Резултати претраге страна 11
Број резултата: 690
Један Бог
Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)У претходном нашем животу
Била си цвет, био сам роса
Није било љубави, нисам те љубио
Били смо у земљи и постали смо једно
У претходном нашем животу
Тражили смо људско тело
Како би наставили заједно да живимо
И сада је љунав наша попримила облик
Има осећања, има душу
Гледа нас Сунце, гледа нас светлост
Љубав и страст - један Бог
У претходном нашем животу
Наша љунав беше попут зоре
Прави рај у хиљаду боја
Сви снови - небеска тела
У претходном нашем животу
Тражили смо људско тело
Како би наставили заједно да живимо
И сада је љунав наша попримила облик
Има осећања, има душу
Гледа нас Сунце, гледа нас светлост
Љубав и страст - један Бог
Atomski Oblak
Želim da budem srećanŽelim da budem veseo
Želim da budem normalan na svaki način
Ali atomski oblak mi visi nad snovima
Proganja mi budućnost i ugrožava planove
Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)
Imam svoju dragu i volim je takođe
Hoćemo da pravimo velike planove, ali šta nam je činiti?
Kada je atomski oblak izmenio svako pravilo
Produbila je naše misli kod kuće i u školi
Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)
Molili smo se, zabavljali, smejali i molili opet
(molili opet)
I pravili smo se da je sve u redu, ne bi li mislili o neredu u kojem smo sa našli
Držao sam se uz svoju dušu, i ona se držala uz mene
Pričamo o budućnosti, ali šta vidimo?
Postoji atomski oblak koji mi stoji na putu
Sutrašnji dan mi se čini mračnim, zato živimo za danas
Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)
Oh, Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)
Haven't Forgotten I'm a Woman
Find me i darkness right nowFind me in [?] the time now, right now, yeah
Not a day go by
Where I dance with weapons and
Not a day go by
Where I don't think about you
We walk together down the road
But you don't look at me yet
Cause I can't hold on to anymore
Cause I've learned to be who I am
Who I am
It's not easy to find an enemy in mind
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman, oh
Not easy to find an enemy in mind
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman, oh
I want some more, yeah, yeah, yeah
I want some more, uh-oh, uh-oh
(An enemy in mind)
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman
Not easy to find an enemy in mind
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman, oh
Forgotten I'm a woman
Easy to find an enemy in mind
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman, oh
Not easy to find an enemy in mind
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman, oh
Forgotten I'm a woman
Easy to find an enemy in mind
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman, oh
Forgotten I'm a woman
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman
Yeah, forgotten I'm a woman, oh mm
Haven't forgotten I'm a woman
Face glued against the hearse windowMy lighthouse eyes, two yellow bursts
light up a world that is still surprised to see itself
Pedaling without advancing, indignation without thought
Who knows
Stuck on top of the garbage dump
The king of the hill works even harder still
Who knows
Pushed against pedal, last call of the reservoir
The hitchhikers make a line
All waiting for something better
During that time, headed nowhere
Only four horses in my motor
The pale look of the driver
Who knows
Stuck on top of the garbage dump
The king of the hill works even harder still
Who knows
Oh, who knows
Your newsfeed already says that it is too late
For the gang of ravens without foxes
Jean predicted it, Nostradamus too
Labrèche on the TV in the nineties
Still today, we persist around the same handlebars
Who sees the bottom, yeah well
It remains to be seen
The sky is heavy and has fissuredRain has washed the tomb
Turbulent waters are pouring out
Creating new water paths
From the tomb, a striking call came
To warn the people
Oh Kenza my daughter
Do not weep
We have been sacrificed
For a new Algeria
Kenza, Oh my daughter
Do not weep
Even if the body wilts
The idea lives
Even if the times are hard
We will overcome weariness
Even if they shoot many stars,
The sky will never be stripped of all of its stars
Oh Kenza my daughter
Endure life's burden
We have been sacrificed
For a new Algeria
Kenza, Oh my daughter
Do not weep
They have decided on our fate
Well before today
The hunters of intelligence
Who have turned the country into a death zone
They have killed Rashid Tigziri
And did not miss Smail
They have killed Liabes and Flici
Boucebsi and many others
Oh Kenza my daughter
Endure life's burden
We have been sacrificed
For a new Algeria
Kenza, Oh my daughter
Do not weep
At least one of us will survive
He will be our memory tomorrow
The wounds will heal
Our country will be peaceful again
Our children will grow
Even amidst the violence and pain
Oh Kenza my daughter
Do not weep
We have been sacrificed
For a new Algeria
Kenza, Oh my daughter
Do not weep
Little Big Love
Little love, big loveDon't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Heavenly, brilliant, fatal, insane, unstable, daring
Childish, delighted, identical, normal, unique, forbid and infernal
Büyük, sonsuz, magnificent
Are they all just words
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Accident, destiny, coincidence, never again perhaps and a serious event
Means of all, one a, goes like this, simply the best
And so well
Love, amor, l'amour
Are they all just words
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
That with us was not an affair
Nor was it love
It wasn't a 'thing' with us
It was very specifically 'you and me'
Just for that I love you
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Oh oh oh
Little love, big love
Don't give a name to love
All the loves of my life
Were good the way they came, oh
Come what may
I still remember when I first felt failed and woundedWhy should my heart be hurt again
I can't understand
It's like a child who promised
He said I will not repeat it again
But it disappeared
When I met you
I was revived
Come what may
Let my heart come close to your heart
Come what may
I pray hoping it is you
And when I felt the wave of my heart again, I tried to get rid of it
There's a mixture of joy and little worry in what I'm experiencing
If ever my dream won't come true
This is meaningless
To be with you everytime
Will be remembered
Come what may
Let my heart come close to your heart
Come what may
I pray hoping it is you
Come what may (come what may)
Come what may
Come what may (come what may)
Come what may
Come what may
Let my heart come close to your heart
Come what may
I pray hoping it is you
Come what may
Let my heart come close to your heart
Come what may
I pray hoping it is you
The traffic officer
Once upon a timethere was a traffic officer
and he was always giving tickets
to all the car drivers1
He wouldn't take a no for an answer
he was very strict
when was taking out his notebook
with his right hand.
At some point he got married as well
and he had by his side
a beautiful harem girl
as his wife.
Unfortunately, his wife
had a flaw:
she was parking carelessly
her car, without paying any attention.
For this reason
they were fighting all the time
since she was parking illegally
in front of their house.
In spite of all his advises
and his warnings
he kept writing down the number of her license plate
and he was giving her tickets.
She was taking the tickets
filled in by hand
but because he was in love with her
he was the one who paid for them.
As she refused to give in
and she continued being unlawful
the traffic officer backrupted
and he hung himself from the neck.
- 1. cars
The oil lamp
With an oil lampWith an oil lamp
With an oil lamp
and an army blanket.
And a body without any concerns
And a body without any concerns
And a body without any concerns
this is my portrait.
Don't you talk to me about living big
Don't you talk to me about living big
Don't you talk to me about living big
dude, please don't.
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
but he was happy.
Meanwhile, King Midas
Meanwhile, King Midas
Meanwhile, King Midas
starved to death.
whatever he touched
whatever he touched
whatever he touched
turned into gold
..but he starved to death.
The shape of your bonesIn my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
Another turn around the sun and nothing matters to me
A bathtub filled with my desires
At the end of my soul there's a wall
You painted it red and I no longe know what to do
Let's dance to the music slowly
And if they are going to kill me, when?
It's already a quarter past two
Your demon is spoiling you
Still in the shopwindow, watching people run
Everyone searches for their gram of luck
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
I have no issue looking down at my veins
The blood that flows never listened to my problems
There's no need to see you again
A lot of things are for forever
And all the sound, everything, it leaves you stunned
All the sound, everything, leaves you confused
When you look at what's rotten don't freak out
In the end it's what's sweetest
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
Hey, Come closer,A question request a sens
Why time seems in suspense,
Please look, Please look, Feel
That's it life
It's pretty Earth
Please look, Please look, Eternal flower
That's it life
That's there and then
There and then
Where go these moments
When the falling drape
When the life escape
Where go these moments
Towards which tribe
In what other time
The wind whispers over the green madness
Patient caress, soulless body
He, no head, no memory, plunge
In this cute unknown
She, comes landed on the branch
The breath is short
That's there and then
There and then
Where go these moments
When the falling drape
When the life escape
Where go these moments
Towards which tribe
In what other time
Where go these moments
When the falling drape
When the life escape
Where go these moments
Until the end of worlds
Until the end of worlds
The same time
Until the end of worlds
Until the end of worlds
Hum, love you so much
Until the end of worlds
Until the end of World
Ouh ouh
I love you as much as I have
I love you with all my veinsI wish you were a station that crosses my whole life in you
You have subscribed to my soul and body
As if you and I were in one heart from childhood to old age
I miss you in moments, and I suffocate
Memories become like angels
Jedan (sat) je prošlo *
Od deset pijem i mislim na tebe,Otvaram i zatvaram oči, sanjam
Poljupce koje si mi dao, vatru koja me je zapalila,
A kad je prošlo dvanaest, ništa više nisam razumela.
Prošlo je jedan, pozlilo mi je,
Prošlo je dva, umirem,
Prošlo je tri i topim se
A ti nisi tu da vidiš to.
Prošlo je jedan, gubim sate,
Ne znam više šta da radim,
Prošlo je tri i topim se
A ti nisi tu da vidiš to.
Sati koji prolaze lome me,
Kao suze teku i podsecaju me,
Na poljupce tvoje, na vatru koja me je zapalila,
A kad je prošlo dvanaest, ništa više nisam razumela.
Непобедиво Сунце
Рођен у срцу зимеОживљен у ватрама јуна
Долазим и напуштам Земљу
Вучем Сунце у својој кочији
У величанственој церемонији
Плешем у похвалу његовим чудима.
У срцу пламена је моја слика
Свака искра зноја који са мене капље
Имам много лица
Хиљаду племена ме је узело за бога
На величанственим прославама
Сви народи ме негују огњем
На Земљи имам своју отаџбину
Једну церемонију која је превазишла време
Машкаре у овчијим кожама, ватре које горе због мене
Запаљени венци, који се котрљају низ падине
Занесен сам махнитим плесом
људи који прескачу пламен.
Долазим и одлазим са Земље
Вучем Сунце у његовој кочији
У величанственој церемонији
Плешем у похвалу његовим чудима.
Имам много лица
Хиљаду племена ме је узело за бога
На величанственим прославама
Сви народи ме негују огњем
Look at the purple sun diving in the seaAnd Jaffa luminous a palm tree bending
to wash itself in the Mediterranean
Foamy waves rugs spread
on the infinite beach
Hookahs, yashmaks, the women adorned
The sensual East wets her feet in the surf
Birds fly in the sky clouds in the background
And Jaffa luminous awaits the night
strolling along the beach
Darkness falls, humidity’s caress
moon in the east,
Angry, aching, persecuted, killed
A moon painted red is rising from the east
The humidity is heavy, heavy is the history
A carved slice of land waiting for something
with sacrifices, with threats
A country fraught demarcated
by refugee conquerors
Angry, aching, persecuted, killed
A moon painted red is rising from the east