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Волим као ти

Ако бих могла бити пола оног што мислиш о мени
Могла бих учинити отприлике све
Могла бих чак и научити како да волим
Када видим како се понашаш
Док се питаш кад се враћам
Могла бих учинити отприлике све
Могла бих чак и научити како да волим као ти
Волим као ти...
Увек сам сумњала да сам можда лоша
Сада знам да је истина
Јер, тебе сматрам тако добрим,
А ја сам нимало као ти
Види те само
Обожавам те једноставно
Само кад бих знала
Због чега мислиш да сам тако посебна
Ако бих могла почети радити нешто што је за тебе добро
Урадила бих отприлике све
Чак бих и научила како да волим као ти
Када видим како изгледаш
Узнемирен тиме што ми је толико требало
Могла бих учинити отприлике све
Могла бих чак и научити како да волим као ти
Да себе волим као ти...

That year between the lines

After reading novels overnight, those divides and combine
Created sadness and happiness
Thinking of your words and phrases, the plot is the same
I pretend I haven't heard
My friends know I couldn't let you go
I think it wasn't that bitter
Looking at you couldn't talk, try to let it pass
Loneliness is fulfilled
That year, between the lines, missing turned into summer
Over and over again, silently writing my wishes
Step by step see your changes
A person freely releases silence
My friends know I couldn't let you go
I think it wasn't that bitter
Looking at you couldn't talk, try to let it pass
Loneliness is fulfilled
That year, between the lines, missing turned into summer
Over and over again, silently writing my wishes
Step by step see your changes
A person freely releases silence
That year, between the lines, missing turned into summer
Over and over again, silently writing my wishes
Step by step see your changes
A person freely releases silence
That year, between the lines, missing turned into summer
That year, between the lines, missing turned into summer
That year, between the lines, missing turned into summer


Rice pudding
Frog tail, finally
I need my soul
Why don't you call me that?
Listening to your voice
Inside the forest of God
Celebrating the night
With friends smoking the sun
Snake, oh
Snake, oh
Could it be?
Snake, oh
Snake, oh
Could it be?
Dreaming of you
Knowing the noise of the song
Imagining your town
Eating the fruits of love
Swimming in your body
Inside the forest of God
Celebrating the night
With family and crazy people, flavor
Snake, oh
Snake, oh
Could it be?
Snake, oh
Snake, oh
Could it be?
Snake, oh
Snake, oh
Could it be?
Snake, oh
Snake, oh
Could it be?

Almost be Enticed

Versions: #1
Jerry (talking): Mi Amor1 ...
It's yet again that, ... about you ... I dream,
'nd ... I need to tell you ...
Jerry (singing):
Look at my hands ...
... trembling like this ... for thee ...
... 'nd I know you tremble•for me !
Feel I the enchant of one night
between ... your arms ...
Come, and gimme at last ...2
... of your love ...
... of your heart & soul ...
Now is the time to be•happy !
Look at my eyes ...
... shinning like this ... for thee ...
I Wish you overly !3
Look at the peeps ...
... look at the Big City ...
... stopping for thee, 'nd for me ...
If they see•us to kiss ...
... smiling would say:
... 'What a pair of mads !'
(○ Chorus ○)
[to] Gimme a kiss•like this's ...4
... to go to Paradise ...
... almost be enticed ...5
Gimme a kiss•like this ...
... gives me•the calmness ...
... it touches my whatness ...6
(○ Instrumental bridge ○)
Look at my lips ...
... get close, a little more ...
... in a casual form ...
Bite a suspire ...7
Enjoying my neglect, come ...
Kiss me, without doubt ...
... no talking ...
... gimme more heat ...
Fill me of your luv ...
... that I need you ...
[to] Gimme a kiss like this's ...
... to go to Paradise ...
... almost be enticed ...
Gimme a kiss like this ...
... gives me•the calmness ...
... it touches my whatness ...
... you blow my mind ...!8
[to] Gimme a kiss like this !
That touches me till the whatness
'nd make me lost the calmness ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
What is hiding your lips ...
... I wanna discover ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Drive me till the Paradise ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
'Cause I want be part of your sweet enticement ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
That your mouth on my mouth
I would like to have ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Look how are shinnig my eyes
'cause I wish you, mujer ...!9
(○ Instrumental bridge ○)
[to] Gimme a kiss like this !
Kiss me•just right now ...!
... that speak the gens ...10
Gimme a kiss like this !
If we are crazies of Love ...
... that comment then ...!
Gimme a kiss like this !
I'm needing of your love ...
... fill me up of all your hot ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
That a doubt doesn't exist
... that this love is a lunacy ...!
Gimme a kiss like this !
Get close, pretty girl ...
... that to you, I wanna feel ...!
Gimme a kiss like this !
And if you see me tremble ...
... I'm trembling for thee ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Cede me water from your font
that I'm thirsty of thee ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Don't make dishearten me
gimme a bit-kiss, please !
  • 1. Mi Amor puede reemplazarse por 'My Love'
  • 2. Gimme es contracción de 'give me'.
  • 3. Te deseo a morir = 'te deseo muchísimo', es decir, 'demasiado'.
  • 4. • Hay diferencia entre dame (give me) y darme (to give), pero al ser una versión cantable se indica [to] entre corchetes para hacerlo opcional.
    • This's = this is. Lo escribo así para aligerar la línea que le sigue.
  • 5. Almost be enticed = 'casi ser/estar hechizado'. Debería ser 'almost one enticement' pero se requiere que el sonido se aproxime a 'paradise' en esta versión.
    Ver 'Comentarios'.
  • 6. Whatness = 'el Qué', 'la Esencia' de algo ~ 'el Alma'. Entonces:
    Me llega hasta el alma = 'toca mi alma'.
  • 7. Bite es 'morder' = 'robar' en lenguaje coloquial de Venezuela, Cuba y Puerto Rico. Equivaldria a 'roba un aliento', o sea, 'toma/dame un beso'.
  • 8. Nublas mi mente es aturdir, atontar. En sentido romántico: 'me vuelves loco'.
  • 9. Se puede utilizar 'female'. Sólo he querido mantener el sabor latino.
  • 10. Gens se refiere a un grupo de personas con intereses comunes. Se aplica a una sociedad. También se puede emplear 'men' en su sentido amplio de 'people', o 'streets' en relación al chisme de barrio o callejero.

How Many Times

Time has passed around here
Since that night when we lost the battle
And we chose the distance
Every day I wanted to repeat
Those kisses of yours that I missed so much
But I could not find anyone else to match you
And although I promised myself
To give up this feeling forever
It's still here, I never left
How many times did I have to be strong
Lie to myself that everything is fine
That I forgot you
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it
Sometimes even if you say no
You have a stubborn heart
And that simple is it which decides
And although I promised myself
To give up this feeling forever
It's still here, I never left
How many times did I have to be strong
Lie to myself that everything is fine
That I forgot you
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it

That They Burry Me While Singing

Now that I'm alone in this world,
Alone, alone in this world wandering,
I don't care if I die one day,
I only want that they burry me while singing.
I've spent my life rolling,
I've spent my life drinking,
but I swear that from this day forward
you will only see me drinking.
One day I will go up and I'll give back
what the lord has lent me.
One day I will go up and
nothing will matter to me
the day I die.
And that day that I die
I don't want to hear you all cry,
What I want is that you all bring guitars
so I can hear you all sing.
If one actually loved me
then let it come from their heart,
I want to hear you all cry strongly
and sing to me this humble song.
One day I will go up and give me back
what the lord has lent me.
One day I will go up and nothing will matter to me
the day that I die.

The ones next door

The fiddles cried,
the bandoneons shivered.
and in the distance got lost
the chords of a tango.
A vigilant doing rounds
to not fall asleep
and a rich boy hidden
talking at the hallway
Suddenly is heard
rumors of orchestra
the ones next door
are partying.
The girl who left home one day
when she wasn't even fifteen has returned!
She brought a baby...
and they baptized him!
That's why are dancing
the ones next door.
Now the lights went off
the neighborhood rests,
the nights with its sadness
has gone away.
The workers go to work
like every morning,
while a drunk guy
goes talking nonsense.
Suddenly is heard
rumors of orchestra
the ones next door
are partying.
The girl who left home one day
when she wasn't even fifteen has returned!
She brought a baby...
and they baptized him!
That's why are dancing
the ones next door.

Poverty and Famine

Poverty and famine came
That’s something no man could withstand
Horrible grief fell upon the land
Whoever had legs ran away in the morning
Children scream, women are scared
Whoever was alive yesterday is dust today
Even the holy men are afraid now
I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes
But we don’t care
So we’ll have a beer
And drink ourselves stupid like it was the last day
We’ll have fun
And party till the morning
So roll out the barrels and sit here for me
So sit here
And let them out
Show me your knockers
Tomorrow’s Judgment Day
So pour me a drink
Make the world spin
No one even knows today, after all
If Jesus shows up tomorrow or not
And if it’s not the last time

The ocean

What you are really brave!
If you caught my wave
It blinds so strong
How could you be there !?
And how didn't you sink !?
What you are really brave!
How did you cheat nature!?
I guard on the shore
Your ocean
I dive in the ocean inside you
We just know
How at the bottom is brightly
There, where light is off
Our magic light
There isn't this spot
In the whole Universe
Well, why it so rare
I tell you all of this
Me and you in freedom
I don't remember already
How I look at the world
without you
Well, why it so rare
We cherish that we have
If love is inside
It's here
I dive in the ocean inside you
We just know
How at the bottom is brightly
There, where light is off
Our magic light
There isn't this spot
In the whole Universe(x2)

Let Me Put Down My Head On A Dune

Let me put down my head on a dune
let the muses thunder a bit
let me rest on every foothold
give the honor to the IDF1
Let me put down my head on a dune...
Wars, we have a plenty
and troubles here - not lacking any
so between the missiles and rockets
let me catch a 'relax' in the shade
so let me, let me...
Let me put down my head on a dune...
The pen rips the paper
when i dream about you
and a tear of longing
shines in my eye
(play it Gingi)
Let me put down my head on a dune...
Don't say among the tank corps
in the artillery battalions
that 'the gang' is enjoying themselves here
you will wake up the neighbors again
(Yaso Viktor)
Let me put down my head on a dune...
  • 1. Israel Defense Force, Zahal

A Walk

When I’m taking a walk through the quiet night
I think of your face without fail
You’re someone I drew out by gathering the twinkling stars
Like a streetlight that fills up this narrow street with a scent
I wish I could smell this scent of azalea flowers with you
I miss you, your face that I long for
But it disappears like a drawing of water
I miss you, again today
I’m taking a walk and thinking of you again today
The air is cold around me
Making me think of you so clearly
As I try to put behind the sadly shining times
I miss you, your face that I long for
But it disappears like a drawing of water
I miss you, again today
I’m taking a walk and thinking of you again today
Your warm hands and that touch
Your eyes where I fit into perfectly
You didn’t expect anything back from me
And gave me love, I miss you
I miss that face
But it disappears like a drawing of water
I miss you, again today
I’m taking a walk and thinking of you again today
I’m taking a walk again today
I’m taking a walk again today