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S' eho xeperasei (Σ' Έχω Ξεπεράσει)

Платио сам своје грешке са боломи
све твоје зависности
Дао сам ти времена
али то је била грешка и и даље плаћам (за то)
Завршио сам са тобом
ти си увек била рана
толико си ме повредила
однеси своје ствари и изађи
Ја сам преболео тебе и живим (мој живот)
Стављам само мој его
твоје руке су затвор
али не могу да поднесем да будем тамо
Претварала си се да ме не познајеш
али знај да је време да ти патиш
Завршићу оно што си отишла
Убијам твоја сећања

I'm over you

I paid for (my) mistakes with pain
(and) all of your addictions
I gave you time
but it was a mistake and I'm still paying (for it)
I'm over you because
you've always been a wound
you've hurt me so much
get your things and get out
I'm over you and I'm living (my life)
I'm putting only my ego
your arms are prison
but I can't stand being in there
You pretended you didn't know me
but know it's time for you to suffer
I finish what you left
I'm killing your memories
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.


A picture of you, came to me as well
A picture of you ,from the outlands
It is one of those which the students keep
It is one of those which the stoolie rip them off.
It is one of those which the students hang...
to theirs hurt..
Che Guevara
Close the window
block the doors up
I am terrified of the man
with boots.
What do he ask for (want)?...and he walks into the shadows all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he asks about You all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he looks at our home..
every night.
Che Guevara
So many roses
burned them all the snow
Oh! this spring
makes me bleed


Go away, I know how to lose
You made a confession
You're somebody else's, you are different
The love has come to an end
Go away, you belong to him now
Let him make you happier
I pray that he'll give you the love
Just don't let him to forget
He took everything from me with you
I want to see you happier -
Smiling, not like this time
Because when the love is not enough
It just leaves without any guilt
Go away, I know how to lose
You made a confession
We both trusted in this mistake
Me and you until now
Go away, you belong to him now


Ne slušaju me osećaji,
Spotičem se ali ti još uvek ne vidiš,
ne pomažu mi ni psovke kada razmišljam o tebi
Pristajem da se uništavam
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Ja tražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac,
za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.
Sa toliko izgubljenih snova
Šta je ostalo za mene
Ponovo ću postići da negde pijem
Ja više neću biti ja
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Ja tražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac,
za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.

I Don't Know The Sapience

Versions: #2
I don't know the sapience that suits others' course,
Only fleeting impulses I put in my verse.
I see worlds in every one of my fleeting dreams,
They are full of volatile playful rainbow streams.
Don't accurse me, sapients. I'm not your concern.
For I'm just a little cloud, full of fiery burn.
I am just a little cloud. See: I drift from view.
And I call the dreamers up... No, I don't call you!
(c) St.Sol: all rights reserved.

I Don't Know The Sapience

I don't know the sapience that suits others' course,
Only fleeting impulses I put in my verse.
I see worlds in every one of my fleeting dreams,
They are full of volatile playful rainbow streams.
Don't accurse me, sapients. I'm not your concern.
For I'm just a little cloud, full of fiery burn.
I am just a little cloud. See: I drift from view.
And I call the dreamers up... No, I don't call you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Like a little child

In your arms again, again, like a little child
Unfading woman, again, like a little child
Never have I forgotten you, never, like a little child
Blurry moonlight, never, like a little child
Moon, give me your other side
The breath is just like a saw
Cuts the time and spreads fire and snow to the unsullied silence
I was often getting lost away from you, like a little child
Ancient wave, ancient expectation
The breath is just like a saw
Cuts the time and spreads fire and snow to the unsullied silence
I ask for your love, again, like a little child
Lightsome gazelle, again, like a little child
Being surrendered and conditional
The breath is just like a saw
Cuts the time and spreads fire and snow to the unsullied silence


Versions: #2
Sences don't obey
I stumble but you have not appeared yet
Abuses don't help me when I am thinking about you
I accept that I destroy myself
Wasted I will be wasted
But I will be still thinking about you
I will be in coma in the morning
I will be seeking for your lips
For one of your kiss
For one of your kiss
And it will be all your fault
With all those missing dreams
What is left from me
I will end up somewhere to drink again
I won't be myself anymore
Wasted I will be wasted
But I will be still thinking about you
I will be in coma in the morning
I will be seeking for your lips
For one of your kiss
For one of your kiss
And it will be all your fault


At the edge of twilight I fell asleep
like a foreigner (alas!)* like a foreign body like forever a stranger
And there came and sat upon me like a bed sheet
all of the ground's dust.*
All of the ground's dust.
And there came in turn the black sea
she brought an ungovernable ship drifting
I rose like a wind, I rose like a thief,
don't you see the lie?
The lie, don't you see it?
Leaning at the ship's bow, a transparent man
is counting the bones, remains speechless
César Vallejo*, he eats the stones like bread
i have no other brother.
I have no other brother.
The cigarette is sparking at every puff
Spain is sinking* and the only one who wins
(is) the pleasure that gives birth to us, who plays our card
beyond our will.
Beyond our will.
At the edge of twilight you don't see any dreams
you see what has happened and what is to follow
You see the man being small and (you see) his own feet truly stepping on him
his own feet.
His own feet.

The Parting

The parting - sad estrangement,
The pain of strange land toil,
For no one loves a vagrant
Except the mother-soil.
- The vagrant song.
There are the folks who're destined to be vagrants:
A stranger always, everywhere I go.
I'm driven by erratic dream engagements,
Mercurial like a running water flow.
The cities flash before my eyes, depart
Along with towns and boroughs full of anguish.
But I have never met, oh, dear heart,
My own anticipation, doomed to languish.
Estrangement! Wake of someone else's boat!
The urge of waves to those unlike the others.
Yes, I'm a vagrant, trampling fields like goat.
And, tired of repeating things all over,
I'm dropping to the ground and crying. My Lord!
For no one loves me like the wet soil coat!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

One word from you

You know that every time I say 'it's over once and for good'
I'm going to last for just one night
you have the way to change everything
(and) my heart is also against me
I make again the same mistake
now I know that
One word from you
and one ' I love you' is enough
for me to forget you're the one to blame
and come find you again
Just one look is enough
and I'm back here again
and I can see every lie of yours
as true
I want to forget you and throw away
all the things I'm keeping from you
My strength is done , you're my yesrday
I'm saying it for myself to hear it
Once you're opposite to me
I admit it , I go to pieces
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

I'm Going Crazy

I'm go ing cra zy!
I'm go ing cra zy!
I saw you suddenly and wondered
does this rare beauty really exist?
you must have heard again that you resemble a Goddess
in front of your beauty words are unnecessary
the only thing I'm asking is a glance
and the rest is up to me
I'm go ing cra zy!
I'm go ing cra zy!
I'm drunk and luckily the world
seems to be more real
I am drunk from happiness
I'm next to you until dawn
In your veins Greek blood is flowing
a killer combination of blue and white
naughty eyes and Mediterranean style
undoubtedly an explosive temperament
I'm go ing cra zy!
I'm go ing cra zy!
I'm drunk and luckily the world
seems to be more real
I am drunk from happiness
I'm next to you until dawn
Cra zy zy zy !
Cra zy zy zy !
Cra zy zy zy !
I'm go ing cra zy!
(I'm drunk)
I'm drunk and luckily the world
seems to be more real
I am drunk from happiness
I'm next to you until dawn
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

He made a premiere in the stars

The angels closed in around the first table tonight,
They too wanted to hear this new artist....
For lovers who had lost, he wrote on his paper,
the words he sang came out of his soul...
It went into the heart of every kind of person
Everyone's problem made it his own ...
Songs about their pain, he put put a garnish,
because even in Heaven, they enjoy a capsule ...
(With) a heavy Zeimpekiko, he is dancing to Charonas
and with our hands open, he see us from above
For him and the Lord will not be on the board tonight,
Angels were jealous and they wanted Pantelidis ...
His mother said to him, 'turn back my child ,'
he said: 'I can't mum, i feel sorry for the Angels' ...
Two words I have to say, handsome to death,
I want to play songs I like too ...
That's how tonight, Pantelis, made his premiere
and the stars in the sky, the night they made day...
One guitar, two strings give to him, the boss,
They have to sing for them, you're up there forever
(With) a heavy Zeimpekiko, he is dancing to Charonas
and with our hands open, he see us from above
For him and the Lord will not be on the board tonight,
Angels were jealous and they wanted Pantelidis ...
Without you, the months have passed, and yet, I still can't figure out how you end up in the ground

When I Look At You

When I look at you the world pauses,
The stars lose their shine, when I look at you.
When I look at you, I am so ashamed like a child,
You make me feel, when I look at you.
Because you are everything,
Because you are the ballad that I love.
When I look at you I lose my words,
How will you believe how much I love you.
When I look into your two eyes,
I see a light blue ocean, when I look at you.
When I look at you my breath is cut,
My pulse stops, when I look at you.
Because you are everything,
Because you are the ballad that I love.
When I look at you I lose my words,
How will you believe how much I love you.

Podignimo čaše uvis

Žene, kasno uveče, alkohol i stiska
Zadovoljstva koja su mi činila najviše štete...
Ah, moje strasti, moje greške,
Pevam ti moja ljubavi
Da sam sada sam sebi broj jedan ...
U svoje zdravlje pijem da se napijem
I brojim svoje greške
I cele noći pevam...
Neka dobro postane staro
Kažem zbogom i doviđenja
Svemu što mi srce u crno zavija.
Podignimo čaše uvis
I svako na stolove
Onda igrajmo.
Živimo samo jednom
Ali ako to uradiš dobro
Dovoljno je da se osećaš dobro
U mojim radostima i slavljima
Svi prijatelji i poznanici
Ali kada mi je teško, kada sam sam
Nema ih ni pola...
Platio sam svoje greške,
Promena koje sam se odrekao
I sada imam druge ljude...
U svoje zdravlje pijem da se napijem
I brojim svoje greške
I cele noći pevam...
Neka dobro postane staro
Kažem zbogom i doviđenja
Svemu što mi srce u crno zavija.
Podignimo čaše uvis
I svako na stolove
Onda igrajmo...
Živimo samo jednom
Ali ako to uradiš dobro
Dovoljno je da se osećaš dobro
Podignimo čaše uvis (x2)
I svako na stolove...
Onda igrajmo...
U svoje zdravlje pijem da se napijem
I brojim svoje greške
I cele noći pevam...
Neka dobro postane staro
Kažem zbogom i doviđenja
Svemu što mi srce u crno zavija.
Podignimo čaše uvis
I svako na stolove
Onda igrajmo...
Živimo samo jednom
Ali ako to uradiš dobro
Dovoljno je da se osećaš dobro


As much as I am indifferent to you that much I love you
because I see the inside of you and there where I want I go
I see the world's happiness in the loneliness's celebration
but what exists in the heart nothing washes away
Dreams, me I never did in my life
Dreams, big and huge
Dreams, me I never did for me
Dreams, like the other kids
The people are alone even if they go out with friends
as soon as in their home they close themselves they're left with ideas
they look in their empty brain to find some solution
but a dream my friend will not cost you
Dreams, me I never did in my life
Dreams, big and huge
Dreams, me I never did for me
Dreams, like the other kids

If you love me

Unknown trips are your lips
I've lost you into beautiful forests
your hug is a deep sea
a beautiful homeland that i have never seen
and i am searching for you into the horizon
of my loneliness
into the depth of my isolation i am searching for you
i am searching for you, i am searching for you
If you love me, become a touch to my face
If you love me, become a star into the darkness
If you love me,give me the sweetest kiss of yours
If you love me, become my angel
It's getting dak tonight into my heart
you are missing again, where are you
my kisses are frozen to my lips
i always remember you but i am sccared
and i am searching for you into the horizon
of my loneliness
into the depth of my isolation i am searching for you
i am searching for you, i am searching for you
If you love me, become a touch to my face
If you love me, become a star into the darkness
If you love me,give me the sweetest kiss of yours
If you love me, become my angel

Not From Paper

My eyes do not shut,
Sleep does not take me,
Because in my dreams,
I don't want you to come again.
My lips do not open,
They do not say your name.
Everything you ever touched, I will wash,
So your aroma leaves.
But that is something that has stayed
And it will not let me take you out of my life.
It's not from paper for me to burn,
It's not from glass for me to break,
It's not a letter for me to tear,
It's not a tear for me to wipe,
But it is a heart that asks:
How will I live away from you?
I do not open the door,
Do not bring your shadow.
I do not look at the sun,
I do not feel your eyes.
I do not listen to songs,
That we listened to, the two of us.
And I want to forget,
Everything of ours.
But that is something that has stayed
And it will not let me take you out of my life.
It's not from paper for me to burn,
It's not from glass for me to break,
It's not a letter for me to tear,
It's not a tear for me to wipe,
But it is a heart that asks:
How will I live away from you?

What a love

We were stubborn again
Above ourselves
We made a step
We broke up
But we found again a solution
It was for our own good
Our love has won
Our ego
What a love
It is passing by a storm
A fire and a rain
And here we go again
What a love
It makes us crazy
It hurts us
I say black you say white
And we are together again
We fought again
Nobody believes us
We are always against each other
For a moment
Either one is growling
Or the other is getting jealous
Fortunately every bad moment doesn't last long
What a love
It is passing by a storm
A fire and a rain
And here we go again
What a love
It makes us crazy
It hurts us
I say black you say white
And we are together again
Together in stubborness
In jealousy
In complaints
This love has survived in difficult times
Nobody has ever gotten between us
We are destined to be together forever

I didn't ask you about anything

With tears in my eyes with
A bitterness in my look
I'm leaving i cannot do this anymore
I'm the only one who loves you
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me
I didn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
I loved you and i believed in your heart
Ididn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
But you destroyed everything into a night
You were my 'every moment'
You were my whole life
You took everything i loved and i lost everything
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me

I'm asking you for love

Another night that i'm alone
Into empty streets
I'm wandering
You're missing and i'm searching for you again
And i wanna tell you so many things
I'm asking you for love
Don't deny it
My dream is fading
And i'm crying again
I'm asking you for love
Come back
I'm waiting for you
I'm burning for you
They say that love is fire
And you make ashes by my heart
And i do not care if you are a fire
I don't care if i going to get burnt into your kisses

I Have No Other Sky

An unfortunate moment, an unfortunate meeting.
Always you, permanent dependence.
I said I overcame you but you know I never forgot.
I won't hold you for long,
One second is enough, only if you want to hear
My passion beat the logic.
It's not just that I love you,
It's more than that.
I don't want to love another.
Honestly, I do not, and cannot live alone,
You are the greatest love.
It's not just that I love you,
I have no other sky
It's been a long time, I've made efforts,
But unfortunately, they were all in vain.
I said that I forgot you, but that was a lie,
I haven't ever forgotten.
I won't hold you for long,
One second is enough, only if you want to hear
My passion beat the logic.
It's not just that I love you,
It's more than that.
I don't want to love another.
Honestly, I do not, and cannot live alone,
You are the greatest love.
It's not just that I love you,
I have no other sky

Čekaj me (i ja ću sigurno doći)

Čekaj me
Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći
samo me čekaj dugo.
Čekaj me i kada žute kiše
noći ispune tugom.
Čekaj i kada vrućine zapeku,
i kada mećava briše,
čekaj i kada druge niko
ne bude čekao više.
Čekaj i kada pisma prestanu
stizati izdaleka,
čekaj i kada čekanje dojadi
svakome koji čeka.
Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći.
Ne slušaj kad ti kažu
kako je vreme da zaboraviš
i da te nade lažu.
Nek poveruju i sin i mati
da više ne postojim,
neka se tako umore čekati
i svi drugovi moji,
i gorko vino za moju dušu
nek piju kod ognjišta.
Čekaj. I nemoj sesti s njima,
i nemoj piti ništa.
Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći,
sve smrti me ubiti neće.
Nek rekne ko me čekao nije:
Taj je imao sreće!
Ko čekati ne zna, taj neće shvatiti
niti će znati drugi
da si me spasila ti jedina
čekanjem svojim dugim.
Nas dvoje samo znaćemo kako
preživeh vatru kletu, —
naprosto, ti si čekati znala
kao niko na svetu.

No We're Not Selling

This year it's going well
it's going well
all the plants are going well
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling
The children are happy
the children
They see a plentiful crop
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling

Twilight hasn't died into dark yet

Twilight hasn't died into dark yet
But the air is getting colder
The winds blow over my heart
Wreaking devastation
Oh, vanished good fortune that I don't need
Oh, my dream that life will be different
And the life that I live in this dream
Blow, winds, through the wilderness
Stretched out in the gloom of the night
My soul is frightened by the emptiness
And its boundless silence
Choking back the tears secretly
I stare into the mirages
Oh, my empty life!
Tell me, at least, who am I?

Just You I Desire, My Blessing...

Just you I desire, my blessing,
My beauty, this Earth never knew!
My sun in the darkness distressing,
For my burning heart you are dew!
Inspired by my love to you, I
Shall scramble to fight fate anew.
Like spica half-scorched by the lightning,
I'll bow into dust before you.
For ecstasy never acquitted,
I'll pay with my life for miscue!
And even if crime I've committed -
I want only you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

It Is Hard For A Fairy

'Fairy,' the lilacs have whispered,
'Fairy' was plea of a bird.
'Fairy,' may-lilies insisted,
Whispered through shadows, eyes blurred.
'Fairy,' with emerald glare
Uttered the grass blade undone.
'It is so hard!' sighed the fairy,
'I have to love everyone.'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Ad Infinitum

In the church all stays as always.
Sways of censers can be heard.
'I was joking, take my word.
Did you love or fall in mad craze?'
Candles' flicker's dim and tame,
Lights're reflecting from the icons.
All folks want to light a candle
From another candle flame.
In the church it'll stay as always.
Peal of censers can be heard.
'Ah, unfaithful! You have joked.
Woe to me! I really loved you.'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Grim-visaged specter, demon, mighty spirit,
The lord of every realm and every age,
There ain't a day when you didn't take your reaping,
There ain't a fight that you would lose in rage.
To sleepless eyes you grant eternal slumber,
To abject souls, condemned to torment, pained,
You whisper in the dusty cell as wild wind
And grant the light to souls, by darkness strained.
To all you bring your gift of deep sedation,
You even grant it to all those vain souls
That're full of daring doubts and trepidation.
To you, my lord, the spirit of damnation,
From evil depths my cry comes through, extols:
I'm waiting. Come. I crave reconciliation!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Feather Grass

To I.A. Bunin
Like a dying ghost, tall feather grass
In the open steppe swings quietly,
Fading crescent looks in stern impasse,
From white cloud darkens silently.
Murky shadows roam, keep wandering
Through the steppe expanse without end,
Fragile, momentary, pondering,
Whisper something to the avid wind.
And the shimmer, flashing ghostly lights,
Disappears in the foggy gloom,
And the past that drowned in frosty nights
Rises over graves as groggy plume.
Golden crescent darkens, dithering,
Burning down and melting in the skies,
And the feather grass sways, shivering,
Like a dying ghost, it swings and sighs.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Mermaid

If you can, understand. If you want, take my hand.
You alone I have liked among men of this land.
Before you I was cold, I was pallid, all told.
I'm from deep, quiet bottom, too dark to behold.
Take a pause. The young moon will light up for us soon.
Can you see it? Behold the bright light of young moon!
Sighs of blue gloom're the sign. Kiss me now! Are you mine?
Kiss me here, everywhere. Just with you I feel fine!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.