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Rossz idők járnak

Rossz idők járnak
Látom közeleg az ítélet
Földrengés, vihar tébolyít
Mára semmi jót nem ígérek.
Ma este ne menj sétálni
Mentsd a menthetőt
Démoni árnyak fölöttünk járnak.
Süvöltő hurrikánok támadnak,
Tudom itt a vég nemsokára.
Félek a folyók megáradnak,
Mindennek megvan az ára.
Helyes !
Remélem egyben vagy lelkileg
Remélem, kész vagy a halálra.
Úgy tűnik most minden véget ér
A természet 'szemet szemért' kér.

Imaginäres Du

Um mit deinem Imaginären Du zu sprechen
Sonnenschein sitzen wir Seite an Seite
Du zögerst und gehst weg
unsere Blicke treffen sich häufig
sind nicht frei...

Let's keep quiet for a while

My dear, indescribably wonderful, beloved city, I've been hit.
Time to pay my debts, I have to pay them all hundredfold.
And the empty cars of my best friends in the world,
Are standing motionless near the doors of familiar houses.
None of them will run out towards me,
I stand looking at these windows from outside.
I'm crushed, defeated, I'm crippled
And I don't dream, as if I've been forbidden from dreaming.
As if everything we used to love, disappeared long ago,
And the only thing that remains is the words we said.
As if God had planned to make me out of iron,
But for some reason there is dried grass inside.
Get dressed, let's go, this place stinks of burnt things,
Move out your charred armies.
We have made such a mess of things here
That clouds thicken out of horror.
We used to part ways with a victorious song,
But now let's be quieter and more prudent,
And, under this most wonderful constellation,
Let's keep quiet for a while...

Чорна вдова

[Hook: Rita Ora]
Я буду тебе любити
Поки ти мене не зненавидиш
І я покажу тобі
Що таке справжнє божевілля
Ти повинен був знати
Що краще зі мною не жартувати
Я буду буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Як чорна вдова, крихітко
[Iggy Azalea:]
Ця заплутана гра в кішки-мишки завжди починається однаково
Спочатку ми обидва у грі, потім ти зникаєш
Ми пройшли шлях від легкої симпатії до любові
Це були ми проти світу, а зараз ми просто кохаємося
Ніби я тебе любила більш за все на світі, а зараз я тебе ненавуджу
Вважаю, витрачати весь час на тебе - була дурна ідея
Я бажала для нас все або нічого, без варіантів
Можливо я вірила в усе, що ти не мав на увазі
Типо, це триватиме вічно, але вічність для тебе недовга
Якщо б не ти, я б не співала цю пісню
Ти відрізнявся від мого колишнього, але зараз ти його відображення
Але всі ці ігри я бачу якнайкраще
Зараз співаємо:
[Pre-Hook: Rita Ora]
Колись ти мене жадав
А зараз тобі захотілося свободи
Це павутина, павутина, яку ти сплів
Так що зараз, малий, (все скінчено)
[Hook: Rita Ora]
Я буду тебе любити
Поки ти мене не зненавидиш
І я покажу тобі
Що таке справжнє божевілля
Ти повинен був знати
Що краще зі мною не жартувати
Я буду буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Як чорна вдова, крихітко
[Iggy Azalea:]
Я буду тебе любити, поки не заболить
Все працює для того, щоб роздобути тебе
Ти ще нікого не зустрічав
Хто б поводився с тобою, як я
Хто поставить тебе на коліна
Щоб молівся Ісусу, алілуя
Ти благатимеш, проситимеш
До того, як ти відчуватимеш, що живеш цим
До того, як ти будеш все для цього робити
Я хочу щоб ти став злодієм для цього
Прокидався і мріяв про це
Поки ти не станеш задихатися
Ти нахилишся вперед
Поки вони не просканують твій мозок
І в ньому не виявиться нічого, окрім мене
Саме час повірити, що
Якщо воно твоє, і ти цього хочеш
Я не можу обіцяти, що воно мені необхідно
Поки я буду відслідковувати твої кроки
Я не можу відступити
Тому що це фатальна пристрасть, і я беру або все, або ні біса
[Pre-Hook: Rita Ora]
Колись ти мене жадав
А зараз тобі захотілося свободи
Це павутина, павутина, яку ти сплів
Так що зараз, малий, (все скінчено)
[Hook: Rita Ora]
Я буду тебе любити
Поки ти мене не зненавидиш
І я покажу тобі
Що таке справжнє божевілля
Ти повинен був знати
Що краще зі мною не жартувати
Я буду буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Як чорна вдова, крихітко

Beaucoup Comme Tomber

Quand j’ai dit “bonjour”
Je mentais
Vraiment, je pensais à
Comment je pourrais cesser de me réveiller
Il m’a signalé à quel point ce serait égoïste
De me tuer
Alors, je continue de m’éveiller
Ca ressemble tant à tomber
Mourir quand j’attends la mort
La peur de quelque chose ou rien
Un mensonge vide et solitaire
Je ne veux pas que je sois ici, que je mente
Je ne veux que je sois égoïste de plus
Je veux tant changer
J’apprends ton amour chaque jour
Il y a encore tant à apprendre
Tu serres mes poignets
Je te lâche
Ca ressemble tant à tomber
Séparé de la peur
Conscient d’une destination loin d’ici
Ca ressemble tant à tomber
Séparé de la peur
Conscient d’une destination loin d’ici

Hojas del otoño

Al caer las hojas revolotean al lado de la ventana,
las hojas del otoño, rojas y doradas.
Veo tus labios, los besos de verano,
las manos quemadas por el sol que solía tomar en las mías.
Desde que te fuiste los días se hacen más largos,
y pronto oiré la vieja canción invernal.
Pero te extraño más, cariño, sobre todo
cuando las ojas del otoño comienzan a caer.
Desde que te fuiste los días se hacen más largos,
y pronto oiré la vieja canción invernal.
Pero te extraño más, cariño, sobre todo
cuando las ojas del otoño comienzan a caer.

Խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս

Ժամանակը երբեմն սահում է պարզապես
Ու դու հեռացար անցած օրվա հետ
Հեռացար հուշերով
Ես, ես միշտ կհիշեմ քեզ ու կժպտամ
Ու երջանիկ կլինեմ,
Որ եղել ես կողքիս
Թեև բաժանվում են մեր ճամփաները
Ես չեմ մոռանա, ու դու էլ մի՛ մոռացիր
Մեր հիշողությունները
Խնդրում եմ, չմոռանաս, խնդրում եմ, չմոռանաս
Երբ ես քեզ հետ էի դժվար պահին
Ու դու էլ՝ ինձ հետ
Խնդրում եմ, չմոռանաս միասին անցկացրած մեր ակնթարթները
Երբ ժամանակն իմն էր ու քոնը
Երբ ազատ էինք ու անկեղծ
Խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս, խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս
Ցտեսություն, չկա ավելի տխուր բառ
Ու դժվար է հեռանալը
Տանելով միայն հուշեր
Ով գիտե ինչ կարող էլ լինել
Մենք թողնում ենք ետևում մի կյանք ու ժամանակ
Որ չենք իմանա երբեք ինչպիսին կլիներ
Խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս, խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս
Երբ ես քեզ հետ էի դժվար պահին
Ու դու էլ՝ ինձ հետ
Ու չմոռանաս, խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս
Խնդրում եմ, չմոռանաս, խնդրում եմ, չմոռանաս
Երբ ես քեզ հետ էի դժվար պահին
Ու դու էլ՝ ինձ հետ
Խնդրում եմ, չմոռանաս միասին անցկացրած մեր ակնթարթները
Երբ ժամանակն իմն էր ու քոնը
Երբ ազատ էինք ու անկեղծ
Խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս, խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս
Ու ինչպես էինք ծիծաղում, ինչպես էինք ժխտում
Այս աշխարհն իմն էր ու քոնը
Ու որ ոչ մի երազանք անհնարին չէր թվում
Ես քո հենարանն էի, դու՝ իմը
Փայլում էր մեր ամեն մի օր
Ու մեր անունը գրել էինք մենք երկնքում
Վազում էինք այնքան արագ, այնքան ազատ
Ես ունեի քեզ, դու ունեիր ինձ
Խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս, խնդրում եմ չմոռանաս

Under Water

Under water
Your cries no longer touch me
Your voices fade away
Under water
You have lost sight
of what made me blossom
Under water
You seem like strangers
more and more blurry
Under water
My tears no longer flow
heavy as a pebble
In weightlessness
Finding the air
In the depths
Where I lost you
A pain killer
My solo crossing
Under water
I puff my oxygen
If you see my bubbles
Under water
And if I stay a week
Will you come out of your fog

On the moon there's no rose

If an astronaute would tell me:
'Come on, I take you with me. We
Will fly both
To the moon'.
I'd reply: 'no, no,
I won't go there, I'm
happy here.'
La la la...
On the moon,
There's no rose.
On the moon,
There's no moonlight,
No love,
No friends,
No flowery apple trees,
there's no Italy.
My love, it's 'cause I wanna
Live with you.
On the Earth for the rest of my life.
La la la...
On the moon,
There's no rose,
There's no wine and music,
There's nothing but a sand desert,
a stony desert,
There's nothing beautiful.
My love, it's
'cause I wanna
live with you
On the Earth for the rest of my life.
La la la...
On the moon,
There's no rose,
On the moon
My friend Pierrot,
There's no pen
To write you a word
In rhyming couplets or in prose.
My love, it's 'cause
I'm fine in your arms.
I love it when you offer me
a rose.
La la la...

Let Yourself Be Beautiful

Just let yourself be beautiful
With a wreath of roses on your head and a grin
Now your heart opens
You look back, you apologize
You lower your frightened gaze
You've always been, a quiet passing shadow.
You're a sky, you're a fire
You're a symbol, you're a word
You're pure love
And the angels watch over you
Just let yourself be beautiful.
With a wreath of roses on your head and a grin
Now your heart opens
You daydream about love
You pray unto the Candles of Shabbat
That this year
The sky will open.
You're a sky, you're a fire
You're a symbol, you're a word
You're pure love
And the angels watch over you
Just let yourself be beautiful.

Sweet little face

Drowned in our beds,
we make our way through life.
It all goes so fast.
On my lips you read
We used to be in love, we avoid each other.
It was you, it was us.
There was you and your sweet little face.
It was you, it was us,
and nothing remains except your sweet little face.
Clinging to time,
to these child dreams
that get so often forgotten.
And so I write,
through the ordeal of these nights,
like a magnet for love1
It was you, it was us.
There was you and your sweet little face.
It was you, it was us,
and nothing remains except your sweet little face.
  • 1. 'aimant' (magnet) is also the gerund of 'aimer' (to love), which can lead to puns like here
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

The Ground is Crumbling under my Feet

Every song sounds like an epilogue
Goodbye to the walls, to the floor, and to the ceiling
When you are here -
The ground is crumbling under my feet.
When the lethal current flows through my body,
When my whole skin is just like a burn
When you are here -
The ground is crumbling under my feet.
When you are here with me -
The ground is crumbling under my feet
Goodbye to the walls, and the floor, and the ceiling
Every song sounds like an epilogue
When you are here -
The ground is crumbling under my feet.
When you are here with me -
The ground is crumbling under my feet.


Don’t Think You Can’t See Me
Don’t Argue Amongst Yourselves
Because Of The Loss Of Me
I’m Sitting Amongst Yourselves
Don’t Think You Can’t See Me
Don’t Argue Amongst Yourselves
Because Of The Loss Of Me
I Haven’t Gone Anywhere
But Out Of My Body
Reach Out And You’ll Touch Me
Make Effort To Speak To Me
Call Out And You’ll Hear Me
Be Happy For Me
Ag Trasna An Linn/Going Across The Pool
Ag Feachaint Síos Tríd/Looking Down Through
Níl Aon Iarann I Mo Chroí Inniu/There's No Iron In My Heart Today
Ag Oscail An Síol/Opening The Seed
Ag Feitheamh An Scéal/Waiting For The Story
Níl Aon Airgead I Mo Phóca Innui/There Is No Money In My Pocket Today
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today
Don’t Argue Amongst Yourselves
Because Of The Loss Of Me
I Haven’t Gone Anywhere
But Out Of My Body
Reach Out And You’ll Touch Me
Make Effort To Speak To Me
Call Out And You’ll Hear Me
Be Happy For Me
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today


If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why life, oh for what
As our last day is coming
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
It's not the wind that blows
that will bend the pines,
But more the water at your mouth
That I used to love
I often sing 'I love'
Without thinking about the song
But in-front of the one I love
I turn the heels
I'm still seeking,
Without really seeking well
A corner of the aurora
A boy under the wheat
If I find him tomorrow
I would never want
To say the words that open
In secret the mirror
Of the heart that I will love
Of the heart that I will love
Knowing what I know
I often sing 'I love'
Without thinking about the song
But in-front of the one I love
I turn the heels
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why life, oh for what
As our last day is coming
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart

A Word is Told to Me

I was told a word, I split it into a string,
The voice was connected to a telephone call.
Strange orchestras amble in my head,
Strange orchestras...
That which fingers know - that is unknown to the eyes,
The piano keyboard exudes nerve gas,
Rabid wolves in naked wires -
Look into to your eyes and you will see fear!
I don't know formulas, but electric current is always electric current,
I saw a woman, I threw her a flower,
The wolves parted, now you can dig an underground passage -
But in the opposite window, a machine gun is installed.
You will see the sun in blinding heights.
If you caught someone in the evening in the rye.
I learned yesterday from the report of the latest news,
That I will die unknown in the shadow of my children.

I Wanted to Tell You

When I met you on the street I asked myself
Is this the girl I've been looking for
So I won't be alone
I knew that no matter what, I'm coming back with you
Only with you I'll go through life.
Tell me, I just wanted to know
Always when you touch
You fly high in the air
I wanted to tell you
That I promise you
You're all I ever wanted to know.
When I met you on the street I saw myself
Acting like a kid who'd never seen a pretty girl like you
Trying to be nice
I knew you were the one, only you can cheer me up
Because with you I'm never lonely.
Tell me, I just wanted to know...

Wonderfully said

What have I got
when we've fought pleasantly again till morning
And when the atmosphere is
as if a valuable load has fallen bitterly
So what can I do
when wounds have been torn open again and they can bleed
And what can you do
when we haven't properly talked but squirmed
Life is a long list of needs
Once and again it's filled with kisses
Life has been given for living
and that's wonderfully said
I barely believe it myself
if I only lie to you and pick a fight
Who have you trusted
when I've been missing once for a week
(Wonderfully said) x4
What have I got
when we've fought pleasantly again till morning
And when the atmosphere is
as if a valuable load has fallen bitterly
Chorus x2
(Wondrfully said) x8

Rascal's humppa

As I open the door to the village bar
And find myself an empty chair
I hit them with the latest jokes
I won't cave in to pointless worries
Because I'm that kind of rascal
Charmer by nature and yo ho ho!
I don't waste my money, I'd rather drink them
And I yell to the girls: 'Yippee!'
I doubt I'd be the toughest guy in the village
If I didn't start drinking every now and then
When someone calls the cops during the evening
I'll ask a glass to be brought for him, too
Chorus (x2)
Pilsner never runs out

The shadow on the painting

Versions: #2
A Terracotta landscape
The sky that could be by Magritte
The barn covered with ivy
The lizard sleeping on the stone
The cat curled up on the step
The insect hidden under the leaves
The world is in its pure colours
Like in your boxes of paint
Coming from beyond the clouds
From the depths of times and the ages
A strange light falls
Of grass, of wind, of dust
On our two useless armchairs
This kite caught on the tiles
Things seem to be eternal
Like in your box of watercolours
In the blue sky between the branches,
The aeroplane leaves a white vapour trail
Like a ribbon, a long cloud
As if to say 'Everything is shared'
In the morning on the huge lake
It just take a boat to move forward
And the water trembles as if it’ll never stop
As if to say “Everything is torn”
Maybe you’re trying somewhere
To paint love from memory
To recompose the colours
Of a dying autumn on a heart 1
If you want to know how I feel about it
Things haven’t changed much since
That day when you turned your back
Except perhaps the shadow on the painting
In the blue sky between the branches,
The aeroplane leaves a white vapour trail
Like a ribbon, a long cloud
As if to say 'Everything is shared'
Like your first attempts in gouache
A mark upon your pretty canvas
All diluted in the white
As if to say “Everything comes undone”
In your favourite light,
The one that looks like Magritte
The barn covered in ivy
The lizard that sleeps on the stone
  • 1. the 'heart' here could be a pallette

Lean On Me

Even though we don’t know
When our last will be
Even if something happens
And we can’t see each other
Lean on me
Lean on me
Lean on me
Lean on me
If I am in your heart
If I am really in your heart
Wherever you are
I will follow you
Even if we’re so busy
That we can’t see each other often
If we get drunk on each other and fall asleep
In the dreams, don’t hesitate
Lean on me
We are doing well
So have strength
Even if you wake up from your dreams
If I’m really in your heart
Wherever you are
I’ll be there
I’ll be there
I’m always in your heart
When things get hard
Let’s be together even more, my girl
Oh girl, you’re my answer
When things get hard, let’s hold hands
I’ll pat your shoulders
Sometimes, when you get tired from life
When things are hard, come to me
Even though we don’t know
When our last will be
Even if something happens
And we can’t see each other
Lean on me
Lean on me
Lean on me
Lean on me
Your head is on my shoulders
I’m happy that I can give you rest
Even for just a moment
You make me forget
All about the hard things
Happiness, I’ll always keep it
Open for you
Who made you cry?
Who bothered you?
Tell me everything
Without leaving anything, anyone behind
Even if it’s a long story
All night,
I’ll be on your side
Lean on my arms
I’ll be there
I’m always in your heart
When things get hard
Let’s be together even more, my girl
Oh girl, you’re my answer
When things get hard, let’s hold hands
I’ll pat your shoulders
Sometimes, when you get tired from life
When things are hard, come to me
Come to me
I know that it’s so hard
I feel the same way
I know it’s hard
Let’s look at each other
And slowly take one step
Why are you worried?
It won’t be bad
Even though we don’t know
When our last will be
Even if something happens
And we can’t see each other
Lean on me
Lean on me
Lean on me
Lean on me
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them. :)

Svi prevodi koje postavim su moji, tj. ja sam ih prevodila, sem ako ne postoji izvor originalnog prevoda. Ako primetite bilo kakve leksičke ili gramatičke greške u nekom od mojih prevoda, molim vas da mi javite kako bih ih ispravila. :)

You're dreaming

You've barely woken up.
Made a move from E2 to E4.
Need to finish writing the line.
But... Your Energizer battery has died, it's dead
A guy passes by, writhing from laughter
You exclusively see the sneers on the faces
And suddenly you realize that you're dreaming
You woke up, washed up, shaved, did some pushups
You stepped on the cat and argued with your wife
Made up with your wife, then argued with the traffic police
And suddenly discovered that you're dreaming
You go to work, get home from work
Gradually forgetting where you're from and who you are
Constantly forgetting where you're from and who you are
Forever forgetting that you're dreaming
You dream of a fisherman near the coral reefs
The unknown hero of ancient Greek myths
Molecular physics, an atom's energy
A naked woman, a hitman with a spade
A Christmas tree, a space station
A soap-box with music, a radio with dances
Engine oil, mobile networks,
The Zaporezhets* has finally overtaken the Mercedes 600
You dream of Tibet somewhere beyond the clouds
A London club, a coffeeshop** in Amsterdam
Japanese cuisine, Catch-22
A missile launcher with a nuclear warhead
A cave full of diamonds and rubies
You're the most desired, you're the most beloved
Your portrait is on the first page of the yellow press
And you realize that you're dreaming
If God exists somewhere, then he's far away from us
He has missed the mark like the Christmas Bullet***
And you'll achieve by yourself what everyone is aiming towards
And you'll suddenly reveal the smiles on the faces
And your Energizer battery starts up again
And the guy passing by begins laughing again
And there won't be any problems with your wife and the police
And you realize that you're dreaming

The Temple

I write to you from overcast lands
Where rain has filled the city to the brim with water
In which everything is reflected
And which isn't turning into wine
I write to you from northern latitudes
A live fish here is deader than the sprats
Here the puddles are one-third water and two-thirds petrol
Here the sim card can never find a connection
I write to you from southern shores
Where Mount Olympus is crowded with gods
Where the beaches become empty in October
Where everything reminds me of you
I write to you from those monasteries
Where there are neither windows nor doors
Or anything else, and to be honest
There's no monastery at all
I write to you, gazing at the dusk
Like a person who's given up his life for that
I'm watching, plunging into a fever or a chill
As the skyscraper falls to the ground
I write to you upon brick walls
I write on Novgorod birch bark
That's how they write on shreds and scraps
Going blind with or without glasses
I write to you that I'm flying home
That soon, our separation will be over
I write while the traffic light is red
I write until my iPhone dies
All things will turn into rubbish
Nobody will remember who built the temple
Such a life is neither sugar nor silk
Here, only the one who set the temple on fire is remembered
P.S. I'm writing to you, I'm writing!
Hello to you! To you, and the kid too!
To build a temple for so long, and burn it down in a moment
Can only be done by the one who erected the temple.

Waves' Waltz

A wave for me,
A wave for you,
A sea ties us
As the whole life
The sand is hot
The wave can't put it out
In the fire of love
We burn like brides
This waltz of restless waves
Swings the sea between shores of longing
We, as two silver seagulls
Rise and dance in a flight (bis)
In the harbor and kisses
So many beginnings
Ships of dreams
Sent to the waves
We build sandcastles
On shores of stars
And our love
Is a blue sea
This waltz of restless waves
Swings the sea between shores of longing
We, as two silver seagulls
Rise and dance in a flight (bis)

Nocturne (Coddling Night Sleep...)

Coddling night sleep, dusk of day turns lilac blue.
And the heart turned into trap for mind anew.
Just as I think back of you, I'm drawn to you.
I am sure you see all my thoughts right through.
Whether I want or I don't - I walk to you,
Wordless... And the West is sad and lilac blue.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Shooting Bow and Arrow [Practice, Practice, Practice]

We are artists
And not just a herd of animals
The masks – they're unbearable!
And it's humiliating
And it's such a great shame
I'll never be a lion!
(Get down on all fours and roar with rage.
Roar with all you've got!
The roar should shake my heart!
Ahh! Not you, Wesley! You're a bunny, for Christ's sake!
Archers! Ready, set, shoot!)
Day after day the prince practiced
Shooting bow and arrow
Thinking only of her, sad and depressed
Shooting bow and arrow
He will not rest till she returns
Day after day the prince practiced
Shooting bow and arrow
Thinking only of her, sad and miserable
Shooting bow and arrow
He's got a target
His spirit is stubborn
He shoots at everything
Bow and arrow, arrow, arrow!

Este Van / It's already evening

It's already past nine in the evening
Everyone is already sleeping
I'm the only one, who can't fallasleep
My heart is aching, love is tearing it
My heart is aching, and there's no remedy
The god will heal it - if he still loves me
I'll be healed by the sound of the soil
Pouring on the wood of my coffin
I'm not mad at you if you leave me
Because the sun leaves the blue sky too
My dark grief sounds till the eternity
My heart aches, aches till exploding
In dead silence I cry your lovely name
I'll bury you where the crossroads meet
No blood, no meat separates us till the judgement
I'll lie down next to you till the end of time
My heart is aching, and there's no remedy
The god will heal it - if he still loves me
I'll be healed by the sound of the soil
Pouring on the wood of my coffin

Lean On Me (Today To Me)

Why do you choose again a difficult love?
my heart told you that he wasn't the one
you did as if you didn't know
in the end the result is obvious, you are hurt again
No matter how hard I approach you
I know I can't reach your heart
I know it well but
in your tears that are spreading in your eyes
a word is shaking
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)
it's for the better
it only made it harder for you
Lean on me
you can meet a nice person
Your pretty face has been smeared with tears
you can't stop them immediately but
lean on me for a little bit
you only need to relieve your heart
Little by little the tremble in your hands grows
a word that directs you
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)
it's for the better
it only made it harder for you
Lean on me
you can meet a nice person
I don't know who's next but
please don't meet with anyone this time
when you want to find some strength
sometimes look next to you
I will lend you my shoulder
today (lean) on me
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)
it's for the better
it only made it harder for you
Lean on me
you can meet a nice person
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Ketten Egyedül / Two of us, we are alone

I waited for the brightness
I searched for it in the light
In the grass, in the trees, in the gods
Which one going to hear me?
I just wanna live, and not survive
My soul is dirty, everything is dirty
Church is my body
I'm going away from there, I'm going away from there...
I'm not afraid anymore and I live
The world is beautiful
Two of us, we are alone
And this is going to slip away,
And anytime this can disappear
Because I trust, today is going to be good
I'm not afraid anymore and I live
The world is beautiful
Two of us, we are alone
If the truth at the otherside, then you can find me there
You can find me at the dream of gods, at the dust of stars
If the truth at the otherside, then you can find me there
You can find me...
I'm not afraid anymore and I live
The world is beautiful
Two of us, we are alone
I'm not afraid anymore and I live
The world is beautiful
Two of us, we are alone


Speak to me and not about me
I not written my life to the wall
Tell my name, because if you say:
Then I'm someone else
Make the sign of the cross
Listen the silence
What is the thing that you would forget?
Life, before the death
Anyone can leave me there
Well live the
Yesterday before the tomorrow
Leave the fear behind yourself
Live the life before the death
Mostly love me while you hate me
As you accept me and despise me
I'll quietly wait
Until I'll be right
Make the sign of the cross
Listen the silence
What is the thing that you would forget?
Life, before the death
Anyone can leave me there
Well live the
Yesterday before the tomorrow
Leave the fear behind yourself
Live the life before the death

Odlazim večeras

Izradila si me od početka
Kada si me pustila da te zavolim.
Kao brdo slomljenih ramova za slike
Ali slika uvek ostaje ista.
I ja, ja mislio sam da biće lako pobeći
Ali moje noge su slomljene.
Sasvim sam,
Sve što znam
Me proganja
Čini da teže dišem, teže dišem
Ja odlazim večeras...
Nestaću do jutra
Video sam izdaleka,
Ali moje oči su me uvek varale.
Izgledalo mi je kao da su svi trotoari prohodali
Kunem se Bogom glasovi nisu hteli da začepe.
I ja, ja zaključio sam da sve je to ljubav
Ali ovo nije divno.
Sasvim sam,
Sve što znam
Me proganja
Čini da teže dišem, teže dišem
Ja odlazim večeras...
Nestaću do jutra
Sasvim sam,
Sve što znam
Me proganja
Čini da teže dišem, teže dišem
Ja odlazim večeras...
Nestaću do jutra

Molim Te Ne Odustaj

Mi se udaljavamo
Ali želim da znaš
Gde god bila, tamo je i meni mesto
Ljubav peva našu pesmu
Ali mi ne uspevamo da je pratimo
Gde god pošla, ja ću za tobom
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati
Ti se trudiš da budeš jaka
Ali uvek si tako sama
Šta god da uradim, ja pogrešim
Smrt našu pesmu peva
A mi je spremno pratimo
Sve što radiš ja obožavam
Ja obožavam
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati
Oh ne
Ne odustaj od života
Ne odustaj od ljubavi
Ne odustaj od svega što imamo mi
Zato, ne odustaj od poverenja
Ne odustaj od požude
Ne odustaj od svega što nam je zajedničko
Svega što je naše
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati
Hej, draga moja
Zato molim te ne daj
Molim te od nas ne odustaj
Zato što ako ti ne budeš digla ruke, ni ja neću odustati