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Резултати претраге страна 27

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Each time it's uglier than the last

Each time it's uglier than the last
oh my friend, if you could see what I see!!
that is not the same
as sending a reform for a walk.1
Each time it's more modern than the last
oh my friend, I feel so sick!!
if Juarez was revived this very moment
he'd send this government to hell.
Each time I'm more disgusted than the last
whenever I get the news,
tell me and say it, the gossip
that Televicia2 wraps around my wits.
Each time it's more dangerous than the last,
with treaties, conventions and agreements.
In Oaxaca, Puebla, Chiapas and Guerrero
the sound of the impact can already be felt.
This has cut me in my prickly pears
(and) my crates are filled with tuna,
the sack is empty of beans
because of a handful of lies.
My friend, what's happening right now
I've told my wife: they're so heartless3
our country has gone off with another master
we've been left with nothing4.
  • 1. The joke is that if you switch the words around they have a different meaning: Paseo de la Reforma (refers to Reform Avenue) vs. Reforma de Paseo (A reform out on a walk).
  • 2. a corruption of 'Televisa' (Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.) a multi-media company.
  • 3. lit. 'it has no mother', when something/someone is heartless or shameless.
  • 4. lit. 'we don't even have a dog to bark for us', meaning you have nothing in your life now
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Le grotte di Altamira

Ricordo quando ero piccolo
come ho trascorso i miei giorni da solo.
Il mondo affaccendato non era per me
così sono andato e ho trovato il mio.
Scalavo il muro del giardino
con una candela in mano.
Mi nascondevo in una sala di roccia e di sabbia.
Sulla pietra, una mano antica,
in un giallo-verde sbiadito,
rendeva viva una meraviglia del mondo
spesso menzionata ma mai vista.
Ora e sempre legati al lavoro
sul mare e sul cielo,
ogni uomo e bestia appariva
un amico reale come me.
Prima della caduta
quando lo hanno scritto sul muro,
quando non c'era nemmeno una Hollywood
hanno sentito la chiamata
e lo hanno scritto sulla parete
per te e per me, noi abbiamo capito.
Può essere questo disegno triste,
potrebbe essere la stessa cosa?
Un uomo lanoso senza un volto
e una bestia senza nome.
Niente qui, solo storia,
puoi tu vedere cosa è stato fatto?
La memoria scorre sopra di me,
adesso esco nel sole.
Prima della caduta
quando lo hanno scritto sul muro,
quando non c'era nemmeno una Hollywood
hanno sentito la chiamata
e lo hanno scritto sulla parete
per te e per me, noi abbiamo capito.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Oh Dieu, Père des Cieux

Oh Dieu, le Père des Cieux,
Aie pitié de nous pauvres pécheurs.
»Wenn du etwas ganz fest willst, dann wird das Universum darauf hinwirken, dass du es erreichen kannst.« Paulo Coelho

Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη

Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
μια όψη φωτεινή και δίκαιη
και ο ύπνος μου διακόπηκε
αλλά το όνειρό μου παρέμεινε ζωντανό
με την μορφή κοιλάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
πως οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
της λύτρωσης από τα έργα των ανόητων
πάνω από τους ταπεινούς συγκεντρώνονται τα χαρίσματα
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Εκδικητικές όψεις έγιναν ύποπτες
και σκύβοντας χαμηλά σαν για να ακούσω...
και οι στρατιές σταμάτησαν να προχωρούν
γιατί οι άνθρωποι είχαν την προσοχή τους
και οι βοσκοί και οι στρατιώτες
είναι ξαπλωμένοι κάτω από τα αστέρια
ανταλλάσσοντας οράματα
και αφήνοντας τα όπλα
να χαραμίζονται, μέσα στην σκόνη
με την μορφή πεδιάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
Εκεί όπου υπήρχαν έρημοι
Είδα συντριβάνια
το νερό ανέβαινε σαν να ήταν κρέμα
και περπατήσαμε εκεί μαζί
χωρίς να κανέναν να μας κοροϊδεύει ή να μας κριτικάρει
και η λεοπάρδαλη
και το αρνί
ήταν ξαπλωμένα μαζί όντας πραγματικά δεμένα μεταξύ τους
Ευχόμουν μέσα στις ευχές μου
να θυμηθώ όσα είχα βρει
Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
ο Θεός ξέρει, μια πιο καθαρή οπτική
καθώς παραδίδομαι στον ύπνο μου
Αφιερώνω το όνειρό μου σε σένα
Την δύναμη να ονειρεύεσαι, να εξουσιάζεις
να παλεύεις για τον κόσμο ενάντια στους ανόητους
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Πιστεύω πως όλα όσα ονειρευόμαστε
μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν, μέσα από την ενότητά μας
μπορούμε αλλάξουμε τον κόσμο
μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε την τροχιά της γης
έχουμε την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη

Sačuvaj posljednji ples za mene

Možeš plesati svaki ples s likom
Koji ti dobaci pogled, dopustiti mu da te čvrsto drži
Možeš se smiješiti, svaki osmijeh za lika
Koji te držao za ruku pod blijedom mjesečinom
Ali ne zaboravi tko te vodi doma
I u čijem ćeš naručju biti
Zato, draga, sačuvaj posljednji ples za mene
Oh, znam da je glazba dobra
Poput pjenušavog vina, idi i zabavi se
Smij se i pjevaj, ali dok smo razdvojeni
Ne daj srce nikome
Ali ne zaboravi tko te vodi doma
I u čijem ćeš naručju biti
Zato, draga, sačuvaj posljednji ples za mene
Dušo, ne znaš li da te volim toliko
Ne osjećaš li to kad se dodirnemo
Ja te nikad, nikad neću pustiti
Volim te, oh, toliko
Možeš plesati, idi i nastavi dalje
Dok noć ne završi
I ne bude vrijeme za polazak
Ako te pita jesi li sama
Može li te otpratiti doma, moraš mu reći ne
Jer ne zaboravi tko te vodi doma
I u čijem ćeš naručju biti
Sačuvaj posljednji ples za mene
Oh, znam da je glazba dobra
Poput pjenušavog vina, idi i zabavi se
Smij se i pjevaj, ali dok smo razdvojeni
Ne daj srce nikome
I ne zaboravi tko te vodi doma
I u čijem ćeš naručju biti
Zato, draga, sačuvaj posljednji ples za mene
Zato ne zaboravi tko te vodi doma
Ili u čijem ćeš naručju biti
Zato, draga, sačuvaj posljednji ples za mene
Oh, dušo, nećeš li sačuvati posljednji ples za mene
Oh, dušo, nećeš li obećati da ćeš sačuvati
Posljednji ples za mene
Sačuvaj posljednji ples, baš zadnji ples za mene


[Verso 1]
Isto é perfeito
Venha e me beije mais uma vez
Eu não poderia inventar isso em sonhos
Mesmo se tentasse
Você e eu neste momento
Parece só com magia
Estou bem onde quero estar
Todos falam do paraíso como se não pudessem esperar para ir
Falando sobre como vai ser tão bom, tão bonito
Deitado do seu lado, nesta cama com você, não estou convencido
Porque eu não sei como, não sei como o paraíso, o paraíso
Poderia ser melhor que isto
[Verso 2]
Juro que você é um anjo
Enviado a este mundo
O que eu fiz de certo para merecer você, garota?
Eu poderia ficar aqui eternamente
Eu estaria bem se nuca tivéssemos de sair deste quarto
Todos falam do paraíso como se não pudessem esperar para ir
Falando sobre como vai ser tão bom, tão bonito
Deitado do seu lado, nesta cama com você, não estou convencido
Porque eu não sei como, não sei como o paraíso, o paraíso
Poderia ser melhor que isto
Poderia ser melhor que isto
Todos falam do paraíso como se não pudessem esperar para ir
Falando sobre como vai ser tão bom, tão bonito
Deitado do seu lado, nesta cama com você, não estou convencido
Porque eu não sei como, não sei como o paraíso, o paraíso
Poderia ser melhor que isto (paraíso)
Poderia ser melhor que isto (paraíso, paraíso)
Juro que isto é perfeito
Venha e me beije mais uma vez


Tisina izmedju nas pocinje da nas boli previse,
mislim da je dosao trenutak da se sve ostavi iza.
Ne trazimo izlaz, ako nikad nismo zeleli da udjemo,
ne secam se kisne nedelje kako se ljubimo na kaucu.
Zato sto nikada nismo bili dobri u ljubavi,
zato sto nikada nismo hteli da se vezemo.
Ako bih imao kljuc od tvojih zatvorenih ociju,
ako bih mogao da izmislim svako uspomenu, svaki zagrljaj.
Ako danas pronadjem odgovore i otkrijem lek,
na kraju price nece biti ratova, ni oklopa.
Ni oklopa...
Znas dobro da vec neko vreme trazim nacin za pricanje,
znam da igras skriveno, nikada neces to prihvatiti.
Cemu sluzi ova laz, kada sam ti uvek davao moju istinu,
ovo nije simulacija, ova rana nas moze ubiti.
Zato sto nikada nismo bili dobri u ljubavi,
zato sto nikada nismo hteli da se vezemo.
Ako bih imao kljuc od tvojih zatvorenih ociju,
ako bih mogao da izmislim svako uspomenu, svaki zagrljaj.
Ako danas pronadjem odgovore i otkrijem lek,
na kraju price nece biti ratova, ni oklopa.
Uvek smo pokusavali da napredujemo,
ako bi padala, ja bih padao za tobom.
Sta god da se desi, znam da te necu mrzeti, jer sam tako naucio da volim.
Ako bih imao kljuc od tvojih zatvorenih ociju,
ako bih mogao da izmislim svako uspomenu, svaki zagrljaj.
Ako danas pronadjem odgovore i otkrijem lek,
na kraju price nece biti ratova, ni oklopa.
Ni oklopa...

Am încercat să te părăsesc ...

Am încercat să te părăsesc, nu neg
Am închis cartea despre noi, de cel puțin o sută de ori...
M-aș trezi în fiecare dimineață alături de tine.
Anii trec, îți pierzi mândria...
Copilul plânge, așa că nu ieși afară,
Și toată munca ta este chiar în fața ochilor tăi.
Noapte bună, draga mea, sper că ești mulțumită,
Patul este cam îngust, dar brațele mele sunt deschise larg...
Și iată un bărbat care încă lucrează pentru zâmbetul tău!
Dana Kósa

Por qué tuviste que irte

Nuestro amor no podría haber sido mejor
Cada día parecía a quererte más
Nada iba a separarnos (separarnos)
La verdad no podría haber estado más allá
De lo que creía que era la realidad
Ahora estoy abandonada con un corazón roto (corazón roto)
No sé si es bien o mal
De algún modo soy débil y fuerte
Me encuentro en la fuga
Pero, ¿a dónde pertenezco?
Es duro creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Soló no puedo creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Rebobina al tiempo cuando me abrazabas
El aire está en calma, las estrellas son brillantes
Nada en este mundo puede llevarti de me
No detención, piensa en el dolor que estoy sintiendo
Realmente quiero sentir tu toque
Pero ahora me siento desvalida, tan desvalida baby
Desde que te ibas siento
Que unos días aún me ocultan
Seré libre, estoy mejor sola
Es duro creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Soló no puedo creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Podís sentirte todo a mi alrededor
Sabía que tu palabras amorosas rodearme
Ya no puedo creer
Por qué tuviste que irte
Fui fuerte pero ahora estoy rota
Muchas palabras han sido dejados tácitos
Soló no puedo comprender
Por qué tuviste que irte
Es duro creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Soló no puedo creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte

Кладбище “Грейвсенд”

Тащусь в мороз на вершину.
Жду начала дня и сигнала к привалу.
Этот день подходит к концу,
А с ним угасаю я,
Позволь мне забыть о мотивах,
Для законов есть свои трюки,
Я готов оцепенеть,
Я готов оцепенеть,
Если демоны овладевают мной,
Я просто хочу быть навеки проклят,
Когда душа покинет меня,
Я умру, как и положено доброму мужу
Мне было всего 18, когда я зажил своей жизнью,
Обкрадывал мертвецов, будто ворон на улице,
Я никогда не пойму, пока мне не скажут об этом,
Живу во тьме, будто ворон на улице
Копаю бледно-белыми руками,
Стараюсь быть спокойным и пробую на вкус песок,
Сегодня оказываю услугу,
Прошу друзей держаться подальше.
Я могу себе это позволить,
Мне плевать на то, что я потерял,
Я готов оцепенеть,
Я готов оцепенеть.
Если ангелы забирают меня,
Им понадобится много времени,
Если душа издевается надо мной, я узнаю,
Что брал только то, что принадлежит мне
Мне было всего 25, когда я, наконец, покинул родной дом,
В поисках гонки, будто убийца на дороге.
Я пойму лишь тогда, когда ты оставишь меня в покое,
Умирая в темноте, будто убийца на дороге,
Будто убийца на дороге
Никогда не рано вспомнить о том, что ты стар,
В поисках выгодной сделки, как Дьявол на распутье.
Я пойму лишь тогда, когда мне скажут это,
Ожидаю во тьме, словно Дьявол на распутье.
Словно Дьявол на распутье,
Словно Дьявол на распутье,
Словно Дьявол на распутье.

La tombe de ma mère

Désolé pour les fois où j'ai dû te laisser seule,
toutes ces fois où je n'ai pas pu rentrer à la maison.
Désolé pour tout ce que j'ai dit, je n'étais pas moi-même.
Il se fait tard et je voudrais vraiment être ailleurs.
J'aurais dû apporter des excuses et des fleurs,
mais au lieu de ça je suis parti pendant des heures.
Je comprends que tu aies été déçue la nuit dernière.
J'ai eu beau essayer, je n'ai jamais réussi à arranger les choses.
Parfois les mauvaises excusent ne suffisent pas,
mais je ne sais pas choisir mes mots.
Et je te promets, je le jure sur la tombe de ma mère
que ça n'arrivera plus jamais.
Je m'entraîne chaque nuit mais je n'y vois plus rien
et je n'écris rien de bon, juste the sorrow at the heart1
Désolé pour les fois où j'ai dû te laisser seule,
toutes ces fois où je n'ai pas pu rentrer à la maison.
J'aurais dû apporter des excuses et des fleurs,
mais au lieu de ça je suis parti pendant des heures.
Et je te promets, je le jure sur la tombe de ma mère,
que ça n'arrivera plus jamais.
Et je te promets, je le jure sur la tombe de ma mère,
que ça n'arrivera plus jamais.
  • 1. la même chose qu'en français, avec une faute du même genre
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Goodbye, goodbye!

Today 'goodbye' is a shout
that means 'welcome'.
The darkest time has come,
just before the crack of dawn.
I'll tell you a thousand memories
just as the beggars count
their coins, their tears
on a cold autumn evenings.
Goodbye, goodbye!
How long has the road been!
I say goodbye, goodbye!
No one hears what I say.
This time the devil did not want
to try to buy my soul.
Even my guardian angel
pawned his wings yesterday.
Misfortunes fall like lightnings
in this crazy and lost world.
I never wanted to be alone,
but now I have the loneliness as a friend.
But the door is broken now.
I have closed the shutters.
I'm leaving without a return ticket,
happy like a killer.
I'm leaving with my dusty soul,
with my empty heart.
My docket is already hollow
and my wishes are lost.
Goobye, goodbye!
How long the road has been!
That's why: Goodbye, goodbye!
No one hears what I say.
And I say 'Goodbye, goodbye!'.
Even the dog bit me.
Goodbye, goodbye!
Just the cat is still alive.
That's why: Goodbye, goodbye!
How long the road has been!
That's why: Goodbye, goodbye!
No one hears what I say.
Black rags on the windows.
My house wears dark curtains now.
The freighter of my dreams
sank in the lost sea.
A sweet day of sad rain,
a good day to be lived.
I pretended to be happy
just to get to the end of the book.

Hojas del otoño

Al caer las hojas revolotean al lado de la ventana,
las hojas del otoño, rojas y doradas.
Veo tus labios, los besos de verano,
las manos quemadas por el sol que solía tomar en las mías.
Desde que te fuiste los días se hacen más largos,
y pronto oiré la vieja canción invernal.
Pero te extraño más, cariño, sobre todo
cuando las ojas del otoño comienzan a caer.
Desde que te fuiste los días se hacen más largos,
y pronto oiré la vieja canción invernal.
Pero te extraño más, cariño, sobre todo
cuando las ojas del otoño comienzan a caer.


Maybe it's an accident,
And maybe this is not the first time.
The love will remain a mystery,
You know, all of these feelings are not for us.
You've shot so accurately, straight into the heart,
This was instantly.
Dissolve inside me without words and pain,
As an adrenaline in veins.
Perhaps we still did not become crazy,
Perhaps it had happened, but not with us.
Maybe we still are not crazy,
Probably we did not get familiar with the Love itself.
The whole world is inside you, I've burned to ashes all of my secrets,
Perhaps I am abnormally crazy about you.
Look into me, inhale me, you see - I'm on the verge,
How to become crazy of love - we still do not know.
Perhaps we still did not become crazy,
Perhaps it had happened, but not with us.
Maybe we still are not crazy,
Probably we did not get familiar with the Love itself.

Of a Hail Mary

When all passions come to be extinguished too soon
and of one song, we remember just one word,
if I don't know where I'm going, I know, what I'll leave
when all loves come to be short of time
and everywhere we run without looking where we're going
despite what we want to keep, nevertheless we must part
All the Hail Marys
come soon enough.
This Hail Mary
will be my present.
All the Hail Marys
come sooner or later,
this Hail Mary will sound my going away.
When I've finished thinking of tomorrow
and I've taken everything or postponed for too long
I won't keep any regret about what I've done or not done
even if sense comes to an end in good time
there's no bill that one must pay before
you let me choose the choice and the manner of my end.
All the Hail Marys
come soon enough.
This Hail Mary
will be my present.
All the Hail Marys
come sooner or later,
this Hail Mary will sound my going away.
When all passions come to be extinguished too soon
and of one song, we remember just one word,
if I don't know where I'm going, I know, what I'll leave,
what I'll leave.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.

You'll Become My Fan

Hey, where are u going so rushed, hum?
I've never seen you, but I know
You must be that guy
That I've dreamed about
Don't say to me
That you didn't see me
When I looked to you
You smiled
You must even imagined
What I imagined, I guess
Don't be afraid of me
But I'm saying to you
When I want something I get it
And I want you
In the way I explain
How you'll become my fan

Hymnus: Heaven

I stand and wonder
Move as if dreaming
And a sunbeam breaks through
The sea of storm-clouds
And the birds in the tree
Sing me their concert
I am filled with joy
Which endures forever
And I see whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be heaven
And an angel comes to me
Its wings snow-white
His voice so gentle and
He whispers softly
And he takes my hand, saying,
'Do not be afraid!'
So cool his fingers
And he leads me into the light
And I see whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be heaven
Whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be real

I truly do love you

You have a pair of eyes that can speak
You have an empathetic heart
I do not know the immensity of heaven and earth
Your smile always makes me fascinated by you
You have a pair of affectionate eyes
You have the magic of melting snow and ice
I never dared to ask/beg
I could never hide from your beauty
Why is it that your fragrance
Never fades away
My world,
When did it
Start to become hard to tell night from day,
Turning it upside down (lit: Sky and ground, flipping and shaking over each other)
It's all because of you
I... secretly love you
But I dare not tell you
Because I know
I could never give you what you want
I can only think of you secretly
(I) can only look at you secretly
I never have the courage,
Never could say aloud that I truly love you
You have a pair of affectionate eyes
You have the magic of melting snow and ice
I never dared to ask/beg
I could never hide from your beauty
Why is it that your fragrance
Never fades away
My world,
When did it
Start to become hard to tell night from day,
Turning it upside down (lit: Sky and ground, flipping and shaking over each other)
It's all because of you
I... secretly love you
But I dare not tell you
Because I know
I could never give you what you want
I can only think of you secretly
(I) can only look at you secretly
I never have the courage,
Never could say aloud that I truly love you
I... secretly love you
But I dare not tell you
Because I know
I could never give you what you want
I can only think of you secretly
(I) can only look at you secretly
I never have the courage,
Never could say aloud that I truly love you

Don't Meet

We shouldn’t have met
We’re so different
Our distance can’t be shortened
Suddenly, we became less than acquaintances
Irony, we used to want each other so badly
Why did we become this way?
We have different lifestyles
We can’t overcome our differences
This is it for us
The more we try, the worse it’ll get, please please
Let’s end it now
The more time passes, the more I regret
We shouldn’t have met
Let’s never see each other again
Even if we run into each other
Let’s ignore each other
We shouldn’t have met
You became someone I never want to see again
We can’t get any closer
We’re going our own ways, like that horizon
When I push, you push too, we’re busy pushing away
This isn’t right, now stop
Suddenly, we became less than acquaintances
Irony, we used to want each other so badly
Why did we become this way?
We have different lifestyles
We can’t overcome our differences
This is it for us
The more we try, the worse it’ll get, please please
Let’s end it now
The more time passes, the more I regret
We shouldn’t have met
Uh almost everything is a memory of fighting
If we start, we go till the battery is out
we fought crazy like a mo F*cker
Sometimes, saying hurtful things
We keep saying “I’m better,” it can’t work for us
Let’s not keep any feelings, let’s end it for us
If we drag this on, we’ll get even worse
The scar is deep enough, I feel that pain
It’s too late already
This is our limit, it’s better if we’re strangers
If we keep going, we’ll become enemies
That can’t happen
Let’s never see each other again
Even if we run into each other
Let’s ignore each other
We shouldn’t have met

I Loved You So That's Good For Me

This is something which you can only accept and nod
because everything can't be the same as my heart Uh uh
So that I won't crumble in front of the separation
because of you my road stopped for a while
I just need to walk again
This is something that can happen anywhere
even this moment is something that can happen to anyone
I loved you with all my strength so that's good for me
this is something that's not easy to believe
this is something that need many tears in a little time
our evident happiness and
pain is something to let go
Break ups are something that can happen anytime
hating being apologetic is a foolish act
I am okay
This is something that can happen anywhere
even this moment is something that can happen to anyone
I loved you with all my strength so that's good for me
this is something that's not easy to believe
this is something that need many tears in a little time
our evident happiness and
pain is something to let go
I will remove the good memories and
cherish them, I hate forgetting everything
farewell is part of love as well
as I'm thinking of this I will let you go
This is something that can happen anywhere (this can happen)
even this moment is something that can happen to anyone
I loved you with all my strength so that's good for me
we took a long breath of each other
we couldn't endure it and spat our goodbye
our happiness and pain are like a long sigh
they are something to let go
to let go
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

We Should Have Become Friends

Are you already comfortable with me?
to the point you greet me with a smile?
have you forgotten me completely?
to the point you introduce me the person next to you
Enduring is so difficult
I want to constantly cry
seeing you in
a place that's not next to me
why will this be happiness?
We should have become friends
after forgetting everything
so that I won't be sad when I look at you
meeting another person
I was looking at you
for a long time, even that person next to you
so that I could see you more
in case I see you again
I will pretend that I don't know you then
I will even show you my smile like you do now
I shouldn't have send you off with closed eyes
I should have watched you as you were leaving
at your cold steps
I should have send you while you were stained
by my last tears
Your so heartless image
I came to hate it, so that I won't be sad
when I see you meeting another person
I was looking at you
for a long time, even that person next to you
so that I could see you more
in case I see you again
I will pretend that I don't know you then
I will even show you my smile like you do now
I think this is for the best
because I can hate you
one more time
In case , like me, you still
can't feel relaxed
are you in pain?
are you trying to hold it in as well?
In case you might come back again
still the space next to me
is empty because it is your seat
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Where do you live in this world?

If you have no-one to meet
Or say goodbye to
The moon in the sky loses its shine
Like a round rubber stamp
Where do you live in this world?
Where do you live in this world?
Who do you talk to now?
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I didn't find you till now
There are no dates
No gifts of flowers
Just longing in my heart
For you to appear
Where do you live in this world?
Where do you live in this world?
Who do you talk to now?
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I didn't find you till now
We got on the same bus many times
But my shyness
Prevented me from talking to you
Where do you live in this world?
Where do you live in this world?
Who do you talk to now?
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I didn't find you till now
If you have no-one to meet
Or say goodbye to
The moon in the sky loses its shine
Like a round rubber stamp
Where do you live in this world?
Where do you live in this world?
Who do you talk to now?
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I'm sorry that I didn't meet you
I didn't find you till now

Friend Like Me

Master! I see you don't quite realize what you got in your hand!
So I'm ready to explain,
If you'll sit and listen to the song,
That makes everything clear.
Ali Baba has forty thieves,
Scheherazade's got a thousand tales,
You're lucky that I'm with you, Master,
Because my wishes never fail!
Like in a heavyweight boxing match,
I always stand in the arena.
You want power, strength, talent?
All you gotta do is rub the lamp, and then I'll say:
Dear Monsieur Aladdin,
There's a home kitchen here,
I jot down your order,
You ain't never had a friend like me.
Life is a restaurant,
So come and take a bite of it with me!
Come whisper your wish in my ear,
You ain't never had a friend like me.
The service is top-notch,
And all is for free!
You're the king, the master, the shah,
I'll get your dish right away!
There's a wide variety here,
Only quality foods.
I want a satisfied costumer,
You ain't never had a friend like me!
Yes, yes.
No, no, no!
Yeah, yeah...
More juggling tricks.
Notice all the details!
Who pulls out rabbits
Out of hats?
Who spits fire?
What happened here?
If only you say 'Abra cadabra'
In the blink of an eye, everything fades away!
What a gaping mouth, staring eyes,
I pray for you!
You've won me, I'm a perfect magician,
You got a certified genie.
I got a powerful urge to help you out,
So just tell me your wish already!
The list is endlessly long,
So just rub it, but not too hard!
Mister Aladdin, it's all on my control,
I'm a worker, I'm never lazy!
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend,
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend,
You ain't never had a friend like me!
You ain't never had a friend like me.

Pavement Painter

Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cheroo
I do what I want, and I work- if you will
I painted this morning, everyone can see
That painting is a profession... of a master craftsman
I paint from my mind, on my own, with no instructors!
Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cheroo
Painting is my life, I live in a painting
I didn't ask for payment, or any kind of fee
But my cap would be glad if you'd give it a coin
But my cap would be glad if you'd give it some coin.

Forget about You, Forget about Me

When you say you want to leave
At the moment I don't want to wave hand
Love is an emptiness after all
Who says that our past will be ended in wordlessness
Don't forget that I ever had you
You also ever loved me
*When you leave me
The pain that I don't want to accept
Love is still a dream in the end
Don't said that our worlds had too many differences.
Just say you've forgotten me
You want to leave me
# Who could tell me
Whether I've given too much
Just treat it like I never ever had
Or It's disappeared in my heart
Who once reminded me
My love wasn't certain
Just treat it like I never ever had
Or just forget about you, forgot about me
Repeat *, #, #

Although We Are Forever Chained To Strange Shores...

Although we are forever chained to strange shores
With fetters - strong, invisible to eyes,
Yet, even chained, we must complete on all fours
The circle, gods have drawn for us in skies.
Lo! Everything, that yields to higher powers,
Conducts the will of others with its own,
And under stolid mask of every substance
The flame - divine light! - everywhere burns.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


What can I say when I'm looking at you this way?
There's nothing I like more than being naked,
just after making love,
when we listen to this song looking at the ceiling.
This song that wonders if this is true,
that wonders if this is crazy,
that says you've already hanged your armor
at my gates.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
My room is enough for the two of us,
the same sun is enough for the whole universe.
Sometimes everything's so normal, so quiet,
I don't think I've ever saw me before, now I look me when I see you.
And then I make me a cup of tea
and I play the guitar,
you stay asleep
and I make you this song so you can be calm.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
Sometimes I feel so tired
and I go to bed to lie down.
Sometimes life bores me so,
you make my days more beautiful.

Psychological Garden

There is a voice I only recognize from a door phone
Whenever I pass it by
It's singing this melody
Hey, you who are passing by and whom I don't know
Remember that you're carrying the world in your hands
Have a nice trip to psychological garden
Have a nice trip to psychological garden
Have a nice trip to psychological garden
There is a voice I only know from a door phone
Whenever I pass it by
It's singing this melody
Hey, you who are passing by and whom I don't know
Remember that you're carrying the world in your hands
Have a nice trip to psychological garden
Have a nice trip to psychological garden
Have a nice trip to psychological garden
Have a nice trip

You were right

Lucio Battisti, Franco Battiato, Capparezza and
Negramaro, Pino Daniele, Daniele Silvestri,
Eugenio Finardi, Luigi Tenco, Fabrizio De André,
Morgan, Noemi, Neffa, Nek, Ron and Raf,
Tiziano Ferro, Luciano Ligabue, Lorenzo Jovanotti,
Gli Stadio, Le Vibrazioni, the Tiromancino, Luca Carboni,
Eros Ramazzotti, Laura Pausini, Nomadi,
Romina Power con Al Bano, Gigi d'Alessio and d'Angelo,
Simone Cristicchi and Biagio Antonacci, Giorgia, Zucchero,
Lucio Dalla, Francesco de Gregori, Arisa, Alex Britti,
Carmen Consoli, Enrico Ruggeri and Claudio Baglioni,
Valerio Scanu and Marco Mengoni, Fabio Concato and
Marco Masini, Fabri Fibra and Gianna Nannini.
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate*, look how many there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are
Vasco Rossi, Umberto Tozzi, Giusy Ferreri, Rita Pavone,
Paola and Chiara and Malika Ayane, Mango and Negrita,
Zero Assoluto, Vinicio Capossela, Paolo Conte,
Irene Grandi, Fiorella Mannoia and Cesare Cremonini,
Francesco Renga and Francesco Guccini, Ornella Vanoni,
Celentano and Mina, Andrea Boccelli, Elisa and Karima.
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
Great respect for all the singers whom I did
not succeed in mentioning, but with only one song
I could have never done it.

An Angel, To Me

I dream always, always,
of the shape of sweethearts
it seems as if the two of us are happy,
but I met in heaven
My body can't wake up
If someday my wishes could be permitted
I want to love
But today an angel gave me
a kiss on the cheek
with this happiness I ring the bells
to that person's origin
Tonight an angel
gave me a smile
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Romantic With You

Romantic with you
Sensual with her
Today with you
Tonight with her
I give you promises, sweet words
Flowers, compliments
For her, I keep my tenderness
My kisses, my caresses
Romantic with you
Sensual with her
In a dream with you
In a bed with her
You are soft and gentle
You make me shy and clumsy
She knows how to raise my temperature
When I am in her arms
You can do what you want with me
The face that you like
You can be a woman or a child
All at once pleasing and romantic
Romantic with you
Sensual with her
Today with you
Tonight with her
I give you promises, sweet words
Flowers, compliments
For her, I keep my tenderness
My kisses, my caresses
You are dream or reality
I am never bored
What good is making a choice?
I love the two girls in you
Romantic with you
Sensual with her
In a dream with you
In a bed with her
You are soft and gentle
You make me shy and clumsy
She knows how to raise my temperature
When I am in her arms
Romantic with you
Sensual with her
Today with you
Tonight with her
I give you promises, sweet words
Flowers, compliments
For her, I keep my tenderness
My kisses, my caresses

Salomėja, be a sweeper!

Junk here, junk there
So someone needs to clean out the junk
Who’ll pick it up? Who’ll throw it out?
Doesn’t feel like getting their hands dirty
O, sole mio! O, sole mio!
Don’t feel like getting your hands dirty
O, sole mio! O, sole mio!
Don’t feel like getting your hands dirty
It’s inconvenient, it’s not interesting
To start picking up the junk beneath your feet
Hunger for junk, habits of junk
To find junk, the most beautiful of junk
But Salomėja wants to live splendidly
But Salomėja is making out in the dark again
A sure sign is the bad smell
Deodorant doesn’t help here anymore
Live junk climbs up the legs
They are so sweet and they are so nice
O, sole mio! O, sole mio!
They’re singing sweetly, they’re singing nicely
O, sole mio! O, sole mio!
They’re singing sweetly, they’re singing nicely
Salomėja, girl
Why don’t you care about tidiness in the home?
Salomėja, be a sweeper!
It’s really time to sweep out the junk beneath your feet
But Salomėja wants to live splendidly
But Salomėja is making out in the dark again
But Salomėja wants to live splendidly
But Salomėja is making out in the dark again