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What You Wish

The evening star glows bright and clear
Now what you wish will come true
Even tonight, perhaps
You must just believe it


here's a place I go to
where no one knows me
It's not lonely
It's a necessary thing
It's a place I made up
Find out what I'm made of
The nights are stayed up
Counting stars and fighting sleep
Let it wash over me
Ready to loose my feet
Take me on to the place where one reviews life's mistery
Steady on down the line
Lose every sense of time
Take it all in and wake up that small part of me
Day to day I'm blind to see
And find how far
to go
Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
what builds up throughout the day
It gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell eachother secrets
and remember how to love
There's a place I'm going
no one knows me
If I breathe real slowly
let it out and let it in
They can be terrifying
to be slowly dying
Also clarifying
the end where we begin
So let it wash over me
I'm ready to loose my feet
Take me on to the place where one reviews life's mistery
Steady on down the line
Lose every sense of time
Take it all in and wake up that small part of me
Day to day I'm blind to see
And find how far
to go
Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
what builds up throughout the day
It gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell eachother secrets
and remember how to love
Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
what builds up throughout the day
And it gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell eachother secrets
and remember how to love

Kako si mogla da nas ostaviš

Kako si mogla da odeš tako neočekivano
Mi smo čekali, mi smo čekali
Tebe, ali ti si nas napustila
Trebali smo te, ja sam te trebao
Hej, ne znam kako je to biti ovisan o tabletama
Ali znam kako je to biti svjedok, to ubija
Mama mi je rekla da me voli, ja mislim da ovo nije stvarno
Razmišljam o tebi kada osetim taj miris cigarete, da
Dobrodošla na dno pakla
Kažu da je bol zatvor, pusti me iz moje ćelije
Kažeš da si ponosna na mene, ali ne poznaješ me tako dobro
Sjedim u svojoj sobi, suze teku niz moje lice i vrištim
U svoje jastuke, ti kažeš da dolaziš po nas
Zatim zoveš samo minutu poslije da kažeš da ne dolaziš, ponižen sam
U sobi sam s roditeljem kojeg jedva poznajem
Neka gospođa nas gleda u kutu dok nešto bileži
Ne razumem mama, zar ne želiš da gledaš svoju decu kako rastu?
Valjda su tablete važnije, sve šta moraš da kažeš je 'ne'
Ne razumem, mama, zar ne želiš? I dalje ćeš konzumirati te tablete koje te ubijaju
Znam da si otišla, ali te još uvek osećam
Zašto si nas ostavila? Zašto si nas ostavila ovde?
Kako si mogla da nas ostaviš ovde?
Kako si mogla da nas ostaviš? Zašto si nas ostavila? Oh
Imam ovu sliku u svojoj sobi i ubija me
Ali ja ne trebam sliku svoje majke, trebam pravu stvar
Neki odnos je nešto šta mi nikad nećemo da imamo
Zašto se osećam kao da sam izgubio nešto šta nisam nikada imao?
Trebala si biti tamo kad sam maturirao
Da mi kažeš da me voliš i da mi čestitaš, no umjesto toga ti si nas pustila da čekamo kraj prozora
Gdje si, majko?
Premladi smo da bi razumeli, gde si, ha?
Da, znam da te droge drže u zatočeništvu
Mogu to videti u tvojim očima, zarobile su tvoj um
Neki kažu da je zabavno napušiti se, ali ja se ne smejem
I ono šta ti ne razumeš i šta ne kapiraš je
Da nisam bio ništa nego klinac, koji nije mogao da to razume
Neću da kažem da ti opraštam jer to se nije desilo
Mislio sam da ću možda s vremenom da se osećam bolje
Ako si stvarno marila za mene, pa gde si onda?
Zašto si nas ostavila? Zašto si nas ostavila ovde?
Kako si mogla da nas ostaviš ovde?
Kako si nas mogla da nas ostaviš? Zašto si nas ostavila? Oh
Naš posledni razgovor, ti i ja smo sedeli u dnevnoj sobi
Govorio sam ti o svojoj muzici i donio ti nešto od nje da poslušaš
Počela si da plačeš, govorila mi 'to nisi ti'
Par tedana posle, izgleda da si pevala drugačiju pesmu
Uzela si te tablete po posledni put, zar ne?
Uzele su te od nas jednom, valjda su se vratile da te dovrše
Isplakao sam svoje oči u studiju, teško je
Muzika je jedino mesto gde mogu da idem da razgovaram s toobm
Trebala je sva snaga u meni da ne vrištim na tvom sprovodu
Sedeo sam u svojoj stolici, ta osoba koja je govorila je bila sažaljiva
Da si bar bila tamo, mama, ali svaki put kada zamislim tvoju sliku
Sve što osećam je bol, mrzim način na koji te se sećam
Našli su te na podu, videlo se da si se osećala prazno
Dala si sve šta si imala, i svoj život tim bočicama s tabletama
Ne znam da li me čuješ ili ne, ali ako još uvek gledaš, mama!
Zašto si nas ostavila? Zašto si nas ostavila ovde?
Kako si mogla da nas ostaviš ovde?
Kako si mogla da nas ostaviš? Zašto si nas ostavila? Oh
Nekad razmišljam o
Nekad razmišljam o stvarima kao, znaš
Kada budem imao decu, ja sam kao...
Ti nećeš da budeš tamo, znaš?
Nećeš da budeš tamo za išta od toga
I ja više nikada neću da te vidim
Nekada želim da sam te samo nazvao
Nekada želim da sam samo podigao slušalicu
Da si bar tu
Mislim, trebala si da budeš tu za nas
Trebala si da budeš tu!
Te tablete su te uzele, zar ne?
Te tablete su te uzele, zar ne?
Da si bar tu...

Ojdejl (Ostavite Me Na Miru)

Pogledajte se
Sjajno se osecate
Vi ne mozete da se suzdrzite
Vi morate da budete
Savrseni u tome
Zar to nije sjajan osecaj
Jedete govna
Pustam, neka ide
Zasto me jednostavno ne ostavite na miru.
Moje srce ce puci od ovog pada.
Drzim se za sitne stvari.
I osecam svu mrznju koju donose.
Zasto me jednostavno ne ostavite na miru.
Kakva picka
Mislis da si tako jak
Uzimam ovo sranje
Sve sto sam imao je bila
Ljubav u meni
Bilo je tako dobro
Ali, to nije bilo dovoljno
Pocepali ste to na komade
Svo nepostovanje
Svo licemerje
Sva sranja koja ste trpeli zbog mene
Vi ste takva govna
Obicni otpadnici
Sisate zivot iz mene
Picko, bezi od mene
Ostavite me na miru!
Ostavite me na miru!
Ostavite me na miru!
Jebeno me ostavite na miru!
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

A Hymn for the Night

It covered up all the stars,
Engulfed the moon in all black
From the North all the way to Yemen
There's no ray of light.
And the morning is a faithful widower
It shall strap a gray sack unto its waist,
From the North all the way to Yemen
There's no ray of light.
Please light up a white candle
Inside my heart's black tent,
From the North all the way to Yemen
The light will shine.
The light, the light will shine
The light, the light will shine
The light, the light, the light will shine
The light, the light, the light will shine.

Ucim da letim

i tako sam krenuo niz prasnjavi put
krenuo potpuno sam
sunce je zaslo dok sam se popeo na planinu
a grad je zasijao, ima jos sveta
ucim da letim ali nemam krila
spustiti se najteza je stvar
stari dobri dani ne mogu se vratiti
i kamenje se moze istopiti
i more moze goreti
ucim da letim ali nemam krila
spustiti se najteza je stvar
pa neki kazu zivot , zivot ce te smrviti
slomiti ti srce, ukrasti ti krunu
pa sam krenuo Bog ce ga znati kuda
mislim da cu znati kada stignem tamo
ucim da letim oko oblaka
sta se popenje mora se spustiti

Our love tango

Versions: #2
This is our dance, this is the last dance
That gives an end to our romance
Look : on my face
Full of souvenirs tears flow
Tonight, on my body,
The sadness is coming and invading me.
Remember our love tango
Three musicians were making us dance
You told me 'I will love you forever'
And you kissed me
The time erases
Even the most beautiful traces
Like steam on a mirror.
Tonight, there is a veil that separates us
And that we can't cross.
Tonight my hand is cold
It's too late to change the future.
Remember our tango of love
Three musicians were making us dance.
You told me 'I will love you forever'
And you kissed me
From this tango,
I have memories
And with this tango,
our story will end
La, la, la...
Dance with me our tango of love
In this cafe where we met
Hold me in your arms until the dawn
And make me turn around again
In our love tango .

Love is blue

Versions: #2
Sweet, sweet, love is sweet.
Sweet is my life my life in your arms.
Sweet, sweet, love is sweet.
Sweet is my life my life close to you.
Blue, Blue love is blue.
Cradle my heart, my loving heart.
Blue, blue love is blue.
Blue, like the sky that plays in your eyes.
Like water, like the running water.
My heart runs after your love.
Gray, gray, love is gray.
My heart weeps when you go.
Gray gray the sky is grey.
And it rains when you are no more there.
The wind, the wind moans.
The wind cries when you leave.
The wind, the cursed wind.
My heart cries when you're gone
Like water, like the running water.
My heart runs after your love.
Blue blue love is blue.
The sky is blue when you come back.
Blue blue love is blue.
Love is blue when you take my hand.
Crazy, crazy, love is crazy.
A crazy fool like you and a crazy fool like me.
Blue blue love is blue.
Love is blue when I am yours.
Love is blue when I am yours.


Your eyes
Show me
What I know that not just anyone sees
I don't have anything
To hide when you look
At me, into my soul
We both have known each other
Even if we know each other
Tell me that it isn't a bit strange
How 'we' happened
Coincidence, I don't believe in it
Your walk is the dance that enchanted me
This is obsession at first sight
The right moment has come
Tell me, stranger
What have you done
To twirl a stranger around your finger
I feel as if I've known you
For about a thousand of lives
Tell me, stranger
How come you can
Love in a night, a thousand nights' worth of love
Maybe, for a thousand of lives,
We were together, surely together
I like the nights in which
We swim in oceans of stars
And how your lips
Giggle and move rebelliously
Tell me that in my arms
You feel protected from the bad
Tell me that it isn't a bit strange
How 'we' happened
The moment you appeared
You ignited in me what you put out a long time ago
Come on, come here
You, stranger, tell me what you did
Come on, come here
I didn't know that I could love so much
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Happy birthday

Happy birthday,
happy birthday,
we all wish to you,
happy birthday.
Since the day you were born,
you have always been, and will be
a joy to us all,
an overwhelming happiness.
Your birthday party
we will celebrate now,
united with your family,
we all are going to sing.
Happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
We are here to cheer you up,
to make you happy,
together with this joy
and wish you a happy birthday.
Then, with much joy,
we are going to play, all together
and when you blow out the candles,
we all are going to sing.
Happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
we wish you all,
happy birthday.
Just learning.

We wanna set it on fire

I'm not me when you're away, my life and soul
it's forbidden for any other woman to ever occupy my soul
Tonight we wanna set it on fire and bid loneliness farewell
Oh night, for my sake, go away and leave me with her
my eyes miss you, they miss gazing at you
today, tomorrow, every day and every moment in my life is yours
Tonight we wanna set it on fire and bid loneliness farewell
Oh night, for my sake, go away and leave me with her
the beauty of your eyes complemented the beauty of my heartbeats
you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life
Tonight we wanna set it on fire and bid loneliness farewell
Oh night, for my sake, go away and leave me with her
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Ben Bassat

Jaffa D left, The Bells 9
Ben Bassat
And you go up twelve steps
Ben Bassat
You knock on the door and a lady opens it
Ben Bassat
Where in the house, where is your daughter Yardena
Ben Bassat
Hello to you Yardena I came here
Ben Bassat
I was also waiting and happy and hoping
Ben Bassat
Take your shoes off, I'll roll out carpets at your feet
Ben Bassat
Lock your bike and do what you like
I lockd my bike and thank you for suggesting that
Ben Bassat
Wait, wait, wait, in order to prevent harm
Don't forget a hat that will protect, and not from the sun
Ben Bassat Ben Bassat...


Los Buzaglos,Yalla barrio todos
Ah Baila Baila Ah Baile Ah
Baila she wants
Ah Baila Baila Ah Baile Ah
Walla how smiley this girl is
The shy one
That dances the most wild dance
She has Greek beauty with a combination of Yemeni
It's a regular thing by her every weekend
And i just knew her as a student in university
That listens to only calm Shlomo Arick
But the whole town says she doesn't stop to sing
The songs of Eve and Lear regularly
So wy wy wy today
We tell the university here goodbye
How/how much she loves
Let her let her just dance a day
Without learning
The whole town gives respect because she is a star
So wy wy wy the head
Learns the body flies to Hawaii and (she) doesn't think
About problems and tests what will the parents say
She doesn't give a rat's about
Life and just dances
She has the talent of a addict
To reggeton
When we get to the chorus she burns
Oy mi vida corazon this is gonna end bad
Because you sweep every guy in the club
And i just knew her as a student in university
That listens to only calm Shlomo Arick
But the whole town says she doesn't stop to sing
The songs of Eve and Lear regularly
So wy wy wy today
We tell the university here goodbye
How/how much she loves
Let her let her just dance a day
Without learning
The whole town gives respect because she is a star
So wy wy wy the head
Learns the body flies to Hawaii and (she) doesn't think
About problems and tests what will the parents say
She doesn't give a rat's about
Life and just dances
And i don't care about anything just to have fun tonight
With no thoughts or worries
Just Baila
Every gentleman in the club wants to be with her
But she doesn't want anything she came to have fun
Ah Baila Baila Ah Baile Ah
Baila she wants
Ah Baila Baila Ah Baile Ah

I Would Have Wanted To

I would have wanted to talk to you
To convince you to get serious
You, who played with my heart and the words
So much time wasted to get to explain to you
That I really loved you
We didn't make each other up
We didn't look for each other
We've never got lost, lost
I would have wanted to look at you
Divine your every desire
Give you a sigh even if you stay away
Because I was afraid you might get to see
My sincere love like a flash in my eyes
My anger collapses
Like a paper plane
When it hits the wall
I would have wanted more
I would have wanted you too
I would have wanted to tie you up
To be able to look at you every day
To change the route
The path of our destiny
And anchor you to my chest to not let you be carried away
To a life that flies away
Stop the heart for a moment
In those winter days and the ice will melt
And the ice will melt
And the ice will melt
I would have wanted to chase you
But pride is never fast
It's just an excuse to cover up a mistake
Even when I found out that it was our tomorrow
That wanted to make peace
That wrinkle on your face that you called an 'expression'
Is now a channel
How many nights of thinking?
How many bitter tears
Have bathed my soul?
I would have wanted more
I would have wanted more
I would have wanted more
I would have wanted you too


She is a Villa in Savion
And a convertible
She is a star( celeb ) in the Sharon*
Wallak give her shopping just to rest
And i come from the south
The development town Ashkelon***
I want a good girl and not a million and not an open check
Mrs. Fridmen welcome darling
Here he comes
You were expecting a lawyer
And she brought an arse**
I ask her mother for her
But from her mother its hard
There were a thousand before me
But never someone like me
I swear i will only protect her
Il give her warmth and love
There are no games here Habibi
She is not your Maktub****
With a michael kors wallet
And a Hello kitty doll
A pink Pomeranian
Whatever she wanted i bought
And i'm a simple guy from a good,authentic Moroccan home
I want her as a bride and not a one night stand
Because i'm sick of it
Mrs. Fridmen welcome darling
Here he comes
You were expecting a lawyer
And she brought an arse**
I ask her mother for her
But from her mother its hard
There were a thousand before me
But never someone like me
I swear i will only protect her
Il give her warmth and love
There are no games here Habibi
She is not your Maktub****
And her mother always worries just about her
Asking when there will be a wedding
When are you going to bring me (here) a groom
She is always protecting the girl
Thinking of who she is /might be in love with
I swear to you i will protect her all my life
Now she 'gets him' she accepts them she blesses them
mabruk ealayk yaeiris mabruk*****
And i ask for her from mother
Yalla from mother You are a queen
There were a thousand before me
Never someone like him
I swear i will only protect her
Il give her warmth and love
There are no games here Habibi
She is not your Maktub****


3 AM we picked up the girls
We got the cars ready and we left
On the way to the north
A security convoy
All the lights are green
Make a picture
We started from Lebanon to Dugit*
Only singing the hit song
That will swamp/take over the tents in Tiberias
With a smile on the face
Me and all the friends
(Now everyone screaming loud)
Ale ale ale
How it's filling up in here
Spirits only getting high,in our parties
Yalla Yalla Yalla
Maybe today i will find a bride
And whoever does not come is crazy,everyone is singing with us
Ale Ale Ale,now i know
Im sick,sick,i'm sick about her**
Yala Yalla Yalla,more than this and will go insane
Get your hands up and now go crazy
Turning the beach now into
I hear the drop****** Bring a B
Crazy party Na Na
I want a party,whoever dosn't come is a coward/sissy
The whole country is is doing a Shcuna***
Tonight tonight a big celebration tonight
Mami just wants to dance at a party
She hasn't had enough
From Tel Aviv and Ashkelon
Everyone is in a Hafla**** now,changing the style
*****Aleph Empire and Yud Yalla Beach,Bet go crazy
Thats it end of the world
Lear Is everyone wants to putt their hands up
Everyone is happy here
Everyone is jumping
Then give time to party
Call your father mother aunt neighbor
It's not possible that it's already number one
Eve and Lear empire and back to the chorus
Ale ale ale
How it's filling up in here
Spirits only getting high,in our parties
Yalla Yalla Yalla
Maybe today i will find a bride
And whoever does not come is crazy,everyone is singing with us
Ale Ale Ale,now i know
Im sick,sick,i'm sick about her**
Yala Yalla Yalla,more than this and will go insane
Get your hands up and now go crazy
I want a beach party with a view and i want nature
I want to dance to fly with every one(fem) in color
Seven i want like crazy,ugh she is putting a spell on me,
How she moves her body
I'm signing a permanent seal*******

Kazanova (Good Aunt)

I have an aunt, a good aunt, a slightly crazy aunt
She always tells me, 'Tzakhi, what about the wedding?'
I tell her, 'Good aunt, stop, it's a little annoying,
Because I already have you and that's enough.'
Everyone tells me, 'Well, Eliron, what will it be with him?
He's always going crazy from there to here'
I say, 'Everything's fine, he'll grow up,
He'll find the one and break.'
So good aunt, come down a little from the height, I'm like Kazanova, who lives life
Because good aunt, he doesn't know satiation, in the end he'll eat his hat and have kids
With a house and a garden, happy days, and a doghouse and a mortgage for life
She'll bring him a daughter, maybe also twins, because love like this isn't found in the stories
Now everyone is singing...
Good aunt, Good good aunt
So good aunt, forget it already, let it go
When I find the one I'll tell you immediately
Leave him already good aunt, give him time
In the end, Tzakhi will be a husband
So good aunt, come down a little from the height, I'm like Kazanova, who lives life
Because good aunt, he doesn't know satiation, in the end he'll eat his hat and have kids
With a house and a garden, happy days, and a doghouse and a mortgage for life
She'll bring him a daughter, maybe also twins, because love like this isn't found in the stories
Now everyone is singing...
Good aunt, Good good aunt
So good aunt, I promise you with my life
With all of me, with all of me
That she will come to me, not soon I will maybe say
All of me, all of me
He doesn't want henna (?), he just wants to sing
In the beat of the darbuka to dance in all the city
So good aunt, come down a little from the height, I'm like Kazanova, who lives life
Because good aunt, he doesn't know satiation, in the end he'll eat his hat and have kids
With a house and a garden, happy days, and a doghouse and a mortgage for life
She'll bring him a daughter, maybe also twins, because love like this isn't found in the stories
Now everyone is singing...

After you

Versions: #4
You go away...
Love has for you
The smile of another girl
I would like but cannot be
angry against you. From now on,
You are going to forget me.
This is not your fault
But, however, you must know
That after you
I will not be able to realy live anymore,
I'll only live remembering you.
After you,
I will have wet eyes,
Empty hands, a heart without joy.
With you,
I had learned how to laugh
And my laughter comes only because of you.
After you, I will be only a shadow...
Of your shadow....
After you...
Even if a day, I live a new life again,
If I hold the promise
Who links two humanbeings
(perhaps) forever , After you
I might be able
To give some tenderness
But nothing from my love.
After you
I will not be able to realy live anymore,
I'll only live remembering you.
After you,
I will have wet eyes,
Empty hands and a heart without joy.
With you,
I had learned how to laugh
And my laughter comes only because of you.
After you, I will be only a shadow...
Of your shadow....
After you...

Arena zadovoljstva

Neki ljudi nikad ne polude
kako uistinu dosadne zivote moraju da vode...
ne znam kuda idem,
ali ne mogu da docekam da stignem tamo,
sve sto znam je da, samo idem
pobegao sam od kuce prosle noci ,otisao zauvek
trcao sam za mojim zivotom
i cuo sam reci o tome kako bi trebalo da
zivim,radim,umrem, ja sam siroce noci
Vodi me dole,stizem kuci, putem ka unistenju
unutar kupole zadovoljstva
vodi me dole,stizem kuci, areni zadovoljstva
kojoj pripadam
u samom sam srcu mog besa,
gde uragan ne umire
u samom sam srcu mog besa,
gde uragan ne umire
oh, oluja je u mojim ocima
i svidja mi se ta zver u mojoj dusi,
ja sam nemirno dete
ah mama, ja trcim za mojim zivotom
imao sam sesnaest iduci nikuda,
hocu li docekati ziv sedamnaestu
i ja sam bezao od kosmara
stojim na obecanoj zemlji sa vatrom u mojim ocima
na raskrscu sam izmedju moje sudbine i zelje
oh ,Boze, sta cu postati
i moja opsesija je benzin da hrani moj pozar
oh on gori u meni
nemoj traciti suze nad mojim protracenim godinama
mama odoh ja odavde

Dim se raščišćava

(Prva strofa)
„Ti i ja protiv celog sveta”
To je ono što mi je rekla
Te noći, na terminalu
Dok smo se ukrcavali
I znam da si to i mislila
Držala si mi ruku tako čvrsto dok
Smo leteli, iz Lafajeta
Nazad u pacifičko vreme
I položila si glavu
Na moje rame
Par suza je proliveno iznad Arizone
Emotivni rolerkoster, da
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Nikada nećeš biti sama
Čak i kada se tvoj svet rasprsne
Jer kada se sav dim raščisti
Biću ovde
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
(Prelaz s refrena)
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
(Druga strofa)
I kada sam posrnuo
Nazad u decembru
Doživeo sam najveći poraz
Ali pali smo zajedno
I proveli smo vikend zajedno
Koračajući hotelskom sobom u
Westin-u, u Dablinu
Nikada se nisam osećao tako bliskim tebi
I položio sam glavu
Na tvoje rame
Kada smo otišli, bili smo deset godina stariji
Emotivni rolerkoster, da
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Nikada nećeš biti sama
Čak i kada se tvoj svet rasprsne
Jer kada se sav dim raščisti
Biću ovde
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
(Prelaz s refrena)
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
„Ti i ja protiv celog sveta”
To je ono što mi je rekla
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Nikada nećeš biti sama
Čak i kada se tvoj svet rasprsne
Jer kada se sav dim raščisti
Biću ovde
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti

I'm in love

Versions: #2
But where does the sky end up,
perhaps, where you sleep
and to breath on your breast
I'm in love, I'm in love.
A window slowly yawns,
between the shutters a little bit blue,
I wake up and you're already in my head,
I'm in love, I'm in love.
You, only you,
do not be afraid,
you'll no longer be alone,
I'm in love, I'm in love.
You, you, always higher,
us, between these walls,
you're not a fling,
I'm in love, I'm in love.
But where does the sky go to sleep
if we rob all of its blue,
if my arms have taken flight,
I'm in love, I'm in love.
You, only you,
do not be afraid,
you'll no longer be alone,
I'm in love, I'm in love.
You, you, always higher,
us, between these walls,
you're not a fling,
I'm in love, I'm in love.
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

No, thanks

first verse
My name is Lea and
I got a new look for you
Lots of smile and freedom
like the most virtual trick.
It is a step to victory
it is a step to the lights
it is a step to perfection.
I am fighting with a smile to the Sun
I am fighting for the people
The way to the truth
blinds me
Love, so beautiful
comes to make me blind
I take
what a body makes free.
Don't believe everything
what is offered to you
think with loud voice
That secret is
not to sell everybody
it is the best passe
no, thanks.
No, thanks
No, thanks, no
Thanks, thanks, no
Chorus 2
Million of people have already said
We are to many who live
Those who are unhappy
and with no light
It is a smile for happiness
it is a smile for people
for those full of worry.
I give not my soul to nobody
I keep it for myself
Real masterpiece
Each response is in me
When I fall asleep
Like to be relaxed enough
to defense myself
Don't believe in everything
What is offered to you
Think with a loud voice
That the secret is in
not to sell everybody
this is passe
Oh, oh
Chorus again
Don't believe in everything
What is offered to you
Think with a loud voice
That the secret is in
not to sell everybody
this is passe
no, thanks, no.
No, thanks
No, thanks, no
Thanks, thanks, no
I am a marionette for the people
hiding over masks
Equal, perfect, not satisfied
Thanks, no, no, no -ooo
Don't believe in everything
What is offered to you
Think with a loud voice
That the secret is in
not to sell everybody
this is passe
no, thanks, no.
No, thanks
No, thanks, no
Thanks, thanks, no
Translated by: Roland Tischer


Come Freyr
Come Freyja
Come, Wise Vanir
Bring now Light
Bring now Life
Now Light
Now Life

The secret

I never understood her no matter how I tried
Nevertheless I knew I always loved her
She was however turned into, turned into upon herself
She never opened up to tell me her secret
I'm looking in her eyes, to find her secret
I'm trying to understand the way to get past it
Would you say she's thinking of another man, so that I get away from her?
Leave her enjoy her new love
No matter how I tried to understand her
I never accomplished it, I don't know what to do
No matter how she tried to be herself
I never managed to see her secret

The little blue house

The little blue house,
is invaded with silence,
the house of my childhood,
it hurts when I see it.
However it's stronger than I,
I would come back, without hesitate,
I would take that route
that leads to my memories.
It's here where I grew up,
where I found out about life,
those beautiful days escaped already,
always vibrating inside me.
The little blue house,
to my eyes, it's the same
it's here that those people I love
had precious days.
My youth lies here,
down this road,
my youth lies here
somewhere in this garden.
The little blue house,
is invaded with sadness,
but it is for me, anyway
the house of precious days,
the house of precious days
precious days.
Just learning.


Once, a man has left,
wished so much to walk.
Soon, you know, he stumbled
as he saw the others running...
He hided from the smart ones
as he had no ideas
and it's not enough to run
when having no goal
Don't seek for wasted days,
don't sit with head in the clouds
when you want something, don't say too much
all the others are much to anxious...
Run, runaway, but think twice:
be sure that you never catch two rabbits at a time
Run as the world looks at you
you are the heroe when you're independent.
And our man just thought
that he run with no point
and got himself an idea:
he ran with the others
Learn to not avoid too much in life,
'cause it's better to follow the right road,
accept this learning of today
as you're not alone, just try to see!
Once, a man has left,
wished so much to walk.
Soon, you know, he stumbled
as he saw the others running...
But one day, he realised
that he run with no point
and got himself an idea:
he ran with the others
Learn to not avoid too much in life,
'cause it's better to follow the right road,
accept this learning of today
as you're not alone, just try to see!
Run, runaway, do yourself a sense
to go to the sun and believe in yourself
Run, runaway, learn from everything
it's good to see the road with light
Run, runaway, but think twice:
be sure that you never catch two rabbits at a time
Run as the world looks at you
you are the heroe when you're independent.

The paycheck dedicated to you

My eyes are red and my soul spider webbed
Im my head, the hope got stuck in a corner
My thought is crunching me that I won't have anything to crunch
and that means I got poor!...
I got to boil the coffee remains four times,
instead of meat, eat a verb
instead of beer, get on with the word drunkness
turn the light out and sit...
Dreams still didn't left me
One of them, constantly, invaded my nights,
a voice is screaming and screaming:
'The paycheck dedicated to you, my longing tax
I count it happily, my fingers are aching
of counting it all
of counting it all
of counting it all'
I got myself between pleasures and pains
I mean, what do I do If I'm always suffering?
I know that what I'm swearing today, tomorrow is solved,
so everything's calculated!
Why winning the billion if I'm sedentary,
why buying expensive sprays if I'm a bachelor
and why going on strike If that's a paycheck
so, I'll take it anyway...
The one that swears about the taxes,
he's some weak
We need taxes
'cause land is growing on them
so, get it!...
The paycheck dedicated to you, my longing tax
I count it happily, my fingers are aching
of counting it all
of counting it all
The paycheck dedicated to you, my longing tax
I count it happily, my fingers are aching
of counting it all
of counting it all

The femur

Versions: #2
I'm a medical school student,
My life is very busy and serene,
When I'm dissecting corpses,
I feel I'm drowning in formaldehyde.
Study materials are scarce,
Can't learn properly without them.
I need a femur bone,
So I'm going to the cemetery to steal one.
Between the crosses, in the heavy night,
I am digging out someone.
The deceased is entombed recently,
So the flesh needs to be cut off.
With the axe I cut the leg off - Hack!
With a knife I take the flesh off from the bone.
I take the femur and put it in my bag,
And I quickly bury the body.
I return home happily, I am victorious!
I take out the femur--it's such a joy to see!
I am the beloved student,
The best and the most loved,
The best and the most loved,
This is what I worked for,
This is what I worked for...
This is... what... I... worked... for...


You've been hurt by
unhealing pain and sadness
Together,let's carry each other's incredible pasts
Don't give up on living!
I held your hand,
Will I ended up loosing her one day ?
I want to protect you and your fading smile, so ...
Even if the resounding voise that calls me should wither,
Even if it's minglings winds should tell me,
I will find you ...
You've been hurt by unspeakable pain and sadness
Don't say thinks like 'I can't laugh' or 'I hate people'
There's meaning in everything to happen in the unseen future
So stay as you are, i know there'll come a time when you'll realize it
You and me,one is spoken,
One day we'll understand each other

Am încercat să te părăsesc ...

Am încercat să te părăsesc, nu neg
Am închis cartea despre noi, de cel puțin o sută de ori...
M-aș trezi în fiecare dimineață alături de tine.
Anii trec, îți pierzi mândria...
Copilul plânge, așa că nu ieși afară,
Și toată munca ta este chiar în fața ochilor tăi.
Noapte bună, draga mea, sper că ești mulțumită,
Patul este cam îngust, dar brațele mele sunt deschise larg...
Și iată un bărbat care încă lucrează pentru zâmbetul tău!
Dana Kósa

Por qué tuviste que irte

Nuestro amor no podría haber sido mejor
Cada día parecía a quererte más
Nada iba a separarnos (separarnos)
La verdad no podría haber estado más allá
De lo que creía que era la realidad
Ahora estoy abandonada con un corazón roto (corazón roto)
No sé si es bien o mal
De algún modo soy débil y fuerte
Me encuentro en la fuga
Pero, ¿a dónde pertenezco?
Es duro creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Soló no puedo creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Rebobina al tiempo cuando me abrazabas
El aire está en calma, las estrellas son brillantes
Nada en este mundo puede llevarti de me
No detención, piensa en el dolor que estoy sintiendo
Realmente quiero sentir tu toque
Pero ahora me siento desvalida, tan desvalida baby
Desde que te ibas siento
Que unos días aún me ocultan
Seré libre, estoy mejor sola
Es duro creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Soló no puedo creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Podís sentirte todo a mi alrededor
Sabía que tu palabras amorosas rodearme
Ya no puedo creer
Por qué tuviste que irte
Fui fuerte pero ahora estoy rota
Muchas palabras han sido dejados tácitos
Soló no puedo comprender
Por qué tuviste que irte
Es duro creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte
Soló no puedo creer que un día estás aquí
El siguiente te has ido
No es tan claro para mí ver
Por qué tuviste que irte


[Primer verso]
Hay una llama encendida en el interior.
Es un instinto que nunca miente,
El objetivo está tatuado entre nuestros ojos.
Posiciónate y pelea
Bajo las luces del alto escenario.
Puede llevarse una parte de tu vida
Así como la sangre que corre por tus venas.
Todos estás mirando a través de tus ojos.
Sólo hay dos opciones.
Ganar o morir, ganar o morir.
Ganar o morir, morir, morir, morir, morir.
Pasó de una chispa al fuego abierto.
Ahora el destino te está llamando,
Así que responde, así que responde.
Y enciéndete
[Segundo verso]
Hay un poder que está dentro1
Y no podrás verlo hasta que lo creas
Al borde del infinito.
Siente la adrenalina
Bajo las luces del alto escenario.
Puede llevarse una parte de tu vida
Así como la sangre que corre por tus venas.
Todos estás mirando a través de tus ojos.
Sólo hay dos opciones.
Ganar o morir, ganar o morir.
Ganar o morir, morir, morir, morir, morir.
Pasó de una chispa al fuego abierto.
Ahora el destino te está llamando,
Así que responde, así que responde.
Y enciéndete
Pasó de una chispa al fuego abierto.
Ahora el destino te está llamando,
Así que responde, así que responde.
  • 1. Literal: 'por debajo'
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