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My Girlfriend Is A Raver

Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi-hoi-hoi!
Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi!
Lida, Lida, DJ S3RL, uh
[Verse 1]
And I hold my babes hand
When she piss on the wall
Then I take my guitar
And load the songs of Maybe Baby
And she sometimes jokingly
Can just hit me to the face
My girl it's gun and bomb (Bang)
And I don't need another
[Bridge 1]
Hey, you, suck my dick
I'm a crazy russian kid
Uh, uh, London bitch, your pussy my lovely squid
Her hand in my pants embarrasses everyone around
But us is fantastically don't give a fuck
We are long gone crazy
She's naked on the street dancing shuffle dance
I turn on the 'Boichik' song and arrange flex
And then in the empty dilapidated house, slightly embarrassed
We are neo-romantics – we taking a black pills
Oh, good
Very good, yeah
Wow, speeds up okay
My girlfriend is a rave dancer
She spits right in my face
And then she screams with me (What, what?)
'Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi-hoi-hoi!'
She is raver-anarchist
She's definitely the best from girls
And she screams with me (What, what?)
'Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi!'
[Verse 2]
And when we're in torn, dirty jeans
Beside the dilapidated house
Kissed with the homeless under the trips
Came up to us the guy is very modest
And asked: 'What is the point of this
Aimlessly ignore the foundations?'
Refusing to self-development, –
Said I, smiling in pain
[Bridge 2]
My best friend yesterday was found near pipes
Under the iron quiet hatch rats eating up of his corpse
And I'm not surprised, we all once will leave, like this
So why we are waiting for, since, in the fact, we do not live
There is a own way out for everyone: someone smokes, someone drinks
Someone rejection of social networks, someone holding spoon over the flame
And my friend lay and rotted, but with smile on his face
Caramel rain was dripped of echo on the whole rusty workshop
And you tell us about asociality, you're crazy
And if you're crazy, then let's go with us!
Then let's go with us...
My girlfriend is a rave dancer
She spits right in my face
And she screams with me
My girlfriend is a rave dancer
She spits right in my face
And then she screams with me (What?)
'Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi-hoi-hoi!'
She is raver-anarchist
She's definitely the best from girls
And she screams with me (What, what?)
'Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi!'
Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi!
Hoi-hoi-hoi, punks, hoi-hoi-hoi!

Heat forever, love

Where are you roaming about?
You will answer to me in riddles.
Try to revive the morning
by waving /* correct: 'mávnutím' */.
Say Yes
come back, try to stand with me
Hidden in 5 letters /* i.e. in 'láska' */
Be destined to us!
Heat forever, love
Do not be missed to us /*literally*/.
You quickly disappear
in a minute you are away.
Heat forever, love,
do not hide your face,
I am rearing up my hands /* correct: 'vzpínam' */
what more I can ask for
than to like a couple of last days /*correct is: pár posledných dní */
Where are you roaming about?
In which of empty squares?
A couple of days you make face
like missing.
I do please you, love,
I cannot get more words here.
Hidden in 5 letters,
Be destined to us!
What more I can ask for.
Heat forever, love!
Heat forever, love!
Heat forever, love!

Baruch's Boots

He bought them cheaply
They were full of sand
He cleaned them with Spirit (turpentine) every two hours
He fed them soup
and when they threw up he was silent
He took them to a movie every two days
But one day he woke up
still sleepy
searched for the boots in the closet
and in the place where they were
only socks remained
that explained to him all logically
that buying shoes quickly
and socks are not lacking
But boots and pants always buying complete
very difficult to obtain them now
play play guitar
play play guitar
and in the end went out barefoot
stuffed up and also tired
and all of him aware of the depth of the trouble
and when he asked passerby
if they saw his boots
from politeness they refrained from replying
Baruch visited in village and city
in a very delicate situation
the depression in his brain ran amok
when he turned in desperation
to the department for family relative search
and the reception clerk got mad at him
because buying shoes quickly
and socks are not lacking
But boots and pants always buying complete
very difficult to obtain them now
play play guitar
play play guitar
And here beside a farm
there filled his bottle
He discovered traces that were recently made
and suddenly between the shrubs
he heard there whispers
in the arms of another man he saw them
He didn't know what to do
if to laugh or only to cry
never the less he took out the handkerchief
and to the side he took the man
drew the gun
and fired one bullet in the man's butt
because buying shoes quickly and socks are not lacking
But boots and pants always buying complete
very difficult to obtain them now
And the man 'kiss kiss' 'Sorry'
And the man 'kiss kiss' 'Sorry'
And the man said sorry
he accepted the 'sorry'
and went home without causing any further trouble
and from then until today
also in the rain also in the heat
they are sewed (stuck) on him strait to his bones.
And if you don't believe, ask Baruch!

I have a girlfriend

I have a girlfriend
And I love her
And try to always be with her
We go out walking in the street
I put on Aftershave
She makes clicking sounds
In high heels
Also in the busy market
She and I alone
We hug
And hide on the side
I have a leather jacket
And she has a soft blouse
Feel like a hero
Give her a kiss
I have a girlfriend and she is terrific (hot)
I love her in my heart
And when she goes
She always comes back
I think only of her
When I am with her
I am completely different
I dream of (owning) a car
And electric appliances
Because she has a nose
Matching eyes
A red smile
Like in the advertisements
She chews gum
With a mint smell
And with a red plastic fastener
Captures everything.
She puts on tights
With a “railroad” pattern
And metal earrings
Ribbons and earrings
I have a girlfriend and she is terrific..
I have a girlfriend, And I love her
When she cries
I am her devoted servant
Bring her coffee, a tray with cookies
Smile at her, making her laugh
Putting rouge on me
And I don’t care
And both of us together have
The same look
Love that she writes
With delicate fingers
And when she combs
She does soft movements.
I have a girlfriend and she is terrific..

Ja imam randevu sa smrću

Ja imam randevu sa Smrću
Na nekoj osporavanoj barikadi,
Kad se proleće vrati sa svojom šuštavom senkom
I kad cvetovi jabuka ispune vazduh.
Ja imam randevu sa Smrću
Kad proleće donese nazad plave i vedre dane.
Možda će on biti taj koji će uzeti moju ruku
I povesti me u svoj mračni kraj
I zatvoriti moje oči i utoliti moj dah-
Možda cu ja proći pored njega mirno.
Ja imam randevu sa Smrću
Na nekoj razrušenoj padini oskrnavljenog brda
Kad proleće opet dodje ove godine
I prvi livadski cvetovi procvetaju.
Bog zna da bi bilo bolje da bude duboko
Utopljeno u svilu i opijeno mirisom,
Gde ljubav lupa u bezbrižnom snu,
Puls za pulsom i dah za dahom,
Gde tiha budjenja su draga...
Ali ja imam randevu sa Smrću
U ponoć u nekom zapaljenom gradu
Kad roleće opet krene na sever ove godine,
I datoj reči ostaću odan,
Necu propustiti taj randevu.


So much irony draw trees on paper
My friends need more friends than I do
Our solitudes pass each other and no one noticed
It's because prisons are invisible, just like me
I'm caught between change my life
And don't know how to live
Half of me is courage
The other half wants to run away
I'm too vulnerable
I can tell
That the deep end has a fund, an end
I can see
I'm too vulnerable
I can tell
That the deep end has a fund, an end
I can see
I want life to be as beautiful as the pictures that I posted
And all these lies to be over
I want to be able to tell what life did to me
The real strong is the one who accepts your own liquidity
I'm caught between change my life
And don't know how to live
Half of me is courage
The other half wants to run away
I'm too vulnerable
I can tell
That the deep end has a fund, an end
I can see
I'm too vulnerable
I can tell
That the deep end has a fund, an end
I can see

Doll Seller

Versions: #2
I love this city, but it keeps silent at night.
Unarmed and killed, it is an apathetic witness of its own funeral, it is indifferent towards its executioners.
Looks like someone has decided that we are as naive as children.
But not a chance! And no matter how calm our enemy is,
but still I can see everyone around, dying of boredom,
is heading right into his arms.
But not a chance! I’ll steal you, just give me a sign.
You have to run fast before you are driven into that corner,
where the doll seller is waiting, the doll seller is waiting.
Warm my fingers, after all he doesn’t feel pity for us.
Look, he's scared, he is setting traps for the others and for himself. He doesn't take the calendar off the walls,
since he believes that we are big toys.
But not a chance! And no matter how calm our enemy is,
but still I can see everyone around, dying of boredom,
is heading right into his arms.
But not a chance! I’ll steal you, just give me a sign.
You have to run fast before you are driven into that corner,
where the doll seller is waiting, waiting for dolls.

Pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu

'Problem je samo u tvojoj glavi'
Reče mi ona
'Odgovor je prost
ako gledaš logično.
Hoću da ti pomognem u borbi
da budeš slobodan.
Pa ima makar
pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu!'
Reče 'stvarno nemam običaj da se namećem.
Pored toga, nadam se da se moje mišljenje
neće biti izgubljeno ili iskrivljeno.
Ali ponavljam,
pa neka i bila gruba:
Pa ima makar
pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu'.
Pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu:
Zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!
Ma zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!
Reče 'baš me pogađa to
što te vidim da se tako mučiš.
Htela bih da mogu nešto da uradim
da ti vratim osmeh!'
Rekoh: 'Cenim to.
I objasni molim te
za tih pedeset načina!'
Ona reče 'Zašto oboje ne bismo
ostavili to za ujutro,
verujem da ćeš tada
početi da vidiš svetlo.'
I onda me poljubi,
a ja shvatih da je verovatno u pravu,
ima makar
pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu.
Pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu:
Zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!
Ma zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!

to mora da je ljubav

Spusti sapat na mom jastuku
ostavi vetar na zemlji
budim se sama
u spavacoj sobi i svuda naokolo je tisina
dodirni me sada,sklapam oci i sanjam.
to mora da je ljubav ali sada je gotovo
mora da je bila dobra ali sam je nekako izgubila
to mora da je ljubav ali sada je gotovo.
Od trenutka kad smo dotakli jedno drugo,dok nam vreme nije isteklo
nek verujem da smo zajedno,da sam zasticena tvojim srcem
ali unutra i spolja okrecem se vodi kao kapljica na tvom dlanu
tezak zimski dan je,i sanjam...
To mora da je ljubav ali sada je gotovo
to je sve sto sam zelela,a sada zivim bez toga
to mora da je ljubav ali sada je gotovo
tamo gde reka tece,gde vetar duva

To pass with you through the desert of the world

To pass with you through the desert of the world
To face together the terror of death
To see the truth, to lose fear
Beside your steps I walked
For you I left my kingdom my secret
My quick night my silence
My round pearl and its east
My mirror my life my image
And I abandoned the gardens of paradise
There outside in the unveiled light of the hard day
Without the mirrors I saw that I was naked
And the wasteland1 was called time
Because of this with your gestures you dressed me
And I learned to live in full wind.
  • 1. field, but considering the desert of the world image, wasteland fits better here
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Leave It

Although I'm not a perfect person,
you accepted me. Were you my everything?
It is lke a dangerous single-line ride.
When the line is shaking, I'm afraid I'm going to fall.
Don't hold me tight. I've barely emptied you.
Leave me alone. I'm O.K.
It's a lie. Leave it.
I guess I was in a good mood.
I miss you.
Do you know I'm swayed by emotions?
I don't want to hurt you.
Why do you touch me and shake my feelings?
I know. I know very well. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
I think I wanted to kiss you.
I think I had you for me,
not for you.
I can't sleep because I'm selfish.
After this night, I close my eyes.
I know. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
That's a good deal.
I'm sober.
How many words did I say when I wasn't ready?
I feel relieved.
It makes you wetter when it rains.
It makes all the dark clouds go out of my mind.
In a false world, make you shine.
It doesn't make you see tainted me any more.
Eat it.
Blank head flies as white as a sheet
Now it's a distinct state to turn.
Have you ever seen me like this? I get so high.
Don't hold me tight. I've barely emptied you.
Leave me alone. I'm O.K.
It's a lie. Leave it.
I guess I was in a good mood.
I miss you.
Do you know I'm swayed by emotions?
I don't want to hurt you.
Why do you touch me and shake my feelings?
I know. I know very well. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
I think I wanted to kiss you.
I think I had you for me,
not for you.
I can't sleep because I'm selfish.
After this night, I close my eyes.
I know. That Sorry.
It's a lie. Leave it.
Because I don't want to be lonely.
I pretended to be crazy. You know me well.
I want you to erase me
to heal my wounded heart.
I guess I was in a good mood.
I miss you.
Do you know I'm swayed by emotions?
I don't want to hurt you.
Why do you touch me and shake my feelings?
I know I know very well. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
I think I wanted to kiss you.
I think I had you for me,
not for you.
I can't sleep because I'm selfish.
After this night, I close my eyes.
I know. That Sorry.
It's a lie. Leave it.
Good-bye. Although it hurts my heart... Although I love you...
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na
It's a lie. Leave it.

By the rivers of Babylon

By the rivers of Babylon,
There we sat down,
We wept, when we remembered Zion.
On willows in its midst
We hanged up our violins
When our captors asked us:
“Words of songs and we’ll be glad,
Sing to us from the song of Zion”.
How shall we sing the song of God
On an alien land?
If I shall forget you Jerusalem,
Let my right hand be palsied,
Let my tongue cling to my palate vault,
If I shall not remember you,
If I do not raise Jerusalem
To the head of happiness.

With a Fistful of Earth

With a fistful of earth, He created the world.
And when He created the earth, while making his rounds,
the Lord judging that, in short, he lacked the minimum,
He created woman and love and He gave them to men.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.
With a fistful of earth, He created lips,
and your two arms when they clasp me to keep me warm.
And I think at every moment that the one that I love so much,
the Lord made him with only with a fistful of earth.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.
Walking fast, going from here to there,
He gathered up dirt, then rolled up his sleeves,
and with His hands He fashioned the divine sweet and good one—
the one everyone names the eternal woman and love
that He gave to men.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.

A Bulgarian rose

My dear friend, good morning
welcome, you're here with us.
Bulgaria is in bloom for you,
you've never seen roses like these before!
Take the rose I'm giving you
with all my heart, because
this beautiful Bulgarian rose
tells you, with its scent
about the Balkans, the Black Sea
and all of us, all of us.
My dear friend, I'm sorry because
this is the day when you leave.
Bulgaria is in bloom for you
you must never forget it!
If you take this rose along
to your country, you'll see
that every year, in the spring
it will talk to you, with its scent
about the Balkans, the Black Sea
and all of us, all of us
If you take this rose along
to your country, you'll see
that every year, in the spring
it will talk to you, with its scent
about the Balkans, the Black Sea
and our people, so the memory
will always live in you, live in you!
Creative Commons License
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Ti si za mene, 100% osećam,
Ja sam za tebe, to barem znam.
Nas dvoje 100% odgovaramo jedno drugom,
Iste želje imamo mi.
Tvoja duša je prelepa,
Prema meni jako blaga,
Nije gruba.
Ti imaš prelepe oči,
Što mogu da me čitaju,
Moje srce poznaju. (x2)
Refren. (x2)
Zar je moguće tako,
Toliko da budemo bliski,
Da budemo kao jedno.
Ovo je moj san,
Desilo se nešto čudno,
Osetio sam se srećno. (x2)
Refren. (x2)
You are free to use my translations anywhere as long as you give me credit.

Slobodni ste koristiti moje prevode gde god, sve dok navedete mene kao autora.

Sijen slobodne te koristinena me prevodija kaj god, ako navedinena da me sijum o autori.


You are for me, I feel it 100%,
I am for you, at least I know that.
The two of us suit each other 100%,
We have the same wishes. (x2)
Your soul is beautiful to me,
You are so gentle towards me,
You are not harsh.
You have such beautiful eyes,
Which know know to read me,
They know my heart. (x2)
Chorus. (x2)
Is this possible,
To be this close,
To be like one.
This is my dream,
Something strange happened,
I felt happy. (x2)
Chorus. (x2)
You are free to use my translations anywhere as long as you give me credit.

Slobodni ste koristiti moje prevode gde god, sve dok navedete mene kao autora.

Sijen slobodne te koristinena me prevodija kaj god, ako navedinena da me sijum o autori.

Harrys song

They can fly people to the moon
they can make liquor from yeast
They can change genitals on those who want that
They can operate fools
they can cure hernias and the plague
They can make a new kind of bacteria
They can make me pay for data
they can make a house out of pebbles
they can put a laser in a tie
they can make a can talk
they can fly at the speed of light
They can control the whole world with a microchip
But make the train come when it's supposed to
that is apparently so amazingly difficult
that science is not good enough yet
That's why all trains arrive when nobody is watching
We understand dig, we understand you
We understand you, so perfectly well
We understand you, we understand you Harry
I've traveled around the whole round world
I've never raised my hand against a child
I've always paid my taxes in time
I drive my car on the right side
I've walked on the sidewalk
I've never ever let one rip in public
I can line it all up for you all
Think about liqour and gasoline
How much of that I've brought, almost all of the price is tax
That would add up to many train drivers
That is a lot of money
Only the value added tax would pay for thousands of watts of electricity
This madness have to end
I have surely paid for the locomotive with my taxes
And Mr train drivers salary and shoes and hat
that is surely the tax from my second jobb
We understand dig, we understand you
We understand you, so perfectly well
We understand you, we understand you Harry
And I don't want to stand here anymore and fight
Bring me my train because I want to take a ride
Otherwise, I'll buy every damn track
And every damn train and semaphore
And I'll cut it into pieces with a saw
So nobody ever can ride a train anymore
So nobody ever can ride a train anymore

In the sea of blood

When blood floods your eyes,
when death dances next to you,
you laugh in her face with scorn.
The day to die hasn't come yet.
In the sea of blood and the hurricane of fire,
the lament of dying choirs
is drifting over the field of death.
The wings of war have covered the earth.
Hit in the place where the enemy doesn't expect it.
Drown his hopes in a hole of bloody tears.
Poisoned arrows will pierce steel armours.
Bloody red sun has hidden.
Ghosts born from our hate
are blowing at the fire and ashes.
They're dancing over the battlefield
and their fear is frightening and freezing the hearts.
I lift the sword up from the red mud.
I clench my fists and suppress my pain.
Fire and smoke are lashing my face.
Spouts of my tears and sweat are flowing.
Mad horses trample the field.
Cracky swords wound their hooves.
On the battlefield, ghosts gather.
Bloodshed attracts them.
My sword is still sharp,
it cuts the spider webs of darkness.
In the sea of blood, I immerge my hand.
Red rain will fall down soon.
On the battlefield, in the sea of blood,
the dying moan the hymn of death.
Fire won't consume their bodies.
Eternal coldness will cover them with ice.
Gods of death and destruction
reap bloody harvest.
Their red standards
burn with war fire.
My hands are wounded.
My face is bloodstained.
Mud makes my movements slower.
I'm blindly looking for the way out.
Hostile hordes are still coming closer.
In the clouds of red dust,
they're dragging war machines.
They'll soon feed us with the living fire.

Love Bird

When I am to sing
A thunder in the air
Agitated wave in the river
A heated arrow
My image translates
Into a light over the waters
The scream of the fish
Party in the woods
I'm gonna crown you
A desire of my tongue
I'm a trap for you
The unveiled snake
A red puma
In your own hand
Tangling your heart
It won't be your expertise
Of abandoning a woman
One day the woods rebelled
You won't tear the canvas of my skin
Of a love bird
It won't be your expertise
Of abandoning a woman
One day the woods rebelled
You won't tear the canvas of my skin
Of a love bird
I go under the sky of my home
Where my mother sleeps
I only get saved if I sing
It's raining now
We're the tears of always
It's raining
We're the tears of always
It's raining, it's raining now
We're the tears of always
It's raining, it's raining now
We're the tears of always
It's raining
We're the tears of always
It's raining
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

The Wave

Be not afraid of love
I’ll be by your side
Be not afraid of loneliness
I’ll hold your hands
I’ll stand afloat
In the deepest ocean
Thinking of you
Welcome to my heart
Sorrows of mine please flow away
Waves of life
Brighten my world
I gave my love to you
I stay by your side
Now we’re together forever
See the years pass us by
I’ll stay deep in your thoughts
I’ll be craving for you,
I’ll thrill you.
Welcome to my heart
Now, my life is filled by you
Let’s head to the light afar
Together we keep rowing
Oh, my love.


Your favorite group
No one understands how this love works
It doesn't break, it doesn't collapse
Nothing will destroy it
I lend them my brain to examine
To annul you from my mind, not even burning my neurons
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Hard, the experts look for a cure
Because I love you insanely
They don't trust that I'm human, girl**
I subject myself to science with lateness
For me, the testosterone only is activated for you
Come and study my brain
Because my conduct isn't normal
And this heart, God made it eternal
Know that this feeling is immortal
In the book of Guinness it will end
A man who has never loved a woman more
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Perpetual, impeccable like light
The insanity of my attitude
I'll tell you again, no one will understand me
You playboy
The Kingz
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Hard, the experts look for a cure
Because I love you insanely
They don't trust that I'm human, girl**
I subject myself to science with lateness
For me, the testosterone only is activated for you
Come and study my brain
Because my conduct isn't normal
And this heart, God made it eternal
Know that this feeling is immortal
In the book of Guinness it will end
A man who has never loved a woman more
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Perpetual, impeccable like light
The insanity of my attitude
I'll tell you again, no one will understand me
Let's go
Mike fon, fon-fon
Primo, pero dilo
They look at it superficially like an enigma
As though I'm missing a screw, finished off and without a way out
Your craziness disturbed
I yearn for you and value you
More than I do my own life
Yo, ay yo
Te, ay te
Ay Mami yo te amo (I love you)
Yo, ay yo
Te, ay yo
Hasta lo infinito mi amor (Until infinity my love)
Hasta lo infinito, bebé
Te A-aa-mo

Alone with Myself

It is just eight o'clock and the house awakens.
A radio plays a song at a neighbor's house.
I butter toast standing in the kitchen
because you're always hungry in the morning.
Then each of us hurries and, on your fresh cheek,
I caress you and say: 'Until tonight.'
And you hurry away while, from my window,
I give you a good-bye wave.
You left and I stay here.
I stay alone, alone with myself.
All my life, I pass it here.
I stay alone, all alone at home.
I have what I want—the best and the worst—
the golden life and the desire to leave.
They say I'm lucky but I cry in silence
on my big bed and over my future.
Behind my grin, they do not see the evidence
of those desires that tear apart the heart—
for the gentleman across the street, for the young man passing by—
for a moment of love, for a quarter of an hour.
You left and I stay here.
I stay alone, alone with myself.
All my life, I pass it here.
I stay alone, all alone at home.
That's my vie en rose, always to do the same thing
while following the path that has been laid out for me.
Like all women, I have the same schedule,
and 'The Today Show' on TV.
Nobody imagines that I might have real thoughts—
that sometimes I might want to travel.
The adventure is over, despite myself—I'm sure
that nothing will ever happen to me.
You left and I stay here.
Me here alone, alone with myself.
All my life, I pass it here.
Is it really happiness, all this?

DuckTales (Latin Spanish)

Many adventures there
in duckburg
With the bad guys
and also the good guys
There will be mysteries,
stories of birds
Ducks, wo-oh
Great adventures with the
ducks Wo-oh
Ducktales we
call them
Great dangers
to circumvent them
to dodge
This and more you can enjoy with...
Ducks, wo-oh
Ducktales of
emotions Wo-oh
Ducktales by
heaps Wo-oh
You will see everything here with
Ducks, Wo-oh.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

A World With You

Day after day,
I have made love—
a world with you
where our rules were the same.
An incredible,
an inseparable
world with you
made of joy and love.
And our sky was clear and without rival.
The dust at our feet seemed to be made of gold.
The slightest glow was sunlight—
but this dream for you became too much.
Since then, every night
my sorrow rebuilds
a world with you
where your voice cries out 'I love you!'
And our sky was clear and without rival.
The dust at our feet seemed to be made of gold.
The slightest glow was sunlight—
but this dream for you became too much.
Since then, every night
my sorrow rebuilds
a world with you
where your voice cries out 'I love you!'
Day after day,
I have made love—
a world with you.

That House We Had in Mind

I stay but I can't manage
I speak about something but I don't speak
and I contradict everything that I touch
The world is a big place but not too much
So that a second is enough for me
and I go back, like it is no big deal,
to that place so much awaited for, as much
as much as a word if I don't speak
And I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
with your child face
And I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
looking as someone who is in a queue
absently waiting for their turn
thinking that in the end it will come anyway
You hold too big of a place
and, of course, now it's weird not to talk about
that house we had in mind,
far from the road, surrounded by green
Do you remember, you were always cold
and I was too but I've never admitted it to you
because our story lives in these things
in all the things we don't say but still stay
I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
with your child face
I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
looking as someone who is in a queue
absently waiting for their turn
thinking that in the end it will come anyway

Ducksadventures (DuckTales) [Intro]

They live like hurricanes
Cars, lasers, planes
All up to date
A good mystery
To make history!
Ducks! Woo-hoo!
Adventures all day
Ducks! Woo-hoo
Fun, risky stories
they're here!
behind you
There's a stranger
near you
It's best to run and go away,
Ducks! Woo-hoo!
Adventures all day
Ducks! Woo-hoo
Fun, risky stories
they're here! Woo-hoo!
Not bad wolves nor fairytales
Ducks! Woo-hoo
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

The Adventure Hunters (DuckTales) [Intro]

Here comes a hurricane
Excitement comes
It's got racing and aeroplanes
It's got sensation
Old castles
Beautiful duels
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
It's the adventure
hunters! Woo-hoo!
All of them are great
figures! Oo-oo!
Our friends
face them
But there are dangers
which chase them off
All of that
happens in
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
It's the adventure
hunters! Woo-hoo!
All of them are great
figures! Oo-oo!
Therefore, the kids just want
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Poor Man's Palm Tree

The palaces
Along the seashore
Where the rich are crowded
And the promenade
Of those old sick English folk
Under the palm trees
Well aligned
It's not the place I dreamt
Best for me to take you
Far away from the jam-packed beaches
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
Where we have
The sun, love and the sun
Within reach
Under the poor man's palm tree
All's well
I imagine myself
In the Grenadines
Where my boat sinks
Then I swim
Along a beach
Bathed in clear water
Brilliant blue
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
I see us
(Under the poor man's palm tree
Under the palm man's palm tree)
All's well
In this place I dreamt
Where I'd like to take you
Far away from the jam-packed beaches
The sun, love and the sun
Within reach
Under the poor man's palm tree
All's well
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
Where we have...

Džejsonova pesma(dala sam)

[Verzija 1]
Da, stvarno si pokušao
Ali ja sam posadila sve laži koje si mi rekao, oh
Sva sranja koja si uradio
Ne možeš pobeći onako kako me razumeš
[Pre-Refren 1]
Ponašao si se kao da si me kupio po povoljnoj prodaji
Nije te ni briga
Fokusirao ste svoju frustraciju na mali detalj
Iscrpljivala sam ga, kao moj rep
[Refren 1]
Kada ne želiš da vidiš devojku koju želim da budem
Onda zašto, zašto bih onda slušala
Ako ne želiš da radiš ono što mi treba od tebe
Zbogom, zbogom
Zato što sam ga dala, dala sam ga, dala sam ga
I vraćam ga nazad
[Verzija 2]
Ja nisam lutka u vazduhu, nema slobodnog za sve
Nema roba tvojoj odluci, ooh
Moram naći način da razbijem čaroliju
Da se ​​udaljim od ta dva crna maga
[Pre-Refren 2]
Iskoristio si me kao fragment tvog velikog dizajna, hej
A ti, ne možeš da me staviš na dno
Ne shvataš šta je moje, i dobro mi je
[Refren 2]
Rekao si da ne želiš da vidiš devojku koju želim da budem
Zašto onda, zašto bih slušala?
Ne želiš da radiš ono što mi je potrebno od tebe
Zbogom, zbogom
Dala sam ga, dala sam ga, dala sam ga
Vraćam ga nazad, dušo
[Refren 1]
Kada ne želiš da vidiš devojku koju želim da budem
Onda zašto, zašto bih onda slušala
Ako ne želiš da radiš ono što mi treba od tebe
Zbogom, zbogom
Zato što sam ga dala, dala sam ga, dala sam ga
Vraćam ga odmah
Vraćam ga nazad, dušo
Vraćam ga odmah

Slightly Tipsy, Just Last Night

Slightly tipsy, just last night
I shagged every broad in sight.
Their names were Polly, Bonnie,
Heather, Jonathan, and Johnny.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Ave Maria

Ave Maria
Oprosti mi
Što pred Tobom - ne stojim
Ave Maria
Ja, koja ne umem da kleknem
Ave Maria
Zaštiti me
Od bede, od zla, i od ludaka
Koji vladaju ovom zemljom
Ave Maria
Stranci dolaze sa svih strana
Ave Maria
Čuj me
Poruši barijere između nas
Koji smo svi braća
Ave Maria
Bdi nad mojim danima i mojim noćima
Ave Maria
Zaštiti me
Bdi nad mojom ljubavlju i mojim životom
Ave Maria

If it's not you

If you're not the reason
Do I force my heart to stop hurting?
If it's not you then I'll stop forcing myself
to hope for the two of us
Cold and unable to move
My heart that insists it's you is struggling
If we're not together in the end
I'll restrain myself from falling in love again
If we're not together in the end
Do I force my heart to stop loving you?
If you're not the reason
Will I choose to avoid to stop getting hurt?
If it's not you then who's going to cry
in the morning for the two of us
Letting go because I can't move
Am I stopping your heart that's calling for someone else?
If we're not together in the end
I'll restrain myself from falling in love again
If we're not together in the end
Do I force my heart to stop loving you?
Lost and looking far
I'm stopping my heart that insists it's you
If we're not together in the end
I'll restrain myself from falling in love again
If we're not together in the end
Do I force my heart to stop loving you?
If we're not together in the end
(Can I manage to love someone else?)
I'll restrain myself from falling in love again
If we're not together in the end
(Will my heart allow it...)
Do I force my heart to stop loving you?