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Slaba u prisustvu lepote

Oh, mnogo je prošlo od kako sam te videla
Pa, znaš kako vreme leti
Čini se kao da smo juče bili ljubavnici
Sada prolazimo jedno pored drugog
Ali ako ostanemo samo uveče
Ne pitaj me da te grlim
Postajem slaba...
Slaba u prisustvu lepote
Moji prijatelji idalje pitaju
Zašto sam tiha kada sam oko tebe
Ali ne znaju da mislim da sam srećnica
Što sam zaustavila sebe od propadanja
Zato kasnije ako si sam
Ne pitaj me da te povedem kući
Postajem slaba...
Jer ako ostanemo samo večeras
Neću imati izbor nego da te držim čvrsto
Postajem slaba...
Dušo, volim te
Nema nikoga iznad tebe
Ti si moj svet
Nekada sam bila tvoja devojka

Američka molitva

Znaš li za žar progresa pod zvezdama?
Znaš li da postojimo?
Da li ste zaboravio ključeve kraljevstva?
Jesi li se već rodio i jesi li živ?
Izmislimo ponovo bogove, sve mitove vekova
Slavimo simbole iz dubokih starih šuma
Da li si zaboravio lekcije drevnog rata?
Potrebni su nam veliki zlatni snošaji
Očevi gaču u drveću šuma
Majka nam je mrtva u moru
Da li znaš da nas miroljubivi admirali vode na klanje
A da se debelim tromim generalima diže na mladu krv?
Da li znaš da nama vlada Televizija?
Mesec je zver skorele krvi
Gerilske bande su sve brojnije
Nadomak su zelenih vinograda
Omasovljuju se za ratovanje protiv nedužnog pastira koji je na samrti
O, veliki stvoritelju bića, daj nam još jedan sat da odigramo našu umetnost i usavršimo naše živote
Leptirice i ateisti dvostruko su božanski i umiru
Živimo, umiremo, a smrt nije kraj
Putujemo još u Noćnu moru
Držite se života,našeg strastvenog cveta
Držite se za pičke i kurčeve očaja
Konačnu viziju dobili smo pljeskom
Kolumbove prepone ispunile su se zelenom smrću
Dotakoh joj bedro i smrt se nasmešila
Okupili smo se u ovom drevnom i ludom pozorištu
Da propagiramo svoju žudnju za životom i pobegnemo od uskiptele mudrosti ulica
Na štale se juriša
Prozori su čuvani
I samo jedan od svih ostalih da zapleše i spasi nas božanskim ruganjem
Muzika raspaljuje strasti
Kada se pravim ubicama kralja pusti da slobodno vršljaju
Hiljadu čarobnjaka će se zemljom dići na noge
Gde su nam gozbe koje su nam obećane?
Gde je vino, Novo vino, koje umire na čokotu?


Utišao si našu pesmu, baby, zasto ?
Upalio si sveće na komandnoj tabli
Crvene ruže rastu pored
Hoćeš da kažeš nešto što nikad rekao nisi
Vozili smo se 1
Znaš da voliim brze aute
Prošli smo pored mesta gde smo se prvi put sreli
Dodjavola, čak dovde smo stigli
Crvene oči od 2
I to je napravilo raspoloženje
Kažez da si opsednut sa mnom
I ja zastadoh, i rekoh, 'i ja isto'
I ja sam opsednuta sobom koliko i ti
Reci da bi umro za mene, i ja bih za sebe isto
I da sam te izgubila, opet bi sebe imala, ne gubim nikako
Kad kažez da si opsednut sa mnom, i ja sam isto
Namestila sam kosu kao talase na plaži
Ovo odelo tako je tesno, ne mogu ni da govorim
Štikle tako visoke, prokrvariceš iz nosa
Muziks je tako jaka, ali ja čujem tvoje otkucaje srca
Vozili smo se Sunset - om
Znaš da voliim brze aute
Prošli smo pored mesta gde smo se prvi put sreli
čak smo dovde stigli
Crvene oči od crvenog svetla
I to je napravilo raspoloženje
Kažez da si opsednut sa mnom
I ja zastadoh, i rekoh, 'i ja isto'
I ja sam opsednuta sobom koliko i ti
Reci da bi umro za mene, i ja bih za sebe isto
I da sam te izgubila, opet bi sebe imala, ne gubim nikako
Kad kažez da si opsednut sa mnom, i ja sam isto
I ja sam opsednuta sobom koliko i ti
Reci da bi umro za mene, i ja bih za sebe isto
I da sam te izgubila, opet bi sebe imala, ne gubim nikako
Kad kažez da si opsednut sa mnom, i ja sam isto
  • 1. Sunset-om
  • 2. crvenog svetla

Калифорнијско плаво

Versions: #1
Радим по цео дан и сунце не сија
Покушавам да се снађем и само убијам време
Осећам кишу како пада целу ноћ
Далеко од тебе калифорнијског плаветнила
Калифорнијско плаво сања потпуно само
Ништа друго за калифорнијско плаво
Свакодневно се молим да кренем
Штедим љубав за тебе калифорнијско плаво
Једног сунчаног дана, вратићу се поново
некако, али не знам када
Калифорнијска плава, калифорнијска плава
Живим свој живот с тобом у мислима
Размишљајући о стварима које сам оставио далеко иза себе
Толико дуго сам радио све што сам могао
Да ти се вратим у калифорнијско плаво
Калифорнијска плава
[Калифорнијско плава]
Сањао сам сам
[Калифорнијско плава]
Ништа друго да се ради
[Калифорнијско плава]
Калифорнијска плава
Свакодневно се молим да кренем
Штедим љубав за тебе калифорнијско плаво
Једног сунчаног дана вратићу се поново
Некако, некако али не знам када
Калифорнијска плава, калифорнијска плава
Још увек ти недостаје калифорнијско плаво
Још увек ти недостаје калифорнијско плаво
Још увек ти недостаје калифорнијско плаво


Bebo,bebo,reci mi,sta je protivotrov?
Ne bih ti pisala ovako kasno osim ako nesto nije uredu
Izgledam previse dobro da budem u ovoj sobi
Bez nekoga da me dodirne kao ti
Mozda postoji nesto sto bih mogla uzeti za ovo
Koliko jos moram cekati za ovo?
Mogu da vidim moje telo na tvojim usnama
Na tvojim usnama,daa
Znas da jednom kada probas to
Bice ti potrebno ,platio bi za to
Idi i isprazni banku za ovo (Oh)
Ako zelis da budes moja beba
Znaj da cu da te izludim
Verovatno ces me zvati ludom
Ja sam najbolja koju si ikad imao,da
Mogu da te napalim
Zasto si idalje obucen?
Znaj da cu da te izludim
Verovatno ces me zvati ludom
Ja sam najbolja koju si ikad imao,da
Mogu da te napalim
Zasto si idalje obucen?
Vracaces se po jos
Bebo,bebo,da li imam ukus slatkisa?
Zasecerena,kaze da sam najsladja
Imam pune ruke posla,ali ruke su za to i stvorene
Pribij me na pod,ponasaj se kao da je tvoje
Mozda postoji nesto sto bih mogla uzeti za ovo
Koliko jos moram cekati za ovo?
Mogu da vidim moje telo na tvojim usnama
Na tvojim usnama,daa
Znas da jednom kada probas to
Bice ti potrebno ,platio bi za to
Idi i isprazni banku za ovo (Oh)
Ako zelis da budes moja beba
Znaj da cu da te izludim
Verovatno ces me zvati ludom
Ja sam najbolja koju si ikad imao,da
Mogu da te napalim
Zasto si idalje obucen?
Znaj da cu da te izludim
Verovatno ces me zvati ludom
Ja sam najbolja koju si ikad imao,da
Mogu da te napalim
Zasto si idalje obucen?
Vracaces se po jos
Sama i osecam se svojom,ali,ooh,bebo
Bolje je kada imam malo pomoci od moje bebe
Ima tu ljubav koju ne mozes da podneses,ali mozda
Mozes pokusati
Izgledam previse dobro da budem u ovoj sobi
Bez nekoga da me dodirne kao ti
Sapni moje ime u moje uho,to je kao muzika
Znas bas sta zelim da cujem,da,da,da
Ako zelis da budes moja beba
Znaj da cu da te izludim
Verovatno ces me zvati ludom
Ja sam najbolja koju si ikad imao,da
Mogu da te napalim
Zasto si idalje obucen?
Znaj da cu da te izludim
Verovatno ces me zvati ludom
Ja sam najbolja koju si ikad imao,da
Mogu da te napalim
Zasto si idalje obucen?
Vracaces se po jos


Zatvorenik, zatvorenik, zakljucana
Ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave, iz glave
Probala sam milion puta, milion puta, oh-ooh
Zasto ne mozes, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?
Iscrpljena od emocija, moje ruke su vezane
Tvoje lice je na plafonu, zamisljam
Oh, ne mogu to da kontrolisem (ne mogu to da kontrolisem)
Pokusala sam to da zamenim svetlima grada
Nikada necu pobeci od toga, treba mi paznja
Oh, ne mogu to da kontrolisem (Kontrolisem, oh)
Uporno mi otezavas da ostanem
Ali i dalje ne mogu da pobegnem
Moram da znam zasto, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?
Zatvorenik, zatvorenik, zakljucana
Ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave, iz glave
Probala sam milion puta, milion puta, oh-ooh
Zasto ne mozes, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?
Zatvorenik, zatvorenik, zakljucana
Ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave, iz glave
Probala sam milion puta, milion puta, oh-ooh
Zasto ne mozes, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?
Okusila sam raj, sada ne mogu da zivim bez njega
Ne mogu da te zaboravim kada je tvoja ljubav najglasnija
Oh, ne mogu to da kontrolisem (Ne mogu to da kontrolisem)
Uporno mi otezavas da ostanem
Ali i dalje ne mogu da pobegnem
Moram da znam zasto, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?
Zatvorenik, zatvorenik, zakljucana
Ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave, iz glave
Probala sam milion puta, milion puta, oh-ooh
Zasto ne mozes, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?
Zatvorenik, zatvorenik, zakljucana
Ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave, iz glave
Probala sam milion puta, milion puta, oh-ooh
Zasto ne mozes, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?
Ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave
Zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis? Milion puta
Zelim da znam zasto ne mozes, zasto ne mozes
Zelim da znam zasto ne mozes, zasto ne mozes
Moram da znam zasto ne mozes, zasto samo ne mozes da me pustis?


Versions: #1
It may be that I will never you again
And that you no longer
No longer know what's happening with you
And me
No, no I can't take you out no
Of my mind and of everything that reminds me of your face
I don't want to think about going to look for you at your house
You will always be deep deep within me
And I want to take you out to not be like this
Since you left, I feel that I lost something of myself
I think
You will always be deep deep within me
And I want to take you out to not be like this
Since you left, I feel that I lost something of myself
It's sad to suddenly see your Myspace
And see that I am no longer in your top
And to see the photos that I also took
Tell me what is it that I have to do
Well I can't anymore, anymore, try living like this
You will always be deep deep within me
And I want to take you out to not be like this
Since you left, I feel that I lost something of myself
I think
You will always be deep deep within me
And I want to take you out to not be like this
Since you left, I feel that I lost something of myself
And you don't want to leave this place
You don't know how much it costs me to live like this, always thinking about you and me, thinking
You will always be deep deep within me
And I want to take you out to not be like this
Since you left, I feel that I lost something of myself
I think
You will always be deep deep within me
And I want to take you out to not be like this
Since you left, I feel that I lost something of myself


I wish I meet the biggest hope, glistens than other which
I want to see a desire, glistens than anyone else
I love, and want to understand him more than anyone else
...more, more than anyone else...
I have no need for worthless things - anything ordinary and boring
What meaning is there to words that will neither be deadly poison nor cure?
I don’t care if nobody understands me
It’ll only take one second for the world of our [beliefs] to fall apart, after all
I [believe] that hope will overcome despair and shine
And will offer my pulsating heart
For the sake of that brilliance, I'll tear apart my chest
Until the very last drop trickles down and wets my lips
Ordinary and boring people are the majority, because the world is filled with weaklings
You'll only be able to make a giant killing once you stand before the abyss of despair
There's no way for everyone to soar
Because the world of our [beliefs] is so cruel, and takes but a second to change
Believing that hope will overcome despair and shine
Will you show no hesitation when drinking the poison poured into that glass
Or will you abandon it at the end of much indecision?
I am merely watching over you, to whom the last choice is given
The worst incident in the history of mankind has left this piece of land devoid of life, but the seeds are budding again
The sprouts of happiness should be able to blossom with much vibrance and strength...
I [believe] that hope will overcome despair and shine
And will offer my pulsating heart
For the sake of that brilliance, I'll tear apart my chest
Until the very last drop courses through my body and overwhelms me
I wish I meet the biggest hope, glistens than other which
I want to see a desire, glistens than anyone else
I love, and want to understand him more than anyone else
...more, more than anyone else...

Alisin Pakao

Alis nije li strašno
Alis nisi li uplašena
Alis nije li divno
Živjeti život uplašen
Ne gledaj iza ugla
Možda tamo lutam
Ispod kreveta noću
Budna si do jutra ponovo
Alisin pakao, tvoj um
počinje da se uvrće
Alisin pakao, ne rasteš li hladna
Alisin pakao, izgledaš plavo
Alisin pakao, šta drugo možeš da uradis
Ja počinjem moje pravilo, život odvratan u tvom umu
Plačeš, izgubila si svoju lutku
Nije vrijedno novca
Alisin pakao, tvoj um
počinje da se uvrće
Alisin pakao, ne rasteš li hladna
Alisin pakao, sta tražiš
Alisin pakao, uskoro zatvaram vrata
Sjediš u ćošku, gola si i sama
Niko ne sluša tvoje strahove, ti si me stvorila
Alis nije li strašni
Alis nisi li uplašena
Ubijen sam na rodjenju
Snimam ovu finalnu scenu
U mom si podrumu
Ti si zarobljena izbezumljenjem
Alisin pakao, šta tražiš
Alisin pakao, kako zatvaram vrata
Alisin pakao, ovdje ću se zadržati
Alisin pakao, Alis će se zadržati u paklu
U paklu

Building My Batuku

Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
It wasn’t only me that was there
Ohh young people
(I was not the only one there)
Let me tell you all a story
(I was not the only one there)
When I was building my batuku
(I was not the only one there)
Ohh people, I went through it
(I was not the only one there)
I was counting on comadre Diana
(I was not the only one there)
She told me she liked batuku
(I was not the only one there)
She told me to talk with his husband Chico
(I was not the only one there)
When I when to his home
(I was not the only one there)
I found Compadre Chico at the door
and Diana behind him
(I was not the only one there)
I told him ‘good to see you Compadre’
(I was not the only one there)
He said ‘Come in, get comfortable’
(I was not the only one there)
‘If it’s good news, then is welcomed’
(I was not the only one there)
I told him ‘You know why I’m here?
To ask for your permission for your wife to join my batuku’
(I was not the only one there)
He said ‘Good lord have mercy, not on my watch’
(I was not the only one there)
‘You have gone crazy’
(I was not the only one there)
That his wife is not crazy, nor a thief, a drinker or careless’
(I was not the only one there)
That she has things to do at home
(I was not the only one there)
I told him ‘Compadre I’m also not crazy, a thief,
a drinker or careless’
(I was not the only one there)
‘I also have what to do at home’
(I was not the only one there)
He slapped Comadre Diana with the back of his hands, and she fell under the table’
(I was not the only one there)
He said to her ‘go and feed the goats, they are hungry!’
(I was not the only one there)
I told him ‘Compadre, I was never expecting that from you’
(I was not the only one there)
He said ‘Get out of my house’
(I was not the only one there)
I told him ‘well, I’m not here to live with you’
(I was not the only one there)
‘I didn’t crew bulls, I’m not a ‘zoito pig’
(I was not the only one there)
‘As you see I’m my own person’
(I was not the only one there)
He said ‘get out of my place before I hit you with this stick’
(I was not the only one there)
I said ‘ ahh yes Compadre’
(I was not the only one there)
‘You better be sure of your actions’
(I was not the only one there)
‘Because I’m a grown woman’
(I was not the only one there)
‘My skirt doesn’t mean I’ll take your manners’
(I was not the only one there)
‘I you revolve to hit me with the stick,
you will eat the devil’s bread’
(I was not the only one there)
He asked me if I didn’t knew who he was
(I was not the only one there)
I said ‘I don’t know and don’t need to know’
(I was not the only one there)
‘I despise who knows and wants to tell me about it’
(I was not the only one there)
He said ‘I do what I say, my xerém (type of food) doesn’t spill,
but that who spills it will have to catch it
even if it is in Prego Ribeira.’
(I was not the only one there)
I told him ‘ I have no fear, I’m not scared’
(I was not the only one there)
‘I’m the daughter to Archangel Michael’
(I was not the only one there)
‘The men who suppresses me is the like satan in hell’
(I was not the only one there)
He said ‘Christ woman, what’s batuku after all’
(I was not the only one there)
I told him ‘if you listen, you will know’
(I was not the only one there)
‘Batuku is sentiment and happiness, is peace and love,
is solidarity, is sending a message, Batuku is the ‘’good live’’,
it's everything we feel inside of us’
(I was not the only one there)
Oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah
I hope you can change
Ohh Compadre
(I hope you can change)
Why you're doing me like that
(I hope you can change)
Why are you treating me badly?
(I hope you can change)
Why you only think about war
(I hope you can change)
He made the world, and made it big so we can all fit in it
(I hope you can change)
The world have a head and a feet (it is perfect)
(I hope you can change)
The world have half and middle
(I hope you can change)
The world have a road and a route
(I hope you can change)
You tell me the way
(I hope you can change)
He (God) send us his white Lamb with long wool
and someone already sheared him
(I hope you can change)
That’s why it was killed (possibly meaning Jesus)
(I hope you can change)
[Goes to explain that the world is not in harmony anymore because of how people act. She talks in detail about her crops not being abundant and her chicks being killed by birds of prey]
Oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah
It wasn’t only me that was there
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
I went up the hill
I came down the hill
I cross all of this, it is no big deal
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)
It wasn’t only me (that was there)...

The old house close to the fountain

The old house next to the fountain,
Overgrown by the vine
And cobweb-ridden,
Used to smell of fruit-jam,
And of darkness,
Around/ it, there were just
And wasps
And also some bird's nests
We used to go angling
For crayfish together with
Mr the priest
We would swim stark naked ,muddy,
With all the little girls
And the ducklings
The old house, near the council-flats
Has become a factory
And a supermarket
And the trees have vanished
And all smells sulphurised hydrogen
and War
it's not so Bad
It's just normal
Progress, It's called.

The Baddest Kid In Prison

I cheated on the test
And the dreams all vanished
A prisoner in my school
I wasted my life
I took the road of the darkness
And wore the clothes of strife
I forgot all my manners
And I wasted my life
I used to love peace
Then I knew vengeance
I cheated and stole
And I wasted my life
They think that prison
Is the penalty for the crime
Prison is cruel
It showed me tragedies
I know my faults
And I wasted my life

She forgot me

She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot our, our, our, our summer
She forgot, how we walked until dawn with her
I'm inhaling nicotine and it's like sweet scent
And our endorphins won't find the way back
We flew with you above the clouds
I thought so, but you weren't there
I was against, to such an alignment
You left, leaving only the sky to us
- Ey! I'm tired of yelling at you already
But you don't hear me and your number
The phone, it's like, you didn't hear
And now you're my ex
Replaced me, me my smart girl
Mine isn't around, I replaced you with poison
Ey! Replaced, forgot, ey!
My baby's cold, ey!
Replaced, forgot, ey!
My baby
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
Let go, or still be mine
I'm alone, or we're together again
I'm flying somewhere above the sky
Like cigarette smoke
Flashbacks crushes the past again
Where's this poison, but you can't poison me
I forgot you, loved you
But time's killing us here
Give me strength, let go
I'm more used to being without you, I'm alone
But your scent couldn't leave
I'm remembering, I'm drowning
In an apartment, where you aren't
My baby
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power...

Like A Dream

Do you remember?
Moments that were more awkward Because we were so comfortable with each other
Even when we were joking around
You looked at me with serious eyes
You still act indifferent and honest
And I like that
You’re the only one who makes me smile
Without knowing
It’s like a dream
Being with you
Because it was you
My memories are so special
Several times a day
I remember like it’s yesterday
I hope this lasts forever
You and me
I guess it was good, I keep laughing
I can’t stop
You’re shyly smiling
Come one step closer to me
Can I love you?
I’ll go closer to you
It’s like a dream
Being with you
Because it was you
My memories are so special
Several times a day
I remember like it’s yesterday
I hope this lasts forever
You and me
I can’t believe it
Now I know the reason that I met you
It’s like a dream
All of my moments
Are filled with you
All of those moments
Because it’s you, I can smile
So I can lean on you and rest
I hope it’s you each moment
You and me

The Yellow House

I won't come back to the yellow house
I'm far from it already
Far from there, far from there
You'll won't see me at the yellow house anymore
I got lost
The last time, the last time
I won't come back to the yellow house
The windows are shut
You'll won't see me at the yellow house anymore
I've changed my star

The Bison

Mountainous, worn down, indecipherable,
flaming red as an ember that goes out,
it walks burly and slowly in the vague
solitude of its untiring wilderness.
It awakes with its equipped nape.
In this old bull with sleep rage,
I see the Indian men from the West
and the lost men from Altamira.
Then I think that human time, whose
spectral mirror is memory, ignores it.
Time cannot reach it, nor can the history
of its passage, so changeable and futile.
Timeless, numberless and nil
is the first and final bison.

The Prisoner

I envy you, little sparrow
You who come a few times to visit me
Perched on one of the bars
From that tiny skylight looking so sad
When you don't come
I see a corner of sky, granted to me in favor
But I wait for you every time
Thinking that now you know when it's time
I’m a prisoner
and Mom is dying.
Forgive me, Mom
to hurt you so much.
I can't make a move
To kiss her one last time
I don't care about the rest
'Cause if she dies, it's because of me
She who never fell asleep
Without imploring Madonna, and the Saints
She who had given so much
So we can say later, he's a very good man
I’m a prisoner
and Mom is dying.
Forgive me, Mom
to hurt you so much.
I’m a prisoner
and Mom is dying.
Forgive me, Mom
Forgive me

Put Your Head On My Shoulder

Put your head on my shoulder
Come, we'll dance a slow one
The dance [will] be a game for two
Come, close your eyes
You breathe on me
Nothing exists except you
I whisper sweet words
It's only us
Let's dance, think of nothing else
Tomorrow, that's too far away
Let's dance like this
You on me
All else doesn't matter
Put your head on my shoulder
Say no more, we take off
You'll see how fine we'll feel
Above the ordinary
I feel your skin which shudders
I long to dance the whole night
This song which is ours
Oh! Put your head on my shoulder

In the prisons of Nantes

In the prisons of Nantes
Tom di li li lon
In the prisons of Nantes
There was a prisoner
There was a prisoner
No one came to see him
Tom di li li lon
No one came to see him
Except the jailer's daughter
Except the jailer's daughter
One day he asked her
Tom di li li lon
One day he asked her
What do people say about me?
What do people say about me?
In town people say
Tom di li li lon
In town people say
That you'll be hung
That you'll be hung
If they must hang me
Tom di li li lon
If they must hang me
At least untie my feet
At least untie my feet
The girl was young
Tom di li li lon
The girl was young
She untied his feet
She untied his feet
Her suitor was quick
Tom di li li lon
Her suitor was quick
He jumped in the Loire
He jumped in the Loire
Once he was on the other bank
Tom di li li lon
Once he was on the other bank
He started to sing
He started to sing
'I sing for the beauties
Tom di li li lon
I sing for the beauties
Especially the jailer's daughter
Especially the jailer's daughter
If I ever come back to Nantes
Tom di li li lon
If I ever come back to Nantes
Yes, I'll marry her
Yes, I'll marry her'
In the prisons of Nantes
Tom di li li lon
In the prisons of Nantes
There was a prisoner
There was a prisoner

Moj dom je tvoj dom

Moji prijatelji gargojli
Koji bde nad tobom
Braniće te od svih budala
Kada ti je potrebno sklonište
Ne treba ništa da uradiš osim da dodješ da tražiš utočište
Notre Dame de Paris
To je moj dom, moje gnezdo
To je moj grad, moj život
Moj vazduh, moj krov, moja postelja
To je moja pesma, moj krik
Moj razlog, moja ludost
Moja strast, moja zemlja
Moj zatvor, moja domovina
Tvoji prijatelji gargojli su i moji prijatelji
Oni su ti koji me zasmejavaju u danima dosade
A ti, ti si im sličan, zato mi se sviđaš
Iako te se još uvek plašim kada god te vidim
U mom domu, kod mene
Uvek je lepo
Zimi je manje hladno
Leti je manje toplo
Doći ćeš kada god poželiš
U koje god godišnje doba
Moj dom, ako to želiš
Biće i tvoj dom
[Kvazimodo i Esmeralda]:
U mom domu, kod mene/U tvom domu, kod tebe
Uvek je lepo
Zimi je manje hladno
Leti je manje toplo
Doći ćeš kada poželiš/Doći ću kada poželim
U koje god godišnje doba
Moj dom, ako to želiš/Tvoj dom, ako to želim
Biće i tvoj dom
Biće moj dom

The Bison Hunt

The bison hunt ends.
The wind that is missing ends, my son.
It is time for me to recall long fables that are good for your children—
in the evening, around the fire, together again—
and from the hill that guards the south because, from there,
the smoke of the city could rise.
As far as you can see, you can hunt—
but not a day's journey further.
Respect the white man when you meet him on the same road—
but don't fear him and never trust him.
Teach your people the paths of courage, along with piety.
Do not stop until your heart cannot go on.
And, with us, the evening hour is sweet—
and the wise man never flees from it.
I see new hunting, new pastures, and new wars for freedom.
Eternity does not end with me—
but rather on the smile of the warrior when he leaves what he loved here,
knowing that it is right that this is how it ended.
The bison hunt ends.
The breath that is missing ends, my son.
It is time for me to recall long fables that are good for your children—
in the evening, around the fire, together again—
and from the hill that guards the south because, from there,
the smoke of the city could rise.


I just happened to walk with you behind me
Because of you who is sorry
I try to hold back the tears I’d hate you to see
I stood up first
I knew today would come
The day our love ends
For us that we went wrong, the sky certainly
Has no forgiveness
Tell her that I’m sorry
Because I had her happiness
Don’t leave this kind of pain anymore
I was the only one
Deceiving everyone while loving
Was it harder for you?
Now don’t look for me in your dreams
I’m not in you (a part of you) anymore
Just forget about me and go back
To her embrace
The memory of you crying in my arms too
Was a performance just for me?
I was your only love
I used to believe those words
Your lovely smile and your warm gaze
Now I’ll share them with her
Don’t leave this kind of pain anymore
I was the only one
Deceiving everyone while loving
Was it harder for you?
Now don’t look for me in your dreams
I’m not in you (a part of you) anymore
Just forget about me and go back
To her embrace


She holds the last king of France
stubbornly1 to her heart2.
She says again how much she loves him,
and that he has to survive her absence
and harbour no thought of revenge.
And her guards already drag her away.
She would want to leave it up to God,
but where is God right now?
She says: 'you can cut my hair,
but please take care of my child'
She walks obediently,
remembering the dance steps
in her queenly finery.
She retained that elegance
that would grant the court of France
its European insolence.
She hears the shouts of the crowd
and the insults of the innocents3
She hears the drums rolling
and the belfry of St Vincent.
Soldiers, hats off.
The queen walks to the scaffold.
Soldiers, this is one death too many.
Which republic is without its faults?
She thinks of the former king of France,
of her nice childhood years
in an Austrian province.
And, as the cart comes forth,
she takes her allotted place
next to a Gypsy girl4
She would want to leave it up to God,
but God is never where He should be.
She refuses to lower her eyes
in front of the executioner's hood5.
Soldiers, hats off.
The queen walks to the scaffold.
Soldiers, this is one death too many.
Which republic is without its faults?
She no longer knows what she's thinking about.
Everything changes dramatically6 as something obvious7
She seems to hear the noise of chains,
and in a silent whisper,
deep inside everyone's consciousnesses
everybody wonders: 'why the queen?'8
  • 1. lit. 'insistently', but that doesn't really make sense in French either
  • 2. it's about Louis XVII, a 8 years old child who would eventually die in prison two years later.
  • 3. ??? sounds like 'innocent' is meant as 'feeble-minded' here. Or maybe the people that are not to blame for her execution?
  • 4. I suppose that's a wink to Esmeralda, though I wonder what Notre-Dame de Paris has to do with the French revolution. In reality she was accompanied by a priest.
  • 5. this is purely apocryphal. As the story goes, she inadvertently stepped on the executioner's toes and her last words were 'I beg your pardon, Mister. I did not do it on purpose'
  • 6. the verb also means 'topple over'. It's obviously a kind of play on both meanings. Not a very good one, in my opinion.
  • 7. I don't know what they mean by that
  • 8. Though the crowd indeed remained silent after her death, Marie-Antoinette was a symbol of all that was wrong with the nobility. Living in an indecent luxury, oblivious to the needs of her people, playing the shepherdess with her courtesans while children starved in the streets around her palace. I very doubt many commoners questioned the reasons for her execution.

Terror, citizen

Terror1, citizen
I can see it dance in your hands
I can feel it clearly, going along
with all these heads in your basket.
Terror, citizen,
I can see it coming tomorrow,
along with the taste of others' blood.
Who's next? Who's to blame?
Terror, citizen,
from the Vendée2 to Saint Germain3
I can see it being thrown like a stone
by Robespierre's hand.
Terror, citizen
Terror, citizen
I stand alongside it every morning,
in the eyes of the temple child4
they locked up to make an example.
Terror, citizen,
that's where it comes from. It came a long way.
It can put me on its list,
even though I'm no royalist.
Terror, citizen,
from the Montagnards to the Girondins5,
torn apart by a convention
that is no longer the revolution.
Terror, citizen
Oh, oh, Terror
it's such an error, citizen.
Oh, oh, Terror
it's such an error, citizen.
Terror is such an error, citizen.
  • 1. 'la Terreur' is the name of a period after French revolution when many members of the nobility and alleged royalists were summarily executed, using the infamous guillotine
  • 2. a region of France where a bloody civil war erupted after the revolution
  • 3. I don't recall the city played any significant role during the revolution. Maybe an allusion to the ?
  • 4. It's about Louis XVII, infant heir to the throne, detained in the Temple prison where he would die in 1795
  • 5. the two main political factions in the newly formed parliament which was called the 'convention'. Many of its members would meet their end to the guillotine during the ferocious political struggles that followed the revolution


We dreamed so much of being free,
of being free
before we became rebels.
We dreamed so much of being immobile1,
of being immobile
before we became emigrants.
We all loved the same France,
the same childhood,
before we made mistakes.
It wavers at the end of courage
on the flag of the revolutions.
It has made nobody dream,
the disenchantment.
It dwells in the hearts of men,
as the bereavement of their imagination.
It spared no one,
the disenchantment.
We always dreamed of always following
of always following
a wind of liberty.
We dreamed so much of writing the book
of writing the book
of a forgotten story.
We fought
for offences,
for differences2
that brought us closer.
It wavers at the end of courage
on the flag of the revolutions.
It has made nobody dream,
the disenchantment.
It dwells in the hearts of men,
as the bereavement of their imagination.
It spared no one,
the disenchantment.
This dagger in the heart
that dares not speak its name3
and kills happiness
by saying 'no' to you.
It wavers at the end of courage
on the flag of the revolutions.
It has made nobody dream,
the disenchantment.
It dwells in the hearts of men,
as the bereavement of their imagination.
It spared no one,
the disenchantment. (x3)
  • 1. being immobile is not really something people dream of, for all I know. No idea what he means by that
  • 2. again this PC synonym of 'diversity'. It doesn't really mean anything here
  • 3. another cliché for 'hidden' or 'covert' or 'deceptive' that has no real meaning here

Secret love

Dance with me
Dance with me
Night covers us like a sheet
Nobody will see you here,
entrapped in my arms.
Play with me
Play with me
I'm the mouse, you're the cat.
Do whatever you please with me.
As the song goes, it'll be alright1
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
When hidden love(rs)
can't get close, doesn't that
make vows written in chalk
even truer?2
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
Dance with me
Dance with me
What we're doing together is neither the business
of narrow-minded persons3 or the law
This fight is ours alone4
Carry me away
Carry me away
Just like in the delta of a river,
what is me
and what is you
mix up but don't unite5
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
When hidden love(rs)
can't get close, doesn't that
make vows written in chalk
even truer?
And what if secret love...
When hidden love(rs)
can't get close, doesn't that
make vows written in chalk
even truer?
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
  • 1. that's a rather anachronic pun. 'ça ira' means 'it'll be alright' in modern French, but the he refers to rather says 'That will happen for sure, all the aristocrats will be hung' Regular smile
  • 2. that's arguably nice-looking gibberish in French too
  • 3. 'bien-pensant' is also a trendy modern term, it really sounds out of place in a 18th century story
  • 4. what fight? Are they making love or war?
  • 5. another bit of abstruse French


With its villages and castles,
its grey houses by the waterside,
I know very well what people do there1.
With its fears and angers,
its revolutionary ideas,
I know it better than you'd think.
With its belfries and churches
and customs. Whatever they say,
it still harbours a desire for insolence2
Though I might have offended it at some point,
it is like an heartache
that makes me quietly cry.
France, France
is like the shadow of a cross under Provence's sky.
is keeping faith while all bets are off3.
With its romantic gardens4,
its fishing harbours on the Atlantic,
I know its diversity5.
With all its craftsman trades,
stonecutters or peasants,
it's been moving forth for 2000 years.
With its immortal provinces,
the cherished child of the Sun King6
I know his descendants well.
With its words of liberty,
equality, fraternity
which never occurred to me.
France, France
is to believe until the end, until the last chance.
is to keep our childhood memories inside of us7
France, France,
it remains my country, from yesterday to today.
with all its colours, remains in my heart.
  • 1. lit. 'the way they dance there', but the idea is rather 'what's going on there'
  • 2. that sounds pretty bad in French too, like corporate or media waffle
  • 3. more precisely: when the result is inevitable
  • 4. actually the 'romantic' movement didn't exist at the time, it was an invention of the triumphant bourgeois social class that would bloom in the mid-19th century Regular smile
  • 5. 'différence' is a trendy politically correct word for 'diversity'
  • 6. a common nickname for Louis XIV, a most prestigious king of France who ruled with great pomp for 70 years until early 18th century
  • 7. what a lot of hot air...

You think of her

You think of her
better1 than of the comeback of the swallows
You think of her
like a priest to his parish
You think of her
like a dog in front of its bowl.
You think of her
Speak no more.
I recall her yesterday morning
Speak no more,
or beauty is worthless2
Speak no more.
I can hear horses in the dist3
Speak no more.
She will make you
swear Judas' oath.
She will carry you
all around the world in her arms.
She will leave you
on the corner of a bed, your heart spread-eagled4.
She will forget about you.
Speak no more.
Love is killing me in this garden.
Speak no more.
Living without her is a grief.
Speak no more.
Dying every day
is my fate.
Speak no more.
You think of her
I recall her yesterday morning
Speak no more (you think of her)
or beauty is worthless (you think of her)
I can hear horses in the distance
Speak no more (you think of her)
Speak no more.
Love is killing me in this garden (she will forget about you).
Speak no more.
Living without her is a grief (she will forget about you).
Speak no more.
Dying every day (she will forget about you)
is my fate.
She will forget about you.
Speak no more.
You think of her.
  • 1. sounds odd in French too
  • 2. ??? as if speaking would make beauty worthless ???
  • 3. ...ance. 'loin' is an adjective meaning 'far'. Correct French would use the noun 'lointain' (far distance)
  • 4. 'en croix' is usually said of the arms forming a cross with the body, equivalent to the spread-eagle posture. It could also evoke a crucified heart, with an effort of imagination

Cruel Heart

Tell me, what is your heart made of?
Maybe it is chilli sauce maker grinding stone,
the more I love you,
the more you still persist in denying me your affection.
Oh, my little sweetheart*
oh, my little lovely sweetheart,
when I ask you a favour
please, never ever dare to give me a pinch!
It is impossible to forget you, oh my sweetheart!
I love you more and more with each passing day!
Dear sweetheart,
starry-eyed little lovely girl,
from now on, I will make you forget
your erstwhile lover (boyfriend)!

The season

See those frontiers all around
See how speeches at night
And dim lights that appeared
In the distance
Seem to guide us
Seem to be within reach
Boundaries against which we brush
Rivers along which we wander
Don't be too afraid
The season is nice
I'll smother you with pearls
Don't be too afraid
The season is nice
I'll cover you with flowers
See how currents carry me off
Did they swear to want me dead
Dangers we faced since dawn
And the roads we've been walking
Cliffs to climb
And roaring waves
In our footsteps
Korea is under the rain
Don't be too afraid
The season is nice
I'll smother you with pearls
Don't be too afraid
The season is nice
I'll cover you with flowers
And finally our archipelago
And your season is back again
I know time goes by
I never thought I wouldn't be back
Don't be too afraid
The season is nice
I'll smother you with pearls
Don't be too afraid
The season is nice
I'll cover you with flowers

The Prisoner of the Tower

The prisoner of the tower
Was killed this morning,
We will not go to Mass tomorrow.
He threw himself from the tower
While I was holding out my hands,
It seemed to me that I was in sorrow.
If the king knew that, Isabelle,
Isabelle, if the king knew that,
In the lace dress,
You would never be allowed,
Isabelle, if the king knew that.
The prisoner of the tower
Was my only friend,
We will not go to Mass today.
He was my only love,
The reason for my life,
And my youth is extinguished with him.
If the king knew that, Isabelle,
Isabelle, if the king knew that,
In the lace dress,
You would never be allowed,
Isabelle, if the king knew that.
The prisoner of the tower,
Each evening, waited for me,
We will not go to Mass anymore, never.
It's a sin that love
And the world is poorly made,
My lover, whom I loved, was killed.
If the king knew that, Isabelle,
Isabelle, if the king knew that,
In the lace dress,
You would never be allowed,
Isabelle, if the king knew that.
The prisoner of the tower
Will not have grave clothes
And nothing
Nothing but a black hole where the leaves are engulfed,
But me, I will go each day
Crying under the lime trees
And nothing,
Not even the king, will prevent my mourning.
If the king knew that, Isabelle,
He could only cry with you
Because he loved a beauty
Who was not for a king
And the beauty, Isabelle, was me...


You kept quiet, you granted,
you gave me reasons to cry,
I was noble, I would forget,
I didn't listen clearly what were you explaining,
you hurt me, oh, I hurt you,
the closeness didn't let us see.
You used to say that I was the love of your life,
today you just encourage us to stop loving each other, I break off without knowing.
You tried, I ignored you,
you asked me to come back and I doubted it,
I was clumsy, I was bad,
I didn't listen clearly what were you explaining,
you hurt me, oh, I hurt you,
the distance didn't let us see.
You used to say that I was the love of your life,
today you just encourage us to stop loving each other, I break off without knowing,
from the bones and the skin of this love which isn't anymore.