Резултати претраге страна 11
Број резултата: 421
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
And If I keep on waiting, I deserve pity
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
And If I keep on waiting, I deserve pity
I'm awake every night and I'm thinking of you
That's why nobody appreciates me
I have to understand that I won't see you again
All my friends are saying that you're pushing me from the cliff
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
But I love you even more, without explanation
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
But I love you even more, without explanation
Six thirty, six thirty, six thirty
I'm awake every night and I'm thinking of you
That's why nobody appreciates me
I can't understand why you're on my mind
I can't understand why I still love you
I have to understand that I won't see you again
All my friends are saying that you're pushing me from the cliff
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
Six thirty, six thirty
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
I can't understand why you're on my mind
I can't understand why I still love you
I have to understand that I won't see you again
All my friends are saying that you're pushing me from the cliff
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
And If I keep on waiting, I deserve pity
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
And If I keep on waiting, I deserve pity
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
But I love you even more, without explanation
It's six thirty, it's six thirty
But I love you even more, without explanation
Six thirty
From zero to ten
You made our relationship unwanted
And you put love on sale
You're good at selling pictures
But, ask yourself, if you dare
What's gonna happen when you grow old
On my scale from zero to ten
No other woman has fallen lower
Sit down and count what I gave you
You were a zero, and I treated you like you were a ten
Postponements and egoism
That's all you had to give
But, now it's me talking
And listen carefully to what I'll say
Take it under serious consideration
On my scale from zero to ten
No other woman has fallen lower
Sit down and count what I gave you
You were a zero, and I treated you like you were a ten
Your emotions are riddles
Your personality is riddle
You are an unsolved puzzle
You're pouring on my body like rain
You have the perfect beauty
There's no temptation for you
You might be an angel in paradise
But here, on Earth, you bring disaster
And you burn me, and you burn me, and you're putting me in trouble
You are born for catastrophes
And you burn me, and you burn me, and you're putting me in trouble
You are born for catastrophes
You're the riddle of my life
Riddle, and you're accused
Of theft, you stole a heart
First you're taking me high
But then you end up with someone else
Eventually, you are a riddle
You might be an angel in paradise
But here, on Earth, you bring disaster
And you burn me, and you burn me, and you're putting me in trouble
You are born for catastrophes
And you burn me, and you burn me, and you're putting me in trouble
You are born for catastrophes
There's no justification for you
Let's say you're telling the truth
That's probably some new habit of yours
I'll be straight with you - you lost
Even if you tell me you love me
I'm not turning the other cheek
I can't walk on water, you forgot that
There's no justification for you, you should know, it's your fault you're suffering
Unfortunately, I still remember, you said - goodbye, sorry
There's no justification for you, I told you that, leave as you came
The time has come for me to tell you goodbye and the end
There's no justification for you, live as you like
There's no justification for you, leave again, the way you are
Let's say I let you come back
What can I build on burnt ground?
How else can I explain this to you - you lost
Let's say you fill the blanks
It would be a repaired love
I told you, I don't need that, you forgot
There's no justification for you, you should know, it's your fault you're suffering
Unfortunately, I still remember, you said - goodbye, sorry
There's no justification for you, I told you that, leave as you came
The time has come for me to tell you goodbye and the end
There's no justification for you, live as you like
There's no justification for you, leave again, the way you are
Don't return
If you come here
Come alone, come here naked, come here new
Don't return
But come for the first time
Without promises and without lies
And I'll let you in
Bitterness is
A safe but lonely room
I've locked that door
I'll wait for you
Without longing for
Everything that was and could have been
If you come here
Come alone, come here naked, come here new
Don't return
But come for the first time
Without promises and without lies
Remember this
If you want to leave
No matter how much it hurts me
I am not keeping you
In my loneliness
Even if I walk the line
I will love you
And if I'm left with an empty body
A moon that has no sky
To forget that you're my life
I can't
Remember this as long as you live
Nobody else will love you
The way I loved you
Only me...
If you want to live your whole life
That you spent with me
To try out a new beginning
Without my dreams
I have no reason to deny you that
To find easy justifications
But, to forget what we have lived
I can't
Remember this as long as you live
Nobody else will love you
The way I loved you
Only me...
Ти си крива
Угашена светла, четири зида, једно тело
Које је свашта издржало, то је још једна рана
Светла угашена, са твојом сенком разговарам
Мисли су постале ожиљци на срцу, на срцу
За све ране, крива си ти
За то што сам на нули, крива си ти
Хладне ноћи леде тело
За самоћу, крива си ти
За моје психичке проблеме, крива си ти
Све што ме повређује си ти
Затворене очи, у мојој глави две речи
Живим овде где си рекла да ћеш се вратити
Светла угашена, са твојом сенком разговарам
Мисли су постале ожиљци на срцу, на срцу
Од нуле до десет
Нас бацаш међу непожељне
А љубав на распродају
Слике умеш да продајеш
Али, запитај се ако смеш
Шта ће се десити када остариш
На мојој скали од 0 до 10
Ниже није пала ниједна друга жена
Шта сам ти дао, седи и изброј
Била си нула, а ја сам те гледао као десетку
Одлагања и егоизам
То је све што си имала да ми даш
Али, сада причам ја
И слушај добро шта ћу ти рећи
Пажљиво се сконцентриши
На мојој скали од 0 до 10
Ниже није пала ниједна друга жена
Шта сам ти дао, седи и изброј
Била си нула, а ја сам те гледао као десетку
Магична путовања
Као магнет ме привлачиш
И навукао сам се
Такву љубав никада
Нисам доживео
Дођи, око моје, ближе
Осети вртоглавицу
Моје срце како куца
Опет те желим
Крећемо на магична путовања
Сваке ноћи загрљени међу звезде идемо
Љубав има крила, дођи и идемо
Високо летимо, високо летимо
Као магнет, где год идеш
И ја идем са тобом
Да те грлим
А ти се препусти
Дођи, око моје слатко
И све друго је небитно
Срце поново куца
Опет те желим
Ти не личиш ни на једну
До зоре ћемо причати вечерас
И живот ћемо дотерати до краја
Позната путовања због тебе ћу одложити
Свет је исти, ти си нешто друго
У животу обично само губиш
И само идеш, а нигде не стижеш
Али, једном се и чудо деси
Ово што живимо за мене је друга ствар
Ти не личиш ни на једну
Увек ћеш бити неупоредива
Јер не личиш ни на једну
Спавај, не брини
Изводиш ме на светлост раја
Ти не личиш ни на једну
Када ми говориш да ме волиш
Фасцинираш ме
И нећу отићи, ако питаш
Јер на нешто мало ти не личиш
До зоре ћемо вечерас причати
Гледаш ме на тужан начин
Самоћа нас посматра и плаши се
Не дишем, не живим ја далеко од тебе
У звездама је исписано твоје име
У животу те горчина убија
Крај не зна где му је почетак
Али, са тобом ме нико не може победити
Чак и ветар дува другачије
Ти не личиш ни на једну
Увек ћеш бити неупоредива
Јер не личиш ни на једну
Спавај, не брини
Изводиш ме на светлост раја
Ти не личиш ни на једну
Када ми говориш да ме волиш
Фасцинираш ме
И нећу отићи, ако питаш
Јер на нешто мало ти не личиш
До зоре ћемо вечерас причати
Логично, све ће се променити
Знам да ћеш доћи опет
Логично, чим почне
Да те гризе савест, за мном ћеш плакати
Не подносим да бројим сате
Само моје срце зна колико
Колико љубави имам у себи, због тебе живим
Нећу се играти више речима
Шта год да додирнем и шта год да украдеш
Бићу увек поред тебе, ја те волим
Слушај и не заборави оно што ћу рећи
Логично, све ће се променити
Знам да ћеш доћи опет
Логично, чим почне
Да те гризе савест, за мном ћеш плакати
Не подносим да бројим своје сломљене комаде
Нека сада говоре очи
Само ћу ја бити овде, ја те волим
Један плус један
Буди љубав, буди страст
Буди небо
Буди ноћ, буди грешка
Буди и земљотрес
У твојим рукама да се осетим
Као бог и да ти дам
Све што имам у животу
То си ти, око моје
Један плус један једнако је један
То смо ја и ти
Пусти да прича
Тело са телом
Један плус један једнако је један
Не слушај никога
Што нас више раздвајају
То ћемо више бити заједно
Погледај ме, пољуби ме
Запали ми ватру
Додирни ме, опиј ме
И онај који не разуме
Шта се дешава у страсти
Неће научити, реци му
Оно што осећамо ми
Неке ноћи
Увек си била разлог због којег се смејем
А постала си супротно од тога
Твоја савест није чиста
И то је наша најпознатија тајна
Неке ноћи нису освануле никада
Као она у којој су се наши путеви раздвојили
Од тада се сунце није појавило
И моје дубине су се сакриле још дубље
Неке ноћи нису освануле никада
Остале су мрачне, да подсећају на тебе
Али, они који стварно воле
Колико год ноћи да прође, неће се растати
Била си нешто јако, попут олује
Али, остао сам поред тебе да киснем
И када сам те видео у туђем загрљају
Тада сам осетио како изгледа кад нисам жив
Крупне речи
Мале године, тешка клетва
Године с погледом на Сахару
Мој живот је путујући циркус
Којим разум лоше управља
Била си моја жеђ, моја жудња
Нову лаж ћеш саградити
Оно што си мрзела, обожаваћеш
Имала си своју тајну башту
Имала си тренутке у којима сам био ту
И срце с којим си могла да се играш
Крупне речи целог живота
У мом хаосу си ти
Светлост и домовина
Крупне речи, убедљиве
Које су увек биле мање
И од најмањих
Крупне речи си ми рекла
И тешио сам се
Толиким болом
Нисам имао благослов и веру
Имао сам љубав и непријатеља
Само тебе
Дај ми пољупце на делове
Продај ми илузију као дијамант
Докле год будеш игнорисала своје жеље
У својој слави бићеш
Нешто небитно
One Plus One
Be love, be passion
Be the sky
Be the night, be a mistake
Be an earthquake if you like
In your arms I wanna feel
Like a God and I'll give you
Whatever I have in life
Is you, my love
One plus one, one
I do with you
Our bodies speak
One plus one, one
Don't listen to anyone
They try to separate us
But we'll be together
Look at me, kiss me
Set me on fire
Touch me, get me drunk
Once again
And whoever doesn't understand
What happens in passion
Tell them they will never learn
What we feel
Шта буде, нека буде
Рекла си да нећеш бити иста
Да се поправила та твоја толика љубомора
Нема трена да се не кајем
Што сам ти опет поверовао и сада то плаћам
Шта буде, нека буде
Променио сам број
Непоправљива као и увек
Довела си ме до овде
Шта буде, нека буде
Више ме не занима
Одгледао сам све епизоде
Одлазим сада да се спасим
Рекла си да ћеш променити улицу и адресу
Али, опет си почела исту причу
Нема трена да се не кајем
Што сам ти опет поверовао и сада то плаћам
You're a crash inside my head
You're like a lightning strike out of nowhere
And I'm losing it, what can I do?
Sin became large
I can feel both guilt and chemistry
How can I leave, how can I run away?
Lust made us go crazy
The newspapers will write about us
Scandal, scandal, it will be for both of us
This should end now
And the doors should be closed for good
Lock, lock the heart and the mind
Don't, don't, don't, don't come closer
You're throwing the body in the madness
Don't, don't, don't, don't, stay further away
I might not resist the temptation
I fixed my impulses
I even had a second thought
But, because of you, I'm living a lie
Both of us stranded
The joke became serious
And I'm afraid where we might go
Не постоји шанса
Постоји шанса
Да погледам слике
Да стигну болови, несанице
И да имам приче
Да паднем на комад твоје одеће
Који мирише на тебе
Да сретнем лице
Које ће имати твоје име
И постоји шанса
Непрекидно да мислим на тебе
Када гасим светла
Никако да се не успавам
И постоји шанса
Једне ноћи, у кафани у коју се иде суботом
Да се љубиш са неким
Да после тога умрем
Да плачем уз тужне филмове
У пијанству да те тражим
Али, не постоји шанса
Да ти телефонирам
Да плачем уз тужне филмове
У пијанству да те тражим
Али, не постоји шанса
Да се опет вратим никада....
Да се опет вратим никада....
Да се опет вратим никада....
Постоји шанса
Да пукнем што си отишла
Крај који је тебе спасио
Мене да гуши
Да сазнам неочекивано
Твоје нове планове
Постоји и шанса
Да заплачем, замисли
Много сам дао
Један кофер у рукама, сада ме не занима
Све и да ми се ноћи разбију, да постану срча
Љубавне поклоне ђубретари
Без жаљења су бацили на депонију
Не схватам, оно што обожаваш
Како се претвара у пепео у телима
Не разумем, не стискам кочницу
Зна срце разлог зашто то ради
Дао сам много, спустио сам ролетне
И не размишљам више шта ће бити после
Моје време тече, желим да будем добро
Нашао сам ти толико слабих тачака
Дао сам много, кишне уличице
Добио сам заузврат
Затворила си очи пред истином
Сада одлазим, леђа ми види
Моју кривицу претворићу у бензин
Да ме одведу путеви километрима далеко
Остани иза, да тражиш у коју паукову мрежу
Се поново уплело једно невино наручје
Намеравам да одем
Изабери једну од мојих равнодушних ноћи
Дођи и постани у мом црнилу један пламен
Ја се пазим, не бришем своје ожиљке
За нас ће постојати увек још једна шетња
Али ипак знаш да чим сване
Сва страст на сунцу као лед ће се отопити
Намеравам да одем
Од онога што волим
Малу дозу живота
Од тебе тражим
Познајеш ме добро
И ако у твојим очима паднем
Немој ми дати много
Само један загрљај
Да могу себе да поднесем
Нигде не реци
Оно што у мени видиш
Намеравам да одем
На жици су раширена моја осећања
Како да одрже равнотежу на ветровима?
Била си преда мном када сам љубав одбио
Због неба исрцтаног самоћом
Иако смо се везали, упознали смо се у погрешно доба
Ти си оно најближе рају што сам икада проживео...
Skupo me košta
Skupo me košta što se prolepšava vreme i cveta zemlja
A u tvojim sivim oblacima tražim izlaz
Skupo me košta što sam potpuno poplavljen
Zbog toga što odbijaš da me spasiš, iako to želim jako
Skupo me košta što možeš da se udaljavaš od mene
Što te u komšiluku nema i ne pojavljuješ se
Skupo me košta što se opijam ispijajući naše godine
I to što ćeš s tuđim telom završiti na našoj posteljini
Skupo me košta što postoje ljudi koji se jako vole
Koji smanjuju razdaljine sa malo bliskosti
Skupo me košta što te gledam kako se smeješ na postovima (na društvenim mrežama)
Što sa našim prijateljima izlaziš, ali o meni ne pričaš
Skupo me košta što te po tvom skrivenom putu tražim
Što sam izgubio način svoj bes da izlečim
Samo te volim
U tvojim očima sunce će nestati
U tvojim očima ugasiće se svetla
Ravnodušno prolaze događaji
Ravnodušno prolazi i život
U tvojim očima misli prestaju
Reči prestaju da imaju značenje
Sve što je okolo gubi smisao
Jer je u tvojim očima glavni lik
Ne bih tako olako rekao 'Volim te'
Ti si nešto više od onoga što sam zamišljao
Samo te volim, sam ratujem
I pored mene nema nikoga
Sam bolujem, sam čekam
Ali nema šanse da dođeš
Sa tvojih usana dah neće izaći
Zvuk tvog glasa ne čujem
Samo svoje srce prisluškujem
Kako visi sa tvojih usana
Samo te volim, sam ratujem
I pored mene nema nikoga
Sam bolujem, sam čekam
Ali nema šanse da dođeš
Ti si sudar u glavi
Ti si kao grom iz vedra neba
I ludim, šta da radim
Porastao je greh
Osećam i krivicu i hemiju
Kako da odem, da pobegnem
Poludela je naša strast
Pisaće o nama novine
Skandal, skandal biće to za nas dvoje
Sada mora ovo da se završi
I vrata dobro da se zatvore
Da se zamandale, da se zamandale i srce i glava
Nemoj, nemoj, nemoj, nemoj, nemoj da prilaziš
Jedno telo u ludilo bacaš
Nemoj, nemoj, nemoj, nemoj, udalji se
Da me iskušenje ne savlada
Impulsivnost sam izlečio
Čak sam se i predomišljao
Ali, zbog tebe živim u laži
Skrenuli smo oboje
Vic je postao ozbiljan
I plašim se šta će biti s nama
For better or for worse
You said that you wouldn't be the same
That you enormous jealousy has improved
Every moment that goes by, I'm having regrets
Because I trusted you again and now I'm paying for it
For better or for worse
I changed my number
You're irreparable as always
You made me do this
For better or for worse
I won't bother anymore
I watched all the shows
I'm leaving now to save myself
You said that you would change the street and the adress
But, you started the same story all over again
Every moment that goes by, I'm having regrets
Because I trusted you again and now I'm paying for it
It costs me a lot
It costs me a lot, weather is changing and the earth is blooming
And I'm looking for an escape in your gray clouds
It costs me a lot, the flood is surrounding me completely
You refuse to save me, even if I'm eager for it
It costs me a lot, you don't mind getting far from me
You're missing from the neighborhood and you're not showing up
It costs me a lot, I'm getting drunk drinking away our years
You will lie with another body on our sheets
It costs me a lot, there are some people who love each other strongy
They are making the distances smaller so easily
It costs me a lot, I'm watching you laugh in your posts (on social networks)
You're going out with our friends, but you don't talk about me
It costs me a lot, I'm looking for you on your hidden roads
I lost a way to heal my anger
I gave a lot
One bag in my hand, I don't care anymore
If my nights are breaking, becoming pieces of sharp glass
Gifts of love, garbage trucks
Threw at the waste, with no pity
I don't get it, how something that you adore
Becomes ash in the bodies
I don't get it, I don't hit the brakes
The heart knows the reason to do so
I gave a lot, I closed the blinds
And I don't think about what's gonna happen next anymore
My time runs, I want to be OK
I found many weak spots on you
I gave a lot, rainy narrow streets
Is what I got in return
You closed your eyes in front of the truth
Now, I'm leaving, I'm turning my back on you
I will use my guilt as a fuel
And roads will take me miles away
Stay behind, search for the spiderweb
That trapped again the innocent arms
I intend to leave
Pick one out of my careless nights
Come and became the flame in my blackness
I'm careful, I'm not erasing my scars
One more walk will always exist for us
But, you know that, as soon as it dawns
Sun will melt all the passion like it was ice
I intend to leave
Everything I love
Small doses of life
I'm asking of you
You know me well
And If you think less of me
Don't give me a lot
Just one hug
So I can live with myself
Don't talk about it anywhere
About what you see in me
I intend to leave
My feelings are spread on the wire
How can they find a balance when it's windy?
You were in front of me when I refused love
For the skies with drawings of loneliness
Even if we committed ourselves to each other, we met in the wrong season
You're the closest thing to paradise that I have ever lived...
I only love you
In your eyes the sun will get lost
In your eyes, the lights will go out
Events are passing by casually
Life is also passing by casually
In your eyes, the thoughts stop
The words lose their meaning
Everything around loses it's worth
Because it is the main character in your eyes
'I love you' wouldn't come off of my lips so easily
You're something more than I imagined
I only love you, I'm fighting a war by myself
There is nobody by my side
I'm sick alone, I'm waiting alone
But there is no way that you'd come
Breath won't get out of your lips
I don't hear the sound of your voice
I'm only eavesdropping at my heart
That's hanging from your lips
I only love you, I'm fighting a war by myself
There is nobody by my side
I'm sick alone, I'm waiting alone
But there is no way that you'd come
There is no chance
There's a chance
I might look at the photographs
Pain and insomnia might come
And I might have stories
I might fall down on piece of your wardrobe
That has your perfume
I might meet a face
That has your name
And there is also a chance
I might think of you endlessly
When I turn off the lights
There might be no way for me to fall asleep
And there is also a chance
One night, on Saturday, at the club
You could be kissing someone
And I could die afterwards
(I might) Cry at the sad movies
(I might) Look for you in my drunkness
But, there is no chance
To call you
(I might) Cry at the sad movies
(I might) Look for you in my drunkness
But, there is no chance
For me to come back ever again...
For me to come back ever again...
For me to come back ever again...
There's a chance
I might explode because you left
The end that saved you
It might suffocate me
I might find out suddenly
About your new plans
There's also a chance
I might cry, imagine
You're a crash inside my head
You're like a lightning strike out of nowhere
And I'm losing it, what can I do?
Sin became large
I can feel both guilt and chemistry
How can I leave, how can I run away?
Lust made us go crazy
The newspapers will write about us
Scandal, scandal, it will be for both of us
This should end now
And the doors should be closed for good
Lock, lock the heart and the mind
Don't, don't, don't, don't come closer
You're throwing the body in the madness
Don't, don't, don't, don't, stay further away
I might not resist the temptation
I fixed my impulses
I even had a second thought
But, because of you, I'm living a lie
Both of us stranded
The joke became serious
And I'm afraid where we might go
Don't you worry about me
Versions: #2
Watch your own cards only
And build your own fairy tale only
And don't you blame northern and southern winds
And don't pretend that you're from other planet
I can stand to be defeated
To arrive second, to lose the game
To love and not to be loved
To say thousands 'I love you's without any hope
Don't you worry about me, don't you worry about me
I'm able to run even with my legs bleeding
Don't you worry about me, don't you worry about me
I'm able to watch even with my eyes wet
Stay on your own railroad only
Build your own galaxy only
And don't bet if you rented the place at the table
And don't search for justification in history
I can stand to be defeated
To arrive second, to lose the game
To love and not to be loved
To say thousands 'I love you's without any hope
Don't you worry about me, don't you worry about me
I'm able to run even with my legs bleeding
Don't you worry about me, don't you worry about me
I'm able to watch even with my eyes wet
It's your turn
If you find comfort at the bottom, whatever you see further
Makes you so careless
Thus, for us to be okay, I'll put things in order tonight
You believed that I would take it, I couldn't, I took a step back
It's your turn to become a memory
It's your turn to cry for me
You remind me of a broken record
I'm leaving, I'm pissed, it's the end
It's your turn to become a memory
It's my turn to run far away from you
I suffered what I suffered with you
Now, it's your turn
It looks like coming and going, logic and madness
That's what I'm doing now because of you
Thus, for us to be okay, you must learn in reality
What happens to the one who burns love, if he is guilty
It's your turn to become a memory
It's your turn to cry for me
You remind me of a broken record
I'm leaving, I'm pissed, it's the end
It's your turn to become a memory
It's my turn to run far away from you
I suffered what I suffered with you
Now, it's your turn