Резултати претраге страна 10
Број резултата: 336
The Dead
In a Swedish garden,
among flowers and among leaves,
sits an old woman
who is soon about to leave
for heaven
with memories
from Earth
Here at work,
here I'm walking around
and thinking about things
like existing
in heaven,
on Earth,
or some other place
where the souls find peace
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Here under the stone,
here lies a friend
who I knew before
and who I know still
It feels like that
It feels like that
Or some other place
where the souls find peace
Or some other place
where the souls find peace
Or some other place
where the souls find peace
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Where do the dead live?
Water Orchid
lailaiya lailaiya
lailaiya aaa
It seems like I can reach if I stretch my hand out
What should I do with my swollen heart*?
I put it** in the clouds
Missing you missing you
Longing becomes tears,
Hoping to wet your heart
Doesn't it hurt you? Is it true?
Everyday I miss and cry
Is love always this painful?
Tell me
In case at least my tears could reach you, I cry
(lailaiya lailaiya lailaiya aaa)
Missing you missing you
Longing becomes rain
Doesn't it hurt you? Is it true?
Everyday I miss and cry
Is love always this painful?
Tell me
Should I become tears? Should I become rain?
Will I reach your heart then?
Is love always this painful?
Tell me
In case at least my tears could reach you, I cry
In case at least my tears could reach you, I cry
Hamtaro Opening (Castilian Spanish)
Hamtaro is here
(Kushi kushi kushi kushi kiiiiiii)
We do the tasks together
Is my friend
We enjoy ourselves with the seeds
Is a hamster
If he gets in trouble we help him
'Little hamsters, great adventures'
Laura has gone to school and us to the Ham Ham Club
Always quiet, we'll be able to help him
Beware of the cat, who's very clever, you'll see shortly
But together, we will make him fail
Marmotín, Bromitas, Penélope and Panda
Is my hamster
Machitas, Laziitos, Gorrilla and Gafitas
My Ham Ham
Cerebrín, Jefazo, Pashmina and Trotty
'Little hamsters, great adventures'
I'm always in my wheel
So that I can think better this way
Hamtaro will help you
Hamtaro and his friends
The Bath of Cleopatra
The bath of Cleopatra
The bath of Cleopatra!
The bath of Cleopatra!
The soap of Cleopatra
The soap of Cleopatra!
The soap of Cleopatra!
The lion of Cleopatra
The lion of Cleopatra!
The lion of Cleopatra!
Behold the lion of Cleopatra
Behold the lion, here it comes
He has courage like four and strong muscles
As for his humour... Just forget about it!
This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.
Neurasthenic poet
Your skin is the region where old indescribable farmers harvested the substance of the purest sensual love.
The peace of your look is the funeral prayer that protects our souls from the perpetual misunderstanding of which cannot scape neither the most accurate words that we can find when we want to express what we feel.
Your voice is the harmony that modulates with its lasting charm the perfect agreement of life with time, which is governed by the beat of your walking, which is like a pendulum that rocks the swingings of the suspended hours in the tireless magic of the convulsive whirlwind in which I dance madly since I met you.
Your mind is the hideout in which live the liberated ideas from the hustle and bustle of successive exchanges in already past debates and symposiums, where were refuted the turbulent principles that backed them.
Your spirit is the essence that beats in the eternal transformation that wraps all the energy of the life underneath the dusty corners of the store in which I keep the pieces of the furnitures that could resist heroically our yesterday quarrel.
Your hands are the pulses of the beat in which passes the existance, blessed by the Holy Providence that was placed before me the morning when I took you out of the mud of the brook where you were splashing.
Your eyes are three doors that each of them lead to the Eternal Fire of the breath of a dragon chained to a bed leg at the bachelor flat of a corrupt diplomat.
Your face is the immeasurable mirror that calms and distributes with peacful parity all the lights refracted on the callus that are made in the cracked scabs of your skin because of that trashy make-up with which you plaster on.
Your lips are a bridge between the light and the frightening darkness, which I drag in my caothic wandering through a desert in which crowd around the ghosts of outdated mirages, turned into threads of an immaterial cloth where is hidden on every point of its effervescent weave a thought living on it since those long nights we spent, trying together to open that attached file in which came the serial number missing in the pirate CD that we bought with all the desires, the illusion and the hopes of playing Súper Mario.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Gospodar lutaka
Versions: #2
Kraj igre strasti
Urušavaš se
Tvoj sam izvor samouništenja
Vene kojima kola strah
Razvode najgore crnilo
I vode ka oblikovanju tvoje smrti
Probaj me i videćeš
Sve što ti treba je još
Posvećeni smo tome
Kako te ja ubijam
Dođi, puzi mi brže
Povinuj se gospodaru svome
Život ti brže sagoreva
Povinuj se gospodaru svome
Gospodar lutaka
Vučem tvoje konce
Izvrćem ti razum i razbijam snove
Zaslepljen mnome
Ništa ne vidiš
Izgovori mi ime i čuću te kako vrištiš
Izgovori mi ime i čuću te kako vrištiš
Bodi se iglom do kraja
Nikad ne posustaj
Život umiranja postaje jasniji
Monopol na bol
Ritualni jad
Za doručak vuci linije na ogledalu
Probaj me i videćeš
Sve što ti treba je još
Posvećeni smo tome
Kako te ja ubijam
Dođi, puzi mi brže
Povinuj se gospodaru svome
Život ti brže sagoreva
Povinuj se gospodaru svome
Gospodar lutaka
Vučem tvoje konce
Izvrćem ti razum i razbijam snove
Zaslepljen mnome
Ništa ne vidiš
Izgovori mi ime i čuću te kako vrištiš
Izgovori mi ime i čuću te kako vrištiš
Gospodaru, gospodaru, gospodaru...
(Prvi solo)
Gospodaru, gospodaru,
Gde su snovi koje sam tražio?
Gospodaru, gospodaru
Obećao si samo laži
Smeh, smeh,
Samo čujem tvoj smeh
Smeh, smeh,
Smeješ se mojim kricima
(Drugi solo)
Pakao je svega toga vredan
Prirodno stanište
Samo rima bez razloga
Beskrajni lavirint,
Traćiš odbrojane dane
Sad ti život vene
Obuzeću te,
Pomoći ti da umreš
Prostrujiću tobom
Sad i tobom vladam
Dođi, puzi mi brže
Povinuj se gospodaru svome
Život ti brže sagoreva
Povinuj se gospodaru svome
Gospodar lutaka
Vučem tvoje konce
Izvrćem ti razum i razbijam snove
Zaslepljen mnome
Ništa ne vidiš
Izgovori mi ime i čuću te kako vrištiš
Izgovori mi ime i čuću te kako vrištiš
Изгубљено време
Ти и ја у нашем заједничком животу
Свете везе нисмо никада довели у сукоб.
Зашто онда ја себи не дозвољавам лажи,
Док те посматрам како умиреш из дана у дан?
Сећам се времена када су снови имали важност.
Тешко је младости говорити о безазлености.
Рекла си да ме нећеш никада изневерити.
Али коњ гази и бесни у име очаја.
Зар је све било само губљење времена?
Можеш ли се погледати онда када размишљаш шта си оставила за собом?
Зар је све било само губљење времена?
Можеш ли се погледати онда када размишљаш шта си оставила за собом?
Параноидне илузије те лове
Где је мој пријатељ кога сам некада познавао?
Потпуно је сам.
Закопан унутар беживотног тела трагајући за својом душом.
Да ли ме осетиш у срцу када крвари?
Зашто мислиш да не можеш бити вољена од некога?
Чујем те како вриштиш у агонији,
И коњ гази и бесни у име очаја.
Зар је све било само губљење времена?
Можеш ли се погледати онда када размишљаш шта си оставила за собом?
Зар је све било само губљење времена?
Можеш ли се погледати онда када размишљаш шта си оставила за собом?
Рекла си да ме нећеш никада изневерити.
Али коњ гази и бесни у име очаја.
Зар је све било само губљење времена?
Можеш ли се погледати онда када размишљаш шта си оставила за собом?
Зар је све било само губљење времена?
Можеш ли се погледати онда када размишљаш шта си оставила за собом?
Сунце ће поново изаћи
Земља ће се претворити у пепео
Боје Стварања ће избледети у сиво.
И видећеш оловну руку времена како исписује последње риме и крај сећања.
Никад нисам веровао да ћеш допустити да све ово оде тако далеко, дечко.
Love x3
Don't you know my heart swaying in the spring wind?
You keep stealing that heart
Don't you see me, again behind you?
Love you, Love you say alright
I missing you, only thoughts of you in the spring wind
I believe you, then, then, when you were looking at me
Love Love Love, with your voice
Talk Talk Talk, whisper to me
Your sweet voice~
Fall in, Fall in, Fall in
Love you, Love you
Fall in, Fall in, Love you
I keep seeing you, but why do you keep pushing me away?
Love you, Love you say alright
He made a premiere in the stars
The angels closed in around the first table tonight,
They too wanted to hear this new artist....
For lovers who had lost, he wrote on his paper,
the words he sang came out of his soul...
It went into the heart of every kind of person
Everyone's problem made it his own ...
Songs about their pain, he put put a garnish,
because even in Heaven, they enjoy a capsule ...
(With) a heavy Zeimpekiko, he is dancing to Charonas
and with our hands open, he see us from above
For him and the Lord will not be on the board tonight,
Angels were jealous and they wanted Pantelidis ...
His mother said to him, 'turn back my child ,'
he said: 'I can't mum, i feel sorry for the Angels' ...
Two words I have to say, handsome to death,
I want to play songs I like too ...
That's how tonight, Pantelis, made his premiere
and the stars in the sky, the night they made day...
One guitar, two strings give to him, the boss,
They have to sing for them, you're up there forever
(With) a heavy Zeimpekiko, he is dancing to Charonas
and with our hands open, he see us from above
For him and the Lord will not be on the board tonight,
Angels were jealous and they wanted Pantelidis ...
Without you, the months have passed, and yet, I still can't figure out how you end up in the ground
No One Will Be In The House...
No one will be in the house -
Only twilight's random shapes.
Wintry day will calmly browse
Through half-open window drapes.
Only fleeting mossy flicker
Of the falling wet white clumps,
Only roofs and snow the tricker,
And except them there're no humps.
And again the hoarfrost drawings,
And again the last year's gloom
Will arouse my somber longings
For the other winter bloom.
And again they'll spark my heartache
With yet unforgiven guilt,
Lack of firewood at daybreak'll
Squeeze the cross of window sill.
But, completely unexpected,
Drapes will shake from anxious doubt, -
You will enter, unsuspected,
Like the Future's silent sprout.
In the doorway you'll appear,
Wearing simply something white,
Just like white cloth, cold, austere,
From which snowflakes're sewn in flight.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Protraćena vremena
[1. strofa]
Protraćena vremena proveo sam s nekom drugom
Nije bila čak ni polovina tebe
Prisjećam se kako si se osjećala
Prisjećam se kako si se osjećala
I iako sam zbog tebe prošao kroz pakao
Izgleda da ne mogu da te zaboravim, tebe
Želim te uz sebe
I sada pitam, kome pripadaš sad?
Kome daješ tu ljubav sad?
Kod koga ideš?
U koga se zaljubljuješ sad?
I šta oni imaju što ja nemam? Jer ja imam mnogo
Ne tjeraj me da im se suprotstavljam, da im raznosim mjesto
Jer svakako nemam posla s osjećanjima
Ne zaljubljujem se
[2. strofa]
Hvatanje osjećanja
Ove djevojke te žele samo dok pobjeđuješ (pobjeđuješ)
Ali, ti si bila sa mnom od početka (o, da, da)
I znam da trenutno ne razgovaramo (ne razgovaramo)
Nadam se da znaš da je ovaj ku*ac i dalje opcija
Jer ću rasturiti (rasturiću to, da)
Iskoristiću vrijeme da naučim način na koji tvoje tijelo funkcioniše
Bila si jahač, pa jaši ga kao šampion (rasturiću)
Ovaj seks će te naduvati bez ikakve druge supstance
Pa, kome pripadaš sad? (Kome pripadaš sad?)
Kome daješ tu ljubav sad? (Kome daješ tu ljubav sad?)
Kod koga ideš?
U koga se zaljubljuješ sad? (U koga se zaljubljuješ sad?)
I šta oni imaju što ja nemam? Jer ja imam mnogo (imam mnogo)
Ne tjeraj me da im se suprotstavljam, da im raznosim mjesto (raznosim mjesto)
Jer svakako nemam posla s osjećanjima
Ne zaljubljujem se
Nemam posla s hvatanjem osjećanja
Nemam posla s hvatanjem osjećanja
Hvatanje o-o-o-o
Nemam posla s hvatanjem osjećanja
Nemam posla s hvatanjem osjećanja
Hvatanje o-o-o-o
Probudi se
Ne želim da se probudim
Ne želim da se probudim
Ako ti ne ležiš pored mene
Ne želim da se probudim
Ne želim da se probudim
Ne želim da se probudim
Ako ti ne ležiš pored mene-e-e
Na meni, meni, o, ja
Na meni, na meni, na meni
The arsenic cake (italian version)
Into a great cauldron
I put claws of a scorpion
And add with pleasure
A good glass of oil
(Oh, I'll better put two..)
Sublimated in quantity (1)
Half a measure of cyanide
Strychnine, but that's not all
- And curare to go crazy!
- No!
- Ah!
Of narcotics we all know
We all use it here and there
Vitriol, as much as you can
And arsenic if you like
(However, it's better to add lots of it!)
Red peppers in abundance
Some blood of a street mutt
Fried worms with maraschino (2)
- And a little quint of salt!
- No!
- Ah!
Then dead mice, a basket full
And much cobra venom
And to complete the trick
Add the juice of an orange
(No! Oranges contain vitamins!)
Amongst confetti of hemlock
We'll add so much claviceps (3)
And - I'm tired of it - Ohibó!
- Another drop of vitriol!
- No.. Oh, oh yes!
- Aah, I could have sworn it was necessary!
Here the cake we have prepared
And will bring her as a gift
ANd whoever will eat it
Will die for sure!
Balullilulallalà !
Yeees !
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
The song of Asterix
'A united Gaul shall never be defeated'
The Gauls and the romans, are fighting without a Caesar
With the members of a small tribe, living by the sea
it was the village of Asterix, Panoramix and Obelix
And also of Vitalstatistix, and Assurancetourix (1)
(turix turix turix turix turix turix)
The gauls are very strong, and are so brave
Romans that they catch, sometimes leave without teeth
The village druid prepares with firm hand
The invincible formula that his potion contains
The romans used latin to talk to the Gauls
And the surprised Gauls didn't know what to answer
ONly clever Asterix, learned little by little
And the strongman OBelix finished with
'orum, orum, orum, orum, orum, orum'
The gauls are very strong, and are so brave
Romans that they catch, sometimes leave without teeth
The village druid prepares with firm hand
The invincible formula that his potion contains
(REF to fade)
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
The bath of Cleopatra
The bath for Cleopatra ! (3x)
'Tis the bath for Cleopatra
Bathwater crystal clear and fragrant
For to bathe her alabaster body
We'll pour amphoras full of milk
The soap for Cleopatra ! (3x)
Cleopatra, our sovereign
Of your beauty we all know
And for you, o Queen of Queens
We'll present the soap
La la la la la la la la
The lion of Cleopatra ! (3x)
'Tis the lion of Cleopatra
He's the King of animals
Valiant like four of his kind
But in spirit, a real zero! What ?
La la la la la la la la
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
Gospodar ludila
Pogledaj okolo
Zar ne možeš da otvoriš oči
Glasovi zovu
Ubitačna kiša pada sa neba
Plačeš sa suzama noćnih mora
Napolju na ulici
Videćeš krv na zemlji
Gradovi gore
Osećaš bol koji seče tvoju dušu
Zbogom sad
Zatečen si u njegovoj čaroliji
Tvoje slobode nema
Uzeo je sve
Sve što si imao
Ali, preživećeš ako si jak
Moraš da izdržiš
Otvori oči
Iza laži videćeš
Gospodara ludila
Pod maskom biće
Gospodar ludila
Nevini umovi
Oni su žrtve sramote
Gledaju u tugu
Lažna obećanja su
Prekršena i zdrobljena
Zbunjenost - samo nestane
Šta možeš da daš
Da ostaneš sam
Kada ničeg više nema
Tvoje slobode nema
Uzeo je sve
Sve što si imao
Ali, preživećeš ako si jak
Moraš da izdržiš
Otvori oči
Iza laži videćeš
Gospodara ludila
Pod maskom biće
Gospodar ludila
My star
I'm madly jealous, my pulse raises to thousands
When you cause a scene with your feminine glance
And just like that, suddenly you're leaving me, you're shutting the doors and phones
Before you become past, I have to tell you
My star, I like you, I love you, you're my other half
But I get jealous and I burst out, I make mistakes that I hate
My star, I like you, I love you, you're my other half
My star, I'm asking four your forgiveness, stay here forever
I have a bad moment, I lose my mind and I rush into things
I say words that you don't want to hear, I burn the nice images
And just like that, suddenly I lose you and I reach the bottom
I'm apologizing and I'm running to tell you
My star, I like you, I love you, you're my other half
But I get jealous and I burst out, I make mistakes that I hate
My star, I like you, I love you, you're my other half
My star, I'm asking four your forgiveness, stay here forever
What should you have done
I guess I've never been the one
who has spoken up
Instead I've stood there
and stared like a moron
Clenched my fist hard in my pocket
Hit my head on a wall
No, show no mercy
Crack me like an egg
Well, what should you have done?
Should I have slapped her in the face and...
What should you have done?
Should I have asked her to get out and...
What should you have done?
Should I have trampled her tail and...
What should you have done?
Should I just have left?
To say thanks and receive
the same year after year
To not have any character
Such things leave a mark
Well, what should you have done?
Should I have slapped her in the face and...
What should you have done?
Should I have asked her to get out and...
What should you have done?
Should I have trampled her tail and...
What should you have done?
Should I just have left?
Well, what should you have done?
Should I have slapped her in the face and...
What should you have done?
Should I have asked her to get out and...
What should you have done?
Should I have trampled her tail and...
What should you have done?
Should I just have left?
I write with a crayon
I write with a crayon
that I love you with the deepest love.
I write with a scribe
and I want go on line by line.
I write with a penholder,
so that your pulse has a reason to throb under the fabric.
I write with my little finger,
that I'd like to be your golden nightingale.
Remember hundred times,
what I can write to you with a marker,
that I'm not wasting my time,
I'm writing in capital letters
on the poster - I love you.
I am a daring man,
I write that I want to own your palm.
I write on the ledges,
that I would love to touch your skin.
I may write even blindfold
on the walls of schools and bars.
Then I would manage
to write all over the concrete of motorways
and overwrite it with my I love you's.
Despite your unconcern,
I write on the rain falling down on this land on and on.
On the saucer
I write that I've gladly become a writer.
And that I'm forever yours
I'll pledge with my signature.
With this huge idea
I would overwrite even Matterhorn.
I love you - Jirka Korn.
Roller Coaster
I remember very first time in love
I remember oh oh
I remember oh oh
Do you feel the same way? So I’m in love
I remember oh oh
I remember oh
Oh my, am I allowed to feel like this?
Because of you, every day is so nice
Though it seems like I’m rushing it baby
I need your love oh oh
I need your love oh oh oh
My heart drops, so sweetly
Sometimes, I worry that I’ll get hurt
I won’t be able to know everything from the start
But I want to give it a shot
Such a breathtaking feeling
A dangerous feeling
Hold tight to my hand, I want you
So I won’t shake, with more passion
Hug me tighter
You’re a roller coaster ooh ahh
Roller coaster uh woh ahh
I need your love ooh ahh
Baby your love uh woh ahh
When you stare at me, my heart trembles
I try to act like I’m not, but it’s obvious
Even though I don’t say it, you already know
You feel the same way as me
I wonder if this is too fast
But because of you, each day feels so new
Even if I’m rushing it, close your eyes baby
I need your love oh oh
I need your love oh oh oh
Like time has stopped, so sweet
Sometimes, I worry that you’ll leave me
I won’t be able to know everything from the start
But I want to give it a shot
Such a breathtaking feeling
A dangerous feeling
Hold tight to my hand, I want you
So I won’t shake, with more passion
Hug me tighter
You’re a roller coaster ooh ahh
Roller coaster uh woh ahh
I need your love ooh ahh
Baby your love uh woh ahh
My love, you found me
I love you I love you
I hope this isn’t just a dream
I love you I love you
You’re a roller coaster ooh ahh
(You’re a roller coaster)
Roller coaster uh woh ahh
(Roller coaster baby)
I need your love ooh ahh
(Baby I need you love)
Baby your love uh woh ahh
Roller coaster
Roller coaster
Don't forget to press thanks
Thank You ❤️
Do you care
Will you hold me* when I ask you?
Will you hold me or hold back again
Yaah ayy ayy
I have lifted every stone
I have tried again
I have searched** all corners but,
Not found it
Not found him
Destroyed it for myself
Beat my hope to death
I need more than a bit of luck
I need help
To find him
But when I find you
Are you giving yourself to me?
Will you care about me, when I ask you?
Will you hold me or hold back again
Will you care about me, when you see me?
Will you hold me or again, again
Mm mmm
Rarely search for advice and help
Often managing by myself
But trying now to stand again
Where should I go?
Where will I find him?
But I have lifted every stone
I have tried again
I have searched** all corners but,
Did not find that who loved me
But when I find you
Are you giving yourself to me
Will you care about me, when I ask you?
Will you hold me or hold back again
Will you care about me, when you see me?
Will you hold me or again, again
Do you care?
Do you care?
Again, again
Monastery of La Rabida
From the deep, I exclaim to thee Lord
Lord, listen to my voice
And He shall redeem Irsrael
For ever and ever
From the deep, I exclaim to thee Lord
For ever and ever
Oh, What a Life
Some have money in their pocket,
buy something for themselves and are happy for a while
Then we have those who think of girls
and if there is going to be anything today
I know people who always go to school
They read and learn something new every day
I rather go out in the sun
and look at flowers and leaves
Oh, what a life
So little time
Can someone tell me what to do?^
Oh, what a life
How is it going to turn out?
I want to be happy when I die
I have a friend who runs at meetings
But what should she think and what should she believe?
Then I know one who hangs out in the park
He doesn't know where to live
Oh, what a life
So little time
Can someone tell me what to do?^
Oh, what a life
How is it going to turn out?
I want to be happy when I die
I fly up among the clouds,
out in the black holes of space
Can I see the ones who have lived
and known how everything is going to turn out?
Some wake up at night
and think for a while about what they have done
Some take a few pills
and then go back to sleep quite quickly
Oh, what a life
So little time
Can someone tell me what to do?^
Oh, what a life
How is it going to turn out?
I want to be happy when I die
Oh, what a life
Oh, what a life
Oh, what a life
How is it going to turn out?
I want to be happy when I,
happy when I,
happy when I die
[(Three, two, one, fire!)]
Look, I'm flying again, going through the wall
I'm going today, we'll see it, I'm a spaceman
And it's no use to wait me back home
Before galaxies are shattered
Look, I'm flying again, going through the wall
Hey baby, can you imagine that he's a spaceman?
And today galaxies are shattered-red-red-red
And today galaxies are shattered (shattered)
Are you a sheep or a lion?
Would you just lie in the dark underneath a blanket?
That doesn't work, your damsel doesn't promise
Let's make the blanket sway
Evenly lethal pace
Many would rather escape
We have time for only this evening, it's not rocket science
I'm a great choice
If you wish to get off of Earth's surface
Where the asphalts don't go
Baby, take a spaceman
But a wild soul doesn't get along with old wanton women
I've always been more of a spaceman
I'm leaving today, see ya
Just as a joke to stir things up a little
When the flame isn't dying down
Born to move and make others get moved
You can't get it with money
Attitude from cradle to coffin
Somewhere there in the Milkyway (our) sense is running away
Ray-Bans deep in the head, deep-frozen
You can forget this bowling alley, go away
A wild soul doesn't get along with old wanton women
I've always been more of a spaceman
(He's a spaceman) 2x
Don't say anything, I will tame this
Don't say anything, baby, he's a spaceman (2x)
He's a spaceman
Lakota lullaby
Ah I say, I say to you
I am speaking to you...
Ah I say, I say to you
To you I am saying it
Ah I say, I say to you
I am speaking to you...
Ah I say, I say to you
To you I am saying it
My kind-hearted boy go to sleep
Tomorrow will be nice
I am speaking to you
My kind-hearted boy go to sleep
Tomorrow will be nice
I am speaking to you,
I am speaking to you,
I am speaking to you.
Ah I say, I say to you
I am speaking to you...
Ah I say, I say to you
To you I am saying it
Ah I say, I say to you
I am speaking to you...
Ah I say, I say to you
To you I am saying it
My kind-hearted boy go to sleep
Tomorrow will be nice
I am speaking to you
My kind-hearted boy go to sleep
Tomorrow will be nice
I am speaking to you,
To you I am saying it
Ah I say, I say to you
I am speaking to you...
Ah I say, I say to you
To you I am saying it
Ah I say, I say to you
I am speaking to you...
Ah I say, I say to you
To you I am saying it
My kind-hearted boy go to sleep
Tomorrow will be nice
I am speaking to you
My kind-hearted boy go to sleep
Tomorrow will be nice
I am speaking to you,
I am speaking to you,
I am speaking to you.
Nobody said
That I could
Or directed me
No bridge or guidance
Could make some wind blow
I came in the windstorm
I can't explain
How I got here
I didn't plan
Such an opposite glance
That saved me
From monotony
An outlander
I wait for me to say yes
Till I find
A spark of an ending
Then I'll start over
Life gets brighter
I won't deny everything
And my love will undress me
If needed
In every pain
Another melody
An outlander
I wait for me to say yes
Till I find
A spark of an ending
Then I'll start over
Life gets brighter
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Emotivan Ringišpil
Stih 1:
Sinoć sam se razplakala, trzala i okretala, probudila se sa suvim očima
Mozak mi je poludio, noge su koračale:
Bože, pomozi mi, reci mi u šta sam se to uvalila.
Trčala sam 3 milje da očistim svoj um, uvek to meni pomaže,
To je moja terapija kad poludim, kao i obično.
Ja sam na emotivnom ringišpilu.
To što te volim nije ništa zdravo.
To što te volim nije nikad bilo dobro za mene.
Ali ne mogu da se siđem.
To je emotivan ringišpil.
To što te volim nije ništa zdravo.
To što te volim nije nikad bilo dobro za mene, za mene.
Ali ne mogu da se siđem.
Stih 2:
Juče sam sebi rekla da ću da budem u redu
Počeću novi dan, biću zaista srećna.
Samu sebe sam htela kontrolisati.
Ali konačno stvarnost me je lupila u glavu
Mentalno, telesno, emocionalno.
I otvorila sam oči i shvatila sam
Da još uvek sam se vozala na tvom
Emotivnom ringišpilu
To što te volim nije ništa zdravo.
To što te volim nije nikad bilo dobro za mene.
Ali ne mogu da se siđem.
Emotivan ringišpil.
To što te volim nije ništa zdravo.
To što te volim nije nikad bilo dobro za mene, za mene.
Ali ne mogu da se siđem.
Dosadilo me je kad ti vodiš ljubav sa mnom pa onda odjednom nestaneš.
Ide gore i dole.
I tako me je dosadilo kad me pomireš
Sa obećanjiima koje nećeš da održavaš
Ide okolo i okolo
Ja sam na emotivnom ringišpilu.
To što te volim nije ništa zdravo.
To što te volim nije nikad bilo dobro za mene.
Ali ne mogu da se siđem.
To je emotivan ringišpil.
To što te volim nije ništa zdravo.
To što te volim nije nikad bilo dobro za mene, za mene.
Ali ne mogu da se siđem.
Just You I Desire, My Blessing...
Just you I desire, my blessing,
My beauty, this Earth never knew!
My sun in the darkness distressing,
For my burning heart you are dew!
Inspired by my love to you, I
Shall scramble to fight fate anew.
Like spica half-scorched by the lightning,
I'll bow into dust before you.
For ecstasy never acquitted,
I'll pay with my life for miscue!
And even if crime I've committed -
I want only you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Nunnery of Santa Chiara
Tomorrow? But I'd like to go this evening!
So far, no, I can't endure anymore!
They say that only the sea is remained
And it's the same like before, the blue sea.
Nunnery of Santa Chiara,
In my heart there's a darkness.
But why, why every evening
Do I think of Naples: what's happened with it?
Do I think of Naples: what's it now?
Fountain of Capodimonte,
My heart is breaking
When I hear from the people
That has become terrible
My land, but why?
No, it's not true!
No, I don't believe it!
I die of the wish to coming back to Naples
But what shall I do?
I'm afraid of coming back there.
Fear?.. Yes... If is it true?
If the people had told the truth?
All wealth of Naples was the heartiness
But they say that it's lost also.
Nunnery of Santa Chiara,
Inside the four walls are closed
How many sincere women
That renounced the love
And became brides of Jesus.
Fountain of Capodimonte,
Now, if they lose a lover
In a moment they find hundreds more
Because, as people say,
There's no innocent woman anymore.
No, it's not true!
No, I don't believe it!
I die of the wish to coming back to Naples
But what shall I do?
I'm afraid of coming back there.
Nunnery of Santa Chiara,
In my heart there's a darkness.
But why, why every evening
Do I think of Naples: what's happened with it?
Do I think of Naples: what's it now?
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
the Migrant
His words is the voice,
the loud voice saying he is not hurting,
snows and rain,
his gaze blurred and closed skies.
At foreign lands, the shadows oppress him
a few olive trees, black bread,
snows and waters
and lost joy weave the complaint.
My mother,black headdress,
a door opened to the sun,
keep the mint on your lips,
tomorrow a feast will come
I'll come to the summer, the harvest,
the threshing floor full of dazzling light again,
I am constantly about to leave,
with emptied hands.
Prosperity is a liar,
he hadn't been told so, and his sorrow is a shame,
Back in the old times,
tears and kisses, birds are singing.
The cypress being beaten by the wind,
at the father's rock, fire,
cure the wound, the time longing
and the heart is awaiting
My mother,black headdress,
a door opened to the sun,
keep the mint on your lips,
tomorrow a feast will come
I'll come to the summer, the harvest,
the threshing floor full of dazzling light again,
I am constantly about to leave,
with emptied hands.
You Made Me Get Used To It
You made me get used
To all of those things
And you showed me
That they are wonderful
[Natalia Lafourcade]
Subtly, you were like a temptation when you came into my life,
Filling my heart with restlessness
[Omara Portuondo & Natalia Lafourcade]
It was inconceivable to me how love would work
Inside your strange world, and because of you I learned how.
Now that I see that you have forgotten me, I ask myself
Why you did not teach me how to live without you
[IMusical interlude]
Now that I see that you have forgotten me, I ask myself
Why you did not teach me how to live without you
Now that I see that you have forgotten me, I ask myself
Why you did not teach me how to live without you
Now that I see that you have forgotten me, I ask myself
Why you did not teach me how to live without you
There Is The Silly Elation
There's the silly elation,
The garden the windows look on!
Soundless sunset reflection
Swims in the pool, like a swan.
Greetings, golden serenity,
Shadows of trees, black as tar!
Crows on the roof, in sincerity,
Hold vespers in praise of the star.
Timidly, over the garden
Where the guelder-rose springs,
A girl in a snow-white garment
A beautiful melody sings.
Like a blue gown, the evening
Cold from the meadow sweeps...
Happiness, sweet silly feeling!
Virginal blush of the cheeks!
The anti-Ecclesiastes (nothing is vanity)
Neither good nor bad weather
nor the scents of the ocean
nor the wind on a wheat field,
nothing is vanity.
Neither the warm skin of a lover
nor the glint of the setting sun
nor the touch of fresh wine,
nothing is vanity (x2)
Neither the secrets of the skies
nor the unruly atoms
nor the saffrons in the meadows,
nothing is vanity.
Neitheir the anxiety of a child
nor the smile of a passer-by
nor the smell of a stranger,
nothing is vanity (x2)
Neither the whisper nor the song,
nor the old mistery of time,
nor the rest nor the danger,
nothing is vanity.
Neither the fear of the last moment
nor the appeal of nothingness,
nor the love of eternity,
nothing is vanity.
Nothing, but the adverted gaze,
arrogance and cruelty,
and the bitter jadedness,
nothing is vanity.
Nothing, but the death of beauty,
and the theft of truth,
and hate and vanity,
nothing is vanity (x2)
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.