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Резултати претраге страна 26

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Loše se smeješ, prazan je taj osmeh
Fleke od vina na košulji
Kojoj su otkopčana dva dugmeta
Na tvom telu koje me odbija
Vodiš ljubav a potom odguraš
Ljubavnik, nedostatak i povratak
I dok pokušavaš da pričaš
Uzdišem a ti, ti umireš
Pretiš odlaskom
Jer vičem
Dok ti pevaš svoje uspomene
Dobro dragi
Idi na vrata
Jer znaš da mi sada ništa dobro nije
Ali reci mi zbogom sutra
Ali reci mi zbogom dok ideš putem
Idi i gledaj druge, ne mislim više na to
Volela sam te i uveravam te da je ovo kraj
Misliš da mi na kraju možeš reći
Da možemo biti prijatelji
Ne, vrlo ljubazno, dobro mi je ovako
Imam dovoljno prijatelja
Ništa više ne moram čuti od tebe
Sećam se dana kad sam te čekala do zore
Sati su proleteli
Ja sam ustala a ti, ti si umro
Pretiš odlaskom
Jer vičem
Dok ti pevaš svoje uspomene
Dobro dragi
Idi na vrata
Jer znaš da mi sada ništa dobro nije
Ali reci mi zbogom sutra
Ali reci mi zbogom dok ideš putem
Idi i gledaj druge, ne mislim više na to
Volela sam te i uveravam te da je ovo kraj
Ali reci mi zbogom sutra
Ali reci mi zbogom dok ideš putem
Idi i gledaj druge, ne mislim više na to
Volela sam te i uveravam te da je ovo kraj


San za snom, fališ mi ti
I koraci ne nestaju
Dan za danom, mislim
Na slatki povratak tebi
Ali ti me više ne poznaješ
Nakon toliko šansi, zauvek sam te izgubila
I jednog anđela na tvojoj strani, dok zaboravljam tvoje poljupce
I bez osmeha smejala sam se, Moja kajanja su ostajala u njegovom krevetu
Patim bez smeha, jer on ima moj poslednji uzdah
Jednom i ponovo se smirujem
I moje suze neće te vratiti
Udarac za udarcem koji zadajem, on me neće ostaviti
Ne poznaje me onako kao ti, ne tražiš više sebe
Dok te ja tražim jer sam te predugo ostavila ovog popodneva
I bez osmeha smejala sam se, Moja kajanja su ostajala u njegovom krevetu
Patim bez smeha, jer on ima moj poslednji uzdah
I bez osmeha smejala sam se, Moja kajanja su ostajala u njegovom krevetu
Patim bez smeha, jer on ima moj poslednji uzdah

ΟΚ Father

Everything's fine, father
Down here on earth
I have death as a mother
And only one wish
I gather memories
So that I have something to remember
I tell no one
That I'm scared at night
Everything's fine like in a fairytale
I'm telling you, father
But some people told me that
You hear me when I cry
And like all stories
That finally end
I'll write melodies
That stand still at night
I'll be leaving here
I'll be wandering the stars
I'll be waking up again
With bloody hands
I'll be killing
My old self all the time
I never managed to become
A different me
Don't be sorry, father
People forget easily
You see whatever comes (to us)
Always goes away quickly
Don't tear up, father
She's fine
But is afraid like everyone else
Of being alone

Not Giving Up

This sand storm has been
Rough and jolting
Surprising, blurring
How could anyone see?
[Or] run or stop
[Or] dive or pass
That also happens
I could crash then
But there were hands
Many many hands
Crossed, crossed around me
Tugging gently
Washing, engulfing me
Kissing my sand away
Grain by grain from my mouth
I'm not giving up on love
I did not give up
Not giving in to disappointment this time
I wasn't late
I'm not afraid to rage anymore
I wasn't hiding [something]
I'm not giving up on the desire to burn
I did not give up
Now all is clear to me
Now all is allowed
This sand storm has been
Rough and jolting
Surprising, blurring
Perhaps all of this must happen
I chose myself, I'm happy
I know and I'm aware
That also happens
And it's certainly isn't perfect
But I'm learning
Going up and down
Nothing is threatening
Comfortable in my body
Time washes over me
Kissing my sand away
Grain by grain from my mouth
Now all is clear to me
Now all is allowed


Мој ружичасти замак
Мој ружичасти замак стоји
Он је тако усамљен
Мој ружичасти замак
Ружичасти замак гори
Како и стотине копија
И на небу од дима, изгледа да не видим месец
И то је тако окрутно
Поново ме лиши моје вољене лепоте
Изгледа да се затвара
Губим све као раније
Одлази даље
Не улази испод таласа
Убрзо ћу све разнети
Све је тако озбиљно
А ја бежим, куцајући звезде на путу
Зрак најсјајнијег сунца
Ја ћу трчати и скакати
Страшно, али победила сам, победила

You're Only Second Rate (Norwegian)

I imagine you could cook up something festive
You probably got a bunny in that hat of yours
Now, you have the chance to take some stabs at me, if your cards are good
Come now, clown, let me see your hand
Now, you can trouble me with four aces
Or we can say you're not up to snuff
Speaking of which, I simply must tell you
You're only number two
That tame tiger kitty of yours is bottom-of-the-barrel
You've got a lot to learn from a genie's ghost
And if you want to learn from a great talent
Go stand in the back and wait
But do my fists quake—what do you think?
My thumb as large as yourself
And if you don't think I'm invisible1, put me to the test
And let's see which one of us is best
So get going, astound me with your clever trick
Show me, are you tough enough for a last stab?
You're a candlestick on my cream cake
You're nothing
Your hocus pocus isn't quite up to snuff
You're an oaf and reach up to my knees
I'll give you the answer, you're cheap goods
You're number two
Did you learn your lesson?
Did the witch scare you?
That one's bigger than the both of us!
Spare me this sham now
You look ridiculous without pants on
When I see, my friend, that you're spinning in circles
A flying plate should be good for you
Against my strength and insight, you're hopeless,
Forever second rate!
  • 1. A translation error in the original, instead of being 'invincible' (uslåelig) it became 'invisible' (usynlig)

Tomorrow is too late

Don't you see, this moment won't come back
The real is hard to find
And every breath which we found will be lost
How much more we can have (ho)
And to do it is not worth it
We can take advantage of
If the night was already good
It doesn't have to end
If tomorrow is too late
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late, yes
Tomorrow is already too late, yes
I am your cold in the summer
And your heat in the winter
Take advantage of the time, this never comes back
Not for that moment that
And I know that tomorrow may be too late
And maybe you can find someone
But what are we going to do?
I am who he is looking for and you are who I dreamed
And I know that tomorrow may be too late
And maybe you can find someone
But what are we going to do?
I am who he is looking for and you are who I dreamed
I am who he is looking for and you are who I dreamed
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
And to do it is not worth it
We can take advantage of
If the night was already good
It doesn't have to end
If tomorrow is too late
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late
Tomorrow is already too late
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and yeh
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and yeh
If tomorrow is too late
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late
Tomorrow is already too late
If tomorrow is too late (J Balvin men)
What are we doing now?
If tomorrow is too late (Jesse and Joy)
He's already making the time
Come, let's dance on the moon (Let’s go)
From where I chased the sun
Tomorrow is already too late (Latinos gang)
Tomorrow is already too late
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


In that distant daylight
Vaguely light
Want to use your brain
It's like there's nothing there.
Finish who you are and ask seemed
When you're buzzing,
I'm gonna close my eyes, too.
Pray we can meet.
I'm gonna follow the red light over there.
I look at him We now two
You went to the day you were leaving.
I've been through a long time.
Dark things follow and even
We gon light up
To the farthest point.
We gonna shine-er
One step closer.
The closer you get, the better.
We have confidence.
It's the original one.
It was you My Shine light
Fate, like the whole True light
I saw each other in the night sky.
The moment you look at each other
Dark night is closed
In it, we leave.
yeah in the night sky surfing baby
Even if you close your eyes, you're leaving. Come on.
Follow the ride let me get in
A place to overlook the darkness
up to the brighter side
This is the spot where I met my
I don't want to stop
This is a dream like fantasy
I can't breath
Here we are let them in
Take a deep breath
New dimensional trip
You know, we only exist
to make each other brighter
let it shine
You and I have one heart
I want it to shine a little bit more like this
One step closer.
The closer you get, the better.
We have confidence.
It's the original one.
It was you My Shine light
Fate, like the whole True light
I saw each other in the night sky.
The moment you look at each other
Dark night is closed
In it, we leave.
There shining shining
Look out there in the distance
I want to go with you
It's beckoning us and flashing
Let's get out and reach with our hands
Not alone
It was you My Shine light
Fate, like the whole True light
I saw each other in the night sky.
You are my starlight
The moment you look at each other
Dark night is closed
In it, we leave.

Bolja ljubav

Živim za haos
Učini da ne starim
Bez muke, nema nauke
Nauči me da budem nemarna
I uvideću sve što je izmišljeno
I sve što žele od nas
Bez muke, nema nauke
Jednom povređena - skloni mi se s puta
I ne mogu sakriti
Neću protiv ovog
Osećanja čežnje u sebi
Treba mi
Bolja ljubav, bolja ljubav
Sve što jurimo
Način da voliš, koga voliš
Nemam nikakvo pokriće kada sam neustrašiva
Izgubila sam dovoljno
Nastavi, bori se za život mili
Jer neću da krijem
Ne mogu protiv ovog
Paklenog osećanja u sebi
Treba mi
Bolja ljubav, bolja ljubav
Sve što jurimo
Način da voliš, koga voliš
Nećeš li se osloniti na mene?
Možeš se osloniti na mene
Neka gledaju, ne znam, ne zanima me
Upoznaj me dublje
Upoznaj me dublje
Upoznaj me dublje
Bolja ljubav, bolja ljubav
Sve što jurimo
Način da voliš, koga voliš
Koga čekaš, koga čekaš...

Completely wrong

Eveything I was afraid of happened to me
Look like I was blind and didn't know what's going on
Me who was laughing when hear something about love
I was in love with her but I didn't know that
She doesn't improve my exhaustions of me illness
There is a wall between our hearts
Who was telling me 'I love you' 30 times every night
She took sleeping from these tearful eyes
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love?
Sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn
My body is cold but she is busy (with her love)
I wish she come back, it's hard to believe( she is gone )
Just at the beginning we arrived at the end
She made me fall in love and didn't stay until the end
I remember her memorize
She forgot the whole thing she said
And at the end she left me alone
Look like she didn't love me at all
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love?
sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love
Sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn

The lady in the dreams of my dreams

The lady in the dream of my dreams
tells me of tells that tell:
she says that it goes like this - death and sorrow!
is written on the path of the long-goners.
The moon has plaster for bones, the sun fire for blood,
the living live and the dead dance -
all to the son1 of the lady with the white bones.
  • 1. the sound/melody
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.



Attention, training, the captain arrived
In the tribe of women who are hard like me
Attention, training, the captain arrived
In the tribe of women who are hard like me
We are the hardest on the road
And let everyone who doesn't believe open their eyes
All the envious one that are made for out
They criticize me because I do whatever
Don't even ask you how the queen takes the throne
It's been a long time that they don't even know how
How like that? How was?
I know this path
How is it that you never see it?
You will never understand
But I know that what bothers you is that you don't live like me
And I know that you care, but I don't
You play the game, but I have control
I will show you why I am superior
(You thought that I wasnt going to shake my butt in Spanish, right?)
Attention, training (you suck)
Attention, training (I'm from Honorio Gurgel, right?)
Attention, training (go, go, go, go, go)
Attention, training (?)
We are the hardest on the road
And let everyone who doesn't believe open their eyes
All the envious one that are made for out
They criticize me because I do whatever
And what have to do
Is that they critize me, but they cant be seen
The less you like it, the more I'll do it
I'm not the one who makes another woman feel less
(?), well I do it (I do it)
(?), well I pay it (I pay it)
If in mine, for that is that I work (is that I work)
Always on the high, that's why I never lower her (I never lower her)
(You thought that I wasnt going to shake my butt in Spanish, right?)
Attention, training (you suck)
Attention, training (?)
Attention, training
Attention, training (?)
We are the hardest on the road
And let everyone who doesn't believe open their eyes
All the envious one that are made for out
They criticize me because I do whatever
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


I waited for the rain to fall
Memories move me
The time at a stop
On your way to school
You sung your idols' songs
I thought you careless
Your ashen hair
Your soul so soft
That nothing could lull
Look over your shoulder
Kohl around your eyes
You would vanish
Brought up with alcohol
He would never comfort you
Forever lost
You swam the river
Forced to the test
You rise above
So alone, I wait for you
Here, my heart to tear
What have you done with it?
Do you think we look alike
We were to grow old together
In our imperfect world

Girl in Gray Dress (Devushka s serom platye)

My room is empty
And there is no more offense in it, I am alone.
I didn't have time to tell you
Three main words.
Forgive me for the sea of insults...
You, a girl in a gray dress,
lured into your arms.
And you did not leave my mind.
Yes, I would like to hug you,
But we can't change time.
I have missed you for many days already.
You are beautiful as the moon
And I was stupid to understand you,
That you are my destiny.
You flood your offenses with tears.
While I'm somewhere far away,
I do not know what will happen next with us
But I know it was love.
You, a girl in a gray dress,
lured into your arms.
And you did not leave my mind.
Yes, I would like to hug you,
But we can't change time.
I have missed you for many days already.
I've seen you dressed in it so many times,
This dress seems to be enchanted.
Or maybe I'm just blind,
A fool that looks for a reason to meet.
Let's not play our roles,
Let's not return to the senses again.
And if the city suddenly asks me,
Then I will answer that it was love.
You, a girl in a gray dress,
lured into your arms.
And you did not leave my mind.
Yes, I would like to hug you,
But we can't change time.
I have missed you for many days already.
You, a girl in a gray dress,
lured into your arms.
And you did not leave my mind.
Yes, I would like to hug you,
But we can't change time.
I have missed you for many days already.

Hey, My Friend

This good story
Happened in the old forest
There was a boy
With very joyful voice
He sang all day and night
This known refrain:
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'
But once a thief
Caught the little singer
And he left him in the night
With his mouth closed.
Who will sing all day and night
This time the known refrain?
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'
But the thief in the night
Heard the song again
And although he hid himself
Into the deepest woods
He was caught
By this known refrain:
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'
And that thief came back
To the little singer
And then ashamed, he started
Singing along with him
This is how the world was changed
By a single beautiful refrain
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'


Let's go, wear your mustache!
Oh oh oh oh ha
Ha ha ha ha oh
Ha ha ha ha ha
Oh oh oh oh oh
Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Oh ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Remove your mustache!
Eh eh eh eh he
Eh he he he eh
Ee he he he he
Eh eh eh eh eh
Eh he he he
He he he he
Ha ha he he
Eh he he he
He he he he
Ah he he
Put back your mustache!
Ho ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha oh-ah
Ha ha ha ha ha
Oh ah ah ah ah
Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Oh ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Oh oh oh ha ha ha ha
Keep your mustache on!
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ho ho ho ho ha
Ah ah ah ah ah
Eh he he he
He he he he
He he he he
Eh he he he
He he he he
Ah he he
Remove your mustache!

Prekasno za ljubav

Hej, kako si?
Pitam se, misliš li ikad na mene?
Reci, da li grešim
Jer se pitam da li smo mogli biti zajedno?
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Hoću da znam
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Da li je...
Mogao sam biti sunce koje obasjava tvoj mrak,
I možda sam mogao da zapalim tvoj svet sa samo jednom varnicom,
Mogao sam ga zapaliti za tebe i mene,
Da sam bio tamo,
Bio bih tamo.
Počuj me,
Mogao sam biti sunce koje obasjava tvoj mrak,
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Počuj me,
Mogao sam ga zapaliti za tebe i mene.
Dani su dolazili i odlazili,
Ali više ništa zapravo nije bilo isto,
Jer ti si otišla sa mesta,
Gde me sve podseća na tvoje lice.
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Hoću da znam.
Mogao sam biti sunce koje obasjava tvoj mrak,
I možda sam mogao da zapalim tvoj svet sa samo jednom varnicom,
Mogao sam ga zapaliti za tebe i mene,
Da sam bio tamo,
Bio bih tamo.
Počuj me,
Mogao sam biti sunce koje obasjava tvoj mrak,
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Počuj me,
Mogao sam ga zapaliti za tebe i mene.
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Mogli smo biti oluja koja besni,
I možda bismo pokrenuli okean.
Mogao sam biti sunce koje obasjava tvoj mrak,
I možda sam mogao da zapalim tvoj svet sa samo jednom varnicom,
Mogao sam ga zapaliti za tebe i mene,
Da sam bio tamo,
Bio bih tamo.
Počuj me,
Mogao sam biti sunce koje obasjava tvoj mrak,
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Počuj me,
Mogao sam ga zapaliti za tebe i mene.
Da li je prekasno za ljubav?
Da li je...


I'll look you in the eye until you let me through
You'll drop your guns and your protection
Your overly sweet scent intoxicates me
All of my senses are going wild
With you or without you
For the thousandth time
We'll play the thoroughly rusted songs
Hey don't be afraid
Don't think of me in a negative way
I died in your arms in the morning
If you write a song, remember
Songs are playing with fire
If you walk out the door
This is a battle
Every night is Waterloo
If you want to go now this is the
Last rocket to home
I feel like I know you better tonight
It's so dark that everything shows
I interpret your gestures
What you'd like to say
If you weren't as afraid of me as you are of death
If you want to go, let's go
Don't think of me in a negative way
I died in your arms in the morning
If you write a song, remember
Songs are playing with fire
If you walk out the door
This is a battle
Every night is Waterloo
Don't think of me in a negative way
I died in your arms in the morning
If you write a song, remember
Songs are playing with fire
If you walk out the door
This is a battle
Every night is Waterloo

The Man of Gold

I will search, I will search—
and one day I will find him.
A man of gold, all for myself.
I will search for ah ah, I will search for ah ah
a man of gold, all for myself.
I will find ah ah, I will find ah ah,
that, by day, he keeps me close to him,
and, at night, he always remains with me—
and never leaves me alone, never alone,
and never leaves me alone, never alone, never.
That golden man—maybe it's you—
but I know ah ah, but I know ah ah—
I will look around a little, and then
I will tell you ah ah, I'll tell you ah ah.
I wish that I did not have problems but—
he thinks only of his work—
and never leaves me alone, never alone,
and never leaves me alone, never alone, never.
(A man of gold, all for yourself.)
I will search for ah ah, I will search for ah ah
(a man of gold, all for yourself)
I will find ah ah, I will find ah ah,
that, by day, he keeps me close to him,
and, at night, he always remains with me—
and never leaves me alone, never alone,
and never leaves me alone, never alone, never.
That golden man—maybe it's you—
but I know oh oh, but I know ah ah—
I will look around a little, and then
I will tell you ah ah, I'll tell you ah ah.
I wish that I did not have problems but—
he thinks only of his work—
and never leaves me alone, never alone,
and never leaves me alone, never alone, never!


Sorry, sorry, sorry—
I suffer even more than you!
He said the same things as you.
He had the same eyes as you.
You had abandoned me
and I found myself
suddenly in his arms.
Sorry, sorry, sorry—
I suffer even more than you!
Sorry, sorry, sorry—
my wrong hurts me even more than you!
Crying sometimes makes it hard to see straight.
By the way that he smiled, it seemed to be at you.
At night, it can be very strange
but the flame from a match
can feel like the sun that is not there!
Sorry, sorry, sorry—
I suffer even more than you!
Sorry, sorry, sorry—
my wrong hurts me even more than you!
At night, it can be very strange
but the flame from a match
can feel to you like the sun that is not there!
Sorry, sorry, sorry—
I suffer even more than you!
Sorry, sorry, sorry—
my wrong hurts me even more than you!
Sorry, sorry, sorry—
I suffer even more than you!
Sorry, sorry, sorry ...

Desperately I Love You

The sun is not yet on the horizon—
it is still night—
the dawn will come—the dawn will come.
I love you.
Desperately I love you!
You can laugh if you want
and never look at me—
but I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
always more!
Forgive me
if I am not what you want.
Forgive me
if I am always looking for you.
If I only see you.
Forgive me—
forgive me—
if you can!
I do not ask for words of love—
I don't want you to cry for me—
I only want to remain
close to you
because I love you!
Desperately I love you!
You can laugh if you want
and never look at me—
but I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
always more!
I do not ask for words of love—
I don't want you to cry for me—
I only want to remain
close to you
because I love you!
Desperately I love you!
You can laugh if you want
and never look at me—
but I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you...


Prvi stih:
Smiri se, zašto vičeš?
Opusti se, sve je to bilo pre
Ako samo doputiš da se deti, videćeš
Da mi se sviđaš takav kakav si
Kada se vozimo tvojim kolima
I pričaš sa mnom
Ali postao si
Pred refren:
Neko drugi, pred ostalima
Osvrćeš se, kao da se ne možeš opustiti
Pokušavaš da budeš kul, meni izgledaš kao budala
Reci mi
Zašto moraš da ideš i da komplikuješ stvar?
Vidim kako se ponašaš, kao da si neko drugi, frustriraš me
Život je takav
Padaš, puziš, slamaš se
Uzimaš ono što doibijaš i pretvaraš to u
Poštenje i obećavaš da me nikad nećeš lagati
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Drugi stih:
Došao si nenajavljen
Obučen kao neka druga osoba
Nisi u centru pažnje
Ti me
Zasmejavaš kada poziraš
Skini tu šminkersku odeću
Znaš da nikog ne možeš prevariti
Jer si postao
Pred refren:
Neko drugi, pred ostalima
Osvrćeš se, kao da se ne možeš opustiti
Pokušavaš da budeš kul, meni izgledaš kao budala
Reci mi
Zašto moraš da ideš i da komplikuješ stvar?
Vidim kako se ponašaš, kao da si neko drugi, frustriraš me
Život je takav
Padaš, puziš, slamaš se
Uzimaš ono što doibijaš i pretvaraš to u
Poštenje i obećavaš da me nikad nećeš lagati
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne
Ne, ne, ne


Verse 1:
Getting ready to be killed in the coming war,
I envy those who died in childhood in their sleep.
Every day I am surprised more and more
what i'm still alive.
You know when you get to thirty,
thoughts come where to go
now, what do you do next in a world,
where every step, damn, is paid for,
and did you do everything you needed,
did your get exactly what deserved?
What for you have been made an efforts
all of these years and miles?
Or may be you were banged and washed up?
My friends were lost and died,
my women grew old and betrayed me.
There’s hardly anything new about it,
but it was with me, and it was my pain, man.
Everything I was going for has been a bluff in the world
living by the law of Carnegie and Gref1.
And I'm going wobbly like a ridiculous clown -
abandoned and empty. Not wheat, but tare.
I just can not see things easy.
So I can’t call anyone a boss.
So I could not become neither blind nor whore.
It looks like, I do not get on with reality.
And so I became an observer, a traitor
of this world, its enemy.
And how cool it all seems,
I am here because the Matrix is around us.
And it seems I know how this show will end.
I don't think that is good, but
what should i do for now?
Just sing, and wait, and observe.
We are all Alices and white rabbits.
Do you know for whom the bell tolls?
All will get equal pain.
Where are the faces of those who look in my direction?
Verse 2:
A good rapper is a dead rapper.
The theorem is tested by time, guys.
Now, believe, babies, I’m going to shock you:
as long as possible I will not be good.
I am an observer. I am an uninvited guest.
However, all of us are horses a little2 in the hash of hopeless lives.
All of us are not licked by fate3.
But where is The One of this Matrix?
What, let it happen on its own?
Live as prescribed?
Like, do not get ahead of yourself –
they will cut the head clean off?
And then, if you had not been going sour young,
you find out yourself at the wrong place.
And it is unlikely that you will have fun
be surrounded by alien people and songs, man.
And I need strength to stay longer
here, where the days are like strikes under ilium,
here, where the nights are longer and bitter,
here, where blood come out the skin.
And snow is shutting up open mouths,
and rivers flow with neither honey and milk, but with blood.
And there is nobody to ask why he left us,
introduced us and then framed.
Give me a reason to be loyal,
at least one reason to play by the rules.
Rules are for normal, man,
for those who are not observant, right?
Okay. Stop whims.
After all, someone will be called to become The One.
You or me. I do not know yet.
I'm observing and waiting for a call.
  • 1. Russian banker and former minister
  • 2. russian idiom: from Mayakovsky poem “Good attitude to horses“. The sense – be tolerant to human weakness.
  • 3. russian idiom: to be favorite of fate.

Pitiful People

In the past, I was a bad woman
I was called a witch, naturally
But nowadays
I've had a change of heart
I've become a good woman
Believe it!
What's more I can use a little magic
This talent I have made use of
Although I'm embarrassed
I am helping
Depressed and worrying people
It makes me cry!
Unhappy souls
One wants to be thinner
One wants to be in love
By all means
You are welcome
Unhappy souls
Incessantly they visit me
They cling to me while crying
I help them up, of course
But it happens once in a while
That I am not able to receive my price
So I punish them while crying
Although sometimes I get complaints
But I am tender to the good girls
For the benefit of the pathetic people
The human men
Absolutely hate idle chatter
They prefer it when you
Stay silent and nod your head
Walk behind the man, get it?
After all, conversation is useless
It is hateful to the gentlemen
Keep quiet without talking at all
If you want a lover
Come on, you troubled person
Come on now! What will you do!
I am out of time
Don't be slow
The price is cheap: That voice!
Unhappy soul
If you want to cross a bridge
There's a toll
Come on, decisively
Sign it!
Finally luck has come our way
I'm getting it, aren't I?
This girl's soul
Beluga Sevruga
Sturgeon of the Caspian Sea
Rising wind
Give me this girl's voice

Mala smrt

Dužina uzdaha
Jedne letnje večeri
Anđeli su ranije otišli
Sa svojim belim licima
Mislim da je previše kasno
Da bih ti priznala svoju bol
Sa umirujućim srcem
I uspomenama obojenih u belo
Ukoliko me izgubiš, znaj da ću biti tvoja
U šupljini njegovog naručja, smrt će nas oboriti
Ukoliko me izgubiš
Biće zato da bih i dalje ostala tvoja
I u šupljini njegovog naručja, smrt će nas oboriti
Kiša pada na moje slepoočnice
Munja peva o tvom silasku
Šćućurena protiv svog života
Tvoj osmeh obasjava a potom se skriva
Mislim da je previše kasno
Da bih ti priznala da boli
Moje srce više nije kao ranije
Jer se polako uspavljuje

When You Have Friends

I know I can always be so down
How great my pain still is
but friends don't let you suffer alone
There are always folks there ready for you
Who support you and are by your side
And I keep telling myself:
Don't forget your friends
A lot that doesn't go well, does when you have friends
And if you need it, you'll see the page smoothly turn with friends
You can count on friends
They know neither envy nor hate
They treat you good
And even when you don't see each other
No matter what no one forgets
Come what may
[But] at some point you'll meet again
Don't forget your friends
A lot that doesn't go well, does when you have friends
And if you need it, you'll see the page smoothly turn with friends
Don't forget your friends
A lot that doesn't go well, does when you have friends
And if you need it, you'll see the page turn with friends
Don't forget your friends
A lot that doesn't go well, does when you have friends
And if you need it, you'll see the page smoothly turn with friends

Awake, awake lost sheep

Versions: #2
Awake lost sheep
set yourselves free from sin's sleep
and turn over a new leaf soon!
Awake before the trombone rings out
which you terribly calls from the grave
on Judgment Day before the Lord!
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

Stood the Mother of Sorrows

Stood the Mother of Sorrows
in tears at the Cross
on which the Son hung.
A sword pierced.
his groaning, grieved
and sore soul.
O how sad and afflicted
was that holy Mother
of the Only Begotten Son!
How saddened and hurt
the pious Mother
seeing the pains of the glorious Son.
Who is the man, who would not weep,
whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
She saw her tender Child,
hang in desolation,
till His spirit forth sent.
O Mother! fount of love!
let me feel the strength of your pain,
so I can cry with you.
Make my heart blaze
in the loving of Christ, the Lord,
so that I may please Him.
Holy Mother, do it,
the crucified Christ's sores
hard print in my hearth
Make me bear the death of Christ,
Make me share His Passion,
and His wounds remember.
Make me be afflicted with those wounds
And intoxicated with this Cross
and blood of Your Son.
That I am not burned by the flames,
that I am, O Virgin, defended by you
in the Judgment Day.
When body will die,
may the soul get
the Paradise’s glory.
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The still city listens to our hearts beating—
the autumn plays for us this sonata.
She enters trembling when I open my door—
romance that dances with the dead leaves.
Our eyes are dripping from being in the rain
and the horns of barges howl in the wind.
I love you—I love you—and in our beating hearts
the autumn plays for us this sonata.
In the fog and the wind, Paris
has long known how to recognize her lovers.
I love you—I love you—listen to our hearts beating—
in the heart of a sonata.

Let yourself be loved

Your friends have already told me that you want (That's right)
And I keep you a space in my bed (Normal)
My mom was telling me to drive away (yeah-eh)
And I have clear that you lit the flame
Ah, let yourself be loved
I want to enter in your skin
If your dad asks, tell him that you're mine too (no)
The one that nothing drowns
Kisses are also stolen
From me that they condemn me, that the moment is now
I see you everywhere, I even see you in the rumba
Yesterday I caught you in the gym
I am the one who takes you off that jeans
I see you everywhere, you kidnapped my dreams
I can't stand it another day if I don't have you (I can't stand it)
(Yera Music)
And if you dance better is because you have alcohol (oh-oh-oh)
How your body looks beautiful when you sunbathe
I look at your golden color and your pretty face, chocolate
Ah, my blessed God, what a cute little booty, what flow
I want to be your candy
Doesn't line up in the club
One size, look that we are fine now
Without going to the gym your buttocks almost touch your hair (your hair)
I like that you are cookies and cream
You and I make a dreamteam
We fly, little bird pin pin
You gave me knockout in the ring
Ah, let yourself be loved
I want to enter in your skin
If your dad asks, tell him that you're mine too
The one that nothing drowns
Kisses are also stolen
From me that they condemn me, that the moment is now
(Yeah-eh, yeah)
Feel me
You know me, like Miami he's lovely
You know me, your kisses in me, because
Mommy, now I'm going to tell you
Let yourself be loved, that doesn't hurt
Mom, gummy bear in the bed
Mom, pass the movie, I'm in you, I'm in me
If they ask you, mommy: 'Wassup me?'
My house has it in Airbnb
I call you at 4 and 20, feel how my flow knocks you down
From me, give her oil, we're a bomb
You and me, tucked into a rumba
You and me, we are Timon and Pumba
Siquiriquida, so good that I like you, yeh
Siquiriquida, so good, you know that you are hot
Ah, let yourself be loved
I want to enter in your skin
If your dad asks, tell him that you're mine too
The one that nothing drowns
Kisses are also stolen
From me that they condemn me, that the moment is now
I see you everywhere, I even see you in the rumba
Yesterday I caught you in the gym
I am the one who takes you off that jeans
I see you everywhere, you kidnapped my dreams
I can't stand it another day if I don't have you (I can't stand it)
Trapical Minds
Your friends have already told me that you want (Yera Music)
And I keep you a space in my bed
My mom was telling me to drive away
Upload the levels
And I have clear that you lit the flame (Yeah-eh, yeah-eh)
Yatra, Yatra

My brother

My brother
You are far away
My last wish is
To see you
The time does not ask
We become old
Maybe I'm not going
To see you again
Aman Aman dear God give me just a little bit more time
Aman Aman dear God that's my last wish
Damn black destiny
Give me just a little bit life
Cause mine won't stop hurting
Until I see my brother again
Aman Aman dear God give me just a little bit more time
Aman Aman dear God that's my last wish
Aman Aman dear God give me just a little bit more time
Aman Aman dear God that's my last wish
Dear God give me power
I want to go and see my brother
And when my brother hugged me
I'll give you my soul
Aman Aman dear God give me just a little bit more time
Aman Aman dear God that's my last wish
Aman Aman dear God give me just a little bit more time
Aman Aman dear God that's my last wish
Aman Aman dear God give me just a little bit more time
Aman Aman dear God that's my last wish
Aman Aman dear God give me just a little bit more time
Aman Aman dear God that's my last wish

As long as there is a God in heaven

As long as there is a God in heaven
who soars above all the clouds,
such torment will endure:
cold and heat will torture them,
fear, hunger, horror, fire, and lightning
and yet not utterly destroy them.
For this pain would only end,
when God no longer is eternal.
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