Резултати претраге страна 9
Број резултата: 336
Your Honour*,
You're asking for my name
And my identification
But I haven't been born yet.
Your Honour,
If you were with me
In my own prison
You would kill yourself, too
Your Honour.
They judged me with other laws
Laws that come from the sewers
The place where the flesh sells the soul
Come with me and judge there.
Your Honour,
For all your life
This has been your conscious
Ask her to tell you the truth.
Your Honour,
There is no light
And the entire earth has become the devil's house
Your Honour.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
Boys Don't Cry
Boys don't weep (No!)
Boys don't sob (No!)
Bo-boys don't dance (No!)
Boys just lead! (?)
Last night I had nightmares, I woke myself up screaming
I always return to that time when I tricked my conscience
The first day in a new school, with a poker face, almost shitting my pants
In front of a mirror testing faces, checking out this 'Rest-in-peace' -face
They made me eat hay, pressed my head against a wall
They couldn't break me, I swore they won't see my tears!
Boys don't cry, they grit their teeth, no matter how deep they're in a wolf's mouth!
I had a hard shell, I took a fight, cried like a baby in the evenings
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
Sweep problems under a carpet (Boys don't cry!)
it feels better already! (Boys don't cry!)
This was taught to us (Boys don't cry!)
we hold on to it! (Boys don't cry!)
The year and style are my resource, the woman is nagging, I wish I had beer!
Always with a hangover or feeling tipsy
I don't cry even at funerals!
Wife left, maybe it was my fault
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
I haven't really been reaching for the stars, I've kept my head and the head is in my grip (?)
Goddamnit, I've stayed strong, I don't need anything else than sauna and sausage!
Let's rest in peace in the grave, at last a man who nobody laughs at!
I wake up again to a throbbing, 'Oh-ohoh I'm alone!'
Something new is coming, opening, fall back in love!
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
Sweep problems under a carpet (Boys don't cry!)
it feels better already! (Boys don't cry!)
This was taught to us (Boys don't cry!)
we hold on to it! (Boys don't cry!)
There's no such thing as tough guys, we're all soft inside!
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
Sweep problems under a carpet (Boys don't cry!)
it feels better already! (Boys don't cry!)
This was taught to us (Boys don't cry!)
we hold on to it! (Boys don't cry!)
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.
Amazing Grace (Wonderful Sustenance)
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see,
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see...
I am wandering along
So very tired as I go in life
This goodness that he speaks of
I go to a lifetime to come
The goodness is within my heart
With this strength we will go on
The truth is here for us
That hour strikes now
For one so much to withstand and endure
Amongst the longing desires
There is goodness in my life
Such a wonderful sustenance
Wishing since the beginning to speak
Soon you will be coming
In The Great Spirit's glory
He will keep my life
The Great Spirit says it, so let it be
The Great Spirit speaks of it
The Great Spirit says it, so let it be
The Great Spirit speaks of it, Amen.
She Isn't Your Happiness
You hug her so gently
And you kiss her, so greedily,
For the hundredth time, I understand that there is no hope
Return what was before back.
I wash out from thoughts, the moment of leaving
Only the most important thing remains.
I want to feel your breath so much,
But it’s impossible to touch the sun by hands
She isn't your happiness, she isn't your life.
She succeeded to steal a heart, but don't pray for her
She is passingly with you, she is with you for nothing
And I love you very, very, very, very,
And I'm yours forever!
I remember how I said: 'I can't imagine
How can I live a week without you '
And now day after day I live and get used to this
Fall asleep without you on an empty bed.
Remember about you I banned completely
And I forgot that I lived for you
Just waiting sometimes for a kiss for the night,
I only see you in dreams sometimes.
She isn't your happiness, she isn't your life.
She succeeded to steal a heart, but don't pray for her
She is passingly with you, she is with you for nothing
And I love you very, very, very, very,
And I'm yours forever!
Blackest Black
The blackest black, black
In the middle of joy, it stands
You clung onto happiness
but are hugging it too hard
I get it now, you, you are leaving
and will never come back
Now I'm crying, you...
You comfort me for a while
The blackest black, black
In the middle of joy, it stands
You clung onto happiness
but hugged it too hard
I'm hugging you, you're hugging me
What has happened, it has happened
I ask you, you reply to me
It will never happen again
So promise me
to always stay
I promise
I want to be with you
So promise me
that everything will be fine
I promise, I promise
I love you
The blackest black, black
In the middle of joy, it stands
Biting into your feet
and crawling into your hair
The blackest black, black
In the middle of joy, it stands
You clung onto happiness
but are hugging it too hard
Ходам мало брже
Претварајући се да ћемо се срести
сваки пут кад зађем за ћошак,
ходам мало брже.
Претварајући се да је живот супер,
јер љубав је одмах иза ћошка,
ходам мало брже.
Не видим да ми будућност блиста (за сад),
нема ни знака (за сад)
да си моја (за сад).
Журим ка лицу
које не могу да разазнам (за сад)
стално ударајући у зид
и падајући често.
Иако иза баш сваког ћошка
срећем само катастрофу
Подигнем главу мало више,
надам се мало искреније,
учврстим мало моје куле у облацима
и мислећи да ћеш ти бити тамо,
ходам мало брже.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
You Arrived
So much time is already past and I pause to contemplate it
So many pains that the handkerchief had to change more than once
I have marks that were born of laughing with the years
And I have the most beautiful memories hidden in my skin
Who thought you would come as an act of magic?
As if it's not too late to fall in love
You arrived, you put in my mouth a 'I love you'
Like a candy with caramel
I needed a good love
You arrived, you said 'of course, I love you'
To fall in love there is no time
I needed a good love
Now that I forgive my mistakes, I can see everything more clearly
Now that silence caresses me and loneliness has gone
You arrive with a smile on you, light up my spaces
You arrive and you whisper in my ear 'Stay one more night'
Who thought you would come as an act of magic?
As if it's not too late to fall in love
You arrived, you put in my mouth a 'I love you'
Like a candy with caramel
I needed a good love
You arrived, you said 'of course, I love you'
To fall in love there is no time
I needed a good love
Who thought you would come as an act of magic?
As if it's not too late to fall in love
You arrived, you put in my mouth a 'I love you'
Like a candy with caramel
I needed a good love
You arrived, you said 'of course, I love you'
To fall in love there is no time
I needed a love, a love
You arrived, you put in my mouth a 'I love you'
Like a candy with caramel
I needed a good love
Погрешио си
Договорили смо се да се нећеш враћати,
још једно обећање које ниси знао испоштовати,
али баш добро што си дошао,
тог дана када си отишао остала сам са жељом
да изразим своја осећања,
да ти кажем шта мислим, на пример да...
Погрешио си,
смејао си се када смо причали о томе да ти недостајем,
желео си да се направиш као увек важан,
твоју непогрешиву стратегију прегазила сам.
Погрешио си,
мислио си да ћеш ми увек требати,
данас се испоставља да нико није неопходан
и планирао си да се вратиш као да није ништа са твојим лицем опроштаја.
Баш добро што си се вратио,
имала сам велику жељу да ти кажем да не...
Навикнут си да повређујеш без намере,
да се играш са речима, особама и љубави.
Погрешио си,
смејао си се када смо причали о томе да ти недостајем,
желео си да се направиш као увек важан,
твоју непогрешиву стратегију прегазила сам.
Али баш добро што си дошао,
тог дана када си отишао остала сам са жељом
да изразим своја осећања,
да ти кажем шта мислим, на пример да...
Погрешио си,
смејао си се када смо причали о томе да ти недостајем,
желео си да се направиш као увек важан,
твоју непогрешиву стратегију прегазила сам.
Погрешио си,
мислио си да ћеш ми увек требати,
данас се испоставља да нико није неопходан
и планирао си да се вратиш као да није ништа са твојим лицем опроштаја.
Баш добро што си се вратио,
имала сам велику жељу да ти кажем да не...
Ti Si Mi Promenila Zivot
Ti si mi promenila život
Bio je to dan kao i svaki drugi,nikada neću zaboraviti datum.
Pronašli smo se bez razmišljanja o vremenu i mestu,
Nešto čarobno se dogodilo,tvoj osmeh me zarobio,
bez dopuštenja ukrala si mi srce.
I tako ne govoreći ništa,na prvi pogled započela je naša ljubav.
Ti si mi promijenila život,od kada si ušla u moj.
Ti si sunce koje osvetljava celo moje postojanje,
ti si savršen san,sve sam pronašao u tebi.
Ti si mi promenila život,zbog tebe ponovno verujem.
Sada samo tvoje usne pale moju kožu.
Danas ovdje više nema sumnje,strah je otišao od mene,
a sve zahvaljujući tebi.
Tako si lepa spolja, kao nijedna na zemlji,
a unutar tebe prebiva plemenitost i dobrota.
Danas reč ljubav ima drugu dimenziju.
Danju i noću molim nebo za nas dvoje.
Sada je sve tako jasno,ti si ona koju volim,
vratila si mi iluziju.
Ti si mi promenila život,od kada si ušla u moj.
Ti si sunce koje osvetljava celo moje postojanje,
ti si savršen san,sve sam pronašao u tebi.
Ti si mi promenila život,zbog tebe ponovno verujem.
Sada samo tvoje usne pale moju kožu.
Danas ovde više nema sumnje,strah je otišao od mene,
a sve zahvaljujući tebi.
Out in the Night
Here we stand
In the middle of the night
And talk about
Where we will go
Him and I
We will find a way
Everyone said what is happening
Everyone said what did he do but,
We are going out
And I am distracting myself
We forget everything that we have done before
We forget everything we were black before
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh
We forget what has happened
We forget everything that people have seen
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh uh
Here we stand
In the middle of the night
I am speaking to move beyond but
You were tired
Now you will disappoint me
Everyone knows what you want
And everyone knows what I need but,
You are going home
And I am distracting myself
We forget everything that we have done before
We forget everything we were black before
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh
We forget what has happened
We forget everything that people have seen
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh uh
Woah 6x
We forget everything that we have done before
We forget everything we were black before
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh
We forget what has happened
We forget everything that people have seen
And now run out into the night
Huh ohoh uh uh uh uh
Woah 6x
If I could
Passing time
A world without demand
Nothing pulls in
Desire is my law
Cards tell
Am I best on my own
And choose for myself
Cut all bonds
The time goes
But the world, it stands still
Losing everything
When we say yes
Without wanting to
If now I could
Let go of the world now
If now I push
Run to get peace
Under stand that my
Best friend is myself
I am doing it best myself*
When I kill the time
The tempo
Rises up when I want it to
The fire's ember
Extinguishes when I want
Silent game
In a trance without noise
That wakes me
The desire is my law
The time goes
But the world, it stands still
Losing everything
When we say yes
Without wanting to
If now I could
Let go of the world now
If now I push
Run to get peace
Under stand that my
Best friend is myself
I am doing it best myself
When I kill the time
Because yes I am here
Holding onto everything foolishly*
Yes certainly, more is happening
Waiting for an answer
If now I could
Let go of the world now
If now I push
Run to get peace
Under stand that my
Best friend is myself
I am doing it best myself
When I kill the time
Without you at the nights,
My companion's a cozy corner of the room,
I count the moments,
My eyes stared at the ceiling,
When you're not at home,
It's as if I have no one,
I don't now what secret it is,
That I don't reach the morning,
Without you, I'm tired of this night,
That's like an ominous owl,
But with you, I don't know,
If it's a day or night or what time,
But with you, I don't know,
If it's a day or night or what time,
Flower and flower pot both tired,
Window's closed it's eye,
Yellow color of tiredness,
Has resided on the curtains,
Heart of the luminous mirror,
Is a captive in the dark,
When you're not at home,
Then who should remove it's dust,
Without you, I'm tired of this night,
That's like an ominous owl,
But with you, I don't know,
If it's a day or night or what time,
But with you, I don't know,
If it's a day or night or what time,
Red color of my light,
Has made the wall blood-stained,
Howling of the disturbing wind,
Has shattered our glasses,
Baffled eyes of the doll,
Are awake on our rack,
A grandpa clock,
Is non-stop counting the time,
Without you, I'm tired of this night,
That's like an ominous owl,
But with you, I don't know,
If it's a day or night or what time,
But with you, I don't know,
If it's a day or night or what time.
I'll be waiting for you
I'll be waiting for you on the road towards the world,
On the road towards the sky will I be waiting for you...
On the untrodden ones, on the nameless ones,
On the one that bypasses, on the one that goes straight ahead,
I'll be waiting for you, my dear, I'll be waiting for you!...
I'll be waiting for you at the door of love
Like the starlit night which is waiting for its moon,
Ascend for me from any boundlessness
With the same everlasting heavenly steps...
I'll be waiting for you with a good morning,
With a beautiful sleep will I always be waiting for you...
My love to you is unforgettable from now on,
I feel the yearning in my chest and I want to cry,
I'll be waiting for you, my dear, I'll be waiting for you!...
I'll be waiting for you so long as the river will never know,
As the mountains will never realize,
The heart will become a poem,
A poem will become a waiting again.
Forests will fade, wells will dry up,
I'll be waiting for you, no season mattering...
Forgotten with a book in my hand somewhere,
Passed by time and broken negligently,
I'll be waiting for you, my dear, I'll be waiting for you!...
© Vladímir Sosnín
Microphone in a hand, wait
Criticism again
'Whore, stop it, kill yourself'
I'll say one thing, write what you want
You have enough of me? Fuck you
I'm amused by your whining
At my one nod
You'll dig a grave yourself, you know?
You're waiting for my every little move
You count only on stumbling
But Masti is too strong for that already
I'm holding your heart in the fist
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait when I finally beat you
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait in the corner for your sad end
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again, you're crying again, you're crying again
You're crying again, again, again, again...
Time for my move, checkmate
You're again telling me how I have to live, ey
You know nothing about me
I see more, I hear more, I have everything you dream about
I grow strength with every word
So don't come cuz I'll bite
Cringe, you cur, and curl up in the doghouse
I'm doing what I want, I must nothing
I'll even drown you in a whisper
Bitch, seek, I'm amused by your pain
You're waiting for my every little move
You count only on stumbling
But Masti is too strong for that already
I'm holding your heart in the fist
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait when I finally beat you
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait in the corner for your sad end
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again, you're crying again, you're crying again
You're crying again, again, again, again...
Stop, I have a word for you, my pearls
You have me, I have you, none of us will be alone (no, no)
I'm standing on the chessboard today
But I'm not afraid of pawns, like a real queen
Together today we're growing in strength
Together we're constantly moving forward
Let's not see what is behind us (no, no)
Let's not see what is behind us (no, no)
Time for my move, checkmate
The new adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Castilian Spanish)
Let's go there, do not stay aside,
This is the hour to play!
We have a ten thousand adventures with
Winnie, you good friend!
There are emotions always when you are with him.
Winnie wants with you!
I always find you near honey.
Go to the magic where tragical things also happen.
If the situation makes tension,
It is nice that you can sing with
Winnie! Your good friend!
I will follow you today to anywhere!
Winnie wants with you!
There are no two like you,
Never change, Winnie the Pooh.
Eniisi Lisika.
A sunny day is so rare
The new mixtape is a diss on your sobriety
No cigarettes but a sip of dry wine remains
No need to show up at home
As long as we're young and not familiar with falseness
We dream of leaving as far as possible
We are shouting loudly but crying even louder
I'm incurable, seems like it's happiness
Again it seems, we are so similar
Freckles on a quite reddened skin
No secrets, you've guessed all of mine.
Do not go, I can’t get enough of you
As long as we're young and not familiar with falseness
We dream of leaving as far as possible
We are shouting loudly but crying even louder
I'm incurable, seems like it's happiness
Running down the stairs, forever swearing
Hugging your shoulders we dissolve in the shadows
We are shouting loudly but crying even louder
I'm incurable, seems like it's happiness
I'm incurable, seems like it's...
You Taught Me to Hate
You don’t have the right to ask for forgiveness anymore
You move the ground in my heart
And you have fun with my pain
I had already managed to let you go
You lost power, and I forgot how to feel
I don’t know what the hell youre doing here
Now, I curse your name and your kisses
Your voice and your perverted lips
You taught me to hate when I lost you
Now, your time has gone and now it’s late
Today I fly in a burning sky
I want to land, but not in you anymore
I had already calmed my torment
My soul has once again messed up
You burn up what little I have left
Now, I curse your name and your kisses
Your voice and your perverted lips
You taught me to hate when I lost you
Now, your time has gone and now it’s late
Today I fly in a burning sky
I want to land, but not in you anymore
You want to break what time has already fixed
You open the bridge that carries the past
You’re an expert in asking for too much
Now, I curse your name and your kisses
Your voice and your perverted lips
You taught me to hate when I lost you
Now, your time has gone and now it’s late
Today I fly in a burning sky
I want to land, but not in you anymore
You don’t have the right to ask for forgiveness anymore
You move the ground in my heart
And you have fun with my pain
My most loyal friend
I don't know how I ever
Can give everything
The way you always give of yourself
How will I ever shine like you
In the mildest colours,
In the strongest light
You burn forever,
You, my most loyal friend
I will do everything I can
So you feel freedom
Without bonds
My loyal little friends
Falls asleep peacefully next to me
I cradle you
No shadows in och valley
Only life and lovely music
In what you give and have.
How will I ever shine like you
In the mildest colours,
In the strongest light
You burn forever,
You, my most loyal friend
I will do everything I can
So you feel freedom
Without bonds
My loyal little friends
Falls asleep peacefully next to me
I cradle you
I cradle you
You Came Along
Versions: #2
I was downcast, drowning in loneliness
My heart was crying out from total emptiness
I tried everything
Looked for your everywhere
It was you that I needed
Sad and empty, I couldn’t go on
Increasingly desperate, it was impossible to go on
I tried everything, looked for you everywhere
It was you that I needed
I looked up and...
You came along and everything changed
You came along and hope triumphed
You came along and I came back to life
For so long I wanted
To find the answer
To this great emptiness that I carried within me
I tried everything, looked for you everywhere
It was you that I needed
I looked up and...
You came along and everything changed
You came along and hope triumphed
You came along and I came back to life
You came along... I came back to life
Stop blaspheming
Stop now to blaspheming
And to talk behind backs of others
Are you from yesterday
Nobody can afford
C'mon don't be a
That no one kisses
Let down your mask and say how it is
Stop now to blaspheming
Stop now to blaspheming
Of course you can only
see the
weaknesses at others
But you also aren't
Better try to understand
Realize where the strengths are
And don't make someone down
Build up your friends
Otherwise you get weakend yourself
Don't think that you are something better
And if you see that someone really messes up
Then give him a good
Stop now to blaspheming
And to talk behind backs of others
Are you from
Nobody can afford
Come come come
Stop blaspheming
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
[Verse 1]
I've crossed wild regions
Praying to heaven that you won't return
I've slammed the door, set down my baggage
And my innocence in the wrong place
I've worn out my dreams until losing the desire
Here you must walk in step
And the longer the fall, the further you fall into oblivion,
The less people hold onto your arms
(Look at us)
(Still standing)
An army under my flag
(Amazon, amazon, amazon, amazon)
A war cry without an echo
(Amazon, amazon, amazon, amazon)
I've got the taste for risk in my skin
(Amazon, amazon, amazon, amazon)
Cold heart and hot blood
(Amazon, amazon, amazon, amazon)
Oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
No, no, oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
Oh mom, it's here
No, no, oh mom, it's here
It's here, yeah, hey
Oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
No, no, oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
Oh mom, it's here
Oh mom, it's here
No, no, it's here
Yeah, hey
[Verse 2]
I've beaten mountains of hate
I've had to understand everything, alone, under the storms
There are nothing but dreams between a woman and a queen
Nothing but passing illusions
I've understood the rules that are crouched in the shadows
I've learned to be a soldier
In spite of the discourses and the strength in numbers
I will never walk in step
(Look at us)
(Still standing)
Oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
No, no, oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
Oh mom, it's here
No, no, oh mom, it's here
It's here, yeah, hey
Oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
No, no, oh mom, it's here
Nothing can stop me
Oh mom, it's here
Oh mom, it's here
No, no, it's here
Yeah, hey
The fastest thing on the World
Oh, I'd just be
Oh, I would be the fastest thing in the world
So fast like a
And so fast like a comet on the night sky
If we then say
moment what was
he is really fast
Hello who was that already is gone
When I race frenzy around the world
should the people say
Hello who was that
She really haves
Oh, I'd just be
Oh, I would be the fastest thing in the world
So fast like a
And so fast like a comet on the night sky
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Hrapava Koza
Izgrebi ga, samelji ga, oljusti ga, sakrij ga
Trend je gotov i zauvek je nestao
Stavi ga na policu, stavi ga u kutiju, urami ga
Vise ti nece biti potreban,
Sada je na prodaji u jebenoj prodavnici
Gubljenje vremena,
Cirkuska lutka,
U lokalnom trznom centru
Istrebljivanje, Sve je to lazno!
Istrebljivanje, Sve je to lazno
Ismirglaj se
Ismirglaj se
Vec je zastarelo, zastarelo, zastarelo
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)
When will the skies get clear
When will it get clear,
when will it be February,
so that I may get my rifle,
the beautiful cartridge belt,
to descend to Omalos,
to the street of Mousouros,
to make mothers without sons,
women without husbands,
to make the babies
cry without mothers,
to cry in the night for water,
and at morning for milk,
and after the morning
for the sweet homeland.
Došao si ti
Danas su se ponovo otvorila vrata srca
Osećam da sve mogu reći pesmom:
I tako smo došli,
Zbunili smo se, od onog što smo osetili
I tako smo došli,
Gledali smo se, izgubili se
Bio je to brzi poljubac
Od usta do usta i sada me dotiče
I tako si došao
I tako si došao
I tako smo prepustili
Sve strahove na putu
I tako smo pružili
Pružili sve ne tražeći ništa zauzvrat
Imala sam osećaj,
Ukrao si me, okrenuo naopačke,
I tako si došao
I tako si došao
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
Danas su se ponovo otvorila vrata srca
Ako me pitaš
Ne postoji zašto, ne postoji razlog
I tako smo došli,
Zbunili smo se, od onog što smo osetili
I tako smo došli,
Gledali smo se, izgubili se
Bio je to brzi poljubac
Od usta do usta i sada me dotiče
I tako si došao
I tako si došao
I tako smo prepustili
Sve strahove na putu
I tako smo pružili
Pružili sve ne tražeći ništa zauzvrat
Imala sam osećaj,
Ukrao si me, okrenuo naopačke,
I tako si došao
I tako si došao
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
I tako si došao,
Nisam tražila, nisi tražio
Sav strah si ubio,
Monotonija je nestala od tog dana
Kada su nam se pogledi susreli
Neću se umoriti da je ljubim
I njenom telu pružiti zadovoljstvo
Samo jednim pogledom
Ona zna šta želi raditi
Ne znam šta želi sudbina
Ali želim biti sa tobom
I ti želiš takođe
tako smo prepustili
Sve strahove na putu
I tako smo pružili
Pružili sve ne tražeći ništa zauzvrat
Imala sam osećaj,
Ukrao si me, okrenuo naopačke,
I tako si došao
I tako si došao
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
I došao si, došao si ti
Since you went away
Since you went away wine doesn’t taste like wine, roses don’t smell like roses, and even the sun doesn’t shine with the same joy over the rooftops.
The birds sing, sing sad songs on the other side of my windowpane and in the sky of my life I can see dark clouds which smell of rain.
Since you went away the city seems different. Like a shadow of myself I wander, wander alone through the crowded streets, I sit on a bench in some square, I stop in front of some shop window, I enter some bar and it’s there, this ghost of yours, which is a remembrance of you.
Remembrance, that is filling my whole being, that stands in the way between my eyes and everything else.
Without you the city is not empty, but full, full of something of yours, nevertheless it’s not you.
Something you cannot kiss, you cannot embrace, you cannot touch, something that accompanies you, but it doesn’t give you the heat.
I come home and I find the memory of you everywhere.
A view of a towel brings me back the picture of you only just coming out of the bathroom with wet hair.
A cup reminds me of your gentle loving hands.
My bed reminds me of your tanned naked body, as hot as a fulfilled promise of love.
I smell my shirts to see if any of them still preserves your smell, and I listen to the echo of your laughter, which haunts me in the corridors.
Without you nothing is the same, the hours pass slowly, as if time also had nowhere to go, as if anyone wouldn't wait for it either.
The smoke from my cigarette tries to draw the picture of your face and my hands fall asleep bored in my pockets, because there’s no one they could caress.
Without you I live inside of myself surrounded by your absence and solitude, because that’s all your absence could give me when you were not here.
Without you the only consolation that remains is to climb every night this hill trying to find you, to ask you…
to come back to me.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.
A party- happy birthday to you
A party came like the others
A party with happiness
They sang in your yard
Two golden birds
In the road the little kids
Play again.
In the road the little kids
Play again.
Today the whole earth celebrates
With birds I will send a wish to your heart
happy birthday!
A party came like the others
A party with happiness
Roses, I recon I’ll send you
To decorate your hair
Winds will come close to you
I am far.
Today the whole earth celebrates
With birds I will send a wish to your heart
Happy birthday!
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.
You Forgot Me
You forgot me
it's incredible but you already
forgot me
There is no doubt that time
cures everything
and what matters is what endures in the soul
You forgot me,
who could have imagined
you forgot me.
I don't know for how long I fell asleep,
what's certain is that I have awakened
Nothing is eternal
and less those things that obsess us
Eternal is only love
that gives and forgives
And that was not in your character
You forgot me,
you exited through the door where you entered
I searched in my soul and I see that you
left me nothing
I don't even know how, but you already forgot me
You forgot me
When We're Hugging
Dude you don't know what it means to love in silence
To think about the musts and the don'ts
And what the world will say
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
When I look her in the eyes
Just one smile from her is enough
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
What a shame it is for that love to be lost
For a 'must' and a 'don't'
Dude I know I mustn't
But my want takes over me
I know I'm wrong
But in between lies passion
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
When I look her in the eyes
Just one smile from her is enough
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
What a shame it is for that love to be lost
For a 'must' and a 'don't'
The World's Most Frightened Man
Is there anything that he can, the world's most frightened man?
Is there anything that he can, the world's most frightened man?
Not that
Not that
No fruit, no bread, nothing
Can't take it
Is there anything that he can, the world's most frightened man?
Is there anything that he can, the world's most frightened man?
Not cold, not warm, not high, not deep
No fruit, no bread, nothing
Not in, not out, no rest, no sleep
A Rowan Tree Grows In His Garden...
A rowan tree grows in his garden.
The sorrow is his house warden.
He wears a dirty tattered robe.
With foggy mist the eyes are covered,
The face seems deeply saffron-colored,
His skinny stature's bent like globe.
The sanguine hope is gone forever,
From grave misfortunes what will save him?
And now fate tells him to abide.
In front of his hut, sad and dour,
Accursed by mighty evil power,
A bitter rowan stands like bride.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
At the Cinema
The ex-wife and I
at the cinema
Staring at some black and white neo-misery
Lonely and weak
Views from Prague
Such things work on film
Tears and blood
A dark episode
The woman who all too late understod
that it is about betrayal
Flattering caressing
Such things work on film
And a sad figure strolls about
without any goal
And he whistles the leitmotif silently
The sun goes into the clouds
The swamp of jealousy
Popcorn and soda
The man who ends his miserable life
There is lamenting and crying
Backlight, apologies
Such things work on film
Short summary
at a cafe
What did you think?
What did I think?
Well it was so so
A slovenly affair
The guy who died was best