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The bad

I look at her
See only flaws,the bad
And disappoint me,simply
She's and not you
I don't know me neither
And,sometimes,a shout your name
Not deserve what i do,not her fault,no
But i feel that i confuse it
You what you find in the world
You're happy,no
I want to be your good
But honestly not now
I see you
All around
We have betrayed
We mocked what is given
we will not love someone else
Somebody else
We seek
A life that I had,but i vain
And we love someone
Not same
And,sometimes,feel like you're wrong
Sleeping a stanger in my bed
Next to yours
You what you find in the world
You're happy,no
I want to be your good
But honestly not now
I see you
All around
We have betrayed
We mocked what is given
we will not love someone else
Somebody else
We seek
A life that I had,but i vain
And we love someone
And now yet i fell your own
I do not even how to be anything else
I just live to compare what i had
When we were
When we thought we were
When i did not know
When we had
When we were

No matter the magicians shake the dices

Speaking gibberish and proceeding as a hedonist
There's no warning reset button to press
(Moving up hands in the smoke) Everyone is blinded
(Cats fool around and flutter) Learn from young children
If it's not allowed to deviate from the route
I'll break the game from a way I could withdraw
Let's dance and sing
Let's set up a party
Everyone has their favorite color on hand 'Here we go'
1.2.3 hands sound in a direction
Let's get to the peach blossom spring
By 4.5.6 I kept it, the story continues
After touching it broke and disappeared
It's an unlikely challenge, one after another
On way to give up
The ending won't be reached
Although you can see it by peeking into a loupe
Can we spot the difference?
Right to the left and up to the bottom
I want to throw away maps that aren't correct
Let's dance and sing
Let's set up a party
Everyone has a favorite sound 'Which one is yours?'
1.2.3 hands sound in a direction
Let's get to the peach blossom spring
4.5.6 If you want to see the future
I met somebody in my dream
'Who are you?'
There's no reply
Ah, apparently it doesn't seem alive as well
Let's dance and sing
Leave yourself up to the sound
Single or in a couple, who can't be lonely?
Dream with the peach blossom spring
'Are you ready?'
'Not yet!'
Let's dance and sing
Let's set up a party
Now hold your loved one's hand and bye bye
1.2.3 hands sound in a direction
By 4.5.6 Love
Look at their true intent! So
As much as it lasts, the couple decide the end
I'm enthusiastically uncontrollable
So, it's the end

Горячая кровь

Ты отводишь глаза, ты сломленный человек.
Ты приходишь и просто до смерти хочешь, чтобы тебе пожали руку.
Я не жду, что ты поймешь,
Просто продолжай твердить себе о том, что тебе совсем не стыдно.
Они не знают кто мы,
Они не знают о тебе и мне,
Они не знают о звездах, сияющих в твоих глазах,
Эй ты, с горячей кровью, любовь накроет тебя.
Ты хочешь доказать, что ты исправился,
Ты хочешь добиться того, чего больше никто не сможет.
Тебе нужно лишь сделать рывок, да!
Просто продолжай твердить себе о том, что тебе совсем не стыдно.
Они не знают кто мы,
Они не знают о тебе и мне,
Они не знают о звездах, сияющих в твоих глазах,
Эй ты, с горячей кровью, любовь накроет тебя.
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
Поешь и поднимаешься, поднимаешься, да всем плевать,
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
О, Боже!
Да, Господи!
Никогда не унывай,
Я вижу свет, что ты держишь передо мной,
Никогда не унывай,
Никогда не унывай!
Горячая кровь,
Горячая кровь, да,
Горячая кровь,
Горячая кровь,
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
Поешь и поднимаешься, поднимаешься, да всем плевать,
И каждый раз ты поднимаешься, поднимаешься и поднимаешься снова,
О, Боже!
Оу, да!
(ты поднимаешься)

Am încercat să te părăsesc ...

Am încercat să te părăsesc, nu neg
Am închis cartea despre noi, de cel puțin o sută de ori...
M-aș trezi în fiecare dimineață alături de tine.
Anii trec, îți pierzi mândria...
Copilul plânge, așa că nu ieși afară,
Și toată munca ta este chiar în fața ochilor tăi.
Noapte bună, draga mea, sper că ești mulțumită,
Patul este cam îngust, dar brațele mele sunt deschise larg...
Și iată un bărbat care încă lucrează pentru zâmbetul tău!
Dana Kósa

He loved not loved

Darkness has fallen I call you
I call you on my pillow
I call you on my pillow
to tell you what's wrong
to believe in your secrets
to share the night with you
I'll make on my pillow
a dark red rose
don't tell anyone that
which you told me
don't tell anyone that
you loved me
He loved not loved
He kissed not kissed
kissed your whole life
now you're only mine
And when the swans remain
up until there's love
I'll tell nobody that
which you told me
come so that I can mesmerize you
to reveal all your secrets


Ma vodim te odavde
ma idemo što dalje
London ili Pariz
nemoj sad da kvariš
rekao sam ti da sam dečko romantik.
Ona ima sve što želi
za nju nema nema granice
privatni avion u džepu milion
a nju to ne radi ne ne ne
Ona glumi malog Boga
tu nema nema konkurencije
sve što ima cenu dobija u trenu
al' ljubav nema ne ne ne
K'o bomba si ti
raznosiš dižeš k'o Al Kaida
ne žališ život spremna na sve
polećemo veži se
Ma vodim te odavde
ma idemo što dalje
London ili Pariz
nemoj sve da kvariš
rekao sam ti da sam dečko romantik
Ma vodim te odavde
gde napamet ti padne
nek adrenalin krene nek
puca nam kroz vene
samo budi dobra drži se za mene
(Ona voli samo pare)
Svako želi tvoje telo
a meni cela pripadaš
k'o narkoman na belo
piroman na vrelo
sad navučen sam na tebe ja
Ona glumi malog Boga
tu nema nema konkurencije
sve što ima cenu dobija u trenu
al' ljubav nema ne ne ne
K'o bomba si ti
raznosiš dižeš k'o Al Kaida
ne žališ život spremna na sve
polećemo veži se
Ma vodim te odavde
ma idemo što dalje
London ili Pariz
nemoj sve da kvariš
rekao sam ti da sam dečko romantik
Ma vodim te odavde
gde napamet ti padne
nek adrenalin krene nek
puca nam kroz vene
samo budi dobra drži se za mene

Сломанные кости

Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
О, Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
Я отправился далеко в Техас, штат Миссисипи,
Надеясь, что все сложится так, как я задумал.
Но каждый доллар, который я зарабатываю тяжким трудом,
Отбирает белый.
Кто-то скажет, что я много говорю, но мне все равно,
В отличие от них, я не убегаю от своих страхов.
Я переломал себе кости, тяжело работая1, взглянул Дьяволу в глаза,
Надеюсь, он разорвет эти цепи, о, да.
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
(Да, освободит меня)
Еще один тяжелый день, ни воды, ни отдыха,
Я увидел свой шанс, наконец-то поймал его,
Я схватил его шестизарядник, всадил две пули ему в грудь,
Теперь он замолчит навеки,
О, теперь он замолчит навеки.
Дьявол хорошенько о нем позаботится.
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Давай, Господи, может уже заберешь меня?
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
Давай, Господи, чего ты ждешь?
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком,
Дьявол освободит меня.
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
(Дьявол освободит меня).
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Давай, Господи, может уже заберешь меня?
(Дьявол освободит меня).
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Только цепи и сломанные кости,
(Дьявол освободит меня).
У меня нет места, чтобы назвать его «домом»,
(Дьявол сделает меня свободным человеком),
Давай, Господи, чего ты ждешь?
(Дьявол освободит меня).
  • 1. break stones (дословно — раздробил камни) — идиома, означающая «зарабатывать на жизнь тяжелым трудом»


Ты говорил, что хочешь быть
Еще одним рок-н-рольщиком,
А теперь ты на мели,
И тебе нечем удивлять.
Ты ничего не оставляешь после себя,
Ты уже в курсе, что все кончено.
Ты хочешь надрать им всем зад,
Но не тонка ли у тебя для этого кишка, сынок, не тонка ли?
'Я не буду работать на дядю,
Я не буду думать, как солдафон',
Так ты говорил своей мамочке.
Но она говорит, что ты просто болван, что ты болван.
Тебе хотелось бы все уладить,
Ты хочешь жить так, как они тебе говорили,
Ты подождешь какое-то время,
Прежде возьмешь то, ради чего пришел, ради чего пришел.
Ты ждал своей очереди, ты так долго ждал,
Милый рок-н-рольщик.
(а-а-а-а-а а-а-а-а-а)
Ты помог мне начать,
Ты помог мне начать в два счёта,
В день, когда все шло,
В день, когда все шло наперекосяк.
Хладнокровный, как рептилия,
Но тебе всё было мало.
Ты переждешь какое-то время,
Прежде возьмешь то, ради чего пришел, ради чего пришел.
Ты работал не щадя себя,
Теперь я готов идти, я готов показать своего рок-н-рольщика,
(а-а-а-а-а а-а-а-а-а)

Sessiz gece

Sessiz gece, kutsal gece
Her şey dingin, her şey parlak
Orada bakire Anne ve Çocuk
Kutsal çocuk öyle tatlı ve masum
Uyu cennetin huzuru içinde
Uyu cennetin huzuru içinde
Sessiz gece, kutsal gece
Çobanlar kendinden geçer görünce
Uzaktaki göklerden nurlar yağar
Göklerin sahipleri haleluya der
Kurtarıcı İsa doğdu
Kurtarıcı İsa doğdu
Sessiz gece, kutsal gece
Tanrının oğlu, aşkın saf ışığı
Senin kutsal yüzünden yansıyan parıltılar
İyileştirici rahmetinin şafağıyla
Senin doğumunda İsa Hazretleri
Senin doğumunda İsa Hazretleri

Sea and the Darkness

Tired out,
but still
being chased by shadows
and trying to escape
My voice is withered
and my way out is now covered
by surging waves,
only surging waves...
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are deeply appreciated.

When you love someone

It was a really hard day today
My heart aches for you
The only thing I can do for you
Is to be next to you, I’m sorry
You’re so pretty when you smile
So every time you lose that smile
Even if I have to give my all
I want to give it back to you
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is
I hope I can be a little helpful at least
I hope I can be your resting place
I’ll try to make you feel at peace
Whenever you think of me during your busy days
You’re such a soft-hearted person
Every time you are silently in pain
Even if I have to give my all
I want to make you smile again
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is
This is a song for you
I’m singing for you
This is a song for you
I’m singing for you
I’ll give you my everything
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is

Flow Away

Flows, flows, flows, flows
Time flows, flows, flows
Tell me this isn't the end
Come back, come back
My heart is still waiting for you
Flows, flows, flows, flows
Tears flow, flow, flow
If it's not you
I'll never know
I don't need anyone else
You're the only one I want
The look of emptiness in your eyes
Even when you're with me
You feel cold, it's awkward
Can you tell me how you feel?
You ask me how I'm doing, like a habit
The you stare into your phone
Don't know why
Don't know why
How did this happen?
Then, in silence,
I walk away from you
But just after a few steps
I search for you with regret
Come along come along
I want to go with you,
come along
What's going on? I don't know
Baby baby baby my baby
Flows, flows, flows, flows
Time flows, flows, flows
Tell me this isn't the end
Come back, come back
Can you tell me how you feel?
Flows, flows, flows, flows
Tears flow, flow, flow
If it's not you
I'll never know
I don't need anyone else
You're the only one I want
The warmth of your embrace
Your scent which I loved
I was afraid that
I'm going to miss it all
I can't speak
Nothing about this is easy
Don't know why
Don't know why
How did this happen?
Then, in silence,
I walk away from you
But just after a few steps
I search for you with regret
Come along come along
I want to go with you,
come along
What's going on? I don't know
Baby baby baby my baby
Flows, flows, flows, flows
Time flows, flows, flows
Tell me this isn't the end
Come back, come back
My heart is still waiting for you
Flows, flows, flows, flows
Tears flow, flow, flow
If it's not you
I'll never know
I don't need anyone else
You're the only one I want
Under a small table, somewhere else
I see you tiptoeing
I'm asking
Don't answer with rage
Even if you avoid me, you're on the edge
Our one cater
One crack in the line
Now it's cracked
with two lanes
I can't even say
I'm erased
Even if I can erase, I can't send
As time goes by
You might come back
Time flows
Time flows, flows, flows
Flows, flows, flows, flows
Time flows, flows, flows
Tell me this isn't the end
Come back, come back
My heart is still waiting for you
Flows, flows, flows, flows
Tears flow, flow, flow
If it's not you
I'll never know
I don't need anyone else
You're the only one I want
Flows, flows
The tears flow
even after all this time


Disguised in hate and love
He got lost in the artificial smile
That hides away the fury
Time is never the same
It's that I already can't see you
One-color chameleon
It's better not to stick around
Without fear that we'll leave today
Forget the fury
Time is never the same
(It's never)
The same, the same

Look how she shakes

Girl don't shake too much when you pass by
don't rock the cradle too much because the house is trembling
here everybody knows that you have a way of moving
that you're like that ship between the tides and the wind
You're a seagull that goes flying over the sea
you're a mermaid that sings to invite me to dream
the game of your hips, that body, your smile
your'e like the palms, disheveled by the breeze
I ask to the allmighty god for patience and calm
all your stuff is delicious, you'll end with my soul
my eyes are dancing to the beat of your waist
I trade you my good luck for a simple adventure
You're a seagull that goes flying over the sea
you're a mermaid that sings to invite me to dream
the game of your hips, that body, your smile
your'e like the palms, disheveled by the breeze
(Look how she moves, look how she shakes)
She looks like a seagull flying over the sea, I'd like to catch her.
(Look how she moves, look how she shakes)
Wasp waist, that one really stings.
(Look how she moves, look how she shakes)
I want to ask to the allmighty god to introduce her to me
(Look how she moves, look how she shakes)
Look how she moves, look how she walks
that brown-skinned woman controls me.
(Look how she moves, look how she shakes)
If you see how she passes by me,
she leaves me excited, she leaves me shocked.
(Look how she moves, look how she shakes)
Girl, don't shake too much. Look, that I can't take it anymore.
Her beautiful body, her smile, look, they have me fallen in love.
I left everything for her and I will do more.
If she loves me I'll have to marry her inmediately
because that remained pending, and I have to do it.
She moves like this, like this. She moves like this, like this.
She looks like a train, dancing she's a blender.
That black girl will kill me. That black girl, I don't know what will I do
with her, with her, with her, with her.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Versions: #2
Angela, everything happened strange, like in the movies,
Half empty casino and Los Angeles,
And then hot whisper of unclear words,
You were sold to me, for one night, by city of Angels.
Do you know, Angela, none of us thought nor guessed,
That this night will turn into a crazy movie set.
Two weeks has flown away, two weeks has flown away,
Like in a dream, in a dream.
Its not too late to say:-'Good bye,
Let's finish drinking cold chai,
And you, don't show me off, I'll leave.'
A bit more, I won't be able to go,
Bye-bye, baby, don't be sad,
Only don't be sad, forgive.
Angela, on your cheeks salty trace and sad,
And by the window is frozen lonely silhouette.
And money shoved into your hands you've thrown into the night,
They swirl behind the window, away they fly.
The city of Angels, it will lower them on the pavement,
And the night passer by will except them like God's present.
Two weeks has flown away, two weeks has flown away,
Like in a dream, in a dream.
Its not too late to say:-'Good bye,
Let's finish drinking cold chai,
And you, don't show me off, I'll leave.'
A bit more, I won't be able to go,
Bye-bye, baby, don't be sad,
Only don't be sad, forgive .

The sunny days are gone

Versions: #2
The sunny days are gone
And birds are flown home.
And here we are, spending week after week alone.
Together, together, we are stayed together, you and I.
Beloved, my beloved, priceless mine.
Together, together, we are stayed together, you and I.
Beloved, my beloved, priceless mine.
I look again on of your plaits.
I can't have enough of them all day.
White feathers of migrating birds
Stuck to some strands of yours.
And though, on my hair, lying snow, and doesn't melt,
But you are, my beloved, as before, better then the rest.
And though, on my hair, lying snow, and doesn't melt,
But you are, my beloved, as before, better then the rest.
Carrying all the colours of the spring,
The birds will return again.
But colour of your hair, but colour of your hair, the spring will retain.
And we will smile to the sun, without hiding the sadness.
Beloved, my beloved, my priceless.
And we will smile to the sun, without hiding the sadness.
Beloved, my beloved, my priceless.
The sunny days are gone
The sunny days are gone
The sunny days are gone...

Midsummer Song*

Now the midsummer comes to Denmark's homesteads
Larks are twitt'ring underneath the eaves
And the eye can wander contented
'Twixt the meadow, fjord and field
Everything around
Wears its summer's dress.
On the floor there is spread a sunny carpet
Woven from the gold of buttercups
Hills are clad with forests and woodland
And a bit of meadow green
All familiar things
Are so dear to us.
Wistful smiles and a serious disposition
Are considered virtues in these parts
Even serious things can be uttered
With a gently laughing face
People living here
Are aware of this.
Scent of clover and breezes from the seashore
Float across this bright and sunny home
Do you hear the leaves softly whispering?
Love is summer's welcome guest
Laughter here and there
In the summer air.
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

I, For Her

It's her who wakes me in the morning
and at night covers me,
I, for her do everything,
do you know why?
I, for her,
I, for her would die,
for those eyes I would live
a lifetime more.
I, for her,
I, for her would conquer
even the sun because
this life that I have
is for her.
She tells me,
you are a man who matters,
never give up,
always fight,
I believe her,
do you know why?
I, for her,
I, for her would die,
for those eyes I would live
a lifetime more.
I, for her,
I, for her would conquer
even the sun because
this life that I have
is for her.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

A Dark-Eyed Young Cossack Girl

A dark-eyed young cossack girl
Once did shoe my horse's hooves,
Then she asked me for some silver -
Gave herself little value.
What's your name, my little dear?
And this dear said to me:
My name can only be heard,
In the gallop of a steed.
I went riding down a street,
And I galloped down a road.
On a path, among the brown,
and the greyest of all stones.
Masha, Zina, Dasha, Nina?
None of them, it seems, are her.
'Katya, Katya,' cutting through me,
From the horseshoes can be heard.
From that time, starting to ride,
In a gallop, the first step,
'Katya, Katya, Katerina,'
I whisper to myself again.
What a massive fool I am,
I've already another!
But, my Katya, like a song, can't be
Dragged out from my soul, brother.
A dark-eyed young cossack girl
Once did shoe my horse's hooves,
Then she asked me for some silver -
Gave herself little value.
What's your name, my little dear?
And this dear said to me:
My name can only be heard,
In the gallop of a steed.

It's You (It Has To Be You)

One day your feet are going to take me
Where my hands are able to touch you
You will be more than just a dream
And I'll be able to overcome this loneliness
You have to know about
(Know about) my love for you
I will tell you
That I, I love you
I can't deny
That the heavens embrace me when you look at me
I know that it's you
That you're my destiny, my faith
It's you, I know, and there's no need to understand
You will be more than just a dream,
And I'll be able to overcome this loneliness

Say Nothing

I fall into an abyss, deeper and deeper
I exist
I want the same lightness as you
To rise into the air
You don’t let me believe
Your words
I’ll turn to ashes right away
I’m not lying
Hollow figures in the light
I got lost in your breath
Without choking
It’s as if I was lost in the haze
Fear is making me numb
Why are your gazes getting sharper
Cutting like knives?
Say nothing, nothing
It’s breaking my body
Will ruin us both
It hurts the soul and the mind
Already there is
Nothing, nothing I can do
Time to make a choice
I’ve dug my teeth
Into your soul
I just want to plug my ears
So I won’t hear
Words not meant for me
I’m going crazy
A game I don’t understand
I will lose
Chorus (2x)

On the boulevard of love

Versions: #2
On the boulevard of love you take me
a while before the end, stop.
Whatever you took and whatever you gave to love
without fear and shame, measure it.
We will dim the lights on the stage
and an orchestra will play for you the finale
while you'll fade away the silence with a tear
my big love.
On the boulevard of love you takeme
so many people lost in love.
This is the way everything is, fake like a dream
but there's no blissful love.
We will dim the lights on the stage
and an orchestra will play for you the finale
while you'll fade away the silence with a tear
my big love.

Somebody Else

She's left me again - so proud,
So independent, but mine.
And I, like an idiot, sit and wait,
Looking out at her through the window,
When I should be running after her,
When I should be flying after her.
And people tell me: everything will pass,
It'll hurt a bit and pass,
She'll find somebody else,
And you'll find somebody else.
But I'd rather turn back time
And start all over again with you.
I'll learn to love and to forgive,
I don't want anybody else.
How many words of love should I say
For her to believe: I'm jealous
Of the thoughts in her head, and even of myself,
But if she's not near, if...
And people tell me: everything will pass,
It'll hurt a bit and pass,
She'll find somebody else,
And you'll find somebody else.
But I'd rather turn back time
And start all over again with you.
I'll learn to love and to forgive,
I don't want anybody else.
But I'd rather turn back time
And start all over again with you.
I'll learn to love and to forgive,
I don't want anybody else.
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!


I want to break out from here
They have me tied from the neck
A prison
When I start dreaming
They wake me up forcibly
A prison
Dig for some food
Return back again to the cage
A prison
Chains - I don't wear
But free I don't live
All around me tall walls
My hair resemble the snow
A prison
I want to break out from here
To finally see the sky
A prison
But I have a hill in front of me
Give me a hand boys
A prison
To live free... to live free

Poslednja scena

'Zdravo, mnogo vremena je prošlo'
U tvom glasu nema znaka pitanja, to baš liči na tebe
Kao da je to pravilo
Tvoje mesto je uvek uz vrata, hladno
'Pobrini se da lepo jedeš, sve će proći
Moći ćeš lepo da spavaš baš kao i ranije
Iskreno ću se moliti za tebe
Imaš prava da budeš srećnija'
Molim te, ne govori to
Znaš da me to još više boli
Rekao si mi da ćeš me voleti, šta je ovo?
Nikada nećeš znati šta osećam zbog tebe
'Baš toliko koliko si bila usamljena
Stvarno se nadam da ćeš pronaći nekoga
Ko će te voleti više od tebe same
Žao mi je što ta osoba nisam ja
Nije tako lako dati ti svoja osećanja'
Molim te, ne govori to
Znaš da me to još više boli
Rekao si mi da ćeš me voleti, šta je ovo?
Nikada nećeš znati šta osećam zbog tebe
Da li ćeš, molim te, biti iskren sa mnom?
Znaš da verujem svemu što kažeš
Baš kao što si i rekao, jednog dana
Da li će i mene neko voleti
Neko ko je poput mene?
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Come Over

Oh oh now I'm dreaming
We're still so young
Tomorrow when the sun rises
I'm reborn
Everything looks new
On top of my head is always a question mark
Don't compare to others when you hear this song
Everybody dance to the beat
Even if the beginnings scary relieve your nervousness
Move slowly left to the right
Don't need to worry about it don't stop
Okay where your mind goes
Oh oh now I'm dreaming
We're still so young
Tomorrow when the sun rises
I'm reborn
Everybody welcome to my zone
Don't be afraid and come over
From head to toes
Don't save it and just play
Life is an art
Youth passes quickly
Everybody welcome to my zone
Don't be afraid and come over
Doesn't matter if you're good or bad whether you have money or not
This or that what do you want me to do?
Listen carefully I can promise you
When you're happy or sad I'll sing for you
The music is for you always prepared
I'm your family and friend I take shelter again
Okay I often forget everything and grab it
It will never return this moment uh
Don’t worry about tomorrow and just have some fun
Yo listen to the music and groove on and on
While we still young get out of your comfort zone
Man don’t be a Kevin and stay home alone
There’s a first time for everything (yep)
Don’t worry about anything (Don’t)
It’s your life man who cares what others think
It’s your life man relax and have a drink
Oh oh now I'm dreaming
We're still so young
Tomorrow when the sun rises
I'm reborn
Everybody welcome to my zone
Don't be afraid and come over
From head to toes
Don't save it and just play
Life is an art
Youth passes quickly
Everybody welcome to my zone
Don't be afraid and come over
Laugh loudly although it's not easy
When I see a laughing you you you you
Forget everything this is the beginning
Do it better and better Come up baby
Oh oh now I'm dreaming
We're still so young
Tomorrow when the sun rises
I'm reborn
Everybody welcome to my zone
Don't be afraid and come over
From head to toes
Don't save it and just play
Life is an art
Youth passes quickly
Everybody welcome to my zone
Don't be afraid and come over


At zero o'clock the doors of years will thrust open. I will come in and break your casual circle.
I will carry off, steal the wonder of sinful hands. Casanova.
A carnival, a carnival at this late hour. A real scandal among sultry eyes.
It's me who have mixed everything up, fooled you. Casanova.
The night fire dance turns me on again.
I'm a lonely vagabond of love Casanova.
An eternal lover and an eternal villain lady-killer.
But I won't become tired of seducing again and again.
So I will stay a lonely vagabond Casanova.
A circular lust day and night, day and night. Fateful power over new lips and new tears.
I want to steal this breathe, this tremble. Casanova.
A carnival, a carnival at this late hour. A real scandal among sultry eyes.
It's me who have mixed everything up, fooled you. Casanova.
The night fire dance turns me on again.
I'm a lonely vagabond of love Casanova.
An eternal lover and an eternal villain lady-killer.
But I won't become tired of seducing again and again.
So I will stay a lonely vagabond Casanova.
I'm a lonely vagabond of love Casanova.
An eternal lover and an eternal villain lady-killer.
But I won't become tired of seducing again and again.
So I will stay a lonely vagabond Casanova.

Her name was...

She trembled in my hands
it was her first time,
her name was Martha and from then on
she became mine.1
Silently she embraced me
and surrendered to me,
she was a messenger pigeon
who gave me a little bit of happiness.
She stuck a thorn in the center
of my soul and said goodbye,
she left one morning and
she left my house full of pain2.
She left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
she left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
She was a cloud in the sky
drawn by the wind
and only because of my lie,
despite it all I remember her.
Today it's barely grown,
time has passed and she
doesn't ask for me by name,
nor does she write a letter,
she's forgotten it all.
She stuck a thorn in the center
of my soul and said goodbye,
she left one morning and
she left my house full of pain.
She left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
she left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
Her name was Martha
that was her name,
her name was Martha
her name was Martha
that was her name....
  • 1. lit. my woman
  • 2. either she left the house filled with painful memories or that she herself was filled with pain
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.



And the oceans will be back, and light will be back
And autumn will be back, even the virtue will
And the skies will be back, the peace and the sunset
And everything will become normal again
And the desire will be back, also the yesterday
But today I'm broken, I woke up like this
In a remote place, with nothing more to say
Today I'm broken, I just want to go
It will be over I guess, but today I don't know how to live
And my mind will be back, the voice will return
And it will be different, or that's what I think
And the party nights will come, and the old age
And the kids playing, and life will come again
And then the memories, and some final then
But today I'm broken, I woke up like this
In a remote place, with nothing more to say
Today I'm broken, I just want to go
It will be over I guess, but today I don't know how to live
It will be over I guess, but today I don't know how to live

The Hour of Love

For a long time this room
has had its shutters closed.
No more light comes in here,
the sun is a stranger.
It's she who I am missing,
it's she who's no longer here.
The clock in the square
has beaten its hour.
It's time to wait for you,
it's time for you to come back,
I feel you, you are near,
it's the hour of love.
The emptiness of life
is as vast as the sea.
Ever since she left
I no longer ever saw her.
It's she who I am missing,
it's she who's no longer here.
The clock in the square
has lost hope.
I, no, I did not lose it,
I'm waiting for you to return,
I feel you, you are near,
it's the hour of love.
I, no, I did not lose it,
I'm waiting for you to return,
I feel you, you are near,
it's the hour of love.
It's the hour of love.
It's the hour of love.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Leave me I'm saying

You won't get out of my heart
Neither from my mind
Don't ask me I can't do it
Your shape your name
I'll always love you
Leave me I'm saying to laugh to cry
Inside my lie to live
To blame me for your mistakes
And to forgive everything
Leave me I'm saying to make dreams
Like if we were together
Only with the thought that I love you
I live my eyes
I can't not remember
The moments we lived together
As much as you forgot
What I love about you
Inside me will live
Leave me I'm saying to laugh to cry
Inside my lie to live
To blame me for your mistakes
And to forgive everything
Leave me I'm saying to make dreams
Like if we were together
Only with the thought that I love you
I live my eyes

Three minutes

A song lasts only three minutes
It will burst and go out like a star
We will be together, only three minutes or forever
Three minutes, three minutes
For a life to run its course in three minutes,
Is that too little or too much?
Three minutes, three minutes
To say all there is to say and start all over again,
Is that too little or too much?
There are only three minutes
For dreams filled with ideas come true
So that a heart could beat for a long time
After those three minutes
Three minutes, three minutes
For a life to run its course in three minutes,
Is that too little or too much?
Three minutes, three minutes
To say all there is to say and start all over again,
Is that too little or too much?