Превод текста

Резултати претраге страна 19

Број резултата: 702


O Carole

O Carole
Don't look at me like that
If i am there tonight
it is only to tell you
that he won't come
It is not worthy to cry for that,
In just a week, you'll replace him, you'll forget him
but the joy in your eyes is gone
dry your tears, forget it and come dance with me,
when he'll know i conforted you,
that day, maybe, he'll come back to you
O Carole
Don't look at me like that
If i am there tonight
It is only because you are everything to me
You dance with me, but you're far away,
you think of the one that won't come
but i think that's him i see over there
he is coming straight to you, and already you're smiling to him
it's too late for me, it's really over,
and yes, it seems he already changed his mind
O Carole
Don't look at me like that
There is too much joy in your eyes,
it's really over for me
O Carole
Don't look at me like that
There is too much joy in your eyes,
it's really over for me

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pease, don't forget to like, thank, or rate

Thanks !

Јучерашњица (Продужена верзија)

Усамљен унутар своје кутије
Испуњен свим овим празним тренуцима
Више ништа не осећам
Усред бездана сам
Жао ми је јучерашњице
Али ја данас њу не познајем
Било је много тренутака
Када су ме гурали и вукли унаоколо
Када су ме гурали и вукли унаоколо
Хеј, веома сам битан
Баш као што је и најлон битан
Као да сам постао танка превлака
Која расте и прекрива свет
Карма ми је за вратом
Препреке ми стају на пут
Треба ми храбрости се пробудим из овога сна
Ја сам онај прави за ово
Одрасти, одрасти, одрасти
Сада морам да променим овај систем
Нека изгори у ватри
Овај кратки сан се претворио
У онај најјаснији сан
А дозволи ми да ти кажем и зашто:
У последње време тражим посао
Јер можда нисам имао никаквог сна
Било је много прилика које су ми помогле да схватим своју ситуацију
Не желим да ме игноришу и занемарују, али се се понашам овако
Сви моји проблеми, сада када сам отишао од вас
Свет споља је тако другачији од онога што сам замишљао унутра
Моји преморени ум и душа
Некако сте увек покушавали да избришете те дане
Питао сам се како можете да будете тако јаки, ах
Увек сам био заузет испуњен завишћу
Али сам много тога изгубио
Бити сам је био једини начин да се осећам сигурним
Уздао сам се у то, то је лоша навика, изгори
Веровање да је у питању био избор
Зар вас то не чини слабима?
Одбацујем вас и мене из јучерашњих дана
То ме је учинило особом која сам данас
Не рушите ми расположење, јер ово сам ја
Сломљено срце, о, чак иако јако боли
Прича у коју се не можемо поново вратити
Овај кратки сан, о, и твоје успомене
Ова данашњица која се никада не може заборавити
Ако је све сутра, онда јучерашњица
Океј, назад у мој аутобус линија 156
Помало ми се размишља о томе како време тако брзо пролази
Сећам се времена када смо своје животе бацали попут новчића
Нисам много тога знао, мислим да сам још увек исти
Још увек трагам за својом галаксијом, и даље не знам за своје границе
Топим се у изгледима који иду на горе
Свакога дана сам под још више рефлектора, више но под сунцем
Ово чини да размишљам о томе
Како је реп мој нови аутобус линија 156
За јучерашњицу коју сам заменио будућношћу
Ако ме сачињавају успомене, онда ми чинимо данашњицу
Надам се да вам се свиђа где сам сада
Сломљено срце, о, чак иако јако боли
Прича у коју се не можемо поново вратити
Овај кратки сан, о, и твоје успомене
Ова данашњица која се никада не може заборавити
Ако је све сутра, онда јучерашњица
Да ли и ви мислите о мени?
Да ли увек плачете? Када пада киша
Када патње долазе у стиду
Када је слава од жада а ја рођен да то постанем
Али је цена блеђење који брзо морам да затамним
И брза мржња која гори попут серенаде
Која гори попут мојих урагана
Када сте рекли да грешим
Иако постоји оно што је исправно
Сада могу само да сањам о томе како ме чврсто грлите
Можете ли да ме чврсто загрлите?
Сломљено срце, о, чак иако покушам да вас пустим да одете
Прича која је дубоко урезана у моје срце
Овај кратки сан, о, и прошле успомене
Тренуци који никада неће бити заборављени
Моја драгоцена јучерашњица
Сутра, а онда јуче
Жао ми је што сам отишао
Сутра, а онда јуче
Моја драгоцена јучерашњица
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)


Versions: #2
TRADUCTION Béatrice Gauthier
Site @Dimash Kudaibergen Fan Montréal
-  I took a pen
- Je prends une plume
- And I wrote this letter
- Et je t'écris cette lettre
- To you, my darling
-  Pour toi, ma chérie
-  your face
-  Votre visage
-  Is beautiful as the 14 th moon day
-  Est aussi beau que le 14ème jour de la lune
-  when I remember you
-  Quand je me souviens de toi
-  My dear
-  Ma chérie
-  My frozen heart is fluttered
-  Mon coeur gelé est palpitant
-  Daididau-ai
- My frozen heart is fluttered
- Mon coeur gelé est palpitant
- Do you really want to leave me?
- Veux tu vraiment me quitter?
- My lovely friend?
- Ma charmante amie?
- Do you want to break up ?
- Voulez vous rompre?
- We've always been together
- Nous avons toujours été ensemble
-  But what can I do?
- Mais que puis je faire?
- If your promice was a lie
- Si ta promesse était un mensonge
- Daididau-ai
-  But what can I do?
- Mais que puis je faire?
- If your promice was a lie
- Si ta promesse était un mensonge
- Daididau-ai
-  Your face
-  Votre visage
-  Is beautiful as the 14 th moon day
-  Est aussi beau que le 14ème jour de la lune
- But what can I do?
- Mais que puis je faire?
- If your promice was a lie
- Si ta promesse était un mensonge
-But what can I do?
- Mais que puis je faire?
- If your promice was a lie
- Si ta promesse était un mensonge


У последње време тражим посао
Јер можда нисам имао никаквог сна
Било је много прилика које су ми помогле да схватим своју ситуацију
Не желим да ме игноришу и занемарују, али се се понашам овако
Сви моји проблеми, сада када сам отишао од вас
Свет споља је тако другачији од онога што сам замишљао унутра
Моји преморени ум и душа
Некако сте увек покушавали да избришете те дане
Питао сам се како можете да будете тако јаки, ах
Увек сам био заузет испуњен завишћу
Али сам много тога изгубио
Бити сам је био једини начин да се осећам сигурним
Уздао сам се у то, то је лоша навика, изгори
Веровање да је у питању био избор
Зар вас то не чини слабима?
Одбацујем вас и мене из јучерашњих дана
То ме је учинило особом која сам данас
Не рушите ми расположење, јер ово сам ја
Сломљено срце, о, чак иако јако боли
Прича у коју се не можемо поново вратити
Овај кратки сан, о, и твоје успомене
Ова данашњица која се никада не може заборавити
Ако је све сутра, онда јучерашњица
Океј, назад у мој аутобус линија 156
Помало ми се размишља о томе како време тако брзо пролази
Сећам се времена када смо своје животе бацали попут новчића
Нисам много тога знао, мислим да сам још увек исти
Још увек трагам за својом галаксијом, и даље не знам за своје границе
Топим се у изгледима који иду на горе
Свакога дана сам под још више рефлектора, више но под сунцем
Ово чини да размишљам о томе
Како је реп мој нови аутобус линија 156
За јучерашњицу коју сам заменио будућношћу
Ако ме сачињавају успомене, онда ми чинимо данашњицу
Надам се да вам се свиђа где сам сада
Сломљено срце, о, чак иако јако боли
Прича у коју се не можемо поново вратити
Овај кратки сан, о, и твоје успомене
Ова данашњица која се никада не може заборавити
Ако је све сутра, онда јучерашњица
Да ли и ви мислите о мени?
Да ли увек плачете? Када пада киша
Када патње долазе у стиду
Када је слава од жада а ја рођен да то постанем
Али је цена блеђење који брзо морам да затамним
И брза мржња која гори попут серенаде
Која гори попут мојих урагана
Када сте рекли да грешим
Иако постоји оно што је исправно
Сада могу само да сањам о томе како ме чврсто грлите
Можете ли да ме чврсто загрлите?
Сломљено срце, о, чак иако покушам да вас пустим да одете
Прича која је дубоко урезана у моје срце
Овај кратки сан, о, и прошле успомене
Тренуци који никада неће бити заборављени
Моја драгоцена јучерашњица
Сутра, а онда јуче
Жао ми је што сам отишао
Сутра, а онда јуче
Моја драгоцена јучерашњица
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Day by Day

Day by day, I walk a little closer with my Lord.
Day by day! Day by day!
Day by day, I walk a little closer with my Lord.
Day by day! Day by day!
Where He leads me, I Will Follow
Where He Sends Me I will Go
Day by day, I walk a little closer with my Lord.
Day by day! Day by day!
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.


Kada prođeš pored
Tog parka blizu tvog stana sada
Misliš li na mene?
Misliš li na mene?
Da li voziš brzo
Kada shvatiš da si u mojoj ulici?
Da li voziš polako?
Misliš li na mene?
Mislila sam da mogu da spakujem svoj kofer i samo da odem, da odem (odem)
Da te ostavim sa svim sranjima koje nisam želela da ponesem, moja greška
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Šta sam kog đavola uradila (uradila)?
Traćim vreme s nekim novim
Mislivši da sam to htela
Ispostavlja se da ne želim novog, želim tebe
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Šta sam kog đavola uradila (uradila)?
Traćim vreme s nekim novim
Mislivši da sam to htela
Ispostavlja se da ne želim novog, želim tebe
Ne želim novog, želim tebe
Ne želim novog, želim tebe
U njegovom sam krevetu, tu pored njega
Ali on ne zna
Ja samo mislim na tebe
Mislim na tebe
Kada je 3 ujutru, i ja sam na večeri s njegovim društvom
Ne mislim na njih
Ja samo mislim na tebe
Mislila sam da mogu da spakujem svoj kofer i samo da odem, da odem (odem)
Da te ostavim sa svim sranjima koje nisam želela da ponesem, želela da ponesem
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Šta sam kog đavola uradila (uradila)?
Traćim vreme s nekim novim
Mislivši da sam to htela
Ispostavlja se da ne želim novog, želim tebe
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Šta sam kog đavola uradila (uradila)?
Traćim vreme s nekim novim
Mislivši da sam to htela
Ispostavlja se da ne želim novog, želim tebe
Ne želim novog, želim tebe
Ne želim novog, želim tebe
Mislila sam da će mi biti bolje bez tebe
Ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Sada sam sa nekim novim (želim tebe)
Mislila sam da će mi biti bolje bez tebe
Ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Sada sam sa nekim novim (želim tebe)
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Šta sam kog đavola uradila (uradila)?
Traćim vreme s nekim novim
Mislivši da sam to htela
Ispostavlja se da ne želim novog, želim tebe
Traćim vreme s nekim novim
Mislivši da sam to htela
Ispostavlja se da ne želim novog, želim tebe

Reci mi zašto

Kako sam se našao ovde ponovo?
Izgleda kao da uvek prljam ruke krvlju
Dovoljan je samo jedan put i nema me i još hiljadu do kraja
Kako sam se našao ovde ponovo?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi zašto
Mi se sve što volim
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim
Kako to da ništa nikada ne traje?
Ide od dobrog do lošeg do goreg tako brzo
Dovoljan je samo jedan put i nema me i ne možeš izbrisati prošlost
Kako to da nikada ništa ne traje?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi zašto
Mi se sve što volim
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim
Evo me, sam sam ponovo
Sam ponovo
Evo me, sam sam ponovo
Kako to da ništa nikada ne traje?
Ide od dobrog do lošeg do goreg tako brzo
Reci mi zašto
Mi se sve što volim
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Dovodiš me do očaja
Guraš me predaleko
Gledaš kako izmičem
Držim se tako jako
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim oduzme?
Reci mi
Mi se sve što volim

That Day is Not So Far

He was so romantic
He captivated my heart
That day is not so far
When the Prince will suddenly
Carry me to the castle with him
And I will live happily beside him
When he'll come to me
Love will bloom
Like the loving blossoming
Of a bouquet in various colors
Which I will never forget

Srećan rođendan

Molim te prihvati moja izvinjenja, pitam se šta bi bilo
Da li bi bio moj anđelčić ili anđeo greha?
Muškarača koja jurca, druži se sa momcima
Ili žilav dečak sa lepim braon očima?
Platio sam za ubistvo pre nego što su ustanovili pol
Biranje našeg života umesto tvog je bila tvoja smrt
I nikada nisi dobio šansu da otvoriš oči
Nekada se pitam da li si se kao fetus borio za život?
Da li bi bio mali genije zaljubljen u matematiku?
Da li bi se igrao u školskoj odeći i naljutio me?
Da li bi bio mali reper kao tvoj tata Da Piper?
Da li bi me pronalazeći moj upaljač naterao da prestanem da pušim?
Pitam se kakva bi ti bila boja kože i oblik nosa?
I kako bi ti zvučao smeh i da li bi pričao brzo ili polako?
Razmišljam o tome svake godine, pa sam uzeo olovku
Srećan rođendan, volim te ko god da bi bio
Srećan rođendan...
Ono što sam mislio da je san (zamisli želju)
Bilo je stvarno koliko se činilo (srećan rođendan)
Ono što sam mislio da je san (zamisli želju)
Bilo je stvarno koliko se činilo
Pogrešio sam!
Imam milion izgovora zašto si umro
Kladim se da ljudi imaju sopstvene razloge za ubistvo
Ko će reći da li bi uspelo i ko će reći da ne bi?
Bio sam mlad i borio se, ali ipak dovoljno star da ti budem tata
Strah da ću biti kao moj otac nikada nije nestao
Razmišljao sam o tome često dok sam pio pivo
Moja slika porodice je bila veštačka i lažna
Pa sam pogrešio kada je došlo vreme da se osnuje jedna
Sada imaš malog brata, možda je on zapravo ti?
Možda si nam stvarno oprostio znajući da smo bili zbunjeni?
Možda svaki put kada se on nasmeje si to ti ponosan što tvoj tata sada radi pravu stvar?
Nikada ne kažem ženi šta da radi sa svojim telom
Ali ako ona ne voli decu onda ne možemo da se zabavljamo
Razmišljam o tome svake godine, pa sam uzeo olovku
Srećan rođendan, volim te ko god da bi bio
Srećan rođendan...
Ono što sam mislio da je san (zamisli želju)
Bilo je stvarno koliko se činilo (srećan rođendan)
Ono što sam mislio da je san (zamisli želju)
Bilo je stvarno koliko se činilo
Pogrešio sam!
Iz raja u stomak, pa ponovo u raj
Iz kraja u kraj, bez šanse da počne
Možda ćemo se jednog dana sresti lice u lice?
U mestu bez vremena i prostora
Srećan rođendan...
Iz raja u stomak, pa ponovo u raj
Iz kraja u kraj, bez šanse da počne
Možda ćemo se jednog dana sresti lice u lice?
U mestu bez vremena i prostora
Srećan rođendan...
Ono što sam mislio da je san (zamisli želju)
Bilo je stvarno koliko se činilo (srećan rođendan)
Ono što sam mislio da je san (zamisli želju)
Bilo je stvarno koliko se činilo
Pogrešio sam!

Behind love

Behind love stretches
a long string of questions1
that we ask ourselves.
There lie many things.
The tears that keep weighing on our hearts
and regrets, and grudges,
dazzling memories
and visions of oblivion.
Give me, give me your body
to live and die in it.
Love me, love me stronger.
Keep me from destroying myself
What lies behind your love?
Who is this woman lying2 by my side?
When you say you love me,
is it really me you love?
And when you make love to me,
are you really making love?3
You forgbid me to go looking
behinf this tall black curtain.
Give me, give me your body
to live and die in it.
Love me, love me stronger.
Keep me from destroying myself
I need your hands on me
and your breath, and your voice,
your joys, your moans,
your cries, your fears.
I need your body so much
Give me, give med your body
to live and die in it.
Love me, love me stronger.
Keep me from destroying myself
Give me, give med your body
to live and die in it.
Love me, love me stronger.
Keep me from destroying myself
Give me, give med your body
to live and die in it.
Love me, love me stronger.
  • 1. lit. 'a whole chain of 'why's'
  • 2. French does without position verbs so I just picked the most likely one Regular smile
  • 3. that's Johnny's philosophical thinking for you!
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Ja protiv tebe

Potrebno ti je da se drzis ovog pravca
nikada necu saradjivati s tobom
pokusavas da me kontrolises
i bol koji osecam izgleda te cini srecnom
zajebi to
tako sam nisko nemam sta da izgubim
neces staviti misli u moju glavu pokusavajuci da mi kazes sta da uradim
zajebi to
i svakim korakom mislis da sam u tvojoj cipeli
ako mi polomis ledja, ja cu takodje polomiti tvoja
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
evo nas opet
mislis da si u mojoj glavi i pod mojom kozom
nema nicega sto bi mogla da mi predbacis
ne mozes da pobedis protiv moje sorte ludaka
zajebi to
tako sam nisko nemam sta da izgubim
neces staviti misli u moju glavu pokusavajuci da mi kazes sta da uradim
i svakim korakom mislis da sam u tvojoj cipeli
ako mi polomis ledja, ja cu takodje polomiti tvoja
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
zato ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ako imas nesto da dokazes
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe
ti protiv mene, ja protiv tebe.

Drunks' God

Versions: #2
Oh, you God of drunks
God of wine worshipers
For the sake of all loves
Bring us together(me and her)
(God) Your heart is lonely
Like a lone tree
You're lonely and you know how hard is to be alone
God, look at us
Look at us lovers
We who are drunk of love
Leave us alone ( let us be together)
What a passion we have
What a craze and ardency
I tell to my love, don't be sad,
we have a God too
We are a good pair
Our hearts close to each other, although we are far away
Between all lovers in whole world, we are unique and more in love than all

The instinct

The instinct is a woman guiding me
she decides for me each day
i rely on her impulses
i never question myself
I believe everything you tell me
do what you want with my life
this is all just a game
do what you want from me
i believe everything you tell me
everything you tell me
She never listens to those who think
that's just for me when she dances
dragging me to the desire's end
far from the routine and boredom
I believe everything you tell me
do what you want with my life
this is all just a game
do what you want from me
i believe everything you tell me
everything you tell me
Do yo know why i trust
cause i always listen to my sixth sense
I believe everything you tell me
do what you want with my life
this is all just a game
do what you want from me
i believe everything you tell me
everything you tell me
I believe everything you tell me
do what you want with my life
this is all just a game
do what you want from me
i believe everything you tell me
everything you tell me
I believe everything you tell me
do what you want with my life
this is all just a game
do what you want from me
i believe everything you tell me
everything you tell me

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Because of some love

It's not easy to get dumped out of the blue
and loose your footing and feel yourself falling.
You thought everything was well secured
and all of a sudden the ground starts shaking
because of love, of love, of love.
I thought our story would last for years,
just like the job I had just found,
but the manageress can't hire any more.
I have only one plan left:
some love, some love, some love
I had so much of it,
I had too much for the both of us
And now I'm drowning for the both of us
I don't know how I'll manage,
how you're supposed to put up with that.
If at least the sky could clear
we could at last unhook it
off love, off love, off love1
I loved you so much
I loved you too much, I blame myself
and I'm drowning for the both of us
I loved you so much
I loved you too much, I blame myself
and I'm drowning for the both of us
because of love, of love, of love.
  • 1. 'se lever' is usually applied to weather. Likewise, it's usually the moon you unhook. The final 'de l'amour' makes it sounds like love were a hook the sky would be dangling from.
    In short, a complete disaster Teeth smile
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Ucini svoje dane zlatnim

mislim cemu vode lazi
ucini stvarnim sve te bajke koje si procitao
tvoji protekli dani ovde nisu usamljeni
sada imas mesto da ga zoves
svojim domom
sa svakim snegom koji padne da se zadrzi,
svaki dan zavrsi u zalasku sunca.
znam da ce tvoji dani biti hladni
pre nego izbledimo kao svako od nas
sasvim novi otisci stopala na ovoj zemlji,
dirljivo bojeni tvojim rukama.
gledamo iznad te nove granice
sa planinama daleko i rekama blizu.
divljina je tvoje igraliste.
sada se odmaramo od svega na bezbednoj udaljenosti.
sasvim novi otisci stopala na ovoj zemlji,
dirljivo bojeni tvojim rukama.

Some screams

The first scream I let out
was the one of the new born
the day when my mother gave me birth
naked, bloody between the sheets
the intensity of the sun frightened me
the second time I screamed
It was a scream of delight
when a woman attracted me
naked, trembling, in her arms
the intensity of desire frightened me, yes frightened me
i had a look of hunger
the vague look of the misloved
the look of the boy who doesn't know
that two bodies sometimes collapse each other
that two bodies sometimes collapse each other
The third scream I let out
was the one of the fulfilled man
when the public called me again
on the stage for the tenth time
the intensity of success frightened me, oh frightened me
The reason why I don't scream anymore today
is because something took over
it speaks little, it speaks low,
the loneliness weakens my voice
the reflect of my life frightens me, frighten me
I had a look of hunger
the vague look of the misloved
the look of the boy who doesn't know
that two bodies sometimes collapse each other
that two bodies sometimes collapse each other
The last time, last time
I had a look of hunger
the vague look of the misloved
the look of the boy who doesn't know
that two bodies sometimes collapse each other
that two bodies sometimes collapse each other

Yeah, I know...

Yeah, I know, all these stares following me
Yeah, I know, all these words left unsaid
Yeah, I know, all these things I could have done
though I couldn't keep quiet as I was nearing hell
Yeah, I know, these smiles we make up,
the icy hands, the long hours of waiting
Yeah, I know, these mornings tired
by too many wasted words, too many elusive dreams.
Yeah, I know, there were bouts of anger,
some screaming, toughtless words.
Yeah, I know, all the things I could have said
tough I would not suffer1 when I felt anger rising
I yelled so many times to be better heard
(I was) so often awkward, so often unhappy.
I parked my fears on parking lots of hatred2
I picked up tabs far more expensive than my chains3
but I know no pardon will be granted
to the one who picks the wrong fate on this strange path4
Yeah, I know
Yeah, I know, this too fragile toy
that is never given but easily lent
Yeah, I know, all these worrying nights,
with fear in your guts as you struggle uphill.
Yeah, I know, all these meaningful silences
Yeah, I know, all these things we no longer do.
Though5 I skimmed 6random beds
during a few too dark nights for a few hours of hope
I tried to live amidst remorses
I tried to survive while people thought me dead
If I really believed in friendships that were nothing but dust7
and sought a remedy in the bottom of a few glasses
it's because I was afraid people would see me
as I see people. I was so afraid of myself.
Yeah, I know.
  • 1. 'à défaut de...' does not make much sense. I suspect it's just there for the symetry with the 1st stanza
  • 2. that's what I call a ponderous metaphor...
  • 3. here comes another one...
  • 4. my oh my...
  • 5. I suppose the end of the sentence is in the next stanza
  • 6. 'glisser' might imply something quick or a mishap. It sounds a bit odd too
  • 7. lit. 'dust friendships'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
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I see her every morning

I see her every morning, 5:40AM
she's going to catch her train, and i go back home
she starts the day, always on time
but light makes me affraid
she has this inaccessible self-confidence
from those who were born Lucky
She is beautiful, like daygirls
like those who haven't anything to hide
and i always wait before going home
just to look at her
by seeing her, we figure out neat kids
a man, the smell of coffee
the life one thinks of, before getting busted
the life i will never have
And i feel pathetic
dirty from smokes of my nights
I was born guilty
guilty of desire, her world is forbidden
i curse the week-ends
when the others stole her from me
until next monday, 5:40AM
she's going to catch her train... and i go back home

Oh, my beautiful Sarah

Oh, my beautiful Sarah
How much time still
Oh, my beautiful Sarah
will i be waiting for your body?
If you think that i am going to spend sleepless nights
if you think that i am a bird on your branch
you live in an illusion
because everything changes, and breaks, and passes, and bores
the desire, the pleasure, attenuate in space
and you'll have nothing more, no nothing more
Oooh, my beautiful Sarah
you offerer me your body, yeah, your body,
Oooh, my beautiful Sarah
thank you, thank you for your effort, your effort,
but i see in your eyes the fog extend
and i know that you know, this is already too late
and this is already the end
It is awful, nasty, frightening, dreadful,
how we all are time's victims
But it has nothing to do with me, no nothing
Eh Sarah!
Oooh, my beautiful Sarah
you offerer me your body, yeah, your body,
Oooh, my beautiful Sarah
thank you for your effort, your effort,
because everything changes, and breaks, and passes, and bores
the desire, the pleasure, attenuate in space
and it has Nothing to do with me
It is awful, nasty, disappointing, dreadful,
how we all are time's victims
But it has nothing to do with me, no Nothing
thank you for your effort, your effort,
because everything changes, and breaks, and passes, and bores
the desire, the pleasure, attenuate in space
and it has Nothing to do with me
It is awful, nasty, frightening, dreadful,
how we all are time victims
But it has nothing to do with me, no Nothing

You Have to Drink from the Source

Behind the hill
Behind the chimneys
Beyond the clouds of smoke
There's a source
That distils wine
A wine more intoxicating
Than all other wines
If you want to choose it
If you want to taste it
You only have to cross the valley
It's not too far
It's for free
You only have to forget your prejudices
You have to drink from the source
Drink from the source
Drink from the source of life
Drink from the source
Drink from the source
Drink from the source of life
Tear up your money
Tear up your papers
Burn your clothes and your shoes
Open up your arms and you'll rediscover
The torrent of life that runs inside of you
You have to drink from the source
Drink from the source
Drink from the source of life
Drink from the source
Drink from the source
Drink from the source of life
Drink from the source
Drink from the source
Drink from the source of life

If I were a carpenter

If I were a carpenter
and your name were Mary
would you want to marry me
and bear our child?
My house would not be
the palace of a great king.
I would have built it for you
alone with my own hands.
Take the love I offer you.
You have to be strong
When our son becomes a man
he'll have much to do.
If I were a carpenter
and your name were Mary
my hands would be dry and hard
and yours would be so fragile
Men and their wrath
would come at night to kill.
We would flee into the desert
to hide the newborn.
If I were a carpenter
and your name were Mary
would you want to marry me
and start all over again?
Would you want to marry me
and start all over again?
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
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For me, the life will begin

For me, the life will begin
Back to this country
where the sun and wind
where my friend, my parents
kept my child heart
For me, the life will begin
and my past get out from left
to walk on my meadow
riding with my frend
For me the life will begin
For me the life will begin
i can see the night come down
without being affraid to be surprised
while far away as a herd
move the shadows of horses
For me the life will begin
and under the sky of this country
without know to be bored
my years will flow without noise
between the sky and my friends
For me the life will begin
For me the life will begin
For me the life will begin

Those whom love hurt

Like some people who came back from war
Like some people who came back from the front
They have the fear in the eyes
They have the wrinkle at the front
Like some young old people
They walk with the back bent
They do a little pity
They do a little pity
Those whom love
Those whom love
Those whom love hurt
Like some people who came back from war
Like some people who came back from afar
To the one who makes nothing
They shout, they shout for having air
I made love, I did, sir
As if they were proud
As if they were happy
Those whom love
Those whom love
Those whom love hurt
Like some people who came back from war
Like some people who came back from their home
They find the fire extinguished
We don't expect them
In front of the cold ashes
Like some dogs, without crying
They lick their wounds
They treat their past
Those whom love
Those whom love
Those whom love hurt
Like some people who came back from war
Like some people who came back from love
They swear, this is the last (time)
For good, forever
They must put away the weapons
They must dry up the tears
They want to die in peace
And that we give them peace.
Those whom love
Those whom love
Those whom love killed, killed

All the music I love

All the music I love
comes from there, from the blues.
Words are never the same1
to express what blues is
There I put my joys and my sorrows
and it all becomes the blues.
I sing it as much as I love it
and I'll sing it forever more.
A long time ago, on guitars,
black hands gave birth to it
to sing of sorrows and hopes,
to sing of God and love too.
Music will stay alive as long as blues does
The blues means I love you
and it hurts like hell
I cry but I sing all the same,
this is my prayer to keep you (by my side)
All the music I love
comes from there, from the blues
Words are never the same
to express what blues is
There I put my joys and my sorrows
and it all becomes the blues.
I sing it as much as I love it
and I'll sing it forever more.
A long time ago, on guitars,
black hands gave birth to it
to sing of sorrows and hopes,
to sing of God and love too.
All the music I love
comes from there, from the blues
Words are never the same
to express what blues is
  • 1. the French is a bit awkward, the idea is 'there are endless ways of expressing what blues is'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
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Jesus Christ

If he's still around nowadays
he must be living in the States
and playing the guitar
sleeping on couches in train stations
and smoking pot
with a vagrant blue stare
Jesus, Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is a Hippie
A mexican poncho on his shoulders
a bandana on his brow
he wears a beard and long hair
he picked fights in Chicago
he likes bare-breasted chicks
he was born in San Francisco.
Yeah, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is a Hippie
In parks, along the docks
he lives in a sleeping bag.
he keeps being arrested
for vagrancy.
In the great Woodstock festival
he was the one tending to the wounded
Yeah, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Ooh Jesus Christ is a Hippie
I think his father's name was Joe
I think his mother's name was Mary
I think he's thirty three
I think the FBI is after him
and if they manage to corner him
they'll nail our friend on a cross.
Oh Jesus, Jesus Christ
Mmm Jesus Christ is a Hippie
Yeah, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Ooh, Jesus Christ is a Hippie
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
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Son of nobody

Some are born
In the folds of the flag
At the sound of military anthems
And when the troop parades under their tiles
They have the warrior soul
But not me
But not me
I was not born a soldier
But not me
But not me
I am the son of nobody
Some are born with it in their cradle
The billions of their father
We teach them that everything can be bought
Business, yes, is business
But not me
Not me
I am not born billionaire
But not me
Not me
I am the son of nobody
Some are born
In accordance with the laws
They want to make a good career
Their paradise is a narrow office
In a huge ministry
But not me
Not me
I am not born a civil servant
Not me
Not me
I am the son of nobody
Not me
Not me
I am the son of nobody
Not me
Not me
I am the son of nobody

Two Yesterdays

Without being defeated, I raise my face to the sky that's stopped raining
Your back disappears into the evening crowd of people
No matter how much we like each other
There will come a day when we must embrace and walk our respective paths
I won't forget that we were born and able to meet in the same era
On the other side of the response you've decided, there is a future just for you
It suddenly fills my heart Your dazzling smile
Don't forcibly lock it up in a corner of your heart
Set down your heavy burden
Enjoy the passing season
Let's start running
I won't forget that we looked at the same world and walked our path
The parting that we chose while hesitating Become the you that can face each other
I won't forget that we were born and able to meet in the same era
No matter what tomorrow comes Let's become the pair that shined more than anyone else
The painful memories overflowing in your heart
Will one day be reborn as precious fond memories
That day will come...
I won't forget that we looked at the same world and walked our path
The parting that we chose while hesitating Become the you that can face each other
I won't forget that we were born and able to meet in the same era
No matter what tomorrow comes Let's become the pair that shined more than anyone else
Don't say goodbye...


Versions: #2
I'm starting to be fed up to those laughs
But soon I won't listen anymore
No more juggling me, no more bouncing me
I promise
No more algebra tests til autumn
No more nights spent to tests
No more watches and other stuff
No more jungle gym
No more work! No more work!
No more work!
Now I will relax
I'll live by the pool
With Roxanne I can be alone in peace
So tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I'll get her already tomorrow
Tomorrow you'll find us from the bar
If I just wouldn't faint
Only a little less than an hour, and then it's all brighter water
Toss the books away already
And take the comics out
I don't dare to ask her out
Did I wait for too much?
But the sun will still rise up tomorrow
I can hide this horrible secret
I need a new style
I've got to use courage or look like a goof
Tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I got enough from biology
Tomorrow I'll search for a table from the bar
I'm just gonna be sitting
There's only a little less than hour time left
I can make my reputation bigger
Or the punishment will be heard!
I'll hang out at the mall when it's day
At evenings I'm in the bar
I'm on my own, throw my mom a bye bye
I'll party from evening to noon when I finally can
But the sun will rise up tomorrow
I wish today would already be tomorrow
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)

Jednog dana cu odleteti

ucinicu to sama
kada ljubav nestane
necujno si napravio svoj otisak
ovde u mom srcu
jednog dana cu odleteti
ostavicu tvoju ljubav jucerasnjici
sta jos tvoja ljubav moze uciniti meni
kada ce ljubav biti potpuno sa mnom
pratim noc
ne mogu ostati na svetlu
kada cu poceti
moj zivot ponovo
jednog dana cu odleteti
ostavicu tvoju ljubav jucerasnjici
sta jos tvoja ljubav moze uciniti meni
kada ce ljubav biti skroz sa mnom
zasto zivim zivot od jednog do drugog sna
i uzasavam se dana kada se sanjarenje zavrsava
jednog dana cu odleteti ostavljajuci tvoju ljubav jucerasnjici
sta jos tvoja ljubav moze da ucini meni
kada ce ljubav biti potpuno sa mnomzasto zivim zivot od jednog do drugog sna
i uzasavam se dana kada se sanjarenje izvrsava
jednog dana cu odleteti, odleteti, odleteti...

Dan posle dana

Sedim uz park i sanjarim
zivim u proslosti i razmisljam
pusti dani koje sam cekao samo zbog tebe
dodje kisni dan i ja osecam
ne osecam se ostavljenim
pusti dani i ja jos cekam samo na tebe
Ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da dovrsim svoj dan
ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da pronadjem svoj put
ostani, u sred noci ja sam jako uplasen
ostani i pomozi da ucinim da vreme krene
Suncan dan ali ja ga ne vidim
sreca ali ja je ne osecam
stvari koje sam izgubio kada sam cekao samo na tebe
lica kao komete dodju i odu
ali ja ne zelim da znam
dani i noci kada sam cekao samo na tebe
Ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da dovrsim svoj dan
ostani, jer mi treba tvoja pomoc da izborim svoj put
ostani, u sred noci ja sam jako uplasen
ostani i pomozi da ucinim da vreme krene

Cekaj na bolje dane

Kasnije , videla si najbolje od mene
mozda , nista mi nije ostalo da pruzim
vreme je odzvonilo svoje
zivot ti kaze da krenes
ljubav je izbledela
zasto ? Tesko je reci.
Ne vidim da je to kraj, to je pocetak necega novog
ako se osecas lazno iznutra
onda zadrzi to za sebe
dozvoli sebi da budes i odes na svoje vlastito mesto
budi strpljiva i iskrena i cekaj na bolje dane
Izvini, ako ne saosecam s tobom
ne osecam da je sve bilo beznacajno
ljudi dolaze i odlaze
osecaji blede i odrastaju
Ne vidim da je to kraj, to je pocetak neceg novog
ako se osecas lazno iznutra
onda zadrzi to za sebe
dozvoli sebi da budes i odes na svoje vlastito mesto
budi strpljiva i iskrena i cekaj na bolje dane.

Birthday Song

Every human wish for the happiness
And, I can't stop being one of them
Everyone doesn't want to be unhappy,
so we scrambled for the sole seat
Even though I'm not able to
mourn the unchosen lives,
Today I'm also living
and singing shamelessly
apologizing someone whose face I can't see
20 years have past since
Mom and Dad loved each other, and I was born
I wonder how many people have loved me
and how many people i have abused
I can't… I can't answer that.
The color of light, which
''someone who wanted to be chosen'' may have seen
Today I'm also looking for that
shuttling many times over between
''I want to live'' and ''I want to die''
Today is someone's birthday
and likewise your deathday
That suddenly comes to your mind
and you'll forget it sometime or other
The breath I hold to die
and I drew since I can't die
I'm singing with that breath
I have no place to go
and I know no reason I was born
However, at least, at least…
at least, at least, at least…
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Unhappy birthday
to you
Even though I'm not able to
mourn the unchosen lives,
Today I'm also wishing
''Please stay alive'' ''Please don't die''
I shout many times over
In this world that continues
regardless of ''someone who wanted to be chosen''
Today I'm also looking for my place
being unable to decide between
''I want to live'' and ''I want to die''
We must at least love
the lives that came into being
so that they can be affectionate
so that the morning comes, that they can be affectionate
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Unhappy birthday
to you