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Број резултата: 178


Move it

Versions: #1
We've all had our troubles, good and bad
Only you didn't, oh, wow!
While you walked around without worry
We were busy with life, struggling
We kept screwing it up bad
Whenever we deviated a little bit
You got no damage, not to jinx it,
Even when you brought the mountains and trees down
Well, teach us how to too, don't be so selfish
We didn't materialize out of thin air after all
We have parents and all too, but
We never got to master those tricks
Keep moving it, go on, man
Keep moving where the circumstances demand
Come on, let's make it happen by any means
Keep your appearence in front of everyone
You weakling,
You bootlicker

Znam da se nešto dešava

Vidim da neće još dugo
Tvoje držanje postaje hladno
Znaš da si se promenio i da tvoje reči su lažljive
To je nešto što ne možeš poreći
Zovem, nisi kod kuće.
Kod kuće si, ali nisi sam.
Ako želiš da odeš, zašto onda ne kažeš?
Tvoja ljubav je ionako nestala.
Znam da se nešto dešava
Znam da se nešto dešava
Znam da neće još dugo
Neće proći mnogo pre nego što odeš
Nešto se dešava
Nešto se dešava
Znam da dobroj stvari mora doći kraj
Ali teško je podneti gubitak prijatelja
Znam šta misliš i šta ti je na umu
Zato dragi ne pretvaraj se
Znam da se nešto dešava
Znam da se nešto dešava
Znam da neće još dugo
Neće proći mnogo pre nego što odeš
Nešto se dešava
Nešto se dešava
Znam da se nešto dešava
Znam da se nešto dešava
Znam da postoji nešto
Znam da postoji nešto
Znam da postoji nešto

Fake Love

Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
This isn't love
This is Fake Love
I need the original
For my whole life
Mama I'm a criminal
I shoot men
But I don't see a damn thing, that's my bad thing
I fall into the wrong hearts
no no no
Your love is fake
From AliExpress
With you I'm very sad
It gives me stress
I think it's God's plan,
And this is a cosplay
I think Bruce Wayne
And you're Peter Pan
Love and hate is the only thing we breathe
In our relationship you're the second one
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
This isn't love
This is Fake Love
Calls and messages
No need for drama
Your WhatsApp on the black list
Like in Instagram
All your stupid lines
There's nothing original in them
I'm sick of listening to nonsense
I don't wanna be with you anymore
Don't scream
Shut up
Exclude my numbers
My heart isn't small
Don't look for me, let me go
Love and hate is the only thing we breathe
In our relationship you're the second one
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
Fake fake fake
This is Fake Love
This isn't love
This is Fake Love

Boy Bye

To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
You get high like I'm Henny
Alcohol is already in my veins
Tonight Imma be your baby
Take off my clothes and then drive me crazy
And then everything is as always
Your bullshit is driving me crazy
Take your things
To the left you may exit
I don't wanna hear it babe
All your words are fake
Call my phone
Ding ding dong
My middle finger's up
All your brothers to the left
All my girls go to the right
Bla, bla, bla
You're an asshole
Get lost
hey, man
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
Close your eyes delete the photo
And there, where I was
emptiness covered
And what happened yesterday won't happen again
To the left, to the right
Tell em boy bye, boy bye, boy bye
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind
To the left, ey
To the right, ah
Out of my head
Out of my mind

From Now On

Discovers her
Out of reflection she looks
And she fights without any protection
She's waiting for you there across the river
She heroically illuminates the darkness every day
A brave leader who knows how to dream
A new world opens up
From now on
There is no more room for questions
And suddenly you see yourself
The one you want to be
From now on
You're close to the moon already
Touch the stars again
Say goodbye to the past
From now on
They do not know
I have more in them than they see
And as in the light sea towards the secret, rising
And everything is so clear
So many dreams, I'm not waiting
With my friends by my side, yes, I'm strong
How far I will go
From now on
There is no more room for questions
And suddenly you see yourself
The one you want to be
From now on
You're close to the moon already
Touch the stars again
Say goodbye to the past
From now on
From now on
Save the day
Just always keep a pure, pure heart
Discovers her
With me like an old song old-fashioned character
From now on
There is no more room for questions
And suddenly you see yourself
The one you want to be
From now on
You're close to the moon already
Touch the stars again
Say goodbye to the past
From now on
From now on
right now
I'll start now
I'll start now
Yes, from now on


I climbed the flashiest tower in the city
and everyone there is on top of their game
there's a good vibe and everything here runs fast
everyone is flying up with me
so I've changed, no longer doing nonsense
you're pathetic, what are you offering me to drink?
because I don't drink vodka
I don't drink Red Bull
just gin, tonic, and moabet
I put on an Adidas suit
Gucci heels
I'm not into the mushy lovey-dovey
sunglasses, bag to the side
come near, I'm not alone
the place is glowing red because my life is strawberries
you arrive
you're all sweaty
stop with the bullshit
oi mamma mia
you offer
'so in short, what are you drinking?'
I don't drink vodka
I don't drink Red Bull
just gin, tonic, and moabet
so I've changed, no longer doing nonsense
you're pathetic, what are you offering me to drink?
because I don't drink vodka
I don't drink Red Bull
just gin, tonic, and moabet

Ponosna Meri

Ostavio dobar posao u gradu
Radio za gazdu ceo dan i noć
I nikada nisam izgubio ni minut sna
Brinući za stvari kakve bi mogle biti
Veliki točak se vrti
Ponosna Meri pali
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Oprao sam puno tanjira u Memfisu
Oribao puno okna u Nju Orleansu
Ali nikada nisam video dobru stranu grada
Dok se nisam provozao u kraljici rečnih čamaca
Veliki točak se vrti
Ponosna Meri pali
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Ako svratiš do reke
Sigurno ćeš naći ljude koje žive
Ne moraš da brineš zato što nemaš novca
Ljudi na reci će biti srećni da ti ga daju
Veliki točak se vrti
Ponosna Meri pali
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci

Slatki Štoperu

Vozio sam se duž autoputa
Žario i palio okolinom
Mislio da sam đavoljeva vrućina
Šta si to umislio u tvojoj ludoj glavi?
Nešto mi je odvuklo pažnju, stajalo je pored puta
Smejala se tamo, žuto u njenoj kosi
Da li želiš, mislio, da li bi htela
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Krstario sam kroz raskrsnicu
Leteo sam brzinom zvuka
Primetio čudnu situaciju
Nema roler kostera dole
Okrenuo sam se da je vidim
Vau! zapazila me je
Ali ja sam projurio, išao prebrzo
Da le želiš, mislila je, da li će izdržati?
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Uhvatili su me na autoputu
Ja sam najtužnija budala koja vozi
Pitam se da li bi išla mojim putem
Zar nećeš provozati mladog momka?
Da, evo je ide, vozi
Gospode, leti visoko
Ona je protutnjala, išla prebrzo
Da li želiš, mislila je, da li ću izdržati
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?

Desert Bird

You are close to the borderline
captive, the magic of the desert
you are a pillar of fire in front of the camp - in the beginning you are
inciting to the water line and fire will not burn
you are the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
wanting to touch the sky
like a bird you are free
inciting to the water line
desert bird
You are close to the borderline
thirsty, the back of the desert
you are a dry fountain in burnt streams - in the desert you are
inciting to the water line and fire will not burn
you are the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
wanting to touch the sky
like a bird you are free
inciting to the water line
desert bird

Oslobodi me

Pogledaj šta sam postao
Toliko te dugo izbacujem iz svog života
Osećam se tako jako
Oslobodi me
Oseti kako moje srce kuca u savršenoj harmoniji
Nemoj me izneveriti
Osećam se kao u zatvoru
Tražeći razlog
Ne želim da kažem doviđenja
Deluje kao da sutra ne postoji
Gde god da odem
Dušo, poludeću
Samo još jedna priča
Reci mi da ne brinem
I sve će biti baš u redu
Bio sam tvoje blago
Sada me nema, zauvek
Mislim* da se vraćam kroz vreme
Oslobodi me
Oseti kako moje srce kuca u savršenoj harmoniji
Nemoj me izneveriti
Oh, oh, oh, uspeću sam
Oh, oh, oh, dosta više sa ovim ludilom
Oh, oh, oh, uspeću sam
Oh, oh, oh, dosta više sa ovim ludilom
Život je bio tako lak
Zvali su nas otrcani
U mom krevetu je bio raj
Tako usamljen
Ti si jedna jedina
Zdravo, znam da sam platio cenu
Sat kuca tik-tak
Sve je tako brzo
I ne znam šta da radim
Ljudi mi kažu dušo
Hajde samo probaj
Jednog dana će ti se snovi ostvariti
Oslobodi me
Oseti kako moje srce kuca u savršenoj harmoniji
Nemoj me izneveriti
Oh, oh, oh, uspeću sam
Oh, oh, oh, dosta više sa ovim ludilom
Oh, oh, oh, uspeću sam
Oh, oh, oh, dosta više sa ovim ludilom
Tako sam strava, dođi i uzmi malo
Za šta živimo?
Ja sam tvoj razlog, začinjena sezona
Kao što smo nekada
Dođi daj mi da te ponesem visoko
I da zapalim ovo mesto
Oseti kako moje srce kuca i oslobodi me
Oslobodi me
Oseti kako moje srce kuca u savršenoj harmoniji
Nemoj me izneveriti
Oslobodi me
Oseti kako moje srce kuca u savršenoj harmoniji
Nemoj me izneveriti
Samo me oslobodi

I Held Your Hand

So you told me that almost
all that you believed
somewhat blocks the light for you
You'll go as you came
and the loneliness and I
will be left here behind
How long will this all burn?
and when will you know?
That I held your hand
when my heart was trembling
that i feared myself
that i thought it was possible
that now what remains is
to forgive and forget already
So don't tell me that you tried
that the heart is not glass
even if it is now broken
You didn't choose and didn't want
the border you didn't cross
leave it till tomorrow
How long will this all burn?
and when will you know?
That I held your hand
when my heart was trembling
that i feared myself
that i thought it was possible
that now what remains is
to forgive and forget already
I hate but love you
finding out how to lose you
to someone else
that he is yours forever
my heart has almost forgotten
only upon occasion it is a bit stressed
by memories that have not yet
have not yet been erased
I held your hand
when my heart was trembling
that i feared myself
that i thought it was possible
that now what remains is
to forgive and forget already
That I held your hand
when my heart was trembling
that i feared myself
that i thought it was possible
that now what remains is
to forgive and forget already

Before I Die

Before I die
I had a lot of friends
Before I die
I had many dreams
Before I die
I had a lot of loves
Before I die
I've had a lot of mistake
Despite everything I don't regret
But still when I think sometimes
One day comes I live also once again
Were all my loves a lie,Oh my God
I'm so lonely
I'm melting slowly

Dirty Dancing

Push your body to mine
I want to feel your body next to me
Because I'm cold alone
But you make me warm, only you make me naughty
Come and borrow me your mouth
I want to feel your lips on mine
And I will pick you up
All my faults are gone, and I will never let you fall
And we play Dirty Dancing
And we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight
When you touch,
Just know what to do with me
Because bewtween the sheets you're like a garden
You're an artwork for me
And we play Dirty Dancing
And we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight
Me and you have the time of our lives
Every part of your body
Every curve made just for me
And we play Dirty Dancing
And we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight
Dirty Dancing and we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight

Are You Scared?

Can't you trust me anymore?
Have I caused you to much sadness?
I just don't want to leave you
I know I made a mistake
Then you touch me
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
It seems to me that you don't want to forget
I can see how you long back
But I will hold you and never leave you
So baby, give me just another chance
To touch you
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
And i can see you stand in front of me
In my dream you're coming back to me again
And even if I know you must leave,
Our love will never perish
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?

Svaki dan

Svaki dan, ceo život čekam
Na znak koji mi govori: sve je u redu
Gde god išli, dajte mi nešto
Svejedno je, bilo šta, da i ja shvatim, da i ja shvatim
[Part 1]
Glava u oblacima, noge duboko u asfaltu
Vaš najveći neprijatelj, vreme, sustiže vas
Sedeći u staklenoj kući ni sa kamenom
Ali iza zlatnih rešetaka nikada nismo bili zaista slobodni
Dok ovde, samo betom sa mnom priča
A moje oči znaju svaki centimetar ovog kaveza
Tačno, potražite sivu boju
Nađite hiljadu načina, ali nikad izlaz odavde
[Pre-Hook 1]
Jer ovaj lavirint polako jede
Previše svega, ali ništa što čoveku treba
Sekunde postaju sati, a dani postaju godine
I na kraju ima puno pitanja
Svaki dan, ceo život čekam
Na znak koji mi govori: sve je u redu
Gde god išli, dajte mi nešto
Svejedno je, bilo šta, da i ja shvatim, da i ja shvatim
[Part 2]
Dolazimo na ovaj svet i svaki dan pomalo umiremo
Život nakon smrti, ali kako koristimo vreme između?
Jurite novac pohlepno dok sve ne uništi
I znamo da zaista ništa ne znamo
Šapućite molitve nebu
I nadajte se da će nas glas spasiti od večne tišine
Zaslepljeni su svetlošću digitalnog treperenja
Ali tama ostaje zauvek
[Pre-Hook 2]
Odavno je kasno za povratak
Snovi pucaju na tlu stvarnosti
Sekunde postaju sati, a dani postaju godine
I na samom kraju ima puno pitanja
Svaki dan, ceo život čekam
Na znak koji mi govori: sve je u redu
Gde god išli, dajte mi nešto
Svejedno je, bilo šta, da i ja shvatim, da i ja shvatim
Zarobljeni u beskrajnoj petlji
Na trenutak zatvorite oči i odjednom stari ste
Sekunde postaju sati, a dani postaju godine
I na samom kraju ima puno pitanja
Svaki dan, ceo život čekam
Na znak koji mi govori: sve je u redu
Gde god išli, dajte mi nešto
Svejedno je, bilo šta, da i ja shvatim, da i ja shvatim

I Started Off From Hereke

I started off from Hereke
I greeted widely
No one accepted, no one accepted
No one accepted, wow oh!
I passed every place
I saw you, I loved you
They didn't let, lover

İf I Bring Water From A Thousand Streams

You couldn't give me a flower from the vinyard that is in your heart
This cruel heart is yours,I couldn't love anyone
Love was right in every place,time was different
I didn't laugh because of you,cruel is your love punishment?
İf you were a mountain without me,you would collapse,Beloved
I'm a wreck without you,damage in my heart
Maybe it turns in a realty,the promises that I made
Would you die,if you really loved a little,Beloved?
İf I bring water from a thousand streams,you cannot be purifed
İf I would be silent,if I talk you wouldn't hear,you wouldn't understand
İs it possible to vanquish you by loving,tell me
I have one life for you,will you relax if I give it?

Without talking

Ah, all or nothing Imperium
Count as many notes, you poop before you sit
AoN label number one - no talking!
Dagobert, where is your gold? - Without talking!
Wear a Pasotti Umbrella - without rain!
More appearance from the bra breaks umpteen corona rules
(Part 1)
XATAR, German rap Jeff Bezos
When I speak, you spill espressos
A phone call from me and you're rid of your Şeref
I wear tons of scars instead of tattoos
I've been teaching the rap game for ten years /> And since then everyone has been rapping about the emblem
For that I want ten percent from AMG
But half of it goes to an arrest warrant, of course
SSIO makes millions, Eno does millions
MERO makes millions, XATAR makes Mios moves
At the same time, the Kanak in the Coupé zooms in
Mogul Telkos on Mommy's Hummus
AoN label number one - without talking!
Dagobert, where's yours Gold? - Without talking!
Wear a Pasotti Umbrella - without rain!
More appearance from the Bra breaks umpteen Corona rules
AoN label number one - without talking!
Dagobert, where is your gold - Without talking!
More appearance from the bra breaks umpteen corona rules
(Part 2)
Step into the club ner Maybach limousine
And the value of your property rises
A meme becomes a franchise empire
Envious, breathless, more Perignon, please
Yes, the turnover is right
Boys on the street become millionaires after my signature
I'm from crack rocks to hedge funds
From Big Macs to sharing with brothers to million deals with McDonald's
Wild sales, the competition raging
You wish us fake streams and I wish you dead.
You Hubirensohn, astaghfirullah
Calm down with a look at my Hahnwald villa
From head nuts to murder shots
From shore stink to closet fashion, son of a bitch, what?
Do you rappers think when you push boss vision?
You get million deals, I give million deals
AoN label number one - without talking!
Dagobert, where's your gold? - Without talking!
Wear a Pasotti Umbrella - without rain!
More appearance from the bra breaks umpteen corona rules
AoN label number one

Сиромашан у души

Погледај ме добро
помешао си ме са неком твојом!
Неком од оних којима плаћаш ноћи
а уништаваш моје.
Нисам као друге -
мале промене да би ми бацио.
Само ћу ти покидати живце,
не знаш ти како ћу ти вратити!
Погледај докле си дошао - на дно
и са каквим женама те хватам.
Такве ће те средити баш лепо,
поздраве им шаљем.
Од данас ти желим
само, само најбоље.
Исти шљам поред тебе само да је
и да ти скрати живот.
Град гори, са којом ли си ти,
а ја са сузама га гасим.
Да ми опет сломиш срце
не, не заслужујем.
Троши милионе,
уобрази се до неба,
али ћеш опет бити сиромашан,
ту - у души!
Ти си грандиозан сав,
его до неба.
Први у такмичењу са новцем,
а сиромашан у души.
Нисам као друге -
мале промене да би ми бацио.
У пакао ћу те послати, слушај ме
и живот ћу ти окренути наглавачке!
Погледај докле си дошао - на дно
и са каквим женама те хватам.
Такве ће те средити баш лепо,
поздраве им шаљем.
Од данас ти желим
само, само најбоље.
Исти шљам поред тебе само да је
и да ти скрати живот.
Град гори, са којом ли си ти,
а ја са сузама га гасим.
Да ми опет сломиш срце
не, не заслужујем.
Троши милионе,
уобрази се до неба,
али ћеш опет бити сиромашан,
ту - у души!

Сиромашан у души

Погледај ме добро
помешао си ме са неком твојом!
Неком од оних којима плаћаш ноћи
а уништаваш моје.
Нисам као друге -
мале промене да би ми бацио.
Само ћу ти покидати живце,
не знаш ти како ћу ти вратити!
Погледај докле си дошао - на дно
и са каквим женама те хватам.
Такве ће те средити баш лепо,
поздраве им шаљем.
Од данас ти желим
само, само најбоље.
Исти шљам поред тебе само да је
и да ти скрати живот.
Град гори, са којом ли си ти,
а ја са сузама га гасим.
Да ми опет сломиш срце
не, не заслужујем.
Троши милионе,
уобрази се до неба,
али ћеш опет бити сиромашан,
ту - у души!
Ти си грандиозан сав,
его до неба.
Први у такмичењу са новцем,
а сиромашан у души.
Нисам као друге -
мале промене да би ми бацио.
У пакао ћу те послати, слушај ме
и живот ћу ти окренути наглавачке!
Погледај докле си дошао - на дно
и са каквим женама те хватам.
Такве ће те средити баш лепо,
поздраве им шаљем.
Од данас ти желим
само, само најбоље.
Исти шљам поред тебе само да је
и да ти скрати живот.
Град гори, са којом ли си ти,
а ја са сузама га гасим.
Да ми опет сломиш срце
не, не заслужујем.
Троши милионе,
уобрази се до неба,
али ћеш опет бити сиромашан,
ту - у души!

Living at the east side of the Eden

While walking the other day,
I found a childhood friend,
he was talking nostalgic about childhood.
How hard has become life after it!
How long the days seemed!
Endless afternoons without knowing what to do.
Now the time passes and does not forgive a thing.
Months and years leave to never return.
Who has seen you, dude, and who sees you now?
How is your life going? Mine has been pretty good.
That paradise is so far,
now I am used to live at the east side of the Eden.
What is that in the morning air
that removes the fears from my heart?
The doubts that brought darkness last night
are just trifles in the sunlight.

Light in Eden*

Let me go
And let me fall
It's getting light in Eden
Catch me
And speak softly
Tell me it's alright
Always on the move
Always on my guard
Always lonesome
And yet never alone
Always on the run
But never arrived
I've run for my life
Always on the edge
And carried on
On and on
Misread the signs
Walked on
Banished away
Always hidden
But recognized no one
Moved on
Without understanding
I'm no longer me
I've changed my name
Yesterday and tomorrow
Always hounded
Swallowed my words
And misjudged their meaning

My Pain (One woman, one woman)

The hands of the woman I know
Like the hands of my mother
Like the whispers of the sea
I love the autumn passing by
I love her gentle touch
I love the serenity of those days
The sound of that music
All I gave to her
Like a river to the sea
Like a child in love
One woman, one woman
The only woman in my life
The hands of the woman I love
Like the hands of my mother
Like the sea on your face
Like the tears on your face
Like the whispers of the sea


Goodbye, I won’t be back tomorrow
This is my request to you
Like cherry blossom, I will just be blown by the wind for now
From soil to dust
Keeping our days (we spent together) in heart
Even if our appearance change
No matter what happens I will not cry anymore
Because we will meet again somewhere someday
That's why I am not afraid, I wipe these tears
To love is not anything lonely
That’s why I walk facing forward as usual
In order to be able to live for someone
It's never too late
I know it's hard but it won't work unless you try
Tightly shut heavy doors
astir my heart, leaving me perplexed
There is no exit, is it a complicated labyrinth?
Depending on the faint memory that is left
I am trying to find out
The reason why I was born
Even when if I am disheartened, without giving up
I think I'm gonna hang on a little longer
That smile of yours is enough for me to live
You taught me (how to) love
That’s why please look at me with that usual smile
So that I can live just for you
It's never too late
I know it's hard but it won't work unless you try
When this snow thaws, spring will come
No matter how cold it is
Spring will definitely (come again)
That's why I am not afraid, I wipe these tears
To love is not anything lonely
That’s why I walk facing forward as usual
In order to be able to live for someone
That smile of yours is enough for me to live
You taught me (how to) love
That’s why please look at me with that usual smile
So that I can live just for you
It's never too late
Thank you, forever together

Eden (like the garden of Eden, or paradise)

What just happened will not happen again
We escaped from the hands of the soul in that place
You were a blue sky in a gray storm
A sunrise, a reflection, a memory of yesterday
But I was wrong!
I just wanted to go back to where everything was fine
where I was a hostage (in) of your skin
So leave now (get out of here), if you only come for pleasure
You're not going to play me
Walk calmly through the Eden of lust and loneliness
I promised to break everything once and for all
no going back
not to fall (prey) to words that make me dream
I was carried away by loneliness
by you smooth skin
your glance with crystal tears
But I was wrong!
I just wanted to go back to where everything was fine
where I was a hostage (in) of your skin
So leave now, if you only come for pleasure
You're not going to play me
Walk calmly through the Eden of lust and loneliness
We won't go back to touch again like before
in the same hotel room as always
you knew that this was coming and you didn't care
like a coward disguised as (someone) brave
Now, you and me are (nothing) nobody
all that is left is a song remembered
You believed without me your world would shine
You distanced me while our time burned...oooohhhhh....
But I was wrong!
I just wanted to go back to where everything was fine
where I was a hostage (in) of your skin
So leave now, if you only come for pleasure
You're not going to play me
Walk calmly through the Eden of lust and loneliness

Heathen Resurrection

King, you can be that if you want
Please, get on your high horse
Here are blinders and here are mirrors
Who's blood do you want on your hands first?
Tell me that!
Greed, betrayal and lies
Do the skeletons in the closet have to explain what that means?
You think you can poison me?
No one is less capable of that then you
We will gather again
We have waited long enough
Praise honor and courage
We will gather again
We will sow the seed for
Heathen resurrection
The chains, the chains shall break
Time to get up again
The battle, yes the battle has started
One thousand years must be more than enough
Through our time
Have the blood on your hands
Been ours
Enough is enough
That cross I shall take
For it will burn on the fire
We will gather again
We have waited long enough
Praise honor and courage
We will gather again
We will sow the seed for
Heathen resurrection