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아젤리아 (AZALEA) (Azaleja)

Koliko si dugo čekao
Možda još uvek ne znaš
Uozbiljiću se od sada pa nadalje
Da li ćeš slušati, yeah
Priđi mi, dođi bliže (Oh-oh-oh)
Koliko čujem svoj otkucaj srca
Yeah ti si jedan jedini, bez ikakvog razloga
Neka mi srce kuca još više, neka mi srce kuca još više
Baby, na tom nebu šest boja (na tom nebu)
Kao izrežemo naša imena
Da li može biti zauvek, 365 dana i 24 sata? Oh yeah
Oboj me mirisom roze boje
Moje sve
Da li ćeš ih sakriti duboko u tvom srcu
Čak i kada doba nastavljaju da se menjaju, ovo srce se ne menja
Daj mi, ljubav, daj mi ljubav
Azaleja usađena u tebi
Poklon koji sam ti spremila
Još uvek mi puno nedostaje
Prihvati to, ti si jedina ljubav, ovo je moje jedino srce
Zagrli me ako me želiš, poljubi me slađe
Baby, kao zvezde izvezene u noćnom nebu (Kao zvezde)
Želim tiho da osvetlim tvoju stranu
Samo kad bih mogla
biti pored tebe zauvek Oh yeah
Oboj me mirisom roze boje
Moje sve
Da li ćeš ih sakriti duboko u tvom srcu
Čak i kada doba nastavljaju da se menjaju, ovo srce se ne menja
Daj mi, ljubav, daj mi ljubav
Azaleja usađena u tebi
Ponekad nas kiša i vetar prodrmaju
Drži moje dve ruke i molim te me zaštiti
Pokazaću ti ljubav koja ne postoji nigde drugde u ovom svetu
Obećaj mi, zaljubljivanje, yeah
Koju sam znala još od početka
Kao sudbina
Volećeš me
Na kraju, cvet koji mi treba si ti Oh yeah
Dok dana kada zvezde ne padnu
Moje sve
Samo ću ići ka tebi
Čak i kada doba nastavljaju da se menjaju, ovo srce se ne menja
Oh Daj mi, ljubav, daj mi ljubav
Azaleja usađena u tebi

My Dear

My dear, you attract (me)
My dear, you enthral (me)
My dear, you make me feel
My dear, woozy
My dear, you who love me
My dear, you who hug warm
My dear, you're like a magnet
Who pulls toward oneself
If (she) warms up me, always warms up,
If (she) speaks to me, speaks all night
If (he) abducts me, if (he) hides me into the cellar
If you love till the last
I feel, I believe that you love me,
I'm in a hurry, I'm looking for (you): I see you
I wait, I know: you'll be with me
I love you only, I only breathe with you
I feel, I believe that you love me,
I'm in a hurry, I'm looking for (you): I see you
I wait, I know: you'll be with me
I love you only, I only breathe with you

‏I inquired about you

‏I inquired about you all these years but I did not find any sign of you!
I asked about you from everywhere and everything we remembered, but but everyone said they were unaware
How did you go?
Look, there is nothing after your love,
The hours have stopped
The world has over
Come back to me to start life again
I have looked for you all these years, but I have not found any sign of you
I looked for you from everywhere and everything we remembered, but everyone said they were unaware
It is as if there is hope in me that one day you will come back again
Even if you do not
Even if you do not love me anymore
‏Anyway, even if we just fantasize about this dream together, it is beautiful

I'm looking

I asked about the loneliness of the stars in the sky,
The magical rainbow the daughter of the sun and rain
I asked about the loneliness of the stars in the sky,
The magical rainbow the daughter of the sun and rain
I am looking and not looking I can't find you
From the thought of our memories I get sad by myself
Night and Day have both turned dark for me I'm looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I am looking and not looking I can't find you
From the thought of our memories I get sad by myself
Night and Day have both turned dark for me I'm looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I asked about the old stories of our parents and elders
About those two lovers who's love was forever holy
I asked about the old stories of our parents and elders
About those two lovers who's love was forever holy
I am looking and not looking I can't find you
From the thought of our memories I get sad by myself
Night and Day have both turned dark for me I'm looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I am looking and not looking I can't find you
From the thought of our memories I get sad by myself
Night and Day have both turned dark for me I'm looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I asked about our old statues
The ones with hidden powers and our ruins who no one has heard about
I asked about our old statues
The ones with hidden powers and our ruins who no one has heard about
I am looking and not looking I can't find you
From the thought of our memories I get sad by myself
Night and Day have both turned dark for me I'm looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I am looking and not looking I can't find you
From the thought of our memories I get sad by myself
Night and Day have both turned dark for me I'm looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream
I am looking for a dream

Captured Heart

You have captured my heart, oh my sweet poison!
Your flowery cheeks, the essence of rose, oh my dearest!
Your form like that of the alif, your comely forelocks swaying like laam, and your face with all the beatitude of meem.
The mind reads entire scriptures off your ravishing countenance, oh my beloved!
The sun itself fades away at your brilliance
Umpteen moons devoured in entirety by your sheer grace, my beloved!
Sita weaves cirques around the flame of love, in search for her beloved
Her deific melodies which bewitched Ram
The only religion Rasul knows is the comely intricacies of your visage
Why then, should he bother himself with the trivialities of Islam and Kufr(disbeleif)


Bye bye to paradise
A borrowed lie lie
After you hear it, you cry cry
Just gambling emotions
In an instant, bye bye
Intoxication is a lie lie
A controlling cry cry
Swallow it up just like that casino
Ra Ta Ta Bye Bye
Search for the lie lie
Vomit it up and cry cry
Until you reach hell
Get sick of it and go bye bye
Tame all of the lies lies
Steal and cry cry
Swallow it up just like that casino
All in on me
Keeping pace with a sneer
Reply in moderation
The perpetrator is still you today
Loneliness is simple
Don’t hit, bullets
Avoid them and you’ll be respectable today too
In the mud Te Ta Ta
Drop the needle Te Ta Ta
Pass judgement on the damage Te Ta Ta
Keep your mouth shut Te Ta To
Hold your breath Te Ta Ta
Break your ears Te Ta Ta
Both red and black are Te Ta Ta
God’s whimsy
Bye bye to paradise
A borrowed lie lie
After you hear it, you cry cry
Just gambling emotions
In an instant, bye bye
Intoxication is a lie lie
A controlling cry cry
Swallow it up just like that casino
Ra Ta Ta Bye Bye
Search for the lie lie
Vomit it up and cry cry
Until you reach hell
Get sick of it and go bye bye
Tame all of the lies lies
Steal and cry cry
Swallow it up just like that casino
All in on me

Stisak (Zagrli me)

Sati postaju dani, to je gubljenje vremena
Svuda sam tražio, ali sve sam izgubio još jednom
Sve čemu sam se nadao, sve što sam znao
Lagao sam mnogo, učio sam mnogo
Kakav čovek ne bi bio uplašen ovde
Ne usuditi se da pitaš išta ikada nije isto što i žaljenje
Glave naopačke i sve zaista boli
Sve čemu sam se nadao, sve što sam znao
Lagao sam mnogo, učio sam mnogo
Kakav čovek ne bi bio uplašen ovde
Drži me samo još malo duže
Drži me sve dok ne postanem drugačiji od onoga što sam bio
Zagrli me*
Imamo mnogo vremena**
Zagrli me
Opet gubim pravac***
Zagrli me
Imamo mnogo vremena
Zagrli me x3
Vidim da sve usporava vremenom, da li je kraj blizu
Beskonačan broj pitanja, ali premalo vremena
Sve čemu sam se nadao, sve što sam znao
Lagao sam mnogo, učio sam mnogo
Kakav čovem ne bi bio uplašen ovde
Drži me samo još malo drže
Drži me sve dok ne postanem drugačiji od onoga što sam bio
Zagrli me
Imamo mnogo vremena
Zagrli me
Opet gubim pravac
Zagrli me
Imamo mnogo vremena
Zagrli me x3
Nikada nisam rekao nikad
Sve dok nisam izgubio stisak
I više nego ikada
promenio sam se, utrnuo sam
I moja glava je skrenula sa puta
Zagrli me
Imamo mnogo vremena
Zagrli me
Opet gubim pravac
Zagrli me
Imamo mnogo vremena
Zagrli me x3


Jedan ples, daj mi jedan ples sa đavolom
Nema šanse, nema šanse za više sumnje
Radije bih brzo u pakao, nego sporo u raj (x2)
Nije loše, ako na kraju nije tako loše
Veruj mi, svaka žurka ovde traje večno
Vidim zlato na granici sunca
Previše sam star da znam zašto
Moj voz je na pogrešnom peronu
Voz mozga traži novi vagon
Radije bih brzo u pakao, nego sporo u raj (x2)
Ne, radije ne bih nestao zauvek
Sve što je nekada bilo veliko, sada je malo
Vidim zlato na granici sunca
Previše sam star da znam zašto
Moj voz je na pogrešnom peronu
Voz mozga traži novi vagon
Radije bih brzo u pakao, nego sporo u raj (x4)

There Is a Beautiful Girl

There is a beautiful, lonely girl in the world
She is adorable, attractive, in and of herself,
All the world I will give, all the world I will give for her
But all this, but all this isn't mine,
All the world I will give, all the world I will give for her,
But all this, but all this isn't mine.
This girl doesn't live in the noisy city
She doesn't sing sad and happy songs.
Why is she, why is she all alone?
Why is she, why is she cold to me?
Why is she, why is she all alone?
Why is she, why is she cold to me?
But some day this girl will understand
She will approach me and quietly whisper:
I love you, I love you, sweetheart,
Kiss my scarlet lips, darling,
I love you, I love you, sweetheart,
Kiss my scarlet lips, darling.'