Резултати претраге страна 31
Број резултата: 1794
Волим као ти
Ако бих могла бити пола оног што мислиш о мениМогла бих учинити отприлике све
Могла бих чак и научити како да волим
Када видим како се понашаш
Док се питаш кад се враћам
Могла бих учинити отприлике све
Могла бих чак и научити како да волим као ти
Волим као ти...
Увек сам сумњала да сам можда лоша
Сада знам да је истина
Јер, тебе сматрам тако добрим,
А ја сам нимало као ти
Види те само
Обожавам те једноставно
Само кад бих знала
Због чега мислиш да сам тако посебна
Ако бих могла почети радити нешто што је за тебе добро
Урадила бих отприлике све
Чак бих и научила како да волим као ти
Када видим како изгледаш
Узнемирен тиме што ми је толико требало
Могла бих учинити отприлике све
Могла бих чак и научити како да волим као ти
Да себе волим као ти...
예쁘다 (Pretty U) (Prelepa Ti)
Versions: #1Seventeen, Yes!
Imam toliko puno stvari da kažem
ali ne mogu da se organizujem
Pomozi mi, S.O.S
1, 2, 3, 4
Na koji način
mogu izraziti svoje srce?
Da li da iznesem svoje srce na kopiranje
i nalepim ga za tebe?
Na jednom lepom danu
magično si se pojavila
Uzela si mi srce i moje oči su bile privučene za tebe
pohlepna si
Šta sam hteo da kažem je
Nemoj ovo pogrešno da shavtiš
Ali ne mogu da vidim ništa drugo sem tebe
Tako si hladna hladna baby
Ali u isto vreme me topiš
Ne mogu da se zasitim
Hoću da ti pokažem sebe bez sakrivanja i jedne stvari
Oh izabrali smo jedno drugo
iz milijarde ljudi
Kada te vidim, izgubim dah
Inače nisam ovakav
Hoću da izaberem i skupim sve
najlepše reči za tebe
One se nagomilavaju u mom grlu ispred tebe
Obećavam sebi, dok pijem
času vode ujutru, da ti kažem
Priznaću šta je bilo
na vrhu jezika sutra
Veoma si lepa
Lekovi za prehladu
Hrana za glad,
ja za tebe
Želim da definišem tebe kao ja
baš tako u rečniku
Usput šta da radim danas?
Da li da pitam internet?
Šta da nosim, gde da odem
Kamo sreće da sam se ovako trudio kada sam učio
Oh izabrali smo jedno drugo
iz milijarde ljudi
Kada te vidim, izgubim dah
Inače nisam ovakav
Hoću da izaberem i skupim sve
najlepše reči za tebe
One se nagomilavaju u mom grlu ispred tebe
Obećavam sebi, dok pijem
času vode ujutru, da ti kažem
Priznaću šta je bilo
na vrhu jezika sutra
Veoma si lepa
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Imam nešto da ti kažem
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Baš sada, ću pokušati
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Hteo sam da napišem pismo
Ne mogu više da izdržim
Ne mogu da izdržim
Baby ti si moja dama
Trčim do tvog srca
Baby malo mi fali da stignem
Obećavam sebi, dok pijem
času vode ujutru, da ti kažem
Prelepe reči kao one iz filmova
Reči koje sam pripremio preko noći danima
Želim da ti ih kažem sutra
sa mojim stisnutim rukama
Veoma si lepa<3
Voli me
Ne voli me
Brojim latice ceo dan
Voli me
Ne voli me
Da li će mi letice dati odgovor?
André Balaceo feels shivers on his spine,it's not the weather's fault, just a little bit the rain's fault.
His scarf is wet, shit!
I should've put on a K-Way, he thinks,
so he wears one.
Since friends are expensive, he doesn't have any,
he's up to scarifying everything so he could get himself some.
On the table, you see,
there's always a packet of toasts in case he receives (friends at home).
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
It's after passing in front of a window pane
that he realizes he's dressed like Santana.
He's ashamed, a little,
he knows he can't do any better.
He shouldn't think about his clothes like that
'I can't go out wearing this, or that'.
They shouldn't put mirrors,
we should live in drawers.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
When it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold,
when it's less cold, it's three (Celsius).
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's cold, it's minus three (Celsius).
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
'Should I go out? Shouldn't I go out?
And all of that will be of any use if I don't change my clothes?'
And then he takes off his K-Way:
he's a little less ugly.
The jacket, the burgundy tracksuit, the turtleneck,
the Clark shoes and the wrinkled polyester pants.
Oh my God, he's so handsome!
It was the K-Way making him look ugly.
Oh my God, he's so handsome!
It was the K-Way making him look ugly.
He discovers all of that.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's cold, it's minus three (Celsius).
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
Yeah, I'm leaving.
We're leaving.
Slušam vetar,Vetar moje duše.
Gde ću završiti,
To samo Bog zna.
Sedeh na zalasku sunca,
Ali nikad nikad nikad nikad,
Nikad ne poželeh vode,
Ne, nikad nikad nikad.
Slušam svoje reči,
Ali one padaju dole duboko.
Puštam da me muzika povede
Gde god srce želi ići.
Plivao sam po đavoljem jezeru,
Ali nikad nikad nikad nikad,
Nikad ne napravih istu grešku,
Ne, nikad nikad nikad.
The Sum of Us
Working forward sometimes, and working backward sometimesWho came up with this complicated and unsolvable question?
The paper bin has been filled with mistakes, I’ve tried to fall asleep
Getting used to form-filling as we grow
Forgetting that as we flip, those blank spaces were meant for us too
Sometimes being muddle-headed could be a way of happiness, a way of recovery without remedy
I pause and stay in your past, subtracting my present
Between lines and within words, multiplying them by the number of years, how much fun and joy
No one could elaborate perfectly, or sum up totally
To me, it’s still beautiful
Wouldn’t dream that we could find any evidence
To prove who has given love, and publish our findings into a book
We were told that mistakes are inevitable, and we should try our best to eliminate
Biting our pencils and thinking with tilted heads
We move about the decimals
Trying to simplify into our desired appearances
By the way, I have my reason
Arithmetic has been my biggest weakness
No matter how I dissect the graph of life, I couldn’t find you
I pause and stay in your past, subtracting my present
Between lines and within words, multiplying them by the number of years, how much fun and joy
No one could elaborate perfectly, or sum up totally
To me, it’s still beautiful
Wouldn’t dream that we could find any evidence
To prove who has given love, and publish our findings into a book
We were told that mistakes are inevitable, and we should try our best to eliminate
I pause and stay in your past, subtracting my present
Between lines and within words, multiplying them by the number of years, how much fun and joy
No one could elaborate perfectly, or sum up totally
To me, it’s still beautiful
Wouldn’t dream that we could find any evidence
To prove who has given love, and publish our findings into a book
We were told that mistake is inevitable, you fell asleep before me
Only I am awake, solving this problem step by step
Spreman da volim
Spreman sam da volimReci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Nakon što sam te upozano moja osećanja su porasla
Nije dovoljno za nas da budemo prijatelji
Osetio sam svoje srce kako ludi po prvi put
Nikada nisam ni pomislio da će tako brzo kucati
Sve što hoću je da pobegnem
Zato što si ti moj izlaz baby
Ljubav nema granica, samo hoću odgovor Ay
Spreman sam da volim
Reci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Pobegnimo na drugu stranu sveta
Uzmi moju ruku
Još uvek ću da trčim
Veruj mi sad
Da ispunim moje srce do vrha
Kao da sam bez daha (Samo mi dopusti)
Dala si mi svrhu
Već znam yeh
Izraz koji je izgubljen u mislima
Tajni recept koji će te usrećiti
Momenat kada su te moje oči videle
Odmah sam sve znao
Reči nisu bile ni potrebne
Osetio sam svoje srce kako ludi po prvi put
Nikada nisam ni pomislio da će tako brzo kucati
Sve što hoću je da pobegnem
Zato što si ti moj izlaz baby
Samo treba da ti budeš spremna Ay
Spreman sam da volim
Reci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Pobegnimo na drugu stranu sveta
Uzmi moju ruku
Još uvek ću da trčim
Veruj mi sad
Da ispunim moje srce do vrha
Kao da sam bez daha (Samo mi dopusti)
Dala si mi svrhu
Kako dani prolaze
Moja osećanja samo nastavljaju da rastu
Ne želim da traćim više
Trčaću za tebe
Spreman sam da volim
Reci mi, da li možemo da ostanemo zajedno
Budala sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce pored tebe zauvek
Pobegnimo na drugu stranu sveta
Uzmi moju ruku
Još uvek ću da trčim
Veruj mi sad
Da ispunim moje srce do vrha
Kao da sam bez daha (Samo mi dopusti)
Dala si mi svrhu
Ex Of Your Current Boyfriend
I know this personThat's arriving here in the bar
I know who is she
My ex is hooking up with this woman
Waiter, put my table there
At her side, I'm going to let off steam
I have already drunk much
And I'm gonna tell her all of his secrets
She need to know that he's no good
And that's he unfaithful
I've already suffered at the hands of this man
My God
I must warn her that she's in danger
And that sooner or later
He will do to her the same he did to me
With pleasure, I'm the ex of your current boyfriend
Don't take me wrong
You're in a exitless alley
He will screw your life
With pleasure, I'm the ex of your current boyfriend
Don't take me wrong
But just for you to know
He called me love
And cheated on me with you
I have already drunk much
And I'm gonna tell her all of his secrets
She need to know that he's no good
And that's he unfaithful
I've already suffered at the hands of this man
My God
I must warn her that she's in danger
And that sooner or later
He will do to her the same he did to me
With pleasure, I'm the ex of your current boyfriend
Don't take me wrong
You're in a exitless alley
He will screw your life
With pleasure, I'm the ex of your current boyfriend
Don't take me wrong
But just for you to know
He called me love
With pleasure, I'm the ex of your current boyfriend
Don't take me wrong
You're in a exitless alley
He will screw your life
With pleasure, I'm the ex of your current boyfriend
Don't take me wrong
But just for you to know
He called me love
And cheated on me with you
Загрејем се, не могу се охладитиМоја ситуација се врти у круг и круг
Због тебе се вртим у круг и круг
У круг и у круг и у круг то иде
Где стане - нико не зна
Сваки пут кад изговориш моје име
Ја се загрејем као горући пламен
Горући пламен, пун жеље
Пољуби ме, душо, дај да се ватра још разгори
Желим да посегнем и зграбим те
Абра-абра-кадабра, абракадабра
Ти ме палиш, због тебе уздишем
Ти ме засмејаваш, због тебе плачем
Дај да и даље горим због твоје љубави
Уз додир баршунасте рукавице
Желим да посегнем и зграбим те
Абра-абра-кадабра, абракадабра
Осећам чаролију у твоме миловању
Осећам чаролију кад ти дотакнем хаљину
Свила и сатен, кожа и чипка
Црне гаћице уз анђеоско лице
Видим чаролију у твојим очима
Чујем чаролију у твојим уздасима
Баш кад помислим да ћу побећи
Чујем те речи које ти увек кажеш
Желим да посегнем и зграбим те
Абра-абра-кадабра, абракадабра
Сваки пут кад изговориш моје име
Ја се загрејем као горући пламен
Горући пламен, пун жеље
Пољуби ме, душо, дај да се ватра још разгори
Загрејем се, не могу се охладити
Моја ситуација се врти у круг и круг
Загрејем се, не могу се охладити
Моја ситуација се врти у круг и круг
Загрејем се, не могу се охладити
You don't grow on trees
Jasmine:A beautiful new world has opened up
it's like it flew to me.
Your magic has opened life up
and the heavenly landscape.
A smile from you, finds light in my soul,
a beam of light responds.
Boys like you don't grow on trees1
Oh, Jasmine...
You haven't seen yet
the dark of life, as it beckons you.
If there's nothing else,
your own past is what's blinding you.
Your father told me about how precious you are.
Nobody else has said to me
That boys like me don't grow on trees
The past awaits, my ancient self!
Go then, set out today!
What happened was a smoldering furnace!
I'll wait here until you come back.
Jasmine & Aladdin:
Maybe it'll worth it (I adore you!)
The wedding feast can still wait (You're speaking the truth)
Since it would be best if your good father would come to our wedding (I've been waiting for him since a long time...)
This is an old custom (My good father)
Jasmine & Aladdin:
And we could finally know that he's alive.
And that he's finally among his family.
And he would tell so many tales
Jasmine & Aladdin:
You could finally see that you don't just grow on trees
Нисам као КазановаЈа и Ромео никада нисмо били пријатељи
Зар не видиш колико те стварно волим?
Певаћу ти изнова и изнова
Ох, Казанова, Казанова
Ох, Казанова, Казанова
Сваки мушкарац заслужује добру жену
И желим да ми будеш жена
Време је много боље провести са тобом, душо
Са женом као што си ти у мом животу
Па дозволи ми да те волим
То те испуни изнутра, хоћу да те држим, душо
Па дај да те стиснем
Зар не знаш да ћу пасти на колена због тебе, душо?
Видиш, нисам као Казанова
Ја и Ромео никада нисмо били пријатељи
Зар не видиш колико те стварно волим?
Певаћу ти изнова и изнова
Ох, Казанова, Казанова
Ох, Казанова, Казанова
Сваки пут када желим да те видим
Не могу да нађем речи да ти то кажем
Али волим, волим, волим, волим, волим те, душо
И само мораш да знаш
Колико си ми потребана
Покажи ми шта ти значим сваки дан, душо
Па дај да те држим
Чувам те на сигурном и топлом, ја ћу ти бити твој драги, душо
Душо, душо, душо
И кад сам ти рекао, девојко,ја сам просечан момак
Изгледа да знаш како се заиста осећам јер не могу да те пустим
Требам и желим да останеш овде са мном
Али душо, никад нисам познавао љубав док ниси дошла
Ох, Казанова, реци ми шта да кажем
Казанова, не могу да те пустим да одеш
Ох, Казанова, реци ми шта да радим
Ја нисам Казанова, само желим да будем са тобом
Слушај, душо
Хоћу да те држим, желим да те стиснем
Желим да водим слатку љубав са тобом
Желим да будем ту када се осећаш лоше
Никад те не пустим, не, Казанова
Само мушка ствар
И желим да те волим, волим, волим те, волим те, душо
Ох, Казанова
Нисам као Казанова
Ја и Ромео никада нисмо били пријатељи
Зар не видиш колико те стварно волим?
Певаћу ти је изнова и изнова
Волим те
Клекнућу за тебе, душо
Не, нисам не, нисам Казанова
Не, Казанова
Ја сам само мушкарац, душо, Казанова
Зар не разумеш? Казанова
Клекнућу за тебе, душо
Хоћу да те држим, желим да те стиснем
Желим да водим слатку љубав са тобом
Желим да будем тамо када се осећаш лоше
Морам да те обавестим, не, Казанова
Ја нисам Ромео, Казанова
Ја сам само човек, душо
Желим да будем део твог живота
Желим да будеш моја жена
Желим те тамо и дању и ноћу
То исправити
Ја нисам Казанова
Само желим да будем твој љубавник, душо
Казанова, Казанова, Казанова
I Have This Angel Face
I have this angel faceBut I know about gossips
That no one do
I have a folder of screenshots
Audios, photos and videos
In my private group
I know who's pregnant
Who is cheating the boyfriend
And what they did last summer
Cause I have this angel face
But I own files
That would wreak a havoc
Havoc, havoc
Live in the dream, live in a lonely dayLive in sorrow and fear
Live in pain, live in loneliness
Live like dying
The memory of that day is still in my dream
Never fade away from my heart
The memory of sorrow is still in my mind, don’t know when I will forget
And every time that I want to forget and erase those memories
It’s like they keep repeating and rubbing it in my sorrow
May I ask how can I forget you?
In reality, I never forget our memories and our deep bond
Our story is still in my dream
The memory of you still haunts me, making my heart anxious
Your picture is engraved in my heart
I’m begging you to stop hurting my heart.
Can you please help me stop thinking about you?
Why you forget everything so easily? My heart is broken
The memory of you still haunts me
The person here is not well because it hurts right here
My heart is hurt that you left me. It’s not okay to do this
Everything that you did turns to be my memory
It might be a karma I have to face with
I don’t want to know anything that we have been through together
Oh, all the hurt, sorrow and sadness, stop thinking about it
May I ask one word, how can I do that?
In reality, I never forget our memories
and our deep bond, our story is still in my dream
(Oh, ooh-whoo, ooh-whoo-ooh-whoo, still in my dream)
The memory of you still haunts me, making my heart anxious
Your picture is engraved in my heart
I’m begging you to stop hurting my heart
Can you please help me stop thinking about you?
Why you forget everything so easily? My heart is broken
The memory of you still haunts me
The person here is not well because it hurts right here
My heart is hurt that you left me, it’s not okay to do this
Everything that you did turns to be my memory
It might be a karma I have to face with
Our good story in that day turns to be today’s
(Whoo, whoo, whoo) haunting memory
Test Me
Don’t afraid of duplicating anyone (I am unique)and I surely not similar to her
Heard that she is good, but you have to look at me
I am letting you reserve, letting you be the first one
I know that you didn’t know who deserves you
Because your heart has only her
but if you just try to think (think now), open you heart
to know each other a little bit, yeah (like this)
then you will see someone that your heart is searching for
No matter how much she loves you, I love you more
I don’t know how much, but I love you more
How many that she gives, I will give you more (I’m sure)
I want to challenge whether there’s anyone, who give more than me
Let’s test me, I won’t lose
Listen, I’ve got something to say to you
I’m just the one who loves you more
Yeah, let’s check it out
It’s good if you stay with her, but it’ll be better if you stay with me
If you want to know me, may I have just a day with you? (I’m okay)
Let’s meet up, then, you will definitely forget her
I know that you didn’t know who deserves you
Because your heart has only her
But if you just try to think (think now), open you heart
To know each other a little bit, yeah (like this)
Then you will see someone that your heart is searching for
No matter how much she loves you, I love you more
I don’t know how much, but I love you more
how many that she gives, I will give you more (I’m sure)
I want to challenge whether there’s anyone, who give more than me
Let’s test me, I won’t lose
I want you to test me, one day you will know
The one that you overlook like me, doesn’t let it be
Loving you more than he, you just try
Baby, baby, baby, babe, I want your love
Baby, baby, baby, babe, I need your love
Just loving, just loving you
No matter how much she loves you, I love you more
I don’t know how much, but I love you more
How many that she gives, I will give you more (I’m sure)
I want to challenge whether there’s anyone, who give more than me
Let’s test me, I won’t lose
Begging you just to think, open your heart
To know each other a little bit, yeah (like this)
Let’s test me, I won’t lose
Begging you just to think, open your heart
To know each other a little bit, yeah (like this)
Let’s test me, I won’t lose
Сузе ће пасти због тебе,Сузе ће пасти само за тебе,
Желим те тако пуно, ах, никада нећеш сазнати
колико си ми потребна*
Сузе ће пасти ако ти не требам,
Сузе ће пасти, ох, молим те, веруј ми
Тако те желим, ох, никада нећеш сазнати,
колико си ми потребна*
Све док је месец изнад нас
Бићемо само нас двоје
Ако смо ти и ја предодређени једно за друго
Реци ми да ме волиш и ја ћу бити само за тебе
Сузе ће пасти не бежи и не скривај се,
Сузе ће пасти остани на мојој страни
Тако те желим, ох, никада нећеш сазнати,
колико си ми потребна*
Све док је месец изнад нас
Бићемо само нас двоје
Ако смо ти и ја предодређени једно за друго
Реци ми да ме волиш и ја ћу бити само твој**
Сузе ће пасти, ох сузе ће пасти
Ох да, сузе ће пасти, сузе ће пасти
Суза, суза ће пасти, сузе ће пасти.
If only
It's the same as yesterdayJust another day missing the old way
One question about us is put on replay
If I hadn't done what I did
I wouldn't have regretted it
If only I'd done what I felt inside
If only I hadn't been scared to speak my mind
If only I'd followed what my heart desired
The loss wouldn't have been so dire
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
It's been torture missing you
You wouldn't understand how I long for you
If I could go back to say how much I love you
I want you so much it aches
I'd give whatever it takes
If only I'd done what I felt inside
If only I hadn't been scared to speak my mind
If only I'd followed what my heart desired
The loss wouldn't have been so dire
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
Never Too Late
Is it too late?There's one question on my mind
If I did that then
How would it be now?
Is it too late?
How many chances wasted?
If I'd known I wouldn't have done so
If I'd known I wouldn't have let you go
The thought keeps running through my head, if I had a chance to go back
I'd fix what happened in the past
Just keep thinking it in my head, it wouldn't put me on the right track
Cuz I can't turn back the time
Hurt because of what you've done is better than doing none
You'll be sorry if you let your one chance go to waste
Hear what your heart says, listen and follow all the way
Late is not in our vocabulary
Never too late
Would you regret? If you love but don't profess
You think but don't dare to say it
You end up watching them go away
I Need You
Why should I hideI have nowhere to go
So even if I make you out of gold,
it's the same
When you love with your heart, you lose a tiny bit of it
so, out of spite, everything you love - you get over
when everything that's worthy fades completely
How can my heart, so hot and in love
live through a winter day
without hearing your voice?
And my soul, hot and promised to another...
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy
When you love with your heart, you lose a tiny bit of it
so, out of spite, everything you love - you get over
when everything that's worthy fades completely
How can my heart, so hot and in love
live through a winter day
without hearing your voice?
And my soul, hot and promised to another...
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy
Prayer of Salvation
Redgebed (A prayer of salvation)Oh Lord, please read our SOS
We are so lost here
We’re circling the desert
Our feet last, but our hearts are on fire
I stand among Your soldiers
But we walk in circles here
You know our coordinates
Come fetch me if you think my time has come
I have a small prayer to a grand address
I have Jonah two verses four to six
I have a prayer of redemption
Is that all I need?
I have admission to Your kingdom
Tied to the foot of Your Son's cross
I have a prayer that saves
Is that all I need?
Because it's all I still have
I am overwrought in sin
And found wanting tonight
I offer you all my wounds
That grace is all I still understand
I stand among Your soldiers
But we walk in circles here
You know our coordinates
Come fetch me if you think my time has come
I have a small prayer to a grand address
I have Jonah two verses four to six
I have a prayer of redemption
Is that all I need?
Because it's all I still have
All I still have
I have a prayer of redemption
My Miseries
I am a bird left aloneWithout its' flock
My broadness was compressed
My dreams thrown into mud
Who will forgive me for my sins
People are playing God
Whom will I say what I have to say
When the culprit is the one who judges
My miseries, they are waves
Sea waves lining up
Just as one set of miseries goes disappears
There, the other set arrives
Like life stopped
On that crossroad that night
I can't see, I don't have a feeling either,
What way should I go
Who will forgive me for my sins
People are playing God
Whom will I say what I have to say
When the culprit is the one who judges
That does love alone
The sun shines, the rain falls,This world is a changing play.
But I'm always glad,
I tell you why too:
That does love alone, love alone,
the world is full of sunshine.
Why worry
about a thousand things
The snowy city tower inside the memoryAt the sound of your name
Finally blooming again
Like a flower of the soul
Accompanying me through the dream of light years
I understand that with just one glance
I can be sure that it is the end
Fear of falling
Running to the world with you
The poem I will continue to write for the rest of my life
Every stroke is your name
I would do it all over again
I will remember to love you
If we say
Hundreds of centuries have written the beginning of us
How can love stop willingly
Those familiar eyes
Lost in the tears of the past
Wouldn't change
Some destined meeting
The poem I'll continue to write for the rest of my life
Each stroke is your name
I would do it all over again
I will remember loving you
If we say
Hundreds of centuries have written the beginning of us
How can love stop willingly
'At the end of the story, in a certain universe
'There may still be the warmest of eyes
'I've been waiting for the tenderness I've collected for too long
The poem I will continue to write for the rest of my life
Each stroke is your name
I would do it all over again
I will remember loving you
If we say
Hundreds of centuries have written the beginning of us
How can love stop willingly
Translated with (free version)
Wild Pigs
Where do the wild pigs goTell me, so I know
Who are those pretty ladies
That carry this city
Think about it how
Think of how God
Stands between us
The whole world in coloured rain
Wet streets and passion
In every letter of a name
In every name is a child
With everything I have in myself
I want you to know
Once all that passes
And when we are no longer
On the way to everything
Always an eye ahead
I love you like love, like a song that doesn't stop
I love you then, like the land that takes you
Try, close your eyes and let them light up
Talk about your fears, of the people who we miss
Through the window all the way to happiness
Always an eye ahead
Everyday I walk the Earth, it turns
Take us and throw us where it all starts
I love you like love, like a song that doesn't stop
I love you then, like the land that takes you
PresentIn a maze that you can't easily get out of
You making me fall into
Like a black hole
Why are you shaking my heart again?
Don’t change the subject
You stab an arrow in my burning heart
Deep inside me
I can feel your eyes baby
You know what we want from each other
Trust me now
You'll feel a tremble from the tip of your toes
Like you're about to explode
Burning hotter than the sun
This night is livin' la vida loca
The burning fire of passion
You fill the darkness with you
Waking up my sleeping senses
One by one, Up & Down,
My heart is burning
When your hands touch me, my heart is beating violently
And burns up, at the end of the night
The climax is stacked between the shadows of
An ecstatic kiss Oh oh
The burning fire of passion
Tickle me quietly
A serenade only for you
It's sweet, my finance
We’re ready to cross the line
Drunk, we dance under the moonlight
In this trembling night
Waya Bomb bomb wrapped around with a strong
The red sun I got cha
Feel it up Liquor shots
Livin’ la vida loca
The burning fire of passion
You fill the darkness with you
Waking up my sleeping senses
One by one, Up & Down,
My heart is burning
When your hands touch me, my heart is beating violently
And burns up, at the end of the night
The climax is stacked between the shadows of
An ecstatic kiss Oh oh
The burning fire of passion
(Present) Here
(Present) A little closer
(Present) Come and hug me
The burning fire of passion
You fill the darkness with you
Waking up my sleeping senses
One by one, Up & Down,
My heart is burning
When your hands touch me, my heart is beating violently
And burns up, at the end of the night
The climax is stacked between the shadows of
An ecstatic kiss Oh oh
The burning fire of passion
Ye – Yeah
The burning fire of passion
A little closer
The burning fire of passion
Господе Боже
Белу хаљину обуци ми,ону коју сам носила на венчању,
како год ишли по доктора,
наш ранч је веома далеко.
Не трошите се више на лекове,
снага ме већ напушта.
Обуци ми белу хаљину!
Господ ...ме дозива,
Господ ...ме дозива.
Господе Боже...
Господе Боже...
Све у тишини остаје,
само јој Хуан говори:
погледај оне прелепе кукурузе
што расту на падини,
не желим ништа више,
поклонићу плантажу.
Господе Боже тако си желео
С Оцем се нико не игра,
С Оцем се нико не игра,,
Господе Боже...
Господе Боже...
Господ Бог ...ме призива...
Одгајање моје породице
Одгајање моје породицеОдгајање моје породице
Заиста морам бити ја
Одгајање моје породице
У мом правцу
У мом правцу
Направити поновно повезивање
У мом правцу
Уууух, са мојом породицом, ууу да
Да, бићу добро
Претпостављам да ћу бити добро
Са породицом овде поред мене
Моја породица је овде да ме води
Да, бићу добро
Претпостављам да ћу бити добро
Са породицом овде поред мене, дању и ноћу
Ууух да ... мммх. иехи иеах
Одгајање моје породице
Одгајање моје породице
Заиста морам бити ја
Одгајање моје породице
У мом правцу
У мом правцу
Направити поновно повезивање
У мом правцу
Уууух, са мојом породицом, ууу да
Да, бићу добро
Претпостављам да ћу бити добро
Са породицом овде поред мене
Моја породица је овде да ме води
Да, бићу добро
Претпостављам да ћу бити добро
Са породицом овде поред мене, дању и ноћу
Да мммммм моја породица. ммм.
Да, бићу добро
Претпостављам да ћу бити добро
Са породицом овде поред мене
Моја породица је овде да ме води
Да, бићу добро
Претпостављам да ћу бити добро
Са породицом овде поред мене,дан и ноћ
Мистерија љубави
Versions: #1О, када бих затворених очију могао да видим
Када си ме први пут пољубила
Бескрајно дуго сам плакао
Саградио сам своје зидове око себе.
Бела бука, какав грозан звук
Ваља се реком Рог
Осећам да ми стопала не додирују земљу
нека ме ослободи Божја рука.
Оу-воу-воу сам ја
Када си ме први пут додирнула
О, хоће ли чуда икада престати?
Благословен сам мистеријом љубави.
Господе, не верујем више
Удавио сам се у живој води
Уклет сам љубављу коју сам добио
Од братове ћерке
Као Хефестион, који је умро,
Александров љубавник,
Сада је корито моје реке исушено
Зар нећу моћи да нађем неку другу?
Оу-воу-воу сам ја,
Јурим као пловер*
Сада сам склон јаду
На то ме подсећа младеж на рамену.
Колико још дуго могу да подносим тугу?
Кос ми је на рамену
И какве везе има
Када се љубав заврши?
Хоћу ли спавати у твом кревету
Реци (моје) несреће
И држати твоје руке над мојом главом
Све до последњег даха
Оу-воу-воу сам ја
Када си ме последњи пут додирнула
О, хоће ли чуда икада престати?
Благословен сам мистеријом љубави.
Cry Baby
I was grabbed by the chest.I staggered back from a powerful punch.
We lined up and crouched.
It rained as forecast, and you grinned.
'The rain would clean the wounds'. You lied.
Don't make dull jokes
when you can't even get a good quarrel going.
It was so boring that it made my eyes water.
Full of blue bruises all over my body,
I repeated my tears over and over again.
While resting my unstable heart on your shoulder,
I will confront those rotten bad ends.
I don't know why but,
I felt the hurt more comfortable than the joy and it echoed heavily.
We clicked our tongues at our wet clothes
and laughed at each other's swollen faces.
The revenge sworn under the heavy rain night.
Unless I can grab them by the chest and punch back,
I can't stand next to you.
No matter who you're dealing with, don't compromise.
No matter how many times they knock you down, don't give up.
I kept telling myself not to forget, not to forget.
I don't need an umbrella. Just give me a word.
I don't need lukewarm kindness.
I need a word that will gouge out the depth of my heart tainted by weakness.
Full of blue bruises all over my body,
I repeated my tears over and over again.
While resting my unstable heart on your shoulder,
I will confront those rotten bad ends.
I don't know why but,
I felt the hurt more comfortable than the joy and it echoed heavily.
We clicked our tongues at our wet clothes
and laughed at each other's swollen faces.
Under the heavy rain night,
eyes are shone as if questioning the days of imprisonment.
The revenge sworn in the shining eyes.
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Just off the shores of Never Land a hideaway at seaYo-ho yo-ho let's go, let's go
A pirate band outwits the plans of Captain Hook
Yo-ho yo-ho let's go, let's go
The brave crew of Never Land Pirates
Jolly liitle Never Land buccaneers
The brave Never Land Pirates are waiting for you
Jake's calling, they need some volunteers
Jake: 'Ahoy!', Izzy: 'Ahoy!'
Cubby: 'Ahoy!', Skully: 'Ahoy!'
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Climb aboard and be a pirate true
Let's go, with Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Sailing the Never Land seas
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Yo ho, let's go
Such A Delight
We were at the bar with friendsWe drunk, laughed and had some fun
After partying so hard
We sat back to a quiet place
A hottie came to me
'Would you dance with me?'
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Would you go out with me?
Would you hang out with me?
Yes or No?
Come on, answer, answer now.
Oh girl, who can ever say no to you?
With those looks of yours?
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
We were at the bar with friends
We drunk, laughed and had some fun
After partying so hard
We sat back to a quiet place
A hottie came to me
'Would you dance with me?'
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Who can ever say no to you,
With those looks of yours?
Would you go out with me?
Would you hang out with me?
Yes or No?
Come on, answer, answer now.
Oh girl, who can ever say no to you?
With those looks of yours?
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch
She's such a sweet delight
Her lips have a taste of honey
I got atticted to her
She hurt me with just one touch