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My dear friend

I remember at one night you came from the past,
and I remind your shadow that does not wish to leave.
I remember when I tidied my things.
I met you in my clothes and in my notebook, I meet you.
I say enough for the worries, it is enough.
I collect my papers, and in my room, I go to sleep.
I search in the folds of time,
to find something to offer.
O, time I haven't betrayed.
I live alone in the darkness.
For who has left me, I am still,
I remember my dear friend and it injustices.
You are satisfaction and the most beautiful satisfaction.
I want to have the sky as well as space,
to take you and fly.
If you were almost blown away,
I will forget their story as well as absurdity,
and their talk has not affected me.
I search in the folds of time,
to find something to offer.
O, time I haven't betrayed.
I live alone in the darkness.
For who has left me, I am still,
I remember my dear friend and it injustices.


Постављам себи иста питања,
говорим себи исте лажи.
Сребро на твојој кожи има укус као
филм који вртим у глави.
Ноћи се неће променити
у вечерњим сатима, кад будеш отишла.
Чак и ако боли,
буди моја животиња,
моја брутална осећања,
ноћи се неће променити.
Чак и ако боли,
буди моја животиња,
моја брутална осећања.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

A Friend

If heaven hears my prayer,
Friends, I'm singing tonight
For all those who have nothing,
Nothing on earth.
No friends to wait for them,
To understand them every day,
To give them a bit of love.
Good and evil are alike,
And people fall into this trap.
I don't know what to do
And it seems to me that hell
It's on earth,
Friends who surround me,
Friends for a day.
Good and evil are alike,
But the sky falls into this trap.
A friend always remains a friend,
When life has no more love.
I have always prayed
To have on earth,
On the last night of my life,
The hand of a friend,
To say goodbye to my life,
The eyes of a friend.

Prokletog li proleća

Želja da se zagrlimo i onda...
belo vino, cveće i stare pesme
i smejali smo se samima sebi
Kakva je to bila varka,
prokletog li proleća!
Šta li ostaje od mokrog sna ako
je on po buđenju postao pesma?
Ako bez tebe u naručju
ne mogu više,
kako to da to nije ljubav,
ako bih pogrešila,
zatvorila oči i pomislila na tebe?
Ako bi se vratio kako bih se
ponovo zaljubila, prokletog li proleća,
kakva li je to prevara
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba,
prokletog li proleća?
Ćemu beše tolika žurba,
ako ovo samo mene boli?
Šta li je ostalo u meni,
od maženja koja nisu dotakla srce?
Tu je samo jedna zvezda
koja bi mogla da mi da
nešto ljubavi,
ako bi ti pogrešio,
zatvorio oči i pomislio na mene.
Ako bi se vratio kako bih se
zaljubila, prokletog li proleća,
kakva li je to prevara
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba,
prokletog li proleća?
Ćemu tolika žurba,
ako samo mene boli?
Pusti me da se pretvaram
kako to nije bila ljubav,
ali pogreši i ti,
zatvori oči i pomisli na mene!
Šta li je važno
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba -
to znamo ti i ja!

Nešto me je obuzelo

Oh, oh, nekada imam dobar osećaj, da
Dobijem osećaj koji nikada, nikada nisam imala pre, ne, ne
I moram ti reći sada da ja
Verujem, stvarno verujem da
Me je nešto obuzelo, da (oh, mora da je ljubav)
Ohohoh, nešto me je obuzelo sada, dete(mora da je ljubav)
Pusti me da ti kažem sad
Imam osećaj, osećam se tako čudno
Čini se kao da se sve u vezi mene promenilo
Korak po korak, hodam kao nova
Čak i zvučim slađe kada pričam
Rekla sam, oh, oh, oh
Hej dušo
Oh, mora da je ljubav(znaš mora da je ljubav)
Pusti me da ti kažem sad
Nešto me je nešto obuzelo, da (oh, mora da je ljubav)
Ohohoh, nešto me je obuzelo sada, dete(mora da je ljubav)
Pusti me da ti kažem sad
Nikada se pre nisam ovako osećala
Nešto me je obuzelo i ne pušta me
Verujem da bih umrla ako bih mogla
Definitivno se osećam čudno, ali je osećaj dobar
Pusti me da ti kažem sad
Moje srce je teško, moja stopala su lagana
Tresem se cela, ali se osećam laganom
Nikada se pre nisam osećala ovako
Nešto me je obuzelo i ne pušta
Nikada nisam mislila da bi se moglo desiti meni
Uhvatilo me je jako, ali bezbolno
Nikada nisam mislila da bih mogla biti ovakva
Ljubav će me definitivno povrediti
Da, on hoda kao ljubav(znaš da hoda kao ljubav)
Govori kao ljubav(znaš da hoda kao ljubav)
Čini da se osećam dobro(čini da se osećam dobro)
U sred noći(u sred noći)
La na la la (la la la la)
La na la la (la la la la)

We Grew Together

Versions: #1
We grew together and there was so much to be done
And we also walked, there was so much to learn
We grew together and I accidentally found your hands
We kept on growing, with every note of that piano
And then now what? Where will the ones we knew go now?
Those who we followed to the end
I am going down new paths
With all the things that we've been through
Magic and creativity
Truth in all the hearts
Multicolored skies
That's what I want to remember
Your hand is always by my hand
We grew together, with a dream in every look (every look)
And we also walked, with the passion that always guided us (lots of passion)
We grew together so we can reflect on ourselves
We kept on changing but always picked ourselves up
And then now what? (what?) Where will the ones we knew go now?
The ones not there
The ones we followed
And those who one day will return
And now I know (I know)
You will always be here by my side
I see the light that you give me
I am going down new paths
With all the things that we've been through
Magic and creativity
Truth in all the hearts
Multicolored skies
That's what I want to remember
Your hand is always by my hand
That helps me to continue on
And together we have reached to the end (to the end)
Like in a song
Who starts over again
Giving hope to a heart
There is no end
You know how it is
Nothing to fear
I won't be afraid
I won't be afraid
I am going down new paths
With all the things that we've been through
Magic and creativity
Truth in all the hearts
Multicolored skies
That's what I want to remember
Your hand is always by my side
That helps me to continue on
And together we have reached to the end

Into psychosis

gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in hell
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in hell
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in hell
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down, no no no
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other
paranoia is the best entertainment
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other

The adventure of the queen bee

Something in the gardens
is calling for me endlessly.
The rain in the leaves
seems trustworthy
Blessed be this wind
and behind the walls
I hear something telling me:
I knew you would come here
to this cave
I suppose you're going to get used
to the total silence
Inferior world
that is eternal
like evil itself.
This way, there will be no other light
for tomorrow
to lament
while dying
the desert of the thirst for loving
and for blossoming
you will never escape from here!
Oh, oh!'
Without leaving my wonder
I begin observing
thousands of beehives
burning in the fire
millions and millions of deaf tapirs
('Oh my God')
'but this is hell'
I told myself.
Well, I don't care
I know very well
that I will get out of here
out of your beehive
maybe the lights
that will rise will bring Peace
that colour so different
to this, without a doubt
and I know that I won't care
if I die in the light of one summer
while biting my prey
while giving up
leaving my sting in it
Oh, oh!
That way, without noticing
I broke the riddles
and in an insane impulse
I left the cave
and I heard the lightning sound
and I ran through a thousand flower beds
where shy flowers
died with the rain.
In that instant I understood
that explaining this to someone
would be useless.
The lights trembled
with the fury of the wind
and the wet leaves
with pearls of the dawn
saw me flee.
Oh, oh!

Emptiness in outer space

Come get the stones
all your music
so long after the rain
comes out to see its ghost….
Remember that the moon
is just a body
between your tears
and the emptiness in outer space…
Come tell the leaves
of all your captive flowers
say goodbye to me, tell me please
I will not know what you think
Remember that the hours
are made
of the bricks
of your crystal soul…
Think about that in your steps
a star is being born
a star…
a star…
a star….
a star….
You dream of dreaming of living here
where there will be mornings forever
that the light will be with you
as inviolable as the time here
Remember that the moon
is just a body
between your tears
and the emptiness in outer space…

And your love is an old medal

The wind and the rain
used up your voice
the heavenly bodies trembled without knowing
you loved and you slept
and the sun went away
And your love is an old medal
And your love is an old medal
The bridges of the body
whistled in you
the berries fell on your skin
you watched and you didn't see
and the sun went away
And your love is an old medal
And your love, I will find it
The lights of the soul
without walls and without thirst
will have to find each other at the end
The gold and death
changed your loving
they bartered your laughter for fear
you loved and you slept
and the sun went away
And your love is an old medal
And your love, moon in the nothingess
And your love is an old medal
And your love, well, I will find it...


[Увод: Сиа]
Ох, ох
[Стих 1: Сиа]
Једно стопало испред друге бебе
Један дах доводи до другог, да
Само се крећи, ох
Потражите снагу данас
Слушајте глас да каже
Само се крећи, ох
[Пре-рефрен: Сиа]
Иди, иди, иди
Схвати, схвати, али немој престати да се крећеш
Иди, иди, иди
Схвати, схвати, то можеш и ти
[Рефрен: Сиа]
Па љубави моја, настави да трчиш
Мораш проћи данас
Ето љубави, настави да трчиш
Морам да задржим те сузе
Ох, љубави моја, не престај да гориш
Послат ћу их у пламен
У пламену
[2. стих: Сиа]
Не заустављајте се, сутра је други дан
Не заустављајте се, сутра нећете осетити бол
Само се крећи
Не заустављај се, прошлост ће те спотакнути
Знаш, сад мора бити довољно
Само се крећи
[Пре-рефрен: Сиа]
Иди, иди, иди
Схвати, схвати, али немој престати да се крећеш
Иди, иди, иди
Схвати, схвати, то можеш и ти
[Рефрен: Сиа]
Па љубави моја, настави да трчиш
Мораш проћи данас
Ето љубави, настави да трчиш
Морам да задржим те сузе
Ох, љубави моја, не престај да гориш
Послат ћу их у пламен
У пламену
[Мост: Сиа]
У пламену
У пламену
Иди, иди, иди
Схвати, схвати, али немој престати да се крећеш
Иди, иди, иди
Схвати, схвати, то можеш и ти
[Рефрен: Сиа]
Па љубави моја, настави да трчиш
Мораш проћи данас
Онда љубави моја, настави да трчиш
Морам да задржим те сузе
Ох, љубави моја, не престај да гориш
Послат ћу их у пламен
У пламену

Love, love, love

Love, love, love,
Was born of you, was born of me,
Was born of hope...
Love, love, love,
Was born of God for both of us,
Was born of the soul...
Feeling that your kisses were nested on me,
Like carrier pigeons, the messengers of light,
Knowing that my kisses were left in you,
Making the sign of the cross on your lips.
Love, love, love,
Was born of you, was born of me,
Was born of hope...
Love, love, love,
Was born of God for us two,
Was born of the soul...
Was born of you, was born of me,
Was born of hope...
Was born of God for us two,
Was born of the soul...
Feeling that your kisses were nested on me,
Like carrier pigeons, the messengers of light,
Knowing that my kisses were left in you,
Making the sign of the cross on your lips.
Love, love, love
Was born of you, was born of me,
Was born of hope...
Love, love, love,
Was born of God for both of us,
Was born of the soul...

Absolute Hope Birthday

In the middle of the school building at night, I keep waiting for my heart to dance
and think of the moment when
'I was born to meet you'
So c'mon boot up, warm up, hang up…make up, mess up, down up
I'll dedicate all of me to you
That's right think up, pop up, pull up…brush up try and protect
The strongest last ray of hope
Woah woah...sparkle and shine
Woah woah...fascinate me more and more
Woah woah....don't stop the groove
Shine as you overcome despair 'I miss you'
An absolute hope birthday
I'm waiting for the moment you to awaken
while becoming swallowed by a stream of crimson tears
So c'mon lock up, mix up, cut up…key up, sex up, wrap up
Drown in this nonsense
That's right break up, use up, end up…hook up connect to me
After the most tragic disaster comes a ray of hope
Woah woah....dance and sing
Woah woah....You'll be the happiest you've ever been
Woah woah....I can't crawl further up
Despair can only be born 'I want you'
Absolute hope is diehard
Woah woah....dance and sing
Woah woah....You'll be the happiest you've ever been (Forever!)
Woah woah...sparkle and shine
Woah woah...fascinate me more and more
Woah woah....don't stop the groove
Shine as you overcome despair 'I miss you'
Absolute hope is diehard
in an absolute hope birthday

Boys, unleash the horses

Boys, unleash the horses, you shall go to sleep yourself
I'm going to the leaf garden, to the garden to dig a well
I dug, I dug, I dug a well in the cherry garden
Is a maiden arriving to the well in a hurry and a rush?
I'm looking, looking


[Први стих: Делајла Монтагу]
Не могу да идем довољно брзо
Да се ослободим твоје љубави
И нисам била довољно јака
Да оставим и оставим нестало
Не могу да видим довољно јасно
Да прозрем кроз прашину коју си оставио
И не могу да се надрогирам довољно
Да бих заборавила зашто плачем (ја плачем, ја плачем)
[Рефрен: Делајла Монтагу]
Па ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у глуво доба ноћи
Док не останем без љубав према теби, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
О, ја ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у бескрајно небо
Док не останем без љубави за тебе, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
[Постхор: Делајла Монтагу]
Возићу целу ноћ
Возићу целу ноћ
Оставићу све иза себе
Возићу целу ноћ
[Други стих: Делајла Монтагу]
Сликам силуету (сликам силуету)
У сенци сваког фара
Појачам радио (појачам радио)
Али не могу да искључим свој ум
Некако дођеш до мене (некако дођеш до мене)
Није важно коју удаљеност пређем
Наша љубав је мртва мени (мртва мени)
Али ја верујем у духове
[Рефрен: Делајла Монтагу]
Па ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у глуво доба ноћи
Док не останем без љубави за тебе, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
Ох ја ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у бескрајно небо
Док не останем без љубави за тебе, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
[Пост-рефрен: Делајла Монтагу]
Возићу целу ноћ, возићу целу ноћ
Оставићу све то, возићу целу ноћ
Возићу целу ноћ, возићу целу ноћ
Оставићу све то, возићу целу ноћ
Возићу целу ноћ

Completely different

It is her
She is completely different1 from all the others
She split my heart into two halves
Once I saw her, in a blink of an eye,
My life began
It is her
Whom I wished to find and meet oneday
Before her was none. And none will be after
She is as pretty as the moon. No, she is prettier
This is gonna tire me out
There is something in me, something happens to me when she comes closer. Oh, Love, my heart has melt down
This smile is unusual. My life becomes more wonderful when we are together
There is something in me, something happens to me when she comes closer. Oh, Love, my heart has melt down
This smile is unusual. My life becomes more wonderful when we are together
Didn't I say that she is completely different from all the others
Once our eyes met I forgot myself in a second
It is her
It is her
She has genuine oriental beauty
Her beauty has no equal
Once my eyes saw her, they wondered how beautiful she is!
It is her
Her beauty is an unrepeated wonder
The details in the features of her face
Made me lose myself and tired me out
How could it happen!
It is her
She has genuine oriental beauty
Her beauty has no equal
Once my eyes saw her, they wondered how beautiful she is!
There is something in me, something happens to me when she comes closer. Oh, Love, my heart has melt down
This smile is unusual. My life becomes more wonderful when we are together
There is something in me, something happens to me when she comes closer. Oh, Love, my heart has melt down
This smile is unusual. My life becomes more wonderful when we are together
Didn't I say that she is completely different from all the others
Once our eyes met I forgot myself in a second
It is her
  • 1. Lit: she is in other place

Doretta's glorious dream

Versions: #1
Who could bring to light
Doretta's glorious dream?
Why has its secret
been disclosed?
Alas! One day a student
kissed her mouth
and that kiss
was a revelation:
It was passion!
Insane love!
Sensual orgy!
The soft caress
of a kiss so ardent,
who will ever be able to express that?
Ah! My dream!
Ah! My life!
What does wealth matter
when at last flourishes
blissful happiness?
Oh golden dream
to be able to love like that!

Courage to love

Now come away with me
because time ends if
you are satisfied to dreaming.
If you want it, I'll take you
on the threshold of a bonfire -
it will be nice to burn.
Unaware Salome,
I dance there for you
in bitter ecstasy.
The illusion will pass,
what will remain
In me?
The courage to love,
do not run away from myself!
The universe is here with me,
how blue there is
in and out of the sea!
Wanting to die
for fear of suffering -
damn anesthesia,
don't take away
my life!
Everything will end,
hope will fade
if you don't look over the border.
You told me: 'I go away!'
You just have to storm
you will freak out.
When a crossroads will appear,
what will you do? It's already decided -
you will search with a smile.
The courage to love,
do not run away from yourself!
The universe is here with us,
look how many things you will have
inside and outside this immense blue sea!
I said to myself: 'Leave it alone,
I can no longer risk! ».
Slave of jealousy,
I will not lock up my life!
The courage to love -
want to invent
a new humanity
than in simplicity
know how to breathe.
Courage will come
like another vanity
or a castle in the clouds in the city.
This here is my life -
I will respect it whatever it is!
The courage to love
it can come back even when you don't expect it anymore.
Too easy is to hate
and in the end you lose it.
The courage to love
it is the strength to believe in what you do

Look me again

I would tear up my dreams
to feel that you are there
And give way to reality
Now here among us
it's a still sunset -
there is no news.
We are free solitudes

Summer: The adventure / Don't say you love me / And I fall in love still / Wait for me / My wrongful love / I love you more

It will be forever, as long as it lasts,
This beautiful adventure.
In your eyes and hands,
The tenderness of tomorrow.
It will be forever, the fear
That each time an adventure
Holds its own ending,
Holds another beginning.
It will be forever, just a day
A day you can remember
Like the birth of a flower
That comes with the Spring.
~ ~ ~
Don't say you love me
Don't ever say it.
The things you don't say
Grow hidden like that,
In your heart.
Love is a strange flower
That blooms in silence
And has a light scent
That can only be noticed by
Those who know how to love.
No one knows
Why you love me so
And I have to tell you,
I don't know it either.
~ ~ ~
When I wake up,
And it's raining outside,
But it's warm inside,
And you're here.
I look at you, you're always
The same as before,
Time has forgotten about you.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
Time passes by
Even at night
Time is all I have
When I look at you, while you're sleeping
It seems
That time never passes.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
When I look at you, I feel like laughing,
When I look at you, I feel like crying,
When I look at you, I feel like living,
Living as I wish.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
~ ~ ~
Wait for me.
If I don't see you, then wait for me
I'm never far, look for me
I'm lost if you lose me.
Wait for me,
The evening is coming, wait for me.
I can't be alone, hold me
By the hand, like this,
So I won't get lost.
Embrace me,
Or else the music will stop.
Let's go in your dreams,
Kill me:
I can't live if I don't have you, anyway.
~ ~ ~
My wrongful love
Doesn't resemble me,
How wonderful.
My wrongful love
Never agrees
With what I say.
My stubborn love
Always tells me yes.
If only it would change its mind, for once!
And I walk on a wire,
So unlikely,
In her hands.
And selfishness, how wonderful
If the world is in ruins
After all, to me,
You're the world.
~ ~ ~
I love you
Than you love me.
But you,
I know,
Don't want to think about it.
To you,
Life is simple and endless.
To you, love
Doesn't need the lies I tell.
But the lies I make up
Are the truth,
The only truth
That gives me peace.

Absolutely Monsieur

Do you exist or do you not?
Are you? Are you?
These sorts of things are
Meaninglessly boring, I love you
If I say I love you, this sort of
Get a hold of yourself, you're really a huge pain
Don't you miss out on this perfect water temperature
Full of anger, in other words jealous
At a temperature that would make even the kettle boil, GO
I pretended to find it difficult
I didn't feel like deciding with rock paper scissors
Wait (wait)
Hold on, ahh
I felt like tackling it with all I had
I didn't feel like stepping down at the last second,
After all
Maybe I'll ask for something just one more time
Are you dictating or are you not?
Heil! Heil!
You can't go in
An absolutely sovereign monsieur, mon amour
Bye bye in the night
Bye bye in the holy night
Bye bye in the night
Bye bye in the night
Come, come in the night
Come, come in the holy night
Come, come in the night
Come, come in the night
I was holding a bomb
I didn't feel like deciding with rock paper scissors
Wait (wait)
Hold on, ahh
Shall we end this experiment?
Shall we go downtown singing la-la?
That's right, we meet at 2 am
Ahh, why did it turn out like this?
I didn't feel like stepping down at the last second,
After all
Maybe I'll ask for something just one more time

Scorching Night (Dancin' in the Middle of the Night)

Dancin' in the middle of night
Dancin' in the middle of night
Everything near me seems like it's gonna bleed
Into the sand that's been charred by heavy rain
My dream that was burnt then shredded to pieces
Now tickles my brain enough for fumes to come out
Our love that was merely born under urban city lights
Is now a wind, that passes through the dry dunes
※I'm just dancing in the middle of the night
Without caring 'bout comfort
In a never-changing midnight, let me dance barefoot in the
Dancin' in the middle of night
Until my body is gone
'Til it reaches my fingertips, let me dance barefoot in the sand
If you get sucked into the desert sandstorm
Even your dreams will fall to the darkness of the night
When I think back on when I cared about your whispered lies
I can't help feeling dizzy, as the thought flies through me
I'm just dancing in the middle of the night
On my stage in the night sky
Scatter stardust, perfume my tears, as I cry my way through the night
Dancin' in the middle of the night
Without caring 'bout comfort
In a never-tired midnight, let me dance barefoot in the sand
Even though I can hear all the waves add up
So to recollect all of my memories
※ repeat

For You To Stay

J Balvin
David Guetta
[Verse 1]
She isn't easy to reach
Night comes and she knows how she should behave with me
Everybody watching her dance
And they are jealous because they want my place
Just look at how she moves
There's people watching and they dare
They want things that they shouldn't and that I rebel
I'm just playing it for you to stay
You're manipulating me with your powers
You keep doing that, provoking me
That attitude is killing me
I know that I will invent something
For you to stay
For you to stay
For you to stay
[Verse 2]
'What do you want from me?', I ask you
If they ask we are just friends
It's way more that what I imagined
I looked for you and I found you
If you keep looking at me there will be punishment
Tell me where you are going I will follow you
Give me your hand and take me with you
I won her over, I took her with me
I'm just playing it for you to stay
You're manipulating me with your powers
You keep doing that, provoking me
That attitude is killing me
I know that I will invent something
For you to stay
For you to stay
For you to stay
I'm just playing it for you to stay
You're manipulating me with your powers
You keep doing that, provoking me
That attitude is killing me
I know that I will invent something
For you to stay
For you to stay
You keep doing that, provoking me
That attitude is killing me
I know that I will invent something
For you to stay

Someone Waits for Me

There is someone already waiting for me,
whom I know will come to meet me
and will never abandon me.
There is someone but I don't know who it is—
he is perhaps here, next to me,
and my heart will not recognize him.
I will find again in the crowd
he who smiles at me.
I will hear his friendly voice
that will greet me.
There is someone that I will kiss.
There is someone who loves me
and is the only one that I will love.
There is someone that I will kiss.
There is someone who loves me
and is the only one that I will love.

Goodbye planet Earth

Every Sunday I descend into the cellar,
I grab a screwdriver and start to build a space ship,
I add a turbine to the engine,
to the radiator, a timing belt
I paint wings on the rudder
and protect the fuselage with the asbestos plates.
I pour fuel into the tank,
I load first aid supplies,
I secure along tea and bread,
I fasten safety belt and helmet strap fastener,
I turn fuel valve open
I feed spark to the ignition engine
I set my cell phone into the airplane mode,
and blast myself to the winds of sky.
Goodbye planet Earth,
I depart to greet my creator.
Goodbye, comrade Stalin.
goodbye, Noah ark,
goodbye, African savanas
goodbye, emperor Nero
goodbye, the third reich,
goodbye, radioactive rays
goodbye, the Pacific ocean
goodbye, Egyptian pyramids
goodbye, internet
goodbye, babushka
goodbye, Pontius Pilatus
goodbye, subway stations of Moscow
goodbye, Jules Verne
goodbye, illuminati
goodbye, cash machines
goodbye, father Sun
goodbye, Mao's red book
goodbye, seventh continent
goodbye, Ural rowan
goodbye, Alla Pugatšova

Glinena možda

Ako ne pevam ono što osećam
umreću iznutra.
Moram vrištati na oluje dok ne puknem
čak i kada postoji samo vreme
na mestu je gde sam ja.
Ako želim da dodirnem moju dušu
jer moje meso sada nije ništa
moram da stopim svoje ostatke sa nesanicom
čak iako moja usta istrunu od ćutanja.
Ja već to želim
već postajem
glinena možda..
Ovo je zaista moja srž
gde će sekira da udari
gde će reka presušiti
toliko da će moći da utihne.
Trenuci me već požuruju
moj hram je već oplakan.
Moj mozak je ispljunuo kraj priče
od početka koji će se možda nastaviti.
Ako želim,da dodirnem moju dušu
jer moje telo sada nije ništa
moram da stopim svoje ostatke sa nesanicom
čak iako moja usta istrunu od ćutanja.
Već želim to
već postajem
pesma, glinena možda..
Ovo je zaista moja srž
gde će sekira da udari
gde će reka presušiti
toliko da će moći da utihne.


If every intention is misunderstood, how is it that you all are adults?
To me who loves vastnesses, you just have to throw a punch
but throwing a punch costs fatigue, ruins your best clothes
Will this be the price of adapting?
'Cause as you can see, I'm not an expert of this culture
I remain standing apart, because this is the part that I prefer.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
and to you, who plays the part of the Virgin but who doesn't got what it takes.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
How is it that I don't believe you and I don't beg/pray to you? No,
You don't got what it takes
How I wanted for everything to have been given to me!
But it's a low and dishonest thing,
I'll be merciless with myself.
But throwing a punch costs fatigue, ruins your best clothes
Will this be the price of adapting?
'Cause as you can see, I'm not an expert of this culture
I remain standing apart, because this is the part that I prefer.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
and to you, who plays the part of the Virgin but who doesn't got what it takes.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
How is it that I don't believe you and I don't beg/pray to you? No,
You don't got what it takes
Golden bridges towards nothingness*
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
and to you, who plays the part of the Virgin but who doesn't got what it takes.


Ah! Jednom je bilo zabavno, dvaput kobno
Stiže osveta (bum, bum)
Mali promašaj je dovoljan
Stiže osveta
Okej, osveta
Zapadni Beč, osveta
Fünfhaus, osveta (okay)
Osveta (ah), osveta (yeah)
[Part 1]
Balavče, sećaš li se ko sam ja? (Heh?)
Tada u Zapadnom Beču bez ičega
Njih osmorica, a ja sam sa Jasminom
Okej, skapirali smo, ali sada sve ima smisla
Zato ništa ne zaboravljam, mnogi su me mlatili
Jedni su gledali, drugi se pridružili
Šteta tvoja, da sam sada ono što jesam
Gledajte sad, kako će da vas progone kroz Zapadni Beč
Ah! Jednom je bilo zabavno, dvaput kobno
Stiže osveta (bum, bum)
Mali promašaj je dovoljan
Stiže osveta
Okej, osveta
Zapadni Beč, osveta
Fünfhaus, osveta (okay)
Osveta (ah), osveta (yeah)
[Part 2]
Šta misliš, ko si ti, malo kopile?
Odakle dolaze tvoje fantazije?
Okej, trkalo se još od 'Antracita'
A ti, kurvin sine, misliš da to lako možeš zaraditi
Bože me sačuvaj, nisam Pablo (ey)
Ali dođi ovde, isprašiću te k.o (ey)
Bam-bam-bam za Ivana Dragu (oh)
Ah, rekao si nešto? Ne čujem te u Lambordžiniju
Bože, molim te, drži pacove dalje od mog puta
Inače će biti problema (ah)
Možeš laprdati o svemu na kafi
Ali svakako će biti prekasno jer (ey, ey, ey)
Ah! Jednom je bilo zabavno, dvaput kobno
Stiže osveta (bum, bum)
Mali promašaj je dovoljan
Stiže osveta
Okej, osveta
Zapadni Beč, osveta
Fünfhaus, osveta (okay)
Osveta (ah), osveta (yeah)
Više ne dolazim u miru, sada je prekasno
Kontrolišemo ceo Beč, kuda ćeš otići?
Maserati GT, osveta
Ferrari Fefe, osveta
Brate, sve je okej, osveta
Brate, sve je okej, osveta (ahh)
Nekada nije bilo ničega za nas, sada je besplatno
Parkiram gde hoću, ispred kafića (ey)
Maserati GT, osveta
Ferrari Fefe, osveta
Brate, sve je okej, osveta
Brate, sve je okej, osveta (ahh)
Ah! Jednom je bilo zabavno, dvaput kobno
Stiže osveta (bum, bum)
Mali promašaj je dovoljan
Stiže osveta
Okej, osveta
Zapadni Beč, osveta
Fünfhaus, osveta (okay)
Osveta, osveta
Stiže osveta

Pesma za dane života

Ovog dana ću početi rasti
Videću da li mogu trčati
Sa jutrom koje zviždi iza leđa
Ili me gleda sa mehurićima
Moram naučiti leteti
Među tolikim ljudima
Moja krila čuvaju limeni gnomi (patuljci)
Koji se noću nikada ne smeju
Ukoliko kiša ovde padne
Samo ću živeti
Pokvasiću krila poput drveta ili anđela
Ili ću možda umreti od tuge
Imam za danas vremena na pretek
Satovi će učiniti da pevam
Pena se vrti oko moje kože
Dali su mi ruke kako bih pričao s njim
Stvari o sebi
Napokon je moj vilenjak rođen
Ima bele uši
Poput daha hleba i pirinča
Gljiva kao nos
Četiri lude dlake
I jedna violona koja nikada ne prestaje
Samo se širi i poput venaca je
Ovaj dan je poput soli
Ostavio me da vibriram pri rođenju
Težak je i lagan kao nit bez imena
Zvuči malo kao moja gitara
Treba da naučim da postanem svetlost
Među tolikim ljudima iza
Staviću zrake ovog sunca koje me čeka
Kako bi me iskoristilo kao vazduh
I napokon se moj vilenjak otvorio
Ima srce od stolnjaka i palice
I klima glavom videvši da je sve istina
Gnomi ćuvaju
Violinu koja večno svira
Nikada ne spava i poput venaca je
Nikada ne prestaje, samo se širi
I poput venaca je

Whore That Could Be Killed By A Fist

Cursed be the day I met you
Afterwards everything is clear,
I know the whole truth about you
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, it's time to die
Time to say goodbye to life
Now that you will get beaten, there's no one to save you
Not even fucking dogs are jumping
I was highly shocked when I noticed all the cellulite
Although you are so young, your ass looks fifty years old
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, your cunt is ugly
It smells fucking bad
When I licked it, I had to swallow my own vomit
I still have nightmares about that
Die, whore die!
Die, whore die!
[Solo: A. Kippo]
If you don't even know where Japan is located
Then it just means that you're a fucking idiot
Hey, you whore that could be killed by a fist, it's time to die
Time to say goodbye to life
Now that you will get beaten, there's no one to save you
Not even fucking dogs are jumping
I can't wait for the day
When I slay your large ass
If you think this is over now
I've got plans for your whole family
I'll make you all suffer
You will experience horrible fate
None of you will stay alive
I'll laugh as I piss on your grave

Could you stop?

I'll never make you believe that I really don't want to
Go to have fun with you anymore
When you always just repeat your own story
We've heard it so many times before
Well, there are stories that people like to tell
But sometimes they just aren't that interesting
Could you stop?
I don't care to listen to
Your stupid stories
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
How tough of a guy you are
I'll never make you believe that I really don't want to
Spend my time on the same old shit anymore
Can't you realize that others want to live
They want to see themselves, not hear or understand
Well, there are stories that people like to tell
But sometimes they just aren't that interesting
Could you stop?
I don't care to listen to
Your stupid stories
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
How tough of a guy you are
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.