja
mozemo uspeti bilo gde
ti i ja
mi pripadamo zagrljaju jedno drugog
ne moze biti druge ljubavi
sada znam da ne mozemo imati sve...
sada znam da ne mozemo imati sve...


Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Salawa Tula Alayk
Ya Rasool Salam Alayk
Ya Nabi Salam Alayk
Ya Habib Salam Alayk
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Purnoor fiza waa'n
Aaqa da mohalla
Jenu arsh nu aala
Kadi aan Farishte
Kadi jaan Farishte
Sade azlon jud gaye
Aaqa nal rishte
Oh karma'n nal weda
Palkan nal chumda'n jaawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Rab le gaya menu
Jado Shaher Madine
Ek Haji laya Menu kut ke sine
Kadi piwan Zamzam Kadi pada'n Namazan
Meri pahonch jetho tak
Mein deya Niyazan
Rab sohne pal wich suneya
Mere dil diya'n sab Duawaan
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Aaqa da weda palkan di dhari
Dil kare guzara othe umar mein sari
Kaabe de chakkar mein le paj paj ke
Mein Hajre Aswad chumeya raj raj ke
Mere sir te Rabb ne kitiya'n
Rehmat diya'n thandiya'n chhawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Oh Soniya'n Galiya'n wich Rehmat Rabb di
Mera Aaqa Sohna gal sunda sab di
Mere amal di chadar utte daag hazara'n
Kis maan te waaja'n Tere karam nu maara'n
Kede Munh naal bakhshish manga
Menu aandhiya'n baat haya-aa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Chup reh ke begaya Roze de nede
Hoya Noor da channan Mere dil de wede
Fir Supna tuteya Oho kachi kulli
Mein ropeya sa'dat Meri akh kyun khulli
Fir Aaqa sadya dar te
Hoiyan dil diya'n puriya chawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Purnoor fiza waa'n
Aaqa da mohalla
Jenu arsh nu aala
Kadi aan Farishte
Kadi jaan Farishte
Sade azlon jud gaye
Aaqa nal rishte
Oh karma'n nal weda
Palkan nal chumda'n jaawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n
Ek Khwab Sunawa'n


Flowers from the branches that we looked upon
they aren't anymore...
Big winds took them deliberately
see you soon...
Your clear eyes, your gentle face
and your warm soul, just in vain...
They aren't anymore
They aren't anymore
But you, on which way
you got lost
What kind of laws, silent worlds
have asked you
Your clear eyes, your gentle face
and your warm soul, just in vain...
They aren't anymore
They aren't anymore

On The Window

On the window, look, there's a pale face
On the cheeks a trail of bitter tears
Why is a girl of only twenty years
Gazing so sadly into the world ?
My darling went into the mountains
He fought a fierce battle against fascists
Maybe he's fallen somewhere in blood tonight
While he was defending his people
Girl, don't be so sad
Wipe your tears and your eye
Your darling will surely return
When a shooting star falls
The proud hero will home
Crowned with glory of glorious victories
And he'll shout and throw his partisan cap in the air
When he steps over your threshold

Rising of Primorska

We used to painfully hold within
Our humiliation, our suffering
The cry of revenge we stifled on our lips
We buried it deep inside our hearts
But, look, a powerful tempest broke out
Like cobwebs the shackles were torn
The glow of the new day raced again
There to the last of Primorska homes
Machine guns sang their song
The air shook with the thunder of cannons
Wide meadows went up in flames
The call of freedom arose in the woods
Primorska, you have arisen into new life
With a raised head, stride into new times!
Through the battles, humiliation, victory, suffering
You finally found your real face

Papirni mesečiću

More doneće ptice
a zlatne zvezde vetar
da ti miluju kosu
da ti ljube ruke
Papirni mesečiću
lažna obalo
kad bi bar malo verovao
sve bi bilo istinito
Bez ljubavi tvoje
vreme sporo prolazi
Bez ljubavi tvoje
svet je manji
Papirni mesečiću
lažna obalo
kad bi bar malo verovao
sve bi bilo istinito

Paper moon

The sea will bring in birds
and golden stars the wind
they will caress you hair
and kiss your hand
Paper moon
False beach
if you trusted me a little
everything would be genuine
Without your love
times passes difficulty
without your love
the world is even smaller
Paper moon
False beach
if you trusted me a little
everything would be genuine

My son left for the Jihad

He was a kid like any other,
and it's so hard to talk about it.
I know in the end it's all my fault,
how could I be so blind?
I pore over every word he said,
and what he managed to hide from me:
the long hours spent on his PC,
that's when they went for him.
And I didn't see a thing, it makes me sick.
My son left for the Jihad
And I didn't see a thing, it makes me sick.
My son left for the Jihad
He was just like any other teen:
rather nice and quiet.
He would never fall foul of anyone,
he was always kicking a ball.
He dreamt of being a caseworker,
thar's before he got brainwashed
by their predatory speeches
prowling for lost lambs.
It's with a brain like marmelade
that my son left for the Jihad
It's with a brain like marmelade
that my son left for the Jihad
He was a quite ordinary kid
who grew up near a small town.
And then the radical conversion
and the new name that follows.
I don't wish that to any mother,
it's a one way ticket to hell.
I can't believe he did this,
I can't even make his undone bed.
Thinking he'd help sick children,
my son left for the Jihad
Thinking he'd help sick children,
my son left for the Jihad
He was just old enough for a first smoke
and all my life ground to a halt
when I discovered this note:
'Mom, don't you worry,
I'm off to help young Syrians.
I'll write soon, promise
I love you so much'
And then nothing, not a word.
Radio silence.
I recall crying at the police station
my son left for the Jihad
I recall crying at the police station
my son left for the Jihad
Damnit, he was just a kid.
I don't want to look at this picture
(of him) with a rifle in his hands.
That's not him, not my Pete
He couldn't stand the sight of blood
He loved litterature
He killed innocent people
They make a kamikaze out of him.
He blew himself up in Baghdad
My son died for the Jihad
He blew himself up in Baghdad
My son died for the Jihad
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The Gossip woman

What happens to people who're meddle so much in our lives
What happens to people who criticize behind our backs.
What happens to people who're meddle so much in our lives
What happens to people who criticize behind our backs.
Fuck you!, why do you meddle in my life if I don't owe you nothing?
Fuck you!, why do you meddle in my life if I don't owe you nothing?
What happens is that you're lazy and a gossip woman.
change your life 'cuz I don't know what's happening.
What happens is that you're lazy and a gossip woman.
change your life 'cuz I don't know what's happening.
What happens to people who're meddle so much in our lives
What happens to people who criticize behind our backs.
What happens to people who're meddle so much in our lives
What happens to people who criticize behind our backs.
Fuck you!, why do you meddle in my life if I don't owe you nothing?
Fuck you!, why do you meddle in my life if I don't owe you nothing?
What happens is that you're lazy and a gossip woman.
change your life 'cuz I don't know what's happening.
What happens is that you're lazy and a gossip woman.
change your life 'cuz I don't know what's happening.
you'll pluck the hair, you'll bite the tongue,
but by gossip woman, you'll get nothing.
you'll pluck the hair, you'll bite the tongue,
but by gossip woman, crone you'll be forever.
you'll pluck the hair, you'll bite the tongue,
but by gossip woman, you'll get nothing.
you'll pluck the hair, you'll bite the tongue,
but by gossip woman, crone you'll be forever.

Od danas

Uvek postoji neko kao ti
ko ti imenuje razum,
ali ne zeli da te cuje.
Uvek postoji neko kao ja,
sto mi vise govore ne,
vise pokusavam da te zaljubim.
Ti si me prisilila da se pustim
i bacila si me u vetar.
Ja cu se prisiliti da te zaboravim
ili cu umreti u pokusaju.
Od danas
vezacu oci mog srca,
ne zelim da te gleda i da se ponovo zaljubi
i iako boli da mi nedostajes.
Od danas
od price koje smo napisali, izbrisacu kraj,
da nista ne bi ostalo od onoga sto si se zakunela
i iako boli da te ostavim.
Moze biti da sutra bude kasno
i vise ne mogu da te zaboravim.
Iako me boli da te zaboravim,
ja cu te ostaviti
od sutra.
Iako me boli da te zaboravim,
ja cu te ostaviti
od sutra.
Moj celi zivote obecavam ti da od sutra
cu se udaljiti i necu ti pisati kao gubitnik.
Na kraju i konacno ne postoji nista da ti kazem,
ja sam vec dao svoj deo i cak tako neces se vratiti.
I iako ce biti tesko da te ne vidim vise,
bice za moje dobro da ne znam gde si.
Ja vise za tvoje poljupce nisam,
u druge ruke ja odlazim,
Od danas
vezacu oci mog srca,
ne zelim da te gleda i da se ponovo zaljubi
i iako boli da mi nedostajes.
Od danas
od price koje smo napisali, izbrisacu kraj,
da nista ne bi ostalo od onoga sto si se zakunela
i iako boli da te ostavim.
Moze biti da sutra bude kasno
i vise ne mogu da te zaboravim.
Iako me boli da te zaboravim,
ja cu te ostaviti
od sutra.
Iako me boli da te zaboravim,
ja cu te ostaviti
od sutra.
I da budem iskren
znas da je laz,
ti ces uvek biti sa mnom,
zivote mog zivota.
Od danas
vezacu oci mog srca,
ne zelim da te gleda i da se ponovo zaljubi
i iako boli da mi nedostajes.
Od danas
od price koje smo napisali, izbrisacu kraj,
da nista ne bi ostalo od onoga sto si se zakunela
i iako boli da te ostavim.
Moze biti da sutra bude kasno
i vise ne mogu da te zaboravim.

As of today

There is always someone like you
That names you the reason
But he does not want to hear you
There is always someone like me
The more they tell me not
The more I try to fall in love with you
You forced me to let go
And you threw me in the wind
I will force myself to forget you
Or I die trying
As of today
I will blindfold my heart
I do not want you to look at you and fall in love again
And although it hurts to miss you
From this day forward
From the story we wrote, I will erase the end
So that nothing is left of what you swore
And although it hurts to leave you
It may be late tomorrow
And I can not forget you anymore
Although it hurts to forget you
I am going to leave you
AS of today
Although it hurts to forget you
I am going to leave you
As of today
My whole life I promise you that from this day forward
I'm going to walk away and not write to you like a loser
After all, there's nothing to tell you
I already gave my part, and even then you will not return
And although it's hard to not see you anymore
It will be for my good not knowing where you are
I no longer want your kisses
I'll go to someone else arms
As of today
I will blindfold my heart
I do not want you to look at you and fall in love again
And although it hurts to miss you
As of today
From the story we wrote, I will erase the end
So nothing is left of what you swore
And although it hurts to leave you
Maybe It's late tomorrow
And I can not forget you anymore
Although it hurts to forget you
I am really going to leave you
From this day forward
Although it hurts to forget you
I am going to leave you
As of today
And to be honest
You know it's a lie
You will always be with me
Life of my life
As of today
I will blindfold my heart
I do not want you to look at you and fall in love again
And although it hurts to miss you
As of today
From the story we wrote, I will erase the end
So that nothing is left of what you swore
And although it hurts to leave you
It may be late tomorrow
And I can not forget you anymore

From dawn to dusk

I am Reykon the Leader
Sebastán Yatra
They call me the dangerous
I met her on a beach
Tanning with her bikini on
She was so beautiful I just saw her
And I approached smiling at her
And you came singing
And half talking
You swept me off my feet
We keep on dancing
We were getting closer
This is just beginning
And only you
With your pretty face
You take me to heaven
And only you
With that smile
You are making the fire
From dawn to dusk
Stick to my body
I do not want to stop
with this story
Oh mommy, I've been waiting for you for a while
I was fantasizing about that body of yours
That little face and the way you dance
You're tempting me
Let the night fall
And together on the beach
We have plenty of desires
This does not stop, you have to keep going
From this moment I do not want to miss anything
This is not over yet
And the beach is ours
To dance, to feel, to live
Because the best is yet to come
Keep dancing and get closer to me
Today we're going long
I do not want to sleep
More beach
This is cheztom, cheztom cheztom
Stick, stick close
I am Reykon the Leader
More beach
Give you my love
I am Reykon the Leader
We were

A Lake Lies Still In Silence

A lake lies still in silence
And leaves are quietly rustling
By the lake, one dark night
A young partizan stands silently
A girl gave him the promise
That she will wait for the day
When freedom comes shining
And her partizan returns to her
And the partizan solemnly swears
That he will fight valiantly
And that in less than a year's time
He will liberate his people
But when the second year of struggle passes
His darling receives the letter
That high up in the mountains
The partizan's heart was pierced by a bullet
A lake lies still in silence
And leaves are quietly rustling
At the bottom of the deserted lake
The heartbroken girl sleeps peacefully

Douse me with Martini

She is the hottest babe at the party but isn't blonde
Lamps shine in my eyes like the traffic lights
You will be, you will be mine tonight
Tomorrow studies start at 7 am but we won't go
'Cause we are in the club till morning tonight
We will ditch exams as usual
'Cause it's hot, it's hot tonight
Douse me with Martini, call me Houdini
I want you to scream
And maybe it'll be hot as you want tonight
We'll do it with you
You told me that you were ready
I looked at the clock
It was a half past two, I thought
You were ready to dance
'Vulgarly' was all I was thinking about that night
Douse me with Martini, call me Houdini
I want you to scream
And maybe it'll be hot as you want tonight
We'll do it with you
Get into a car after the club
We don't need the license
You solve all the problems with one call
I don't know where are we driving
Still don't understand
But you know that tonight you are mine
Douse me with Martini, call me Houdini
I want you to scream
And maybe it'll be hot as you want tonight
We'll do it with you

I adore You

I adore You, You're the meaning of my existence
I adore You, and there's nothing else I can say.
Your love can overcome any obstacle, O Worthy Jesus, I adore You.
I adore You, You put an end to all the sufferings,
I adore You, my hymns are sung,
Your love is endless, O Worthy Jesus, I adore You.
I adore You, Father of mankind,
I adore You, Solace of the afflicted,
Your love is the banner of faith, O Worthy Jesus, I adore You.
I adore You, on the cross of the disgrace,
I adore You, in the flames of fire,
Your love is connected with the sacraments, O Worthy Jesus, I adore You.
I adore You, the pain perseveres
I adore You, You lift up the defeated.
Your love made my heart redeem, O Worthy Jesus, I adore You.
I adore You, You are my dearest friend,
I adore You, even in difficulty,
You love is the greatest thing, O Worthy Jesus, I adore You.
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal


Ali sada sam se vratio

Draga moja Marija
Ovde sam da te vidim
Zar nećeš molim te, molim te, da otvoriš vrata
Kupio sam ti cveće
Čekao sam satima
Ne mogu više to da podnesem
Evo šta se desilo
Kada si dremala
Izašao sam samo za meze
Osećao sam veliku glad
I onda sam nestao
Ali sada sam se vratio
Sada se vratio
Jeo je meze
Sada se vratio
Srce mi žudi
Za našom ljubavi
Za tim morem zvezda
Dozvoli da uđem da mogu da ti dokažem
Da niko drugi
Ne može da te voli, devojko
Kako te volim ja
O, kako mi nedostaješ
Želim da te ljubim
I da te držim čvrsto u naručju
Od sumraka do svitanja
Pa, hajde da se pomirimo
A kada se probudiš
Obećavam da ću biti tu
Znaš da te volim
Sanjam samo tebe
Zato, molim te
Molim te, poštedi me
Otišao sam
Samo na par dana
Ali sada sam se vratio
Sada se vratio
Poštedi ga
Sada se vratio
Marija, dušo
Pretpostavljam da možda
I dalje si malo ljuta na mene
Ali postaje kasno i
Momci čekaju
Moram da uzmem nešto da jedem
Bolje da sada odem
Nadam se da sada znaš
Volim te, to je činjenica
Moram da požurim
Ali ne brini, dušo
Jer ću se vratiti
Vratiće se
To je činjenica
Vratiće se
Ne osuđuj ga