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Мој срећан дан

Имаш тајне које треба да се открију
Имаш приче које никада нису испричане
Ти држиш информацију
Стојећи право испред мене
Скривена рапсодија
Падам у искушење
Нешто ми говори можемо да направимо неку музику
Ритам ме вози дивље
Нешто ми говори да нећемо изгубити
Држи се у ноћи
Број један, наставља да се котрља
Реци да си стваран/стварна, надам се
Осећаш ли начин на који радим
Донесите га/је, то је магија
Да ли си стварно, фантастичан/на
Реци да осећаш начин на који радим
Број два, наставља да се окреће
Осети топлоту, горимо
Учинићу све за тебе
Можемо бити заувек
Број један, заједно
Можемо остварити снове
Па, претпостављам да је све на теби
Осећаш ли начин на који радим
Када тело говори то је магија
Да ли је ово мој срећан дан
Хоћеш ли остати или идеш даље
Управо сада заустављаш саобраћај
Нешто ми говори можемо да направимо неку музику
Ритам ме вози дивље
Нешто ми говори да нећемо изгубити
Држи се у ноћи
Број један, наставља да се котрља
Реци да си стваран/стварна, надам се
Осећаш ли начин на који радим
Донесите га/је, то је магија
Да ли си стварно, фантастичан/на
Реци да осећаш начин на који радим
Број два, наставља да се окреће
Осети топлоту, горимо
Учинићу све за тебе
Можемо бити заувек
Број један, заједно
Можемо остварити снове

The Emerald City

Come with me…
Glinda: To where?
Elphaba: To the Emerald City..
See the Emerald City today!
I always wanted to see the Emerald City!
See the Emerald City today!
The Emerald City!
See the Emerald City today!
See what it can offer today.
Come today, to the Infinite city!
The exquisite Jewel
today it invites you, there is much to do…
What you could teach….
To dress
To study
Elphaba and Glinda:
and much more!
and time is not lost here!
Everything is...
very green here!
Elphaba and Glinda:
and as you see, I shall never leave!
I want to live in a great swing!
And I swear I will return
and never, I will never leave.
Elphaba and Glinda:
Today I only know that dream, for good!
See today, the Emerald City!
Watch today, the fun you'll have!
See today!
Elphaba and Glinda:
As this maiden
this star…
will leave a print!
They will not forget!
Oh, the nightlife, the coming and going!
Everything is so... Ozmopolitan!
Elphis, we're going to be late for the Wizardmanía!
I want to remember this moment always, nobody looks at me
nobody points at me. For the first time... I feel at home.
You're totally emerald!
Who is it that heats you up every night, Oz...
and gives you more encouragement?
Who's good, too?
Thanks to him, he sings our voice!
Who came with his huge balloon
us in Oz, he makes us silly!
the Wizardtastic!
Wonderful Wizard!
Female Ensemble:
See today, the Emerald City!
Watch today, the fun!
Male Ensemble:
Who is it that heats you up every night, Oz...
and gives you more encouragement?
Who's good, too?
Thanks to him, he sings our voice!
Look today, the Emerald City!
Glinda and Elphaba
Here, everything happens...
It is our house
here and now I give you…
my friendship
Our friendship
The greatest friendship….
All this happened only...
The Wizard wants to see them!

The Beginning of Love

You’re the first beginning ever lived by a crazy lover
(Just) see how much I’ve been suffering since the start (of this)
The fire of admiration comes to burn in the hearts of those who love you
You made a story out of them to be told to the whole world
May perdition overtake the hands of the one who dispraises love, and may he perish
The one who lost his way on the track of lovers and (and on the track of) love (itself)
If we’ll come to squeeze the hearts of those who are in love, and we pour
A glass for him, (then) he would change his view from (the great amount) of yearning
You’re the first beginning ever lived by a crazy lover
(Just) see how much I’ve been suffering since the start (of this)
The fire of admiration comes to burn in the hearts of those who love you
You made a story out of them to be told to the whole world
Oh beautiful, warm-hearted people can be loved back when they are genial
So change that haughtiness style of yours that you’re using with me
I am just like a green spray whenever the Northern wind blows
It leans (from one side to another) without (any) destination
And your love has taken away the heart of me
Longing for you has made my heart choosing your path to be taken
Being far for me hurt me, but (my) wound has a cure
Its cure has arrived, the one with the miraculous beauty
And I admire you with an admiration that is one of a kind
And I love you with an infinite love
Don’t shoot your arrows on a crazy lover
Surrendered and raising the (white) flag due to his yearning
You’re the first beginning ever lived by a crazy lover
(Just) see how much I’ve been suffering since the start (of this)
The fire of admiration comes to burn in the hearts of those who love you
You made a story out of them to be told to the whole world

Sada kaže

Chris Jeday
Ostin, bejbi
J Balvin, druže
Ozuna, bejbi
Ne želi ništa da zna o meni
Ah, reci mi šta sam to loše učinio
Okrenuli su te protiv mene
Onome koji je to učinio, neću mu oprostiti
Sada kaže da me ne poznaje, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
I ako me je videla, pretpostavlja da je to u prošlosti bilo
A ja se sećam kako smo to radili
Kako smo se u krevetu ubijali
Sada kaže da me ne poznaje, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
I ako me je videla, pretpostavlja da je to u prošlosti bilo
A ja se sećam kako smo to radili
Kako smo se u krevetu ubijali
Znam da nastavljaš da poričeš sve što smo ti i ja radili
Ostaje ti u glavi urezan svaki put kada smo se skidali
Sada provodim vreme misleći kako možeš da živiš tako
Govoreći da ne znaš da si mi se među čaršavima predala
Samo ja sam mogao da je dovedem do vrhunca
Tvoje telo zna da se izdiže
I kada... Noge su ti se tresle
Ništa nisi rekla, više ne...
I sada kada sam pun para
Ne želim da me prekidaju
Ovo je prioritet
Dajem ti listu opcija
Sa Kolumbijkom sam
Koja odlazi ujutru, i jedna s Kube stiže u Pariz
Pozovite Rusa da izruči kilograme zlata
Koji stižu po podne u Brazil
Samo ja sam mogao da je dovedem do vrhunca
Tvoje telo zna da se izdiže
I kada... Noge su ti se tresle
Ništa nisi rekla, ništa, ne...
Sada kaže da me ne poznaje, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
I ako me je videla, pretpostavlja da je to u prošlosti bilo
A ja se sećam kako smo to radili
Kako smo se u krevetu ubijali
Sada kaže da me ne poznaje, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
I ako me je videla, pretpostavlja da je to u prošlosti bilo
A ja se sećam kako smo to radili
Kako smo se u krevetu ubijali
J Balvin!
Koliko god da me odbijaš, ne možeš da pobegneš
Ako sam ja bio tvoje svetlo, ti moja senka, i pratila si me svuda
Uspeli su da nas rastave, ti nisi želela da slušaš
Bilo je važnije šta ljudi pričaju od toga gde smo mogli stići
U svetu o meni govore
Pričajući hiljadu stvari
Da me viđaju ovde, da me viđaju onde
Jer vodim život poznate ličnosti
Ti me znaš godinama unazad i znaš kakva je stvar
Znaš da sam realan
Govorim ti jednom
I znam da naša ljubav su jučerašnje novine
Da ne želiš da ih pročitaš, da ni na ulici ne želiš da me vidiš
Ako izađeš na žurku, čućeš me, uvek te pitaju za mene, dušo
Reci mi kako se osećaš što sam duh koji te proganja
Reci mi šta se desilo, mala, sve je bilo normalno
Pričali su ti o meni, dozvolila si da na tebe utiču
Tvoje telo bilo je počelo da me voli
I krivicom drugih ljudi, sad je tvoj red da me zaboraviš
Znam da si nesrećna, ali nastavljaš da lažeš
Pretvarajući se da si srećna, mala, ne razumem te
Sada zbog njega plačeš, takođe patiš zbog njega
Dok bih te ja vodio na putovanja, činio sam da izgledaš prelepo
Samo ja sam mogao da je dovedem do vrhunca
Tvoje telo zna da se izdiže
I kada... Noge su ti se tresle
Ništa nisi rekla, ništa, ne...
Sada kaže da me ne poznaje, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
I ako me je videla, pretpostavlja da je to u prošlosti bilo
A ja se sećam kako smo to radili
Kako smo se u krevetu ubijali
Sada kaže da me ne poznaje, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
I ako me je videla, pretpostavlja da je to u prošlosti bilo
A ja se sećam kako smo to radili
Kako smo se u krevetu ubijali
J Balvin, druže
Ozuna, druže
Arca, druže
Ostin, bejbi
Tako je kako je...
Chris Jeday
Sada kaže...
Sada kaže...

Sorroful Night & Day

You never know how I feel baby
I've been thinking about you night and day
Baby, because we can't meet anymore
Lazy, my feelings are about to fade
Who you're looking for?
Although I know what should I do?
Oh baby, words like 'I love you' can't help anymore
I can't keep living without you ― No, I can't
I want you to understand this suffocating feeling ― Night and Day
Baby, besides the other girls
Maybe, with who you must be talking
In my dreams, there's only you and me
When will you turn back?
Oh baby, I think about you day and night
The most wonderful man in this world ― Yeah, it's you
I look forward impatiently to the day when we can love each other ― Night and Day
Oh baby, you always were so cold, didn't?
I can't keep living without you
I look forward impatiently to the day when we can love each other
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Digimon Frontier Arabic Opening Theme

The morning breeze called us
in our journey towards success
Let us work
so we can create the future
We cannot wait
There's no time for choices
And we are full of hope
to paint a better tomorrow
Together, together
in a journey
towards worlds of phantasy
Beneficial and thrilling
That brings out the beauty of our world
Our dreams start here
They swim towards the ending
Let's go to the Digimon heroes
Let us go towards our goals
Let us tell the tale
The tale of the heroes, the Digimon heroes
Let us go
Towards the heroes
Towards our goals
Towards the Digimon World
Let us go,
Oh heroes,
Let us go
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Gloomy Sunday

Dark Sunday
Arms full of flowers
I entered our room
My heart was wary because I already knew
That you would not come back
And I swung words of love and pain
I stayed all alone like a poor bastard
And I cried all over
Listening to hear the complaint of frost
(Gloomy sunday)
I will die a sunday where I would have suffered too much
So you'll come back but I'll be gone
Virgins will burn like ardent hope
And for you without effort, my eyes will be open
Do not be afraid of my love if they can not see you
They will tell you that I loved you more than my life
(Gloomy sunday)
I will die a sunday where I would have suffered too much
So you'll come back but I'll be gone
Virgins will burn like ardent hope
And for you without effort, my eyes will be open
Do not be afraid of my love if they can not see you
They will tell you that I loved you more than my life
(Gloomy sunday)


How can you travel distances without feeling
You'd do anything to weaken our pain
Only you can hug me
And even if the noise increases, you always win
You're the sun that will always rise over
And you'll be waiting
Even if the door is closed
Until it blows, until the wind gives up
Your soul is worried
Just don't fall
Just asking you to be healthy
In front of every wave, you are a fighter, a guardian
You'd do anything to make love triumph in all the houses
Only yon can talk without any words
The whole day you speak with your eyes and you hear
You're the candle that don't fade
And you'll be waiting
Even if the door is closed
Until it blows, until the wind gives up
Your soul is worried
Just don't fall
Just asking you to be healthy
Even if the door is closed
Until it blows, until the wind gives up
Your soul is worried
Just don't fall
Just asking you to be healthy

Ovi dani

(Uvod: Macklemore)
Znam da si s nekim novim
Nadam se da ti je život lep
Bila si za mene svetlo s kojim sam spoznao svoju istinu
Samo želim da kažem, hvala ti
(Prva strofa: Dan Caplen)
Otišao sam da nađem svoju dušu
Rekao sam joj da moram ići
I znam da nije lepo
Kada nam se srca slome
Previše mlad da bih se osećao ovako starim
Da nas oboje gledam kako se hladimo
O, znam da nije lepo
Kada se dva srca slome
Da, znam da nije lepo
Kada se dva srca slome
(Refren: Jess Glynne)
Nadam se da jednog dana
Sešćemo zajedno
I smejaćemo se udvoje
Zbog ovih dana, ovih dana
I sve naše nevolje
Ostavićemo iza sebe
I poželećemo da se vratimo u ove dane
Ove dane
Ove dane, ove dane
Ove dane, ove dane
(Druga strofa: Dan Caplen & Jess Glynne)
Tri godine uspona i padova
I ništa nemamo od toga sada
I znam da nije lepo kada vatra dogori
Pozivanje kada sam pijan, podsećanje na ono što sam učinio
I znam da nije lako kada pokušavaš da kreneš dalje, da
(Refren: Jess Glynne & Dan Caplen)
Nadam se da jednog dana
Sešćemo zajedno
I smejaćemo se udvoje
Zbog ovih dana, ovih dana
I sve naše nevolje
Ostavićemo iza sebe
I poželećemo da se vratimo u ove dane, ove dane
(Prelaz s refrena: Jess Glynne & Dan Caplen)
O, ja znam, ja znam
O, ja znam, ja znam
O, ja znam, ja znam
Ovi dani, ovi dani
O, ja znam, ja znam
O, ja znam, ja znam
O, ja znam, ja znam
U ove dane, ove dane
(Treća strofa: Macklemore)
Cigarete u pepeljari
Podsećaju na te prošle dane
Mislio sam da ne znaš moje prezime
Ali to se promenilo
I putovao sam po svetu
Razmišljam gde li živiš sada?
Čuo sam da si se preselila u Ostin
Uzela si stan i skrasila si se
I s vremena na vreme
Počnem da kucam
Napišem pasus
Ali onda obrišem poruku
Mislim o tebi kao o prošlosti
Mogao sam da ti isplačem reku
Da te krstim ili
Nisam bio spreman da postupam ispravno
Uvek bih mislio kako ću te vratiti, zar ne?
Kažu da se stvari ruše
Hteli smo da idemo u Bruklin
Htela si da studiraš Umetnost
Ljubav je samo sredstvo
Koje nas podseća ko smo mi
I da nismo sami
I da šetamo u tami
(Refren: Jess Glynne & Dan Caplen)
Nadam se da jednog dana
Sešćemo zajedno
I smejaćemo se udvoje
Zbog ovih dana, ovih dana
I sve naše nevolje
Ostavićemo iza sebe
I poželećemo da se vratimo u ove dane, ove dane
Poželećemo da se vratimo u ove dane, ove dane

O Shepherd, O my Shepherd

O Shepherd, O my shepherd,
Jesus is my shepherd
Jesus is my shepherd
He keeps us safe,
He leads us.
He leads us today and forever,
He keeps us safe today and forever
Let us raise his name,
Let us praise his glory
O Shepherd, O my shepherd,
Jesus is my shepherd
Jesus is my shepherd
He lead the offspring of Abraham,
He raised the offspring of Isaac,
He lead Israel through the Red Sea,
He lead the ark of Noah
He leads us today and forever,
He keeps us safe today and forever
Let us raise his name,
Let us praise his glory.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Jesus, Jesus,
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Jesus, Jesus,
In our journey through the hardships of this world
O shepherd who leads us each day,
we prostrate before your feet,
with tenderness we end up, o shepherd.
we prostrate before your feet,
with tenderness we dissolve, o shepherd
O Shepherd, O my shepherd,
Jesus is my shepherd
Jesus is my shepherd
He leads us today and forever,
He keeps us safe today and forever
He leads us today and forever,
He keeps us safe today and forever
Let us raise his name,
Let us praise his glory
O Shepherd, O my shepherd,
Jesus is my shepherd
Jesus is my shepherd

Taj dan i to vreme

Ko to kaze da bi trebalo uvek da se slozimo
Mislim da bismo oboje mogli da napravimo ovu jednu gresku
Kao neku vrstu pomilovanja
Zasto voleti i sa kakvom surovoscu ?
Mi smo uklopivi
Mozda i malo preterano
To je nasa nesigurnost
Isplakala sam hiljadu oluja
Oduvala sam oblake
Otkucaj srca sunca se takmici sa mojim
I slusaj kako
Moje srce ceka
Ovo je dan i vreme
Zelim da verujem da bismo jos mogli da imamo sansu
Iskusili smo skok u tamu
I sada mogu da vidim
Kako se senke pretvaraju u svetlo
Pa , znamo
kako su stvari kratkog veka
Stvarnost uzima ono sto pruza iluzija
Kakva je korist od verovanja ?
Kazaljke na satu
Krecu se s desna na levo
Pretvarajuci se da nismo nikada culi stvari koje smo izrekli
Kao da smo bili gluvi
I sve krece ispocetka
Ovo je taj dan i to vreme
Zelim da verujem da bismo jos mogli da imamo sansu
Iskusili smo skok u tamu
I sada mogu da vidim
Kako se senke pretvaraju u svetlo
Otkucaj srca sunca takmici se sa mojim
I slusaj kako
Ovo je dan i ovo je vreme
Zelim da verujem da bismo jos mogli da imamo sansu
Iskusili smo skok u tamu
I sada mogu da vidim
Kako se senke pretvaraju u svetlo
To vreme
Oh , oh

Just Like the Moon

Until we relax,
Until the sun returns to light up our faces,
For now each gust of wind takes me someplace new,
It's difficult to know what is more,
Going beyond for you,
Until you return to gaze at me like before,
The winds have calmed, come place your day on my shoulders,
Take my hand,
Tell me,
Just like the moon,
I have no light of my own,
From your bright rays I will learn to shine,
And if I am to shine,
I have no light of my own,
From your bright rays I will learn to shine,
In your pure light that washes over me,
Here comes the end of another day,
And at the corner of my eye they wait,
Sparks of battle that won't erupt until tomorrow,
And until then I am neither here nor there.
Translations are never word-for-word, but always about some degree of interpretation (word choice, word order, grammar etc...). Enjoy :)


The Aladdin Compound
Just giving it a quick rub
Makes metal shine
It evens gets stubborn dirt and rust off
It’s just like some kind of mysterious magic power
Let’s shine up that filthy lamp over there
And put it on display.
Shining For You
Agrabah, a country of mystery and glamour
In the desert
A boy who seeks freedom and a future
A princess who’s escaped the royal palace, and a spirit in a lamp
A genie
Make your rusty life sparkle
The Aladdin Home Center
Opens at 10 AM
Jasmine Various Coat
Rubbing some on metal
Protects it
From rust and nicks you can’t see with the naked eye
It’s just like some kind of mysterious magic power
Let’s shine up that filthy lamp over there
And put it on display.
Shining For You
Sisal buff
Felt disc
Waterproof paper
Polishing cloth
GP Top Aluminums and
Resin bond cross belts
Glaster Polish
The Aladdin Home Center
I find the products
I was looking for
In a flash
I’m a regular there ‘cause they’ve got such a great selection
It’s just like some kind of mysterious magic power

If You Leave

Versions: #2
If you leave
I want the whole world to be covered in fog
And for silence to take over the villages
That nothing moves anymore, in life and on the beaches
That only the wind can be heard
The wind that howls, that shouts and understands
If you leave
I want to burn the violins and the guitars
To send back the musicians and poets
To forget Christmas and all celebrations
To get rid of the birds
To get rid of everything beautiful
If you leave
I want all the trains in the world
To stay in the stations
I want to block all roads
To close off the borders
To introduce a curfew, the right of war
For riffs to be forbidden
For pleasure to be abolished
If you leave,
I want to block all roads
To close off the borders
To introduce a curfew, the right of war
For riffs to be forbidden
For pleasure to be abolished
If you leave
I want the whole world to be covered in fog
And that silence takes over the villages
That nothing moves anymore and on beaches
That only the wind can be heard
The wind that howls, that shouts and that understands
If you leave
If you leave

Тужна је недеља

Недеља је суморна,
моји сати су без сна,
драга, сенке
са којима живим немају броја.
Мало бело цвеће
никада те пробудити неће,
не тамо где те је црна кочија
туге одвела.
Анђели ни не помишљају
да те икада врате.
Да ли би се наљутили
ако бих размислио да ти се придружим?
Тужна је недеља.
Тужна је недеља,
а сваку сам са сенкама провео.
Моје срце и ја одлучили смо
да све то прекинемо.
Ускоро ће запалити свеће
и молитве ће се изговарати, знам.
Нека не плачу,
нека знају да радо одлазим.
Смрт није сан,
јер у смрти грлим те
и с последњим дахом моје душе
благосиљам те.
Тужна је недеља.
Сан, то је био само сан,
будим се и видим да ти спаваш
у дубини мога срца.
Драга, надам се
да те мој сан ничим није узнемирио.
Нек ти моје срце каже
колико сам те желео.
Тужна је недеља.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Jos uvek disem

Daj mi bilo kakav razlog da verujem
Jer se kunem da sam zavrsio ovde
Jer sam video vecu sliku
I tragam za nekim odgovorima
Reci mi da je vredelo
Jer sve sam ucinio sto sam mogao da se izborim
I nikada nisam bio ovako uplasen
I moji trenuci su konacno ovde
Vreme se utrkuje . Molim uspori
Moram da pronadjem izlaz
Obeznadjen sam . Ali se nadam
Moja me pluca nece izneveriti sada
Jer jos disem
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve ovo sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim ovaj zivot po svom
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos disem
Obecaj mi nekakvo dostojanstvo
Ako bih ostao i umro ovde
Jer moje srce je negde drugde
To je bol kakav nikada nisam osetio
Vreme se utrkuje . Molim uspori
Moram da pronadjem izlaz
Obeznadjen sam . Ali se nadam
Moja me pluca nece izneveriti sada
Jer jos disem
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve ovo sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim zivot po svom
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos disem
Gde da svi mi nadjemo ljubav
Gde da svi mi nadjemo ljubav
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim ovaj zivot po svom
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos disem
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan . Jos disem
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim ovaj zivot po svom . Jos disem
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos uvek disem


Ona je kuda god da krenem
Svako koga vidim
Zima je prosla ali ja jos uvek nemam sna .
Stize leto
Barem tako kazu ,
ali ovi oblaci nece otici .
jedva disem
dok lezim na podu
uzmi mi srce
dok odlazis
ne treba mi vise
Ovo je secanje
Ovo je kletva imati
Previse vremena za razmisljanje o tome
To me ubija
Ovo je zadnji put
Ovo je moj oprostaj
Ovo je vecito
Sada prolece donosi kisu
Ali jos uvek vidim tvoje lice
I ne mogu pobeci od proslosti
Jezeci se iznutra
Podseca me da ja
Nikada te ne mogu vratiti nazad
Ovo je secanje
Ovo je kletva imati
Previse vremena za razmisljanje o tome
To me ubija
Ovo je zadnji put
Ovo je moj oprostaj
Ovo je vecito
Ovo je vecito
Neka mi neko pomogne
Jer secanje
Preti da me rastrgne
I uspece uskoro
Ovo je secanje
Ovo je kletva imati
Previse vremena za razmisljanje o tome
To me ubija
Ovo je zadnji put
Ovo je moj oprostaj
Ovo je vecito
Ovo je vecito
Neka mi neko pomogne
Jer secanje
Preti da me rastrgne
I uspece uskoro
*Ovo je za sva vremena(
Ona je kuda god da krenem
Svako koga vidim
Ali ovi oblaci nece otici .

Daye Tareqy (ضايع طريقي)

Hello everyone please can someone translate this song i really need it's translation in English. Thank you.


My soul, My body good
I feel so good
My friends errbody good
I’m all ready
I just I need somebody today,
I want some more
Too bad y u mad at me
My day is like party good
Wherever I am right now
It’s not gonna end, I feel it
Are you mad at me?
Why are you looking at me like that?
I’m just doing well
Too bad y u mad at me
I’m doing well these days
Not jealous of anyone, g-good
The light that shines on me,I’ll eat you up
always huh and I beat beat up
Friday and Saturday, I get drunk with the night and go out
To throw my body out there, to rub it against the heat
If you run into me
Don’t act like you know me
Rather than your nuna or unni
I like to be friends right away
Then shake it
This place becomes a stage
When tomorrow comes and you open your eyes
You’ll wonder if it was real
I guarantee, don’t doubt but follow me
I don’t like being fake, you know this
Come here, party with me and look
Look how fake they are
Don’t worry, though we don’t know
How long this will last, how much this place will go
It might seem worthless to you
But this is my luxury
Whether or not you have interest or want it
Not being able to do what I want
Talking bad about me for doing what I want
That’s just adding to the anger in me
It might be better for you to come closer here
Then you’ll wish for me demise
but, Not today
My soul, My body good
I feel so good
My friends errbody good
I’m all ready
I just I need somebody today,
I want some more
Too bad y u mad at me
My day is like party good
Wherever I am right now
It’s not gonna end, I feel it
Are you mad at me?
Why are you looking at me like that?
I’m just doing well
Too bad y u mad at me
A lot of things around me change so quickly
Even the glass that was just full is now empty
So maybe that’s why people want new things from me
No time to get attached
Don’t hold onto me, I need to go again
When you tear off the wrapping paper
Of the gift I prepared for you
That makes my heart flutter and excited
Than any other time
I don’t expect acknowledgement
Why is that important right now?
Just thinking about the reactions right now
Electrifies me
So my day has no choice but to be a party
From the moment I open my eyes
I’m trapped in my room
Thinking about what to surprise you with
There’s no way to stop
No choice but to keep going
I’ll repay you for the wait
I came all this way without rest
From some point, a lot of things came with me
But today, I wanna lay it all down
You might know me
But to those who try to bring me down
I need to say this
It’s not that time yet, not today
My soul, My body good
I feel so good
My friends errbody good
I’m all ready
I just I need somebody today,
I want some more
Too bad y u mad at me
My day is like party good
Wherever I am right now
It’s not gonna end, I feel it
Are you mad at me?
Why are you looking at me like that?
I’m just doing well
Too bad y u mad at me

Light the fire

Turn the weather to storm
Go back to your natural state
Break through doors, barriers
Let the wolf out of its cage
Feel the wind raging
The blood pumping in our veins
Tune up the sound of guitars
And the noise of starting bikes
It'll just need a spark
Nothing, a move
It'll just need a spark
And a love note
Light the fire !
Light the fire
And make those devils in your eyes dance !
Light the fire
Light the fire
And see the flame in your eyes get bigger
Light the fire
Let all our sorrows behind
Our war hatchets, our problems
Free ourselves from our chains
Let the lion in the arena
I want lightning and thunder
I want to party and laugh
I want the wild crowd
It'll just need a spark
Nothing, a move
It'll just need a spark
And a love note
Light the fire !
Light the fire
And make those devils in your eyes dance !
Light the fire
Light the fire
And see the flame in your eyes get bigger
Light the fire
It'll just need a spark
Nothing, a contact
It'll just need a spark
And a lil' bit of day
Light the fire !
Light the fire
And make those devils in your eyes dance !
Light the fire !
Light the fire
And see the flame in your eyes get bigger !
Light the fire !
Oh, light the fire !
Light the fire
And make those devils in your eyes dance !
Light the fire !
Light the fire
And see the flame in your eyes get bigger !
Light the fire !
Light the fire !
Light the fire !
Light the fire !

Uzdignuti se

Slomljena si i umorna
Živeći život na vrteški
I ne možeš pronaći ratnika
Ali ja ga vidim u tebi, tako da ćemo prošetati
I pomeriti planine
I pomeriti planine
I uzdignuću se
Uzdignuti poput dana
Uzdignuću se
Uzdignuću se bez straha
Uzdignuću se
I uradiću to još hiljadu puta
Uzdignuću se
Visoko, poput talasa
Uzdignuću se
U inat bolu
Uzdignuću se
I uradiću to još hiljadu puta
Za tebe [x4]
Kada tišina nije tiha
I kada se čini da je teško disati
I znam da se osećaš kao da umireš
Ali obećavam da ćemo pokoriti svet
I pomeriti planine
I pomeriti planine
I uzdignuću se
Uzdignuti poput dana
Uzdignuću se
Uzdignuću se bez straha
Uzdignuću se
I uradiću to još hiljadu puta
Za tebe [x4]
Sve što trebamo, sve što trebamo je nada
I za to imamo jedno drugo
I za to imamo jedno drugo
Uzdignućemo se
Uzdignućemo se
Uzdignućemp se, ohh ohhh
Uzdignućemo se
Uzdignuću se
Uzdignuti poput dana
Uzdignuću se
U inat bolu
Uzdignuću se još hiljadu puta
I uzdignućemo se
Uzdignuti poput talasa
Uzdignućemo se
U inat bolu
Uzdignućemo se
I uradićemo to još hiljadu puta
Za tebe, ohhhh ohhh ohh ohhh ohh [x3]

Amarte, locamente

Todo alrededor de nosotros,
las personas están celosas,
me reprochan sobre todo
de tener por ti una mirada muy dulce,
y de amarte locamente
mi amor
de amarte locamente
noche y día.
No es amable,
pero me da igual,
me burlo de aquello que dicen,
porque para mí es normal
amarte locamente,
mi amor,
amarte locamente,
noche y día.
Pienso a cada instante
que cualquier cosa me puede pasar,
pero mi corazón no puede cambiar
estará siempre, verdaderamente, feliz
de amarte locamente,
mi amor,
de amarte locamente,
noche y día.
Un día, si quieres
podemos irnos los dos
irnos burlándonos
de esos que se enfurecen ante nuestra huida,
amarnos locamente,
mi amor,
amarnos locamente,
noche y día.
¡Ah!, la vida es dulce
cuando se está enamorado,
un 'nada' 1 me pone feliz,
el cielo es más azul y todo me impulsa
a amarte locamente,
mi amor,
a amarte locamente,
noche y día.
Pero cuando tú no estás,
aún pienso en ti
porque sé que regresarás
y nadie en el mundo me impedirá
amarte locamente,
mi amor,
amarte locamente,
noche y día.
  • 1. Es decir, nimiedades.
Just learning.


If you open the windows, you'll see A Bright Light
Completely flooded with a gentle sunshine
A wonderful expectation is on the way Day by Day
A 'vivavita' overflows in my chest
Open the doors of these unchanged days, up to the light
Right Now the first steps begin
SHINY DAYS new winds
Let's keep going with valiant steps, it's My Way
Can You Feel a clear sky?
As you can feel, it'll lead us to a Brand New World
Listen to the melody
While you whistle at a distance
Step forward towards the future
You're free to reprint my translations, but please, give me the kawaii credits.

Dan Je Gotov

Kada se dan zavrsi
Pridje zemlji a onda potopi sunce
Sa svim sto je dobijeno i izgubljeno
Kada se dan zavrsi.
Kada se dan zavrsi
Toliko se nadas da ce sve tvoje trke biti istrcane
A onda shvatis da si preskocio pocetni pucanj
I moras da se vratis odakle si poceo
Kada se dan zavrsi.
Kada je noc hladna
Neki se provuku a neki ostare
I to dokazuje da zivot nije sav od zlata
Kada je noc hladna.
Kada ptica odleti
Nemas nikoga svog
Nemas mesto koje bi nazvao dom
Kada ptica odleti.
Kada je igra dobijena
Ti zuris sa loptom po terenu
I izgubis mnogo ranije nego sto si ocekivao
Sada kada je igra dobijena.
Kada se zurka zavrsi
Tebi je veoma tuzno
To sto nisi uradio ono sto si zeleo
Ali sada nema vremena pocnes iznova
Sada kada je zurka gotova.
Kada se dan zavrsi
Pridje zemlji a onda potopi sunce
Sa svim sto je dobijeno i izgubljeno
Kada se dan zavrsi.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Dvanaest dana Božića

Prvog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu.
Drugog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Trećeg dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Četvrtog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Petog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Šestog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Šest gusaka što leže
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Sedmog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Sedam labudova što plivaju
Šest gusaka što leže
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Osmog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Osam služavki što muzu krave
Sedam labudova što plivaju
Šest gusaka što leže
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Devetog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Devet dama što plešu
Osam služavki što muzu krave
Sedam labudova što plivaju
Šest gusaka što leže
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Desetog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Deset lordova što skaču
Devet dama što plešu
Osam služavki što muzu krave
Sedam labudova što plivaju
Šest gusaka što leže
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Jedanaestog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Jedanaest frulaša što sviraju (frule)
Deset lordova što skaču
Devet dama što plešu
Osam služavki što muzu krave
Sedam labudova što plivaju
Šest gusaka što leže
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu
Dvanaestog dana Božića
Moja istinska ljubav mi je poslala
Dvanaest bubnjara što sviraju (bubnjeve)
Jedanaest frulaša što sviraju (frule)
Deset lordova što skaču
Devet dama što plešu
Osam služavki što muzu krave
Sedam labudova što plivaju
Šest gusaka što leže
Pet zlatnih prstenova
Četiri ptice*
Tri francuske kokoši
Dve grlice
I jarebicu na kruškinom drvetu


I thought
That so much love didn't exist
That life could never be like this
Bringing me so much hurt
I thought
That love never had an end
But an evil destiny didn't want me
To live such a happy life
I felt love for someone
Now I'm sad, for not having anyone
I thought...
I felt love for someone
Now I'm sad, for not having anyone
I thought
That so much love didn't exist
That life could never be like this
Bringing me so much hurt
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


Holidays, oh, holidays
It's the plane descending from the sky
And, in the shadow of its wing,
A city passes by
The ground is so close
Holidays, oh, holidays
Churches and social housing
What does he do, this God they love?
He lives in space
The ground is so close
Holidays, oh, holidays
From the plane, the shadow takes to the sea
The sea, as a prelude
To the desert
The sea is so low
Holidays, oh, holidays
So much sky and so many clouds
At your age, you don't know
That life can wear you out,
That death is so vile
Holidays, oh, holidays
It's the plane living in the sky
But don't forget, beautiful girl,
That planes do break
And that the ground is so close

Un Nou Dia Ha....Arribat

He esperat fa molt
Per que el miracle arribés
Tots em deien es fort
Resisteix i no vessaments una llagrima
A Través de la foscor i els bons temps
Sàvia que ho aconseguiria
I el món pensava que ho tenia tot
Però jo esperava per tu
Observo llums en el cel
Oh, gairebé em enlluernen
No puc creure-ho
He estat tocada per un àngel amb amor
Deixaré que la pluja caigui i es porti les meves llàgrimes
Deixi omplir la meva ànima i ofegar les meves pors
Deixa enderrocar les parets per a un nou, nou sol
Un nou dia ha... arribat
On va ser obscur ara hi ha llum
On Va haver-hi dolor ara hi ha alegria
On hi havia debilitat, vaig trobar la meva força
Tot en els ulls d'un noi
Observo llums en el cel
Oh, gairebé em enlluernen
No puc creure-ho
He estat tocada per un àngel amb amor
Deixaré que la pluja caigui i es porti les meves llàgrimes
Deixi omplir la meva ànima i ofegar les meves pors
Deixa enderrocar les parets per a un nou, nou sol
Un nou dia ha... arribat

my heart is awake

We'll laugh, we'll laugh 'till the last second,
as long as we have makeup.
the eyes are luminate, the face are shine
and the heart, the heart is unclear
and it's move inside of me for years already,
the desire go deeper, to know.
to browse the pretty cover on the top
to remove the peel,
to get in between (among?) the lines for a moment,
to catch all what passing near by me all the time.
how suddenly,it occupy me in a moment.
holds me, misleads and leaves.
so again i'm sleeping and my heart is awake.
again i'm sleeping and my heart is awake.

Just One Day

My heart’s color has lost its shine
Because your two eyes aren’t here to paint over it
I think love is such a cruel thing
My wounds haven’t even healed yet
But love keeps reopening them
You left without a single word, what can I do about that
I’m too lacking of a person
That I couldn’t say anything to you, and now I’m like this
I can talk to empty air all I want but you can’t hear me
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll bear it
Because you will return
I’m sorry I lived a life that knew only you
So forgetting you is the one thing I can’t do
I can’t do it, why did you do this
Leaving me longing, why did you leave
Regret always washes over too late
Why is that
It’s not like regretting will change anything
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
No matter how I try to erase you every day to forget you
No matter how many words I use to try to hate you
I find myself, again and again
Longing for you
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
Because you will return
I’m going to look for you

Нов слънчев ден

Мисля си за онзи ден,
когато го оставих на спирка Грейхаунд
на запад от Санта Фе.
Бяхме на 17, но той беше сладък и всичко беше истинско,
все пак направих това, което трябваше,
просто защото знаех.
Летни неделни нощи
ще се потопим в местата си
точно когато изгасят светлините
техноцветният свят, направен от музика и машини
ме повика да бъде на този екран
и да живея в блясъка му.
Без да имам пунката пара
спрях бус, и, ето ме, идвам.
Може би е смело или просто лудо,
предстои да видим.
Защото, може би, в спящия град
той ще остане един ден, светлините са загаснали.
Ще види лицето ми и ще си спомни по какъв начин ме познаваше.
Отвъд тези хълмове докосвам висините
и преследвам всички сияещи светлини.
Когато си разочарован
ще станеш от земята,
с изтъркулването на сутринта
идва нов слънчев ден.
Чувам ги всеки ден,
Ритмите в каньоните, които никога няма да заглъхнат.
Баладите в балните зали, оставени от тези, които дойдоха преди нас
казват, че трябва да го искаш повече.
Затова чукам на всяка врата.
И дори, когато отговорът е 'не',
или когато парите ми свършват
диска, микрофона и неоновия блясък са всичко, от което се нуждая.
И някой ден, докато си пея песен,
детето от градчето ще дойде
и това ще е нещото, което да го побутне напред.
Отвъд тези хълмове докосвам висините
и преследвам всички сияещи светлини.
Когато си разочарован
ще станеш от земята
с изтъркулването на сутринта
идва нов слънчев ден.
Когато си разочарован.
С изтъркулването на сутринта.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Просто нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Денят току- що започна.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.


He focuses only on this sunset
Because he must've realized I'm in the mood to change
He doesn't want to cope
He shuts himself off, perhaps afraid of me
I said something about going far away
Suddenly he stood up, walked and broke into laughter all alone
'You really think you can clear your head there?
The wars within you are endless'
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
To collect, to collect
I honestly didn't plan to visit
Not you, not your place, you always say
That it's harder for simple people to get into trouble
Because they aren't looking for things to get out of
All is calm, all is flowing
So how come it never works out with me
Never works out
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
To collect, to collect, to collect
He focuses only on this sunset because he must've realized I'm in a good mood