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Резултати претраге страна 33

Број резултата: 1205


Crazy In Love

Versions: #2
I confess that I've been idealizing you for some time
My whole life searching for you
I don't know what to do, you look so fine
I'll get closer.
I confess that I'm not good at talking
I'm a shy person, as you can see
but this tim, I'll take the risk
I'm going to say it to you.
You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
If you let it flow,I'd give you anything you want.
I don't know, baby, what you have
when you dance with me
you make me so nervous
when you move like that
In a provocative way
that motivates me
dancing an old Reggaeton,
the ones that activate you
The ones that you dance slowly
Close together
You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
(I'd do anything)
You know that I like you
You know that I'm enchanted by you
Dance slow, you know it kills me
Go, I'm not in a hurry
Let's make this night eternal
Don't say you're leaving
Let's search for a place
without anybody, just darkness
Kiss me slowly, let's stop the time.
Hey, You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
You are meant for me
and I am meant for you
I'd do anything , anything for you.

Christmassy time

Today your Olaf wishes you all the best
What do you usually do at this Christmassy time?
They have rushed here, who'd graze the cattle?
What's a tradition with you at this Christmassy time?
So one hangs green decorations above every door
One bakes a sponge biscuit that has a shape of Norway with its fjords
One sings carols while visiting house after house
One hangs the socks where a nice fire burns
I'm so psyched!1
So, all the best from both of us
This tradition is the base at this Christmassy time
Let's pull ourselves together, or we won't make it with traveling around all the huts
So, all the best, an evening full of stars
Tell me what one does at this Christmassy time
Hello, shalom, tonight's short, did you run out of power?
Tell me what one does when it's Christmas season
We decorate the whole tub with everything we can and can't
I make a ginger cake, so eat it all for me, cause one should do so
Easy come, smoothly come out2
And one buys gifts then hides them niftily
And we wait til Santa Claus squeezes through the chimney
Burgling and intrusion? Absolutely on Christmas!
All the best I wish once again
Nothing's better than a pocketful of traditions at this Christmassy time
Oh, thank you!
One knits sweaters and scarves happily
Well, also clothes for the brood of my kittens
The candles burn for eight days starting from Hanukkah
So one should hack down a tree and then set its body at home and decorate it, right?
But it's so... adorable!
I'll tell all I know to Anna and Elsa
I'll give them gifts, Sven will be the sleigh's leader
To make him have something of Christmas too
We love you
Thanks to me
Thanks... meow!
I wish you everything today, the best today, Christmassy, happy3
Let Santa visit you
That goat4 photobombed again
Will you kiss me under the mistletoe?
Ah, someone has already eaten the ginger cake once
Cause it's Christmas time!
  • 1. Lit. I'm burning so much!
  • 2. It's based on a Polish idiom: 'Łatwo przyszło, łatwo poszło' - 'Easy come, easy go'
  • 3. The 'I wish you' part isn't in the Polish line, because it's a changed version of a Polish wish 'Wszystkiego, najlepszego' - 'All the best'
  • 4. Lit. moose

Give me a hammer

Give me a hammer.
(What do you want to do with it?)
I want to hit my head with it
hit whoever I don't like, yes yes yes.
To that flirt
with painted eyes
that everyone makes to dance
leaving me to watch,
How it angers me!
How it angers me!
Give me a hammer.
(What do you want to do with it?)
I want to hit my head with it
[hit] whoever I do not like, eh eh eh.
To all couples
that are stuck,
who want the lights out
and the songs slow.
How it bores me!
How it bores me!
And give me a hammer.
(What do you want to do with it?)
To break the phone
I will see to it because yes!
In a few minutes
Mom will call me
Father, by now, is about to return,
I have to go home, ugh!
I want to have it, no no no!
I want to have it!
A blow on the head
who is not one of us
and, like that, our party
will be more beautiful.
It will be us alone
and we will all be friends:
We will dance together,
the surf and the Hully Gully!
What strength it will be!
What strength it will be!


Prvi put kada sam te video
Trenutak kada se sve promenilo
U sećanju je slika
Koja se nikada ne menja
Šta god da se desi
Sećaš li se kako smo pričali?
Trenutak koj me je ubio
I sve što mi je falilo
Je iznenada postalo korisno
Imao sam prednost
Promenili smo planove koje smo imali
Napravili nove od nule
Bila si sve što nikada nisam imao
Bio sam izgubljen
Sve je bilo izgubljeno
Sve je bilo izgubljeno
Bio sam izgubljen
Ovaj grad je bez imena
Sve ulice su puste
Sve kuće su propale
Ovde dolaze zaboravljeni
Unapred osudjeni
Idem kroz park
Ruku pod ruku sa duhom
Ovde je sve ponovo poraslo
Izvan se nalazi pustinja
Vidim samo pustinju
Planovi koje smo nekada imali
Su ovde kao sećanje na san
Kada jutro dodje
Sada smo tako daleko daleko daleko daleko
Od cilja
Od oproštaja
Sve je bilo izgubljeno
Bio sam izgubljen
Postoji li neki smisao u izvinjenju?
Postoji li neki put koj nas vodi kući?
Postoji li uopšte kuća na kraju puta?
Možeš li da oprostiš?
Ja mogu da oprostim
Imam samo svoje proklete reči
Sve te velike prazne reči
Postoji li neki smisao u čekanju?
Oproštaj oproštaj?
Izgubio sam tempo
Popustio stitsak oko stvarnosti
Bio sam tako ponosan jednom
Bio sam elitista
Izgubio sam svoje tragajuće svetlo
Gore u staroj kući
Zaboravio sam svoj podsticaj
Nema više srca
Ako se ne zabavljaš
Izgubio sam sebe
Sve u mom svetu se srušilo
I sada na kraju, izgubio sam i tebe
Izgubio sam
Sve je izgubljeno
Sve je izgubljeno
Izgubio sam
Postoji li neki smisao u izvinjenju?
Postoji li neki put koj nas vodi kući?
Postoji li uopste kuća na kraju puta?
Možeš li da oprostiš?
Ja mogu da oprostim
Imam samo svoje proklete reči
Sve te velike prazne reči
Postoji li neki smisao u čekanju?
Oproštaj oproštaj?
Nasledili smo naš greh
Naš večni greh
Imamo naš greh
Naš večni greh
Naš pravi greh
Je što dopuštamo sebi da verujemo...

The arsenic cake (italian version)

Into a great cauldron
I put claws of a scorpion
And add with pleasure
A good glass of oil
(Oh, I'll better put two..)
Sublimated in quantity (1)
Half a measure of cyanide
Strychnine, but that's not all
- And curare to go crazy!
- No!
- Ah!
Of narcotics we all know
We all use it here and there
Vitriol, as much as you can
And arsenic if you like
(However, it's better to add lots of it!)
Red peppers in abundance
Some blood of a street mutt
Fried worms with maraschino (2)
- And a little quint of salt!
- No!
- Ah!
Then dead mice, a basket full
And much cobra venom
And to complete the trick
Add the juice of an orange
(No! Oranges contain vitamins!)
Amongst confetti of hemlock
We'll add so much claviceps (3)
And - I'm tired of it - Ohibó!
- Another drop of vitriol!
- No.. Oh, oh yes!
- Aah, I could have sworn it was necessary!
Here the cake we have prepared
And will bring her as a gift
ANd whoever will eat it
Will die for sure!
Balullilulallalà !
Yeees !
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Priđi polako

Ljubavi oslobodila si mi život
Ljubavi svi izlazi
Vode uvek do tvog neba
Promenićeš mi (ulepšaćeš mi) dane
Sada te gledam i gledam
Sada te tražim i pronalaziš me
Ubrzavaš otkucaje srca
Kada si mi blizu
Želim da budem svetlost, da gledam tvoju ulicu
U tišini dok spavaš, ono što ćeš prvo videti kad se probudiš
Ti si moje najveće iskušenje kojem ne mogu odoleti
I bez tebe ne znam
Priđi polako, tako polako
Zagrli me jako da zabole tela
Pričaj mi polako jer me brzo vodiš
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve
Priđi polako, tako polako
Počnimo malo pomalo neka se iscrpe poljupci
Oslobodi ritam tvojih bokova bez straha
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve
Popiću gutljaj po gutljaj tebe
I za mene lanci
Večnosti sa tobom
Biće blagoslovena osuda
Tebi poklanjam vreme
U tebi su moje noći jedrenja
U tebi plovim mirno
Uz tvoje vrele poljupce
Želim da budem svetlost, da gledam tvoju ulicu
U tišini dok spavaš, ono što ćeš prvo videti kad se probudiš
Ti si moje najveće iskušenje kojem ne mogu odoleti
I bez tebe ne znam
Priđi polako, tako polako
Zagrli me jako da zabole tela
Pričaj mi polako jer me brzo vodiš
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve
Priđi polako, tako polako
Počnimo malo pomalo neka se iscrpe poljupci
Oslobodi ritam tvojih bokova bez straha
Voli me ove večeri kao što si one prve

The Little Death

Versions: #5
In the time of staggered breathing
Late on a summer evening
The angels departed earlier
And their faces stained in white
I think it is too late
To confess my pain
To my dying heart
And my memories stained in white
If I am lost, know that I will be yours
And in the crook of his arms, death will cradle us
Because if I am lost
It is only to remain yours
And in the crook of his arms, death will cradle us
The rain flows on my temples
The lightning sings your descent
Snuggled against my life
Your laugh resounds and then it flees
I think it is too late
To confess my pain
My heart is no longer like it was before
Because it softly falls asleep


[Prva strofa]
Sipaj još jedno piće, ne želim da razmišljam
O, ovo je bio dug dan
Prestani da razmišljaš, dok pušiš na mom krevetu
Stavi tu pesmu da se vrti u krug
Ne brini sada, vidi šta smo otkrili
Ne moramo u potpunosti da se predamo ovome
Glava u oblacima, oboje gledamo dole
To ne znači da padamo, o
Može da bude jednostavno, dušo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Etikete su toliko precenjene
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Pravila su tu da bi se kršila, dušo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Zašto se samo ne skinemo goli?
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
[Prelaz sa refrena]
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
[Druga strofa]
Kupamo se goli noću, mogu da vidim kako očima
Istražuješ kroz mrkli mrak
Ne moraš da se opireš, dozvoliću ti da odlučiš
Mogu da ti pomognem da se prepustiš
Ne brini sada, vidi šta smo otkrili
Ne moramo u potpunosti da se predamo ovome
Glava u oblacima, oboje gledamo dole
To ne znači da padamo, o
Može da bude jednostavno, dušo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Etikete su toliko precenjene
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Pravila su tu da bi se kršila, dušo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Zašto se samo ne skinemo goli?
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
[Prelaz sa refrena]
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Može da bude jednostavno, dušo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Etikete su toliko precenjene
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Pravila su tu da bi se kršila, dušo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Zašto se samo ne skinemo goli?
Hajde da ne komplikujemo
Hajde da ne komplikujemo

Come closer

Come closer to me, Maruxa,
come closer little dark-haired girl.
You'll be my wife,
you'll be my wife.
And if you go to the grasses1
I'll go to see you,
I'll give you a hug,
Maruxa of my love.
No hug,
because my father will see us
and then at home
he'll yell at me.
Come closer to me, Maruxa,
come closer little dark-haired girl.
I want to get married with you,
you'll be my wife.
And if you go to the grasses
I'll go to see you,
I'll give you a hug,
Maruxa of my love.
No hug,
because my father will see us
and then at home
he'll yell at me.
Little star of twilight, you must know it well
how many hours does the night last before dawn?
Come closer to me . . .
  • 1. really herb

Капија челична

Изврни ту капију челичну
Откључај тајни глас
Предај се древној буци
Окушај срећу с потпуно новим плесом
Изврни ту капију челичну
Изврни је, а сад се ти уврћи и вичи
Земља се креће сувише споро
Али Земља је све што знамо
Плаћамо да играмо по људским правилима
Изврни ту капију челичну
Човек је стваран
Није од челика
Али Земља је све што знамо
Плаћамо да играмо по људским правилима
Изврни ту капију челичну
Почетак је био крај
Свега што постоји сада
Мајмун се држи за реп
Залепио се за њега
Понавља док не одустане
Пола горила, пола Бог
Човек није од челика
Изврни је, а сад се ти уврћи и вичи
Земља се креће сувише споро
Али Земља је све што знамо
Плаћамо да играмо по људским правилима
Изврни ту капију челичну
Човек је стваран
Тако се осећа
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Pobegni sa Mnom

Biće magija, koju imaju tvoje oči
I ti trikovi da zaljube
Samo žudnjom me ti zavodiš
I od tvoje čarolije ne mogu da pobegnem
Kako se radujem da te nađem
I da te poljubim opet
Kako se trude da mi te uklone
Tako ćeš sa mnom noćas da odeš
Samo želim da poveruješ u meni
I da budeš hrabara, luče
Pobegni sa mnome ove noći, luče
Želim da te jedem
Ti ćeš da uživaš
Ti znadeš da se sa mnom dobro provodiš uvek
Želim da te jedem, da ti ljubim usta
Luče, nemoj reći ne
Ako smo samo mi dvoje
I ako ti naroguši koža
Kad nam sve toplo postaje
Moja supernova, krade mi osmeh ona
Za ona sam lovac, samo poljupcem grija se soba
Uvek za svakog gotova, nema dosta novca
Mala je pantera, ja sam joj kasanova
Pobegni sa mnom ma gde nema svedoka
Ako te upitaju, reci im da si drugarica moja
Da mi daš kaznu kad bude prazna soba
Znaš da si moja želja i da nikad ti ne moraš
Pobegni sa mnome ove noći, luče
Želim da te jedem
Ti ćeš da uživaš
Ti znadeš da se sa mnom dobro provodiš uvek
Želim da te jedem, da ti ljubim usta
Jer želim još malo ja, tvoje ukusne golotinje
Jer znoj tvoje kože, taj želim ja da probam
Jer želim još malo ja, tvoje ukusne golotinje
Jer znoj tvoje kože, taj želim ja da probam
Pamet mi pođivljava
I ako je zovem, ona mi kaže da je nađem i da je sama
Da nema vremena, ali to čineći odgađa
Ne izneverim je, jer neće da mi ljubav da
Mirna, život ti sa mnom uživaš
Jer se ni s čim poredi tvoja liga
Ti poljupci će me pobuđivat'
Da se svake zore pored tebe probudim ja

Svi me mrze

Da, hajde da opet to uradimo ali, am, ovog puta, am, hajde na skroz kao ludaci
Da, hoću da pijem tekilu sa mojim prijateljem
Ona je rekla da je varala zato što je htela više da postigne
Što više to čitam, da, sve se više uvređujem
Tako sam poražen, ne mogu da prestanem da mislim*
Zakačih sliku sebe zato što sam usamljen
Svi znaju kako izgledam
Ni jedan jedini me ne zna
Da, hoću samo da pijem tekilu sa mojim prijateljima
Tako sam poražen, hoću samo ovo sranje da se završi
I tako uđem u klub kao da,
Me svi mrze
Uđem u klub kao da,
Me svi mrze
Pričam sam sa sobom, sranje, sad misle da sam lud
Svi me mrze
(svi me mrze)
Kao da me svi mrze
Kao da me svi mrze
(Svi, da)
Ja sam proizvod interneta
I sad, ja sam lice u lice sa svim glasovima u mojoj glavi
Ne mogu ni da pogledam na sat, a da ne osetim krivicu
Zašto moram i dalje da mislim sve što sam ikada rekao?
I nije kao da hoću ono 'jadan ja', uspeo sam
Samo pokušavam da ostanem normalan sad kada znaju koje mi je ime
Da, hoću samo da pijem tekilu sa mojim prijateljima
Oni su razlog što sam ja još uvek ja
I tako uđem u klub kao da,
Me svi mrze
Uđem u klub kao da,
Me svi mrze
Pričam sam sa sobom, sranje, sad misle da sam lud
Svi me mrze
(svi me mrze)
Kao da me svi mrze
Kao da me svi mrze
(Svi, da)
Uđem u klub kao da,
Me svi mrze
Uđem u klub kao da,
Me svi mrze
Uđem u klub kao da,
Me svi mrze
Uđem u klub kao da, svi, da
Svi (svi)
Uđem u klub kao da, svi, da
Svi (svi)
Uđem u klub kao da, svi, da
Svi (svi)
Uđem u klub kao da
Me svi mrze
Svi, da, svi

For You

Music is finished for today
The concert hall is already empty
This pointless night is over
And now I'm alone
All night I waited only for you
All night I sang for you
For you, you sat in the first row
You left just before the end
And you didn't wait for me
Like every night
I continued handing out smiles
As if nothing happened
What more can I give you
I gave you everything
What more can I give you
My laughter was for you
And the sparks in my eyes
All the songs tonight
Music is finished for today
Now comes the last page of the novel
Written by life
Again and again
All loves begin the same way
As beautiful dreams
When you wake up
It's too late, you're down on the ground
And then you're even more alone than before
All loves begin the same way
As beautiful dreams
When you wake up
It's too late, you're down on the ground
And then you're even more alone than before

Run away with me

Versions: #3
Could it be the magic in your eyes
and your little love tricks?2
you seduce me as you please
and I can't escape from your spell.
I really want to look for you
and kiss you again (baby).
No matter how much they try to separate us
baby, today you're going with me
(I only want you to trust me and be brave, baby)
Run away with me tonight, baby (aha)
I want to devour you3
you're going to like it,
you know that you always have a good time with me,
I want to devour you,
I want to kiss your lips.
Baby don't say 'no'
if it's just you and me,
and you get goosebumps
when we start getting hot...
Baby don't say 'no'
if it's just you and me,
and you get goosebumps
when we start getting hot...
My supernova
the one that stole my smile,
naughty she-wolf,
with a single kiss she warms up the bedroom,
she sticks to me and she fondles me
she isn't bothered,
my baby is a panther
I'm her Casanova,
run way with me where no one can see us4
if they ask you, tell them I'm your best friend
I want a kiss, you want to be punished
you know I'm not forcing you,
I always want you, I'm telling you
(Mamita5, leave the window open).
Run away with me tonight, baby (aha)
I want to devour you
you're going to like it,
you know that you always have a good time with me,
I want to devour you,
I want to kiss your lips.
It's just that I want a little more
of your extravagant nudity,
it's the sweat on your skin
that I want to taste. [x2]
my mind is out of control,
and if I call her, she tells me to look for her, that she's alone
that there's no time, but doing it puts her off,
if I don't come through, it's fine because she doesn't do 'love'.
Calm down, you'll enjoy life with me
because I haven't seen another girl in your same league
those little kisses that make me want
to wake up with you every morning.
Run away with me tonight, baby (aha)
I want to devour you
you're going to like it.
you know that you always have a good time with me,
I want to devour you,
I want to kiss your lips.
Baby don't say 'no'
if it's just you and me,
and you get goosebumps
when we start getting hot...
Baby don't say 'no'
if it's just you and me,
and you get goosebumps
when we start getting hot...
Ladies it's easy,
all that we do for you,
Junte Poderoso
Multimillo Records
Los Legendarios
Hyde El Quimico
Gaby Music
  • 1. short for Wisin
  • 2. lit. 'and your little tricks for making others fall in love'
  • 3. lit. 'eat', the meaning is sexual.
  • 4. lit. 'where there's no witnesses'.
  • 5. a term of endearment, could probably be translated as 'baby' or 'honey'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).



Expert at gazing , and if I see a girl I will not hesitate
I fly and I know what i'm doing, I'm dangerous
Walking with the girl , I don't have fractions, with my girl , life is free , my life I love you,please
In my neighbour I'm flirting with girls , the phone rings all the time , girls are making me crazy
They surpize me so much ,made me confused with their numbers , girls are making me crazy
I'm dangerous , I'm playing with fire
If you play with your tail , I'm a clever fox
Sometimes I'm here and in other times i'm there
My heart is my own and no one will take it away
No one will take it away except for the loved one
It's over , I know that you are a snake
I know what you are looking for
You are silly and avid
Changing every hour
It's over now , just forget me , you'll not bear my pains
In my neighbour I'm flirting with girls , the phone rings all the time , girls are making me crazy
They surpize me so much ,made me confused with their numbers , girls are making me crazy
I'm dangerous , I'm playing with fire
If you play with your tail , I'm a clever fox
Sometimes I'm here and in other times i'm there
My heart is my own and no one will take it away
I've cried before , I was betrayed and I take a decision
to never trust . Me . Me . never trust
Don't think that my heart will bear you
My words are straight , not a liar , I'm so clear
I'm not forced to live in worries
I'm not a liar , I'm so clear
In my neighbour I'm flirting with girls , the phone rings all the time , girls are making me crazy
They surpize me so much ,made me confused with their numbers , girls are making me crazy
I'm dangerous , I'm playing with fire
If you play with your tail , I'm a clever fox
Sometimes I'm here and in other times i'm there
My heart is my own and no one will take it away

Mistral Gagnants

Da sednem sa tobom na neku klupu samo na pet minuta
I da posmatramo ljude koji prolaze koliko god da ih ima
Da pričam sa tobom o lepom vremenu koje je prošlo (mrtvo)ili će se vratiti
Držeći tvoje malene prste u mojoj ruci
Pa onda da hranimo blesave golubove
Da ih iz šale oteramo
I da čujem tvoj smeh od kojeg zidovi pucaju
Koji zna da leči moje rane
Da ti malo pričam o tome kad sam bila dete
O fabuloznim slatkišima koje smo krali od trgovca
Bonbonice i Minto, karamele od jednu franku
I mistral gagnant (dečije žvake, bombone)
Da ponovo prošetam sa tobom po kiši samo na pet minuta
I da posmatram život sve dok postoji
Da ti pričam o Zemlji, dok te jedem pogledom
Da pričamo pomalo o tvojoj majci
I da skočimo u baru da bi ona zakukala
Da uništimo naše cipele i da se smejemo tome
I da čujem tvoj smeh kao šapat mora
I prestati, ponovo otići i početi iznova
Pa ti pričam o starim 'carambas' i o 'coco boheres'
i o pravim 'roufoufous' koje nam je seklo usne
I uništilo zube
I o 'mistral gagnats'
Da sednem sa tobom na neku klupu samo pet minuta
I da posmatramo sunce koje zalazi
Da ti pričam o dobrom vremenu koje je mrtvo, i baš me briga
I da ti kažem da oni loši, to nismo mi
Da sam luda samo zbog tvojih očiju
Jer one imaju prednost da budu dvoje
I da čujem tvoj smeh kako leti visoko
Kao krici ptica što lete
Da ti kažem na kraju kako treba voleti život
Voleti ga čak iako je vreme ubica
Koje sa sobom nosi dečije osmehe
I mistral gagnants
I mistral gagnants

Asses That Vibrate

Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Do you like them to vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Do you like them to vibrate?
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah You like
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah the way that they vibrate
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah It’s vibrating
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Do you like when I speed it up?
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
You like it
You’re frustrated with this hottie
Don’t pretend, cause it shows on your lips
You like when I move my big ass
Sorry, tell your girl
To be careful if you get worked up
I’m dangerous, you know me
So, let’s avoid the rubbing
Please, prevent a problem for me
You always show up when I’m dancing to this song
Don’t get out of control and dance
Don’t get out of control and dance
Don’t get out of control and dance
Dance, dance, dance, let’s go
Don’t get out of control and dance
Don’t get out of control and dance
Don’t get out of control and dance
Come on, dance the vibrator
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Do you like them to vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Do you like them to vibrate?
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah You like
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah them to vibrate
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah It’s vibrating
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I’m speeding it up
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
We’re going to teach you how to dance
Put your ass to the back
Moving it from side to side
They want to be in charge and we have them frustrated
Put your hands on your knees
Cause we’re the mamis that show off
He likes asses that vibrate
Your man likes it, be careful, if it bothers you
Your man likes it
Your man likes it
Your man likes it
Be careful, if it bothers you
Your man likes it
Your man likes it
Your man likes it
Be careful, if it bothers you
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah You like
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah them to vibrate
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah It’s vibrating
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I’m speeding it up
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Do you like them to vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Papi, do you like asses that vibrate?
Do you like them to vibrate?

English chocolate

I came to visit you because you don't,
I brought you a box of english chocolate.
I don't know if you like to see me here
but there's something we're gonna talk about...
How pretty is your house in white it's fine,
mine is waiting for you, you can see it from here.
It's been two years I want to find you
because there's something we're gonna talk about...
I've been thinking, and I still can't believe,
that my love and the moon have offended you.
So it's worthless the sincerity
of opening up and show the truth...
Can I get in? I'm a bit thirsty,
look in my eyes and explain me why
if we were always so close and in peace
you never went looking for me again...
A wound over another will always hurt
a car brought me here.
I move a little to not disturb
maybe you find happiness...
If time has passed, you could understand,
changing that face you'd do me good.
It's not all a laughter, honestly I don't know what to do...!
with the english chocolate.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Raising my face which I have never seen and was about to lose
I got blurry vision
I couldn't say anything and my body was frozen
I couldn't think about anything but running away
Why am I so helpless?
Run, struggle, whispeing
Shout, receive, a voice's ringing
They make nothing
That's why I stopped even moving
Showing my mind which has never been seen
I couldn't believe my eyes
I couldn't say anything
or think about anything but abandoning
Why am I so helpless?
Whispering to run and struggle
Weak and ful of lies,
Even if I'm exposed, I can't quit
That's why i stopped even reaching out
At that time and another
I was always compared and insulted
Run, struggle, whispeing
Shout, receive, voice's ringing
They make nothing
That's why I stopped even moving
Run away, whispering
Weak, ful of lies,
even if I'm exposed, I can't quit
That's why i stopped even reaching out

Hate Me

I hate me I won’t miss you,
I hate me I won’t miss you
I don’t need I don’t need you here tonight
I don’t need I don’t need I will leave you
I like you love you miss you
Words I kept for a long time
U like me? love me? miss me?
Why am I the only one trying to forget you?
Hate me, it always hurt but I always held it in
Hate me, you don’t know
Hate me, memories, Hate me, all of it, Good bye
It was so obvious and typical
It was always the same season but with a different name
Like a typical movie
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate me, I already seen it all
Why are you so typical?
Hate me, you only know yourself, you hate me now
Hate me, on a field with no flowers
Baby I’m back and…
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate you
I hate me I won’t miss you,
I hate me I won’t miss you
I don’t need I don’t need you here tonight
I don’t need I don’t need I will leave you
I liked you, loved you, missed you
Words I’m gonna keep to myself
Still like me, love me, miss me
Why are you trying to hold onto me?
Hate me, it hurt but I held it in
Hate me, you don’t even know
Hate me, memories, Hate me, all of it, Good bye
It was so obvious and typical
It was always the same season but with a different name
Like a typical movie
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate me, it’s still the same
Hate me, every day I hate myself
Hate me, on a field with no flowers
Baby I’m back and…
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate you
Don't forget to press thanks
Thank You ❤️

Ljubav se zavrsila

Da ne mogu da te zaboravim, to ona zna
Da zelim samo da te volim, to ona zna
Da smo dva dela, oh oh
Ne vredi traziti jos jednu sansu
[Jennifer Lopez]
I meni se cini da i ti isto zaboravljas
Koliko noci si me ostavljao samu i da
I ja takodje vise patim sa tvojim odlaskom
Ali u ovom trenutku pocecu moj zivot
[Yandel & Jennifer Lopez & Abraham Mateo]
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh oh
Ljubav se zavrsila izmedju tebe i mene
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh, oh
Iako te volim, zato ti danas govorim 'Zbogom'
[Abraham Mateo]
Dosao sam i zavrsilo se
Od placa za tobom, me boli glava
Vreme je za brisanje i nov racun
Koliko noci sam proveo u agoniji za tobom
Idem na zurku, zurku! Hey!
Da te zaboravim zeno, koliko god da mi se cini tesko, pokusacu
[Jennifer Lopez]
Vise ne mogu da te volim i nije moja krivica
Nemam sta vis eda ti dam, moja dusa je prazna
Izgubljena sam u vremenu, ah
Nije vredno vise traziti drugu sansu
Zasto sam umoran da budem sam u ovom zivotu
Zasto ti na paznju skoro uvek zaboravis
[Abraham Mateo]
Zato sam skoro zavrsio svoju igru
I ostavicu te makar bila zena mog zivota
[Yandel & Jennifer Lopez & Abraham Mateo]
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh oh
Ljubav se zavrsila izmedju tebe i mene
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh, oh
Iako te volim, zato ti danas govorim 'Zbogom'
Duso, koliko puta si odbijala da me volis
Ja sa zeljom da ti ugodim, a ti mi pregovaras oko tvoje podrske
Ne znam zasto si bila tako losa zena
Nakon sto sam ti dao moju ljubav
Nakon sto sam ti dao moju ljubav
[Jennifer Lopez]
I meni se cini da i ti isto zaboravljas
Koliko noci si me ostavljao samu i da
I ja takodje vise patim sa tvojim odlaskom
Ali u ovom trenutku pocecu moj zivot
[Yandel & Jennifer Lopez & Abraham Mateo]
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh oh
Ljubav se zavrsila izmedju tebe i mene
Ljubav se zavrsila, uh, oh
Iako te volim, zato ti danas govorim 'Zbogom'
Ljubav se zavrsila (Ljubav se zavrsila)
Ljubav se zavrsila (Ljubav se zavrsila)

Sorry for the blood

[Bridge: LowLow]
I just wanted to be the best in this shit
The sickest rapper that's born on earth
And as long as they don't kill or jail me
For these cocksuckers there's no competition
[Verse 1: Lowlow]
This is my stupid dream, I know today's a new day
To change, for fuck's sake, to improve what's around me
If you talk to me I won't answer, I've got nothing to say
You can just get back up
After you've hit the bottom
Do you want my story? I'll tell it
I'm the son of two intellectuals
Good family, no problems, except my obsessive
So at six years old they took me to my first analyst
My life was like a tunnel, light took eyesight away from me
The most total restriction from talking with others
I've always known I was different from my mates
'Can I exit the class?'
And I exited childhood
I was waiting for something unexpected to save me, to raise me up
Then, boom! I found out about rap, I blew up at my first contest
There's nothing that can stop me, I'm the best one with words
I thank Tarek, thank Gem, thank MadMan, thank Secco
I'd probably be nothing, they teached me to follow the beat
Then the proposals, Honiro's selection, dizziness
And the majors, they all shiver, we keep them in our sights
Now that you know everything about me, you know I hate your hate
Say something others don't know, or hang up your microphone onto the nail
[Hook: Mostro]
As long as my heart beats, as long as my legs hold me up
I'll be writing my story with sweat and blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
It's my stupid dream, the only important thing
As long as I have this voice, as long as I have my art
It will always be MS, guys sorry for the blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
People want us because pain's interesting
[Bridge: Mostro]
I just wanted to be the best in this shit
The sickest rapper that's born on earth
And as long as they don't kill or jail me
For these cocksuckers there's no competition
[Verse 2: Mostro]
I don't know whether I'm chasing a dream
Or escaping a nightmare
You know, I just know I need it
Be this the sense of everything
Or a marvelous lie
I just know it changed me, as well as this verse
In love with pain
I chased it everywhere
It promised me protection
Then betrayed me and kidnapped my heart
I've got no more strength, I'm just saying I can't make it
I'm anesthetizing any emotion, depression's taken me hostage
And I don't think it's going to leave me, there's something inside chewing me up
Reality stands far away from me
I'm feeling lost, I search for myself in others
Then time passes
But at some point I said 'that's enough'
That way one dies
I have to do something to change
So I got my strength back and wrote this song
As long as I have this pen in my fingers
I'll be the one deciding to write when it's finished
I'm not getting paralyzed, I'm rewriting my destiny
From the beginning till the last line
The competition keeping me alive
I'm still here, my eyes in the darkness
I'm like those stars in the most beautiful nights of June
I'm back to being a monster
But there are also those who say I've become more of a jerk
Just because this Rolex covers that scar on my wrist
No, I won't let you guys this
Captain of a ghost ship
I'm proceeding with this damn journey
[Hook: Mostro] (2x)
As long as my heart beats, as long as my legs hold me up
I'll be writing my story with sweat and blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
It's my stupid dream, the only important thing
As long as I have this voice, as long as I have my art
It will always be MS, guys sorry for the blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
People want us because pain's interesting
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Bela zastava

Kako da ti napišem da su dani i dalje dugi?
Divim se nebu koje se proteže da napravi senku
A pisati ti, znači reći zbogom, jednom za svagda
Bili smo uspavani, oduševljeni, bačeni s jedne na drugu stanu
Da zadovoljim sebe, da zadovoljim tebe, namamila sam te na putovanja
Da ostaneš mudar i sa zlatnim rubovima
I odričem se, napuštam, spalila sam tvoju belu zastavu
Sve dok naši zvuci odjekuju, kunem ti se da možemo zaustaviti vreme
I nikada me ne ostavljaj samu
Ne ostavljaj me samu
Ne ostavljajmo jedno drugo samim sa vremenom
Tišina u tišini koja se držala tokom sukoba
Koje smo imali, da smo se izvukli iz svih razloga
Da pobegnemo daleko od ovih podela
Dok smo se izgubili u ovim pogrešnim načinima
Ove trenutke koje gubimo u stvaranju praznine
Zagrljajima koji jedini imaju razlog
I odričem se, napuštam, spalila sam tvoju belu zastavu
Sve dok naši zvuci odjekuju, kunem ti se da možemo zaustaviti vreme
I nikada me ne ostavljaj samu
Ne ostavljaj me samu
Ne ostavljajmo jedno drugo samim sa vremenom


Brojala sam tvoje korake
U plesu koji odvaja prostor tvojh izbora
Nisam bila sama
Ti brojiš cveće vrhovima tvojih prstiju
Koje prkosi tami i teškom iskušenju
Ali mene, mene privlači porok
Mi smo stvoreni jedno za drugo
Ali, možeš li da me čekaš?
A kada izađe Sunce, ja se vraćam tebi
Jedino što prepoznajem je praznina u meni
Sa zloupotrebom i greškama, ja živim svoj život, a tvoje reči su kao zakon
Kao predosećanje, mi se nećemo promeniti
Naši krici ruše
Zidove života koji vole da teraju
Naša tela do granica
Koja dele našu intimu, naše misli
Zaljubljujemo se u bolove
Ali nas privlači naša nesreća
Mi uništavamo zajedno
Ali, možeš li da me čekaš?
A kada izađe Sunce, ja se vraćam tebi
Jedino što prepoznajem je praznina u meni
Sa zloupotrebom i greškama, ja živim svoj život, a tvoje reči su kao zakon
Kao predosećanje, mi se nećemo promeniti

Until the Sun Rises Again

Another night will come
With it comes what I want most
To have you dance for me
To savor your shaker
Your burning body
Is everything I want forever
I only want you
You and your mad crazy tempo
And until the sun rises again
I don't want anything else
I only want you
Naked, no veil, nothing else
And until dawn breaks
Bowed before your feet, I'm telling you
I only want you
Another moon will shine
With it comes the fantasy
To have you dance for me
A thousand and one nights of magic
In one sizzling fire
The two of us in one body forever

Drunk as fuck

[1st verse: Wyga]
Tonight we're goin' to a party. We'll be singing and drinking.
No-one chose this path.
We were struck down by this illness long time ago.
People are starting to gather. They have bags, joints, bongos, hydro, vodka, beer and champagne.
We'll get fucking wasted tonight #flat line.
Forget about calling your fiancée.
Tell her you'll get proper fucked up.
Turn your phone off, homie
or I'll smash it against your head.
We're not going to talk about women.
Tell your missus that we'll be back on Tuesday.
Pour it. Lively, yeah?
Being sober in the morning is not an option.
I don't give a fuck about weather.
It will be dark when we get up.
What did you expect from us? Polite conversation over a glass of wine?
We're going to use vodka as a chaser
and then we gonna light up a blunt.
Music is blaring out.
* These last two days have been like a stretch in Soviet labour camp.
Dirty clothes, filthy jokes.
Who turned on the gas again?
What a fuckin' dumbwit!
Now the rooms stink.
I've ran into the kitchen but it was too late!
Handsome, young and sleep-deprived.
Phat-ass party. From (the city of) Łódź to Warsaw.
Ask homies 'Why they don't party like they used to?'
Two-day drinking sessions and gigantic hangovers.
Drunk as fuck.
Be stupid. I'm having some vodka and hooch.
Cause I got the chedda, imagination and technique.
Polskie karate (Polish Karate) - time to experience 'fatal punch to the neck'.
[2nd verse: Igorilla]
Oh my gosh. Shitfaced host.
Some couple is occupying carpet, what a party, bom biri baj baj
We've lighted up a blunt - dope ass Afghan Haze.
Jadźka is calling. Screaming blue murder.
Whole bunch of drunk people enters the place.
Coked up goof turned the gas up full.
An hour later police shows up, thanks to our overzealous neighbour.
Fuck, hide the beers. Someone jumps from a window,
Some else is puking under the carpet, Ave Maria!
' Kac Wawa' screenwriters, party enthusiasts.
If they were here today, Raczek would go berserk.
I'm smoking some hydro. Teleportation to a club.
Champagne on the table. Lights, camera and action!
La Dolce Vita, wassup, wassup.
You and your girlfriend but leave the midget.
Drunk like a motherfucker.
The mechanism worked. Drink in a jacuzzi
My boo is calling. There's no need for it.
It's time for the grand finale.
Guys, where's whisky? Hangover starts to kick in.
[Third verse: Astek]
Excuse my charisma, vodka, Spritzer
Moonshine not vodka, I can't see shit.
You've got a tattoo on your back, that's dope.
Amso f'd up (drunk person mumbling)
Place is packed with partying people
but there's this one fucking black sheep.
Rado, come on, lets punk this rich pussy!
He'll end up with a black eye.
I'm going to have a drink
and we'll act like rednecks.
I don't give a damn about bouncers.
Meaningful gestures (middle fingers) #pantomime
Hoodies and aggression on the horizon.
Fucking mutants with 'kidneys' (money belt) on their chests.
Chill, lads.
We're not looking for trouble/a tumor (literal sense), it's not Oncology ward.
I'm changing locations, I'm standing with a blunt.
I'm hitting the sack.
I'm a professional partygoer.
Yo, move over/go fuck yourself (literal sense) #hermaphrodite.
Check Jarek's crew moves.
We're killing it on the dance floor.
The fuck is up with them dudes boping to music?
They look like Jews praying in front of Wailing Wall.
I want more drinks!
One shot at the bar #52 Dębiec
Leave the door open. I'll be back in the morning.
You know what I mean, babe.
Show me what you're drinking (I am an expert in this field)
and I'll tell you what kind of person you are #Akinator
If you are capitulating and coming back, then I know one thing.
Give me a buzz from home #Beethoven
[4th verse: Rado Radosny]
Boom! Trip (as in, after sniffing shit)
Coco jumbo, bajao bongo.
Someone smoked some (bongo), someone else sniffed some (coco).
Eyes like Bilguun Ariunbataar
I'm eating some roquefort cheese.
I think I'm going to burp.
I'll get my 'cheesy' (V neck) sweater dirty.
I'm not sharing with anyone, om nom nom.
I'm going to piss to the flowerpot.
And what's the rest of the crowd doing? They're pouring another round of vodka.
I guess I can't hold my liquor. I'll probably throw up.
I'm waiting two turns/rounds (of alcohol) #Eurobusiness (board game)
I think I lost track of time cause I don't see the guys.
I'm heading to the balcony, holding on to balustrade
cause I'm scarred of flying like B.A. Baracus.
Some piece of ass goes for a smoke. She looks like a chieftain.
Caked in make-up.
I think we passed each other at the university.
Kids, don't be afraid to ask questions, so I'm like: ' You want to fuck?'
She tells me to fuck off and ask for forgiveness.
She calls me a dick and says that her boyfriend trains karate.
Oh, he's coming out of the toilet.
I've started apologizing. Her fancy man shows up. He's pissed off.
It got very noisy. He's going to 'dismantle' me like a bicycle.
He called me the worst names.
Now he's gonna beat me to a pulp and boom! (Motherfucker)
(What in the hell?!)
*1 Wyga and his crew are like Soviet labour camp prisoners when it comes to appearance. They're worn out, with haggard faces, wearing dirty clothes.
*2 Reference to an old favourite - 'Gdzie się podziały tamte prywatki?'
link to the video:
*3 Getting completely shitfaced. It's also a reference to old karate movies, like the ones with Bruce Lee.
*4 Reference to Cypress Hill's - Boom Biddy Bye Bye
*5 ' Kac Wawa' is like a Polish version of comedy ' The Hangover'
*6 Tomasz Raczek is a film critic who described the movie unflatteringly, to say the least.
*7 'The mechanism worked. Drink in a jacuzzi '
Reference to the movie ''Hot Tub Time Machine'.
*8 Reference to Lil Wayne's ''6 foot 7 foot'' track
*9 He's talking about methyl alcohol consumption of which can lead to loss of sight.
*10 It's also a vulgar way of referring to vagina.
*11 Polish transgender Member of Parliament.
*12 In colloquial Polish 'robić bydło' means 'to act like a redneck'. However, the noun ' bydło' itself means 'cattle' and Argentinian beef is of finest quality.
*13 'gwizdać' means 'to whistle' but in colloquial Polish it means 'not to care about something' in this case bouncers.
*14 Pierlugi Collina is an Italian former football referee.
He's describing a situation where hoodies are kicking up a row in front of a club.
Bouncer doesn't want to let them in and they start to show him middle fingers (meaningful gestures)
*15 One shot was a popular way of shooting video clips. Hans from 52 Dębiec took part in this project.
link to the video:
*16 'Puścić głuchego' means 'to give someone a buzz' (on his/her cellphone)
The adjective 'głuchy' itself means ' deaf '.
*17 Beethoven was a German composer and pianist.
' In his late twenties Beethoven's hearing started to deteriorate and by the last decade of his life was almost completely deaf. (...) many of his most admired works come from these last 15 years of his life.'
*20 Bilguun Ariunbataar - Polish showman, satirist, celebrity and a journalist of Mongolian descent. TVN is a Polish TV channel.
*21 Translation is overinterpretation but literal one would look nonsensical.
Rado is making fun of Polish former politician - Renata Beger who mistook former Secretary-General of the United Nations - Kofi Annan for Haman, a biblical figure.
*22 It also means 'karate uniform'.
source of annotations:

Until the World Ends

You are the angel of my dreams
The eternal light of my eyes
Only you, nobody else but you
You are the flower in my desert
The paradise I am lost in
And more, you are so much more
You are the goddess I adore
My smile when I cry
Only you, nobody else but you
You are the sun in my life
Where I find lost peace
And more, you are so much more
It's all that I want for me
All that I want, without end
All that I want until the world ends
It's all that I want for me
All that I want, without end
All that I want until the end of the word 'love'
You are the soul in my body
The flame that lights my fire
Only you, nobody else but you
You are the heat in my kisses
My greatest wish
And more, you are so much more
It's all that I want for me
All that I want, without end
All that I want until the world ends
It's all that I want for me
All that I want, without end
All that I want until the end of the word 'love'
Without you, I know that I'm nothing and I live without living
Without you, I know that everything ends at nightfall
It's all that I want for me
All that I want, without end
All that I want until the world ends
It's all that I want for me
All that I want, without end
All that I want until the end of the word 'love'
Until the end of the word 'love'

Cry of Dolores*

Mexican people!:1
Long live the heroes who returned our homeland to us!
long live !
long live !
long live !
long live !
long live !
long live our nation's independence2!
long live Mexico! long live Mexico! long live Mexico!
  • 1. after this, with every line the president yells out, the people will yell back either 'viva!' (long live!) or 'vivan!' (may they long live!)
  • 2. this has two meanings: 1. the day our nation became independence and 2. refers to the location it took place: Dolores, Guanajuato (The full name of the town ' Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nacional' [Dolores Hidalgo Cradle of National Independence]).
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Praise Thee, The Lord, Praise God In His Sanctuary

Praise thee, The Lord
Praise God in his sanctuary
Praise him in the firmament of his power
Praise him for his great deeds
Praise him according to his magnificent greatness
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet
Praise him with the psaltery and harp
Praise him with the timbrel and chorus
Praise him with strings and other instruments
Praise him with resounding cymbals
Praise him with jubilant cymbals
Let every breath praise The Lord
Praise thee, The Lord

Last night i met my friend

Suddenly in an old bar
last night i met my friend
where are you my friend i told with fire in my voice
im happy i swear on my life
Ref x2
He is talking with a shot (rakija)
that you are same stunning and beautiful
that every man is going crazy over you
that many hearths are yearning over you
Not knowing that his story is hurting me
in my soul i felt a wind (powerful felling)
I immediately called a waitor to the table
come and get us another drink
ref x2

Summertime Beauty

It's just a goodbye,
believe me, I never think about it.
I see that you've cried
you've known about it, but, since when?
Summertime beauty,
you're going away from me.
Enchanted night,
it's nice to see the lights down there.
I'm tired,
I don't want to talk, you speak!
Summertime beauty,
you're going away from me.
Perhaps because
I thought you to be happy like this,
exactly like this, in my arms.
Perhaps because
it was enough for us to get here
like waves at night on the beach.
Oh la la la la.
Oh la la la la
Little fires,
we are suburban gypsies.
Ours, are games
that don't last long
and the night takes them away.
Summertime beauty,
you're going away from me.
Perhaps because
I thought you to be happy like this,
exactly like this, in my arms.
Perhaps because
it was enough for us to get here
like waves at night on the beach.
Oh la la la la.
Oh la la la la.
Close your eyes and you forever feel like this,
still here, in my arms.
For both of us it would be enough to come back here,
like waves at night on the beach.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Copycat [Imitator]

“Well, hello”
Whom are you talking to?
I’m not acquainted with you
“I gotta go
We’ll meet again”
Day by day
My will becomes weaker
It's so good to be together…
I’m telling you everything you want to hear
“Just think how funny it is:
It’s like I’m looking in a mirror”
I no longer remember whom I was
There will be haze in the eyes…
I'll adjust myself to you.
It’s much easier, right?
Make me erase my face –
I’ll learn to feel no pity for myself
Tell me whom I should be
Tell me whom I should be
“Well, hello.
Is there something wrong?”
I’m speaking the exact way you do
That’s it, I’ll dissolve
And become nobody,
Just like you wanted
Icy cold tone of voice again –
But why, let me understand?
“Just think how funny it is:
I’ve been waiting for your tears for a long time”
I no longer remember whom I was
There will be haze in the eyes…
I’ve become a fake –
The one whom you wanted, right?
I’ve managed to erase my face,
Having learnt to feel no pity for myself
Tell me whom I should be (x4)
The cage has suddenly closed,
With no mercy and no avail…
I wonder, what are you going to do now?
Tell me, and you’d better be honest…
I no longer remember whom I was
There will be haze in the eyes…
I’ve become a fake –
The one whom you wanted, right?
I’ve managed to erase my face,
Having learnt to feel no pity for myself
Tell me whom I should be (x8)
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.