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Brz Oporavak

Mozes da osetis to, osetis to
Da, da
(1. strofa)
Oni kazu da je moj sistem preopterecen
(devojko sta nije uredu sa tobom? spusti se dole)
Imam previse u glavi, zar niste primetili?
(devojko sta nije uredu sa tobom? spusti se dole)
Moje telo je ovde na zemlji ali ja plutam
(devojko sta nije uredu sa tobom? spusti se dole)
Iskljucena, ali ponekad, Ja se osecam zaledjena i sama
Ovo je za svakoga
Mislite na to da vodite racuna o svom telu, yuh yuh
Nema vremena da odbijamo to, zato o tome i pricamo
Da, mi pricamo o tome, idalje mi pokusavamo da dodjemo do toga
Nema vremena da odbijamo to
Zato mi moramo da stanemo i samo probamo to
(2. strofa)
Zelim da dodjes do toga
Moj zivot je tako kontrolisan sa 'sta ako'
(devojko sta nije uredu sa tobom? spusti se dole)
Je li tu jos neko ciji um radi ovo , mmm ?
(devojko sta nije uredu sa tobom? spusti se dole)
Dole, dole, dole, dole
Je li tu nacin da pricamo o ovome ?
(dole, dole, dole, dole, dole, dole, dole)
(devojko sta nije uredu sa tobom? spusti se dole)
Mozda bi trebalo da se razvijem za motive, pre nego nestanem
Ovo je za svakoga
Mislite na to da vodite racuna o svom telu, yuh yuh
Nema vremena da odbijamo to, zato o tome i pricamo
Da, mi pricamo o tome, idalje mi pokusavamo da dodjemo do toga
Nema vremena da odbijamo to
Zato mi moramo da stanemo i samo probamo to
Mozes da odradis svoj put to vrha
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, woo)
Samo znaj da su tu usponi i padovi i tu su ispadanja
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, woo)
Otprati strah i samo kazi 'ti si blokiran'
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, woo)
Samo znaj da je tu mnogo prostora na vrhu
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, woo)
(3. strofa)
Pa, tu je jedna stvar kojoj mozes verovati, yuh
Dan kada mi treba da napravimo nas
Jedan od onih dana kada imas dovoljno, ja cu biti tu, yuh yuh yuh
Ako to nije jedna stvar, neka je druga
Kada ti treba neko da te istera iz baloncica
Ja cu biti tu da te zagrlim, ja cu biti tu
Gde si ti ? Jesi li kod kuce ? Odmah me pozovi na telefon
Ja cu biti tu, da, ja cu biti tu
Nije me briga ko zove, ne bi trebao biti sam
Ja cu biti tu, tu
Mozes da odradis svoj put to vrha
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, woo)
(ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, samo me zovi
ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom)
Samo znaj da su tu usponi i padovi i tu su ispadanja
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, duso)
(ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, samo me zovi
ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom)
Otprati strah i samo kazi 'ti si blokiran'
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, woo)
(ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, samo me zovi
ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom)
Samo znaj da je tu mnogo prostora na vrhu
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to, woo)
(ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, ja sam sa tobom, samo me zovi
Nije bitno koji je problem)
Nije bitno sta, uh uh uh
(3. strofa)
Pa, tu je jedna stvar kojoj mozes verovati, yuh
Dan kada mi treba da napravimo nas
Jedan od onih dana kada imas dovoljno, ja cu biti tu, yuh yuh yuh
Ako to nije jedna stvar, neka je druga
Kada ti treba neko da te istera iz baloncica
Ja cu biti tu da te zagrlim, ja cu biti tu
Gde si ti ? Jesi li kod kuce ? Odmah me pozovi na telefon
Ja cu biti tu, da, ja cu biti tu
Nije me briga ko zove, ne bi trebao biti sam
Ja cu biti tu, tu
Mozes da odradis svoj put ka vrhu
(mozes da osetis to, osetis to)


Kada nam život deli karte,
čini da sve ima ukus soli,
onda se ti prođeš (uspeš) kao zaslađivač,
da gorki ukus privedeš do zastoja (da zaustaviš gorki ukus)
I onda shvatiš, shvatiš, shvatiš, shvatiš,
okreni, okreni, okreni,
teraš me da kažem o, o (sheesh,sheesh),
izvrti, izvrti, izvrti, izvrti,
mešaj i mešaj i mešaj i mešaj,
poljubi, poljubi, poljubi,
teraš me da kažem, o, o (sheesh, sheesh)
Sviđa mi se način na koji ližeš posudu,
nekako tvoja metoda dodira moju dušu,
podiže me do nepoznatih visina,
pa kad pitaju, 'kako ide život?', ja kažem
Kada nam život deli karte,
čini da sve ima ukus soli,
ona ti prođeš kao zaslađivač,
da gorki ukus privedeš do zastoja.
I onda shvatiš, shvatiš, shvatiš, shvatiš,
udari, udari, udari, udari,
okreni, okreni, okreni,
teraš me da kažem o, o (sheesh, sheesh),
mešaj i mešaj i mešaj i mešaj,
poljubi, poljubi, poljubi,
teraš me da kažem o,o (sheesh,sheesh)
Tvoja mama nam je poslala horoskope.
Bilo je toliko zabavno gledati kako se razvijaju,
rakao si da je ona kao ja, nasmejala sam se, znam,
pa kad me pitaju 'kako ide život?', idem
Kada nam život daje karte,
čini da sve ima ukus soli,
onda ti prođeš kao zaslađivač,
da gorki ukus privedeš do zastoja
I onda shvatiš, shvatiš, shvatiš, shvatiš,
udari, udari, udari, udari,
okreni, okreni, okreni,
teraš me da kažem o, o (sheesh, sheesh),
mešaj i mešaj i mešaj i mešaj,
poljubi, poljubi, poljubi,
teraš me da kažem o, o (sheesh, sheesh)
I onda ležemo natrag, pričajući ostatak noći,
stvari koje možemo upaliti teraju me da kažem o, o (sheesh, sheesh),
pričamo o onome što želiš da radiš,
bilo šta pogrešno ili ispravno,
pratim te jer me teraš da kažem oh, oh
kažem ne znam šta bih radila bez tebe u svom životu,
bila bih tako kisela,
nadam se da svako može da doživi ono što mi imamo u našim (životima)

The Dirge

I miss the sun, they have put it out
They’ve stopped your heart and your smile
I can no longer hear you leaving safe our home
Now you are endlessly sleeping, you, my brother
You were good and brave, my brother
You were handsome and prudent in the truth
Against the malicious hearts, the myrtle
And the scent of the highland have lost
Oh, the death has hit you this time
They’ve cut off the flower of our home
The tree of youth, the friendly and strong tree
In its shade I can no longer stay
The tree of youth, the friendly and strong tree
God broke it down


You're a masterpiece
Just by only looking at you it's something that gives me peace
Darling you're lovely
Darling you paint in color
I want to devour you so much
This time to kiss you
I have the ability to do so
Darling you're lovely
Darling you paint in color
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
I can be your babe if you won't let go
If you talk to me, but you already know
I can be your babe if you won't let go
Darling you're lovely
Darling you paint in color
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
Darling you're lovely
(There's something about you babe)
Darling you paint in color
(There's something about you babe)
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe


[Verse 1]
Nekoliko dana, stvari zauzmu (oduzmu) previse moje energije
Pogledam gore i cela soba se vrti,
Oduzeo is sve moje brige,
tako mogu vise komplikovati, ljudi mi kazu da se lecim
Osecam da mi krv tece, kunem se da nebo pada,
kako da znam da li je ovo sranje izmisljeno?
Vreme prolazi a ja ne mogu da knotrolisem svoj um,
ne znam sta drugo da pokusam, ali mi svaki put kazes
Samo nastavi da dises i dises i dises i dises,
i oh, moram da nastavim, da nsastavim da disem
Samo nastavi da dises i dises i dises i dises,
i oh, moram da nastavim, da nsastavim da disem
[Verse 2]
Ponekad je tesko da nadjem, nadjem svoj put u oblacima,
podesi to, mogu biti tako glasni,
podsecas me na vremena kada stvari nisu bile tako komplikovane,
sve sto mi treba je da vidim tvoje lice
Osecam da mi krv tece, kunem se da nebo pada,
kako da znam da li je ovo sranje izmisljeno?
vreme prolazi a ja ne mogu da knotrolisem svoj um,,
ne znam sta drugo da pokusam, ali mi svaki put kazes
Samo nastavi da dises i dises i dises i dises,
i oh, moram da nastavim, da nsastavim da disem
Samo nastavi da dises i dises i dises i dises,
i oh, moram da nastavim, da nsastavim da disem
Moj, moj vazduh,
Moj, moj vazduh,
Moj, moj vazduh, moj vazduh,
Moj, moj vazduh,
Moj, moj vazduh,
Moj, moj vazduh, moj vazduh,
Samo nastavi da dises i dises i dises i dises,
i oh, moram da nastavim, da nsastavim da disem
Samo nastavi da dises i dises i dises i dises,
i oh, moram da nastavim, da nsastavim da disem
Osecam da mi krv tece, kunem se da nebo pada,
moram da nastavim da disem,
Vreme prolazi a ja ne mogu da knotrolisem svoj um,,
moram da nastavim da disem

Svaki put

Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se svaki put
[Verse 1]
Umorna sam od tvojih ne-emisija,
umoran si od moje kontrole,
stalno mi govore da odustanem,
ali ja stvarno ne popustam kada kazem,
nastavljam da ljudima dajem prazno gledanje,
tako sam drugacija kada nisi ovde,
to je nesto kao iz Sekspira,
jer ja stvarno nisam ovde kada ti nisi tu
Pokusala sam da se borim protiv nase energije,
ali svaki put kada mislim da sam slobodna
Ti otkines i zoves redovno,
ja sam slaba i padam kao tinejdzer,
zasto, o zasto bog nastavlja da me vraca tebi?
Pijana sam, pretvaram se da sam zavrsila,
Samodestruktivno, pojavis se kao idiot,
zasto, o zasto bog nastavlja da me vraca tebi?
Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se svaki put
[Verse 2]
Bas kad stignem na novi talas,
decko, pogledas me i ja zamrzim svoje pertle,
i nastavljaju da me zovu glavni slucaj
jer ne mogu da napravim dobar slucaj zasto ne mozemo da se promenimo?
Pokusala sam da se borim protiv nase energije,
ali svaki put kada mislim da sam slobodna
Ti otkines i zoves redovno,
ja sam slaba i padam kao tinejdzer,
zasto, o zasto bog nastavlja da me vraca tebi?
Pijana sam, pretvaram se da sam zavrsila,
Samodestruktivno, pojavis se kao idiot,
zasto, o zasto bog nastavlja da me vraca tebi?
Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se svaki put
Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
Vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se
vracam ti se, vracam ti se, vracam ti se svaki put

Laku noc i idi

[Verse 1]
Reci mi zasto me tako gledas,
ti znas sta to meni znaci,
pa duso, sta pokusavas da kazes,
u zadnje vreme, sve sto zelim je da si na vrhu mene,
znas gde tvoje ruke treba da budu,
pa duso, zar neces da mi pokazes?
Imam te, imam tvoj san,
zatvori oci i vristi,
igram se sa tvojim umom bez razloga,
znam da volis kako ja izazivam,
znas da se igram, tako da ne gresi,
vec znas o cemu razmisljam, decko
Zasto moras da budes tako sladak?
Nemoguce te je ignorisati,
Zato moras toliko da me zasmejavas?
Dovoljno je lose da se dobro osecamo,
samo reci laku noc i idi
samo reci laku noc i idi
samo reci laku noc i idi
Jedan od ovih dana,
propustices svoj voz i dodji da ostanes sa mnom
(uvek kazi laku noc i idi)
Picemo i pracati o stvarima,
i bilo koji izgovor da budes budan sa mnom,
a ti bi da spavas ovde, a ja bih da spavam tamo,
ali onda grejanje moze ponovo opasti,
(po mojoj pogodnosti)
bili bi dobri, zajedno bi bili sjajni
Zasto moras da budes tako sladak?
Nemoguce te je ignorisati,
Zato moras toliko da me zasmejavas?
Dovoljno je lose da se dobro osecamo,
samo reci laku noc i idi
samo reci laku noc i idi
samo reci laku noc i idi
Znam kako zelis duso, bas ovako,
znam da razmisljas o tome duso, samo jedan poljubac
Dok ih gledas duso, citaj mi usne,
znam sta zelis, ali ne mozes to da imas
Zelim da kazes laku noc,
zelim da kazes laku noc i odes,
Zelim da kazes laku noc,
zelim da kazes laku noc i odes,
Zelim da kazes laku noc
reci laku noc i idi


Oh sea, oh sea, oh girl
Let me cry
I miss you, my beloved
That ungrateful one, let her go and leave me alone
That leaves my heart with yearning
I'll keep the faith! She will return
Until one day if it's God's will!
One day I'll see the little flower
And it will return
To give me comfort
in my life

Broken Hearts

So many times I tried
to always succumb
For the harmony of us
even sometimes it hurts
Look at my red cheek
marks of your hand
Like what you always did
when you are angry, covering your guilt
Am I the same?
like that bird
sold by people
so you do what you like
by doing that
you hurt me
If we are going to part
it is not a destiny
maybe this is better
to make yoy satisfied share love
return me please
i'm with my mom or my father
in the past, like handful of gold
You marry me
in the past, swear promise
in front of witness wow wow
but all is gone
lost in lies, oo-oo
but now just story
broken hearts
just let it be sadness tonight
maybe tomorrow
happt with other
If we are going to part
it is not a destiny
maybe this is better
to make yoy satisfied share love
return me please
i'm with my mom or my father
in the past, like handful of gold
You marry me
in the past, swear promise
in front of witness wow wow
but all is gone
lost in lies, oo-oo
but now just story
broken hearts
but now just story
broken hearts

I Was Invited, Mom, To A Sorrowful Wedding

I was invited, mom, to a sorrowful wedding,
to a sorrowful wedding a young best man to be.
To my first love best man to be,
to first love, to first passion.
When I see her in a white attire,
the eyes will weep, the heart will mourn.
Come and teach me, my elderly mom,
to first love how best man to be.
Hearken, my son, to your elderly mother,
to first love it is not best man to be,
to first love the heart is to be given
to first love, to first passion.

Voices of the Heart

An expanse of salt water all around
like a caring, loving mother,
the safest land for me
to embrace life.
The children you raised
giving them every chance,
sometimes they didn’t respect you
and offered you an incinerated moon.1
Bonfires dedicated to Saints
with a lot of wine and mirth,
voices that look like lullabies,
nougat and chestnuts for everybody.
You’re as warm as fire in the fireplace,
you’re green in the summertime,
time passes pleasantly
with sheep, cows and good wine in the vine.
Songs danced in circles,
winds that stir the sea,
kids who want to speak
the most beautiful language in the world.
Songs danced in circles,
winds that stir the sea,
kids who want to speak
the most beautiful language in the world
… danced in circles.
  • 1. Meaning: dreams reduced to ashes, disappointments.

Start it all over again

I'd start it all over again
If it was the case, my love
The flame in my chest
Still burns, just so you know!
Nothing was in vain...
The Cuba-Libre* gives me courage
In my hands
The lady in lilac
Hurting my heart
In the thirst to feel
Your entire body
Attached to mine...
And then I'd sing
All night long
Like I once sung, I'll sing
All the things I've had
Have and know, someday I'll have...
The faith I have on what's to come
And the happiness of being able
To look back
And see that I'd go back to you
And again, live
In this imense hall
To the sound of this Bolero**
Life, we go
And we're not alone
Look my dear
The orchestra waits for us
Once again, restart


For six minutes, the dream disappears...
Water and shadow from her hands -
Sad and crazy!
Crooked dance of her desires –
The last step into the ocean ...
Distant and freewheeling!
I've seen the fire on the lips of sky,
Inflamed in my dreams - misleading captivity!
My fault is in my wings! My wings!
It will fall, burn out - she doesn't care!
Hurt will ease - and throw the window!
Loving and free!

A woman's heart

I'm alone tonight
Alone again...
I feel how lonely is this heart
I feel how sore is this heart
The wound in my chest
Drops of tears
Falling on my cheeks
Gone are my wishes
and my dreams...
You flirt with her in front of me
You seduce her in your embrace
How insufferable is this pain of my heart
The world feels dark to me, ooh...
What can this self do
It's the fate of a woman
Only cries and tears
The foothold of sorrow

I Miss You

I don't believe anymore
That I'll recognize him by his feathers
The angel that guarded your shadow
He was pretty weary
He was rising above the ground
And was afraid of skinning his knees
I still miss you
Miss you so much
Dust covering those moments
I still miss you
Miss you so much
I'm searching in vain for a July snow
Nothing will ever end
Everything is just circling
I'm trying really hard to believe in those words
And from the ground I get greeted
Only by silent rocks
I'll hide my memories under each of them
I still miss you
Miss you so much
Dust covering those moments
I still miss you
Miss you so much
I'm searching in vain for a July snow
I don't see you for the last time
You talked to me, smiling, glad
When you covered yourself with sky and left...
Only now do I understand
What weight lies on this earth
Well, it carries the memories of those
Whom we met
In both moments of calm and of delirium
Everything will be lost in that deep

Where Love Is Cradled

Calm is the night
which the day comes from
Calm is the mind
where tones jump forth
And here I am
Calm is the ocean
which whispers my answers
Calm am I
when memories die
And here I am
Where love is cradled
with the blazing life
rumbling in me
Come and play
from the quay of silence
Calm as the tear
when the smile appears
Calm as the darkness
when the light makes its way in
And here I am
By the cradle of love
with the blazing life
rumbling in me
Come and play
from the quay of silence
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Aria of Koschei the Immortal

Versions: #2
Have you ever heard how people give a cunt1?
No, it's not that cunt that has hairs,
U-u-u-ugh! It's a cunt, a specific cunt,
When they punch and kick you!
Ivan has just beaten me so much,
It was very disagreeable even for me,
I guess it's a custom among them
To kick right on the fucking face.
Probably now I'm going to die
From so intense battering...
Take your hat off! Koschei has got a cunt2, u-u-u-ugh!
I have got it for the soul, not for the glory!
Probably now I'm going to die
From so intense battering...
Take your hat off! Koschei has got a cunt, u-u-u-ugh!
I have got it for the soul, not for the glory!
(Narrative Part)
Koschei whined like a dog, farted several times and croaked,
He didn't stay alive, fuck him! Having crapping up his pants, he died.
And, shaking his ass, Ivan had been running across the chambers
Before he met his wife in one room.
Having seen Vasilisa, he took out his dick
And fucking fell down on the sofa with his wife,
After that, singing 'boogie-woogie', our wedded pair
Quickly went home,
Hugging with a pleasure!
  • 1. 'Give a cunt' - it means 'to beat up' in Russian non-normative slang.
  • 2. 'Has got a cunt' - it means 'has been beaten up' in Russian non-normative slang.


Come, come into my arms, sweetheart
You are the treasure of strong thrills
Through days and years
In which the leaves of your caresses lead
To look at leaves without bramble thorns,
To see clear lights, not veiled by clouds.
If I look at your lips, which are a gift from heaven,
You are my treasure
You are my treasure
My love, my beloved joy
My blessed baby, tell me which fate
For us… for us is set
And what days will befall, given by the destiny
Mysteries, mysteries hiding the valleys of the moon
You are my treasure
You are, through days and years
You are my treasure
You are my treasure
Even your look blushes if I awake your desire,
You look like a child in the arms of his mother
When you search for the breast like a baby,
Constantly dreaming of a world without sadness
But when you are undressed
And you are feeling hot
You are a wild horse
Dragged by the wind
You are my treasure
You are, through days and years
You are my treasure
You are …
You are my treasure
You are, through days and years
You are my treasure
You are …
My Treasure

I'm alone

By the seashore, while the sun goes down,
I’m waiting for a request for love from you.
My beautiful love, I keep you inside my chest,
I keep you in my thoughts every day, constantly.
Oh oh oh – Oooh - Oh oh oh
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here, I’m alone.
Oh oh oh – Oooh - Oh oh oh
Sighs of the earth in the moonlight,
the best dreams in the darkest night.
I’ll open to you on the sly, if you are happy:
we’ll lie down in two, we’ll get up in three.
Oh oh oh – Oooh - Oh oh oh
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here... (x2)
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here, I’m alone. (2)
With your warm breath on the side of my room
came see me and I’ll make you happy.
Beautiful is the flame that’s vivifying,
only your breath is what I like at any time.
Be the future time always serene,
I soar light in the air in your company.
I also thank God because he created love,
I’d have always been alone if I hadn’t meet you.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here... (x2)
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, my darling, that I’m alone.
Come see me that I’m alone,
run, mom isn’t here, I’m alone. (2)

Bog je žena

Ti, Ti voliš kako te pomeram
Ti voliš kako te dodirujem?
moj jedini.
Kad je sve rečeno i gotovo
Ti ćeš verovati da Bog je žena.
I ja, ja to osećam posle ponoći
Osećanje, sa kojim se ne možeš boriti,
moj jedini
to traje i kad smo gotovi
Verovaćeš da Bog je žena
(1. strofa)
Ne želim da traćim vreme,
Ti nemaš zatvoren um,
Imaj to kako god ti želiš, da
I mogu reći da znaš da znam kako ja to želim
Niko drugi se ne može odnositi
Dečko, svidja mi se što nisi uplasen.
Dušo, obori me dole I hajde da se molimo
Ja ti pričam način na koji ja to volim
Kako to želim.
(da) I mogu biti sve stvari koje si mi rekao da ne budem
(da) kad probaš da dodjes po mene, Ja nastavim da cvetam
(da) I on vidi univerzum kad sam sa njim u društvu
To je sve u meni
Ti, Ti voliš kako te pomeram
Ti voliš kako te dodirujem?
moj jedini.
Kad je sve rečeno i gotovo
Ti ćeš verovati da Bog je žena.
I ja, ja to osećam posle ponoći
Osećanje, sa kojim se ne možeš boriti,
moj jedini
to traje i kad smo gotovi
Verovaćeš da Bog je žena
(2. strofa)
Reći ću ti sve stvari koje treba da znaš
Zato dušo, uzmi me za ruku, sačuvaj svoju dušu
Možemo da učinimo da potraje, idi polako, hmm
I mogu reći da znaš da znam kako ja to želim, da
Ali si drugačiji od ostalih
I dečko, ako priznaš, možda budeš blagoslovljen
Vidi da li zaslužuješ ono što dolazi sledeće
I mogu reći da znaš da znam kako ja to želim
(da) I mogu biti sve stvari koje si mi rekao da ne budem
(da) kad probaš da dodjes po mene, Ja nastavim da cvetam
(da) I on vidi univerzum kad sam sa njim u društvu
To je sve u meni
Ti, Ti voliš kako te pomeram
Ti voliš kako te dodirujem?
moj jedini.
Kad je sve rečeno i gotovo
Ti ćeš verovati da Bog je žena.
I ja, ja to osećam posle ponoći
Osećanje, sa kojim se ne možeš boriti,
moj jedini
to traje i kad smo gotovi
Verovaćeš da Bog je žena
da, da
(bog je žena) da, da
(bog je žena, da) moj jedini
(jedini) Kad je sve rečeno i završeno
verovaćeš da je bog žena
verovaćeš da je bog žena
(bog je žena)
oh da (bog je žena, da)
(jedini) to traje i kad smo gotovi
verovaćeš da je bog žena .

The Witch's Aria

Versions: #2
The charming night came to us
The charming night, sweet and dark
The charming night that ends
A difficult day, long and exhausting
Then get some rest...
Extend your body
Forget your life
Come, spiders of the night, weave your silky canvases
Come, spiders of the night, string them in their sleep now
Spiders of the night, weave!
Wrapped in your shroud,
Dead in the eyes of the world ...
Just like my son:
'Dead, dead, dead, DEAD!'


Pejzaž je divlji krajolik prirode
Tišina je, i veličanstveno je sve
Čuje se samo pevanje ptica
I razbijaja tišinu te pustinje.
Putujući oblaci prave senke
Matacuervos se oporavio
Velikom biku je oprošteno
On za život nikada nije molio
Matacuervos, Matacuervos
Ko te je stvorio takvog
Ai i i
Vidio sam te kako svojim rogovima bodeš
Nestašne vrane eto kakav si ti
Matacuervvos, Matacuervos
Arena te videla da plačeš
Ah ah ah
Kad si bio hrabar
I nisi želeo da napustiš arenu
- - -
Mesec u divljini prirode
Dok sija, moli se
Prekrivajući zracima od zlata i svile
Matacuerosa dok spava
Magla se spušta
Sa Matacuervosom se želite poigrati
Kao što su se igrali nekad
Kad je on bilo tele
Tele bez premca
Matacuervos, Matacuervos
Ko te je stvorio takvog
Ai i i
Vidio sam te kako svojim rogovima bodeš
Nestašne vrane eto kakav si ti
Matacuervvos, Matacuervos
Arena te videla da plačeš
Ah a a
Kad si bio hrabar
I nisi želeo da napustiš arenu
Matacuervvos, Matacuervos...


Wherever you look
There are people making music
Often, it's sold as something it really is not
But then it's wrapped up nicely
With some lights on top
And it's shipped as an escape into paradise
It's not the light, not the gloss
It's not the show what music is about
Like the wind, like a dream
It's supposed to be the language of imagination and freedom
The language that we talk in
Is by no means enough
To tell somebody else what you feel
That's why we've invented music
It'll never by anything else
All the commotion surrounding it will make me crazy one day
It's not the light, not the gloss
It's not the show what music is about
Like the wind, like a dream
It's supposed to be the language of imagination and freedom
It's not the light, not the gloss
It's not the show what music is about
Like the wind, like a dream
It's supposed to be the language of imagination and freedom


When loneliness is one's only friend,
When nothing welcomes hope
And when sadness covers the garden
And a mist of sorrow fills my home,
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The story changes like a season,
The sea changes, the stars change,
The skin rejuvenates and songs also change,
And love leaves with an absurd dream
And you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The secret that you gifted to me
Is the strength for all my journeys
Because you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...

The voice of my song lives in Mallorca
And my dream rises in Alexandria,
And corals adorn me in Nicosia
And the breeze caresses me in Menorca
For you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The secret that you gifted to me
Is the strength for all my journeys
Because you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...


The Same Song

Waking up and feeling lost
in a senseless, untethered world
Walking through dense fog
in search of a belief within your voice.
And suddenly
like getting a gut feeling
feeling the presence of people
souls and hearts
And that by your side
without prior rehearsal
they will sing the same song with you
That love that you fear
can't be kept secret like that
And suddenly
like getting a gut feeling
feeling the presence of people
souls and hearts
And that by your side
without prior rehearsal
they will sing the same song with you
One voice
A single note
Darkness ruined
By love in a major key
And suddenly
like getting a gut feeling
feeling the presence of people
souls and hearts
And that by your side
without prior rehearsal
they will sing the same song with you
It doesn't hurt to love
You just have to sing the same song

Avenija Medenog Meseca

Pokledala sam u retrovizor
i izgledalo je da ima mnogo vise smisla,
ono sto vidim ispred nas, ispred nas,
spremna sam da uradim ovaj trik,
pre nego sto se oboje srusimo i zapalimo,
jer ce to biti nasa propast, nasa propast, duso.
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci.
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom,
zato sto ne mogu da te imam na nacin na koji zelim,
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Hej, sta se desilo sa leptirima?
Izgleda da su naisli na taj znak zaustavljanja,
a moje srce je u zutom svetlu, zutom svetlu,
hej, upravo kada mislim da smo ga nasli,
poceli smo se vracati,
govoreci 'duso, ne brini',
ali mi i dalje idemo u pogresnom pravcu, duso
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci.
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom,
zato sto ne mogu da te imam na nacin na koji zelim,
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Kazu da se samo budale zaljube,
mora da su pricali o nama,
i ponekad se osecam kao da sam vec bila ovde,
mogla bih i pogresiti, ali znam da sam u pravu,
bicemo izgubljeni ako nastavimo da se svadjamo,
duso, znam, da,
mozemo naci put do kuce.
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci.
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom,
zato sto ne mogu da te imam na nacin na koji zelim,
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
moj dragi,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom... pritiskom...
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak

Like a prayer

Like a prayer
that rises high to the sky
to the south where the cross,
guide us with their light
Like a cascade,
flowing down by the river
until kissing the sea
and it starts again
Lead me to the path,
that saves the mountain
shelter me in the heart
of the jungle's soul.
I want to listen to the song
that the wind whispers
that takes away the crying
of so much suffering
America: wake up from your dream
that there's no worse evil
than chaining to the pain
Open your wings
and take the flight
I can't wait anymore,
the war needs to stop
Like a prayer
over South America.
Like a discharge,
that stops the storm
teach me the secret
that keeps the greenwood
we're like flames
of a same fire
that never stops burning
nothing can stop us
Like a prayer
over South America.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Ti znas sta ja zelim,
ja znam zta ti ne zelis,
trebalo bi da ja budem ona koju volis.
Decko, imas moju podrsku,
igrajuci istinu ili izazov,
usudi se da me poljubis tacno tu.
Ali, bili smo dugo prijatelji,
to izgleda tako pogresno,
i svi mogu da vide,
da si savrsen za mene,
ali ja samo ne mogu to da pokazem
Razmisljala sam o tebi,
decko ubija me i ja moram da ti stavim do znanja,
duso, reci mi,
da li osecas isto kao i ja?
Jer oboje znamo sta bi se moglo dogoditi,
ako se suvise priblizimo.
Secas se one devojke,
sa kojom si izlazio,
ona je sa mojim bivsim,
to je sjajno,
pa sta cemo da radimo,
sta bi rekao,
ako bih ti rekla da sam te volela na taj nacin

Niko to ne radi bolje

Pa sta cemo da radimo?
Pa sta ces da radis?
Pa sta cemo da radimo?
Pa sta ces da radis?
Rekao si da je nikad ne bi zaboravio,
a ona (je rekla) da moze da promeni tvoj zivot.
To se desilo na dan kada si je upoznao,
ljubav na prvi pogled te je zaslepela.
Ali, upozorila sam te da nije bila ona za koju je tvrdila da jeste,
a niko te nece voleti kao ja.
Jer niko to ne radi bolje,
znam da sedis kuci i places jer ti ne dostajem,
niko to ne radi bolje.
Mora da si skrenuo sa uma, decko,
na sta si mislio?
Da, niko ne radio,
niko, niko,
ni-ni-niko ne radi,
niko, niko,
ni-ni-niko to ne radi bolje.
Ne bacaj svoje srce u pismo,
jer sam vec procitala tvoj um.
Znas da si uprskao zauvek,
i resen si gubljenja vremena.
Ali, upozorila sam te da nije bila ona za koju je tvrdila da jeste,
a niko te nece voleti kao ja.
Jer niko to ne radi bolje,
znam da sedis kuci i places jer ti ne dostajem,
niko to ne radi bolje.
Mora da si skrenuo sa uma, decko,
na sta si mislio?
Da, niko to ne radi,
niko, niko,
ni-ni-niko ne radi,
niko, niko,
ni-ni-niko to ne radi bolje.
Ali, upozorila sam te da nije bila ona za koju je tvrdila da jeste,
a niko te nece voleti kao ja.

Proslog Bozica

Mrzim kad se setim,
zelela bih da mogu da zaboravim, ono sto si uradio proslog decembra,
ostavio si moje srce u neredu.
Decko, uprskao si (stvar),
kako si mogao to da uradis, uradis?
O, da
Proslog Bozica, dala sam ti svoje srce,
ali vec sledeceg dana ti si ga izdao.
Ove godine da se spasim od suza, dacu ga nekom posebnom.
Proslog Bozica, dala sam ti svoje srce,
ali vec sledeceg dana ti si ga izdao.
Ove godine da se spasim od suza, dacu ga nekom posebnom.
Mislila sam da pripadamo jedno drugom,
barem to je ono sto si rekao.
Trebalo je bolje da znam,
slomio si moje srce ponovo,
decko, uprskao so,
kako si mogao to da uradis, uradis?
Proslog Bozica, dala sam ti svoje srce,
ali vec sledeceg dana ti si ga izdao.
Ove godine, da se spasim od suza, dacu ga nelom posebnom.
Kako si mogao da odes Bozicnog jutra?
Slomio si moje srce bez upozorenja.
Decko,uprskao si,
kako si mogao to da uradis, uradis?
Ovo je nas poslednji, poslednji Bozic,
slomio si moje srce.
Poslednji, poslednji Bozic,
slomio si moje srce,
ove godine da se spasim od suza, dacu ga nekom posebnom.
Mrzim kad se setim,
zelela bih da mogu da zaboravim sta si uradio proslog decembra,
ostavio si moje srce u haosu,
uprskao so,
uradio si to,uradio si to

Your oblivion

You already forgot... me.
The distance and the time
were guilty for that.
I already don’t understand why
you told me once
that you fell in love with me.
You see, this love,
you swore to me one day,
became an oblivion.
And, not knowing about it,
I come back just to find out
that I lost your love.
I will return to the place,
that I never
should have left.
I will avoid that
you could see
how much you hurt me.
~ ~ ~
You see, this love,
you swore to me one day,
became an oblivion.
And, not knowing about it,
I come back just to find out
that I lost your love.
I will return to the place,
that I never
should have left.
I will avoid that
you could see
how much you hurt me.
You already forgot... me.
The distance and the time
were guilty for that.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


A sorceress pretty as a rose
She was my funny little doll
She has her sweet enchantment, I can assure you
She is the queen of them all
One day something happened by chance
But it wasn’t because of me that it happened
I was lulling her to sleep
But it was me who slept
And I woke from this dream searching for her
So I could have her in my arms embracing me
Oh, how painful it was to see her on the floor
Shred into a thousand pieces