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What is Your Problem + I love you + Three Heartbeats + Oh my Night + I’m Hiding Love

[What is your Problem?]
My heart, tell (me) what’s your problem that you’re hiding from me
Ah, what’s bothering you, what’s bothering you?
Did you fall in love without conferring with the mind?
Ah, what’s bothering you, what’s bothering you?
Aman, aman, aman, what makes you worried? What makes you worried? (x4)
[I Love You]
Whenever I intend to forget you
Memories get me back to you
And it seems that up to now
I still love you and see you from time to time
Being apart from you, oh, apart from you
Has broken my heart and tortured me
And I vowed to stay loving you
Till the very last day (x2)
[Three Heartbeats]
Whenever love grows,
My heart comes to live in fantasies
A ballad can be recited about that body of yours
Oh, eyes, oh, my lord, how beautiful the days could be
When they offer love to our hearts
All bad things that happened come to vanish in the spur of the moment
[Oh, my night]
Oh, my night, oh, night
Mother, from where can I start complaining
They told me: “no, no,
You’re still young”, (but) a grief is within my heart
I want to fly, to fly up high
They want to cut my wings off
Your child is suffocating
And asking for your forgiveness
[I’m Hiding Love]
I’m hiding love but my eyes come to manifest it
I’m having it killed but my extreme love gives it life again
And my tormentor has beautiful characteristic, elegant
(And) all types of beauty has been collected to be within her/him

Who Among Us

Versions: #2
Who among us chose his eye color... and his birth date.. and his name?
There are many things like this in life ... that exist and we don't know why.
Like my heart when it beats with one word of good and truth
Like my neighbor when he smiled at me- he cracked the image of alienation he cracked
Like a mosque with a Nile (?) beside it, Like a monastery from a thousand generations
It's not important from which religion, what's important that you're lovely
Like a prison with a thousand doors, like a young man from egypt melting (in love)
Like a girl (بنوت ف شبرا) in a cross or a hijab
Like a flower blossoming, like a wave swimming
Like a hymn praying for the poor
And there are many things like this in life
A road and we must walk it
Glory be to Him, He's the beginning And Him alone knows what's the end
And there are many things like this in life
A road and we must walk it
Glory be to Him, He's the beginning And Him alone knows what's the end

You'll Forget Her (May You Live and Leave)

Nothing goes faster than days
You will surely forget her
So whether you loved her or didn't,
it doesn't matter
It's all the same
And so what you paid the bill for her,
and got her teddy bears one day?
You are romantic, yes
A fool, yes
But still may you live long and leave others1
You are a chivalrous lad
And you understand everything
You are hot-blooded
She isn't your type anyways
Have you ever even said 'Mommy' one day?
You don't like like Mohanad
nor do you look like Karim2
You are an Egyptian young man
with the typical big belly
And you never go on a diet
Oh man, let her go
Don't mind it
You're better off without her and her love
Nothing goes faster than days
You will surely forget her
She even forgets when she should meet you,
doesn't long for you
and isn't ever jealous about you
She tells you 'Baby' a lot
And wants you to be a softie
Well how can someone that is called 'baby'
ever grow and become big?
  • 1. I.e: May you live long so you can forget even more negative experiences.
  • 2. Turkish Tv show characters. Their actors are handsome guys that are famous in Egypt.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I fought for your sake

I fought against everyone for your sake
And I became stubborn
I wouldn’t listen to what they’d say about you
I lost everyone
Because of you, ungrateful* one
Until the axe hit the head (i.e. it became too late)
Because of you, because of you**
They told me that you love tragedies
And that you betray the heart (that loves you), and that disloyalty is your art
They said, and repeated, and they provoked my senses (i.e. provoked me)
How often have they told me this and that about you
Oh, you whose existence in my life is essential,
Think before you disappear because you’ve
Become everyone to me, cruel one
And what if I’m disappointed in you?
You won’t be disappointed.

Vernal Waters

Versions: #2
The fields are still white from the snow,
But waters hum in vernal game
And wake up sleepy banks below,
They run, they sparkle and proclaim...
They herald news to every side:
'Here comes the spring, here comes the spring,
We're messengers of young spring tide,
She's sent us out, fresh news we bring!
Here comes the spring, it's here to stay,
And merry vernal roundelay
Of warm and quiet days in May
Is jostling right behind to play!..'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Sun Shines Bright, The Waters Shimmer...

The sun shines bright, the waters shimmer,
The smiles and life're in every thing,
The trees rejoice, extol, and shiver,
While bathing in blue heaven stream.
The trees intone, the water shimmers,
With love the air is imbued,
The thriving world of nature glimmers,
It's full of life, it feels renewed.
Yet even in excessive rapture
No ecstasy is stronger than
A single smile, emotion captured
In jaded soul that stirred a man...
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

We managed to sit during a tiring trip

We managed to sit during a tiring trip
on the side of the road for a moment of rest
and feel the same shadows flow upon our foreheads
and cast our tired gazes on the far horizon.
But the unbending time still flows by, relentless
and will soon take apart all that it once united.
So does man, goaded by an invisible might,
sink, gloomy and lonely, into the depths of space.
And yet, of all these hours of friendship that we shared,
of all this common life, what is left to us now?
A glance, a few sincere words, some fragments of thoughts...
Alas, has what is no more ever existed?
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

They Can't Be Brought To Reason - Waste Of Time...

They can't be brought to reason - waste of time,
The more they're liberal, the more they're vulgar,
Civilization's their fetish shrine,
But its idea dodges them, no wonder!
It doesn't matter, gents, how low you bow
Before Old World: it'll never recognize you,
For in its eyes you'll always be lowbrows,
But not the kindred servants of enlightenment.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

I can't forget

she told me 'leave if you can'
'go live and leave me alone'
I told her that my heart is broken
how could I ever live without you
she told me 'leave if you can'
'go live and leave me alone'
I told her that my heart is broken, how could I live
I can't forget
and my heart can never be cold for you
still everything in my life
reminds me of you
when you loved me
love kept growing in my heart
and you listened to your family and people
and this love is uncontrollable
when you loved me
love kept growing in my heart
and this love is uncontrollable
I can't forget
and my heart can never be cold for you
still everything in my life
reminds me of you
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


In the Embrace of Your Eyes

I found myself in the embrace of your eyes
And I will remain yours
I've been waiting for you my whole life
My entire life is all yours
Years go
Years pass by
My darling, I will live my life with you
Don't push me away
for my sake, please.
I have no one but you
Being with you
I have reached the last of my dreams
I finally don't fear
the world and the days
Darling, you are the one who made me forget
the nights in the past
Oh you've taken away my heart, my eyes
And my soul too
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Free Flowing Sand Up To The Kneecaps...

Free flowing sand up to the kneecaps...
We ride, it's late, the day grows dark,
The pine tree shadows covered thin gaps
And merged into one shadow mark.
The thickets're getting darker, lines're creased -
More rueful place just can't be found!
And gloomy night, like hundred-eyed beast,
Looks out from every bush around!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Day Grows Dark, The Night Is Nigh...

The day grows dark, the night is nigh,
The shadow from the hill grows long,
The clouds go out in the sky...
It's late. The day grows darker though.
But I don't fear the gloom of night,
I don't regret the waning day, -
Just you, the fairy ghost of mine,
Don't leave me now, I beg you: stay!..
Please, cover me with your bright wing
And calm the worries of my heart,
Your shade will be the grace of spring
For my enchanted soul, you guard.
How to decide, who are you? Say,
Are you from Heaven or Earth's mole?
Perhaps, a denizen of air, -
Yet with a passionate femme soul.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

For How Long Will You Keep In Hiding...

For how long will you keep in hiding
Behind the fog, the Russian star,
Or will you stay forever priding
In stark delusions, false, bizarre?
Could it be true, your shining glory
Would scatter like a shooting star,
When faced with gazes, greedy, gory,
So keen to reach you from afar?
The darkness deepens, sorrows worsen,
Impending trouble beats onshore -
Behold, whose flag is dying at sea,
Wake up: it's now or nevermore...
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

All That I Managed To Preserve...

All, that I managed to preserve:
My hopes, my faith, my love's last crumb,
Has melded in one prayer verve:
Endure, survive, and overcome!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Fun Times And Wine Are Forgotten...

The fun times and wine are forgotten,
The armor and sword're left behind, -
Alone he goes down to the bottom
Of dungeon - no light in hand, blind.
The door started squeaking with drawling, -
It has not been used for a while.
It's humid and dark behind door ring,
The window is narrow and high.
The eyes're getting used to the darkness, -
Behold, something shows through the mist,
Some strange signs appear with sharpness
On vaults, floors, walls - they can't be missed.
For long time he looks at the weaving
Of strange cryptic signs, and he waits
That all-seeing death will bring heaving
Enlightenment sight to his gaze.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Soura Selfie

I saw him once and once, I saw him once and he was the last time
I saw him once, and this time, he kidnapped my sense
He wore jeans and a fresh sun, jeans and a fresh sun
I wear jeans and the freshness of the sun, and in my lap
And we prefer to talk as if we have a superficial relationship
We talked about social issues and personality
Munkrsh from the first of the first movement
Especially since he preferred my side and had his shoulder in my shoulder
And before we walk in memory, we have served as my ancestral image
This is the sugar of the Oskar, his words are drunk, Oskar
His words are drunk, the Oscar, Hadi and Rasi
His eyes are green and his responses are present, his eyes are green and his responses are present
His eyes are green and his responses are present, as a politician

Heine's Theme (Say, If Death Is Night...)

Say, if death is night, and if life is day -
Then this motley day tired me to death!..
Shadows gather, hang, over me they sway,
And my head bows down, feeling sweet sleep's breath...
All exhausted, weak, I give in to sleep...
Still the dreams come, through silent dark they seep -
Somewhere high above, clear day shines through,
Someone sings of love, yet unseen by you.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

My Soul Is An Elysium Of Ghosts...

My soul is an Elysium of ghosts,
Of silent, lucid, splendid, fleeting shadows,
That're not concerned with rampant years and thoughts,
Professing neither joy nor sorrow up close.
The soul of mine, the shadows' paradise,
What do the life and you could have in common!?
What links the ghosts of past and better days
With this cold-blooded men assortment?..
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Piece by Piece

Versions: #2
When you are near I am naked
My scars are suddenly not hidden
You glue me together piece by piece
Until nothing is broken anymore
When you are near I have only one face
And the mask I made myself slips off it
You look through the clothes I wear
You see who I am at my innermost core
You show me the world at the red of dawn
You open my eyes
I see the great even in the smallest things
In your presence
When you are near my fears dissipate
Silence clamours in me no longer
I gather myself together piece by piece
Until nothing is broken anymore

Already tomorrow

I'm fed up of their laughs
But soon I won't listen to them anymore
No more juggling, no more bouncing me
I promise it
Algebra's chance samples are left to autumn
The night's I've spend for tests are left
Watches and other things are left
The jungle gym is left
Work is left! Work is left!
Work is left!
Now let's go to relax
I'll live at the pool
I can be alone with Roxanne in peace
So already tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I'll get her already tomorrow
Already tomorrow you'll find us from bar
If I just wouldn't faint
Just a little less than hour, and then it's all brighter water
Throw the books away already
And take the comics out
I don't have the courage to ask her out
Did I wait for too much
Sun is rising again already tomorrow
I can hide this horrible secret
I'll make a new me
I have to use the courage or look like a goof
Tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I got enough from biology
Tomorrow I'm searching for a table in a bar
I'm just gonna be sitting
There's only just a little less than hour time left
I can make my reputation
Or punishment will be heard!
I hang out at the mall at days
At evenings I'm in the bar
I'm on my own, throw my mom a bye bye
I party from evening to morning, when I finally can
But the sun is rising again, already tomorrow
I wish today would already be tomorrow
>> hi! thank you for reading this and if the translation doesn't have a source, i've made it all by myself and you can use it for whatever you want to. also, if you notice any errors, tell me and i'll fix it! <<


- Yeah !
- hey I'm calling you OUADFI
- Can't you wait a bit?
- You are a disaster!
may your house be ruined OUADFI
Come help me a bit
I changed the direction of water to the watercourse
My back hurts because of this shovel
Why did you come to my field?
O one with hands dyed with henna
Look at her holding the mirror in her hand
The lipstick on her lips weighs a kilogram
Why did you dress your hair?
Why did you put kohl and powder?
While you went into shadows and took off some of your clothes
Then you took a hundred naps!
Our (Men's) craftiness demolishes mountains and their (women's) craftiness demolishes men.

How long will You forget me, O Lord?

How long will You forget me, O Lord?1
All the forgetfulness...
Come, help my weakness
And strengthen my faith.
The burden of the weight is heavy to me
And it has curved my shoulders
There's no one to help me
And I can't get a warm embrace from anybody.
My soul and body are ill
For the excess of my sorrows
My tongue has stopped moving in my mouth
And has silenced my prayers.
My tears have become my daily bread
Day and night
The pain increased my wounds
And it dried up my river.
And who can I run to when I'm stressed?
Who will give me my peace back?
Come and heal my wounds
Relieve my pain
  • 1. Psalm 13:1
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal



Who is that, who is she and who the fuck are you?
Is there anyone else but me that's losing it?
What the fuck, I don't understand, what have you done to me?
I was just resting for an hour, who are you, girl?
And hey, what time is it and where am I?
Who is Sockan1, what kind of name is that?
Should I stand up? No, I shouldn't
[I] might as well sit down, I don't think I'll be capable
Of being that chipper guy
I got big problems with all the senses of the body
And my terrible memory, get yourself together Byzan
You're a rawmodel, think about RFSU2
And by the way, this is the beginning of the party
How am I supposed to manage the rest of it when I'm this low?
I'm from Finland, I drin booze with a spoon
Says the guy with thirteen beers but who blacks out on three
That was nothing
They said, here, take another one
They gave me fresh beers, fresh glasses, fresh shots
Until I stumbled away
I woke up somewhere
Where no one could help me
Where I didn't now anyone
I knew no one
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
I fucking misbehaved
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
But I finally got out, I just stumbled around
I had 2 different shoes, this is really weird
It's like this: you never learn from your mistakes
But you play the game according to the pleasant rules
'Cause you know, if you've lived on macaronies for week
It doesn't take much for you to fall and black out
Thinking that this is enough, or give me a sexa3
And I should actually open the beer that I've bought
Nothing can get left behind, nothing can be given away
Nothing can get wasted, everything has to go down fast
Right brand or not, it doesn't matter, give me something
I got something slightly annoying but tasty
That I drink before I enter the place
But to be honest, the drunk tank probably awaits me
Before the pub closes, fuck, how can something get this wild
And the bouncer is babbling now 'please, can you stand still'
That was nothing
They said, here, take another one
They gave me fresh beers, fresh glasses, fresh shots
Until I stumbled away
I woke up somewhere
Where no one could help me
Where I didn't now anyone
I knew no one
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
I fucking misbehaved
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
  • 1. Lit. 'the Sock'
  • 2. Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
  • 3. Lit. 'a six', a late night meal

مافي من حبيبي بجمالة جمالة حتى بخيالة الله حط في قالبه طين وعسل مافي منة كَمر يضوي كنة . في ليلي ملاك اني احسة . يا ويلي لو بس احضنة مرة وحدة احس داخل في ة حبيبي . بلسانة تسح

مافي من حبيبي بجمالة
جمالة حتى بخيالة
الله حط في قالبه
طين وعسل مافي منة
كَمر يضوي كنة . في ليلي
ملاك اني احسة . يا ويلي
لو بس احضنة مرة وحدة
احس داخل في جنة
ما فيني اوصف غرامة
كلي اذوب بكلامة
لو بس ينطق اسمي اه
انسة جروحي وكل ونة
كلمة حبيبي . بلسانة
تسحر خيالي . وكيانة
كأني في عالم ثاني والله
قليلة لو كلت جنة
كل ما اشوفة انسة حالي
ويطير اسمي من بالي
في جاذبيتة في حنانة
كلي اذوب اني بحضنة
مافيني اكمل . بدونة
ترخص حياتي . لعيونة
سبحانة ربي الكلمة
واعطاني كل شي تمنة
مافي من حبيبي بجمالة
جمالة حتى بخيالة
الله حط في قالبه
طين وعسل مافي منة

What Evil Changes Crept Upon Me!..

What evil changes crept upon me!
Why do I need to know your lore?
Again the walls have closed around me,
And I shall turn to stone once more.
Again I fill with noise and rattle
My quiet streets, my sleepy heights,
And I forget in daily prattle
About the calm of forest nights.
And I establish trading markets,
I turn on lights with sleepy yawn,
And I forget the charming gardens,
And freshness of the morning dawn.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

We've been

We've been afraid, we've been afraid
Oh sad, where have you taken us
We've been wanting, we've been wanting
There's a hug in this world that makes us stronger
Against the day's ache, against a wounds that won't sleep
For everything you love with your heart, is getting away and Pease
And I have always loved with my heart and I'd do anyhing for them
They left me confused, wondering why they did so
I'm so in love just like you, unable to sleep
Well, I tell you, sometimes I forget when I sleep
From the says ache from a wound that never sleep
From all that our hearts love, it gets away and Pease
We've been afraid, we've been afraid
Where have you taken us, sadness
We've been wanting, we've been wanting
There's a lap in this world that gives us strength

Sunset's Long Afterglow...

Sunset's long afterglow
I behold in deep awe.
Hear how my blood pounds
And in sundown resounds.
I feel joyful somehow,
That in flames I'm engulfed.
It's my blood that is fraying,
And it burns as it's playing
Over my rocky hill,
Over my rapid rill.
Lo! The sunset burned out,
I got tired of lookout.
I have shuttered my eyes,
I've extinguished the skies.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Can't See A Thing In The Field...

Can't see a thing in the field.
Someone is calling: 'Help me!'
What can I do?
I am both poor and small,
I am dead tired to crawl,
How'd I help you?
Someone calls me from calm field:
'Brother, come closer to me!
Let us be nigh.
If we can't go, if we stray,
Jointly we'll die on our way,
Jointly we'll die!'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Streets Are So Empty And Quiet...

The streets are so empty and quiet,
All windows and doors have been shuttered.
My Scourge is with me, stirring riot,
There is no defense from its paws yet.
The rich locked themselves from the needy
With iron and copper fence tempered.
I'm pilgrim, so pale and so seedy,
And my Scourge is my faithful shepherd.
I can't let it go, I won't dare.
The streets are so empty and quiet.
Let's follow our own path threadbare,
The shaggy and wild Scourge, defiant!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Wicked Temptress, My Death, Against Thou I Repined...

Wicked temptress, my Death, against thou I repined,
Why dost thou, evil, reign, bane all things - every kind.
And thou hast come to me, and in glory of day
Thou hast led me astray, forced to trace human way.
And I saw people there in a flash of thy glow,
Overshadowed with grief, evil, weakness, and throe.
And then I realized: Evil under thy stroke,
With the doomed people's lives, disappears like smoke.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Do Not Trust In Crafty Lie...

Do not trust in crafty lie,
Don't foretell, don't grieve, don't cry,
Bow to fate tread.
What is gone, you won't return,
Must be flat lie what you yearn,
Don't be tempted.
Feast of being is so brief.
Life is yours but is it, thief? -
Take your pleasure.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

I Could Not Find The Right Path...

I could not find the right path,
Now in woods, thick and dense,
All my past worries' bloodbath
Carry wearily, tense.
Having calmed my ambitions,
Starkly mute, without grief,
I don't rouse dim suspicions
Of the sleeping bawl's thief.
My deliverance I feel,
But I don't seek new ways, -
As I yearn after nothing,
About no thing complain.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.