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Број резултата: 210


You, the one that left

You, the one that left
without my will
you, whom I wished
only the best
I'm writing with my heart not with my hand
a song with a message
leave a picture at the chimney,
a glass of wine
leave a memory
so I don't kiss another woman
You, the one that left
that took the happiness with her
you, the one I love and will love

На небу

Тамо где је неком само фебруар под прозором
У мојој улици је већ одавно пролеће.
И дах ми стаје, то као да је од висине,
Јер тако живим, као да летим,
Тако, као да летим
Сваки трен, кад си са мном ти!
Ја сам на небу, мила моја, на небу!
Звездо моја, на небу, откад сам те пронашао.
Ја сам на небу, као на земаљском небу,
Мила, када сам с тобом летим, изнова и изнова!
А ја не знам како почиње дан,
И како се завршио омиљени албум,
Јер не желим ни секунде самоће.
И тамо живим, као да летим,
Тако, као да летим
Сваки трен, кад си са мном ти!
Ја сам на небу, мила моја, на небу!
Звездо моја, на небу, откад сам те пронашао.
Ја сам на небу, као на земаљском небу,
Мила, када сам с тобом летим, изнова и изнова!
Али тада, када нисам сав свој,
И глава ми пуна чудних мисли,
И у души туга, сетићу се
Твојих очију, и све се потпуно мења,
Постаје тако топло!
Ја сам на небу, мила моја, на небу!
Звездо моја, на небу, откад сам те пронашао.
Ја сам на небу, као на земаљском небу,
Мила, када сам с тобом летим, изнова и изнова!
Ја сам на небу, мила моја, на небу!
Звездо моја, на небу, откад сам те пронашао.
Ја сам на небу, као на земаљском небу,
Мила, када сам с тобом летим, изнова и изнова!
Летим, изнова и изнова...
Летим, изнова и изнова...

I told you

i told you not to go , you said leaving has a reason
I told you not to go , you said staying needs an excuse
the route of out love finally divided to a sidetrack
I do not know who passed the wrong way
so what to do with a heart had passed a whole life with you
one who went with you could not come back
my body has been left on street and followed your shadow
beneath every roof you are, look at your shadow-mate ( one who shares shadow with you )
it's impossible to get used to empty place of a love
one should envy you without me
I have always supported you but you have always confronted me
I did not want anything from the world, you were my wish
so what to do with a heart had passed a whole life with you
one who went with you could not come back
my body has been left on street and followed your shadow
beneath every roof you are, look at your shadow-mate ( one who shares shadow with you )
it's impossible to get used to empty place of a love
one should envy you without me
I have always supported you but you have always confronted me
I did not want anything from the world, you were my wish


Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!

You're the reason of..

Your love doesn't get out of my mind
Maybe life is over but it's not
I've written in my heart
It's indelible whatever you do
Don't let this heart loves
Anybody that after you
You're the secret reason
Of my helpless troubles
Don't let the trouble comes at all
In my heart but except love
Getting my gosh the life from me
Let he adds into your life

Jumping Even Higher

We keep on running and continue on singing
Spreading our arms welcoming the sun’s embrace
When the time comes for my fall, you will be there to raise me up even higher
Something akin to the hurt that we have shared
Just like all the wounds that have been healed
When the time comes for our fall, we are ready to jump up even higher
Together we are just like the rain and the forest
I exist because you have been born in this world
Aaaa Aaaah!
I have picked a star, for your keepsake
The light glows calmly to give you protection
as a reminder of our friendship
and as the answer
to all of our trials
before time separates my seconds from your seconds
before our adulthood, before aging, tear us apart
Our heart will always beat the same rhyme
If you find yourself missing me
I have picked a star, for your keepsake
The light, it glows calmly to give you protection
as a reminder of our friendship
and as the answer
to all of our trials
I have picked a star, for your keepsake
The light glows calmly to give you protection
as a reminder of our friendship
and as the answer
to all of our trials


Када ти се мисли роје
Можеш да чујеш како ми куца срце
Кад је тешко твоје бреме
У мени можеш да се скријеш
Питај шта ме гура напред
У питању су достигнућа и растојања
Кад лист лети на ветру и опире му се
Ја се препуштам току и опирем му се
Звезде нису увек ту
Себи веран остај свуд
Не говори ми опрости
Кад на очи ти навру сузе
Пусти их да теку
Кад су наше жеље различите
Прихваташ ме и прихватам те
Погледај ме,
Не мора све да има смисао
Вечност и планета нису пријатељи
И ја сам као пахуља што чека пролеће
Звезде нису увек ту
Себи веран остај свуд
Не говори ми опрости
Не треба да се доказујеш
Вежу нас исте сузе, исти страх
Звезде нису увек ту
Себи веран остај свуд
Не говори ми опрости

Without You

Without you the sun doesn`t warm the earth (anymore),
and inside my heart flowers were lying around
the sky gathered dark rain clouds,
how am I to live without you, I can't leave you alone
Inside my soul it rains, the sky fell down drearly
Bad weather's scent did to you what it did to me
I recall gone delightful seconds, minutes and hours with you
the mist lays down over the top of the mountain Tsabaurti
The mist reflects the mourning echo of the mountain
the heart fades away, in gentle thoutghs about you,
one day we are going to be together,
we will never forget you, I promise!

I Belong To You

Fire without water - what is it?
A man without a soul - who is he?
That is how the world stands
What is a tree without leaves?
What is a canvas without a paintbrush?
An empty, unfulfilled dream
There is something more
Writing our destiny
Shows way with it's hand
Unrelatable relates when you love someone
Like I do you
You, you give color to a gray day for me
You enable me to sleep calmly
Your heart knows I'm here, I belong to you
You are all I'm not
You're the best I know
I belong to you forever
Happiness without sorrow - what is it?
Traveler without a home - who is it?
A man lost and alone
Unrelatable relates when you love someone
Like I do you
You, you give color to a gray day for me
You enable me to sleep calmly
Your heart knows I'm here, I belong to you
You are all I'm not
You're the best I know
I belong to you forever
When I walk by your side
It's like the sky is more clear and everything is more beautiful
You, you give color to a gray day for me
You enable me to sleep calmly
Your heart knows I'm here, I belong to you
You are all I'm not
You're the best I know
I belong to you forever
I belong only to you forever (only to you, only to you)

To Yourself

Versions: #2
When your mind is full of thoughts
You can listen how my heart beats
When your burden is heavy
You can take refuge in me
Ask me what keeps me going forward
achievements and distances
When a leaf goes with the wind and resists it
I go with the flow and resist it
The stars are not always visible
Stay true to yourself
Don't tell me you're sorry
There are tears in your eyes
Let them shed
When we have different wishes
You accept me and I accept you
Look at me, it's not necessary that everything has a meaning
Eternity and this planet are not friends
and I am like a snowflake that waits for spring to come
The stars are not always visible
Stay true to yourself
Don't tell me you're sorry
You don't need to prove yourself
The same tears and the same fear bind us
The stars are not always visible
Stay true to yourself
Don't tell me to forgive you

Come Back

Yes The sun has disappeared somewhere ...
And darkness reigned.
You ... You are no longer there.
Melted, the candle went out
I am dying without you
I am waiting for your tracks
waiting for your call
And you can not see Where are you?
I am dying without you
I am waiting for your tracks
waiting for your call
And you can not see Where are you?
Time again, leaves again
Dust stalks the past
Even unfulfilled dreams come off color
I believe, I will find you and turn the clock back
Again we go away from life
I understand, to live without you is the most difficult
Without you, my life is nothing
Time, time, they say everything heals
Time does not know, but the scars speak of a return
Thought, do not close unhealed scars
Your face is spinning before your eyes
No, time does not cure the pain that without you
Although it brings together the daisies on your grave
I understand that love is not easy
I am far away, but the distance does not make these feelings disappear
If you hear me, the voice of this song
I want to say one thing loudly:
I am dying without you
I am waiting for your tracks, I am waiting for your call
And you can not see Where are you?
Slowly, slowly time stops
The heart does not respond, it is dark in the soul
I miss your look
Come back again believe
Come back, believe again ...

Becomes My Reason

Once I hear your voice, my eyes smile
My way crosses paths with yours, it becomes my reason
Your voice reaches from far away, your smell comes with the wind, your gaze in the mirrors becomes my reason
Your brunette hands, roses of your eyes, the yearning for your body becomes my reason
Maybe you love, it happens, maybe you miss
You close your eyes and say my name
You turn a light on then stare from a distance then see the state I'm in then it becomes my reason
Your brunette hands, roses of your eyes, the yearning for your body becomes my reason


Heartbeat of my called line
Lines - Bilines,
Arrows - zeros...
Stars decided our fates in the sky
pity, not us
Planet is round, flies and rotates
Lets mess everything up, and meet on Saturday
Better if there were clouds - thunder-stroms all once - together,
Then jitters of waiting for sound of telephone...
Call me by pager, by word on telephone-fax
By email com-com-telephone
Everythings difficult and easy
Secrets - questions
hieroglyphics of love not decoded
Hand weapon, ring sometime
Plantes - comets I'll be bit-bit missing you
Heartbeat of my called line
Important - not important, to answer you
Fates made up by people - astrologists
here and on Earth
But people get mixed up
When we meet up
You will a girl or a bear
Better if there were clouds - thunder-stroms all once - together,
Then jitters of waiting for sound of telephone...
Call me by pager, by word on telephone-fax
By email com-com-telephone
Everythings difficult and easy
Secrets - questions
hieroglyphics of love not decoded
Hand weapon, ring sometime
Plantes - comets I'll be bit-bit missing you (x2)

Slobodna ptica

Versions: #2
Ako odem sutra
Hoćeš li me pamtiti?
Jer sad moram da putujem
Toliko je mesta koja moram videti
Ali ako ostanem s tobom, devojko
Stvari više neće iste biti
Jer kao ptica slobodan sam sad
A ovu pticu ne možeš promeniti
A pticu ne možeš promeniti
Ovu pticu ne možeš promeniti
Gospod zna da se ne mogu promeniti
Zbogom, srce, bila je to slatka ljubav, da, da
Iako ovo osećanje ne mogu promeniti
Ali molim te, nemoj da ti to tako teško pada
Gospod zna da sam ja taj kog treba kriviti
Ali ako ostanem s tobom, devojko
Stvari više neće iste biti
Jer kao ptica slobodan sam sad
A ovu pticu ne možeš promeniti
A pticu ne možeš promeniti
Ovu pticu ne možeš promeniti
Gospod zna da se ne mogu promeniti
Gospode, pomozi mi, ne mogu se promeniti
Gospode, ne mogu se promeniti
Uznesi se visoko, Slobodna Ptico, hoćeš li?

Kako Dobro Ne Voleti

Kako dobro ne voleti u ovim danima,
čudnim kao ukus nekog novog začina
sa evropskim bulevarima u mislima
i maglom nad vrtovima i baštama
ali, delikatno i delikatno
čamci izlaze na lenju reku, i
ona danas uopšte nije ona
i Debussy sija nad drugim gradovima
i senzualni minareti na muškim telima
Kako dobro ne voleti - samo zabava
hajde da zaboravimo na dečake
i budemo svete svete svete svete
Kako dobo ne voleti
mrtva okna na njegovom prozoru
i bulevari lepi kao neka maca
kada moje granice bole tvoje prste
dok ona gleda u prvu kišu
na prozorskom oknu posle dugo vremena
slušajući Mariju Calais
bolje poljubiti tajnu
ja ništa ne kažem ...
samo kako dobro ne voleti
kako dobro ne voleti

A star in the sky

My girl is a star in the sky.
A star in the sky that glitters and shines.
I'd give everything to my girl.
My heart and soul she's already taken today.
Without you I feel so sad and bad.
Evenings and days are so long.
Saturdays go by but I still think
that someday you'll knock at the door.
My girl is a star in the sky.
A star in the sky that glitters and shines.
I'd give everything to my girl.
My heart and souls she's already taken today.
I'm standing in front of a window this night
and I go back in my thoughts through the darkness
to those crazy moments spent with you.
Will they come back at least for one day?
My girl is a star in the sky.
A star in the sky that glitters and shines.
I'd give everything to my girl.
My heart and souls she's already taken today.
My girl is a star in the sky...

Know who you are

I've crossed the horizon to find you.
I know your name.
They've stolen the heart from inside you.
But that doesn't define you.
This is not who you are.
You know who you are.

In the sunlight shining through the trees

In the spring's sunlight shining through the trees the wind gently touches my cheeks
It's nostalgic, as if you are by my side
Even if we are far from each other you were still there for me
And yet that alone always lifted my heart
I'm all alone in the empty room , tired of crying
Even if it is just a dream I will always be seeking your face
Farewell, if I were to be together with you again
If I could talk with you I would surely want to honestly convey the feelings that begin to overflow in me now
I've repeated the words「sorry」and「thank you」towards the other side of this vast sky but they won't reach you
When I remember you I'm reminded of nothing but kind words and smiles
even though there were plenty of days we quarreled
You grabbed my hand as if you knew that it was the end
Even now I can't forget the look in your eyes
Farewell, one day the seasons will pass
The time ahead of the never dying tears
Would I start getting used to the everyday life without you
I've repeated the words「sorry」and「thank you」as I embarked on a journy all alone for you my beloved
In a nostalgic photo you are embracing the young me and smiling
Farewell, if I were to be together with you again
If I could talk with you I would surely want to honestly convey the feelings that begin to overflow in me now
I've repeated the words「sorry」and「thank you」towards the other side of this vast sky but they won't reach you

Say longing for father

Ten of thousand of events are still kept in your eyes
Collisions and blows are sculpted on your forehead
You look old and tired
Sweat poured profusely
But you are still strong
Though your breath is sometimes short of breath
Bear the burden of increasingly loaded
You stay
You have understood the black and the red of this path
Your wrinkled cheek bone is a picture of battle
Your shoulder that was once sturdy, sunburned
Now thin and bowed
But the spirit never fades
Though your steps are sometimes trembling
you remain faithful
Dad, in loneliness silence I miss you
to harvest our paddy
But the longing is just a longing
For your son carry a lot of the burden now
You have understood the black and the red of this path
Your wrinkled cheek bone is a picture of battle
Your shoulder that was once sturdy, sunburned
Now thin and bowed
But the spirit never fades
Though your steps are sometimes trembling
you remain faithful

I'm waiting for you

Sunshine, sunshine reggae
Summer around us
I'm waiting here for you
You have smile for me
Let warm winds
Blow through your hair
Don't worry about love
It will find you
Chorus (4x):
Let the music rock you
Flow on a wave, don't change yourself
Hands up and move your hips
One spin, two steps forward!
Sunshine, sunshine reggae
Beach around us
If you want to change something
You know my opinion
Let warm winds
Blow through your hair
Don't worry about love
It will find you
Chorus (4x):
Let the music rock you
Flow on a wave, don't change yourself
Hands up and move your hips
One spin, two steps forward!

Pored tebe ostaću

Pred vratima bele kuće sada stojiš,
kuće, gde bori život se i smrt,
u ruci je beo papir, ništa ne govoriš.
Danima ti nebo pokriva teška tkanina.
Nikad nije tišina tako naglas pevala
i žalost tvoju sreću tako vrlo zagrlila.
Pored tebe ostaću,
i bolji postaću.
Tome životu sada trebaš
za mene, za tebe, nemoj da zaboraviš.
Pored tebe ostaću
i bolji postaću,
kao svaki dan peva zvono
jutru u čast
ja ću da te volim.
Želim da bili bismo jedno kao nikad prije,
svaki dan rođendan i novogodišnja noć.
Kao cirkus biće život,
plači i se smej,
što te sada ubija ti će da dade moć.
Kako bili smo slepi,
zašto smo dozvolili, da samo parče papira kao vetar širi krila?
Pored tebe ostaću,
i bolji postaću.
Tome životu sada trebaš
za mene, za tebe, nemoj da zaboraviš.
Pored tebe ostaću
i bolji postaću,
kao svaki dan peva zvono
jutru u čast
ja ću da te volim.


Свежи лахорак летњег дана
Слушам ехо у мом срца
Учим се како да сложим речи
Време нека само лети
Весели галебови скакућу по обали
Никаква нота сада не би звучала
Подижем главу пошто осушим лице
Време нека само лети
Присећање, повлачење
Повратак, враћање
Мали говор пропушташ
Мудрији и старији сада
Вођа, ученик
Тако луд у џунгли
Помоћник, грешник
Очајнички осмех страшила
Ох! Минути иду све у круг
Унутар моје главе
Ох! Груди ће ми експодирати
на ситне комаде
Крвава киша пада на тло
Један минут заувек
Грешник жали
Моја дивља мизерија се завршава
(И ја) летим на крилима новог дана
Високо где је врх планине
Опет налазим наду и понос
Нановорођен човек
Време нека лети

Walking in pine forest

Walking in pine forest
My steps are small and tired
Going deeper
I'm swallowed by Fata Morgana
Wet soil cliff on the edge of footpath
Like your facial line
Soothing and lovely
Going deeper
I'm gripped by homesickness
White fog crosses over my way
My visibility is only two steps forward
There's a ray of light
Penetrating through the thick leaves
Can it illuminate my way?
And I hope
When will I
arrive there, at the top?
I will ask, who am I
I will ask, who are you
I will ask, who are them
I will ask, who are we

I want to go home

Wherever I go
Your shadow keep chasing me
Wherever I hide
You always find me
I feel tired and want to be alone
I ask anyone
No one answers
Because all the occurence
Only happen in my chest cavity
A long struggle in the silence
I search for the answer at the sea
I aware of my steps, tracing the beach
I feel like I hear a voice
Blocking my way
Stopping my adventure
Doo doo doo
Wherever I go
I always bring it with me
The guilt is haunting me
Could I still open your door
With the key I've broken before
Look at me, laying down and injured
Hear the cry of my soul
I want to go home, oh-hoo
I have to go home, oh-hoo
I want to go home, oh-hoo
I have to go home, oh-hoo
I have to go home

For us to contemplate

We have to be naked and completely clean
Pure, outside and inside our heart
Look inside before you speak up
Throw away the lingering dusts
Throw away the lingering dusts
Mercies and disasters are His will
We must endure it patiently
Just a small whip so we're aware
He is above everything
He is above everything
Screaming kids, burning hot smoke
Lava and storm wiping out
This is not a punishment, just a sign
That we have to clean up a lot of things
Indeed, if we think of it deeply
In chaos, there's still many hands
dare to do evil... oh
God must have count
Deeds and sins we've made
Where will we hide again
Only to Him we'll return
No one will be able to answer
Let's just bow to Him
We have to fight against ourselves
Reflect, and reflect again
God is here, inside this soul
Try to make Him smile... oh
Try to make Him smile.

Whose sin

I heard the sound of your cries
As quiet as the mountain
I see how clear your eyeballs are
As mild as the mountain
Oh oh you're my child
who bears the sin
as you were born
although you should be as transparent as glass
What can I be proud of
You don't understand my words of apology yet
Whose sin, whose sin is this?
Whose fault, whose fault is this?
I should not ask anymore
I heard how cheerful your laugh is
Stabbing my heart
I see how fresh your rosy cheeks are
Like it's so cloudy
Oh oh you're my child
who will grow up soon
with too much burden
although you should be as pure as the moon
What can I crave for
You don't understand my words of regret yet
Whose sin, whose sin is this?
Whose fault, whose fault is this?
The answer is deep in this heart

If I

If the evil knocks the frost
And a snowstorm like a dog
Anyway, I will come
Though shame me to tears
If the mother becomes angry
And my father will not let me in.
Anyway, I will come
To not be able to wait
If I get in trouble
Or I'll almost be delirious
Anyway, I'll come, do you hear?
Dobegu, crawl
If I get in trouble
Or I'll almost be delirious
Anyway, I'll come, do you hear?
Dobegu, crawl
It will not hurt me neither the snow nor the heat
Does not hurt me or anyone to be with you
Will not prevent a hurricane any
To be always with you
If I get in trouble
Or I'll almost be delirious
Anyway, I'll come, do you hear?
Dobegu, crawl
Well, if my track is gone
And dawn came without me
I ask you not to be angry, do not
Know that I'm gone, I'm gone
It will not hurt me neither the snow nor the heat
Will not hurt me no one to be with you
Will not prevent a hurricane any
To be always with you always with you
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

I'm just a stranger

Go , follow the road,
I do not know what to think .
This melody haunts me
Go through life following Poti
My thoughts pass wind
And a little girl my head turns
Wait and do not know what
Just so I'm not like the others .
I recognize you , you 're not the one attendant ,
When I traveled without a ticket you got me covered
Girl , girl, I liked you . Very much so. You know, the whole evening looking at you, You never look at me .
Ay , you awake? And how sweet you were sleeping , and as musically.
Herr Professor you here too? Your new project financed ? Nothing necessarily to finance , certainly.
What are you crying , Madam ? Not reconciled ?
Reconciled , as where to go ?
Provazhayu passing glance
None can not see the help and clarification
Life gives us one more chance
I wonder who will understand my heart said .
My thoughts pass wind
And a little girl my head turns
Wait and do not know what
Just so I'm not like the others .
Simple I am a stranger , not like the others .
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Stop Dawn

Stop dawn, stop dawn
stop, don't break up
in the dark night, my eyes
secretly cried
Stop dawn, stop dawn
stop, don't break up
in the dark night, my eyes
secretly cried
Stop dawn, stop dawn
stop, don't break up
that I will never wake up
that I love him in my dream
I still love him
like on the first day
stop dawn
that I dream of him a bit more
I still love him
like on the first day
stop dawn
that I dream of him a bit more
Stop dawn, stop dawn
stop, don't break up
in the dark night, my eyes
secretly cried
Stop dawn, stop dawn
stop, don't break up
that I will never wake up
that I love him in my dream
that I will never wake up
that I love him in my dream
Stop dawn, stop dawn
stop, don't break up


Why do you sit here silent?
Take what you know and run.
There when you fall asleep, nobody asks what goal you'd like to have.
Again that fear will wake a new day.
Home is warm until morning.
All alone staring in the mirror.
Fear pierces the face.
It covers the ball, let's go there.
Again that fear will wake a new day.
The same familiar twang will drown out our morning.
Again that fear will wake a new day.
The same familiar twang will drown out our morning.
I'm sleeping.


I waited for you
From far away
Cold wind keeps blowing
A very small pinwheel
Just blanking standing there
Looking so lonely as if it’s looking for someone
Felt like I was looking at me
Many things happen
So busy without a breath to catch
Because of this damn world
If I say that’s why we grew apart
Feels like I’m making it up so I have no faults
So I can’t say that
I’m just facing the wind
In the future
So I won’t be sorry
I want to always be waiting, that makes me feel better
Even if you get lost
And it takes you a while
Come round and round back to me
Even if it’s far ahead in the future
People only see the outside
And ask if the wind is cold
They just ask and pass by
Why ask if you’re gonna forget anyway?
Feels like wind from you
So without a word, I’m just waiting
Many things happen
So busy without a breath to catch
Because of this damn world
If I say that’s why we grew apart
Feels like I’m making it up so I have no faults
So I can’t say that
I’m just facing the wind
In the future
So I won’t be sorry
I want to always be waiting, that makes me feel better
Even if you get lost
And it takes you a while
Come round and round back to me
Even if it’s far ahead in the future
Feels like time has hidden
And taken you too
Can’t I see you?
Sometimes, I get bad thoughts
I start to forget you
But don’t cry
It may seem sad
But I’m here
For you
Even if you get lost
And it takes you a while
Come round and round back to me
Even if it’s far ahead in the future

I belong to you

A very long time ago, you passed by me
like a gentle wind,
inside me, you've left a trace
of another one to whom I belong
My love is wild,
your hands are searching for me
you know that there's no need
to kiss me so gently
I'm not the one for you, my dear,
I'm at my best when I'm alone
Come one, tell me now
it's better that I know what you're thinking
oh come one, admit it
why be silent when I'm the best
I'm the best for you
I strongly feel you, I only belong to you
how nice it is when you love me madly
I strongly feel you, I only belong to you
do you need me, do you love me?
My love is wild,
your hands are searching for me
you know that there's no need
for me to kiss you so gently
I'm not the one for you, my dear,
I'm at my best when I'm alone
Come one, tell me now
it's better that I know what you're thinking
oh come one, admit it
why be silent when I'm the best
I'm the best for you
I strongly feel you, I only belong to you
how nice it is when you love me madly
I strongly feel you, I only belong to you
do you need me, do you love me?