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Nasty Weather

Climate changes, weather changes are in nature every year
Nasty weather these days is trendy, nasty weather, nasty weather…
And it‘s pouring water harshly from the sky upon us all
Six months of inclement weather, six months all life is on hold
Six months of this horrible weather, six months all life is on hold
All the life is on hold due to rain and wind and cold
There‘s nowhere to hide and not much to do
All the life is on hold but I think that you should know
Someone out in the rain is searching for you
Strikes of thunder sunrise to sunset make the music in the valley
Human nature is imperfect and the payback is nasty weather
Not the sore throat, not the sinus, and it’s not just the common cold
Six months of inclement weather, six months all life is on hold
Six months of this horrible weather, six months all life is on hold
All the life is on hold due to rain and wind and cold
There‘s nowhere to hide and not much to do
All the life is on hold but I think that you should know
Someone out in the rain is searching for you
All the life is on hold due to rain and wind and cold
There‘s nowhere to hide and not much to do
All the life is on hold but I think that you should know
Someone out in the rain is searching for you
V.L. (Vesper Lynd) aka Eva Trussell

Ave Maria

Not all of us have the luck
to be chosen by the fate
and the destiny to give us something
On roads of humility
your step is hardly guiding you
and makes a calvary of your life
You choke with the sour bread of poverty
and don't understand what you made wrong
what your hand is chosing
to be a slave while another one's a king
and have nothing of all that you wish for...
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...
Why do people live their life
everyone for himself
and forget about the love for the close ones?
Wondered of so much hatered,
I shut myself deeply
and I wonder
'God, where have You gone?'
Does not anyone just have the soul
to let you down on his downfall
and coming to you
with a word to calm
the wounds of the soul from the past?!
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...

Hej, Džo

Hej, Džo,
Gde ćeš s pištoljem u ruci?
Hej, Džo,
Gde ćeš s pištoljem u ruci?
Idem da upucam svoju bebu*,
Video sam kako petlja
S drugim muškarcem
Hej, Džo,
Čuo sam da si upucao svoju bebu,
Hej, Džo,
Čuo sam da si upucao svoju bebu,
Da, upucao sam je
Otišao sam i strpao je
U zemlju
Hej, Džo,
Gde ćeš pobeći sad?
Hej, Džo,
Gde ćeš pobeći sad?
Idem skroz na jug
Gde ću biti slobodan
Uputio sam se ka Meksiku,
Nijedan dželat mi neće staviti uže oko vrata

Unravel (Greek Cover)

Won't you tell me?
Won't you tell me?
Who am I now?
What should I see?
What will I find inside me?
In this world I'm damaged, helpless, empty
And you blind-smile
And without hesitating
I'm lying to the ground, I won't get up, without a breath
The truth, seems
Leads to the death
The new life is a disaster
Sanity is gone
Tell me how to save me
All by myself I see the world changing around me
A lost voice is screaming:
'Don't look at me, don't search and find me'
'Don't look at me'
The world seems like a lie
Misfortune goes back to me
I will be your distant memory
That is now striked
This isolation will be on until I'm drown
My innocence is harsh
Is eliminated from my memory
Disaster, derangement, superiority, acceptance, resignation
Extrication from world's emptiness
Life is holding on to a thread
Is hiding from me
I stand off it1
I hope that is following you
The new life is a disaster
Sanity doesn't exist
I won't dare to get lost
All by myself I see the world changing around me
A lost voice is screaming:
'Don't look at me, don't search and find me'
'Don't look at me'
Inside the trap that they will have set us
My future will eat me alive
I will be your distant memory
That is now dead
Don't forget me
Don't forget me
Don't forget me
Don't forget me
These delirium resides inside me
It takes me away from paradise
Remember that I was there once
Won't you tell me?
Won't you tell me?
Who am I now?
What will I find inside me?
  • 1. Life.

Ako moram da odem

Ako moram da odem,
da li ćeš me se sećati
Da li ćeš naći nekog drugog,
jer sam otišao
Ovde nema ništa za mene,
u ovom svetu punom stranaca
sve je ovo nečija ideja
Ne pripadam ovde,
a ti nemožeš samnom
Samo ćeš me usporiti
Dok ne pošaljem nekog po tebe,
nemoj nositi kosu na taj način
Ako ne želiš ,razumeću
Reci svima ostalima,
dršaćeš tajnu u svojim rukama
da ću se vratiti po tebe
Ostaviću moju jaknu da te greje
To je sve što mogu
Ako moram da odem,
da li ćeš me se sećati
Da li ćeš naći neko drugog,
jer sam otišao

Nada Je Opasna Stvar Za Ženu Poput Mene - Ali Ja Je Imam

Čitala sam Slim Aarons i morala sam misliti da sam mislila
Možda bih bila manje pod stresom da sam bila testirana manje kao svi ovi debutanti
Nasmejana za milje u rozim haljinama i visokim štiklama u belim jahtama
Ali nisam, dušo ja nisam
Ne, nisam, da nisam
Suzila sam okolo u svojoj jebenoj spavaćici
24/7 Silvia Plat
Pišući krvlju po zidovima jer mastilo u mojoj olovci ne radi u mom beležniku
Ne pitaj da li sam srećna, znaš da nisam
Ali u najboljem slučaju mogu reći nisam tužna
Jer nada je opasna stvar za ženu poput mene
Nada je opasna stvar za ženu poput mene
Imala sam petnaestogodišnje plesove
U crkvenim podrumima romanse, da, imam
Prolivanje svojih creva sa Bowery Bums je jedina ljubav za koju ikada znala
Osim pozornice, koju takodje zovem domom,
Služim Bogu u spaljenoj posudi za kafu za trojstvo
Zdravo, ovde najpoznatija žena na iPad-u
Zovem iznad groba, samo želim da kažem 'Zdravo, Tata'
Suzila sam grad u svojoj jebenoj beloj spavaćici
Kao prokleti blizu sociopata
Tresenje zadnjicom je jedina stvar koja mi skida ovaj crni narcis sa ledja
Nije mogla brinuti manje, I ja nikad nisam brinula više
I nema više sta da se kaže o tome
Osim nada je opasna stvar za ženu poput mene
Nada je opasna stvar za ženu sa mojom prošlosti
Tu je nova revolucija, bučna evolucija koju sam videla
Rodjena od konfuzije i tihog dogovora o kojem uglavnom znam
Moderna žena sa slabom konstitucijom, jer imam
Čudovišta idalje ispod mog kreveta sa kojima nikada neću moći da se izborim
Vratar bezbrižno ispušta ključeve u mojim noćima
Suzila sam okolo u svojoj jebenoj spavaćici
24/7 Silvia Plat
Pišući krvlju po tvojim zidovima
Jer mastilo u mojoj olovci ne izgleda dobro na mom pad-u
Pišu da sam srećna, znaju da nisam
Ali u najboljem slučaju, možeš videti da nisam tužna
Ali nada je opasna stvar za ženu poput mene
Nada je opasna stvar za ženu poput mene
Nada je opasna stvar za ženu poput mene
Ali ja je imam
Da, imam je
Da, imam je

I Still Love The Blue Eyes

I look at you, you have tears in your eyes
You're alone, and quietly you look for my hands
You would like someone to hear your story
I'm in a hurry, such things are no longer my business
But your voice turns on old flames inside me
Do I still feel pity for you after all of this?
It's gone, but now it's all coming back here.
I still love the blue eyes
And I never knew another
Because I gave my heart to you
Forever, forever
I still love the blue eyes
And you yourself wanted some other guy
Now there is nothing between us
It does not exist, it does not exist, you know that
We sit by the window with a bitter drink
Here, where all people look like secret lovers.
You and me, like some time before when we used to come,
Hidden from our friends and the night.
You talk to me, and I don't even listen to you anymore
That is already written in hundred novels
Now you too are the lead character in of those


Inseparable, any movement
I could swear it would be like this
Blowing down the barrier of time
Let people say what they want about me
I'm really comfortable
It's not always like this when I want
Our will
My desire is not always right
I'd pay to read your mind
Every precaution is actually useless
For the universe, between the sky and time
A Big Band here inside me
I'm really comfortable
It's not always like this when I want
Our will
My desire is not always right
My desire...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


Don't ask me how am I doing
You know that I have no idea
And even if I had, It wouldn't help me
Too much, I guess
Reinforced concrete cubes of fifty tons happily fly far away
Missing my right head by three centimeters
So far away
The girl was standing there looking at me like
She knows that I know
What she was thinking about
And I think the same thing
She was a medical student for sure
In a broader sense
She gave me this advice regarding my life:
Move, move, like you existed, man
I told her I do, but inside my head
Move, move, like you existed, man
I told her I do, but inside my head
This won't be an easy game
I had this feeling back then
So I quickly drank
Seven of the same
And I nodded
And I've chosen my words carefully just like a gentleman
And I woke up in her bed feeling
Her wild panting in my ears
Move, move, like you existed, man
I told her I do, but inside my head
Move, move, like you existed, man
I told her I do, but inside my head
She called me names
I'd rather not recite
She later apologized
That she didn't mean it
Seriously, this is just a bit weird for me
So you better be going home
Why are you so upset, little girl?
Have you lost something?
Louder! I can't hear it clearly
You should take life more seriously
Move, move, like you existed, man
I told her I do, but inside my head
Move, move, like you existed, man
I told her I do, but inside my head
Á Á Á Á Á Á Á Áoá,
Á Á Á Á Á Á Áo.
Á Á Á Á Á Á Á Áoá,
Á Á Á Á Á Á Áo.


[Pre-Chorus: Soolking]
[Verse 1: Naps]
I am stuck, I'm all alone, I had too many worries,
We don't bury all alone, I have brothers in holding,
You gave me advice, at first you weren't even there,
We don't like the orders, and the dogs in the area,
I arrived wearing a broomstick,
Your manner at first, friend, I fight your ass,
Naps, Soolking, DZ 3labalek,
Showcase booking, we arrive in foxskin.
[Verse 2: Soolking]
I swear, I don't even leave them the crumbs,
It has to break and I have to pick up my cash
Yeah, uncle, we know the shit,
We grew up and our problems, it's the same.
[Pre-Chorus: Soolking]
[Chorus: Naps & Sooling]
I'm in my favela, with my locos,
We move to Marbella, we change the decor,
In a 'Rari Maranello, a madwoman next door,
I'm your brother, I can start the party
[Verse 3: Naps]
I'm still at home an hour before departure,
Direction Algiers, I'm gonna make a big collage,
We respect everyone, we're not savages,
Your workout is useless, it's God who gives courage.
[Verse 4]
Friend, no money, sorry
I left, I had to,
Life treats me badly, but I will return,
I knew the hustle, a bit like my padre (father)
[Pre-Chorus: Soolking]
[Chorus: Naps & Sooling]
I'm in my favela, with my locos,
We move to Marbella, we change the decor,
In a 'Rari Maranello, a madwoman next door,
I'm your brother, I can start the []
Tralalilala, tralalilala
Wagwarn bella, you were wet on the Yamaha,
Tralalilala, tralalilalala
Wagwarn bella, if you're too clingy, I'll leave you.
[Chorus: Naps & Sooling]
I'm in my favela, with my locos,
We move to Marbella, we change the decor,
In a 'Rari Maranello, a madwoman next door,
I'm your brother, I can start the []
[Verse 5: Naps]
AK, loaded, in the Quechua bag,
Arah, Marseille, we don't have the choice,
I'm disappointed I took the reef that stuck to my fingers,
In the show, I know that the girls are horny.
[Verse 6: Sooling]
You used not believe in me, baby, now you follow all of my snaps,
Yesterday I was in debt, today it's your girls who talk to me,
Today I'm in the TT, I'm a stubborn Algerian, I fight the law,
The jealous investigated, but they didn't find shit like the cops at mine.
[Pre-Chorus: Soolking]

Spasi me

Želim da dišem, mrzim ovu noć
Želim da se probudim,
mrzim ovaj san
Zarobljen sam unutar sebe i mrtav sam
Ne želim da budem usamljen
Samo želim biti tvoj
Zašto je uvek mračno tamo gde ti nisi?
Opasno je koliko sam slomljen
Spasi me, jer ja ne mogu sebi da pomognem (ne mogu)
Slušaj moje otkucaje srca
Dozivaju te kad god žele
Jer u ovom mrklom mraku, sijaš tako jarko
Pruži mi ruku, spasi me, spasi me
Potrebna mi je tvoja ljubav pre nego što padnem
Mesec obasjava prazna mesta u mojim uspomenama
Guta me, ovo ludilo
Molim te, spasi me večeras 4x
U okviru ovog detiljanstog ludila, spasićeš me večeras
Znao sam da si moj spasipac, deo mog života i jedina pružena ruka koja će mi pomoći da prevazićem bol
Najbolje moje, najbolja si stvar koju imam
Molim te, povisi glas da se mogu ponovo smejati
Slušaj moje otkucaje srca
Dozivaju te kad god žele
Jer u ovom mrklom mraku, sijaš tako jarko
Pruži mi ruku, spasi me, spasi me
Potrebna mi je tvoja ljubav pre nego što padnem
Hvala ti što si mi dozvolila i pomogla da letim
Dala si mi krila
Rekonstruisala me
Probudila si me iz sna koji je bio sve za šta sam živeo
Kad pomislim na tebe, sunce izlazi
Kao da sam tugu dao psu
Hvala ti što si verovala u 'nas'
Slušaj moje otkucaje srca
Dozivaju te kad god žele
Jer u ovom mrklom mraku, sijaš tako jarko
Pruži mi ruku, spasi me, spasi me
Potrebna mi je tvoja ljubav pre nego što padnem


In the daytime I'm Marinette
A normal girl with a normal life
But I hide something that nobody knows about
That's my secret
I go to school every day
'cause he's there, he's so wonderful
When he looks at me I hide myself
What does he think about me, who knows it?
Oh oh oh
He charmed me
Oh oh oh
I think I dream about him
Oh oh oh
And when someone has trouble, I change fast
I have a great gift, a bad spell goes out
This is how the miraculous works
I have a great gift, and a heat in my heart
The spirit of love gives me strength
I'm the Cat who worships her
But all my efforts are for nothing
When she's close, everything is easier for me
I owe so much to her
Oh oh oh
Love leads me
Oh oh oh
I always wanna be next to her
Oh oh oh
Let happiness last longer, change fast
I have a great gift, a bad spell goes out
This is how the miraculous works
I have a great gift, and a heat in my heart
The spirit of love gives me strength (x3)
I have a great gift

Your smile is in my heart

I've got your smile in my heart
It's my small lucky flower
When you smile, heaven is in my life
Your smile is like the morning star
It's my friend, it's my pal
And I say thanks, one hundred times thanks
When a rose flowers
It's because you smile passing by
You are sun and fresh water, and honey
Smile to me, my love, smile to me
Everything shines through you
My way is blue under the grey sky
When you smile
I've got your smile in my heart
It's my small lucky flower
My love flower, my cockade
On a fine day you smile and life answers you
Everything scatters into songs
I listen to them and I tell you
Thanks, thanks

Norveška ljubavna pesma

Odrasla sam uz more
igrala sam se ispod sunca
Dođi, dođi u moje snove
to je moje svjetlo života
Između zumbula
sedi cura s plavim pletenicama
plavooki anđeo
sa jagodastim obrazima
Čarolija me je vezala
živela sam san
norveška domovino
moje srce pripada tebi.
Penjala sam se na visoke planine
oktrila sam dubine
dugačko da bi bilo dugačko, biti deo ovog sna
tu je gde moje srce bije

Odgurati nebo

Jahao sam, jahao sam, oh
Sunce, sunce, suncce se izdizalo iz polja
Dobio sam osećaj koji nisam mogao zaboraviti,
Dobio sam osećaj koji nije hteo otići
Samo moraš nastaviti gurati i nastaviti gurati i
odgurati nebo
I ako tvoji drugovi misle da to trebaš drugačije da napraviš
i ako misle da to trebaš isto tako napraviti
Samo moraš nastaviti gurati i nastaviti gurati i
odgurati nebo
I ako imaš osećaj da imaš sve po šta si došao,
ako imaš sve i ne želiš više
Samo moraš nastaviti gurati i nastaviti gurati i
odgurati nebo
I neki ljudi kažu da je to samo rock'n'roll
Oh, ali to puca ravno na tvoju dušu
Samo moraš nastaviti gurati i nastaviti gurati i
odgurati nebo
Samo moraš nastaviti gurati i nastaviti gurati i
odgurati nebo
Samo moraš nastaviti gurati i nastaviti gurati i
odgurati nebo

You have a dream

When I toss the hat I'm wearing low over my eyes with all my might
my heartbeat throbs as the wind blows towards the tomorrow
While you idle the seasons keep changing
Let's go together, you are no longer alone
Even if you cry pathetically or even if you stumble and fall
Rather than giving up it's by far better to move forward
Don't worry
You have a dream, as long as you have a dream
I have a dream, no one can stop me
We have a dream, in this wide endless world
Go and Fly, You have a dream, we began to run
Yes, I believe we don't need any brakes
We have a dream, will be fine, to wonderful world
Although there aren't many things you can do alone
Now that our minds have become one our potential would broaden
There is a goal to head for beyond the hardship​s
Even if there are frustrating things, if you are the real deal you would surely become reliable
Don't worry
You have a dream, as long as you have a vision for the future
I have a dream, Shining more than anywhere
We have a dream, an unstoppable future
Go and Fly, You have a dream, believe in it from now on
Yes, I believe, the road keeps stretching
We have a dream, will be fine, to wonderful world
Nowhere is there a day like this, so let's step forward to a new morning
Don't worry
You have a dream, as long as you have a dream
I have a dream, no one can stop me
We have a dream, in this wide endless world
Go and Fly, You have a dream, we began to run
Yes, I believe we don't need any brakes
We have a dream, will be fine, to wonderful world

Adventurous Affair

Baby, I'm no socialite
But I behave myself with you
I like it when you behave badly
And when you show off your belly button
And if you can't wrap your head around
Everything we did yesterday
If it weighs you down and you don't feel well
Get on your knees and confess
Ay, I'm
Not the perfect prince you've been waiting for
Nor am I some telenovela heartthrob
But baby if you want to be a princess
Come and let your crowning begin
Mami, what you want with me
Is what I want with you
Adventure, baby, adventure, baby
Mami, if you want a little heat
Hit me up and I'll give you some
Adventure, baby, adventure, baby
Let be what will be, and if I forget
We'll make peace, let be what will be
Let be what will be, and if I forget
We'll make peace, let be what will be
I have the urge to win you over
And shoot you in the heart with an arrow
I don't think of anything but being
All alone with you
If it's not too late, I'll wait for you
But if you take the first step, I'll give you more
Though I have no money
I'll offer the whole world to you
Everything in
Exchange for what you give me, you give me
Baby, what you give me, you give me
Everything you give me, you give me
Baby, what you give me, you give me
Mami, what you want with me
Is what I want with you
Adventure, baby, adventure, baby
Mami, if you want a little heat
Hit me up and I'll give you some
Adventure, baby, adventure, baby
Let be what will be, and if I forget
We'll make peace, let be what will be
Let be what will be, and if I forget
We'll make peace, let be what will be
Baby, I'm no socialite
But I behave myself with you
I like it when you behave badly
And when you show off your belly button
And if you can't wrap your head around
Everything we did yesterday
If it weighs you down and you don't feel well
Get on your knees and confess
Ay, I'm
Not the perfect prince you've been waiting for
Nor am I some telenovela heartthrob
But baby if you want to be a princess
Come and let your crowning begin
Mami, what you want with me
Is what I want with you
Adventure, baby, adventure, baby
Mami, if you want a little heat
Hit me up and I'll give you some
Adventure, baby, adventure, baby
Let be what will be, and if I forget
We'll make peace, let be what will be
Let be what will be, and if I forget
We'll make peace, let be what will be
Mau and Ricky


I stopped running, from now on I'm not in a hurry.
I fell down and got up, I'm not giving up this time.
Eventually, things will work out and everything will connect.
I'm glad for what has passed, another day passes.
No, I want nothing except,
Putting my troubles away.
No, I don't want to be alone,
Stay with me tonight.
I know, there isn't just one single truth,
I see the morning, it slowly rises.
I know that in a single day, all of this will be over.
I'm thankful I'm alive, the heavens above me,
This dream, burns in my body.
Fire in my bones, I'm keeping close to me,
Each moment, time can fly off.
The energy to get up for another day, I will overcome,
Days that are long gone, we will talk soon.
No, I want nothing except,
Putting my troubles away.
No, I don't want to be alone,
Stay with me tonight.
I know, there isn't just one single truth,
I see the morning, it slowly rises.
I know that in a single day, all of this will be over.
I'm thankful I'm alive, the heavens above me...


O my highest love, shall I ever die
without knowing whence I came to own you,
in which sun you dwelled,
in which past and hour your time belonged,
    I did love you,
O highest love that outlasts memory,
a heart without a fire I turned into my day,
into which fate did you spin my story,
inside which dreams did your glory show,
    O you my stay?
When I'll be lost even to myself
and split across the endless abyss,
When I'll be endlessly broken
and the present I'm clad in will have
    betrayed me,
shattered by the universe in a thousand pieces,
a thousand moments not yet gathered,
my ashes winnowed in the sky into nothingness,
you'll reform for a strange year
    a single treasure.
You'll reform my name and my figure
from a thousand pieces swept away by the day,
a lively entity without name nor face,
heart of the spirit, O center of the mirage,
    O my highest love.

We Are Washing Ourselves [The Washing Song]

Let's go to the bowl
To wash our hands
Let's lift our sleeves
And let's put us in place
Next to the water, our bodies tilt
Let's wash our faces
By doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum

Let's use the whole soap
Without rest
Rubbing our cheeks
Everything must be shiny !
Into our hands full of water,
We grunt, we gasp
By doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum

Let's dive into the bath
Let's scrape, let's scour, let's splash around the bowl !
We'll be wet, maybe frozen,
Well, it's not for our own pleasure, we must admit,
That we splash around !
Our skin is disintegrating,
If you suffer, nevermind,
Because we do it for Snow White
Let's rub hard,
And you'll see
He will be as cute
As a sheep !
Because it cools down the soul
And warms up the body
Doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum



And I'll draw valleys across your body,
plugging it like it was ground,
I'll erase those marks,
from your last war.
And I'll burn with fire
this bad weed of yours,
and I will make you, with water,
more fertile and more alive.
And I'll pray for the sun
to dry up these tears,
and I'll pray for time
to heal your wounds.
Then I'll build a greenhouse
around your smile,
I will make out of your life
another heaven.
I will be your farmer
ad you will be my ground,
I'll fight with the wind
to not carry you away from me.
Then I'll sprinkle my seeds
in your green valley
ad we will wait together
for Spring to come,
for Spring to come.

Rob ritma

Radiš ceo dan, kao čovek koji zna
Da se točkovi moraju okretati da bi, da bi zadržali tok
Nastavi da gradiš, ne prekidaj lanac
Iskre će leteti, kada pištolj zapuca
Nikada ne staj
Nastavi tako, nastavi tako
Radi u ritmu
Živi u ritmu
Voli u ritmu
Robuj ritmu
Sekira drvetu, u davna vremena
Čoveku mašina, moćna linija
Vatre gore, srce lupa snažno
Zapevaj glasno, pesmu bande lanaca
Nikada ne staj
Nastavi tako, nastavi tako
Diši u ritmu
Pleši u ritmu
Radi u ritmu
Živi u ritmu
Voli u ritmu
Robuj ritmu

Oh My Spring

Please go away
Don't look at me like that
I just want to be alone now
That's all I want
You won't have me doubting
Myself anymore
I don't care anymore
If you're going to condemn me
For seeking my own destiny
Or if on the day I leave
You're going to tangle me up as always
So that I have no path to follow
Oh my spring
Who ever shall give back to me
What I was before
So that I can find a new path
Slowly, slowly, slowly
Like me
My future is a lie
My past haunts me and weighs me down
Now if I keep quiet down the line
I know that my mouth will burn
I shouldn't keep quiet
Because I'm on a quest to find
A slow path
I'm on a quest to find a slow path
I'm on a quest
To find you, to find me
And to find you on the way
Oh my spring
Who ever shall give back to me
What I was before
When I breathed slowly
When I moved slowly
Slowly like me
When you loved me slowly
When you kissed me slowly
When you believed me slowly
Slowly like me

Through Heaven's Eyes

When you shall add a bright thread to the carpet,
You do not appreciate the product of her full beauty
And the stone that crowns the peak where winds do blow,
Is it more important than those winds that form the strength of the mountain?
What is the price of your life? Do you have a talent?
No mortal knows the truth
And the fog will dissipate as you attain the heavenly plan
What good are mountains of gold, when thirst and the heat tortures you?
For the lost sheep the shepherd is the best king
To the one who has lost everything in this world nothing has any value
Can your life be a chance for a new beginning?
So is the meaning the purpose of life, the wealth of silasan (?)
These important actions or fruits, you will know
As soon as the postman descends, then you will attain heavens plan
In distress it is he who had a good heart that did help
Did share the last bit, who himself has know misfortune
And who knew what limits flow into your life?
Athough you may not know how to do something, just take the first step
And come to us and dance
What shall we await from life: suffering or miracles?
Everything makes sense on the path, zatam, because it is heaven's plan
You will understand, comprehend the design
Also comprehend heaven's plan


[Strofa 1: Carl Brave]
She does 'He loves me, he doesn't love me'(1) with a quatrefoil
We stubborn like waves on a rock
And you come but you never stay
We were oak, now we are bonsai
I hear the ticking of the rain on the roof
In the distance the sirens 'ni-no, ni no'
Walls' alarm sounds endlessly
A cigarette drows in a manhole
Tevere seems the ocean
We live until late at night and we do bomb dives in the sea
A friend tells (about himself), I swear I'll be a tomb
I call her again and again 'TIM informs' (2)
On a rotunda Alberto Tomba (3), your sister
From the Toyota's bow beautiful going make a maneuver
Here we don't live with the air
And you can't get back as Minala (5) did
[Chorus: Francesca Michielin]
I want a free hour in a new TV series
Make me a picture and don't look how it is
I say 'Hello' on a Ciao (4)
Let's share a pizza margherita and let's go out to drink
I have your red eyes on a photographic film
I cry without windscreen on scooter
But you and me, from negatives, yes
we go out well
Like a photography
Like a photography
Like a photography
Like a photography
[Strofa 2: Fabri Fibra]
I go out of home just if I have something to do
because outside I always lose my mobile phone
I keep under control the problem, it's normal
I know I have to change solar system
The world is full of hater and you already know that
Smile in picture so you will confuse them
No one really believes in what you do
I hope God keeps me far away from troubles
How good you are with that Fila t-shirt
I've bought a disc just for the cover
A thousand messages, always the same emoticon
But if you don't use social network, nobody trusts
Fashion is beautiful, but it makes us all the same
Who cares, I bought this sunglasses
Let's stay here talking about art and films
Until Mars will divide us
[Chorus: Francesca Michielin]
I want a free hour in a new TV series
Make me a picture and don't look how it is
I say 'Hello' on a Ciao
Let's share a pizza margherita and let's go out to drink
I have your red eyes on a photographic film
I cry without windscreen on scooter
But you and me, from negatives, yes
we go out well
[Bridge: Francesca Michielin]
And if you don't say it to me, I throw a 3310 (6)
Like a rock in a little lake in the city
Let's go to the outdoor cinema with uncovered heart
And with a melted Polaretto (7) in the car
And while you don't look at me I take a picture of you
And then when you move I give you a kiss in the air
E nananana, nananana, naaa
[Ritornello: Francesca Michielin e Carl Brave]
Like a photography
Like a photography
Like a photography
Like a photography
[Outro: Francesca Michielin]

One and another one

Winnings of love and game,
it's not more then a (temporary) borrowed thing,
now we have a lot
and now there's nothing left.
The one that plays and goes in winnings*
that he does not show himself cheerful (satisfied):
nobody knows when
luck changes from (one) owner (to another one)*.
The one who plays and loses must not
lose also the sense,
that going after the coming from behind
he shall see everything lost.
In the game of love
two things I've learnt:
not to become big headed if I've won
nor to get smaller if I've lost.
And that the second one comes, then!
Man is sent down here
already to play in life,
that my game is in life
luckily unknown.
Love is like the game
that if we go in winnings
gets close without you calling it
bringing its abundances.
Love is like the game
that when we are losing
it gets out of our hand
when we are not thinking (about it).
In the game of love
two things I've learnt:
not to become big headed if I've won
nor get to smaller if I've lost.

The natural spring

Since I knew how to love I guessed
that God had created you for me.
Since you were seen on the same way where I went through
being sure I was going to find you, I looked for you.
Surrendered at your soles I understood
that my soul was in front of you,
I loved you from the moment I saw you
I love you and while I live I will love you.
As the stream returned to the natural spring
the waters of the sea will never come out,
it is the destiny that God gave us:
that our souls will not separate from each other.
The sea can indeed run between both of us,
the sea can indeed burn between the two,
our souls can indeed not exist,
but our love shall never die!
It is the destiny that God gave us,
that our souls will not separate from each other.

Like the sachero cat

I'm like the cat of the hill
who knows where my cave is?
If amidst pastures, thickets
by quebrachales or breñas
but if you know how to love me
you shall find me, my lady (litteraly: my owner)
Look for me in the thick hill (wood),
don't look for me in the footprint,
that love has its bends
where the souls meet.
Hunteress of my life
I wait for you in my lair.
My heart like ulúa
and fragrant open flower
quischcaloro bursting
little pigeons that wake up.
Come on, if you forget me
my pains become thorns.
In the thick vegetation of the hill (wood)
nobody knows my complaints
any branch shelters me,
If greed encloses me
I just fear the cold
of your forgetfulness and your absence.
But give me your love
to join our paths
that in the breñal of life
my pain turns into love.
My branch stirred with the wind
it seems that it beckons you.
My nails keep caresses,
my eyes drops of stars,
the night sings in murmurs
the beats of my wait.
And the tree of my lair
will have a new flower with you.

Song of remoteness

In my nights I see you in each star
and I call you and I look for you among dreams,
I break the promise that I recorded in my chest
and I return to the memory of when I loved you yesterday.
Love and hatre fight in my blood
in order to keep you or to burn you in their fires
all my reasons take you away from my life,
but there are so many wounds that you come back again.
Love, love of yesterday
my verses shout what I feel
and the moment that I live when remembering you
while I implore more light (hope) for my fortune (luck)
always looking for true love,
true love...
In my chest for my hopes
I have open the way again,
so the happiness that went away returns
and in another spring blooms love,
from failure I want to erase its shadows,
its ghosts of doubts and pains
and on another sky the star of my dream
will light my heart, happy again.
Love, love of yesterday
my verses shout what I feel
and the moment that I live when remembering you
while I implore more light (hope) for my fortune (luck)
always looking for true love,
true love...

Quichuizar the world

Mother Earth of this world,
She has given birth to Quichua,
seven lives like the cat,
how much maltreatment has it (the Quichua language) suffered!
My Argentinean compatriots:
Quichua is pure truth,
just like we do with our flag
we must respect it.
Language of our grandparents
none must ignore it (that fact),
the same as other languages
it deserves to be at par (at the same level with other languages, referring to the social conception of it).
I don't expect that Quichua*
surpass the others (the other languages),
but that either (I expect it to) be less:
it must be in from equal to equal.
We must seriously quichuizar*
our country,
(quichuizar the) entire America (continent)
and make it also global!

Two cultures when the homeland was born

Sixto says:
There goes what is missing!
The second is the translation of the first part.
In Quichua and in Spanish
written in two languages,
Act of Independence
the heroes gave it shape.
And just like it was carved
a document has remained
the language of this land
by the heroes respected.
The parents of our language
well, they were exterminated!
But it remains in Argentina,
and from these roots
we are Americans (from the continent of America),
that's why we preserve
the Quichua language speaking it.

Tata viejoypa

Just like that dance!
Very beautiful, sweet!
cha rin chupita
The first one goes!
It is defining!
It's over!
Stamp it your feet!