Резултати претраге страна 37
Број резултата: 2955
We were 20
Alone in my room
My soul
Come stretch out by my side
Come, it's time, nothing to bother us
Nothing can stand against our love
We were twenty, and our bodies drew each other in
Trembling of fever, and the desired we knew not how to express
We were twenty and each, living our dream
And in this dream, there was naught but our two bodies, entangled
A gilded flame danced with joy in the darkness,
There was a white fur before the fire
And you, dressed in your long, dark hair
You came to join me and you closed your eyes
We were twenty
Our blood sang to us of follies
And we sang in the crazy rhythm of our burning blood
We were twenty
We'd just discovered life,
And we wanted to die of love or live as lovers
The fire
Dreams and sighs
Dreams and plays with the charcoal he bites
The fire
Sleep on the embers
Sleep, my heart, love cares not for death
Aladdin, take me to my home
My dreams acquaint us, but we're not acquainted
And let your magic carpet burn
We'll go by foot, wherever we want
Aladdin, take me to my home
My dreams acquaint us, but we're not acquainted
And let your magic carpet burn
We'll go by foot, wherever we want
Time will walk past these buildings, past the lifeless rooms
I only hear your name, my eyes search for you
Maybe we can run away and fly together
The sky can't frighten us, luck is always by our side
We'll fly wherever is the easiest for us,
to a place that will give our thoughts warmth and
we can forget everything again, we'll be with ourselves
And tomorrow - you'll take me home
Aladdin, take me to my home
My dreams acquaint us, but we're not acquainted
And let your magic carpet burn
We'll go by foot, wherever we want
We can go anywhere in our dreams
We can go anywhere, and the fear
of dying through your hands doesn't matter the least to us
I don't fear flying, I'll fly away like ash (phoenix)
Every glance of yours goes through me
I can't stand, it's like I'm in a dream
Your love tastes like autumn
But it won't last forever, only for eight hours
Aladdin, take me to my home
My dreams acquaint us, but we're not acquainted
And let your magic carpet burn
We'll go by foot, wherever we want
Aladdin, take me to my home
My dreams acquaint us, but we're not acquainted
And let your magic carpet burn
We'll go by foot, wherever we want
Stop the Earth
One, two, three...
Some people scream: hey, communist,
Others yell: anarchist,
Some cry: hey, read The Struggle*
Others scream: read Mladina**
Some shout: hey, listen to Brena***
The others roar: arrest Bora****.
So who should I listen to
in these awful times?
Stop the Earth, I'm getting off,
I'm not up to anything, I'm leaving.
Stop the Earth, I'm getting off,
I'm not up to anything, I'm leaving,
really, I'm leaving.
But who are we, folks,
to be saying this to you.
I know one thing, though,
the same blood is flowing through us all.
Када је Бог отац,
Цар универзума,
Дао свакоме Апостолу,
Да управља над провинцијама,
Јаков, сијајућа светлост врлине,
Би изабран да просветли Хиспнију.
Први међу апостолима,
Мученички пострадао у Јерусалиму,
Јаков је освећен,
Својим славним мучеништвом,
Галициа тражи,
Јаковљеву свету помоћ,
Његова слава осветљава пут.
Нека збор
пева песме слављења:
Herru Sanctiagu,
Got Sanctiagu
Eultreia, e suseia,
Боже помози нам.
Свет добровољно одаје захвалност,
Јакову, првоме по побожности,
Кроз његову помоћ,
Он нас штити,
И даје утеху свима,
Слушајући наше молитве.
Први међу апостолима,
Мученички пострадао у Јерусалиму,
Јаков је освећен,
Својим славним мучеништвом
Онај који се нада да се ослободи,
Oд својх веза,
Ради Јакова,
Нека позове име његово у опасности,
Због чуда,
Која је учинио.
Први међу апостолима,
Мученички пострадао у Јерусалиму,
Јаков је освећен,
Својим славним мучеништвом
О Свети Јакове,
Наша истинска снаго,
Узми од нас наше непријатеље,
И заштити народ свој,
И помози нам да бисмо ти угодили,
Нашим преданостима.
Први међу апостолима,
Мученички пострадао у Јерусалиму,
Јаков је освећен,
Својим славним мучеништвом,
Јакове, твојом наклоности,
Дајмо похвалу за опроштај,
Оцу Свемоћному,
Похвалу какву дугујемо.
Први међу апостолима,
Мученички пострадао у Јерусалиму,
Јаков је освећен,
Својим славним мучеништвом,
Tsipouro in Epirus
Tsipouro in Epirus
Is found on the table
We drink it from the jug
When clarinets are being played
Pogonisia and Kagkelia
Are our gospels
And the holy tsipouro after that
Is our eucharist
Tsipouro in Epirus
Has become our medicine
We know how to drink it
It never makes us dizzy
Pogonisia and Kagkelia
Are our gospels
And the holy tsipouro after that
Is our eucharist
Haide, I wanted to raid
Haide, your new apron
Raid, raid, the old stuff
Raid, raid, your new apron
Haide I'll come and get you
Even if I'll go on trial and lose everything
Raid, raid, the old stuff
Raid, raid, your new apron
You look like the sun and like the moon
Your beauty shines like a pearl
Raid, raid, the old stuff
Raid, raid, on the bagel table
If you feel some guilt
If you remember what you said yesterday
If I come to your mind for a while
Hold me tight so I won't leave
Your absence is felt everywhere, in every corner of the house
You've locked me in the madness of the mind
I switch on the lights to find you, don't sink into loneliness
I'm looking for the mouth that told me 'I love you'
If you ever find yourself in my dream
You'll see how much I love you
If you feel like touching me a little
Hold me tight so I won't leave
Versions: #1
'I was a fool thinking that a little harmless date would relieve the date from exams'
But the moment I walk in
I notice the guy's older
At least plus ten years
Of what he claimed to be
Maybe we can still hit it off
When we just get to talk a little
15 minutes pass, nothing to talk about
And then he tries to kiss me
Juha88, I came here for you
And there you sit, staring at your drink
Juha88, I came here for you
But I don't think we're gonna be a couple
'And then there was this super awkward silence'
Nothing wrong with being shy
But soon this dumbass
Reaches over the table
And mumbles that he has a wife
Now quickly get my coat on
Alright, thanks, have a good night
'Wait!' the guy yells
'We can also have a threeway'
Juha88, I came here for you
And there you sit, staring at your drink
Juha88, I came here for you
But I don't think we're gonna be a couple
Alright, so that's how it is
I can't even look into your eyes
I'm virile only on drugs
And agewise closer to your dad
The name's fake, call me Juha
I guess I lack self-confidence
But baby, I'm gentle
On the verge of adulthood
The ego's signing checks
That the body doesn't reclaim
I've fed you so many lies
Undressed you with my eyes
Juha88, I came here for you
And there you sit, staring at your drink
Juha88, I came here for you
But I don't think we're gonna be a couple
Juha88, I came here for you
And there you sit, staring at your drink
Juha88, I came here for you
But I don't think we're gonna be a couple
Real Dream
The time doesn't matter,
much less the place,
whatever you want
you have to earn it.
If conscience
betrayed your decision,
put it aside,
give your heart room.
If in the end, the best thing about a dream,
is to make it come true,
don't despair, you have to seek
the new opportunity.
If you think that it never comes to you,
that for you there's no place,
make no mistake, don't let up,
this is your war and you have to fight it.
Build your story
and write it only you,
because the experience
of living... of living is the best.
In that world
nobody has the truth
and your destiny
you'll find.
If in the end, the best thing about a dream,
is to make it come true,
don't despair, you have to seek
the new opportunity.
If you think that it never comes to you,
that for you there's no place,
make no mistake, don't let up,
this is your war and you have to fight it.
... Is to make it happen,
don't despair, you have to seek
the new opportunity.
If you think that it never comes to you,
that for you there's no place,
make no mistake, don't let up,
this is your war and you have to fight it.
Ohh... no, no, no... uhh... uhh...
It was a set up
The squid-guys wrote
Everything in their sharp minds
And all the bureaucrats
Turned to Gods
It was a set up
The establishment is vicious
And by the establishment
It was a set up
The squid-guys wrote
Many captions, many effects
Others took the money
And others couldn't even afford coffee
The squid-guys wrote
Oiled by their godparents
The masters took the money
What did they care?
I Loved You
I loved you so much, and it's too bad
That you made fun of me so many times in your own way.
My darling, you played with my longing,
A terrible game, that brought us regrets.
My darling, you played with my longing,
A terrible game, that brought us regrets.
When you left, you didn't even look behind you,
To see the pain in my teary eyes.
But it doesn't matter, 'cause everything is fleeting,
A tear of longing was shed from my eyes.
But it doesn't matter, 'cause everything is fleeting,
A tear of longing was shed from my eyes.
Maybe someday a rose I gave you as a gift
Will wake you up from your sleep, with a bitter dream.
It will be in vain, it will be late, and I'm sorry
That you lost for life everything that was yours.
It will be in vain, it will be late, and I'm sorry
That you lost for life everything that was yours.
It will be in vain, it will be late, and I'm sorry
That you lost for life everything that was yours.
It will be in vain, it will be late, and I'm sorry
That you lost for life everything that was yours.
I loved you so much, and I regret...
Silk rains
Every touch of yours hurted so much
These lips are blue,
Cold as ice
All my life melts and disappears
Just a shadow follows me and yells 'Come back'
And that voice calls me,
I talk to four walls
And I'm loosing you,
You're out of sight
We got over everything
On that silk rain
You have cut the vain
that was holding us together
Eye to eye to look at eachother in the dark
Our sun was warm, but sunshine was cold as ice
Give back that happy days,
Like the film strip (film strip)
Her thoughts are pure,
She thinks she loves
She believes, believes
Like the film strip (film strip)
Her thoughts are pure,
She thinks she loves
She believes, believes
Like the film strip (film strip)
Her thoughts are pure,
She thinks she loves
She believes, believes
Like the film strip (film strip)
Her thoughts are pure,
She thinks she loves
She believes, believes
Live Forever
You're standing there like a song without lyrics.
What did I tell you that you're still offended?
I've seen my mistake, I shared it with you.
What did I tell you that you're still offended with me?
I woke up early yesterday morning.
I went out and bought you roses
so that you'll be happy
so that you'll be happy.
This morning I understood that you left.
I cried over you, I wrote a song for you
so that you'll live forever
so that you'll live forever.
Should you be forgotten?
Should I not forget ?
Even though you hide on a corner, can you get old with me?
Црни коњи, два црна вихора, уздижу ме, уздижу
Не желе да пију воду, не траже ни да их нахраним.
Понестаје ми ваздуха
Или ме је пакао позвао
Да јурим, као да имам крила, док растерујем вукове?
Пустите ме да живим, коњи, пустите ме,
Пустите да проживим, о коњи!
Чему ова вечита борба, браћо?
Какве коње ми је судбина наменила,
као да је у њима неко потпалио ватру?
А ја нисам довољно живела,
ни певала довољно.
Дајте коњима да пију воду,
Отпевати песму до краја и трајати!
Само један дан, само једна ноћ,
Да би се стајало на врху олује!
Дајте коњима да пију воду,
Отпевати песму до краја и трајати!
Само један дан, само једна ноћ,
Да би се стајало на врху олује!
Десиће се негде на пола пута
да ће ме ветар коначно одувати
А они ће ме одвући на санкама
И изгореће ме као свећу
Ах, ти псу ђавољег лица,
не пожуруј моје коње!
Дај ми тренутак да сањам,
Дај још једну, да се опаметим!
Пустите ме да живим, коњи, пустите ме,
Пустите да проживим, о коњи!
Чему ова вечита борба, браћо?
Дајте коњима да пију воду,
Отпевати песму до краја и трајати!
Само један дан, само једна ноћ,
Да би се стајало на врху олује!
Дајте коњима да пију воду,
Отпевати песму до краја и трајати!
Само један дан, само једна ноћ,
Да би се стајало на врху олује!
Стижем на време, хвала Богу
Ко сме да касни у рај?
Да ли то чујем анђеле
како ми певају без радости?
Или то можда звони звоно
Напола ми се смеје, а напола плаче?
Или то ја вичем и проклињем
Моју запрегу, те две звери?
Пустите ме да живим, коњи, пустите ме,
Пустите да проживим, о коњи!
Чему ова вечита борба, браћо?
Дајте коњима да пију воду,
Отпевати песму до краја и трајати!
Само један дан, само једна ноћ,
Да би се стајало на врху олује!
Дајте коњима да пију воду,
Отпевати песму до краја и трајати!
Само један дан, само једна ноћ,
Да би се стајало на врху олује!
Да би се стајало на врху олује!
Tagliatelle Santeria
[Verso 1: ROSALÍA]
Doživela sam deža vi, zajedno u hotelu
Te večeri je svirao i bio je veliki natpis
Srce me moli, želi ostati s njim
Poput crnog pantera, približava se da me ugrize
[Pre-Coro: ROSALÍA]
Baciću na tebe čini
Njegove usne nasuprot mojih
Samo kada ja to želim
I čak nebo, i čak nebo
Baciću na tebe čini
Njegove usne nasuprot mojih
Samo kada ja to želim
I čak nebo će se srušiti
Baciću na tebe čini
Njegove usne nasuprot mojih
Samo kada ja to želim
I čak nebo će se srušiti
[Verso 2: Bad Bunny]
Prevelike su želje da te ljubim
Tvoje oči to znaju i zato me zadirkuju
Licem u lice sa olujom
To što je nemam muči me i
Rekla mi je jednu tajnu i koža mi se naježila
Crvene usne, od jednog poljupca me je začarala
Sve odlično urađeno, mesec je svedok
Odnela mi je dušu i nije me obavestila
[Coro: Bad Bunny]
Baciću na tebe čini
Tvoje usne nasuprot mojih
Samo kada ti budeš želela
I čak nebo će se sakriti
Dođi i baci čini na mene
Tvoje usne nasuprot mojih
Samo kada ti budeš želela
(Čak i nebo će se srušiti)
Heart To Heart
I'm wondering, why am I stuck?
Where am I going with these feelings?
I didn't used to be like this
My laughter didn't used to be like this
I suddenly abandoned everything for you
A heart has it's way to a heart, did you see your heart still has space
This city has a beauty, that has the lost me clinging to her
A heart has it's way to a heart, these eyes have everything I want
It won't calm down, it has too many irons in the fire
How much sweeter can you get?
Stay nice without anything?
The best in the world, who's beloved one were you?
Your kindness touched my heart
Even with my eyes closed
No one can compare to you in anywhere
What beautiful eye colors
God-given, beautiful
Why do you insist on challenging my heart?
A heart has it's way to a heart, did you see your heart still has space
This city has a beauty, that has the lost me clinging to her
A heart has it's way to a heart, these eyes have everything I want
It won't calm down, it has too many irons in the fire
A heart has it's way to a heart, did you see your heart still has space
This city has a beauty, that has the lost me clinging to her
A heart has it's way to a heart, these eyes have everything I want
It won't calm down, it has too many irons in the fire
Your absence has become so long
O Tanned, Your absence has become so long on us
We are so in yearn to you, when will come back?
your home and I are longing
with eagerness and longness we are waiting
Your place is our countryside not the city.
if it is the dowry
There's Something
That the guilt didn't weigh if it belonged to both of us
That there were no more words just confusion
You had the sad fortune
Of having committed an act of love
That time stopped when I was
That we were in your imagination
You knew how to find the words
That made me want to talk
And you said softly in my ear
'I'm not alone but I want to be with you
I really like you, something has to happen'
And I told you that's why I don't follow you
You're not alone and I don't want to be with you
I really like you, but something has to change
That you no longer understood anything about this situation
That the night was perfect to be with you
You had the sad fortune
Of having committed an act of love
And you said softly in my ear
'I'm not alone but I want to be with you
I really like you, something has to happen'
And I told you that's why I don't follow you
You're not alone and I don't want to be with you
I really like you, but something has to
And you said softly in my ear
All the beautiful things that you wantedwith me
I really like you, something has to happen
And I told you that's why I don't follow you
You're not alone and I don't want to be with you
I really like you, but today I don't want to play anymore
I come home
and put on an expression that
nothing affects me
you come up in my mind suddenly
i hide you in my paperwork
lock in auto-pilot
an analog clock
the flight to the world won't get on its way
nothing happened
Sweet, everything is sweet
everyday i lie to myself again
sweet, everything is sweet
i love you every day
and hate is renewed
Years it's like this
closing off my feelings
put the pain to sleep
legendary stories
who asked anyway
for you to come
my walls are falling
only hope remains
Sweet, everything is sweet
everyday i lie to myself again
sweet, everything is sweet
i love you every day
and hate...
Sweet, everything is sweet
everyday i lie to myself again
sweet, everything is sweet
i love you every day
Sweet, everything is sweet...
Bio sam potišten
previše puta do sada
Bio sam potišten, ženo
previše puta do sada
Ako mi ne možeš doneti
neku ljubav sada
Molim te, prestani se motati oko mojih vrata
Te stvari koje si govorila
Doduše znaš da nisu istina
Te laži i prevare
koje si govorila, ženo
Oh, znaš duboko u svojoj duši
da stvarno nisu istinite
Okrećeš mi leđa, dušo
Sada mogu da ti donesem svoju ljubav
Mogu ti doneti svoju ljubav
Sedim ovde i plačem
Čekajući da mi se srce popravi
Sedim ovde i plačem, ženo
Čekajući da se moje jadno srce popravi
Ako te ne mogu imati kao ljubavnicu
Zašto bih te tretirao kao prijatelja
We got ready, we set for the road.
We're going far away from the world.
A cloud charged with stars
Hope is raining on dirt.
Beautiful pretty flower,
crowns on our heads,
and prayers are everywhere.
I had been tired for a long time.
My face was pale, I was pale.
You kissed me so I was saved.
Thankfulyl I came down to that well,
thankfully I loved that poem,
thankfully I crossed that line,
thankfully I united with your scent,
thankfully you did this to me.
I need to tell you this
Because Life is Worth Living
They took my life
They snatched it away
Sad that day
The sun turned off
The flowers cried
The angels cried
Some stars too
The world stopped
They took my life
They snatched it away
The dreams ended
The illusions too
From here in the heavens
Where we the dead live
Stop crying, I ask you
in this song
What I want to say
Is that life is worth living
And because it is worth living
you need to live
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
They took my life
They snatched it away
Sad that day
The sun just turned off
Money is not important
Nor social classes
Only honoring the moment
And happiness
What I want to say
Is that life is worth living
And because it is worth living
you need to live
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
What I want to say
Is that life is worth living
And because it is worth living
you need to live
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
Life is worth living
You Do Nothing
You do nothing, but that does something to me, to me
You want nothing, but that requires something from me, from me
I no longer expect that we’ll go further
Yes, I wanted it very much, it carried me away
I have long tried to win your heart
Nothing moved you, I shattered into pieces
You say nothing, but that makes me ask myself many questions
You ask nothing, but that makes me say too much to you
Ah, I hoped this pile of pieces could be cleaned up, instead of running away from them
I have long needed to figure out
It’s no use trying to bend you into shape
You do nothing, but that does something to me, to me
Versions: #1
You can't stop when you're free falling.
You can't tell when you're silent.
I don't know.
If you're far, you can't hear.
If I let you to your own self, you can't find
where I am,
I know that.
Lie, whatever I'm saying, whatever I heard, all lies.
Lie, whoever said that, whatever you heard, it's all lies.
The one in burning love can't stand,
can't stand, he searches for his beloved
but I'm standing right here.
Lie, whatever I'm saying, whatever I heard, all lies.
Lie, whoever said that, whatever you heard, it's all lies.
Let's sing together
It's everywhere
It's in my head
Music never leaves me
I sing for myself
But most for everyone else
Sometimes I feel lonely
But the I know
Music is what connects us
I smile and I dance
When my favorite songs starts again
As long as we keep singing
Can we defeat everything
We’re rocking the world
Let’s sing together
Whatever unfolds
We make it better
We know we can
So here we stand
We move we dance
Let’s sing together
Let’s sing together
Let’s make it happen
We know we can
So here we stand
We move we dance
Let’s sing together
Whatever I think about
Or how I feel
Music is always there
As strong as friendship
Put my worries away
Let's hear the music
It can defeat everything
We’re rocking the world
Let’s sing together
Whatever unfolds
We make it better
We know we can
So here we stand
We move we dance
Let’s sing together
Let’s sing together
Let's make it happen
We know we can
So here we stand
We move we dance
Let’s sing together
Let’s sing together 4x
Music in my head
Music is my dream
Music gives me comfort
Music gives me hope
We’re rocking the world
Let’s sing together
Whatever unfolds
We make it better
We know we can
So here we stand
We move we dance
Let’s sing together
Let’s sing together
Let’s make it happen
We know we can
So here we stand
We move we dance
Let’s sing together
Free like wind over the water
like fruit that has been separated from the branch
free like the rain from heaven
and like a winged bird.
Free, perhaps a child's dream
wandering between all the contradictions
free, like a winding path
when will my heart be?
Because a person that is born for freedom
ponders within confining walls
because a person that is born free for freedom
composes for oneself songs
Within confining walls
sings many songs
and takes off for freedom
Free like the expanse of the ocean
and like a leap of thought
a happy and spontaneous dance
and the sound of love.
Because a person that is born for freedom...
The Scent of the Hair
O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me crazy
I tell my secret with every stranger
That a friend (the beloved) drove me crazy
O muslims, help me
Some black eyesdrove me crazy
I threw myself into the fire fearlessly
A quick-tempered one drove me crazy
I leave the Masjid al-Haramsaying Talbiyah
The attraction of a place drove me crazy
I don't know what wine house or mosque are
Some eyes and eyebrows drove me crazy
O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me insane
An ambergris-hairdrove me crazy
A jasmin-scent drove me crazy
O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me insane
I fell in love with you
I saw you for a moment and my heart was beating!
Just a simple look made me fall in love with you
I saw you glow for a moment like a moon!
The whole world changed at that moment
I saw you in the air for a moment, and you were so beautiful
You left and went and made me fascinated by your love
I fell in love with you!
I do not care anymore ...
Whatever happens, I will call out your name as loud as I can
I fell in love with you!
Hear my heartbeat...
What are all these thoughts on my mind! What are all these dreams that I see!
I'm in love with your eyes..
Never leave me
Hope of Mine
Waking up every morning
The sun begins to shine
My life is part of a dream
Knowing I'll reach you
Finding the sun in your eyes
In your smile, my peace
I'll be bold to be free
I'll scream it into the winds
I can feel your love today
My life changes colors
My hope is increasing 'cause
I can feel your love today
Light is all around, everywhere
When you're here, hope of mine (1)
I know everything is possible
You're lighting up my faith
You manifest the unseen
There's something blooming in me
Spreading my wings fearlessly
Feeling I can believe
I can be whomever I want
This time I'll fly
Everything shines bright when you're here
Today I can light myself up
You're my world, my soothe and my peace
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh oh oh oh, hope of mine
At Night, Hot Lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
I asked about your secret, regardless of your need
I asked about your secret, regardless of your need
There is another world
There is another world to your hidden solitude
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
Either drive me away from yourself, or deprive me from yourself
Either drive me away from yourself, or deprive me from yourself
This was my world, this was my world
and that is your world
I did not fear the world, nor the time of your world
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
The fire of your lips set my being on fire
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
At night, I found my hot lips on your lips
Управо је напунио 18 година
Управо је напунио 18 година
Био је леп као дете,
А снажан као мушкарац.
Наравно, било је лето,
А гледајући га, ја сам бројала
Моје јесење ноћи.
Наместила сам косу
И ставила још мало крејона око очију
То га је насмејало
Када ми се прибилижио
Хтела сам да дам све
само да га заведем.
Управо је напунио 18 година
И то је био најбољи аргумент
Његове победе
Није ми причао о љубави
Сматрао је да приче о љубави
служе за изругивање
Рекао ми је: 'Желим те'
Док је у биоскопу гледао
'Сјај у трави'.
На импровизованом кревету
Открила сам, запањена
Седмо небо.
Управо је напунио 18 година
То га је чинило скоро дрским
Због самопоуздања
И док се облачио,
Већ освојена, поново сам открила
Своју усамљеност
Желела сам да га задржим,
али сам га ипак пустила да оде
Без и једног покрета
Рекао ми је: 'Није било тако лоше,'
Са дечјом искреношћу
Своје младости.
Наместила сам косу
И додала још мало крејона око очију,
По навици.
Потпуно сам заборавила
Да сам ја имала двоструко више од 18 година.
Wine of Love
If you have tasted the wine of love
The seas, oceans, and the lakes are one
My master, my sultan
If you have read the words of the creator
The author, the pen, and the hand that grasps the pen are all one
My master, my sultan
Those that do not know themselves can not be called wise
For one can not add yeast to a milk that has not yet boiled
My master, my sultan
I have fallen in love with a saint whose love I can not get enough of
For love, passion, and affection are all one
My master, my sultan
If all your deeds were in secret and sacred
If you have filled yourself with the wine of love
My master, my sultan
If you are faithfully in love with the creator
Ali, Veli and saint are all one
My master, my sultan
I Kul Huseyin have become a servant of the beautiful saint
Because of this love I have withered and faded
My master, my sultan
I have come into this mortal life and fulfilled my labour
For labour, profit, and income are all one
My master, my sultan