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Број резултата: 309


Who Dat B (Ko je ta K)

Čak i ako se ne trudiš tako jako da znaš
Ako znaš, znaš, več znaju
Tračarenje tračarenje, kao da je istina
Kao da je to sve, svi oni pričaju
Nemam želju da se prilagodim
Ljudima sa kojima mi je neprijatno, samo ću biti kurva
TV, magazini, reklame, slike, albumi
Koncerti, daogađaji, turneje, zauzeto sam telo
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Leteći sam poduhvat
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Vole da me mrze jer sam realna ljudi
Svi ste vi ljubomorni, već ste izgubili
Zovu zovu Jessi, svi pokušavajuda me angažuju
Koliko god da sam zgodna, odana sam
Idem tamo i vamo
Prva klasa u nebu, slobodna duša
Gdegod da odem u svetu
Ništa mi ne fali kao Azijatskoj ženi
(Slažem kilometražu dok stilizujem hah)
Što mi više govoriš da ne radim nešto
Želim to da uradim još više
Izludim tvog dečka, devojku
Ja sam nestrpljiva unni, sve ću uzeti
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Leteći sam poduhvat
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Vole da me mrze jer sam realna ljudi
Svi ste vi ljubomorni, već ste izgubili
Zovu zovu Jessi, svi pokušavaju da me angažuju
Koliko god da sam zgodna, odana sam
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ko je ta K
Oh ta zgodna
Ti si ta K (Žele da znaju)
Guzica predorba
Ko je ta K (Žele da znaju)
Ko je ta K (Žele da znaju)
Ko je ta K (Žele da znaju)
Jebeš ih i šta govore o tebi (Jebi ih)
Nemam vremene
Noć je duboka oh yeah
Ledeno ledeno, požuri i pokreni se
Zašto si se zamrznuo, uplašen? Bože me sačuvaj
Ulazim, samo gledaj i vidi ko će uspeti
Možeš da pokušaš svoje slatke tirkove, umuškari se
Brend sam, daj mi novac
Samo mi daj sve
Da li si u redu sa ovim?
Najgora od najgorih GANGGANG!
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Leteći sam poduhvat
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Ko je ta K
Vole da me mrze jer sam realna ljudi
Svi ste vi ljubomorni, već ste izgubili
Zovu zovu Jessi, svi pokušavaju da me angažuju
Koliko god da sam zgodna, odana sam
Oh hey, hey, hey

At a Little Train Station

At a little train station
in the early morning
seven little coaches stood
there all in a row.
And the little driver
steered the wheel, so it went

The Same

It seems free and easy, but I still want to keep you in my heart
Your sadness may be a bit similar to mine
Many people say that we should let go if we want to
But we haven't made any mistake
And are still suitable for each other
We've both worked hard, but refuse to let go of time
I wonder more if it's useful to believe in fate
I guess you would be optimistic and bless me lightly
This indulgence now seems
To be double of the pain
The same me wants to get my passion back
The same you wants to maintain your calmness
You and I
Will be fine if we stay simple
The same words, I'll mind if you keep saying them
The same love turns from intimacy to memories
I'm sorry, the same is impossible to continue
The same me still understands you
The same you is still as caring
You and I
Are not so easy
The same words can only be avoided first
The same love can only continue in the form of regrets
The last sentence
Is still 'Take care of myself'


Zaustavi se tu,
pogledaj me u lice,
nisam savršena,
nenameravam da budem.
Izneverila sam te,
ti si me povredio
i kajem se,
žao mi je...
U nekom trenutku bila je ljubav iz bajke,
više je ne pronalazim, osećam da te gubim,
pokušajmo da saslušamo ponovo jedno drugo.
Želim da prestanem da brojim
fragmente moje duše u komadićima,
sećanja koja guše,
zašto smo toliko povredili jedno drugo?
Želim da prestanem da se svađam,
da izađem iz ove tame
i da ispravim ono što smo uradili,
rekli smo jedno drugom,
da bismo tako ponovo disali.
Možda konačno
se spasimo,
ako smo već pali,
letimo bez gledanja unazad.
U nekom trenutku bila je ljubav iz bajke,
danas je više ne pronalazim, osećam da te gubim,
pokušajmo da saslušamo ponovo jedno drugo.
Želim da prestanem da brojim
fragmente moje duše u komadićima,
sećanja koja guše,
zašto smo toliko povredili jedno drugo?
Želim da prestanem da se svađam,
da izađem iz ove tame
i da ispravim ono što smo uradili,
rekli smo jedno drugom,
da bismo tako ponovo disali.
Tvoj vazduh ponovo
samo želim da uzdišem,
zajedno ponovo budemo
(zajedno ponovo budemo)
Želim da prestanem da brojim
fragmente moje duše u komadićima,
sećanja koja guše,
zašto smo toliko povredili jedno drugo?
Želim da prestanem da se svađam,
da izađem iz ove tame
i da ispravim ono što smo uradili,
rekli smo jedno drugom,
da bismo tako ponovo disali.
Da bismo tako ponovo disali
I zajedno ponovo da dišemo.

Plači svojoj mami

Težak mi je kofer, proći ću,
jer je od veće pomoći onaj koji ne smeta,
ni jedna tvoja suza neće te spasiti,
neka te uteši onaj kome je stalo do tebe.
Odoh, više nisam ovde, otišla sam,
plači svojoj majci,
ispričaj joj šta se dogodilo,
ne izostavi nijedan detalj.
Oproštaj za oproštajem nije rešenje,
već je bez značaja, isto kao i naša veza,
plači svojoj mami,
odoh, više nisam ovde, otišla sam, više mi odgovara bez tebe.
Na momente se osvrnem,
vidim kako se put briše,
već sam započela i ne mogu da stanem,
znam da me čeka dobra sudbina.
Odoh, više nisam ovde, otišla sam,
plači svojoj majci,
ispričaj joj šta se dogodilo,
ne izostavi nijedan detalj.
Oproštaj za oproštajem nije rešenje,
već je bez značaja, isto kao i naša veza,
plači svojoj mami,
odoh, više nisam ovde, otišla sam, više mi odgovara bez tebe.
Šta da ponavljam,
ako više nema šta da se kaže.
Odoh, više nisam ovde, otišla sam,
plači svojoj majci,
ispričaj joj šta se dogodilo,
ne izostavi nijedan detalj.
Odoh, više nisam ovde, otišla sam, više mi odgovara bez tebe.


Gira le pagine di un libro perché non riesco nemmeno a guardare
alle parole che mi dicono ciò che dicono
Non riesco a volte
a leggere le parole
Vai a letto tu per entrare in una porta
Liberami adesso, il mio ragazzo solitario
Il soldato è tornato a casa dalla guerra
Tutti mi dicono che è il tipo
Non si sa perché lui lo fa
Oh astronoma, guarda per un po’
Lascia che ti am am am am am am ti ami tesoro, oh
Gira le pagine di un libro perché non riesco nemmeno a guardare
alle parole che mi dicono ciò che dicono
Non riesco a volte
a leggere le parole
Vai a letto tu per entrare in una porta
Liberami adesso, il mio ragazzo solitario
Il soldato è tornato a casa dalla guerra
Tutti mi dicono che è il tipo
Non si sa perché lui lo fa
Oh astronoma, guarda per un po’
Lascia che ti am am am am am am ti ami tesoro, oh

A package

Oh you, you could have at least sent a package...
And I say summer, I think of the waves
and I say summer, forests and pine trees
and I say summer, tanning oil
and I say summer, well, it did not come to my town. No, no.
And I say summer, let’s dig the trenches
and I say summer, let’s dig till victory
and I say summer, and I would go to you
and I say summer, well, it did not come to my town.
No, no, not even via the airstrip, no.
Oh you, oh you, oh you,
Oh you, oh you, oh you,
you could have at least sent a package.
You, oh you, oh you,
Oh you, oh you, oh you,
you could have at least sent a package
And I say summer, while I wait for the letter of guarantee
and I say summer, but the years are passing by
and I say summer, drink beer and run away
and I say summer, well, it did not come to my town.
No, no, not even via the airstrip, no.
Oh you, oh you, oh you,
Oh you, oh you, oh you,
you could have at least sent a package.
You, oh you, oh you,
Oh you, oh you, oh you,
you could have at least sent a package.

Julian Hernandez Bielma

The one who played the flute at vigils and gatherings
was Julian Hernandez Bielma, I'm sure you've seen him.
He was a drunkard old man who was always telling jokes,
whoever came across him, he would lessen their sadness.
I remember that beneath the arbor he'd always arrive first
so he could liven up the atmosphere because he was the best player,
he played the flute and was accompanied by his drum,
but he played it for fun rather than to earn money.
He played in every neighborhood's main festivities,
he was in charge of decorations in the countryside,
he spoke of a man named Munguía and a Colonel González,
it's what he spoke of when he was in his right mind.
They called him Teterete1 because of a horse that he had
that threw him about three times and he always rode with him
because he was also an agrarian and he made his living off the land
and he had many partners, I don't know how many children he had.
The day that you left us was surely when we stopped seeing you,
you remain in our memory, sir Julian 'Teterete',
although the band is playing and fireworks can he heard,
the drum and the whistling of Teterete's flute will always be missed.
  • 1. Basiliscus basiliscus - a species of lizard in the family Corytophanidae.

Superstar (Swedish)

Every time I look at you I ask myself
Why did you let the things you did go south?
If you always acted on public courtship
Couldn't you have chosen a better time and marketing strategy?
If you came to us today in the 21st century
You had been able to reach out with the media
Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong now
Don't get me wrong, oh
Don't get me wrong
Just want an answer
Just want an answer now
Just want an answer
I just want an answer
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Tell us, how is life as son of the god?
What's your rating on the others up there?
Buddha, is he powerful? Does he know everything you do?
[***] is he just fake, or is he just as hot?
Did you know on the cross, already bloody and wounded
That this was the finale on a bestselling story
Don't get me wrong
Don't get me wrong now
Don't get me wrong, oh
Don't get me wrong
Just want an answer
Just want an answer now
Just want an answer
I just want an answer
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?
Are you the one that you said you were?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Jesus Christ, superstar
Are you the Messiah with a godly father?
Are you the one that you said you were?


О, о, о, о,
Скини ми терет са рамена,
знаш, нећу правити исте грешке кад будемо старији.
Јер са сваким твојим кораком постаје ми хладније,
зато приђи мало ближе, само приђи мало ближе.
Не желим да ме неко други зове,
не, не желим неког другог, кад ти једноставно можеш да кажеш...
Реци да си ти она која ће ме одвести кући,
јер те желим под кожом и у костима,
да ме обориш с ногу.
Само реци да сам ја онај који ти треба (молим те!).
Реци да си ти она која ће ме одвести кући,
да будеш сама са мном.
Само желим да разговарамо још мало,
зар не желиш да останеш још мало?
Јер могао бих вечно да гледам како ме гледаш,
јер те добро знам,
а знаш да ми никад...
Никад ми не треба неко други да ме зове,
не, не желим неког другог, кад ти једноставно можеш да кажеш...
Реци да си ти она која ће ме одвести кући,
јер те желим под кожом и у костима,
да ме обориш с ногу.
Само реци да сам ја онај који ти треба (молим те!).
Реци да си ти она која ће ме одвести кући,
да будеш сама са мном.
Не треба ми неко други да ме зове,
не, не треба ми неко други да ме наведе да останем,
не морам никад да одем,
једноставно можеш да кажеш, једноставно можеш да кажеш...
Реци да си ти она која ће ме одвести кући,
јер те желим под кожом и у костима,
да ме обориш с ногу.
Само реци да сам ја онај који ти треба (молим те!).
Реци да си ти она која ће ме одвести кући,
да будеш сама са мном.
О, о, о, о, сама, о, о, о, о, сама (да будеш са мном, да будеш са мном),
о, о, о, о, сама (да будеш са мном, да будеш са мном),
да будеш сама са мном.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Tell me it ain’t so

Versions: #1
You and I, it may sound a little stupid
I’m raving mad, you’re kind of a jerk
Tell me it ain't so
Time after time, naivety won over
Don’t know if it was almost love or something much worse
that sentenced us to fall
Tell me it ain't so, oh no
That my memory haunts you every night
that a shower doesn’t completely cool your skin
That as much as you try to deny it, I’ve been your best mistake
Tell me it ain't so
Every time that I hear the phone ring
I can't help but to think that maybe
I’ll get to hear your voice
I already know, it’s kind of pathetic
That being happy,
so loved and happy
You still make me feel like this.
Tell me it ain't so, oh no
Because your memory haunts me every night
A shower doesn’t completely cool my skin
And as much as I try to deny it, you’ve been my best mistake
That even though it makes no sense
We can feel the warmth
Tell me it ain't so
Tell me it ain't so
You and me
It’s maybe not illogical
Tell me it ain't so
That my memory haunts you every night
that a shower doesn’t completely cool your skin
that as much as you try to deny it
I’ve been your best mistake
And even though it makes no sense
You tell me I’m right
That even though it makes no sense
We can still feel the warmth
Tell me it ain't so
Tell me it ain't so.

One Heart of Justice

As ruthless as Death itself,
The pitiless face of The Republic’s(Jedi)wrath,
Let us look down on all, who come before us.
Brothers all, one heart of justice.

take me home

Versions: #1
come to buy
I'm on for sale
Many good past life loves
In my pockets broken now
You'll get into the bargain
please come get me now
I'm ready to go
Memories in plastic bags
Suitcase carries my heart
Ready to change
Take me to home once again
put my head and heart to their place
touch me so I'm never again going to forget
who is the one who owns me
Take me home
In what price, you'll get me beside
I'm not asking too much
I'm asking part of the skies
And few kisses too
I'm not guaranteed, let's just risk it all
Love may hurt you so
remember that you can't replace
If you'll ever regret
Take me home
take me to home once again
put my head and heart to their place
touch me so I'm never again going to forget
who is the one who owns me
And I'm doing my best and much more of it
So you'll never be disappointed
I swear it
You fixed me once again
take me to home once again
put my head and heart to their place
touch me so I'm never again going to forget
who is the one who owns me
Take me home

What Type of X

I’m a different type of beast
I’m a different type of beast beast beast
I’m a different type of beast
But it’s ok
Got my bad girl make up on
Since I was born been in my zone
Drawing you in baby
Hashtag #instadaily
I’m so good at being bad
And I'm so glad it makes you mad
Driving you crazy
I know you’re hypnotized
I can see it in your eyes
(Yeah) I'm different and it's not a crime
(Yeah) Only God can judge me, you don't live my life
(Oh oh) I ain’t got to be the one
be the one just for you
So you can hate on the game, but don't hate the one playin'
Do you really wanna test me!?
What type of bitch you think you messin' with?
(Do you really wanna?)
What type of bitch you think you messin' with?
(Do you really wanna?)
What type of bitch you think you messin' with?
Fashion, I know I got it so I flaunt
And Im gon' do just what I want
Can't be no bland girl
Let me put some spice up in your world
I’m so bad at being good
I can't help it, it's in my blood
I’m not your kinda lady
I know you’re hypnotized
I can see it in your eyes
(Yeah) I'm different and it's not a crime
(Yeah) Only God can judge me, you don't live my life
(Oh oh) I ain’t got to be the one
be the one just for you
So you can hate on the game, but don't hate the one playin'
Do you really wanna test me!?
What type of bitch you think you messin' with?
(Do you really wanna?)
What type of bitch you think you messin' with?
(Do you really wanna?)
What type of bitch you think you messin' with?
I can't get no satisfaction baby
If it's mine? I get it on the daily
Thanks to my ex, I’m on to the next
Savage, not your average X
I can't get no satisfaction baby
If it's mine? I get it on the daily
Thanks to my ex, I’m on to the next
Savage, not your average X
I’m a different type of beast
I’m a different type of beast beast beast
I’m a different type of beast
But it’s ok
Feel so good good to be alive
Whoo whoo
I’m the motha motha rock star
Whoo whoo
Feel so good to be alive
Whoo whoo
I’m the baddest b alive
Whoo whoo
Bring it back
I’m the motha motha rock star

Neither that bad nor that good

Watch every word you say
Sometimes you aren't the suit you wear
That from a joke you can go to a dilemma
And tell me
If you never stumbled in your life
If you are perfect and have no wounds
No one is free from fault and error
Look at me...
If I say, if you say
What they say, what they said
But even if you don't understand I apologize
That I'm neither that bad nor that good
That I don't point out nor condemn
That to help you I am first
If you don't know me, game over
That I am neither so lynx1nor so blind
That the same fire burns us all
And I'll continue, if you don't mind, being the same
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Every day a new page dawns
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
If you want it to flow, for me there's no problem
Me that go naked and free through the world
In my look I want you to be focused
The truth is my only flag
Think carefully
To win this round2together
Let's give love, let's give smiles
Against abuse there's no better option
Trust me....
If I say, if you say
What they say, what they said
But even if you don't understand I apologize
That I'm neither that bad nor that good
That I don't point out nor condemn
That to help you I am first
If you don't know me, game over
That I am neither so lynx nor so blind
That the same fire burns us all
And I'll continue, if you don't mind, being the same
Being the same (Oh, oh, oh)
Let's travel the world breaking barriers (Oh, oh, oh)
Neither so bad nor so good (Oh, oh, oh)
And let no one judge us by our way3(Oh, oh, oh)
Every day a new page dawns (Oh, oh, oh)
And let no one judge us by our way (Oh, oh, oh)
  • 1. in the sense of having good vision
  • 2. of a game
  • 3. of being

The sea rolls up upon the sand

The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has a wife
It is married to the sand
Can touch it when it wants
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has little children
It's married to the sand
And the children are the little fish
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Hey, sea, you're a lion
You want to eat everybody
I do not know how can the man
Win you waves
Hey, sea, you don't melt your heart
(There isn't a) ship that doesn’t break you
Hey, sea, you didn't fulfill
What you’ve dealt with me
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody can hear what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness
I heard the mermaid singing
In the middle of that sea
How many ships are lost
Hearing that sound of her
Even the fish of the sea
Peck on the whale
I never saw a single man
Going out with ugly woman
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness


How much are tormenting me
the days I'm going through
we're not like yesterday anymore
In vain I tried to change
the life you gave me
Everything is out of my hand
our destiny we left at the hand of god
if he really exists
Like you I pray
for us to make it
Because it hurts me with no end, no end
and every day scares me, how are you
I cannot accept searching and not being able to find you
Because it hurts me with no end, no end
and every day scares me, how are you
I cannot accept searching and not being able to find you

Nikad nije kasno

Nemoj da posrneš, tu sam,
(a) ako me nema, krenut ću da te tražim
jer moj je jedini zadatak
oduvek bio da te volim
Mogao bih biti zasenjen suncem
i o kamenje se spoticati,
ali ne mislim da stanem
dok te ne sustignem i nađem
Skačem i jurim u bezdan,
tvoja vatra je moja,
s tobom ću da izgorim
Borit ću se za tvoju ljubav
čak i ako me izneveriš
Prelazit ću, ne gledajući,
sve puteve
Živet ću za tvoju ljubav,
za tvoju ljubav ću se boriti
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno
Ti si so mojoj žeđi,
moj ceo život u tvojoj je milosti
Pratim te ne znajući
šta me očekuje
Skačem i jurim u bezdan,
tvoja vatra je moja,
s tobom ću da izgorim
Borit ću se za tvoju ljubav
čak i ako me izneveriš
Prelazit ću, ne gledajući,
sve puteve
Živet ću za tvoju ljubav,
za tvoju ljubav ću se boriti
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno
(I) ako je sutra, koga briga -
ja ti dajem svoju večnost,
svoju ludost, svoju istinu -
vreme ne znači ništa kad sam kraj tebe
Suvišno je davati obećanja,
videt ćeš u mojim očima,
samo jedan pogled i znat ćeš
Borit ću se za tvoju ljubav
čak i ako me izneveriš
Prelazit ću, ne gledajući,
sve puteve
Živet ću za tvoju ljubav,
za tvoju ljubav ću se boriti
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno
I nikad nije kasno

Чекала сам те

[Строфа 1]
Када се љубав угаси
Срце остаје у пламену
Када се заврши, завршило се
Нема уточишта у речима
То је рана која не зараста
Чекала сам те, почела сам да осећам како умирем
Чекала сам те као што месец чека дан
Покушала сам, али живот се наставио
Чекала сам те, али је време затворило рану
[Строфс 2]
Када те љубав пронађе
Заборављаш све проживљено
Страх те више не зауставља
Одједном ништа није изгубљено
Иако нема смисла
Чекала сам те, почела сам да осећам како умирем
Чекала сам те као што месец чека дан
Покушала сам, али живот се наставио
Чекала сам те, али је време затворило рану
Ох, не, не, не, не (Ох-ох-ох)
Чекала сам те, почела сам да осећам како умирем
Чекала сам те као што месец чека дан
Покушала сам, али живот се наставио
Чекала сам те, али је време затворило рану
Чекала сам те, али неко други је дошао у мој живот