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I Was Supposed To Be Yours

(I was supposed to be yours)
It was a rainy day and
the rain tasted like salt
I could taste it on your lips
A windy evening came
and time wasn't on our side
We realized that when it was six in the morning
And now both of us are in pieces
both of us without a direction
You were supposed to go crazy
You were supposed to go crazy about me
I was supposed to be yours
(I was supposed to be yours)
What we could've had
I will never know
Now I just wander around
When you left me
I felt like I would break
but I chose to live, not to die
And now both of us are in pieces
Both of us without a direction
You were supposed to go crazy about me
I was supposed to be yours
You were supposed to go crazy about me
But only I fell in love
I was supposed to be yours
I was supposed to be
You were supposed to go crazy
I was supposed to be yours
You were supposed to go crazy about me
I was supposed to be yours
You were supposed to go crazy about me
But only I fell in love
(But only I fell in love yeah)
I was supposed to be yours
(But only I fell in love)
I was supposed to be
I was supposed to be yours
I was supposed to be yours
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

I don't know what your eyes have done to me

I don't know if it's love I feel,
I don't know if it is passion,
I only know that no seeing you causes pain
to haunt my heart
I don't know what your eyes have done to me
for looking at me they are killing me of love,
I don't know what your lips have done to me
as when kissing my lips all pain is forgotten.
~ ~
Your eyes for me
are roses of illusion
that light up the passion
that I have for you
Your eyes are sparkles
that reflect
tenderness and love.
Your eyes are divine
and have me imprisoned
around them.
Your eyes for me
are a fine reflection
of a soul that I love
with mad frenzy.
Your eyes for me will be,
Will be the light of my way
that with faith will guide me
Through a path of
hope and splendor
because your eyes are my love.
Your eyes for me
are roses of illusion
that light up the passion
that I have for you
Your eyes are sparkles
that reflect
tenderness and love.
Your eyes are divine
and have me imprisoned
around them.
Your eyes for me
are a fine reflection
of a soul that I love
with mad frenzy.
Your eyes for me will be,
Will be the light of my way
that with faith will guide me
Through a path of
hope and splendor
because your eyes are my love.

Just Take It Easy

You seduce and conquer
And then, honey, you relax
But you should never relax
Or else the consequences shouldn't surprise you...
When the girls' night out starts
When you count down every hour
When your day is empty
When you realize that you're alone
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy...
I am not your slave girl
I am a woman and a real goddess
Be careful about my feelings
Because my hunch usually doesn't fail me
When the girls' night out starts
When you count down every hour
When your day is empty
When you realize that you're alone
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy while seducing me
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy...
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy!
Listen to me carefully, just leave me alone
Like a venom, you're always being negative
Just let me be, just let me breathe
Let me be me and swing my hips
I love the sea, I need some air
I wanna dance, just pass me the tambourine
You are my partner, my best friend
Keep supporting me, I dance with you
I'm young, I'm alive, I dance and I feel...
Listen to me, try and understand me, just don't suffocate me...
Just take it easy!
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy while seducing me...
My love, seduce me
Guide me like a man
You should by no means chase me
Just take it easy, easy, easy...
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy
Just take it easy
Just take it easy, easy, easy!

It´s time to go home.

Far away in miles, it was near by time,
Maybe it was only at a touch of a look,
And now until summer, until future years,
Warm weather stalking in any place.
What is it that worries so much, flies past,
hurts with care, and sounds unseen?
Where it twirls, there will be a windy summer.
Time has no answer for who is speaking.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.
Far, far away, it was near by time,
Nothing is forever, there is no need to pray.
Therefore, it’s a mistake to expect to guess anything.
As like as not, it will be a lot or a little.
There, where you run towards, do not sit down,
don’t turn around, you migratory bird.
Being well-known for all living people,
then, for sure, it will be whatever.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
All it was, again in a word,
Sky, like the sky over the head.
We can wait for summer, but once it’s gone, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.
Whether it was or not, it’s time to go home.

Cold and Raining

You got everything you wanted from me
You got me believing all your crazy storied
You took me to your weird favorite places
And I got something that I didn't think
Even existed
Now I'm alone and I'm losing my mind!
It's cold and raining
Awake for 24 hours, and I don't know what's going on
Cold and raining, I'm on the edge
But I don't want to fall!
Grab hold of me!
Hold me!
I throw those famous three words into the air again and again
This moment is terrifying as I wait for you to say something
I don't want to lose you again
It's cold and raining
Awake for 24 hours, and I don't know what's going on
I drive 200 km/h past the radar on the overtaking lane
Baby I'm on the edge, buut I don't want to fall!
Grab hold of me!
Hold me!
It's cold and raining
Awake for 24 hours, and I don't know what's going on
Grab hold of me!
It's cold and raining
Awake for 24 hours, and I don't know what's going on
I drive 200 km/h past the radar on the overtaking lane
Baby I'm on the edge, buut I don't want to fall!
Grab hold of me!
It's cold and raining
Awake for 24 hours, and I don't know what's going on
I drive 200 km/h past the radar on the overtaking lane
Baby I'm on the edge, buut I don't want to fall!
Grab hold of me!
Hold me!

Ceo jedan zivot

Kao ti, nema niko
Ko me cuva i voli
Ne mogu naci iskreniju lepotu
Zato ti dajem sve sto jesam
Kao ti, kao ljubavne cini u mojim venama
Kao odraz,kao prolece
Nema nista sto me ispunjava vise nego ti
Konacno mozes da verujes u nekoga ko te voli
Ko daje svoju ljubav i ceo svoj zivot za tebe
Neko ko te cini zaljubljenom i ko zna da cuva uvek svaki trenutak
Danas, ovde, dolazim da ti kazem da sam lud za tobom
Malena, provociraj me,
Ajde, mazi me
Ako me ti volis, imam ceo jedan zivot da ti dajem svoju ljubav
U ovom zivotu ja ne trazim nista vise
Jer sam pronasao tebe
Da zivim sa tobom citavu vecnost
Dok nam ne dodje kraj
Konacno mozes da verujes u nekoga ko te voli
Ko daje svoju ljubav i ceo svoj zivot za tebe
Neko ko te cini zaljubljenom i ko zna da cuva uvek svaki trenutak
Danas, ovde, dolazim da ti kazem da sam lud za tobom,
Malena, provociraj me, ajde, mazi me
Ako me ti volis, imam ceo jedan zivot
Da ti dajem svoju ljubav
I nece postojati niko zeno
Ko ce ti poklanjati svoju vecnu ljubav,
Trebam te vise od zivota
Zelim da znas sta osecam,
I da umirem od ljubavi.

Nobita Nobi

I doubt if it's because I am not a 10, or that I have low self-esteem. But I know it's actually the cowardliness that's stopping me.
I can be brave for once, sorry if you can't agree
I will announce to the world, my feelings to you (is that selfish?)
It's a bit ridiculous how long it has taken me to do this
I want to travel the lovely world with you
Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said
You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it
Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies
I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.
I will work harder in the future
You might share a part in my prosperity
Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?
Am I too lazy or something?
Well, I volunteer for you to take advantage of me or bully me.
The world is too cruel to me, but my love to you is stubborn.
I have my magic too—I will be good to you forever.
Please let me play the role of your husband?
Doesn't matter to me if you hate me, I will take care of you every minute I'm with you
I want to travel the lovely world with you
Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said
You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it
Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies
I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.
I will work harder in the future
You might share a part in my prosperity
Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?

Љубав је вечна

Пропутуј свет да видећеш
Рушевине онога што је некад било
Учимо своју историју
Али и даље ништа нисмо научили
Зашто само отежавамо себи
Свету је тога доста
Не будимо одвећ политични
Тȁ ко смо ми да судимо?
Није потребно ништа мање
До једно чудо
Љубав је вечна
Вечна и за свакога
Љубав је вечна
Вечна и за свакога
Тек залогај љубави, залогај оног што
Би заправо могло да влада и мноме и тобом
Једино нам преостаје да окусимо љубав
Зато никада, али никада, не престај да волиш
Сврати ми, мој давно изгубљени пријатељу
И поради на срећном крају
Замисли шта смо све способни да учинимо
После свега кроз шта смо прошли
Зашто само отежавамо себи
Свету је тога доста
Не будимо одвећ политични
Тȁ ко смо ми да судимо?
Није потребно ништа мање
До једно чудо
Љубав је вечна
Вечна и за свакога
Љубав је вечна
Вечна и за свакога
Тек залогај љубави, залогај оног што
Би заправо могло да влада и мноме и тобом
Једино нам преостаје да окусимо љубав
Зато никада, али никада, не престај да волиш
Дођи да откријеш љубав
Вечерас се сви покренимо
Још сунце није престало да сија
Шта на то кажеш, мој пријатељу?
Зашто да се међусобно боримо?
Само нам је љубав потребна
Љубав је за свакога, да
У љубави лежи нада
Сви је могу разумети
Сви говоре језик љубави
Љубав је вечна
Љубав је вечна и за свакога
Љубав је вечна
Љубав је вечна и за свакога
Тек залогај љубави, залогај оног што
Би заправо могло да влада и мноме и тобом
Једино нам преостаје да окусимо љубав
Зато никада, али никада, не престај да волиш


(Lukas Leon)
This has been the best night of Lukas' life
It's gone straight to my head, I promised to burn money tonight
Beginning of the night was hazard
Then the guys left to a club
Then you started to dance
with your girls, your booty met me
With it you led me to ecstasy
And first checking each other out from further away
Then I stepped up to you
I suggested facetime at night
But you pressed your body against mine
Grabbed my ass like this was your stage
Despite being really drunk
I won't leave this halfway, I'll go all the way
(Chorus, Etta)
From head to toe, you take me to heaven
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
You intoxicate me, like touching God
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
(Lukas Leon)
Second round, I'm going to an after party
Music is playing there, and all my boys
are really drunk again
But I'll quote Rihanna
We together are like diamonds in the sky
I'm drowning in your love, in titanic
Should we just skip the after party even though everybody's partying
But suddenly
Extatic heartbeats
Only cold shivers between us
I'm afraid nothing is left for me
If you're not leaving with Lukas now
Like popping a pill
Your killer body raises my mood to the clouds
Your movements lead me to ecstasy
I want to lose myself there
(Chorus, Etta)
From head to toe, you take me to heaven
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
You intoxicate me, like touching God
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
Is this just one more night
Like a driftwood in life's ocean
I'm sharing too much now
This woman makes my head hurt
I've sailed the oceans of the world
Seen everything twice
But now you're stading there infront of me
Even though I'm not comparing to anything previous
I've started to drown
Grown numb of the bay
You get me to break down
You intoxicate me, I want to drum you
And just blast music
Huff and puff, get you to melt
To shout like crazy, to call out for God
You are something that's missing
Not anyone can make me change
I will bow down for you
Land to your harbour
But I'll break down if I can't get you
You intoxicate me, like touching God
Like popping a pill
This is ecstasy, this is ecstasy
Ecstasy, ecstasy
Ecstasy, ecstasy

I have you

I've been seeking myself
From wrong places
Traveling the world
Been wrong and right
Longing for the genuine
Which would give the meaning
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I knew when I fell in love
My world is yours
I need no gold from the skies
When I have you
I need no reason for world
When I have you
And I have you
I need no lottery win
When I have you
I need no millions
For the first time I saw you
I knew to marry
I want to hear your voice
Before I fall asleep
I need no gold from the skies
When I have you
I need no reason for world
When I have you
I need no gold from the skies
When I have you
I need no reason for world
When I have you
And I have you
I knew when I fell in love
My world is yours
I need no gold from the skies
When I have you
I need no reason for world
When I have you
And I have you
And I have you

Further than the sun, further than the sea

For me, it only remains memories from you,
Things which will never go out of my mind.
When you talked to me crying
The last time we met, it was the end for the two of us.
You took my dreams, my life.
You achieved to take my world
And with it my peace,
Your photos, your face.
These are details that can't be deleted so easily in one life,
They are too strong to be forgotten.
Give me back this half you took from me.
For not loosing you anymore,
I'll never say goodbye to you again,
Never from me,
Never again.
I need you so to survive.
I am nothing, I am nobody,
I am able to die,
I'll do everything I can to conquer you again,
Even after life,
Further than the sun, further than the sea.

Cobalt Blue

Versions: #2
Take my hand, let's go without hesitation
Yes, I must tell it to you right here -
Time doesn't satisfy us
The darkening blue summer extends
so we can keep on gazing at our dreams
The people with hunched backs that grow older and older
are tired of turning the hourglass around -
Nobody will stop you
The darkening blue summer comes and goes
And, when everything ends, I will, too
The darkening blue summer goes to sleep
So we can wake up from our dreams
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!

At the Samovar

Snowy night outside,
But my heart's joyful like it's summer,
My sweet tender wife, -
Let them be jealous [in their slumber].
The only thought comes on:
How soon will I be left with her alone.
Dark night's naughty:
It hides all things, it won't bewray,
And we'll get daughter.
By boiling tea pot I sit with my Masha,
And it's already so dark outside.
And our passion boils like tea in Russia!
And crescent moon is our tender guide.
Masha's pouring me some hot tea,
And her eyes hint at so much, make me dotty:
By boiling tea pot I sit with my Masha,
Till morning we'll drink tea with sugar bits!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

Nobita Nobi (Character in Doraemon)

'Nobita, no matter how magical my pocket is
Confessing your love is a job only you can do for yourself
Work up the courage to tell Shizuka, will you?'
I doubt if it's because I am a 10, or that I have low self-esteem. But I know it's actually the cowardliness that's stopping me.
I can be brave for once, sorry if you can't agree
I will announce to the world, my feelings to you (is that selfish?)
It's a bit ridiculous how long it has taken me to do this
I want to travel the lovely world with you
Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said
You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it
Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies
I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.
I will work harder in the future
You might share a part in my prosperity
Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?
'Nobita, believe me. I can sense how much you love Shizuka
It's stronger than any of my magical gadgets
Go, let her know! She will feel your true love, for sure.'
Am I too lazy or something?
Well, I volunteer for you to take advantage of me or bully me.
The world is too cruel to me, but my love to you is stubborn.
I have my magic too—I will be good to you forever.
Please let me play the role of your husband?
Doesn't matter to me if you hate me, I will take care of you every minute I'm with you
I want to travel the lovely world with you
Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said
You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it
Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies
I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.
I will work harder in the future
You might share a part in my prosperity
Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?
'Nobita, I can't be with you forever.
Before I leave, the thing I want to see most is for Shizuka to take my place
And keep you company for the rest of this life,'


I'm not surprised
That you're still looking for me
So many memories
How can you forget them so easily
And I'm not surprised
That you're still looking for me
So many glances
It's normal to feel longing
But know that when I left to have somewhere to return to
And I really don't know how you want me to act . . .
Goodbye and goodbye
Goodbye to both of our dreams
I'm taking my future back
Kisses, take care of yourself
But please, don't look back
I'm making new verses out of tears
To forget about you
I hope that one day, you'll understand what you're looking for
It's so desolate
In your soul, don't you believe me?
I hope that one day, you'll find what you're looking for
I already know
And that's why you'll never see me again
Goodbye and goodbye
Goodbye to both of our dreams
I'm taking my future back
Kisses, take care of yourself
But please, don't look back
I'm making new verses out of tears
To forget about you
To forget about you
And I'm not surprised
That you're still looking for me
And I'm not surprised
That you're still looking for me
Goodbye and goodbye
Goodbye to both of our dreams
I'm taking my future back
Kisses, take care of yourself
But please, don't look back
I'm making new verses out of tears
To forget about you
To forget about you
To forget about you
To forget about you
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

New Year

It lifted the leaves straight to the stars
It declared winter sooner or later
It called forth a new time1.
But with the first snow, and the white wind
Leaving us without answers,
So ruthlessly time sped away,
To start someone's life again.
It called forth childhood, with the summer and the flowers
It left in the heart a sail with islands
It did not want to, perhaps, part with us.
  • 1. Lit. 'the time of the New Year'

Chameleon, Chameleon

Of all the white animals
It's you who is the meanest
You make my life
A perpetual torment
I tell my self that you are the same
As the colors of the rainbow
And that you will never have true passion
You are like the sun
And you always fill me with wonder
When you go back to shinning, standing on my balcony
You change your love, like a song is changed
Without respecting the time or the tone
And come into my house while singing
Chameleon, Chameleon
My beautiful cheeks quickly turn maroon,
They turn indian-rose and even lime-green
When you slyly flee from my house
Chameleon, Chameleon
I tell my self that you are the same
As the colors of the rainbow
And that you will never have true passion
You are like the sun
And you always fill me with wonder
But I will never be able to come up with a reason
In lingerie or in hiding
Your housewife or courtesan
I would like, however, to be your wife
Chameleon, Chameleon
Your grasshopper or your hippo
You crazy blond or fatal brunette
I would like, however, to be your wife
Chameleon, Chameleon

The Solitary Bird

Solitary bird, you sing
from the crest of the ancient tower
to the landscape, while day dies:
while music wanders the valley.
Spring brightens
the air around, exults in the fields,
so the heart is moved to see it.
Flocks are bleating, herds are lowing:
more birds happily make a thousand
circles in the clear sky, all around,
celebrating these happy times:
you gaze pensively, apart, at it all:
no companions, and no flight,
no pleasures call you, no play:
you sing, and so see out
the year, the sweet flowering of your life.
Ah, how like
your ways to mine! Pleasure and Joy
youth’s sweet companions,
and, Love, its dear friend,
sighing, bitter at passing days,
I no longer care for them, I don’t know why:
indeed I seem to fly far from them:
seem to wander, a stranger
in my native place,
in the springtime of my life.
This day, yielding to evening now,
is a holiday in our town.
You can hear a bell ring in the clear sky,
you can hear the cannon’s iron thunder,
echoing away, from farm to farm.
Dressed for the festival
young people here
leave the houses, fill the streets,
to see and be seen, with happy hearts.
I go out, alone,
into the distant country,
postpone all delight and joy
to some other day: and meanwhile
my gaze takes in the clear air,
brings me the sun that sinks and vanishes
among the distant mountains,
after the cloudless day, and seems to say,
that the beauty of youth diminishes.
You, lonely bird, reaching the evening
of this life the stars grant you,
truly, cannot regret
your existence: since your every
action is born of nature.
But I, if I can’t
evade through prayer,
the detested threshold of old age,
when these eyes will be dumb to others,
and the world empty, and the future
darker and more irksome than the present,
what will I think of such desires?
Of these years of mine? Of what happened?
Ah I’ll repent, and often,
un-consoled, I’ll gaze behind me.

The best friend (Leopold's song)

For a good friend
are open my door and my soul
my eyes and my ears
and my family circle.
If you want, you can always come,
I'll wait with the window open
or if you want, fly through
the TV channel.
Oh boys-girl,
this life is good
When everybody
has a comrade and a buddy
When your yard is also the yard of your friend,
then no wish is too big for you!
How exciting and rich
does the Saturday become
when your friends
come to visit you!
For a good friend
are open my door and my soul
my eyes and my ears
and my family circle.
If you want, you can always come,
I'll wait with the window open
or if you want, fly through
the TV channel.

Fly, Little Feather

Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.
I wish I could've had wings
Like the falcon,
I would be strong
Like the bits of stone.
I would have many brothers,
Like the little tree,
I would live a little life
With a new crown.
I would not be lying now
In that dear open field
Do not watch for me
In the sky, in the clouds.
You would not ask this of me
Light feather
And chase away, sweep away
My bitter regrets.
Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.

Three Words

Yeah, those three words ...
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by
I like it so much when you laugh, when you are happy
When you stroke me in my hair, no one does that now
You looked so mysterious when you cooked for me
You were so cute when you broke something
You wanted to know everything, what you could
You couldn't dance, but you didn't give up
We trained it in the evenings and then we made love
So why we aren't happy, when we were planning it?
That enchantment fades as the time goes
This is normal, this happens with love
But you have to appreciate your darling
Mistakes start to bother you, you mustn't try to find them
And I, idiot, said one day: It's not like it was earlier
I don't like you anymore..
You said: 'I'm very sorry, I should go,'
I said: 'You should go,' and you went
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by
I said: 'You should go,' and you went...
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by
Why does a person realize, what he had
Only when he loses everything, what is this fate?
I wanted to have perfect, painted girl
I wanted a salt water from the source
Maths is really a science
But you can't trust it in relationships
A hundred is not more than one, when that one loves you
A hundred of acquaintances doesn't replace one friend
You can't take away what you once said by a waterfall of words
You can't erase a memory, you aren't Man in black
When I said those three words: You should go
I told myself for the first time that horrible lie
In the morning I will be good, I just have to sleep
But in the morning I felt sick to my stomach, you know what I mean
I still like you and I can't stand being alone
It's such a big punishment for those three words
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by
I said: 'You should go,' and you went...
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by
It was like that...
Those three words...
You should go...
I said: 'You should go,' and you went...
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by
You can feel my heart, you can be my love,
I will be there whenever you just walk on by

Jerusalem of gold

Like the mountain air
and clear like wine,
and the smell of pine
that comes like the wind at dawn.
Like a bell-like voice
and when the stone and tree sleep
it is then that it too dreams,
my city Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
you're made of bronze, gold and light
you are the city of my King,
the Lord, Jesus [x2]
How did the cisterns dry out?
and the market is empty,
no one visits the Temple Mount
in the Old City.
And in the caves that are on the rocks
the winds come to cry,
no one comes down from Jericho
where Jesus entered.
When I come to sing to you
and to crown you with glory,
I am the youngest of the youngest
of your children, Jerusalem.
Your name burns on my lips
like a kiss of love,
I will never forget
Jerusalem of Gold.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Like Now

With my small broken heart
I can now tell you everything
You taught me 'beginning'
And I don't want to let you go again
For a long time you treated me so badly
And now to me those break up words are so kind
Now, I've changed also
Can I live without regretting the long days I didn't have you?
At the end of my wandering
I've realized the miracle-like love (that you gave me)
Only like right now... then I will never cry
And so that you can always live inside my heart
In this world, in that place this can't be the end of us
I know that we're meant to be...
I can't believe it when I open my eyes
In this different morning a special day awaits me
As time goes by, at about the time the color of the roads change
Will I be able to laugh again?
Do you know that
I've waited for you to share my nights forever
(so ever) Always it's one person
Only like right now... then I will never cry
And so that you can always live inside my heart
In this world, in that place this can't be the end of us
I know that we're meant to be...
Wherever that place where you've stepped might be, I'll be standing there
There are still so many days left
It's too early for separation
Only like right now... then I will never cry
And so that you can always live inside my heart
In this world, in that place this can't be the end of us
It's too early for me for a separation
Only like right now... then I will never cry
And so that you can always live inside my heart
In this world, in that place this can't be the end of us
I know that we're meant to be...

Something Like That

You're too far
Even though you're so close
Have you forgotten?
How you would hug me with your warm greeting?
What did I do wrong? Did you suddenly start hating me?
It's not that, you couldn't be preparing to leave, It's not that
I'm going to choose to leave
that nothing close to it will ever happen
Not today..my love like this is..
Coping with this separtion will be hard
I can't erase all the promises that were made
There's still so much I wanted to offer you
After walking some distance
You'll turn around to give me a glance won't you
With that, just like the old days
You'll come to me and hug me with a smile won't you?
You really liked me once, you had treasured me so much
No, I'm going to believe
that something like never seeing you again
will never happen
Not today..My love like this is...
Coping with this separtion will be hard
I can't erase all the promises that were made
There's still so much I wanted to offer you
Tommorow morning will be more difficult
There will times where I will have sleepless nights
You told me you would stand by me for how ever long
If it's not going to be you, then it's likely I'd be alone

Bye Bye Love

Be My love although I only want you
Be My love you turn your head
I’m suffocating (I can’t forget you)
Tears flow (I guess you’re really gone)
My lips are sealed (from the words in my heart)
You! Be my love
You were my everything
It’s you who I can’t let go
It’s me who loves you
Never let you go
Memories of you make me smile
The past memories of when we were together
I can’t erase you
Don’t go away
Telling me to be happy was a lie
Saying that you’re leaving me because you love me
Is a sad lie, piercing me coldly like thorns
But now I will forget you
I will erase you bye bye bye
Even though it seems like tomorrow will be more painful
Even though this longing drenches me
Now I will let go of everything
(Bye Bye Love, Bye Bye Love, Bye Bye Love, Bye Bye Love)
When I open my eyes I miss you
I want to hear your voice
You flicker before me crazily
Don’t go away
Telling me to be happy was a lie
Saying that you’re leaving me because you love me
Is a sad lie, piercing me coldly like thorns
But now I will forget you
I will erase you bye bye bye
Even though it seems like tomorrow will be more painful
Even though this longing drenches me
Now I will let go of everything
Oh the welling tears fill up my eyes and overflow
I pound my heart like a fool with regrets of not holding onto you
I’ll try to hold it in I’ll try to erase you I’ll try to wipe away my tears
My belief that you are hurting like I am is scattering like dust
Bye Bye Love

Nada celog sveta

Šta da kažem o sve što razmeni oko mene?
Znaki časova šta će mi kazati?
Pitanja moje dece me preplaše
Odgovori koje njima dam ne dostaje
Neka prestane kompas u putu
Napjev moje pesme!
Vidila sam odgovor u ljubavi
I svetlo celog proleća
I nadu celog sveta
Šta da kažem? Odakle sam došla i kamo iđem?
Što je to koje me ljudi?
Nađi mi rešenje za sve to ljubim
Da osečam sigurnosti na podu koj gazim
Neka prestane kompas u putu
Napjev moje pesme!
Vidila sam odgovor u ljubavi
I svetlo celog proleća
I nadu celog sveta
Neka prestane kompas u putu
Napjev moje pesme!
Vidila sam odgovor u ljubavi
I svetlo celog proleća
I nadu celog sveta

Fell Like Dream

Yesterday has faded
But as your light's coming up again
It approaches
It still stays in me
Just like precious times that won't come back
Your breath is softly blowing away
The days in the lingered loneliness
You are the destiny approached me step by step
I tried so hard to hide it from you, I couldn't speak those words out
Always be next to me
To me you are love
That fell like a warm yesterday's dream
My way is full of emptiness
But because I'm with you, I'm happy
You are the destiny approached me step by step
I tried so hard to hide it from you, I couldn't speak those words out
Always be next to me
To me you are love
That fell like a warm yesterday's dream
Now I can't hide my feelings
My love that filled me up
I'll give it to you
You are the destiny
Approached me step by step
The only one love, I love you
I see you, even if I close my eyes
Always be next to me
You are my everything
Of a dream-like yesterday and tomorrow too
You are indelible


Kakva je poenta kuce izgradjena od cigli i mucenja?
Oh duso, uhvatila sam te
i samo otisla i pomislila sam da ucis da me volis.
Rekao si da si bio, kada nisi i to me tako bolelo
da konacno znam da
tajna je bila u toku za sve osim mene.
Padni na dno i ko ce te podici?
Padni na dno i ko ce te popraviti?
Padni na dno i ti ces traziti svetlo iznad!
Ja cu biti moj sopstveni far,
oslonicu se na sebe veceras,
necu se oslanjati na tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav,
tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav.
Bicu moj sopstveni far,
senke umiru na mracnoj strani,
necu se oslanjati na tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav,
tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav.
Samo uzmi jednu sansu da padnes taj prvi put,
zasto si morao da budes moj?
Gledao si u moje oci, zaklinjao se u svoj zivot.
Sta da radis kada znas,
kada neces da prihvatis,
nikada nisam ocekivala
da ce ona biti ta koja otkriva tvoje proklete lazi.
Padni na dno i ko ce te podici?
Padni na dno i ko ce te popraviti?
Padni na dno i ti ces traziti svetlo iznad!
Ja cu biti moj sopstveni far,
oslonicu se na sebe veceras,
necu se oslanjati na tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav,
tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav.
Bicu moj sopstveni far,
senke umiru na mracnoj strani,
necu se oslanjati na tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav,
tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav.
Kada ce ovo prestati decko?
Kada ce ovo prestati?
Boli toliko, ti me toliko povredjujes.
Kada ce ovo prestati decko?
Kada ce ovo prestati?
Boli toliko, ti me povredjujes toliko.
Ja cu biti moj sopstveni far,
oslonicu se na sebe veceras,
necu se oslanjati na tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav,
tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav.
Bicu moj sopstveni far,
senke umiru na mracnoj strani,
necu se oslanjati na tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav,
tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav, tvoju ljubav.

In the dugout

Logs burn bright in my cramped little stove
On the wood, flowing tar, like a tear
The accordion sings to me here,
In my dugout, of your eyes and smile
Beyond Moscow, in fields full of snow,
On each bush the leaves whispered of you,
And I want now for you to hear
All this longing in my living voice
You are now far away, far away,
And between us lies snow beyond snow
To reach you is not easy to do,
To reach death – only four little steps
Sing, accordion, to spite the wind
Call the happiness that’s lost its way
In my bitter cold dugout, I’m warm
From a love that will never burn low

I love you as much as two

I cannot believe that I am in love
In the best story with happy ending
In which you love me as I am.
I am in your heart,
This is my address,
And you don't ask me for rent, you ask just for my love
And it is, it is room for us both
I love you as much as two
I want another heart to beat stereo,
To beat with an echo,
To love you again.
I want a heart to beat for us,
I love you as much as two
I love you as much as two
I love you as much as two
As much as for the both of us.
I love you as much as two.
I have love in my drawers
And in my wallet.
I only have enough money to buy you just an earring,
To wear it like a ring.
It suits us, when we love each other,
But we are also beautiful when we are not smiling.
People are turning their heads after us.
Refrain x 3


Hey, yo'
Nicky Jam
Steve Aoki
Let's do this
If you're upset
Take it out of your body
Forget all the bad things
We are not playing around
Why don't you drink something to forget it?
Find someone you like to steal a kiss
Dance with the rhythm and do not stay behind
Moving your body do it hard and tra
Your heart speeds up
The pressure increases
And the DJ puts on the lights so that this blows up
We have to drink and we're not going to stop
Who wants to enjoy?
Scream and dance
And I don't care what they will say to
Life is short
I'm not going to stop
Blame it on the alcohol
Blame it on the alcohol
Blame it on the alcohol
You have a garropa
That crazy took me
Mami, I like it when you moves' that big booty
I like little girls, but also big ones
She takes the drinks and gets high
And what happens if tonight I take two, two?
We go in the car and I do not know how much
And-And if the next day they ask me what happened (woo)
Blame it on the alcohol
Blame it on the alcohol
Blame it on the alcohol
Today everything is valid
Of the crazy they speak, I am going to follow, ahh
One drink, ten drinks, it doesn't matter, tonight I want to live it
Tomorrow is another day, and I think I'm going to repeat it too
Nobody pay me anything don't pay me anything, yeah
[Pre-Chorus: Nicky Jam]
We have to drink and we're not going to stop
Who wants to enjoy?
Scream and dance
And I don't care what they will say to
Life is short
I'm not going to stop
Blame it on the alcohol
Blame it on the alcohol
Blame it on the alcohol
Woo (woo, woo, woo)
Nicky-Nicky-Nicky Jam
La Industria Inc
Saga WhiteBlack (woo)
Steve Aoki (yeah)
Blame it on the alcohol

Прими овај валцер

Versions: #2
Тренутно је у Бечу десет лепих жена,
И раме на ком Смрт долази да плаче,
И предворје са девет стотина прозора,
И дрво на које грлице долазе да мру,
Ту је и мир од зоре отргнут
И обешен у Галерији мраза.
Прими овај валцер,
Овај валцер стиснутих зуба.
О, ја те желим
На столици са књигом за мртве,
У пећини на врху љиљановог цвета,
У холовима где љубав не постоји,
У кревету где се зноји и Месец,
У долини плача с отицима стопала и песком.
Прими овај валцер,
Зграби руком сломљени струк.
Прими овај валцер,
Док Смрт са препознатљивим задахом брендија
Вуче свој реп ка мору.
Постоји концертна сала у Бечу,
Где ти уста броје хиљаде утисака,
И један бар где су младићи престали да причају
Јер их је блуз осудио на смрт.
А, ко се пење ка твојој слици
С букетом свеже набраних суза?
Прими овај валцер,
Прими јер умире годинама.
Има једно поткровље где играју се деца,
Где ћу ускоро лећи са тобом,
У сновима мађарских лампи,
У магли слатких поподнева,
И схватићу шта си ланцима свезала за тугу:
сва твоја стада оваца, љиљане и снег.
Прими овај валцер,
С мојим „Не заборављам, знај.”
Овај валцер...
И плесаћу с тобом у Бечу,
Маскираћу се у једну реку,
Са дивљим зумбулом на рамену,
И росом на устима.
У албуму ћу сахранити душу,
С фотографијама старим и маховином.
И предаћу поплави твоје лепоте
Ову стару виолину и крст,
И носићеш ме сопственим плесом
До изворишта што носиш у зглобу.
Прими овај валцер,
Твој је сад. Он је све што постоји.