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Резултати претраге страна 25

Број резултата: 982


Прати ме

Понекад се замишљам са тобом,
путујући светом, изгубљени.
Није битно било шта, али мислим на тебе.
Понекад заборавим на прошлост.
Увек се сећам да сам био уз тебе.
Изгледа да сам те увек познавао.
У овом тренутку
ово је оно што живимо.
То је као да не пролази време, не.
Не постоји време
и сати пролазе тако успорено.
Не знам шта ми радиш,
али свиђа се мом телу.
Препушта се моје тело
и воли да понавља.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.
Понекад се замишљам са тобом,
путујући светом, изгубљени.
Није битно било шта, али мислим на тебе.
И у овом тренутку
ово је оно што живимо,
то је као да не пролази време, не.
Не постоји време
и сати пролазе тако успорено.
Не знам шта ми радиш,
али свиђа се мом телу.
Препушта се моје тело
и воли да понавља.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.
Да ли ћемо се изгубити једне ноћи у Паризу,
у центру света близу Гвајакила?
Да ли ћемо ићи на плажу у Тулуму или у Пунта Кану?
Погледај да има превише жеље
и ако останемо у Барилочу?
Пусти кључеве, нека одвезу ауто,
нека иду да нас траже по Андалузији.
Шта је битна судбина, са тобом бих ишао.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.

Pusti Me Da Zivim

Major Lazer
Dok hodam kroz vodu, vidim toliko mnogo stvari
I potom kazem sebi, 'Nista nije kao sto izgleda'
Jer ja sam ona koja, ja vladam u svom svetu
Niko ne vlada s mojom sudbinom
Jer vi ste oni koje, vi vladate u vasem svetu
Ni jedan los covek ne drzi vasu sudbinu
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da uzivam, uzivam
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bih da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bih da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, daj mi
Da li gubimo kontrolu, ili je to nasa sudbina?
Sad sam otvorila svoj um, sad
Hajde, oslobodi me
Jer ja sam ona koja, ja vladam u svom svetu
Niko ne vlada s mojom sudbinom
Jer vi ste oni koje, vi vladate u vasem svetu
Ni jedan los covek ne drzi vasu sudbinu
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da uzivam, uzivam
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bih da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bih da uzivam, uzivam
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da uzivam, uzivam
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bihj da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bih da uzivam, uzivam
Pusti me na miru, daj mi
Zasto nece te pustiti me na miru?
Da, da
Radi cu sve sto mi se dopada
Guta cu sve sto mi se dopada
Da bude na svoj nacin dobi cu svoj zivot
Da bude na svoj nacin dobi cu svoj zivot
Ne kazem da je sve u redu
Uhvati cu malo vibracije veceras
Svaki dan, svaku noc, svaki dan
Oseti te ljubav covece
Uzivaj te svaki dan
Uzivaj te dan dan (uzivaj te u zivot svoj)
Uzivaj te svaki dan
Uzivaj te dan dan (uzivaj te u zivot svoj)
Uzivaj te svaki dan
Uzivaj te dan dan (uzivaj te u zivot svoj)
Uzivaj te svaki dan
Zasto ne odes da zivis svoj zivot, da?
I ja cu da zivim moj
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, pusti me da uzivam, uzivam
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bih da zivim svoj zivot
Pusti me na miru, Mogla bih da uzivam, uzivam
Pusti me na miru, uzivaj te u svakom danu, uzivaj te u svakom noci
Uzivaj te svaki dan, uzivaj te u zivot svoj
Uzivaj te svaki dan, uzivaj te u zivot svoj
Uzivaj te svaki dan

Било би лакше

Можда је то био мој недостатак времена
или су биле многе тишине
које никад нисмо пустили да причају.
Можда се уморило стрпљење
и заборавила си да ћу доћи
и више ниси желела да чекаш.
Није потребно да ти кажем
или да ми кажеш шта смо урадили погрешно.
Било би лакше и не,
нећу се претварати да не боли,
сазнање да није било довољно,
сазнање да што више покушавам
не могу да избегнем да је готово.
Било би лакше да се мрзимо,
јер је немогуће прихватити
и све што смо планирали
морамо рећи збогом.
Можда сам се испунио са страховима.
Имали смо боље тренутке
који више неће моћи да се врате.
Није потребно да ти кажем
или да ми кажеш шта смо урадили погрешно.
Било би лакше и не,
нећу се претварати да не боли,
сазнање да није било довољно,
сазнање да што више покушавам
не могу да избегнем да је готово.
Било би лакше да се мрзимо,
јер је немогуће прихватити
и све што смо планирали
морамо рећи збогом.
Није потребно да ти кажем
или да ми кажеш шта смо урадили погрешно.
Није потребно да показујемо прстом
нити да кривимо никога другог.
Било би лакше.

Spring premonition (I've been mellow)

Let's put an end to run
Chasing a cynical joke
A drama where we both are with the chins in the hands
Let the wine shake us
A spring premonition feels that way
If you stop the time
It doesn't mean that the spring call us
However I realize
I've been mellow
Through the glass, feeling your gazing
My heart is choppy
If now I'm obedient, to your chest
I seem to jump
A spring premonition feels that way
Probably always changes
It doesn't mean that the spring call us
However I realize
I've been mellow
A spring premonition feels that way
If you stop the time
It doesn't mean that the spring call us
However I realize
I've been mellow
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I Will Survive

I became a sickly yellow
I was trembling
I saw a dark and long tunnel
A distant shining ray of light
And they took me to the ITU*
I had to wait in the queu
They gave me a number
I am one humdred twenty two
Call a doctor
Because he was on break
He came running with a cup of coffee in his hand
And a piece of cake in the other
He told me, 'Give me a moment so that I may drink it
Lest it gets cold'
And then he tried to give me an injection
But the vein he could not find
And I heard the choir
The angels in the vicinity
Near heaven
What the hell is this doctor doing
He is stepping on my wind pipe
And I am feeling weak
I am half dead
I want to call out of help
I do not want to die
I will survive
I do not want to go in the casket
Because I am still cool
Who wants me dead
I will not satisfy him
And I'll survive
I will survive
His lips against mine
I felt them warm
He tried to give me the kiss of life he thought I was a fool
Saint Peter winked at us
'What's going on between you two?'
I told him, 'There is nothing!
And I'll beat him when I rise'
Now it's too much
What's happening
Who gave him the certificate to work at Mater Dei Hospital
I felt my mouth moving
I said words that is not understood
He inserted the thermometer
In the back were no sun has ever seen
And I heard the choir
The angels out of tune
They came to peep
Because they saw Joe Demicoli
All with my songs
That they had copied
They told me come and make us laugh
I told them, 'bye, bye and bye'*
I do not belong here
I will survive
I am too young to join you
I am not even forty five
And don't think that I will say 'Amen'
To accommodate the government*
I will survive
I will survive
And then a nurse came
Incredible blond
When she touched me my heart worked
Started to pump blood again
She leaned on me
And had her blouse slightly open
At that moment I opened my eyes and I felt relieved again
My mouth open wide
I will survive
The cleavage stamped on my face
How life is beautiful
On the spot we fixed a date
I have just come
And I have already scored
I will survive
I will survive
I do not want to die
The doctor will be my witness
When I marry this summer
Whoever wants me dead
I will not satisfy him
And I'll survive
I will survive

Благословен твој живот

Дошла си не говорећи ништа мом срцу
и полако љубав изнутра се проширила.
Никада не бих могао да замислим да је била твоја намера
да дођеш и повратиш сваки осећај.
Не знам како сам толико година преживео,
верујући да зато што сам сам бићу срећан
и сада када си са мном могу да кажем:
'Не знам како сам могао да живим без тебе'
Благословена ноћ када сам те упознао,
твој свет је много бољи од онога што сам ја имао,
благословљавам све оно што ти чиниш да осећам,
благословена твоја мајка зато што ти је дала живот.
Ти си мој живот,
благословен твој живот,
твој свет је много бољи од онога што сам ја имао.
Ти си мој живот,
благословен твој живот,
благословена твоја мајка зато што ти је дала живот.
Не знам како сам толико година преживео,
верујући да зато што сам сам бићу срећан
и сада када си са мном могу да кажем:
'Не знам како сам могао да живим без тебе'
Благословена ноћ када сам те упознао,
твој свет је много бољи од онога што сам ја имао,
благословљавам све оно што ти чиниш да осећам,
благословена твоја мајка зато што ти је дала живот.
Ти си мој живот,
благословен твој живот,
твој свет је много бољи од онога што сам ја имао.
Ти си мој живот,
благословен твој живот,
благословена твоја мајка зато што ти је дала живот.
Благословена ноћ када сам те упознао,
твој свет је много бољи од онога што сам ја имао,
благословљавам све оно што ти чиниш да осећам,
благословена твоја мајка зато што ти је дала живот.
Ти си мој живот,
благословен твој живот,
твој свет је много бољи од онога што сам ја имао.
Ти си мој живот,
благословен твој живот,
благословена твоја мајка зато што ти је дала живот.

Cekao sam te

Trazio sam te
sa mojom snagom
u univerzumu.
Pisao sam ti u par stihova
koje sam poslao da lete na nebo.
Trazio sam te.
Sanjao sam te
i voleo sam te iako te nisam upoznao.
Moji zagrljaji su te zvali
na jednu stranu kreveta.
Sanjao sam te.
Predosetio sam
svakog dana tvoj pogled,
tvoj dolazak.
Predao sam se
ispred svetlosti tvoje duse.
Da, ja sam onaj koji te oduvek cekao.
Mogu priznati da, iako je bila ludost, nisam sumnjao.
Da, u mom srcu tvoj prostor sam cuvao
i sada kada si ovde
vidim ljubav pretvorenu u tebe.
Pronasao sam te.
Na kraju stepenica,
u ratu mog zivota
ti si bila moja zastva.
I pronasao sam te.
Predosetio sam
svakog dana tvoj pogled,
tvoj dolazak.
Predao sam se
ispred svetlosti tvoje duse.
Da, ja sam onaj koji te oduvek cekao.
Mogu priznati da, iako je bila ludost, nisam sumnjao.
Da, u mom srcu tvoj prostor sam cuvao
i sada kada si ovde
vidim ljubav pretvorenu u tebe.

Volim svoje ludilo

Uvek su mi govorili da sam cudan,
nesto drugaciji od ostalih.
Bio sam ocajnicki sanjar,
da svoje zelje zeleo sam da sustignem.
Koliko puta su me nazvali ludim
i mozda malo, ali svejedno je,
ako sam bio takav kako su pricali
imam srece.
Ti si onaj koji te vodi gde ti zelis,
ono sto odlucis je ono sto imas,
nek te ne bude briga sta ti govore,
zivi svoj zivot.
Nisi neobicna osoba kako si mislila,
vec nas je toliko, da dan za danom
oslikavamo snove na zidovima
i takva si ti.
Sa ludilom, volim svoje ludilo.
Izgubi razum i pomeri tvoj struk.
Ako bi znali svi ti ljudi,
da danas se smejem ako gledam unazad.
Sve sto su videli kao nemoguce,
moje srce je moglo postici.
Koliko puta su me nazvali ludim
i mozda malo, ali svejedno je,
ako sam bio takav kako su pricali
imam srece.
Ti si onaj koji te vodi gde ti zelis,
ono sto odlucis je ono sto imas,
nek te ne bude briga sta ti govore,
zivi svoj zivot.
Nisi neobicna osoba kako si mislila,
vec nas je toliko, da dan za danom
oslikavamo snove na zidovima
i takva si ti.
Sa ludilom, volim svoje ludilo.
Izgubi razum i pomeri tvoj struk.
Ti si onaj koji te vodi gde ti zelis,
ono sto odlucis je ono sto imas,
nek te ne bude briga sta ti govore,
zivi svoj zivot.
Nisi neobicna osoba kako si mislila,
vec nas je toliko, da dan za danom
oslikavamo snove na zidovima
i takva si ti.

Vraticu se

Kazu da sam zarobljen,
da zivim vezan za proslost
sa tugom price
koja se zavrsila.
Moze ti izgledati sebicno,
da posle toliko insistiram,
ako sam otisao, na kraju krajeva,
to je bila moja odluka.
Danas sam shvatio
da kada sam bio uz tebe
imao sam sve
i iako zvuci apsurdno
da zelim da se vratim.
Ja vraticu se,
vraticu se
i ne znam da li ces biti tamo.
Vraticu se
zbog tebe, zbog tebe.
Vraticu se
i iako znam
da tvoj zivot nastavio se bez mene,
zbog tebe, zbog tebe.
Moze biti da je prekasno,
da mozda me neces saslusati,
ali nista nema smisao
ako nisi ovde.
Danas sam shvatio
da kada sam bio uz tebe
imao sam sve
i iako zvuci apsurdno
da zelim da se vratim.
Ja vraticu se,
vraticu se
i ne znam da li ces biti tamo.
Vraticu se
zbog tebe, zbog tebe.
Vraticu se
i iako znam
da tvoj zivot nastavio se bez mene,
zbog tebe, zbog tebe.

Give me somithing

It's a lot of glamour
Hold on to you
I'm getting bigger and bigger
Without a trace
I'm not tired of what happened in
No time to lose
The truth of you is brought back to me
Come on in
You know what?
My Sweetie Sweetie
Sweet my love
Look at me clearly
Don't let go of the moment
take me to the end
Snow me everything
Give me something
Give me something
Come on Come on
Give me something
Give me something
Snow me you till the end
Give me something
You know it you know it
Give me something
So show me so show me
Give me something
I know it I know it
Give me something
Let me go there
A shower with a thin waist
I'm soaking wet
A mysterious smile
Look at the world i've never seen before
You know, i think we're running out of time
We were a little too far
It's so soft that it's gradually melting to you
With perfect penetration
You know what?
My Sweetie Sweetie
Sweet my love
Look at me clearly
Don't let go of the moment
take me to the end
Snow me everything
Give me something
Give me something
Come on Come on
Give me something
Give me something
Snow me you till the end
Give me something
You know it you know it
Give me something
So show me so show me
Give me something
I know it I know it
Give me something
Let me go there
Give me something
Give me something
Come on Come on
Give me something
Give me something
Snow me you till the end
Give me something
You know it you know it
Give me something
So show me so show me
Give me something
I know it I know it
Give me something
Let me go there

Daj malo

Hodao sam drumovima
Dok nisam shvatio da hodam
Da hodam sam
Hodam da pronađem
Hodam da pronađem tu vrstu
Parčeta uma
I danima čekam
Čekam da te vidim kako se smešiš
I danima čekam
Čekam da te vidim kako se smešiš
Pa, daj malo parče svoje ljubavi
Daj malo parče bola svog srca
Daj malo parče svog dodira
Daj malo parče sloma svog srca
Pa, daj malo parče svoje ljubavi
Daj malo parče bola svog srca
Daj malo parče svog dodira
Daj malo parče sloma svog srca
Hodam više
Hodam sam na drumu
Zapalio sam se

Detective Conan - theme song

Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan, Conan!
Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan!
Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan, Conan!
Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan!
Each mystery is not a mystery anymore for Conan
He distinguishes lies from truth with ability ( oh oh)
He solves each case following his instinct ( following his instinct )
And he does not give up, so he succeeds in
He only knows what to do
He only knows where to go
He only knows who to look for
Per find the truth
Conan super detective wearing his glasses
who is hunting for criminals
He will reveal each secret
Still investigating
Conan, he who does not make any mistake
And he always hits the target
But his real identity ...
Nobody knows now!
Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan, Conan!
Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan!
He is in love, but he cannot come out
Because he was a kid again for a while
Only investigating, he knows that he perhaps will find
Who make him adult again
So he never gives up
Conan super detective wearing his glasses
who is hunting for criminals
He will reveal each secret
Still investigating
Conan, he who does not make any mistake
And he always hits the target
But his real identity ...
Nobody knows now!
Still investigating
Conan, he who does not make any mistake
And he always hits the target
But his real identity ...
Nobody knows now!
Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan, Conan!
Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh, Oh-ohoh
Detective Conan!
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Месечева река

Месечева реко, шира од миље,
Прећи ћу те са стилом једног дана.
За тобом, која ствараш снове, која ломиш срца,
Где год да идеш, ићи ћу и ја.
Две луталице кренуле су да виде свет,
А толико света има да се види.
Идемо ка истом крају дуге, који чека иза кривине,
Мој пријатељ из детињства, Месечева река и ја.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

In Secrecy

Versions: #2
(You know, excuse the audacity but
its that I've liked you for a long time,
yes, I know you're not free, but we could
be discrete, see each other from time to time
in secrecy)
I promise you discretion in the presence of others
I'm capable of acting indifferent
if they mention you to me, Ohhh yes...
I promise not to stain your shirt
Not to ask you for more love if you're in a hurry
I'd understand you... But love me
Even if it's from time to time
Even if it's in secrecy
But love me
Even if it's in secrecy
Even if it's from time to time
But love me
(I promise to not leave any trace,
any evidence that I was there,
I promise not to be demanding, I promise to be
patient and wait until you return to me)
With patience I'd wait until your return
Just tell me I'd have of prize a kiss,
and you'll love me
if you'll love me
Even if it's from time to time
Even if it's in secrecy
But love me
Even if it's in secrecy
Even if it's from time to time but love me
But love me
(I know I'm daring by offering you a relationship
in secrecy, but I like you so much that I'll settle
for seeing you from time to time)
Even if it's in secrecy
Even if it's from time to time but love me
But love me
Even if it's from time to time
Even if it's in secrecy
But love me

Daj mi ljubav

Petak je, čekam te, nema te
Obećao si mi da neću biti sama
Nisi došao, ali barem si mogao
Da me pozoveš, da mi objasniš
Pogledaj me, obukla sam se za tebe
Za tebe se šminkala, namestila kosu
A gde si ti?
Daj mi ljubav, daj mi ljubav
Pusti me da imam svu tvoju ljubav
Želim puno ljubavi, daj mi samo ljubav
Daj mi, daj mi ljubav,
Želim te svaki minut u mom životu
Želim puno ljubavi, daj mi samo ljubav
Daj mi, daj mi, daj mi ljubav, tvoju ljubav
Možda je dosta za tebe
Da me imaš između vremena, između svih ostalih
Da li želiš da drugi muškarac bude ovde?
Zato što ti ne možeš
Pitam te, želiš li?
Pogledaj me, obukla sam se za tebe
Za tebe se šminkala, namestila kosu
A gde si ti?
Daj mi ljubav, daj mi ljubav
Pusti me da imam svu tvoju ljubav
Želim puno ljubavi, daj mi samo ljubav
Daj mi, daj mi ljubav,
Želim te svaki minut u mom životu
Želim puno ljubavi, daj mi samo ljubav
Daj mi, daj mi, daj mi ljubav, tvoju ljubav
Želim da dam, da osetim, da dišem ljubav, samo ljubav
Želim te, želim te, želim te, želim te
Želim te, želim te, želim te
Želim te

Illness of a madman

You are there
You are like in my silk dreams
Lost in the night fantasies
More than anytime else I've not thought of that life
That my dreams are stronger
That that puts your joy into
The woman of your youth
It's the illness, the illness of a madman
It's the weak one that marries out of love
Illness, illness of a madman
You are like this every night
I am the cold one in your arms
Is there a life if I stay here
Love is dumb but masked
It's okay I know that
So many times you told me it's another life
It's the weak one that marries out of love
Illness, illness of a madman

Little whore

Girls work
During the night
The old rascals,
They put in the price
They got on well immediately
Until opinions, they are allies
Your head has everything
Little whore
It makes me crazy
It is certain
My feelings, it reminds me
It's strictly confidential
Fucking, wet, playing, doll, shaved, beauty, not dancing or helping me
The eyes nervous
Not dramatic
Not in love
But friendly
Your fantasy, good quality
I really want to
Oh cute cute girl
It's me who plays with you

John Wayne

In my dreams I find myself next to John Wayne
I am mostly passionate for his
Entire horse
John gives it to me
I start at a race in the country
A day without you
Is not the same
A day without you
I am not myself anymore
A day without you
Is not the same
A day without you
I am not myself anymore
In my dreams I pass like a lightning
The stallion and me
It's still super
Not to speed up
I arrive at the end of my day
The end of my dream
A day without you
Is not the same
A day without you
I am not myself anymore
A day without you
Is not the same
A day without you
I am not myself anymore
In my dreams I pass like a lightning
The stallion and me
It's still super
Not to speed up
I arrive at the end of my day
The end of my dream
A day without you
Is not the same
A day without you
I am not myself anymore
A day without you
Is not the same
A day without you
I am not myself anymore


Our and is near
I feel it a little bit
A passing second
I'm a little afraid of going away
Fall into sweet dream
I didn't want to wake up (I never know)
Me in your shiny eye
I do not think i can see it again
You drive me out of my mind
This is the last time you and i
I'm just gonna heart lovely innocent sound
Why don’t you stop me now?
Your words i want for
Now i'm gonna heve teel you
Oh, one last time with you
Kiss me one more time, will you?
I didn't know that
It hurts
I try to smile but i don't care
Because that's all we can do
I see you today
In doth eyes (I need you oh)
And your temperature that was covering me
I can't feel it anymore
You drive me out of my mind
This is the last time you and i
I'm just gonna heart lovely innocent sound
Why don’t you stop me now?
Your words i want for
Now i'm gonna heve teel you
Oh, one last time with you
Kiss me one more time, will you?
Oh, one last time with you
Kiss me one more time, will you?
You were holding me in your arms
I won't be able to hold that hand
Tirn around, Hold me
I can not be without you
Please come back my baby
A little Slow down
I hate the way I cry
Tirn up the innnocent radio volume
When this road is over
I can not see you again
I got you on my mind
Oh, one last time with you
Kiss me one more time, will you?
Oh, one last time with you
Kiss me one more time, will you?

Long Live Life

Long live life, life with its days to come full of song
Long live life, life, forever life
A dark cloud above us is casting its shadow
Nobody knows if it will disappear
Men keep falling in large numbers
And yet the world keeps talking about peace
Long live life, life with its days to come full of song
Long live life, life, hand in hand and hope elates us
Long live life and the friends of the days to come full of song
Long live life, life, forever life
We find a bird under the debris
Something has to be done, no matter how
The road is long and the world is so dark
Where does the road go and where is the light ?
Long live life, life with its days to come full of song
Long live life, life, hand in hand and hope elates us
Long live life and the friends of the days to come full of song
Long live life, life, forever life, hope elates us
Long live life, life with its days to come full of song
Long live life, life, hand in hand and hope elates us
Long live life and the friends of the days to come full of song
Long live life, life, hand in hand and hope elates us
Long live life, life with its days to come full of song
Long live life, life, hand in hand and hope elates us
Long live life, life with its days to come full of song
Long live life, life, hand in hand and hope elates us

What the next shore will bring

You never swim twice in the same river
I like this, because everyone knows
Rivers are never how they were once
Us people, I think, we're not like that, no matter what the price is,
We want to be safe and will never know
What the next shore will bring,
What the next shore will bring for us
I look around at what the next shore will bring
Out on the sea, the gulls bustle
Instead, I think, when a new day begins
What the next shore will bring for me
Will come true for me
I sense it by the waterfall and in the woods which trust me
Can I ignore the far drumming?
Accept a handsome man,
Who will build me a beautiful house,
But will never dream of great things that will happen
What the next shore will bring
What the next shore will bring
I look around at what the next shore will bring
Out on the sea, further out
I think much more about what forces me in my dream
What the next shore will bring
What the next shore will bring
Should I take the easier way
Steady like the sound of the drums?
Should I accept Kocoum as husband,
But let my dream melt away
Whoever you are
Wait for me and show me
What the next shore will bring
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Shadow of a Doubt

I had hoped that time would help me forget
Had hoped that night would help me dream
Had hoped that someone would teach me to see
But I have wasted my days, I have taken everything for granted
Everything behind me is ash, everything except life
that lies there and waits for something to happen
To constantly search for happiness, it has cut up my heart
To constantly search for happiness, it has only given me pain
Had hoped that someone would teach me to see
And all the instant excitement all beautiful sins gave us
starts to lose all its charm now, starts to tear time away from us
And at the same time the moments become shorter than then
But I am tired of living, afraid to die
But when I saw you, you were the island of rescue
Tired of living, afraid to die
I might only be a boy, all too young to be able to judge
But there are moments that I most of all want to forget
So I close my eyes to not have to look at you and your body
Because once I believed in truth, once I believed in honour
Believed you and I were friends, believed you and I were in love
But I found that people change so easily without reason
I had hoped that time would help me forget
Had hoped that night would help me dream
Had hoped that someone would teach me to see
And I have wasted my days, I have taken everything for granted
Everything behind me is ash, everything except life
that lies there and waits for something to happen
But I am tired of living, afraid to die
But when I saw you, you were the island of rescue
Tired of living, afraid to die

Give me back my heart

How nice it was when you were looking at me
When you talked to me
And you were saying: I love you
How nice
When you'd wake up
At dawn
With just one kiss
And now
You want to forget
What we had
What we felt
Without a single reason
And although
You want to break up
To get away from me
I can't hate you
I'm just asking you
Give me back my heart
I will need it
You got used it on you
And what will I tell to it
Listen carefully this song
I'm dedicating it to you
After I loved you so much
I want you to be happy
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
And now
You want to forget
What we had
What we felt
Without a single reason
And although
You want to break up
To get away from me
I can't hate you
I'm just asking you
Give me back my heart
I will need it
You got used it on you
And what will I tell to it
Listen carefully this song
I'm dedicating it to you
After I loved you so much
I want you to be happy
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
Life is going on without you
I'm not going to die
But give this heart back to my body
So that I can be able to live
Give me back my heart
I will need it
You got used it on you
And what will I tell to it
Listen carefully this song
I'm dedicating it to you
After I loved you so much
I want you to be happy

Vrati mi moje srce

Lepo, kada si me gledala,
kada si mi pricala
i govorila: Volim te!
Kako lepo
kada si se budila
u zoru
samo sa poljupcem.
I sada
zelis da zaboravis
ono sto smo ziveli,
ono sto smo osecali,
bez razloga.
I iako
zelis da zavrsis
udaljavajuci me,
ne mogu da te mrzim,
samo ti trazim...
Vrati mi moje srce,
bice mi potrebno,
na tebe se bilo naviklo
i sta cu mu reci.
Slusaj dobro ovu pesmu,
tebi je posvecujem,
nakon sto sam te voleo toliko,
zelim da budes srecna.
Zivot se nastavlja bez tebe,
ja necu umreti,
ali vrati mi telu
ovo srce da bih ziveo.
Zivot se nastavlja bez tebe,
ja necu umreti,
ali vrati mi telu
ovo srce da bih ziveo.
I sada
zelis da zaboravis
ono sto smo ziveli,
ono sto smo osecali,
bez razloga.
I iako
zelis da zavrsis
udaljavajuci me,
ne mogu da te mrzim,
samo ti trazim...
Vrati mi moje srce,
bice mi potrebno,
na tebe se bilo naviklo
i sta cu mu reci.
Slusaj dobro ovu pesmu,
tebi je posvecujem,
nakon sto sam te voleo toliko,
zelim da budes srecna.
Zivot se nastavlja bez tebe,
ja necu umreti,
ali vrati mi telu
ovo srce da bih ziveo.
Zivot se nastavlja bez tebe,
ja necu umreti,
ali vrati mi telu
ovo srce da bih ziveo.
Vrati mi moje srce,
bice mi potrebno,
na tebe se bilo naviklo
i sta cu mu reci.
Slusaj dobro ovu pesmu,
tebi je posvecujem,
nakon sto sam te voleo toliko,
zelim da budes srecna.

Suffering alone

Versions: #2
I want my friends to not be offended but leave me alone because I am ashamed to cry out my sufferings with you, even though I appreciate you for worrying about my pain, I believe its best to suffer my cruel torment alone. From the sky above, further away my healer will come. The one I need to console me and lift me.
I want all the pains that she left me to be erased. She was who I adored and she betrayed me. Letters and old pictures make my loneliness worse because they bring me back memories of happy times that wont come back. Her promises and deceits, those that to me were always real cross my memory, but now they are only betrayals.
Letters and old pictures make my loneliness worse because they bring me back memories of happy times that wont come back. Her promises and deceits, those that to me were always real cross my memory, but now they are only betrayals.

The Sea

Hey beautiful, you shine brighter than the sun
I seriously fell in love with you along the way
We'll run away and everything will be so simple
I'll take you away to an uninhabited island
The sea, sea, sea, sea
The sea is rough once, the sea is rough twice
The sea, sea, sea, sea
The wave of our summer covers us
and we dance along
Hey beautiful, we're flying in the clouds
I'm melting like chocolate in your hands because of you
We'll run away and everything will be simple
I'll take you away to an uninhabited island
The sea, sea, sea, sea
The sea is rough once, the sea is rough twice
The sea, sea, sea, sea
The wave of our summer covers us
and we dance along
The warm wind and loving sand -
is what I love. It is what I love
Palm trees, sun, songs, and no worries
I will for sure take you away somewhere
The sea, sea, sea, sea
The sea is rough once, the sea is rough twice
The sea, sea, sea, sea
The wave of our summer covers us
and we dance along

Detective Conan 2nd Theme Song

Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh Detective Conan
With Detective Conan every mystery is not a mystery anymore
He skillfully tells lies apart from truth
Oh oh (oh oh, oh oh)
Case after case he solves everything following his instinct
(Following his instinct)
And never gives up
That way he makes it
Only he knows what to do
Only he knows where to go
Only he knows whom to search for
To discover the truth
Conan, super detective with glasses
Chasing criminals
He will unveil every secret
Investigating further
Conan, who never makes a mistake
Who always hits his target
But his true identity
Is still unknown
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh Detective Conan (Conan)
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh Detective Conan
He's in love, but
He can't propose
Since he's been back a child for very long
Only by investigating he knows
He'll maybe find
The one who will turn him back adult
So he never gives up
Conan, super detective with glasses
Chasing criminals
He will unveil every secret
Investigating further
Conan, who never makes a mistake
Who always hits his target
But his true identity
Is still unknown
Investigating further
Conan, who never makes a mistake
Who always hits his target
But his true identity
Is still unknown
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh Detective Conan (Conan)
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh Detective Conan
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Putovao sam ovim širokim putevima tako dugo
Moje srce je bilo udaljeno od tebe
Deset hiljada milja daleko...
Oh, želim ti doći blizu i dati
Svaki deo sebe
Ali ruke su moje krvave
I usne nečiste
U svojoj tami ja se sećam
Majčinih reči, prolaze mi kroz glavu:
'Predaj se dobrom Gospodu
I on će ti podariti novi početak'
Odvedi me na tvoju reku
Želim da idem
Odvedi me na tvoju reku
Želim da znam
Baci me u tvoju mirnu reku
Kao čovek koji je počinio mnogo zločina
Tražim vazduh
Dok moji grehovi teku Jordanom
U svojoj tami ja se sećam
Majčinih reči, prolaze mi kroz glavu:
'Predaj se dobrom Gospodu
I on će ti podariti novi početak'
Odvedi me na tvoju reku
Želim da idem
Odvedi me na tvoju reku
Želim da znam
Želim da idem, želim da idem
Želim da znam, želim da znam
Želim da idem, želim da idem
Želim da znam, želim da znam
Želim da idem, želim da idem
Želim da znam, želim da znam
Odvedi me na tvoju reku
Želim da idem
Gospode molim te obrati mi se
Odvedi me na tvoju reku
Želim da znam

Ben 10 Omniverse Intro (English)

Ben 10!
He is a boy and he likes to play,
But if you call your hero, here you will have it.
Ben 10!
With a watch on your arm you will see,
With their transformations, who will do them?
The jokes for him, are goals to overcome.
Ben 10!
It is our salvation, hero in action.
Ben 10!

Domesticated Wolf

They told you about me that I'm like the river
That comes and kisses, that kisses and leaves
They told you that I'm frivolous and empty
That I'm like the wolf that hunts and leaves
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
They told you one and many things about me
To be careful to not fall down
That my love is a trap and my roses are bait
But what I want to do is so simple
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
They told you about me that I'm like the river
They told you that I'm frivolous and empty
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And your crazy man in love with you
Is what I want to be
To be always at your side
And be your faithful pet
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And don't let rumours
Nor what people say
Get into your heart
Because they're only jealous, believe me
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And they're dying of jealousy
What people want
Baby, is to see us apart
But this love grows and grows
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet

Sonic Drive (Sonic X Intro) German Version

S-O-N-I-C Go
S-O-N-I-C Go
Go Go Go Go Let's Go
I do whatever I
Maybe I pause or
That is my way I don't have anything to lose
I don't look back
I just run
I will be the first at every race
That is my Style
I never give up
the fight
Now can I feel the
speed. How are you going to stop me?
Hold on tight, otherwise it will tear you away, everything is just blurry
I fly as high as the wind. I am free!
North and South. Now Let's Go
East and West. Now! Super Speed
No matter which way we go, we always get to the destination
Straight ahead? I see nothing except sand and wind
Inside Outside Go Sonic Outside Inside Yes Sonic
Now finally we got you.
Be ready for the case.
My advice to you?
You don't live twice, get everything out
Every new day gives you a chance to run. Go out and do it now
S-O-N-I-C Go
S-O-N-I-C Go
Go Go Go Go Let's Go
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

And we however live in a deadly void ...

And we however live in a deadly void -
Try to squeeze - so that the pus spouts out, -
And the deadly fear is deadened by the howling -
And those, that are the first and people who are in the queue.
The obligatory sacrifices,
Often glorified by our fathers,
Have put a seal on our generation -
Have deprived us of reason and memory and sight.