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Резултати претраге страна 14

Број резултата: 553


Дошли да останемо

Кажете: „Ко високо лети,
глупље пада!“
Толико сте одмакли,
а и даље стојите високо.
Кажете: „Ко би гори,
мора, молимо лепо, да сад буде доли!“
Одложио сам пад
без гледања доле.
Нећемо отићи, али ако ипак одемо,
отићићемо у комадима.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
Дошли да останемо,
нећемо више одлазити,
дошли да останемо,
као савршена флека.
Дошли да останемо,
нећемо више одлазити,
једном кад је флека на панталонама,
не може се више уклонити.
Извините, мислим
да смо дошли да останемо.
Ми певамо „Хвала и довиђења“,
дајте нам заставе што се вијоре да са њима нестанемо.
Живи на високој нози – храброст иде пре пада.
Где год има брзине, човек жели да чује прасак.
Везујете нас за коња
и молите да га покренемо.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
Онда кажете: „Погледајте!
Крај је близу,
сад се, молимо лепо, суочите са последњом завесом.“
Али, ми смо паметни,
остајемо овде
због згрожених фаца.
Ови духови фалширају
и није их лако истерати.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
Нећемо отићи, али ако ипак одемо,
отићићемо у комадима.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Дошли да останемо

Кажете: „Ко високо лети,
глупље пада!“
Толико сте одмакли,
а и даље стојите високо.
Кажете: „Ко би гори,
мора, молимо лепо, да сад буде доли!“
Одложио сам пад
без гледања доле.
Нећемо отићи, али ако ипак одемо,
отићићемо у комадима.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
Дошли да останемо,
нећемо више одлазити,
дошли да останемо,
као савршена флека.
Дошли да останемо,
нећемо више одлазити,
једном кад је флека на панталонама,
не може се више уклонити.
Извините, мислим
да смо дошли да останемо.
Ми певамо „Хвала и довиђења“,
дајте нам заставе што се вијоре да са њима нестанемо.
Живи на високој нози – храброст иде пре пада.
Где год има брзине, човек жели да чује прасак.
Везујете нас за коња
и молите да га покренемо.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
Онда кажете: „Погледајте!
Крај је близу,
сад се, молимо лепо, суочите са последњом завесом.“
Али, ми смо паметни,
остајемо овде
због згрожених фаца.
Ови духови фалширају
и није их лако истерати.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
Нећемо отићи, али ако ипак одемо,
отићићемо у комадима.
Извините, рекао сам:
„Дошли смо да останемо“.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Uradila sam to jer želim i uradila sam to jer hoću i uradila sam to samo zato što mogu
Uradila sam to jer čini da se osjećam tako dobro i uradila sam to jer jebeš 'muškarca'
Uradila sam to jer sam luda i niko me neće spasiti i uradila sam to samo da prekinem galamu
Uradila sam to jer sam pijana i uradila sam to, da, pa šta, jer dušo ja sam samo jedna od momaka
Uradila sam sve to da slomim svaki predrasudni utisak koji imaš
Uradila sam sve to da potresem svaku tvoju emociju i samo da učinim da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Radim to jer volim i želim još toga i radim to jer si rekao da ne mogu
Radim to jer se boriš protiv toga i znam da ne voliš kad se otvorim i pričam o seksu
Radim to jer me mrziš i radim to za dame i sa svim svojim dobrim prijateljima
Radim to jer je čitav prokleti svijet poludio i jebeš ga, ovo je kraj
Uradila sam sve to da slomim svaki predrasudni utisak koji imaš
Uradila sam sve to da potresem svaku tvoju emociju i samo da učinim da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Pa, ne želim te oboriti
Pa zašto ti želiš mene oboriti?
Ne spuštaj me, ne
Ne spuštaj me
Uradila sam sve to da potresem svaku tvoju emociju i samo da učinim da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš


Oprosti mi,ne znam šta se desilo sa tobom pa te više ne gledam kao ranije,
Tvoje ruke su bile hladne,nisam imao kako da se zagrejem,
Žao mi je što ti tek sada kažem,nisam želeo da te povredim,
Priznajem da,dok te nije bilo briga za mene,upoznao sam mnoge ljude,
Znaš da ja nisam za prijatelje,
ali ti si bila tako odsutna,tako hladna,
Stvari su se dosta promenile,više mi nisi bila važna
Ja znam kako se desila,
ta distanca na kojoj smo bili,
lagano nas je ubijala,
ako je neko kriv ovde,to smo oboje,ali ona nije.
Ti nikad nisi imala vremena da se vidimo,
Veza nije išla tako sporo i ti si uvek imala neku priču,
ja sam se izgubio u pokušajima da povratim ovo osećanje,
ali nikad nisam uspeo,nisam stajao,
molio sam Boga da mi pomogne,
Ti sa tvojim lošim stavom,dok si stalno nešto zahtevala,i ne
Ona je uradila ono što ti nisi,ne krivi je više
ti si kriva što si me izgubila.
Ja znam kako se desila,
ta distanca na kojoj smo bili,
lagano nas je ubijala,
ako je neko kriv ovde,to smo oboje,ali ona nije.
Ne želim nikoga da krivim,nisam u poziciji da prebacujem,
prihvatam to da sam bio saučesnik,
nisam isti koji te je osvojio,
Ono što ću ti reći,sigurno će te rasplakati,
neko je shvatio šta se dešava,
iskoristio je kada ti nisi bila tu.
Oprosti mi,ne znam šta se desilo sa tobom pa te više ne gledam kao ranije,
Tvoje ruke su bile hladne,nisam imao kako da se zagrejem,
Žao mi je što ti tek sada kažem,nisam želeo da te povredim,
Ja znam kako se desila,(ja znam)
ta distanca na kojoj smo bili,(na kojoj smo bili)
lagano nas je ubijala,
ako je neko kriv ovde,to smo oboje,ali ona nije.

Nothing Is Impossible

I don't know how much truth is in your words
I don't know how much pain is in your sadness
I can't be, my love, a simple fortune teller
To decipher what you feel and predict our destiny
If only I could understand your feelings
If only I could undress your mysteries
I would give you my soul, what you want, without excuses,
and in the end you will know that to love each other was not a dream
If only you knew that...
Nothing is impossible if love
Lights up your heart on the inside
It doesn't work for us to be quiet if in the end
It's worth trying one more time
Nothing is impossible if this time
We take life to the surface
It doesn't work to give up without a fight
If the naked soul asks for love
If I could believe our story once again
And not let time turn off your lights in my memory
To feel unconditionally, without the fear of being wrong
Is to open your heart, for love there's room to risk it
If only you wanted to get rid of your doubts
If only you could unleash your insanity
I would love fully without words nor misgivings
And like that discover your magic, my passion and your desire
If only you knew that...
Nothing is impossible if love
Lights up your heart on the inside
It doesn't work for us to be quiet if in the end
It's worth trying one more time
Nothing is impossible if this time
We take life to the surface
It doesn't work to give up without a fight
If the naked soul asks for love
There isn't any time to lose now
We are like the dawn
We seek to be reborn from the darkness
Nothing is impossible if love
Lights up your heart on the inside
It doesn't work for us to be quiet if in the end
It's worth trying one more time
Nothing is impossible if this time
We take life to the surface
It doesn't work to give up without a fight
If the naked soul asks for love
Nothing is impossible if we are together
I will give you my love forever


Versions: #4
She was so beautiful...she was so beautiful
that her look still burns me
how I’d like to forget her
but she gets close and I can’t help it
Because when she talks with her eyes
she says things I can’t understand
and she undresses herself little by little
And she becomes your skin
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart
It was like a story
She left like the wind
Sometimes I tell myself
That maybe I’m imagining things
If I could at least
have some proof
Some memory that I was with her
I’m going a bit crazy
Sometimes I wake
And I feel my grief
That murmurs in my ear
And it says “where are you love”
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart

Nevolja je prijatelj

Nevolja će te naći gde god da odeš
Bez obzira na to da li si brz ili spor
Oko oluje ili krik u žalosti
Neko vreme si u redu, ali počinješ da gubiš kontrolu
On je tamo u mraku, on je u mom srcu
Čeka u krilima, mora odigrati svoju ulogu
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Nevolja je prijatelj, ali nevolja je zlotvor
I nebitno čime ga hranim uvek se čini da raste
Vidi ono što ja vidim, i zna ono što znam
Zato ne zaboravite dok nastavljate niz put
On je tamo u mraku, on je u mom srcu
Čeka u krilima, mora odigrati svoju ulogu
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Zato nemojte biti uznemireni ako vas uzme pod ruku
Neću mu dopustiti da pobedi, ali padam na njegove čari
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Oh kako mrzim način na koji čini da se osećam
I kako pokušavam da ga nateram da ode, pokušavam
Oh pokušavam!
On je tamo u mraku, on je tu u mom srcu
Čeka u krilima, mora odigrati svoju ulogu
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Zato nemojte biti uznemireni ako vas uzme pod ruku
Neću mu dopustiti da pobedi, ali padam na njegove čari
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj

Kim Possible Intro (Spanish)

A very normal girl
I'm coming to save the world
You won't stop me, I'm Kim Possible
I can do it all
Si danger calls
Know that I'll be there
It doesn't matter where or when it happens
If you call me I'll be there
Kim Possible
Call, scream, if you need me
Whenever I'll be there
When doesn't matter
Call, scream, if you need me
(Call, scream, if you need me)
Whatever the place
I can go
I'll be by your side until the end
Invesitagions, danger,
I'll be there with you
Remember me
You can call
Kim Possible

Једнократни хероји

Тела пуне поља која видим, крај гладних хероја
Никог да се игра војника, никог да се претвара
Трчећи слепо кроз убиствена поља, гајен да их све поубија
Жртва оног што је речено да треба да буде, слуга док не паднем
Дечак војничић, од глине
Сада празна љуштура
Двадесет један, једини син
Али добро нам је служио
Гајен да убија, не да мари
Ради као што кажемо
Готови смо овде. Поздрав, Смрти,
Твој је да га водиш
Назад на фронт
Радићеш шта ја кажем, када кажем
Назад на фронт
Умрећеш када ја кажем, мораш умрети
Назад на фронт
Кукавице, слуго, слепче
Лавеж митраљеза ми сада ништа не чини
Звук сата који куца, навикни се некако
Већи си човек што више пруга носиш, трендови љубитеља славе
Тела пуне поља која видим
Покољ никад не престаје
Дечак војничић, од глине
Сада празна љуштура
Двадесет један, једини син
Али добро нам је служио
Гајен да убија, не да мари
Ради као што кажемо
Готови смо овде. Поздрав, Смрти,
Твој је да га водиш
Назад на фронт
Радићеш шта ја кажем, када кажем
Назад на фронт
Умрећеш када ја кажем, мораш умрети
Назад на фронт
Кукавице, слуго, слепче
Зашто умирем?
Убијај, немај страха
Лажи, живи од лагања
Пакао, пакао је овде
Рођен сам за умирање
Живот испланиран пре мог рођења, ништа нисам могао рећи
Без шансе да видим самог себе, формиран сваког дана
Присећајући се схватам, ништа нисам могао учинити
Остављен да умрем с јединим пријатељем
Сам стискам своју пушку
Дечак војничић, од глине
Сада празна љуштура
Двадесет један, једини син
Али добро нам је служио
Гајен да убија, не да мари
Ради као што кажемо
Готови смо овде. Поздрав, Смрти,
Твој је да га водиш
Назад на фронт
Радићеш шта ја кажем, када кажем
Назад на фронт
Умрећеш када ја кажем, мораш умрети
Назад на фронт
Кукавице, слуго, слепче
Назад на фронт


Nothing here, nothing there
Nothing to say, nothing to explain
Today, not even the sun will shine on me
Nothing to prove, nothing to pretend
Nothing to judge, nothing to avoid
Today, no one will hear my voice
So many lights, so many looks, what are they staring at?
So much darkness, so much darkness
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When1 I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
I feel the power of seeing without being seen
When no one notices me is
When I know that I exist
I'm not Mephistopheles2 (hey!)
Nor the Antichrist (ah!)
I don't hide for pleasure, but out of necessity
Like Houdini, unpredictable
Without magic or charms I become invisible
And unmoved, I dig my war's trenches
Pleading: 'Earth, swallow me!'
I may be real, I may be fiction
Only material or just an illusion
but I have control
And although I know that I'll never see him
I know there's someone else who must have
the same intentions that I do.
Essential things aren't seen by the eyes, that's why some days I choose not to be...
And that is my truth, and that is my truth
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
I've gotten used to being transparent
Among the crowd, I don't see myself as being present
And I feel absent, only when I fade away

Wells wrote about me, Dalí painted me
But no one understands why I'm the way I am
If they ask how I'm doing, nobody answers
Not everything has an answer!
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
When I prefer to disappear
When I prefer to disappear
  • 1. the times that
  • 2. a demon featured in German folklore
δωρεάν ελάβετε δωρεάν δότε

Heaven Turned Black

The moon is big
the fog embraces the forest's ground
Winds blow my hair
Leaves wither as I walk
Tell me, father
The demon's control
can you save me from the storm so cold?
When you abandoned me for the gate to the underworld
my heart turned to stone, Heaven turned black1
Only at night, we'll come forth
hidden by the darkness, we have each other
in a world which isn't for me
I can only breathe through you
Tell me, father
The demon's control
can you save me from the storm so cold?
When you abandoned me for the gate to the underworld
my heart turned to stone, Heaven turned black
  • 1. It could also be 'the sky turned black,' but as 'Himlen' is capitalized, and since the lyrics are taken from a video uploaded by Myrkur, I'm going with 'Heaven.'
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

It gets worse

If there somewhere a problem
Do you think you can avoid it
You stick your head comfortable in the Sand
But if you want to be the winner once
And not only pointless playing around
Then use your heart and your brain
It gets
When you sit around and whimper
Stand Up and show who you are
You do not fight in
In the big game of
Join in, otherwise it will
gets worse
It gets worse
It gets
When you sit around and whimper
Stand Up and show who you are
Help with us to understand
Success is not an oversight
Join in, otherwise it will
Only gets worse
It gets worse
It gets worse
It gets worse
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Stay Here

(Stay with me and keep watch with me
Keep watch and pray)
My soul is consumed with sorrow unto death
Stay here and keep watch with me
Come sit down and wait here
While I go up and pray
(Stay with me and keep watch with me
Keep watch and pray)
Father, if it is possible
Let this cup pass me by
Father, if this cannot pass me by
Without my drinking it
Your will be done
(Stay with me and keep watch with me
Keep watch and pray)

I've been in love with you for so long

Once I had a dream that you said 'yes' to me
And a faded star lit up in the sky
The birds started singing in the snowy garden
You can see this in your dreams but once a year
I've been in love with you for so long
This dream is so beautiful
Maybe you'll come to me
In reality not just in my dreams
And in the silence of the moon
You'll discover how much I love you
The morning whispers to me,'Wake up!'
But I am afraid to open my eyes
Let me spend just one more minute with you
I don't need any other dream
And regardless of our destinies
Come to me in my dreams tomorrow
Touch my hand
I've been in love with you for so long
This dream is so beautiful
Maybe you'll come to me
In reality not just in my dreams
And in the silence of the moon
You'll discover how much I love you
But if you say 'no'
The birds will stop their singing
The morning will never come
But I can't reproach you for it
Maybe it's not easy to find the way to you
I've been in love with you for so long
This dream is so beautiful
Maybe you'll come to me
In reality not just in my dreams
And in the silence of the moon
You'll discover how much I love you

Hope shines like a wisp of straw in the stable

Hope shines like a wisp of straw in the stable
What do you fear of the drunken wasp of its mad flight?
See, the sun always rises in clouds in some hole.
Why didn't you fall asleep, elbow on the table?
Poor pale soul, at least this water from the well frozen
Drink it. Then sleep afterward. There, see, I'm staying,
And I'd would pamper the dreams of your nap
And you would hum like a cradled child
Noon strikes. For goodness' sake, go away madam.
He's asleep. It's surprising how women's steps
Resonates to the pour souls' brain.
Noon strikes. I had (the plants) watered in the bedroom.
Go, sleep! Hope shines like a stone in a cavity.
Ah, when the september's roses will blossom again !
All of my work is dedicated to Ms Z. G., who is the real counterpart of Beatrice Portinari for me.

Toward the blue

Versions: #2
A shadow was passing on the wall
At the bottom of which you were waiting for me
The hand laid on the wounds that anyone had done to you
The former evening when I left you
You were gone to get involved
In insane plans that I prefer not to know about
I carried you to our home
Thankfully mommy didn't see anything
I disinfected your knee
And I put you to bed, stark naked
I watched over you the whole day
I told mommy that we had to let you sleep
You were moaning and it was like a love song
But how am I going to do to
cure you of the taste of fire?
But how am I going to do to
bring you back toward the blue?
The next day you promised me
That you will never do it again
Like two days earlier I smiled
And I said I believed you
And the evening come I felt you
burning to tell to the street
The few words it was expecting
But how am I going to do to
cure you of the taste of fire?
But how am I going to do to
bring you back toward the blue?
To bring you back toward the islands
Of childhood and archs suspended
Toward both of us gliding all slender
On our lives like on an embankment
When our thoughts only made one
The sun was the ennemy
We didn't know the night
We had never seen the moon
I'm going to look for you this morning
Like for so many mornings to come
I'm sure you are not far and
And that you wait for me to tell me
that you will never do it again
And that you will let me do
I'll lift you up from the ground
And to our home will carry you
But how am I going to do to
cure you of the taste of fire?
But how am I going to do to
bring you back toward the blue?
All of my work is dedicated to Ms Z. G., who is the real counterpart of Beatrice Portinari for me.

Krivac ili nedužan

Upravo sada kada si otišla
Rekli su mi da si me varala
Zašto tako brzo imaš puno neprijatelja?
Zašto ti se moram izvinjavati?
Ukoliko lažu, molim te brani se
Znam da nećeš to uraditi, dakle istina je
Šteta jer ćeš me uvek boleti
Krivac ili nedužan, šta tu mogu učiniti?
Laži me kao i uvek, molim te laži me
Potrebno mi je da ti verujem, ubedi me
Slaži me uz poljubac neka zaliči na ljubav
Potrebno mi je da te volim, krivac ili nedužan
Nemam prava da ti zamerim bilo šta
Ništa više nema od tebe, mene, od juče
Šteta, naša priča je mogla biti neverovatna
Reci mi sad ljubavi ko će te braniti?

The blue feet

When we have blue feet
That's we are in love
When we have green feet
That's we are angry
When we have grey feet
That's we are worried
We have always feet
that we desserved
All wood, all iron
I've my mother's feet
We have always feet
that we desserved
When we are a archangel
we have orange feet
when we are a demon
we have lemon feet
It's against the nature
to wearing shoes
and to hide his feet
and to lock them
Look at the ducks
the hens and the rabbits
they're never wearing
some loafers
When we have blue feet
That's we are in love
When we have green feet
That's we are angry
When we have grey feet
That's we are worried
We have always feet
that we desserved
All wood, all iron
I've my mother's feet
We have always feet
that we desserved
When we are billonaire
we have one's feet firmly planted on the ground
When we are a shark
we have sea-legs
When we are on holidays
we have dancing feet
When we are at work
we have yawning feet
We must loving our feet
We must comforted them
Cause without them we just couldn't walk
When we have blue feet
That's we are in love
When we have green feet
That's we are angry
When we have grey feet
That's we are worried
We have always feet
that we desserved
All wood, all iron
I've my mother's feet
We have always feet
that we desserved


To break all the chains, I still believe in it and even so,
Blood would burn the sky so that no one could steal my wings
Burned like by the irons, it is from lands that crawl
Where soldiers of pain lift their feet from the dust
Together, we could be the world, I still believe in it, still
Together, we could make the world, I believe more and more strongly
To break all the hates, the same veins in our bodies
For when, I do not know, to see the universe from the same roof, from the same roof
Together, we could be the world, I still believe in it, still
Together, we could make the world, I believe more and more strongly
We could make the world together

It looks like love

If it's not because of love
It does look like it
This encore is still the same words
It's the same chorus
It's the same need of caress
The pleasure rediscovered
The pleasure one would like to share
If it's not because of love
It does look like it
Heart side, lesson side
Nothing changed
A glance, a smile
Chills, sighs, caresses
All these [useless] things that day after day
Make it seem like love
It looks like love
A glance, a smile
Chills, sighs, caresses
All these [useless] things that day after day
Make it seem like love
It looks like love
It looks like love

But Love Will Remain

Music in the night, the dance is over
We're walking through the night and you're taking me home
And I couldn't care less about what's about to happen
Because it will already be over tomorrow anyway
But love, love will remain
And whoever knows love, can understand that
So many things come and go
Ah... ah...
But love, love will remain
Time goes by, time doesn't stand still
It doesn't ask you what you'd like and what you want
And even if I often ask what will happen the next day
Only you give me answer when your lips kiss me
But love, love will remain
And whoever knows love, can understand that
So many things come and go
Ah... ah...
But love, love will remain
But love, love will remain
And whoever knows love, can understand that
So many things come and go
Ah... ah...
But love, love will remain

You are the one to Blame

Versions: #3
you are the one to blame for
this anguish and this torture, this pain and all this misery
you've filled my life with nothing
except these sweet anxieties and all these bitter memories
your love is like an outburst
i carry in my being and also in my heart
i have no choice about this
i'm just a slave in your eyes, a plaything for your love
don't play with my anxiety, don't play with my emotions
they are the only ones i've got
your are my one and only, my final hope for living
you must believe it once
you know it makes me desperate
it kills me, it drives me crazy
you know i'd give my whole life to overcome my fear
of kissing you

With two words and one look

A heart with your name on it
you folded in a paper
And you placed it in my hand
when I first saw you
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself *
I'm plucking a daisy
to tell me if you love me
And there is always one petal left **
no matter which way you count them
Canaries and swallows
during May's celebration
You told me you would come, but you didn't
and I don't know why
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself


If we start of from the sure base
that to the monday always follows the tuesday
and that after the wednesday gives twenty four hours
including all the minutes, the seconds
and the quarters one after another,
and bearing in mind that theorem that holds,
that after the thursday comes the friday,
and that days ago the wednesday yielded to the thursday,
and that the saturday isn't anything
but an evil continuation of the friday
that sometimes ends in sunday,
transforming suddenly into monday,
then in tuesday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday, sunday and monday,
tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday,
and after in saturday and sunday
without ever skipping any monday,
nor a tuesday, wednesday, and maybe
stretching the thursday to a friday,
the saturday yearning for a sunday
destroyed by a sure monday,
invincible and hard like a tuesday,
like an unyielding wednesday
buried under a robust thursday
dead at the foot of a friday morning
that at night an expected saturday replaced,
but for few hours,
until the sunday became monday,
the one that became tuesday,
tuesday to wednesday, thursday and friday,
then saturday, sunday and monday,
if we start of from the sure base,
of what color is death?
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Time issue

Emm. Tell me. Can I ask you something?
Yes, of course.
In fact it's not a question. It's something I have to tell you.
Well, tell me. I listen.
Bah, to read to you in fact. Well, look. This is the issue. I feel like kissing you. Can I kiss you?
How do you know?
How do I know what?
How do you know that I can't kiss you.
Well, you can. But I don't want you to do it.
No, why?
Because it's too soon.
Ah, eh. So, I'm not indifferent to you?
No, of course not.
And you don't hate me either?
Hating you? Not at all.
So I can kiss you.
No. I said no.
I told you, it's too soon.
But you don't love me?
Well, I don't know. It's not something one can say lightly.
I don't say it lightly, I'm talking to you seriously.
I know, but you gotta give time to these things.
You might be right.
What happens is that I find hard to contract my feelings.
What feelings?
I already told them.
No, you didn't.
It's true, I didn't. Well, look. Are feelings of kissing you.
Will you let me?
Why? Because it's too soon?
Yes. It isn't the moment for that yet.
And for what is a good moment?
For talking.
About what?
Oh, I don't know. Chatting. Exchanging ideas.
And after?
After what?
The ideas.
I don't know. We'll see.
Why? It will be too soon too?
Well. But in some moment it will not be soon.
Yeah, I suppose.
Well. What difference is between that moment and now?
A time difference.
Yeah. But since the first time you said that it was too soon, a lot of time passed, I guess.
Yeah, but if it's soon, wait some more.
How much approximately?
I don't know. Love can't be timed.
Ah, so you feel love?
I don't know. I still don't have it clear.
If we kiss, you could clear yourself up.
We had talked about that. Aren't enough the reasons I gave you?
Which? The ones that it's still too soon?
What happens is that that reason doesn't hold for a long time. As time goes by, it loses validity.
Well. Then I will give you another reason.
That it's too late.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Afrikaner Heart

Versions: #2
In fire and blood I find myself now 1
Like every Boer, child and woman
A superior force is drooling over our land
So stand armed to the teeth
Its shadow falls a dark cloud
Over the future of our nation
And if we won't fight we'll disappear
At Magersfontein 2, at Magersfontein,
at Magersfontein we draw the line
Come boer warriors, be heroes now
The day of reckoning is here
The enemy is running over our fields
Stand your ground against cannon fire
The Khakis 3 want to defeat our nation
They promise pain and sorrow
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through my Afrikaner heart 4
If you ask me, I will tell you
How deep the roots of my heart lie
If you ask me, I will show you
This is my soil, here in my fist
Come boer warriors, be heroes now
The day of reckoning is here
The enemy is running over our fields
Stand your ground against cannon fire
The Khakis want to defeat our nation
They promise pain and sorrow
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through my Afrikaner heart
Even if hell breaks loose behind us
And even if heaven falls down on us
Keep the line and stand your man
It is here where we can stop them
Stand firm, Stand firm (South Africa)
Stand firm, Stand firm (South Africa)
Come boer warriors, be heroes now
The day of reckoning is here
The enemy is running over our fields
Stand your ground against cannon fire
The Khakis want to defeat our nation
They promise pain and sorrow
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through my Afrikaner heart
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through my Afrikaner heart
  • 1. Afrikanerhart song is about the Boer war (1899-1902) - the Boer War lasted three years and was very bloody. The British fought directly against the Transvaal and the Orange Free State (Boere). The bloodshed that was seen during the war was alarming.
  • 2. Battle of Magersfontein was fought on 11 December 1899, at Magersfontein near Kimberley on the borders of the Cape Colony and the independent republic of the Orange Free State. British forces under Lieutenant General Lord Methuen were advancing north along the railway line from the Cape in order to relieve the Siege of Kimberley, but their path was blocked at Magersfontein by a Boer force that was entrenched in the surrounding hills. Eventually, General Piet Cronje and General De la Rey's Boer troops defeated the British troops.
  • 3. British soldiers
  • 4. Jopie Fourie(Boer Hero) was born in the Pretoria district in 1878. He was a scout during the Boer War, and was wounded and captured in action north of Pretoria.
    After the war he became a captain in the Active Citizen Force, and in 1914 decided to join the rebellion in protest against Prime Minister Louis Botha's decision to invade German South West Africa as part of the international war effort against Germany. He was captured in the Rustenburg area on 16 December 1914 and was court-martialled. On 20 December of the same year he was executed by firing squad. Before the execution he asked that they shoot him threw his Heart

So the wind blows

My grandpa is getting too old for all his ailments,
and he also gets difficult sometimes, but he's a good man.
And he's nearly 86 years old,
and through the lines of his eyes,
through the wars of change,
you can see he's done with things now.
And his eyes soon become bright again,
and I can see there's a story coming up.
from the years when our people pleaded for protection,
when a band of brothers was born.
And he sees my eyes frown,
but the fire of all those years
is still coursing through his veins.
And so the wind blows, my child,
and so the wind blows us blind.
And so the wind blows, my child, everything away.
But it's born deep inside of you
that nothing is ever lost.
And through the stories, he asks me how it's going at Maties
and if we still speak our language, because he knows it's out of our books.
And he wishes for a wife for me
that can calm the hate a little bit,
because it's still running through our veins,
just getting stronger with the years.
And so the wind blows, my child,
and so the wind blows us blind.
And so the wind blows, my child, everything away.
But it's born deep inside of you
that nothing is ever lost.
And he doesn't need to say it,
because it's visible in his eyes,
a pride that shames me, a pride from above.
And so the wind blows, my child,
and so the wind blows us blind.
And so the wind blows, my child, everything away.
But it's born deep inside of you
that nothing is ever lost.
Yes, it's born deep inside of you
that nothing is ever lost.


Verse 1:
I'm afraid of your mouth
I want it to talk to me in a whisper
I'm afraid of giving myself to you
I brush your lips every time I drink
You do what you want to me
The most forbidden it is the more I think about it
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
Verse 2:
I'm afraid of not being what you think
I play every time I'm cold
I'm afraid when you place your hands on my stockings
I'm afraid of falling in your arms
The more forbidden it is the more I think about it
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Under water

Even my soul has hardened in front of you
I really can't find the words to keep saying what I'm doing
You appear in the night shadows
How rarely I see your eyes
Even my heart has hardened in front of you
Another argument, our paths split
There's not one bridge between us
And I dive under water, water
So that I never have to hear you again, again
You can't south as much as I can stay under water, water
Bitter, smiling, and full of need
And I dive under water, water
So that I never have to hear you again, again
You can't south as much as I can stay under water, water
Bitter, smiling, and full of need
No love binds us anymore
There were also good days when we found each other
I broke pieces off of myself, just to have you
So painful
The beautiful stories
There were also good days when we loved each other
Another argument, our paths split
There's not one bridge between us
And I dive under water, water
So that I never have to hear you again, again
You can't south as much as I can stay under water, water
Bitter, smiling, and full of need
And I dive under water, water
So that I never have to hear you again, again
You can't south as much as I can stay under water, water
Bitter, smiling, and full of need
No love binds us anymore
And I dive under water, water
So that I never have to hear you again, again
You can't south as much as I can stay under water, water
Bitter, smiling, and full of need
And I dive under water, water
So that I never have to hear you again, again
You can't south as much as I can stay under water, water
Bitter, smiling, and full of need
No love binds us anymore
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

I have to watch where I stay

(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
Who's hard like me with dick in hand?
Pull the line before the judge on the dock, yeah
Brand new Air Max, I strip your shoes off
And the MacBook Pro from your bag
You want to buy coke? Kid, you'll be run off
I'll take your cash and disappear, no power of the drugs
I have to watch, where I stay, you shit fat ass kid
I need a new down jacket, because winter's coming soon
In passing grab a fanta
And I snatch the Russian whore's hand bag, yeah
Coke keeps me awake and the hunger makes me aggressive
and every other Goddamn letter is from debt collection
And with this shit here I build a pillar
I bring the whole prize to a deposit
I have no conscience and no standard
Where I'm from, Tony Montana is an idol, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
In the truest since of the word the gold lies on the street
You want to fuck with me, you'll fall heavily
I have a plan and won't fancy up the school
The bad soothes me, I don't look for any job, yeah
Rip a few Touries up in the electorate
Check the Nokia, the junkies ring through for a gram
Give me cash for the wares from the KDW
Hide cash under the bed, because I'm saving for the AMG,
I spend whole night late with the butterflies
Until the the bulls come, because I don't leave, without a sendoff
On the hunt in the streets like a cat of prey
Packet in the fanny pack, full of Tilidin
Every day hustle, kofta and falafel
Big-City-Flavour, Graffiti-Sprayer
And whenever I have a whole fat fish on the corner
And until then it's a rumble in the jungle
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah

Our Tank Divsion

Where the morning wind blows away the dreams
Where the young day hesitantly rises
You hear our division from far away
The heavy tanks resound and rumble
Where the forests stand, we storm ahead
Throwing up clouds in a tempest
Should the earth tremble, yet it will be in peace
That's what our division stands for
Where the noise of the tanks suddenly breaks
The hard day marks each face
Until after the assault we're overcome by joy, yes joy
And our Hooray sounds far into the land

The Banner of Marx and Lenin

Spring came across the Oder [river]
A sea of stars was storming
Glowing red, enraptured by flames
It smashed the exploiters' world
Yes, Red Army men stormed ahead
From Moscow to Berlin
Carrying the red flag to victory
The banner, the banner of Marx and Lenin
Their fight and death brought peace
And a new beginning
And freed us from the savagery
Has turned slaves into humans
Yes, Red Army men stormed ahead
From Moscow to Berlin
Carrying the red flag to victory
The banner, the banner of Marx and Lenin
The flag from those fighting days
Blows far across our lnd
Born by sons of the class
It clasps the thankful hand
Yes, Red Army men stormed ahead
From Moscow to Berlin
Carrying the red flag to victory
The banner, the banner of Marx and Lenin