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Резултати претраге страна 3

Број резултата: 153



You don't have a right to me
And you are trouble on two legs
And you, a man of many women,
the specialist in lies.
Get married
Get divorced
We'll get together in the end
[Hook, Together]
Go away! Get married!
And call again after the divorce! (1)
Go with others! Forget about me!
But you'll remember, trust me.
Go away! Get married!
Invite me to your wedding.
I'll drink to you,
there will be trouble.
we'll get together in the end!
I'm one vodka away (2)
from grabbing the phone,
from coming to you,
ending the party for the one you're with.
One thought keeps me going
I can make you cry if I want to
I'll come to you
And the one you're with will lose his mind
Despite all the proposals, (2)
I think of you without a ring
You are not my man, but shut up,
Before I leave, I want you.
And do you think you are my wife?
Don't shout, don't forbid me!
Now, go to your man,
I'm losing my mind, don't come closer

Road to Constantinople

In the name of Allah, there is no god but Allah! Bare heads
Let your swords be covered with Blood!
Many heads have been taken on this agora!
No one asking it!
Cheers! Cheers!
Our sorrows and swords may be massacre upon foes!
Our servitude is to our almighty Sultan!
Threes, sevens, forties
Praises be upon Prophet Muhammad!
Mere light of prophets, greatness of Ali
Almighty Sultan of ours
Reigner Hagi Bektash-i Veli
Forth and willingly
In the name of Allah!
Ye soldiers of Muhammad
Our road is to Constantinople

To My Children

Now you are grown up, will soon leave our house,
your childhood passed rapidly by,
no, it's not yet over for dad and mom,
they still have some other desires.
Although, I'd have gladly held them back,
those moments, too precious to waste,
but fugacity of time nobody can mold,
according to their own petty taste.
So, what can I hand you as a gift on your way,
that you'll master now on your own?
My hope, that on each and every day
my love will not leave you alone.
I've never been a man of high moral standards.
When are children good, when bad?
Children are innocent, keep them clear
from oppression and moral fear.
You are a miracle, like everyone,
born out of absolute beauty.
Our world would be more peaceful indeed,
if this knowledge became worldwide duty.
I've never been perfect, you know me,
failure is my second name.
In the best case we used to be amused,
when perfect parents came up.
What have I done wrong, what was right?
Yes, you were only lent to me.
I will not beat around the bush, 1
education was never important to me.
Education what for? For ambition, for greed?
For being boss in a well payed position?
You know my heart is wide open
for dreamers and losers in any case.
There's only one single big request that I have,
please listen to me and conform:
No matter what they promise you, my child,
never wear a uniform!
It will not be easy, the times they are hard,
they will throw spanners in your works. 2
I hope that in any hardship and pain
my unconditional love will help.
It is all I have and all I can give,
no bulging bank accounts, but
we keep those moments of beauty when
together we happily basked.
Don't worry about your father, 'cause now
it's time for your very own life.
I am grateful to you, because from you I learned,
to give without expectation.
  • 1. Idiom: Um den heißen Brei herumreden
  • 2. Idiom: Sand ins Getriebe streuen

Third World War

Petros, Johann and Franz
were working in a factory building tanks
Petros, Johann and Franz
became inseparable building tanks
Petros, Johann and Franz
were working for Brown, Fisher and Kraft
and Brown, Fisher and Kraft
became inseparable building a corporate trust
Petros, Johann and Franz
were carefree working on the tanks still
they had never read Marx
they didn't know anything about trusts and about crashes
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
split into Brown, Fisher and Kraft
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
quickly became enemies and dissolved the trust
And before they learned what Marx said
they were taken as soldiers, they went to war
Petros, Johann and Franz
fell as heroes under the tanks
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
reflected and found that all is Marx's fault
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
joined up again and rebuilt the corporate trust

Моја Атина

Изгубљен ходам уским путевима према брду Филопапу
овуда, куда град не јурца
у центру је почео 'круг смрти', на суботње вече
Вјетар ми пробија тијело
мокрији сам од капута ми
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Из парка допире дим
са балкона миришу јасмини и ноћурак
а на једном раштиманом клавиру свира се Тситсанис
Све ове године, свако вече, али није довољно,
неко ће рећи да ми је ово постала навика,
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Самоћа је вук који завија у ноћи
вечерас ни вријеме није на мојој страни
и пошто киша никако није постала лед, зора је сванула
Прошло је доста мјесеци откако си ми далеко
да је лутка из мог излога сада мрачна
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Жалосно звони звоно са цркве светог Димитрија
као да ми говори да смо и данас изгубили
мјесец се вратио у своје гнијездо, али ја то нисам примијетио
На клупи, док спавам на рукама као на јастуку,
мој ум ме везао за моју гиљотину
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
Самоћа је вук који завија у ноћи
вечерас ни вријеме није на мојој страни
и пошто киша никако није постала лед, зора је сванула
Прошло је доста мјесеци откако си ми далеко
да је лутка из мог излога сада мрачна
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини
али те очајан тражим по мојој Атини

Maiden's Tears

How few of bald-shaved're in this building,
How few of them're in other homes.
How few of bald-shaved're out of prison,
So many more are doing time.
I'll tell you of the dreams,
I'll tell you what it's like,
I'll tell you where pain is,
I'll tell you what is high...
All maiden's tears're just a bluff,
They'll only last until the spring.
The spring will pass, and separation pain will too,
And like a dream your childish dreams will melt like snow in spring.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

What Should I Do With (Just) This

Versions: #2
What should I do with (just) this
Me getting two kisses from you, secretly
What should I do with (just) this
What should I do with (just) this
Every look (we give to each other) setting a fire
What should I do with (just) this
In every dream I think
That I can touch you
And every time we meet, I lose you
What should I do with (just) this
I want, you, in this lifetime
To be more important to me than myself
To be able to see, anytime
That I could die for you
Me loving you and you loving me
What should I do with (just) this
You are forbidden to, I am not allowed to
Have something more (with each other)
What should I do with (just) this
The loudly beating heart
What should I do with (just) this
What should I do with (just) this
Me stealing a hug for you, secretly
What should I do with (just) this
In every dream I think
That I can touch you
And every time we meet, I lose you
What should I do with (just) this
I want, you, in this lifetime
To be more important to me than myself
To be able to see, anytime
That I could die for you
Me loving you and you loving me
What should I do with (just) this
You are forbidden to, I am not allowed to
Have something more (with each other)

Just like the colourings of your eyes.

Your stare was carved into two pieces
with some bitter freshly painted tears.
And you told me at the crack of dawn 'get me out of here'.
And you chose some drunk words over silence.
Like it or not, the years go by
just like the colourings of your eyes.
And you are now afraid.
Like it or not, the years go by
just like the colourings of your eyes.
You should always remember this advice of mine.
The romances that left you devoid [of company]
have helped you leave with a simple 'goodbye'.
And yet, one night, you forgot one door open
and a matchbox with your name written upon it.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

To your body's palaces

Since I was a child they kept telling me
you don't live into a fairytale
princesses and princes
don't live in the same house.
But I never listened to
what others said
scumbag they called me
and stubborn.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces.
And now that I grew up
I found the meaning
colour was given to my life
and got imagination.
Even if it was never written
from the world's books
the fairytale became
a true story.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into you hidden paths
to your body's palaces.

You don't convince

I guess I wasn't so understanding
There is no more return for you
So save your breath you've become a past
And what we have experienced together in the archives have entered...
Not convincing...
Your words are reminiscent of bad repetitions, not convincing
Not convincing...
Good boy you are nothing but only a bum, do not convince...
On your knees, even if you come the train won't return
To leave and free in the mediocre you love
Living, not convincing, not convincing...
I guess I wasn't so understanding
That when we're done, you'll have a place in my heart
But they tricked you, the time changed
And you are Unnecessary in my many plans...


Touching the three great oceans,
It lies, spreading its cities about,
Covered by grid of meridians,
Invincible, wide and proud.
But in an hour, when the last grenade
Already primed in your hand
And in a brief moment a need to remember, before it's late
All, what we've left in a distant land,
What you remember, is not a big country, with no end,
The one you travelled and new so good,
You do remember, the one and only Motherland,
The way you saw it in your childhood.
A piece of land, adjacent to the three birch trees,
A distant road behind the forest,
A little river with a creaky ferriage,
A sandy river bank with low osier-bed.
That's where we were lucky to be born,
Where for the rest of our life, till death we found
The handful of earth, that is good for
To see the signs in it, of the land around.
Yes, you can survive the heat, thunderstorm, disease,
Yes, you can starve and freeze,
Go to die... But this three birch trees
Can not be given to anyone, while you alive and breathe.

Open Letter

To a woman from the town Vichuga
I must inform you, 'tis my sad lot,
That didn't reach the addressee
The letter, that in mailbox you dropped
Sometime ago, so shamelessly.
The letter your husband didn't get,
He wasn't wounded by vulgar lines,
He didn't tremble, nor gone mad,
He didn't cursed all, from good old times.
When he led his fighters against the foes
Into attack near the ruined station,
The stupid harshness of your words
Luckily, didn't torment him, I'd like to mention.
When he was walking hard and swayed,
While tightened with rag his bloody wound,
The letter from you was still on it's way,
Luckily, it was too soon.
When on the stones he fell that eve
And death has cut short his final breath,
He still didn't received,
Luckily, your written mess.
I can inform you, that right there,
We wrapped him in the soldier's cape,
At night near the city square
We buried him without delay.
A poplar, like a sign by the grave
A tin star is standing there...
And I forgot, that you, by the way,
Perhaps, completely do not care.
The letter was brought, before the sun was out...
And because the addressee was dead,
We read it between ourselves aloud-
So you have to forgive us soldiers for that.
Perhaps, your memory is short
Then on behalf of the whole regiment,
By common wish we thought
To remind you the content..
You wrote, that almost a year has gone,
Since you've met your new man.
And old one, even if he will return,
You, anyway don't give a damn.
That troubless life you live,
You live well and by the way, you took a chance,
And now, you have no need to receive
The lieutenant's small allowance.
That he shouldn't wait for letters from you
And didn't bother you again...
Precisely, 'didn't bother' you...
You chose the words that brings more pain.
And that was all. And nothing else
We patiently read it, there were no sound,
All those words, that just for him
In hour of need, in your soul you've found.
'Husband'. 'The allowance''Don't bother'...
So, where did you lose your soul?
After all, he was a soldier, a brother!
And we're with him for you were dying , after all.
I do not wish to judge you from above,
Not everyone wins with separation fight,
Not all are capable of eternal love,-
Unfortunately, everything can happen in life.
But how could you, I do not understand,
The cause of death without fear to become,
So indifferently, all of a sudden, a plague you've sent
In an envelope to us at the front.
Well, let's say, he is not loved, your man,
Let's say, you don't need him, it's the end,
Let's say, you will live with another, madam
God help him, be it a husband or a friend.
But the soldier is not to blame
Because he doesn't have the leave,
That third year in row he remains,
In harm's way, while defending you from enemies.
So, why couldn't you write at all
Let's say the bitter words, but fair,
If you couldn't find them in your soul-
Then you should've borrow them anywhere.
Luckily, we have in our motherland,
Enough of woman with pure soul and mind,
They would've honor you , and then
They would've wrote for you these lines.
They would've found for you the words,
To ease some strangers woes,
We bow before them our heads to earth,
For their great soul we bow.
Not to you, but to other woman,
Taken away from us by war,
We want to write about you to them,
And let them know, what we're blame you for,
That here, at the front, their men,
Sometime fighting inside their soul, alone,
With anxious trepidation waiting for them
Before the fight, the letters from home.
We've read yours, it didn't do us any good
Now, the bitterness torment us in secret:
What if you're not alone, who could?
What if someone else will get it?
To court of our distant wives
We'll send you, you've slendered them
And planted doubts in our lives
You gave us a reason for a moment.
Let them occused you, mam,
That soul of bird you hid,
That you as a wife and woman
Were posing since you were married.
And your ex husband, he is killed, whence
All is good. Live now with the one you've got.
Alas, the dead one will not offend
In the letter, with long unnecessary word.
Live without fear of guilt, forevermore,
He will not write, he won't reply
And when he returns to city from the war,
He won't meet you with another walking by.
Only for one more thing, to forgive him
You have to, because, madam,
Perhaps, for a month more will bring
For you the letters, your local postman.
There is nothing can be done-
The bullet faster than a letter flyes.
The letters will in September come,
But he was killed, already in July.
Every line is about you in them,
For you, it's not pleasant of course-
Then on behalf of the whole regiment
I'm taking back his words.
So, from us, at the end, do except
Our content, as a farewell.
You don't deserve our respect
Comrades of arms of the deceased
On behalf of the officers of the regiment
K. Simonov


Versions: #2
U mojim snovima juče
dve senke su me zagrlile
i šapnule mi tajne.
Jedna mi je rekla da me želiš
a druga me je tešila
govoreći da me iskreno voliš.
Rekla si da me želiš, laž
da noćima plačeš, laž
da ne možeš da živiš bez mene, sve laži.
Da si ranjena, laž
Da mi sve pričaš, laž
sve je to bilo samo u mojoj glavi.
U mojim snovima juče
Dva ciganska glasa
Govorila su mi tajne sudbine.
Jedan mi je rekao da me želiš
A drugi me je tešio
govoreći da me iskreno voliš.
Rekla si da me želiš, laž
da noćima plačeš, laž
da ne možeš da živiš bez mene, sve laži.
Da si ranjena, laž
Da mi sve pričaš, laž
sve je to bilo samo u mojoj glavi.


Versions: #2
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Τražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac, za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.
Noćas sam se prekinuo,
Mrmljam a tebe nema još uvek
Znam da nema rešenja
dok razmišljam o tebi
da sam uništen.
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Τražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac, za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.
Čula me ne slušaju,
Posrćem a tebe nema još uvek
Alkoholisanje mi ne pomaže
dok razmišljam o tebi
da sam uništen.
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Τražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac, za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.
Sa toliko mnogo uništenih snova
šta mi drugo preostaje?
Ponovo ću otići negde da pijem
Ja više neću biti ja.
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Τražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac, za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Τražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac, za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.


Smislila si opravdanja i otišla
a u tvom pogledu nije bilo krivice
Uvek ćeš da prodaš obećanja
ali nikad nisi naučila da ih se držiš.
Ti, koja si oštro reagovala
kad sam ti rekao da me ne voliš
i da si uništila snove,
klela si se da živiš samo za nas
Nešto u tvojoj glavi se zbunilo
ni sama se više ne slažeš sa sobom.
Smislila si opravdanja i otišla
a u tvom pogledu nije bilo krivice
Uvek ćeš da prodaš obećanja
ali nikad nisi naučila da ih se držiš.
Ti koja nisi mogla
da zamisliš svoj život bez nas
koja mi je uvek govorila
koliko te volim i da me voliš
Nešto u tvojoj glavi se zbunilo
ni sama se više ne slažeš sa sobom.
Smislila si opravdanja i otišla
a u tvom pogledu nije bilo krivice
Uvek ćeš da prodaš obećanja
ali nikad nisi naučila da ih se držiš.


Ako pogledam tvoje oči, vidim
plavetnilo okeana
dugu posle kiše
Ti donosiš boju u moj život.
Ako poljubim tvoje usne, sanjam
Svet sa tobom je dovoljan
Hajde da se budimo držeći se ujutru
Smej se, to mi daje život
Koliko te želim kraj sebe
Ti si otkucaj mog srca
kako te mnogo volim
Koliko mi popraviš dan
kada sa jutrom
ti dođeš i ja živim svoj san.
Ako pogledam tvoje oči, vidim
ljubav koja mi je nedostajala tako dugo
sunce što izlazi na istoku
i zatiče nas zagrljene ujutru.
Koliko te želim kraj sebe
Ti si otkucaj mog srca
kako te mnogo volim
Koliko mi popraviš dan
kada sa jutrom
ti dođeš i ja živim svoj san.

Šta da radim sa tim

Šta da radim sa tim
što dobijem dva poljupca od tebe tajno,
Šta da radim sa tim
Šta da radim sa tim
što svaki pogled zapali vatru
Šta da radim sa tim
U svakom snu pomislim
da sam te uhvatio
i kada se pronađemo izgubim te
Šta da radim sa tim
Želim da te imam u ovom životu
više nego sebe samog
da mogu da te vidim kad te trebam
Da mogu umreti za tebe
jer te volim i ti voliš mene
šta da radim sa tim
ti ne bi smela, meni nije dozvoljeno
to nešto više…
Šta da radim sa tim
što srce udara glasno
šta da radim sa tim
Šta da radim sa tim
što kradem tvoj zagrljaj tajno
Šta da radim sa tim
U svakom snu pomislim
da sam te uhvatio
i kada se pronađemo izgubim te
Šta da radim sa tim
Želim da te imam u ovom životu
više nego sebe samog
da mogu da te vidim kad te trebam
Da mogu umreti za tebe
jer te volim i ti voliš mene
šta da radim sa tim
ti ne bi smela, meni nije dozvoljeno
to nešto više…

Trebaš mi

Ono što sam želeo
stojeći celu noć na stepeništu tvoga srca,
je da ti kažem da se vratiš
da budemo zajedno kao što smo nekada
Sam sam
a bol je zapalio vatru u meni
puštam je da gori da prestanem da razmišljam
da te grli neko drugi
da te grli neko drugi
A trebaš mi
izgubljen sam, kako da živim, kako?
Zatvorenih očiju
sanjam o tebi i prilazim ti
da me opet opiješ poljupcima.
Patim, kunem ti se
Tako jako želim da te vidim
Sa tvojim telom ceo postajem za tren
I opet plačem i grešim
Sam sam
a bol je zapalio vatru u meni
puštam je da gori da prestanem da razmišljam
da te grli neko drugi
da te grli neko drugi
A trebaš mi
izgubljen sam, kako da živim, kako?
Zatvorenih očiju
sanjam o tebi i prilazim ti
da me opet opiješ poljupcima.


Znam sve što ti misliš i znam šta se dešava
da mrziš sve što si nekad volela
ali to je ipak osećanje baš kao i ljubav
Ti želiš da ja umrem da bi ti mogla da živiš
Zato sam se spakovao
i odlazim iz tvog života, da sebe spasem…
Odlazim iz tvog sjajnog života
Odlazim da mogu da budem miran
Odlazim, radi šta god želiš, ne zanima me to
Ostavljam te da bih se spasao
tvog sjajnog života, odlazim.
Kad smo se sreli izgovorila si reči
da želiš da živiš sa mnom rekla si
I poverovao sam u to, strastveno sam te voleo
Ti si moja najveća greška
Zato sam se spakovao
i odlazim iz tvog života, da sebe spasem…
Odlazim iz tvog sjajnog života
Odlazim da mogu da budem miran
Odlazim, radi šta god želiš, ne zanima me to
Ostavljam te da bih se spasao
tvog sjajnog života, odlazim.

Nemam mnogo

Želeo bih da imam sve, da budem svuda
da ti poklonim sve zvezde ovog neba
aliza mene postoji samo jedna zvezda na planeti
jedan je moj svet, samo ti.
Nemam mnogo da ti poklonim
nemam mnogo da podelim
samo jedan život, uzmi ga, ceo je tvoj
samo jednu sreću i dugujem je tebi
Ne govori ništa i zauzvrat ti ništa ne tražim
i svoj drugi život ti dugujem.
Želeo bih ceo svet u svom zagrljaju
da te vodim u gradove i još dalje
ali gde god da odem, svako putovanje
jedan je moj put, samo ti.
Nemam mnogo da ti poklonim
nemam mnogo da podelim
samo jedan život, uzmi ga, ceo je tvoj
samo jednu sreću i dugujem je tebi
Ne govori ništa i zauzvrat ti ništa ne tražim
i svoj drugi život ti dugujem.

A Chaos With You

Which one of your two faces
Are you wearing before I come to see you
Your demon's anger,
Or your angel's laugh, I wonder
Your mood is changing
A thousand colors during the day
Scare me like an ambush
And they are leading me to - to escape
They promise me the universe,
I prefer a chaos with you
They told me I am wrong
But I didn't hear anyone of them, my love.
A chaos with you
My life is a sweet giddiness
At the cliff without brakes
You are leading me and I take the responsibility
Which one of your two faces
Tries to withstand our truth
Your unfair outbursts
Or the 'yes's you are saying just for avoidance
In our case, the victim
Or the perpetrator you want to be
You are the last step
At my cliff or Deus ex machina
They promise me the universe,
I prefer a chaos with you
They told me I am wrong
But I didn't hear anyone of them, my love.
A chaos with you
My life is a sweet giddiness
At the cliff without brakes
You are leading me and I take the responsibility

Пратим те

Пратим те, скотрљао сам се у твој џеп,
мален, као новчић.
Пратим те и знам да стајем
у јамицу што имаш на врату.
Хајде, задржи ме и прегази ме,
у своје чаробне дубине
поведи ме са собом, у дубину свог пољупца,
не остављај ме самог да се изгубим.
Пратим те и приљубљен сам уз тебе,
као летња мајица.
Пратим те, додирујем те и патим.
Затварам очи и пратим те.

Pravo muško

I propalica i gospodin u jednom
Svi me gledaju u klubu
Hipnotišem sve redom
jer sam tako u mogućnosti Teeth smile
Nameračen da dobijem sve što poželim,
i tebe, dušo, želim
Rođen da budem prvi
i da mi skidaju kapu
Ne pitaj šta radim, to se zove uspeh
Mogu da stignem do zvezda i još više
Ne pitaj imam li petlju da te imam
dušo, izdržao bih tebe i druge dve
Kao pravo muško
Neodoljiv od rođenja,
šarmer i srcelomac
Sa ženama uvek borac
Učitelj, nikad učenik
Trudim se da dobijem sve što poželim,
i tebe, dušo, želim
Rođen da budem prvi
i da mi skidaju kapu
Ne pitaj šta radim, to se zove uspeh
Mogu da stignem do zvezda i još više
Ne pitaj imam li petlju da te imam
dušo, izdržao bih tebe i druge dve
Kao pravo muško
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

How long?

I'm turning around in our home, alone, and I'm smoking
I lost my self, I can't recognize my self
I'm watching our old fotos and I'm crying
I wish you were here tonight for a while, so I could touch you
How long I have to wait, how long I have to insist?
How long I have to love you, How long to suffer
The memories always are coming in my mind
I'm thinking in the nights in my dreams about what we have passed through
I couldn't overcome you never, I miss you and I'm suffering.
And with my thoight I'm trying to bring you to me
How long I have to wait, how long I have to insist?
How long I have to love you, How long to suffer

With You

It doesn't have an end
what me and you live
the arrow of the compass
will tell us where we'll go.
I don't mind where
with you I'll go everywhere
there isn't a point for me to be somewhere else
since I have you.
With you I don't mind
since my heart screams to go forward
with you it excites me
that every moment seems like a dream
with you the world changes
and that is all I care about
with you the world changes
and that is all I care about
Until the end
we'll be dancing together
and this end
will just be a beginning
I don't mind where
with you I'll go everywhere
there isn't a point for me to be somewhere else
since I have you.
With you I don't mind
since my heart screams to go forward
with you it excites me
that every moment seems like a dream
with you the world changes
and that is all I care about
with you the world changes
and that is all I care about


You made excuses and left
But in your glance there was no guilt
You'll always sell your promises
But you never learned to hold them close to you.
You, who reacted like that
When I told you that you don't love me
How you spent those dreams
And they swore that you only lived for us.
You have them confused somewhere in your mind
You can't even find them with yourself.
You made excuses and left
But in your glance there was no guilt
You'll always sell your promises
But you never learned to hold them close to you.
You, who didn't even try
How could you think of a life without us?
How you always talked to me
About how much I love you and how much you love me
You have them confused somewhere in your mind
You can't even find them with yourself.
You made excuses and left
But in your glance there was no guilt
You'll always sell your promises...
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

How much

If I looked into your eyes, I'd see
The blue of the ocean
A heavenly line after the rain
You bring colour into my life.
If I kiss your lips I will dream
A world with you is enough
Let's wake up holding each other in the morning
Smile, it gives me life...
How much I want you next to me
You are my heartbeat
How much I love you
How much you make my day
Only with a 'hello'
You came and I am living my dream.
If I looked into your eyes, I'd see
The love that was missing for so long
A sun that rises in the east
And finds us in an embrace in the morning
How much I want you next to me
You are my heartbeat
How much I love you
How much you make my day
Only with a 'hello'
You came and I am living my dream.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Alpha Male

Punk and gentleman at the same time.
All the glares in the club,
I magnet them with every chance,
because that's the way I like it, the way I like it.
I have the tendency to take what I want
and you, my baby, I want you.
Born to be number one
and having people take their hats off.
You ask me what I'm doing, it's called success.
I reach the sky and beyond.
You aske me if I have the guts to make you mine,
ma baby, I can take you and two more (bis)
Like an Alpha Male!
Irresistible from birth,
charmer and heartbreaker.
With women always a fighter,
teacher, never a student.
I have the tendency to take what I want
and you, my baby, I want you.
Born to be number one
and having people take their hats off.
You ask me what I'm doing, it's called success.
I reach the sky and beyond.
You aske me if I have the guts to make you mine,
ma baby, I can take you and two more (bis)
Like an Alpha Male!

What Should I Do With That

What should I do with that
That I get two kisses from you secretly,
What should I do with that
What should I do with that
That each eye sets a fire
What should I do with that
In every dream I think
That I catch you
And when we find each other, I lose you
What should I do with that
I want to have you, in this life
Higher than myself1
(I want you) to be able to see whenever it's needed
That I could die for you
Because I love you and you love me
What should I do with that
You must not, I am not allowed to
That something more2..
What should I do with that
That the heart is beating loudly
What should I do with that
What should I do with that
That I steal a hug for you, secretly
What should I do with that
In every dream I think
That I catch you
And when we find each other, I lose you
What should I do with that
I want to have you, in this life
Higher than myself1
(I want you) to be able to see whenever it's needed
That I could die for you
Because I love you and you love me
What should I do with that
You must not, I am not allowed to
That something more2..
  • If a person A has a person B higher than themselves, it means that the person B is very important for the person A.
  • The singer and his love interest aren't allowed to have something more than what they already have.


Ludim !
Video sam te iznenada i zapitah se
da li stvarno postoji ovakva retka lepota
Već su ti rekli da ličiš na boginju
ali takvoj lepoti reči nisu potrebne
Sve što želim je jedan pogled
i na meni je (da uradim) ostalo
Napio sam se i svet srećom
izgleda stvarnije
Napio sam se i to od sreće
(što sam) s tobom do zore
Tvojim venama teče grčka krv
vatrena kombinacija plavog i belog*
Živahne oči i mediteranski stil
Nesumnjivo si vatrene naravi
Napio sam se i svet srećom
izgleda stvarnije
Napio sam se i to od sreće
(što sam) s tobom do zore
Napio sam se
Napio sam se i svet srećom
izgleda stvarnije
Napio sam se i to od sreće
(što sam) s tobom do zore
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.


Одлази, могу да губим
И сама си признала
Туђа си, већ си друкчија
Љубав је завршила
Одлази, сада си његова
Да те он усрећи,
Молим се, љубав да ти да
Само да не заборави,
са тобом све ми је однео.
Срећнију хоћу да те видим
Насмејану, а не као сада
Јер љубав, када није довољна
без кривице сама одлази.
Одлази, могу да губим
И сама си признала
Веровасмо у ту заблуду
До сада ја и ти.
Одлази, сада си његова.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

I'm over you

I paid for (my) mistakes with pain
(and) all of your addictions
I gave you time
but it was a mistake and I'm still paying (for it)
I'm over you because
you've always been a wound
you've hurt me so much
get your things and get out
I'm over you and I'm living (my life)
I'm putting only my ego
your arms are prison
but I can't stand being in there
You pretended you didn't know me
but know it's time for you to suffer
I finish what you left
I'm killing your memories
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

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