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Резултати претраге страна 19

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Ljubav može spasiti sve

Prvi stih:
Deo mene
Je deo tebe
Uhvati me za ruku
Želim da osetiš
Ono što ne možeš da čuješ
Toliko te volim
I ti mene voliš
Dakle reci mi zašto
Zašto imam osećaj
Da smo kilometrima udaljeni
Bio si uz mene i u dobru i u zlu
Uvek si našao način da ostaneš uz mene
Seti se kada si govorio
Znaš da naša ljubav može spasiti sve
Toliko dugo smo zajedno
Zato ne odustaj od onog što smo
Nekako ćemo pregurati
Znaš da jedna reč može promeniti sve
Posumnjala sam, ali sada znam
Da želim da budem sa tobom ceo život
Svaki dan i svaku noć
Jer naša ljubav može spasiti sve
Drugi stih:
Želela bih da postoji
Još neko kao ja
Još neko kao ti
Da se možemo vratiti
U vreme kad smo se upoznali
Još jedno mesto
Još jedna šansa
Nađimo se na pola puta
Znam da osećaš isto

They were burying a king so great

They were burying a king so great
Who fell asleep so peacefully in bed
For the wake1 came princes from north and south
But down in the valley laid an old maid
On her stomach, her head on the meadow
She liked her king, she loved her country
But the heart said stop when she went for water
But that, there was nobody to see
They were burying a king so great
Who perished despite all the care
In the church sat princes singing in choirs
But the woman in the grass laid without words
Who else had a softer bed?
From the fjord came the wind, so northly and cold
But around her skirt grew lillies of the valley
But that, there was nobody to see
They were burying a king so great
The people surrounded the road
The casket was shown and the casket lowered
But down in a valley stood a cow, still bound
And lowed and missed its milkmaid
She didn't hear it, she laid satisfied
With her hand in the bucket and her head on one side
But that, there was nobody to see
Yes, they were burying a king so great
The camera buzzing at the priest
Who said an immortalized last word
But the old maid laid in the same earth
And surely didn't miss the party
They never found her, before soon the winter came
And she went in the fjord when snow turned to flood
But that, there was nobody to see
  • 1. 'gravøl' is the name of an ancient Nordic rite where the funeral goers drank 'grave beer' for a week after the funeral to honor and cherish the memory of the deceased.

Ave Maria

Ave Maria! Virgin of heaven—
Queen of gratitude and pious mother
who always answers the fervent prayer.
Do not refuse this, my broken heart.
Give respite to its sorrow!
My lost soul appeals to you—
and, full of hope, prostrates itself at your feet.
It invokes you and waits for you to give it
the peace that only you can give.
Ave Maria!
Hail Mary, full of grace—
Mary, full of grace—
Hail Mary, full of grace—
Hail, hail, Lord—
the Lord is with thee
Blessed are you among women
and blessed—
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, thy womb, Jesus.
Ave Maria!

Ave Maria

Ave Maria! Virgin of heaven—
Queen of gratitude and pious mother—
who always answers the fervent prayer.
Do not refuse this, my broken heart.
Give respite to its sorrow!
My lost soul appeals to you—
and, full of hope, prostrates itself at your feet.
It invokes you and waits for you to give it
the peace that only you can give.
Ave Maria!

An Avenue Full of Saudade

Who knows how long I take Lisbon in me?
How long have I been raising this city in my voice?
At any time, time does not forgive
It is from this city the blue that hurts me
And time is in us the same age
Who knows everything that Lisbon knows about me?
How many seagulls has the quay of this anxiety?
In my chest, there is an echo that stuns me
A pigeon that lifts and flies
An avenue full of saudade1
If the night is one of uncertainty and poetry
I close the shutters of joy
I cast my look into clarity
If sadness hurts more than I can bear
It is in the deep roots of beauty
That I fill my hands with freedom
Who knows everything that Lisbon knows about me?
How many seagulls has the quay of this anxiety?
In my chest, there is an echo that stuns me
A pigeon that lifts and flies
An avenue full of saudade1
Knowing how long the pain has tired us
Lisbon is a child in my blood
That brings on the face a little bitterness
But it is a party every dawn
Lisbon is the hope we have left
The capital city of wind and tenderness
  • a unique Portuguese word that means the feeling of hurt and nostalgia, caused by the absence, disappearance, distance or deprivation of people, times, places or things to which one has been affectionately connected and that one wishes to have again in the present

It Was Spring

To you,
who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
then love, then love, love.
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'

It Was Spring

To you, who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
and then so much love, love.
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'

They said your lover will travel

They said your lover will travel
I said i hope he travels to a place
(where) It makes his road emerald
And gravels into corals
And the sun a tent, sun shading my master
And the moon granite
They said to me : and you ?
I said : yes, i swear and i !
They said : will you be patient ?
I said : yes, i swear, a year
They said : he will leave you alone
I said : his heart won't listen to him
He will leave the longing and the emotional deprivation with me
They told me that the longing is oppressive
I said : my master doesn't know
They told me : it will slash your eyes
And will deprive you of the sweet slumber
I said : my master's guest ( the longing)
I will honor you in his absence
And if you want hurt me, hurt me
All of me belongs to his youth


Please do not tell me, do not tell me that this is not a dream
I still hear your voice in my dreams
Everything is gone, everything is gone, I'm alone with myself.
You do not care at all, you close your eyes to it.
No longer hide me under the mask, I want to stop breathing.
I can't break free, I can't break free of this.
Shackles of reality freeze
Is not it better to die than die1
It’s better to give up
Last trail of reason to survive
I no longer regard hope and tomorrow as words of existence, I almost fell from the edge of the world
I swallowed - I smiled.
Please do not come to me just because the world is in this dizzy mirror
If you don't hurt, you have to continue to bleed. Don't look back for me.
In the corner of dreams
You don't have to break yourself.
Endless stretch of bloody fog
Only the lone does not understand betrayal
Sweet laughter starts corruption
Memory, like a needle, filling bags under the eyes.
I can't escape, I can't escape, I can't escape, I can't escape, I can't escape, I can't escape.
Left with pain alone, imprisoned for nothing
Imagine a blank dream, silent, only you and me.
It’s better to destroy it, not to destroy it.
It is better to cut off2
I am still ignorant in my memory
I don’t want to keep hope and tomorrow’s words. I’m falling at the end of the world.
Have swallowed up, have had a smile
Please don't come to me, just because of the world in this dizzy mirror.
If you don't hurt, you have to continue to bleed. Don't look back for me.
In the corner of dreams
You don't have to break yourself.
Don't remember me, don't remember me, don't remember me, don't remember me.
If you give up, you will gradually become numb. If you no longer pray, you will welcome heaven.
Can you forgive me? Forever silent
Please tell me, please tell me.
In a world of collapse, it’s all a dream
  • 1. First the word 'die' is used in the infinitive, and then in Present Continuous.
  • 2. About existence


Cannot say what I feel
Cannot come closer, just only shivering
Hands that are excited to be with you
Your eyes that never fail to stop my world
I am a slave of your love
Ready to love someone like you
Until your heart becomes mine, you will not be fooled
You are the light in the dark and the brightness of the stars
Cannot stay still
Can only look at you
Whispering at your side
Truly nothing can compare
The beauty that you etch on my mind
I am a slave of your love
Ready to love someone like you
Until your heart becomes mine, you will not be fooled
You are the light in the dark and the brightness of the stars
Ohhh woahhhh...
I am a slave of your love
Ready to love someone like you
Until your heart becomes mine, you will not be fooled
You are the light in the dark and the brightness of the stars
Of the stars
Of the stars
Of the stars

To Hold You in My Arms

To hold you in my arms is a desire
that I seek in vain to forget.
Feeling you in mine forever is a sort of dream
and everywhere your face appears to me.
You are the only woman for me
and I yearn to love you for all eternity.
I sense a sort of divine music
in your voice when you whisper “I love you.”
To hold you in my arms is a desire—
a dream that will remain forever—
and the dream will be a sweet reality
as long as our love lives.
You are the only woman for me
and I yearn to love you for all eternity.
I sense a sort of divine music
in your voice when you whisper “I love you.”
To hold you in my arms is a desire—
a dream that will remain forever—
and the dream will be a sweet reality
as long as our love lives—
as long as our love lives.

Don't score money

What do you think, TopGunn?
What do you think, ELOQ?
I don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I score ladies, I score ladies
I don't score money
I-I-I-I-I score ladies, G
Without cash in your club I'm ridiculous
On the street every day with smoke in my hand
Your on the street every day with your lady in hand
And when you walk together, I'm the one she's looking at
I swag hard, so you can't beat me
More money, less problems
Hustling, baby, it's in my genes
Nørrebro-star - you all know, what I mean
Believe me, honey, we'll se each other later
I promise you, it'll be the wildest night
But you'll pay the bill for weed and food, honey
They don't get it, they give me so much,
Without cash in my pocket I'm still well-groomed
Music boy is at the bar buying ladies drinks
I stand outside scoring with a small bag King1
I don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I score ladies, I score ladies
Facebook inbox full to the brink
Original music boy, who made Nørrbro popular
No-one in Denmark has run the same game
Hardworking, well-deserved fame
When the boss shows up, she walks two steps back
I bring swag to every town and every lil' village
They all want to be my deep music guy
But the answer is no, 'cause my style is perfect
You have a lot of money, I have none
Shitty for you that she'd rather be my woman
At the club completely blazed on sticks
Who does it like me? No-one!
I don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I score ladies, I score ladies
Now they all want to be a part of my thing
Part of my thing, part of, part of my thing
Now they all want to be a part of my thing
You must swag like me to be in my squad
All music ladies know my name
Know my name, know-know my name
All music ladies know my name
Slum boss, I am the king of Copenhagen
I don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I don't score money, I score ladies
Don't score money, I score ladies
I score ladies, I score ladies
Don't score money
I come and score it all, man
  • 1. As in the beer.

Do you know what a Christmas tree needs?

La la la...
Do you know what a Christmas tree needs?
It needs some rain and some sunshine too,
rain, sunshine, but there's a hitch,
it's not enough.
Winter rain will freeze
and the tree will die.
So, do you know what it needs?
Some bright sunshine, some rain
and friends too.
Love, always,
On the letter you write to Santa,
so that it doesn't get lost in the huge sky,
draw the golden sledge,
the immaculate reindeer1
but that's not enough yet.
It still needs...
Do you want to know what it needs
to climb up there
into the blue?
It needs the impulse of a pure heart,
two immaculate reindeer,
a bouncing sledge,
some sunshine and rain,
and friends to boot,
and love,
always love.
La la la...
  • 1. and what about ?

To touch the sky (BRAVE OST - Persian Glory group lyrics)

When cool breeze(wind) blows
When the sky is clear
the foggy mountains will sing
will lead me to the light
I'll ride the wind
I'll fly
I'll follow the wind
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'
I'll follow the wind
into the mysterious wood
I'll listen its stories
to start to dream
I'll even climb the (highest) mountains
then I'll overcome(reach) my dreams
(&) fly up to the sky to...
'to touch the sky'
the sky...
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'


I don't always know where I'm going
But know I'll end up with you (lavender)
You give the love that I myself never give
Sometimes forget that I love myself (lavender)
I'm feeling good (lavender)
No medicine in my blood
Oh, I'm feeling goo-oo-ood (lavender)
It's odd what you're doing to me
Because you feel like and you sound like
And you work like lavender
Because you feel like and you sound like
And you work like lavender, lavender
Give me another shot of depth
On the run after a cliché (lavender)
I push you away, I want you a little more every time
Oh, I won't make it by myself (lavender)
I'm feeling (I'm feeling) good (good) (lavender)
Invisible under your influence
Oh, I'm feeling goo-oo-ood (lavender)
I'd deny addiction if I had to
Because you feel like and you sound like
And you work like lavender
Because you feel like and you sound like
And you work like lavender, lavender
Lavender, lavender (x3)
I'm feeling good (lavender, lavender)
Hey, no medicine in my blood (lavender, lavender)
Oh, I'm feeling good
I don't know if you even exist
Because you feel like and you sound like
And you work like lavender
Because you feel like and you sound like
And you work like lavender, lavender
Because you feel like (are you calling my name or not?)
And you sound like (you can't see me, can you?)
(Where are you from?)
And you work like (take me with you, take me with you)
Because you feel like (to the moon and back)
And you sound like (in the middle of the storm)
(I'm very close to it)
And you work like
Hold me
Lavender, lavender
Are you calling my name or not?
You can't see me, can you?
Where are you from?
Take me with you, take me with you

Miraculous: Adventures of Ladybug and Black Cat

Marinette (speaking):
During the day I'm Marinette,
an ordinary girl who leads a normal life.
But there's something that nobody knows about me,
I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous: Adventures of Ladybug and Black Cat


Život je nekada bio tako usamljen
Slomljeno srce je bilo jedina
Stvar koju si mi ostavio
Moj život
Moj život je bio tako prazan
I ljubav je bila najdalja
Najdalja stvar od mene
Navikao sam se na nove početke
Da sam dobar, ali ne dovoljan
Bio sam spreman da odustanem, ali
Sada si ušla u moj život
U raju sam, padam
U raju sam, padam
Pravo u tvoje srce
Uhvatiću te kada padaš
Čujem da tvoje srce doziva
U moje ruke
U raju sam, padam
U raju sam, padam
Pravo u tvoje srce
Uhvatiću te kada padaš
Čujem da tvoje srce doziva
U moje ruke
Sada te imam ovde pored sebe
Miluješ mi telo
Ne treba mi ništa više
Ništa više
Nema tog mesta
Gde bih radije bio
Dok se jarki sjaj izmiče
Nego sa tobom upravo ovde
Navikao sam da se osećam golo
Hodajući slep sa visećim srcem
Bila sam spremna da se predam, ali
Sada si ušao u moj život
U raju sam, padam
U raju sam, padam
Pravo u tvoje srce
Uhvatiću te kada padaš
Čujem da tvoje srce doziva
U moje ruke
U raju sam, padam
U raju sam, padam
Pravo u tvoje srce
Uhvatiću te kada padaš
Čujem da tvoje srce doziva
U moje ruke

I’m Not Afraid to Die with You

We went through winter together in search of a land of love.
We crossed the desert knowing that one day we would reach the ocean.
And since our two lives are but one life,
I’m not afraid to die with you.
La la la la la—la la la la
La la la la la la—la la la
When one of us lost hope, the other went on believing—still.
And each time we fell, a shared heart brought us back stronger.
For all these reasons that made up my song,
I’m not afraid to die with you.
La la la la la—la la la la
La la la la la la—la la la
We know each other so well that the future is in our hands—that’s all.
What happens tomorrow will never change anything ever again for us.
I want to tell you even so, as we say “I love you,”
I’m not afraid to die with you.

I Am Dreaming

I would be pleased to stay with you in dreams once more.
Reviewing my fantasies in his gaze as I’ve done before.
At last, I know it. Someday, this may turn out true.
I shall never stay together with you
Since I always fail to love you unless I am dreaming.
La la la
I shall never stay together with you
Since I always fail to love you unless I am dreaming.

If the sky fell

Somewhere far away, she's waiting for me
A whole world separates us again
Time passes slowly, always alone
A whole world separates us again
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
I couldn't live
If you didn't smile at me
I see a whole world in your eyes
When I embrace you
I can dream again
I see a whole world in your eyes
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
When the horrible storm tries to take you from me again
I will offer it my own life instead
When the storm tries to take you from me again
You'll see that love will overcome
Love . . .
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
No, no, no, never . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

To whom do you belong

There is a home amid yellow leafs
He is a secret in all thoughts
He is a roof of yours, and he is a nightmare of mine
A rare instant in front of a house threshold
A hidden look so dear, like a battle
Every day you are under the same eaves
A dove flying, laughter in the air,
Cool as ice, then thriving like a flower
I stand for a long, long time
I look amazed, and without voice - like a mute
To whom do you belong, to whom do you bring joy
You are a star, in some cloud like a flame
To whom do you belong, and who caresses your long hair
You are my world, and I don’t even know your name
There is a day that doesn’t dawn
He is concealed in forests from fables
You have to be a part of him,
A touch, so small,
A kiss, very small, yet burning
To whom do you belong, to whom do you bring joy
You are a star, in some cloud like a flame
To whom do you belong, and who caresses your long hair
You are my world, and I don’t even know your name

The drawers

You're not allowed to open the drawers
Closed: for some reason they locked them,
And the fact that you have found the key now
Is a coincidence you can ignore.
Do you know what you will find in the drawers:
Lies. A lot of lies made of paper,
Photographs, objects.
Inside the drawers is the imperfection
Of the world, the unalterable imperfection,
The grief with which you disillusion yourself repetedly.
The drawers have been filled
By people as weak as you
And they have been locked by someone wiser than you.
A month ago or a century ago, it doesn't matter.

Ručno rađen raj

Zavidim pticama, na drveću
Ceo život imaju svrhu
Zavidim paucima, vevericama i semenima
Svi su našli svoj put, automatski
Ali u ovom ručno rađenom raju, oživljavam
Plave ptičice zauvek obojiše nebo
Ali u ovom ručno rađenom raju, zaboravili smo na vreme
Jer srodne duše lete zajedno
Nosim osećaj nelagode
Želim negde da pripadam, kao ptice na drveću
Sedim sama, razgledam grad
Neboderi sjaje kao da nikada neće pasti
Ali u ovom ručno rađenom raju, božanstveno je
Plave ptičice zauvek obojiše nebo
Ali u ovom ručno rađenom raju, zaboravili smo na vreme
Jer srodne duše lete zajedno
U ovom ručno rađenom raju, oživljavam
Plave ptičice zauvek obojiše nebo
Ali u ovom ručno rađenom raju, zaboravili smo na vreme
Jer srodne duše lete zajedno
Ne mogu više da ignorišem
Bršljenove što rastu
Ovaj mi život više ne odgovara
Loše mi se piše
U ovom ručno rađenom raju, oživljavam
Plave ptičice zauvek obojiše nebo
U ovom ručno rađenom raju, ručno rađenom raju
Ručno rađenom raju, ručno rađenom raju
(Plave ptičice zauvek) Srodne duše
(Plave ptičice zauvek) Lete zajedno
(Plave ptičice zauvek) Po ovom čudnom, čudnom vremenu
(Plave ptičice zauvek) U ovom ručno rađenom raju
U ovom ručno rađenom raju, u ovom ručno rađenom raju
U ovom ručno rađenom raju, u ovom ručno rađenom raju...

The colorful dreams

The colorful dreams carefully save
All that was many years ago.
And sometimes the magical round dance of these dreams
Takes adults by the hand to their childhood.
These dreams are the dreams where the fairytale lives among the miracles.
These dreams are the dreams where you can get a star from heaven, from heaven.
Happy is he, happy is he who is a child at heart.
Our childhood is long gone.
It has read the ABC book of the past life.
Summer, autumn, winter and there is no spring.
But our childish dreams
Keep the warmth of that spring,
Keep the warmth of that spring.
Everyone needs the wonderful country
Of childish dreams all his life...
It is unfortunate we rarely see these colorful dreams
When we grow up.
These dreams are the dreams where the fairytale lives among the miracles.
These dreams are the dreams where you can get a star from heaven, from heaven.
Happy is he, happy is he who is a child at heart.
Our childhood is long gone.
It has read the ABC book of the past life.
Summer, autumn, winter and there is no spring.
But our childish dreams
Keep the warmth of that spring,
Keep the warmth of that spring.

My Lion (king)

Versions: #2
It doesn't matter with whom you're waking up
And whose lips you're kissing drunk
Your punishment is to dream of me
And when I disappear to go mad
It doesn't matter who were you with tonight
When you would leave every single one of them
To grow old with me
My Lion
Hewho sleeps with slaves
Wears the crown for nothing
My lion, you are proud of this!?
He who heals with scrum
He actually kneels
My Lion, you are a bad luck
He who sleeps with slaves
Wears the crown for nothing
My Lion, why have you sold us like this...
It doesn't matter where you wander
Nor which sinful secret are you holding
Your punishment is to always come back
And pay double for every mistake you make.
It doesn't matter who were you with tonight
When you would leave every single one of them
To grow old with me
My Lion
He who sleeps with slaves
Wears the crown for nothing
My lion, you are proud of this!?
He who heals with scrum
He actually kneels
My Lion, you are a bad luck
He who sleeps with slaves
Wears the crown for nothing
My Lion, why have you sold us like this...
He who sleeps with slaves
Wears the crown for nothing
My lion, you are proud of this!?
He who heals with scrum
He actually kneels
My Lion, you are a bad luck
He who sleeps with slaves
Wears the crown for nothing
My Lion, why have you sold us like this...

Sve Zene Umeju Plesati

Ona se osmehuje ogledalima i socivima
Kada mi salje slike uvek su bez filtrera
Ja povlacim sve konce
Za povrsne devojke zavisne od wifi-a
Besprekorna, kako nosis tu tvoju haljinu i visoke stikle
Da li si ikada razmisljala da uklopis svoje reci i svoja dela
Samo kazem...
Nisi ti u pitanju, samo kazem
Uvek padnem na istu stvar
Ah, madjionicari
Ponovo sam prodao svoju dusu zbog srodne duse
Znam, znam, obecao sam da cu prestati (obecao da cu prestati)
Verovao sam da sam pronasao pravu za sva vremena
Ali moja malena je pobegla (ah, malena je pobegla)
I svaki put je poslednji ples
I posle se lagano vraca refren
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Oko celog sveta
Oh, stisnula je kao da ne moze da me pusti
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Ne brinem se ni zbog cega
Sada me cekas na drugoj liniji
Znao sam da ce me ponovo pozvati jedan od ovih dana
Ali ne brini se, moje je srce fleksibilno
Mozes da ga stisnes, ali nemoj da ga slomis
Zaboravi proslost, ponasamo se kao da se nista nije desilo
Zelis da provedemo noc, nema nikakvog problema
Ali bolje da javis na poslu
Kazi da ces poceti u devet, ali da ne treba da radis sutra
Ponovo sam prodao svoju dusu zbog srodne duse
Znam, znam, obecao sam da cu prestati (obecao da cu prestati)
Verovao sam da sam pronasao pravu za sva vremena
Ali moja malena je pobegla (ah, malena je pobegla)
I svaki put je poslednji ples
I posle se lagano vraca refren
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Oko celog sveta
Oh, stisnula je kao da ne moze da me pusti
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Ne brinem se ni zbog cega
Sve zene umeju plesati
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Sve zene umeju plesati
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega

Save You

Our different powers assemble and form rays of light
Every dark corner can be illuminated with love
This is unbelievable, about this type of attraction
You are the one who change this world
Every pair of clear eyes,
let love continue on
Won't ever linger on this phobia
Embrace his fragile heartbeat
When the rainbows of smiles are different
Bravely declare to the world
Let you see that love makes you understand,
you know that
Take a little bit of your time
and do something to the best your ability
Take a little bit of your change,
give them companionship and concern
The world is big, but won't be cold again
Give a smile - it won't be the same
Feel the attraction of love
Leap over the language border between countries
The light source which never stop and take a break
Changes every belief
Oh, the attraction of love defines from the heart
Let love warm the world
Releasing the sound of happiness and laughter
Every face,
a uncommon type of precious
Is love's biggest magnetic field
The simpler it is, the more intense it will be
That purest will never change
A language that is transmitted by a smile
They and us are the same, all of us hope
The expression in the eyes are filled with longing
Have the warmth of a companionship
When the rainbows of smiles are different
Bravely declare to the world
Let you see that love makes you understand,
you know that
Take a little bit of your time
and do something to the best your ability
Take a little bit of your change,
give them companionship and concern
The world is big, but won't be cold again
Give a smile - it won't be the same
Feel the attraction of love
Leap over the language border between countries
The light source which never stop and take a break
Changes every belief
Oh, the attraction of love defines from the heart
Let love warm the world
Oh yeah
We gather our scanty power and turn it into a big ocean
Penetrating the obstruction, feeling the attraction of love, baby
A beauty that can't be put into words
A silhouette that is no longer fearful of
Just let the heart beat with a tacit understanding
Oh, the attraction of love defines from the heart
Leap over the language border between countries
The light source which never stop and take a break
Changes every belief
Oh, the attraction of love defines from the heart
Let love warm the world

Чај од опијума

Ево, преспавао сам цело јутро
Све док ме позив на молитву није пропбудио.
И нема ничега што треба да урадим, осим да устанем
и да следим дан где год да ме поведе.
Стојим крај прозора и гледам у море
И оно сам што сам, и што ћу увек бити,
Стојим крај прозора и гледам у море
И припремам себи чај од опијума.
Доле, у луци, гледам како пристижу бродови,
Посматрање бродова који пристижу може ти нешто учинити
А клинци се окупљају са испруженим рукама
И бацам им дирхам-два
И размишљам да ли моја деца мисле на мене
Јер сам оно што сам и што ћу увек бити
Размишљам ад ли моја деца мисле на мене
Осмехујем се и лагано испијам свој чај од опијума.
Ноћу, море удара о зарђале, црвене бедеме,
И обличја људи са капуљачама који пролазе крај мене
Јаук ветра се смеје и смеје и смеје
Чудна је срећа коју ми је судбина доделила
И мачке на бедему певају радосно
да је он оно што јесте и што ће увек бити
Да, мачке на бедему певају радосно
А ја седим и испијам свој чај од опијума
Овде сам затвореник, никада не могу отићи кући,
Овде не могу ништа добити ни изгубити
Овде се ништа не може изабрати
Чак ни избор да изабереш нешто
Да, ја сам затвореник овде, да и слободан сам
Јер сам оно што сам и што ћу увек бити
Ја сам затвореник ове, да, али сам и слободан
Осмехујем се и испијам свој чај од опијума

Father God

Put my white dress on me,
the one I wore on our wedding
no matter how fast the doctor walks
he’s so far from our ranch…
Don’t waste anymore the medicines,
my strength is already lessening...
Put my white dress on me,
Father God is calling me...
Father God, Father God, Father God…
Everything is drowning in silence,
only Juan says to her:
“If you saw that pretty ears of maize
that grow on the hill…”.
But I don’t want anything,
I will give away this land.
That’s what Father God wanted
and with God no one can argue.
Everything is drowning in silence,
only Juan says to her:
“If you saw that pretty ears of maize
that grow on the hill…”.
But I don’t want anything,
I will give away this land.
That’s what Father God wanted
and with God no one can argue.
Father God, Father God…
Father God is calling me…
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

No religion

Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
It means that someone can hear my voice
After all, I'm not alone
Give me strength, not a gram more than I need
So I could be there, where honest people suffer undeservingly too often
Even if the burden weighs as much as a concrete building
I will bring you back in the forgetfull hearts
Because we lack faith
Give me strength so I could help, to spread justice
when it is needed, because it is just not out there
Give me strength to decide who goest to Heaven
Because i know people who I would send to Hell
Keep mom and dad safe, keep grandma and grandpa safe
Family is our true prize
I kiss my daughter
A consequence of two people
God is one - there is no religion.
Punch, punch, my cheek will stay uninjured
Diss, diss, but i respond to you with love
Push, push, there is only a little left
Give it all - the last suit has no pockets
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
It means that someone can hear my voice
After all, I'm not alone
This cannot be true, it doesn't sound real
All doctors say that it is completely normal
That after such a complex brain surgery
A speech deformation is completely possible
A loss of moments and fragmented memories
And they talk in percentages, and they put forward arguments
But this, over there, is my dad! He is not a folder and a file
And you cannot erase a simple detail
Without breaking the person and everything he has ever been
And then, why did I start smoking?
And then, why did I start drinking?
And then, why did I get in a fight?
And then, why did I become rotten?
All of these things - another person had decided a long time ago
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
Oh, God, if you are somewhere out there
It means that someone can hear my voice
After all, I'm not alone

The eyes that shine

It's a Monday, I met a girl, there.
It's a Monday, she has eyes that shine (twice).
She smiles at me but doesn't say anything
I'll see her tomorrow.
(Rit) We can say, we can do all what we want,
Happiness is ephemeral
We can do well, we can say all what we want,
Time only makes martyrs (twice)
It's a Tuesday, I found the girl again.
It's a Tuesday, which has eyes that shine (twice)
She waved to me
I'll go talking tomorrow
It's a Thursday, I went to see the girl
It's a Thursday, which has eyes that shine (twice)
She says to me 'I like you'
She showed me her garden ...
It's a Saturday, I woke up near the girl, there
It's a Saturday, which has eyes that shine (twice)
She said to me 'Must get out!
Because my husband is coming back! '
It's a Sunday, I came across the girl, there
It is a Sunday, which has no more eyes that shine (twice)
There's a ... in her arms
She does not even look at me

Memorable Christmas

The day will come, far yet in sight,
Morning preparations are our jumpstart,
We will simmer each other's love on the wind
Freedom is refuge your singing is poetry (a poem)
You are a caring light underneath you I take shelter
The heavens can hear all of our voice
The breeze is getting colder, together we pray
Celebrate (feel) the Christmas day
The essence of Christmas is in our hearts, I carry your memories (with me)
My life is filled with happiness, with you, there is so much hope
The essence of Christmas is in our hearts, I carry your memories (with me)
The gathering and the growth (life), the day (life) has no end
Here is the season together with you glancing at my colorful life
The breeze is getting colder, together we pray
Celebrate (feel) the Christmas day
My life is filled with happiness, with you, there is so much hope
The essence of Christmas is in our hearts, I carry your memories (with me)
My life is filled with happiness, with you, there is so much hope
The essence of Christmas is in our hearts, I carry your memories (with me)