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During the ending year,
Raimundo Maipú got drunk
four or five times, without having
a motive to do it.
He did a design course,
without having a motive to do it.
He argued with his wife, without having,
without having a motive to do it.
He watched television without having a motive to do it.
He updated his computer,
without a motive to do it.
He lost four kilos of weight,
he shouted thirty goals,
without a motive to do it.
And now that he approaches to the window,
from that twenty first floor office
is heard that Raimundo says that he jumps
and he just jumped.
Many said that he was bored,
Raimundo Maipú, and others have stated
that he couldn't fit with that way of life
and he had given up.
Nobody suspected that, like many other times,
he had acted, and would do it again,
without having, without having
a motive to do it.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


When I go to the casino I gamble my head and my feet
and if I win they'll have to give me 36 heads and 72 feet. 36 heads and 72 feet.
When I go to the casino I gamble my destiny
and if I win I'll have 36 different ways of running by the roads which I'll have as prize
When I go to the casino I gamble my life
and if I win they'll give me 5,14 cats with 7 lives each which total 36 lives
When I go to the casino I gamble my death
and if I win I'll have 36 deaths with their 35 corresponding resurrections
and if I lose I'll have the eternity
When I go to the casino I gamble my remaining teeth
and if I win I'll complete the set
Question. How many teeth I have in this moment?
The right answer is 0,88.
Once I went to the casino and I started to win and win, it was a state-owned casino and I kept winning and winning, and I was gambling all that I was winning and I was winning again, and so the national treasure was reducing and reducing and I kept winning and winning. It came a moment in which they owed less to the World Bank than to me, so they nationalized all the lands of the country, and they gifted them to me, and I gambled them all and I won. Then they got more loans with the World Bank and the IMF and they bought all the industry and the commerce of the country, and they gave it to me, and I gambled it all and I won. Then they borrowed me for a while the radio and television network which was already mine, and they used it to broadcast a message urging the population that for reasons of national interest they must take off their clothes and come to place it with their money their jewels and all their personal stock, including the property titles of all the homes at the casino's door, for paying me with all that, then I ordered a group of men to pick it up, and I gambled it all and I won. Theen the president ordered the army to invade the neighbour countries and he appended them all to give them to me, and I gambled them all and I won. Then I had many countries in my power, and I gambled them all with the objective of taking over the whole planet and then to resign it decreeing the abolition of any kind of private property on the means of production and so to raise the life level of the exploited masses in all the continents, but it happened that the ball fell on another number, and I lost all I had, and all I won, and I was left with nothing and they kicked my ass out of the casino, and all the countries, the lands, the industry and the commerce returned to be of who few minutes ago were their legitimate owners.
When I go to the casino I gamble the love I have for you
and if I win you'll see how much I'll love you
we'll never fight again
you'll see, you'll see how all will come out good.
When I go to the casino I gamble my door number
and if I win I'll move to a house that is on the same street 490 blocks closer to the end.
Question. What's my house number? The right answer is 700.
When I go to the casino I gamble myself
and if I win I'll make a company with 35 employees
and if I lose I'll go to work as a slave in the public share-out which I'll have as prize.
When I go to the casino I gamble my voice
and if I win I'll immediately make a choir
and get a job in weddings or in religious festivities.
When I go to the casino I gamble the human rights violators
and if I win they'll give me a number
of people that equal the population of Uruguay.
The question is. How many human right violators are in Uruguay?
The right answer will appear on the next number.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Canon 2

(Part sung by Sandra)
A little canon over the slipping
of what every feeling sings
A voice sings on one side
and the other wants to reach it
but it can't
One is always one beat ahead
Pa Pará Parara
The distance is always kept
It's all useless
Whoever tries to pass it
can't win time
If it's a second voice
running behind the singing of the first
without being able to reach the times
where the other stops
How much I wish to be by your side
A beat is what always keep us apart
This disagreement
will keep us apart forever
There's no need to try to run
One always loses by a head
of foal
For a head it arrived.
(Part sung by Leo)
Asecond voice
running behind the singing of the first
without being able to reach the times
where the other stops
How much I wish to be by your side
A beat is what always keep us apart
This disagreement
will keep us apart forever
It's outrageous
the time wasted
in the effort of earning it
For a little canon over the slipping
of what every feeling sings
A voice sings on one side
and the other wants to reach it
but it can't
One is always one beat ahead
Pa Pará Parara
The distance is always kept
It's all useless
The foal doesn't have a chance
for this race.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Ghetto lullaby

Sleep child, sleep whistling
That the wind blowing through the sheets goes with you
Sleep child, sleep dancing
That the ants are helping you in the beat
Sleep child, sleep scratching
That the mosquito bites are motivating you
Sleep child, with newspapers
That they don't keep you warm but they teach you the alphabet
Sleep, ghetto child. Sleep a while,
Ghetto child. Sleep a while.
Sleep child, sleep praying
That God is watching you through the roof holes
Sleep child, sleep jumping
Don't you know that the frongs are singing at you
Sleep, don't do more jokes
That when the night comes
we have to come out to look over the garbage cans
Child, sleep flying
Attached to one of the flies that are eating you up
Sleep child, sleep knowing
That if you don't use that box to sleep I'll sell it
Sleep, ghetto child. Sleep a while,
Ghetto child. Sleep a while.
Sleep child, sleep calm
That if you don't sleep I leave you in the asylum door
Sleep child, sleep snoring
To scare away the rats with the noise
Sleep child, sleep changing the side so
meanwhile I can take of your hair lice
Sleep on the earth, you piece of heaven.
Sleep, ghetto child. Sleep a while,
Ghetto child. Sleep a while.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Song of the total poors

We don't have a job, we don't have a house,
we don't have money to live
we don't have care, we don't have motorbike,
we don't have a skate either.
We don't have stories to tell,
we don't have guts to steal.
We don't have future, we don't have past,
we're stuck in the present,
we don't have sense, we don't have case,
we don't have a yield due date.
We don't have a mutualist card,
we don't have social insurance.
We don't have experience, good appearence,
nor references to leave,
we don't have anybody to serve us
as a guarantee to rent.
We don't have issues to deal with,
we don't have verses to sell,
we don't have a project
nor anything to propose.
We don't have a line to twist
we don't have the strength nor the reason,
we don't have principles, we don't have goals,
we don't have prophet, nor religion.
We don't have places to go,
we don't have schedules to meet.
We don't have necktie, we don't have ribbon,
we don't have a girlfriend in the hallway.
we don't have a nickel, we don't have the thick,
we don't have the thin, nor the between
We don't have grace to fool,
we don't have look to swindle.
We don't have hurry, we don't have dates,
we don't have a fuse to fire,
we don't have even what a prisioner has,
we don't have a bone to chew.
We don't have variety shows,
we accept any invitation,
from one to six in the morning,
bench three of the station.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Ne mogu dalje bez tebe

Pa oni su mislili da su stvoreni jedno za drugo
Jedno misli na drugo
Ne pomišljajući ni na sekund
da će nju privući nešto drugo
Ne želimo to
Ne želimo to
Ne želimo to
Oh ne
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe, yeah
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Oh pa, koja je poenta u slamanju mog slatkog srca?
Želela je da spustim zaštitu
Pa, znaš kako kažu, bolje je tako
Zato, zato bolje ćuti i idi
Ne želimo to
Ne želimo to
Ne želimo to
Oh ne
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe, yeah
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Gde sam trebao da te čekam srce?
I da sakrijem sramotu
Da, držao sam sve u sebi, sve misli koje su mi prolazile kroz glavu
Činim sve stvari zbog kojih žalim i ne želimo to
Ne želimo to
Ne želimo to
Ne želimo to
Oh ne
Ne mogu, ne mogu, ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe, oh Bože
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe, ooh ooh
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe dušo
Ahh, ona me voli
Ona me ne voli
Ona me voli
Moja ljubav će me voleti
Oh šta je ostalo osim slomljenog čoveka?
Jer ništa ne povredjuje kao žena
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe, oh yeah
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe
Ne mogu dalje bez tebe, oh
Oh bez tebe Bože, bez tebe
Bez tebe dušo
Oh Bože

Head trade

X walks, keeps walking. Comes upon Z.
X: Hello.
Z: How you're going?
X: er... so and so, I have issues...
Z: can I help you in something?
X: yes, can you trade heads with me?
Z: yeah.
Both take off their heads. Mutual deliver of heads. X puts on the head that before was of Z and viceversa.
X: well thank you...
Z: you're welcome...
X: keeps walking and comes upon W...
W: Carlos!
X: Andres! it's been a while!
W: a while of what?
X: I don't know...
W: would you trade heads with me?
X: no... thank you, I've already traded.
W: why you did it???
X: I like more this head...
W: but if you're wearing it you can't see it, so you can't enjoy it.
X: and what do you suggest?
W: to trade it for mine. So you can gaze freely at your head with all its attributes...
X removes his head saying: OK
Mutual deliver of heads. Placing of them.
W: well, goodbye Andres. It was nice to see you...
X: you misundrestood... I'm Carlos, you're Andres...
W: that was before, now it's the reverse.
X: no way! I won't give you my identity for give you my head. What the hell!
W: you think like if instead of trading heads we have traded bodies.
X: but at least I think! you don't even do that...
W: it's logical because I'm wearing your stupid head!
X: that insult doesn't bother me... becasue that's not my original head, I traded it with someone over there...
W: so you're not Carlos!!!
X: of course not! I'm Andres...
W: I mean what you were before trading heads.
X: I don't remember it... my memory remained in the other head...
W: give me back my head! I'm uncomfortable like that!
X takes off the head saying: yeah! take it! I don't want a head...
X without a head keeps talking and says: you can use both
W says 'thank you' while he leaves...
X also leaves walking... and with the stomach he thinks, ANYWAY I'M VENTRILOQUIST
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Pens and tissues

In Montevideo there are poets, poets, poets
who without fanfares nor pomps, pomps, pomps
come out from remote lofts, lofts, lofts
of walls of sience of dotted notes.
They come out of poorly covered holes, holes, holes
and not achieved projects, projects, projects
who come back like color ghosts, ghosts, ghosts
to paint your eyebags and beg you to not cry.
They have shared illusions, illusions, illusions
attached nightmares, nightmares, nightmares
pipes of confused words, words, words
on their sad and slow pass through streets and avenues.
They don't pretend fame nor prizes, prizes, prizes
they just move to papers, papers, papers
completely personal experiences, experiences, experiences
very partial experiences that gathered aren't the same.
They talk about the dawn until getting tired, tired, tired
without fearing of plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize
nothing of that matters while they write, write, write
their mania, their craziness their obsessive neurosis.
They walk by the streets the poets, poets, poets
like if they were kites, kites, kites
in a thick sky of melted metal, metal, metal
impregnable, disastrous, terible and boring.
In Montevideo there are pens, pens, pens
unbleeded in lines, lines, lines
of words twisting confused, confused, confused
in thin tissues like alcoholic prisioners.
They walk by the streets writing and seeing and seeing
what they see they say it and by being and by being
poets while they walk, walk, walk
they tell what they see, and fantasize what they don't.
They look at the sky the poets, poets, poets
like if they were arrows, arrows, arrows
thrown at the space that a detour, detour, detour
made them return to nail them in Montevideo.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Canon 1

(Part sung by Leo)
It's a canon that we sing together
but with different lyrics
Because even if the notes
are repeating,
the lyrics are changing a little
to give a more refreshing phrasing
to the repetition of the tune
And here we go again that now
begins the second time
and the words are
renewing almost always,
Though there is some repeated
it's changing by the context
the sense of the phrases
that are given place
and that give life
that pass
by the notes of the melody
That opens its harmony bed
for the embrace of the notes
and the sayings that form now on
they won't be illogical
and maybe they won't end.
(Part sung by Sandra)
It's a canon on two voices
that we sing with different lyrics
Because though the notes
are always the same,
we're changing the lyrics
to give it a different touch
from the other rounds times everytime
And so the ones who listen to you again
can feel pleased
with a message
renewing almost always,
Though some word is repeated
but always changing
the sense of the phrases
that are given place
In the same way
that music gives them a place
in its structure
so wide and open
that allows
the coexistence in harmony
of the sayings
most illogical or maybe not,
I can't guess it.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
Немац нас не разуме када пијемо вотку
Енглез би хтео као ми, али са слабим учинком
Грк не воли ништа да ради, споро сипа узо
Не можемо да пијемо мало и много радимо
Француз је осетљлив, воли добра вина
Више него што тамо попију, овде пије девојка
Клео, Донатан, Енеј!
Боли да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
Говоре да је то Европа и говоре да је лепо
Али када хоћеш да пишаш пођеш иза стаје
Овде су друмови јадни и све је скупо
Драги Председниче, знаш бре зашто пијанчујемо
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
Сипајмо, браћо
У чаше од кристала
За Лесју, Катју, свеједно
Сасућемо пиће у грло
Нека цела Европа зна
Како ми знамо да се забављамо
Пијемо жестице, ми Словени
И наше су девојке још лепше!
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!


Look at that indigent coming over there.
Just like you see it all ragged,
ill-kempt. I can assure you
that he has, that he has,
that he has all the money in the world.
Look at that girl, look at her well.
That one selling aspirins at the cafe.
Look at the slut face that she has.
Don't go buy her.
The has the premature vice of the alcohol,
of the alcohol and she begs for that.
Look at that old crazy woman coming over there.
Just like you see it all filthy,
ill-kempt. I can assure you
that nobody, not even her
knows the money that she has.
Look at the shoeshine boy of that cafe.
That kid with specks. I know well,
that he's from a very wealthy family.
Only that he thought
as a passtime to be all day long,
all day long, like 'Sir, want a shoeshine?'
That paper picker coming over there,
I can assure you that he's the manager
or the president of the main house
of a bank, and he owns
four hotel chains.
And that one laying, you know who.
That one asking for an artificial leg.
Don't go give him, he has many.
He's a millionaire who
has fun that way and if they give him,
if they give him, he gambles it in the roulette.
When you walk by the street, of what you see,
don't believe even the quarter of it.
To fool you, they all will always be
informed about you, like that feigned beggar.
With this that I said, I maybe was
a bit annoying. I'm sorry if it was like that.
These are just advices I give you.
I'm leaving now, I'll leave you alone.
But before I want to ask you if you give me,
if you give me for the way back bus ticket.
Becasue this fortnight, the payments again
come delayed, and if I go,
if I goo busy, that's saying too much.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

What are you good for?

The wings of wind are calling
Into unknown lands
The world is full of roads
But which one is yours then?
Ask the kilometres of earth
The mountain's steep height
Ask the sunrise
The snow and wind
What are you good for?
Take quickly, coeval
Compass, map and backpack
Take the song for the road
There is no way without it
Ask the vastness of the sea,
And the most distant star,
Ask the choir of the birds,
The dense forest tree
What are you good for?
The wings of wind are calling
Into unknown lands
The world is full of roads
But which one is yours then?
Ask the shady oak,
The cherished dream of yours,
Ask north and south
A trusted friend
What are you good for?

The bath of Cleopatra

The bath for Cleopatra ! (3x)
'Tis the bath for Cleopatra
Bathwater crystal clear and fragrant
For to bathe her alabaster body
We'll pour amphoras full of milk
The soap for Cleopatra ! (3x)
Cleopatra, our sovereign
Of your beauty we all know
And for you, o Queen of Queens
We'll present the soap
La la la la la la la la
The lion of Cleopatra ! (3x)
'Tis the lion of Cleopatra
He's the King of animals
Valiant like four of his kind
But in spirit, a real zero! What ?
La la la la la la la la
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Do What You Have to Do

Your body is a highway prohibited
Full of gold, it gets me involved
Your look of a detainee is a danger
You leave me wanting more, ground me
Tease me and shake me up
Later on, I will call you to set up our starting point
I will fulfil your desire
I won't run away from this
I'm serious about what I do
You have a gift
To make me go up in flames
Just stop what you're doing
To have me and take me
I will be worthy, with pleasure
You can guide me
Let's do this till dawn
Don't let anyone knows
Come on, do what you have to do
Just for today I want to loose it
Come on, do what you have to do
Don't let anyone knows
Come on, do what you have to do
Just for today I want to loose it
Come on, do what you have to do
Don't let anyone knows
Do it, do it, do it - do it, do it, do it
Don't let anyone knows
Don't let anyone knows
Your body is a highway prohibited
Full of gold, it gets me involved
I'm in your sights, again
It's a direct hit, look at me and shoot
Tease me and shake me up
It's such an ancient game
But it feels like the beginning of something
I will fulfil your desire
I want you by my side
I'm serious about what I do
You have a gift
To make me go up in flames
Just stop what you're doing
To have me and take me
I will be worthy, with pleasure
You can guide me
Let's do this till dawn
Don't let anyone knows
Come on, do what you have to do
Just for today I want to loose it
Come on, do what you have to do
Don't let anyone knows
Come on, do what you have to do
Just for today I want to loose it
Come on, do what you have to do
Don't let anyone knows
Do it, do it, do it
(Come on!) Do it, do it, do it
Don't let anyone knows
Don't let anyone knows
Don't let anyone knows


Your difficultness
The depth of your heart
I wonder if the same comfort that we held
Was our troublesomeness
Even so
I will still escort you home
The star that cheered you up
Passed over the town at 4am
The lingering fog
The subdued car sounds
Our conversation that seemed to just miss each other
Your tangled feet
It became this way
The reason that you drank too much
I wonder if it was because of the tedium
That I always created
On a hill in the shopping district
You suddenly stopped
The two of us reflected in the showcase window
You were staring at it
The me who is now alone
I'll start a fire in the emptiness
I notice a sense of lightness
And breathe in the cold air
Well where will I go from here


Cezar Stratan:
Mom, if you can hear me, know that I'm not crying
Very rarely are my eyes damp
Only you told me that men are strong by nature
And cry only when they cry of happiness.
Know that I didn't just sit around, I grew up more
Even though happiness hasn't been around us since then
Or maybe it went to more pleasant children
Who, in the evenings, sleep alongside their parents with bedtime stories.
Mom, I want to promise you, so much
That from now on, I will listen to you
You know those toys from the bedroom,
Which were on the floor yesterday, now are in their places.
Everything that grandmother says about you, don't relate to you anymore
For a year, she has been telling me nonstop that you will come
Tomorrow, I will still, on my knees until I fall
Pray to fate to ease my sentence!
Cleopatra Stratan Chorus:
Mom, thinking of you makes me fly
I miss you so much!
Mom, I wince when I look up at the sky and see a plane.
The other night, I dreamed that you came
But you weren't there when I woke up
Mom, thinking of you makes me fly
I miss you so much!
Cezar Stratan:
Mom, know that it's already started to rain here where we are
But I'm not afraid of rain
If I feel cold or if I'm hungry and I don't have anything
I repeat in my mind, mom, I look for happiness in tomorrow
Even if most of the time I find it in breadcrumbs . . .
And all that I have is my guardian angel, I don't want the whole sun
A ray of sun would me enough for me, Mom
It's time to sleep, grandmother sleeps, the dog sleeps
Only I can't sleep.
It's so dark, and there are clouds in the sky
It's as it seems to me sometimes, a whole life until dawn
But here are the dawns, they bring light
If you reach out a hand, you will surely touch it
And they wait for you to come home
And if you come, of course, Mom, even the sun will be out!
Cleopatra Stratan Chorus:
Mom, thinking of you makes me fly, I miss you so much!
Mom, I jump when I look up at the sky and see a plane.
Tonight, I dreamed that you came
But you weren't there when I woke up
Mom, thinking of you makes me fly
I miss you so much!

Like A Fleeting Dream

Without any warning you leak into me
And stay in the corner of my heart like a cold wind
After hesitating for a long time, without any word,
Only leaving regrets, you disappear again
Even if I keep turning it into memories
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Still, still I am looking for you
Though you cannot come back to me,
To my side once again
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
You won't keep the promise, like it was a common greeting
Even without those words
Did you really have to leave me?
Even if I keep turning it into memories
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Still, still I am looking for you
Though you cannot come back to me,
To my side once again
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
Because I hate my heart
That is flying in the cold wind
In those leaves
If I send it too you,
One day, will you come back to me one day?
Even if soon you disappear again
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Even if I try to remember you
As a last night's fleeting dream
Still, Still I am wandering
Though I won't be able to hear that voice once again
Next to me, in my ears
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
And wait

Wild Beasts

I entered this morning to buy stockings in a department store
But to get there it was a tad cotton
I had to jostle, trample, insult excited women
That always prevented me from reaching my famous radius
I was half undressed
And I could not fight
Against these angry kittens
They looked like wild beasts
Dropped in a store
They had something
In the inhuman gaze
They sold me peas that I had to exchange for a bathing suit
Canned tomatos which I did not need
I got my bag of hands, I lost my shoes, I broke a nail
An elevator boy pinched my buttocks at the end
No more sentiments
Every man for himself and forward
Go to the top floor
I became a wild animal
Dropped in this store
And I had something
In the inhuman gaze
All this for a pair of stockings
That I have never found
That I have never found
That I have never found
That I have never found
That I have never found
That I have never found


I'm from a different country than you
A different neighborhood, a different solitude
Today I create side roads for myself
I'm not from where you live any more, I'm waiting for mutants
Biologically speaking, I content myself with the concept
That I have of biology—I piss, I ejaculate, I weep
It is of the utmost importance that we shape our ideas
As if they were manufactured objects
I'm willing to provide you with the molds
But.. solitude.. solitude..
Let me warn you, the molds are made of a novel texture
They were cast tomorrow morning
If today you don't feel the relative feeling of your duration
Then it's pointless to pass on to you, pointless for you to look before you, for before is behind
Nighttime is daytime
And.. solitude.. solitude..
It is of the utmost importance that laundromats
At the street corners
Be as imperturbable as green or red traffic lights
The detergent cops will show you the place
Where you're free to clean
What you think is your conscience
While being only a dependence of the neurological computer
You use as a brain
Yet.. solitude.. solitude..
Despair is a superior form of criticism
For the time being, we shall call it 'happiness'
The words you use no longer being 'words'
But a duct of sorts through which
Illiterates clear their consciences
But.. solitude.. solitude..
We shall touch on the Civil Code later
For now I'd like to codify the uncondifiable
I'd like to measure your danaidic democracies
I'd like to slip into absolute void and become the untold
The unsettled, the unblank by lack of clarity
Clarity is standing in my pants!
In my pants!

Life is not worth it

You go driving to school
and I only go walking
you have got lots of friends
and I only got Joseph
to comfort me
on the sunday evenings
I spend crying
dreaming to have
a convertible car
so you would want me..
how many nights
have I spet awoken
trying to forget you
when at night
I get to sleep
I dream of you
telling me
to not have dellusions
for nothing can happen between us
and that's how it goes:
not even in my dreams
I can have you for me
I tried on that party
you ran away from me
And I thought
Life is not worth it
she does not like me (2x)
I thought
She does not like me
oh, oh,
She does not like me
I thought
Life is not worth it
She doesn't like me
I thought
Life is not worth it
She doesn't like me

Who is the mom

and who is the mom here
MC Kresha:
Poloska (city)
TAVNIK CITY is finest Mc.Kresh
Yes sir!
You, with a woman like me,
want to have work
today it looks easy
tomorrow it ends quickly
and I, with a boy like you,
I'm telling you to think
think twice
before you say yes
if life will bring us together
there's no person who can split us
in my heart, once you enter
love will hold us (2x)
who who and who is the mom here
kush kush (3x)
do you know what's waiting for you?
don't think fast
because you will be very, very, very hot
and I with a boy like you
i'm telling you to think
think twice
before you say yes
if life will bring us together
there's no person who can split us
in my heart, once you enter
love will hold us (2x)
who, who, and who is the mom here (3x)
and who is the mom here
MC Kresha:
Big things poppin
and lil' shit stoppin
I'm called and I come and rock the club
it's that I like your body
how it's shining
covered with cream
Yves Saint Laurent
and I called you for a drink
but I don't know if you'll come
you're my time
but to be hit first isn't my thing
limbo you lookin too nice
you're making me fall K.O like Kimbo Slice
Bling her neck is cold like ice
you should feel comfortable
because I have a semi-automatic weapon
real G's at the club, I am every night
I never made them stale
Who rocked the spot?
I rocked the spot
if life will bring us together
there's no person who can split us
in my heart, once you enter
love will hold us
who who(4x)
MC Kresha:
Yes sir!


I'll slide without getting distracted
I won't look down so I won't suffer
I'll listen to you without seeing you, yet
You'll harvest ripe fruit, kissed by the sun
We'll walk, you go ahead of me
On a carpet of big dreams
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
You were there with me
It will be that time of the year again
It will change like it happens with fashion
Every memory you have hidden
Tell me how can you
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
In a bar downtown, I notice you
Thinking it's just an impossible affair
A glass falls from a counter
A story falls apart
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
Bianca, as the snow gets whiter
You move forward into the night
And I can't find anymore
All traces of you
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

To a dead singer. A tribute to Edith Piaf

You had a bird's name1 and you sang like a flock of them,
like a huge cloud of birds that would have torn their throat bloody
screaming all sorts of things, even plain rubbish,
with such a gusto! You were a genius idiot.
You were a genius idiot.
You had a bird's name and the voice of Attila.
You where heard here and listened to from distant lands.
You were all together the 'little black beds ball'2,
a street Wagner, a sidewalk Bayreuth,
a sidewalk Bayreuth.
And there was a kind of blessing in your hands,
and you used it quite well to bless all these idiots,
these nice, emotional idiots that are called people
and, as they become an audience, they become smart as well.
Become smart as well.
It's not always the case, of course, even in Paris.
Shitty authors have to earn a living too.
You did manage to avoid these.
You could have sung tabloid headlines3 like a piece of Apollinaire.
like a piece of Apollinaire.
They couldn't replace you, though they tried hard.
Money can't come to terms with your shadow
under the miracle headlights and the arc lamps,
whatever Mr. might think, say or do.
Whatever Mr. Stark might do.
  • 1. 'piaf' is slang for 'sparrow'
  • 2. no idea what that refers to. Ferré could use pretty obscure references at times. Maybe some popular ball of the era fallen into oblivion?
  • 3. 'France Soir' is an old and rather cheap newspaper
  • 4. from of hers
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Spare Keys

So we will be
My friend, I have an arrow in my heart
men that show up and disappear
Only you stayed in the end
So we will be
Only when you're here do I feel great
men come and go, our dreams stolen
Again the two of us remain together
He leaves the house and I feel a pain in my heart
Inside my life there is a another cut
See if the color fades from my eyes
Be careful with me
Hold me I'm a mess catch me fainting
Give me another drag from your cigarette
Open my purse, I have spare keys
For you to have
Another defeat
Don't tell me what I said
Love is fire
Look at what I have suffered
Don't tell me what I said
And don't lose the keys
So we will be
My friend I'm losing myself
I didn't tell you 'thank you' or how much I love you
I only say that I will fall and die
So we will be
You gather my unwashed hair
Our taxi arrived and he missed it
You'll tell me, wearing my glasses
He leaves the house and I feel a pain in my heart
Inside my life there is a another cut
See if the color fades from my eyes
Be careful with me
Hold me I'm a mess catch me fainting
Give me another drag from your cigarette
Open my purse, I have spare keys
For you to have
Another defeat
Don't tell me what I said
Love is fire
Look at what I have suffered
Don't tell me what I said
And don't lose the keys

Eyes Shut

No, this isn't a love letter
I need to release my pain
My heart just wants to settle down, settle down
And I know, I know
It was hard to breathe
We divided the air, almost lost our minds
Time swept it away, in no rush
I shut my eyes to see you
And my body is cured of you, of you... Of you
Open, open* up your heart and go
Onward without looking back
Our promises no longer mean anything, it worked
Eyes, shut to see you
My body, cured of you, of you
Eyes, shut to see you
My body, cured of you, of you... Of you

The Keys of My World

What will save
Us lightning rods
Of this time?
I walk around the city
That never rests
And I'm never with her
I lost the keys of my world
It's like walking without gravity
The old man who lives in my mirror
Has a face like mine and said 'It will pass'
I don't know
How tough a soul is
For the body it lives in
It isn't easy
To survive
For a kingdom with many kings
I lost the keys of my world
It's like walking without gravity
The old man who lives in my mirror
Has a face like mine and said 'It will pass'
I'm only 20 but
His voice is like mine and it said 'It will pays'
It will pass...
It will pass...
I lost the keys of my world
It's like walking without gravity
The old man who lives in my mirror
Has a face like mine and said 'It will pass'
It will pass...
It will change...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

An unhappy and a madman

Her misses his bed
That i don't sleep anymore
I don't have space
Because of
He misses his mirrors
I can't look my self
Reflection asks me
Where you could be
Nobody here
Just shadows and cold walls
A past
A lost future
I'm a bad memory
And i want run,let's get it,forget me
But i'm you memory
A fail
I'm everything do you not want
I've done bad,you cried, i know,you was hard
But i'm you memory
Please no,
Do not forget me
I hate this house
She hates me
I say that you left
My fault
I remember you
She say i go to
Not forget me
Is all harder
Nobody here
Just shadows and cold walls
A past
A lost future
I'm a bad memory
And i want run,let's get it,forget me
But i'm you memory
A fail
I'm everything do you not want
I've done bad,you cried, i know,you was hard
But i'm you memory
Please no,
Do not forget me
I'm everything do you not want
I've done bad,you cried, i know,you was hard
But i'm you memory
I was your memory
I'm a bad memory
And i want run,let's get it,forget me
But i'm you memory
A fail
I'm everything do you not want
I've done bad,you cried, i know,you was hard
But i'm you memory
Please no,
Do not forget me

The bad

I look at her
See only flaws,the bad
And disappoint me,simply
She's and not you
I don't know me neither
And,sometimes,a shout your name
Not deserve what i do,not her fault,no
But i feel that i confuse it
You what you find in the world
You're happy,no
I want to be your good
But honestly not now
I see you
All around
We have betrayed
We mocked what is given
we will not love someone else
Somebody else
We seek
A life that I had,but i vain
And we love someone
Not same
And,sometimes,feel like you're wrong
Sleeping a stanger in my bed
Next to yours
You what you find in the world
You're happy,no
I want to be your good
But honestly not now
I see you
All around
We have betrayed
We mocked what is given
we will not love someone else
Somebody else
We seek
A life that I had,but i vain
And we love someone
And now yet i fell your own
I do not even how to be anything else
I just live to compare what i had
When we were
When we thought we were
When i did not know
When we had
When we were

No matter the magicians shake the dices

Speaking gibberish and proceeding as a hedonist
There's no warning reset button to press
(Moving up hands in the smoke) Everyone is blinded
(Cats fool around and flutter) Learn from young children
If it's not allowed to deviate from the route
I'll break the game from a way I could withdraw
Let's dance and sing
Let's set up a party
Everyone has their favorite color on hand 'Here we go'
1.2.3 hands sound in a direction
Let's get to the peach blossom spring
By 4.5.6 I kept it, the story continues
After touching it broke and disappeared
It's an unlikely challenge, one after another
On way to give up
The ending won't be reached
Although you can see it by peeking into a loupe
Can we spot the difference?
Right to the left and up to the bottom
I want to throw away maps that aren't correct
Let's dance and sing
Let's set up a party
Everyone has a favorite sound 'Which one is yours?'
1.2.3 hands sound in a direction
Let's get to the peach blossom spring
4.5.6 If you want to see the future
I met somebody in my dream
'Who are you?'
There's no reply
Ah, apparently it doesn't seem alive as well
Let's dance and sing
Leave yourself up to the sound
Single or in a couple, who can't be lonely?
Dream with the peach blossom spring
'Are you ready?'
'Not yet!'
Let's dance and sing
Let's set up a party
Now hold your loved one's hand and bye bye
1.2.3 hands sound in a direction
By 4.5.6 Love
Look at their true intent! So
As much as it lasts, the couple decide the end
I'm enthusiastically uncontrollable
So, it's the end

Горячая кровь

Ты отводишь глаза, ты сломленный человек.
Ты приходишь и просто до смерти хочешь, чтобы тебе пожали руку.
Я не жду, что ты поймешь,
Просто продолжай твердить себе о том, что тебе совсем не стыдно.
Они не знают кто мы,
Они не знают о тебе и мне,
Они не знают о звездах, сияющих в твоих глазах,
Эй ты, с горячей кровью, любовь накроет тебя.
Ты хочешь доказать, что ты исправился,
Ты хочешь добиться того, чего больше никто не сможет.
Тебе нужно лишь сделать рывок, да!
Просто продолжай твердить себе о том, что тебе совсем не стыдно.
Они не знают кто мы,
Они не знают о тебе и мне,
Они не знают о звездах, сияющих в твоих глазах,
Эй ты, с горячей кровью, любовь накроет тебя.
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
Поешь и поднимаешься, поднимаешься, да всем плевать,
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
О, Боже!
Да, Господи!
Никогда не унывай,
Я вижу свет, что ты держишь передо мной,
Никогда не унывай,
Никогда не унывай!
Горячая кровь,
Горячая кровь, да,
Горячая кровь,
Горячая кровь,
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
Поешь и поднимаешься, поднимаешься, да всем плевать,
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
О, Боже!
Оу, да!
(ты поднимаешься)

Am încercat să te părăsesc ...

Am încercat să te părăsesc, nu neg
Am închis cartea despre noi, de cel puțin o sută de ori...
M-aș trezi în fiecare dimineață alături de tine.
Anii trec, îți pierzi mândria...
Copilul plânge, așa că nu ieși afară,
Și toată munca ta este chiar în fața ochilor tăi.
Noapte bună, draga mea, sper că ești mulțumită,
Patul este cam îngust, dar brațele mele sunt deschise larg...
Și iată un bărbat care încă lucrează pentru zâmbetul tău!
Dana Kósa

He loved not loved

Darkness has fallen I call you
I call you on my pillow
I call you on my pillow
to tell you what's wrong
to believe in your secrets
to share the night with you
I'll make on my pillow
a dark red rose
don't tell anyone that
which you told me
don't tell anyone that
you loved me
He loved not loved
He kissed not kissed
kissed your whole life
now you're only mine
And when the swans remain
up until there's love
I'll tell nobody that
which you told me
come so that I can mesmerize you
to reveal all your secrets