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Резултати претраге страна 12

Број резултата: 458


My heart is imaginative

I'm not scared of love
My heart is imaginative
Transport me oh heart
Behind the boundaries of the mind
When I love someone's eyes
I would never forget and betray
Love don't be crazy
My heart is imaginative
Breeze oh night the fragrance of kindness
Spray the beauty
Portion oh night the tune of time
Fill the nothingness
When I love someone's eyes
I would never forget and betray
Love don't be crazy
My heart is imaginative
Sing oh love the original tune
Fill the world
My heart oh love for the impossible person
Does not bend
When I love someone's eyes
I would never forget and betray
Love don't be crazy
My heart is imaginative

My Little Brother

My little brother is in love, asks for a way out
Asks when his pain will soothe
His hands and legs are wounded, his eyes look unhappy
I've never had time to be calm
Since I've heard
That's why he's been so silent all these times
My little brother, just like me


Spavala sam, odrasla
Na to sam ličila
Ali nisam odrasla, ni jedan
jedini dan nisam porasla
Bilo je pitanja, odgovori su bili luckasti
Nisam mogla da se nosim s tim
Ni sa jednim nisam mogla da se nosim
I to ni ti nisi znao
Tek sam osamnaestogodišnjakinja
Ili sam sve ili ništa
Nemoj da misliš da ću u ta poslednja 3 sata
postati niko ili ništa

Little mule

People had mixed my cards a long time ago
What can the little mule do, you know his mother
Can't you see, he is the same as his father
The little mule will not, will not
Grow into a man
I left school, always stood aside
It was always worse than last year
'He's the same as his father' always followed me
The little mule will not, will not
Grow into a man
The little mule will not, will not
Grow into a man
Thank you, life, you recognized my suffering
You were with me, you gave me a helping hand
You didn't cause me suffering, and you didn't judge me
Thank you, life, for not being like people.
I'd cry my eyes out onto my mother's lap
Not letting anyone see when it was the hardest
'He's the same as his father' kept hurting my heart
But the little mule, but the little mule
Grew into a man
He believed in love, and not what others said
He lived for the song that heals the soul
'He's the same as his father' can still be heart somewhere
But the little mule, but the little mule
Grew into a man.
Thank you, life, we are only humans

The challengee

from today onwards
guidance if it is in you give it
I won’t forgive
Sympathy and kindness I don’t have
You challenged
And I accepted the challenge
If you came to make sure
Ask about your fears
Stay far away
In the fire you’ll burn yourself
Nuts in guns
My eyes stood before you
my heart did not betray
but then your heart did not leave
safety in my heart
when you gave up on my love
what was is lost
and the situation is difficult to solve

Your Heart, My Heart

*M: My heart has only you, only you
Aside from you, I don’t pay attention to anyone else
F: As for my heart, it also has only you
I have only you in every chamber of my heart
No matter what, my heart won’t change
M: The sun could stop shining
The world could dry up in a drought
But it won’t change my heart
F: Even if heaven and earth collapsed
The world could be destroyed and I wouldn’t be shaken
I’ll never change my mind
M&F: Our two hearts are nestled together
For eternity until heaven and earth are destroyed
We emotionally move each other, I’m certain, no one knows our hearts better than us
M&F: As for my heart, it also has only you
I have only you in every chamber of my heart
No matter what, our hearts won’t change

A word of truth

Don’t yell, the deaf won’t listen
We are the state and the voice
It’s not important if we fall to death
Or death falls on us
So, the killer will have to be killed
And he who hasn’t killed must also accept
His turn is coming, he will fall
In the end, there is the descent of death
Don’t yell, the deaf won’t listen
Don’t get yourself used to humiliation
All who humiliate you, humiliate them
Don’t abandon your right and leave
They should get lost and they should leave
For unjust is the man that is occupying
Stand and don’t be scared. Tell him
We are the problem and we are the solution
We are your entire reference
So, the killer will have to be killed
And he who hasn’t killed must also accept
His turn is coming, he will fall
In the end, there is the descent of death
Don’t yell, the deaf won’t listen
It's time for him to listen

Morning Star

My love, the morning star
It Is the master
The sun in Lebanon told me
The secrets of sunset
I’m like the wind at the shore
Bending the gusts
I’ll knock on all the doors
To meet you. Open my love
Come to me
To me come
It might bring down my sails
The waves of the sea is glowing from the gold
I stay awake the length of the night, it asks me
Am I not tired of roaming the ages
The flute is hoarse, from how much I pulled on it
Messages on the wind, in the abundance of reeds
We go around the land
and the days of love calls us
We travel across all the world
We return and find our anchors
Here, the house of the people of the sword dwell
An oasis in the paradise of heaven for the Arabs

These are the nights

These are the nights
Still on my mind
These are the nights
Still on my mind
Where are you my love?
Where are you my love?
Disappeared from my eye
Return to me love
My heart is melted
These are the nights
Still on my mind
Where are you my love?
They asked me about you
The flowers of the garden
And the flower is jealous of you
You're still in my heart
Your shadow is on my path
These are the nights
Still on my mind
Where are you my love?
Where are you my love?
Disappeared from my eye
Return to me love
My heart is melted
These are the nights
Still on my mind
Where are you my love?
The best days we lived together
The passion was a witness
And love would swear it
Return to me the love of the past
And with your verdict my heart is agreed
These are the nights
Still on my mind
Where are you my love?
Where are you my love?
Disappeared from my eye
Return to me love
My heart is melted
These are the nights
Still on my mind
Where are you my love?

Flirting with me

Flirt with me, with my eyes
All your words are longing
For you I take care of myself
And I look after my beauty
How I love your flirting to me!
Only for the sake of your eyes I feel I'm sweet
'What I want from the world'
How beautiful is it when I hear it from you
In front of your eyes my shadow entered your shadow
And I forget the people around me
What my dreams would be if
You didn't wake the up
And you let me know that I am
Falling for you, and your love stole me and took me away
To a forgotten heaven

Nezelt L Ba7r

I went down to the sea and observed the view
I found the waves had news
I walk on the shore of the sea
With me the moon walks
A smile goes and comes
Bird after bird for me meet
The sun calls me to hope
Oh my heart, the waiting
It appears to me the face of my beloved
Sometimes far, sometimes close
The fire that is in my heart burning
Oh my I hunger for rain

Burns your heart

Allah burns your heart like my heart you burnt
Allah steals your sleep like my sleep you stole
Allah burns your heart like my heart you burnt
Allah steals your sleep like my sleep you stole
and if Allah wells like me you drown and no one takes pity on you
and every time a person you adore hates you and separates you
Allah burns your heart like my heart you burnt
Allah steals your sleep like my sleep you stole
I saw you with my eyes i saw you my laughs you are killing
I did not believe my eyes and made you innocent I did not believe you would do it
I saw you with my eyes i saw you my laughs you are killing
I did not believe my eyes and made you innocent I did not believe you would do it
why in my eyes you become heavy and our life I'm a shamed of
it's wrong who drinks from a well returns with a stone he throws in
Allah burns your heart like my heart you burnt
Allah steals your sleep like my sleep you stole
I won't make fun if you think it's not me who makes fun
tomorrow alone you will burn and see the greater to come
I won't make fun if you think it's not me who makes fun
tomorrow alone you will burn and see the greater to come
and there's no sadness that doesn't clear and there's no happiness forever
and it's true who said the lame if you are generous with he rebels
Allah burns your heart like my heart you burnt
Allah steals your sleep like my sleep you stole
and if Allah wells like me you drown and no one takes pity on you
and every time a person you adore hates you and separates you

Dragon Ball Z Kai - Basque

Come on, come on, go forward!
Come on, come on, go with us!
To the paradise to dive into the freedom.
I am going free, fear here does not matter.
For the enemies there is courage in me!
My power and your love...
United together since today, they will shine!
Fight and defeat, love unites us,
Courage makes us strong,
We will be the winners!
Come on, come on, go with us!
Come on, come on, do not go crazy!
And with the wind, go always forward!
Come on, come on, go forward!
Come on, come on, go with us!
To the paradise to dive into the freedom.
Eniisi Lisika.

Сјети се

Не питај, шта ће нам речи сад
кад чутим то што слутиш
а то је, душо, довољно за крај.
Бар насликај осмех преко усана
кад схватиш све што нисам
и да ниси вредан ти мојих година.
Сјети се мене пред спавање
кад треба ти раме за плакање
то сам увек била ја.
Сјети се, макар на овај дан
кад човек више ни самом себи
није потребан, није потребан.
Не питај, шта ће нам речи сад
кад чутим то што слутиш
а то је, душо, довољно за крај.
Бар насликај осмех преко усана
кад схватиш све што нисам
и да ниси вредан ти мојих година.
Сјети се мене пред спавање
кад треба ти раме за плакање
то сам увек била ја.
Сјети се, макар на овај дан
кад човек више ни самом себи
није потребан, није потребан.
А хиљаду је речи
које нисмо знали да рекнемо
а ове само једна за крај
што се везат' не може.
Сјети се мене пред спавање
кад треба ти раме за плакање
то сам увек била ја.
Сјети се, макар на овај дан
кад човек више ни самом себи
није потребан, није потребан.

This love

Versions: #2
You came and suddenly
you changed many things in my life
Everything happened so simple, with just one look
You came and changed many things, tears turned into joy
I'm feeling good inside, you made feel alive again
This love
it's not like any other
with you I felt this powerful love
this love takes me high in the sky 1
my powerful love...I'm going crazy for you
You came and brought (me) joy
I felt you inside my soul
I never thought I could leave the past behind
You came and brought (me) joy
you 'unlocked' my feelings
you held me in your arms
with your sweet kisses
This love
it's not like any other
with you I felt this powerful love
this love takes me high in the sky 1
my powerful love...I'm going crazy for you
  • this love takes me high in the stars (but in english we usually say 'hight in the sky')
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Koliko sam razumela/o ovo je ljubav

Danas mi nedostaješ, oprosti mi
Zapravo koliko već dana govorim srcu da ćuti
Danas sam plakao ponovo, oprosti mi
Ko zna koliko puta samm sebi rekao da je gotovo
Moje srce je reklo da je to laž, nikada te neću poslušati
Ne volim sebe bez tebe
Nikad se nisam stidela svoje ljubavi(2x)
Ako ovako živim ovu ljubav
Ako toliko volim
Koliko sam razumela/o ovo je ljubav
Reci šta treba da uradim, da li sam opet ja pogrešio/la
Šta bi se da desilo da se uopšte sastali nismo mogli?(2x)
Danas mi nedostaješ, oprosti mi
Zapravo koliko već dana govorim srcu da ćuti
Danas sam plakao ponovo, oprosti mi
Ko zna koliko puta samm sebi rekao da je gotovo
Moje srce je reklo da je to laž, nikada te neću poslušati
Ne volim sebe bez tebe
Nikad se nisam stidela svoje ljubavi(2x)
Ako ovako živim ovu ljubav
Ako toliko volim
Koliko sam razumela/o ovo je ljubav
Reci šta treba da uradim, da li sam opet ja pogrešio/la
Šta bi se da desilo da se uopšte sastali nismo mogli?(3x)

Празно срце

Шта сија у празном срцу?
Вичем све док светлост не дође до тебе
Падајући кроз пукотине
Тонеш у таму
Али ја никад нећу пустити твоју руку
Реци ми своју животну причу
Још увек смо тек на пола пута
А ја никако нећу одустати од тебе
Потреба коју не можеш обуздати
Љубав у данима ноншаланције
Сваки пут кад ме ухвати носталгија
Могу да чујем твој глас
Аутсајдер који лута унаоколо
Ићи заобилазницом је боље него побећи
Мораш да верујеш у себе
Па у кога ти верујеш?
Заштити своје очи од светла својом руком
Светлећу кроз облаке
Падаш у таму
Али ја никад нећу пустити твоју руку
Реци ми о чему мислиш
Ми никада нећемо одустати
Од потере за нашим сновима без граница
Живот без одговора може деловати разорно, али
Не одустај! Настави! Преокрени га!
Наша срца су повезана, чак и када смо далеко једно од другог
Живећемо га заједно, заједно
Увек у пуној брзини
Циљајући највише
Место на ком припадаш и које тражиш
Те чека, кад год желиш
Наши животи су кривудав пут
Скренути с њега је боље него поћи назад
Направити грешке није губитак времена
И зато крени напред без оклевања!
Заштити своје очи од светла својом руком
Светлећу кроз облаке
Падаш у таму
Али ја никад нећу пустити твоју руку
Реци ми о чему мислиш
Ми никада нећемо одустати
Од потере за нашим сновима без граница
Живот без одговора може деловати разорно, али
Не одустај! Настави! Преокрени га!
Наша срца су повезана, чак и када смо далеко једно од другог
Живећемо га заједно, заједно
Заштити своје очи од светла својом руком
Светлећу кроз облаке
Падаш у таму
Али ја никад нећу пустити твоју руку
Реци ми о чему мислиш
Ми никада нећемо одустати
Од потере за нашим сновима без граница
Живот без одговора може деловати разорно, али
Не одустај! Настави! Преокрени га!
Наша срца су повезана, чак и када смо далеко једно од другог
Живећемо га заједно, заједно
Живећемо, оооо

Empty heart

What shines on an empty heart
I keep yelling until the light reaches you
Falling through the cracks
You are falling into the darkness
I will absolutely never let go of your hand
Tell me the story of your life
We are still just halfway down the road
But I will absolutely never give up on you
An urge you can not hold back
Love on nonchalant days
Anytime I look back in a nostalgic wind
Your voice can be heard
Underdog is wandering around
Even taking a longer way is better than running
You have to believe in yourself
So who do you believe in?
Shade your eyes from the light with your hand
Shining through the clouds
You are falling into the darkness
I will absolutely never let go of your hand
Tell me what is on your mind
We will absolutely never give up
Chasing our limitless dreams
A life without answers may seem crushing but
Do not give it up! Keep it up! Turn it upside down!
Our hearts are connected even when we are far apart
We will live together, together
Always running full speed
Aiming for the peak
The place to belong that you have been searching for
Is waiting for you, whenever
Our lives are a winding road
Taking a longer road is better than turning back
Making mistakes is not a waste
So move forward without hesitation
Shade your eyes from the light with your hand
Shining through the clouds
You are falling into the darkness
I will absolutely never let go of your hand
Tell me what is on your mind
We will absolutely never give up
Chasing our limitless dreams
A life without answers may seem crushing but
Do not give it up! Keep it up! Turn it upside down!
Our hearts are connected even when we are far apart
We will live together, together
Shade your eyes from the light with your hand
Shining through the clouds
You are falling into the darkness
I will absolutely never let go of your hand
Tell me what is on your mind
We will absolutely never give up
Chasing our limitless dreams
A life without answers may seem crushing but
Do not give it up! Keep it up! Turn it upside down!
Our hearts are connected even when we are far apart
We will live together, together
We will live, ohhh

So good

I wanted rain, it rained
I had found a job, didn't hold on to it
while listening to everyone, only to me did it not listen?
Did I ask for too much and it didn't happen?
Once I tried but
he didn't really become mine
nobody other than you
nobody other than you
Nobody other than you become mine
so good it didn't happen
so good it didn't happen
He didn't hold on to my embrace
didn't keep my secrets at all
I lit up a match, it didn't burn
there was none left in the box
I gave pills, he didn't swallow them
I predicted destiny, didn't turn up like it
so good it didn't happen
my words weren't true at all
I ran after him, he didn't escape
so good it didn't happen
I was enthusiastic, now it's not there
He didn't even dip his bread with me
so good it didn't happen
I made up a lie, he didn't believe it
My shops were not open
so good it didn't happen so good it didn't happen
so good.


Glutton World

Drinkable, sweet water,
It's habit resebles to noone
Even many Muhlis Akarsu
You ate and not full yet?
Who is reading you, writing you
Poet like a Yunus,
Enormous Pir Sultan
You ate and not full yet?
Even Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli
Even Imam Hasan Hüseyin
Even that blessed Mevlana
You ate and not full yet?
You have been built base mortally
I don't know what to say to you
Even Great Mustafa Kemal
You ate and not full yet?
World, world, lie world
Big bellied glutton world

For what have I blamed you?

I admit my mistakes and all that you've now learned
Tell me, what more should I say?
You come back in the A.M., tell me, why are you torturing me?
I can't endure it, what should I do, when I love you like a madman?
For what have I blamed you, why do you terrorise me?
How you've confused me, and how you still hurt me
What did I do to you, and you've driven me insane
No matter what happens, you'll always be here
I'm totally yours, but you put your ego
On top of mine in your heart
I am sensitive, mark my words, I can't endure your silence
You are a wound in my body that hurts
For what have I blamed you, why do you terrorise me?
How you've confused me, and how you still hurt me
What did I do to you, and you've driven me insane
No matter what happens, you'll always be here
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Magical evenings

Magical evenings
With sweet touches
Bodies sizzle
'I love you', they say
Magical nights
Will make believers
Let all hell break loose
All sorrows will die
The sighs will burn as well
Bodies break on the dance floor
Damage happens
All the bad people will break out
And the good ones will go to jail
Everything is a deception
Throw it out
And don't listen to them
Nobody has ever lived twice
Don't search for it
You won't find the edge
In the world of the roughneck
We only live one time
Those who hate us will die
And debts will be limited
The bodies are making an earthquake that's a 10 on the Richter scale
Hell is breaking loose
The old gods will have us
Among the insane when we live in the ancient times
Everything is a deception
Throw it out
And don't listen to them
Nobody has ever lived twice
Don't search for it
You won't find the edge
In the world of the roughneck
We only live one time
Magical evenings
With sweet touches
Bodies sizzle
'I love you', they say
Magical nights
Will make believers
Let all hell break loose
Nobody has ever lived twice
Don't search for it
You won't find the edge
In the world of the roughneck
We only live one time
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


I bring you to mind often
I scold you, I reprimand you
Not because you went far away from me
But because you took my heart
I count my pieces
When I cry, when I laugh
And I'm still saying that you'll come back
And you'll open the door
And so, you turned a page
As if you were a storm
I rained upon you for a bit
And you said I will dry myself so I may leave
And so, you turned a page
You didn't see me, I didn't see you
Somewhere here everything ends
You took everything from me, everything
In my mind I take walks
On one I find you, on one I lose you
Everything around me is insanity
Come, I shout to you, come
What's left of my life
My soul leaves tonight
You've won, everything is yours
My eyes, I leave you, goodbye
And so, you turned a page
As if you were a storm
I rained upon you for a bit
And you said I will dry myself so I may leave
And so, you turned a page
You didn't see me, I didn't see you
Somewhere here everything ends
You took everything from me, everything
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

I forgot the past ones

When I saw her eyes
I forgot the past ones
My heart told her welcome
And my eyes relaxed
My life that was a sunset
Started to let its sun rise
My bleeding heart is no longer bleeding
My bleeding heart is having its wounds all cured
Her hair is like silk
In her heart there’s a little kid
My heart flies when he’s with her
He raises his wings high
Her cheeks are like apples
Next to her I’m chilled and relaxed
Bless this morning
Such a beautiful morning

Image Color

First times
Are always confusing
But this is it
A driving date
We’re moving nicely
On the expressway
You’re humming
As you drive
The smell of spring has me in a great mood
We’re swimming through the refreshing wind
Together, it’s so romantic
The colour of the sky
That I’m painting
Is your image colour
“I love you”
We get off the expressway
Onto Route 134
We’re depending on the GPS
This is the first time we’ve been here
It’s a weekday
So we’re moving nice and fast
Look, there’s the restaurant
We saw in the magazine!
Spring’s smile is bright
We entrust our bodies to youth
Together, it’s truly romantic
The truth is
There’s so many things I don’t know...
I’m expanding my image
“I love you”
As we look at the menu
I get butterflies
What’s the right thing
To order?
The smell of spring has me in a great mood
We’re swimming through the refreshing wind
Together, it’s so romantic
The colour of the sky
That I’m painting
Is your image colour
“I love you”
Spring’s smile is bright
We entrust our bodies to youth
Together, it’s truly romantic
The truth is
There’s so many things I don’t know...
I’m expanding my image
“I love you”
All translations are mine unless stated otherwise. Please credit me if using my translations. Contact me if you notice any errors.

Blind Love

I'm silent, recently, overwhelmed and breathless
I have such a trouble in my mind, don't ask what it is
I've been in freezing cold winters and burned in glowing fires
I have such a trouble in my mind, don't ask what it is
I cannot go up to anyone, cannot tell about my trouble
In this three days world* which is a lie
Even if I'm more close to die every moment
I cannot tell a word, I cannot tell about my love
I'm angry with this unreal world
The most painfull one, oh, blind love
The distances don't disappear, time doesn't heal my wound
This hearth doesn't hope anything from you, anymore
I cannot go up to anyone, cannot tell about my trouble
In this three days world* which is a lie
Even if I'm more close to die every moment
I cannot tell a word, I cannot tell about my love
I'm angry with this unreal world
The most painfull one, oh, blind love

Nights Are Dark

One day will come and you will understand
I wish happiness to you in your dreams
İf you both love and trust
It is hard to live in the world
It seems like the one who escapes becomes the winner
What will happen to us
We can't love anymore because of you
Our heart is like a stone now
Who says ıs there anyone who believes in loves
Nights are darkç nights are dark
We loved once is there a better lie
Nights are dark and ready for denial

For these eyes

I'm dying for these eyes
And tonight I'm not coming back home
I 'm clapping to you while being dizzy
I miss
Taking you in my arms
'Dressing you up' in my kiss
Baby, let the night
bring along the rest
You beauty it's a gift from Heaven
Your smile looks magical
But you have something
That makes want you even more
I'm dying for these eyes
And tonight I'm not coming back home
I 'm clapping to you while being dizzy
I miss
Taking you in my arms
'Dressing you up' in my kiss
Baby, let the night
bring along the rest
Stars are falling , I take you in my arms
And then suddently the night has a fregnance
You get into the bar to get a drink
You make fall in love with you with on look
I'm dying for these eyes
And tonight I'm not coming back home
I 'm clapping to you while being dizzy
I miss
Taking you in my arms
'Dressing you up' in my kiss
Baby, let the night
bring along the rest
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

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Versions: #4
A cigarette burning in the darkness
The wind has blown the ash on my face
And a singed filter left a burn on my skin
Creaking with steel the door is open
You are coming, you are mine from now on
From top to toe I feel pleasant trembling
With me you forget about everything
This night for us will seem like a dream
You 'll take me like your own daughter and embrace me tight
The cigarette smoke will envelope us
You will leave when the sunrise comes
And the traces on the bed will remind of a happy night
Erotic moonlight
Forbid to tell you no tonight
And all my lingerie softly on the floor will slip
Night wind and the trees sound
Yours and mine moans will drown
And blazing like a hellfire , the heartbeat
With me you forget about everything
This night for us will seem like a dream
You 'll take me like your own daughter and embrace me tight
The cigarette smoke will envelope us
You will leave when the sunrise comes
And the traces on the bed will remind of a happy night

There must be as many ways to love as there are people

There must be as many ways to love as there are people
The thin boy with a guitar
Endured his pain while plucking
Singing about a lost love
I'm reminded also in my chest
A diary of a bittersweet day
But a boy with that deep a scar
I will heal someday
As many ways to love as there are people
There must be surely
Now I am tired heart
It would be nice if you let me rest
Put in your passion and open your heart
I have been in love but
Even a day, even a second
Wasn't a waste
When you fall in love with common sense
It will never be devoured
I will try to hit it where it is
Aim for the chest as a target
As many ways to love as there are people
There must be surely
To that single heart
Someday will cuddle with someone
If all sighs are dissolved during the night
It will be faint
A distant light resembling a winter mornings' glow
Strongly for your heart and hot at impact
From within that breast
As many ways to love as there are people
There must be surely
To that single heart
Someday will cuddle with someone
And one day
If I could meet a person that will share my heart
Songs of good luck will be
You are just love songs
Say yes to love songs
Hopefully, please
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

The Invitation From Pretty Cure

fly away, every time you aim for the top
Break down the fence and go beyond its limits
And leap into the other side of the unknown
Together we will face the wind as the time to grow up draws near
We will not be afraid of the pain that our memories bring, we will surpass it
Watch as we strike and bring down the towering wall
That is blocking us from reaching out future
We will surpass any and all encounters that we meet
My invitation from Pretty Cure has arrived
“My friends and I will never lose'
My hairs gets tangled as I run
Through these freshly opened roses that are decorated with smiles
With you beside me, I have no doubt
That the path each of us have chosen
The bridge the gap toward our progress
Don’t talk about a dream that has you shaking, instead grasp at its end
Though you are desperately clinging to life, remember to laugh every now and then
With the invitation from Pretty Cure in my chest!
Within my heart is a legendary warrior
When you forgive all things, you will discover your own strength
For the light and the darkness are standing next each other
fly away, Aim for the top each and every time
Break down the fence and go beyond its limits
And leap onto the other side of the unknown
My hair gets tangled as I run through
The freshly opened roses that are decorated with smiles
fly away Aim for the top each and every time
Leap onto the other side of the unknown
With you beside me, I have no doubt
That the path each of us have chosen
Will bridge the gap toward our progress

Times Like These

Don't talk about me
It doesn't concern me which mouths you kiss
Even if I find you I'll do what I can to not remember
I've given my word to friends to not get exposed
Don't talk about me look further up
Which sky with passion you'll ruin
Don't talk about me the end the after I don't forgive
I've long deleted you from memory
Some times though what gets to me
My brain reaches insanity
I fight my ego
And I keep saying I'll come find you
Times like these whar gets to me
And you face goes round and round
In my room in my drink
And you keep knowing I love you
Don't talk about me
Don't talk about me
Don't talk about ne
It doesn't concern me if you cry or laugh
At bars and cinemas
I throw you with confidence in black waters
Other love that's made new wings
Don't talk about me
Don't ever leave the line
Keep rolling in the same areas don't talk about me
The end the after I don't forgive
I've long deleted you from memory