Резултати претраге страна 55
Број резултата: 1969
I watch it all
It's fifth of the month, and I've got paid.
I'm going to Parque Patricios to get a friend,
I get in the bar La Perla and order a beer,
while I'm waiting for a friend who hasn't arrived yet.
I watch it all sitting from the bar
I watch it all sitting from the bar
I watch it all
It's been four hours and no news of my friend
I order another beer, while I wait
the whores of the corner sell their sex,
for a couple of banknotes, that I have today.
Morality passed by the bar corner
and the whores fell for it without thinking
the blonde of your dreams ordered a whiscola
while I was watching sitting, from my table
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Down to the Terminal
Kiss me like a warm wind
Kiss me a hundred meters up in the air
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me
So that something can become god
So that something can become god again
I know that they're closing up now
And I know that they want me to leave
The flies are beginning to look more and more like spaceships
And I think I'm starting to understand
And the girl from the circus is playing sober
When she's clinking empty bottles out on the courtyard
Over by the roundabout some dogs are fighting
And behind Ritz Hotel rain is coming
Kiss me like Sirocco
Kiss me 30 stories up high
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me so that something can become god
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
God again
So that something can become god again
I'm swigging up
My 'Sugar-Conny' drink
I'm going down to the terminal
It feels like a black-and-white, old film
Kiss me like a warm wind
Kiss me a hundred meters up in the air
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me
So that something can become god
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
God again
So that something can become god again
My Eyes
All things around me are grey now, yea
All my tears are spilt now, uuhuu
They fall, they fall, they fall,
They fall down, on my skin uuuuhh
All my thoughts are gone now, yea
And all my words are lost now, uuhuu
They burn, they burn, they burn,
They burn the flame goes out, uuuh
When I close my eyes, I see only you
When I close my eyes,
It is only you I feel here with me
When I close my eyes, eyes, eyes, yea, yea
When I close my eyes, eyes eyes
I dream I am not gone, I dream I am in your core
We could fly over all, where the world it becomes less
We could swim out where the corals live
We could be together, the others will never be
Feel it in mu heart, my smile, my kiss
Though in the dark times baby there is light
See it in my eyes, my features, my look
Baby it is too early you let go and travelled away
Have masses of love*, I have not yet used
Spilt tears may eventually bear fruit
Ahh, all in all I am only trying to tell you
It is so rare that I find one I love.
When I close my eyes, I see only you
When I close my eyes,
It is only you I feel here with me
When I close my eyes, eyes, yea, yea
When I close my eyes, eyes eyes, yea, yea
The world is ice-cold,
I only try to warm it,
But it is hard not to freeze
When I lose you in my arms
I said the world it is ice-cold
I only try to warm it
But it is hard not to freeze
When I lose you in my arms
When I close my eyes, I see only you, yea
When I close my eyes
It is only you I feel
I feel here with me
When I close my eyes,
I see only you, I only see you
When I close my eyes
It is only you I feel here with me
When I close my eyes, eyes eyes, yea, yea
When I close my eyes, eyes, eyes, yea, uuuh
The world is ice-cold
I only try to warm it,
But it is hard not to freeze
When I lose you in my arms
Два месеца
Два месеца, како да одем
Чекао сам те
Завесе не отварам
Ни данас
Изброј недеље, изгубили смо многе
Два месеца који ми изгледају
Као да су два живота
Два месеца како те немам
Мислим да више од овога не могу да издржим
Шта да урадим да поверујеш
У шта да се закунем
Два месеца, толико има
Од како сам други човек
Само када се вратиш
Бићу опет ја
Два месеца, круже приче
Да сам луд
Час умирем због гриже савести
Час оживљавам
Измерио сам снагу, нема више ни ње
Два месеца који ми изгледају
Као да су два живота
A wonderful story
The stars are starting to sift,
The sun is going to sleep,
The chicks are gathering in their nests
Whispering 'good night'
The moon is going on the trail,
Spreading pearls,
She starts a story
How it was but now it isn't...
A wonderful story,
Says that there once were,
Over nine seas and countries,
Beautiful fairies and nobles.
Where flowers share their thoughts,
The sky and the earth laugh
Where the sun and the moon
Are braiding their garland
The night comes with stories
To me, to you,
Where handsome heroes, on horseback's,
Are adventuring towards the sun.
Where the frog is a queen
In a silky gown,
Where the cunning fox
Left the bear without a tail.
Look slowly it's turning to night time
The moon is watching over the world,
Gnomes with lanters
Are calling bed time.
Where flowers share their thoughts,
The sky and the earth laugh
Where the sun and the moon
Are braiding their garland...
Are braiding their garland...
Напиј се са овим чудним осећајем
Можеш дозволити себи да одеш
Али не можеш да побегнеш од мене
Сада, када смо постали тако бескрајни
Твоја уредно очешљана коса се може запетљати
Остави је,прелепа си
Чак иако твој правилан став постане опуштен
У реду је,погледај право у мене
Покрети почињу поново,испод тамних светала
Рефлектују се на чистом прозору,
Твоји треперући покрети
Са овим чудним осећајем,са овом атракцијом која одузима дах
(Ти имаш имаш ритам
Ти имаш имаш ритам)
Испод тамних светала
Твоји покрети ме одушевљавају
Твоји елегантни покрети,тајанствени погледи
На моменат
Све сам избрисао
Ослањајући се само на свој призор
Са страхопоштовањем,гледам у тебе
Твоја пажљиво нанешена шминка може да се размаже
Остави је,прелепа си
Чак и ако твоја равна мајица постане изгужвана
У реду је,погледај право у мене
Покрети почињу поново,испод тамних светала
Рефлектују се на чистом прозору,
Твоји треперући покрети
Са овим чудним осећајем,са овом атракцијом која одузима дах
Ни један израз лица,ни једна реченица
Не може да те опише
Зато што смо савршени баш такви кави јесмо
Уопште немој да бринеш
Само тако,понови
Само тако,понови
(Ти имаш имаш ритам
Ти имаш имаш ритам)
Испод тамних светала
Твоји покрети ме одушевљавају
Твоји елегантни покрети,тајанствени погледи
(Ти имаш имаш ритам
Ти имаш имаш ритам)
Испод тамних слетала
Твоји покрети ме одушевљавају
Твоји елегантни покрети,тајанствени погледи
(Ти имаш имаш ритам
Ти имаш имаш ритам)
(Ти имаш имаш ритам
Ти имаш имаш ритам)
Притисни свој број
Након што сам се пробудио сам у мрачној ноћи
Као по навици,мислим на тебе и осећам се чудно
Покушавам да те назовем,али нема одговора
Постајем нестрпљив,па крећем према теби
Размишљам о теби,дубоко уграђеној у мени
Онда љубим твоје усне
Опасно се шири
Моје оштро срце је то учинило
Крај ове дугачке ноћи је испуњен са тобом до краја
Температура твог тела коју сам могао да осетим под прстима
Твоја мала рука која је увек била топла
Држим се за избледеле успомене
Са срцем које гори,тражећи тебе
Поново притисни свој број
Одговори ми
Чак иако сада одеш,то је само тренутак
Тако се осећам,дозволи ми да опет послушам
Шапат у мом увету,још једном
Моје омиљено место
Твоје црвене усне су чврсто затворене
Твој пољубац ме је оставио
У овој дугој тишини
Бескорисни монолози се повећавају
Зовем и зовем,али одговори се смањују
Где си сада?
Молим те врати ми се
Твој дах је био слађи од меда
Твоја коса ме је голицала
Држим се за те мале успомене
Са срцем које гори,тражећи тебе
Поново притисни свој број
Одговори ми
Чак иако сада одеш,то је само тренутак
Тако се осећам,дозволи ми да опет послушам
Шапат у мом увету,још једном
Притисни мој број,одговори ми
Уради то брзо или полако
Ти контролишеш темпо
Осети,слушај,моје срце
Подудараће се са твојим,притисни
Увек сам мислио да се раскиди лаки
Али зашто није лако са тобом?
Када је ово постало тако дубоко?
Девојко,има нешто другачије у вези тебе
Надам се,надам се,надам се
Желим те поново
Реци то,реци то,реци то
Целе ноћи,само твоје име
Надам се,надам се,надам се
Девојко,надам се да ће ме твоје срце пронаћи
Све што ми треба си ти
Поново притисни свој број
Одговори ми
Чак иако сада одеш,то је само тренутак
Тако се осећам,дозволи ми да опет послушам
Шапат у мом увету,још једном
Притисни мој број,одговори ми
Уради то брзо или полако
Ти контролишеш темпо
Осети,слушај,моје срце
Девојко,има нешто другачије у вези тога
Надам се,надам се,надам се
Желим те поново
Реци то,реци то,реци то
Целе ноћи,само твоје име
Надам се,надам се,надам се
Девојко,надам се да ће ме твоје срце пронаћи
Све што ми треба си ти
Само га притисни
Drink, mornings, afternoons, evenings
'Yo, people! Didn't your mothers used to tell you when you were little that you should drink plenty?I have really taken those words to heart and now I drink all the time. Follow my example, refill the glasses and then, I want you to sing with me'
I go to a bar, and ay, what do I see there?
A freshly drafted Pils and two wheat beers there.
The waiter spoke to me and I made an order,
it comes from the tap and it's called liquid bread.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I want to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I want to drink.
Then, I can walk again.
I can walk again,
Drink, drink.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I drink,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, I want to drink.
Then, I can walk again.
I can walk again,
Drink, until the sun shines again.
I go to a bar, and ay, what do I see there?
The counter full of women on their bras
Petra looks at me, and puts me under her spell
and makes an offer I can't refuse
She wants to drink,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, she wants to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, she wants to drink.
Then she can walk again,
she can walk again
drink, drink.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
Then we can walk again,
we can walk again
drink, drink.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
The tap must run,
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, it must run,
mainly alcohol.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, we want to drink.
Then we can walk again,
we can walk again
drink, drink.
Little Pinkie
Little Pinkie,
Kind of the ring,
Tall and vain,
King of the hand.
One wants bread,
One wants cheese,
One wants milk,
One wants meat,
One wants to go to grandma
And he goes this way, this way, this way.
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.
Come, my little one
Come, my little one, now we want to
Rapidly go to school
To sing, to read, to write
So that we may become
Quick lads, kind girls
Oh, how it will be
Yes, we all want to be
Cheeky, cheerful little ones
Like little birds we sing
When we are young
May our father and our mother
Happiness from us receive
who said?
who said
close the door
close the door?
between the words, there are things that were left unsaid
there is a hundred line to add
there are still puzzles
and words like knives
that thrust in my memory and leave my mind uneasy
and I wish I could sleep
but I've become scared even of sleeping
even in love there are wars
they worn down my hands
this is a mute song
it lacks letters and words
I don't know how to sing it
and my voice comes out for it to be heard
who said
close the door
close the door?
between the words, there are things that were left unsaid
there is a hundred line to add
there are still puzzles
and words like knives
that thrust in my memory and leave my mind uneasy
and I wish I could sleep
but I've become scared even of sleeping
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
Podne na ostrvu
Mi smo stranci
od ostrva do ostrva.
Ali u podne, kad nama more
dođe u krevet
i prošlost kao voda se sliva sa naših nogu
i mrtva morska trava na plaži
izraste v zlatna drveta,
onda nas ne zaustavi nikakva mreža sjećanja više,
mi klizimo
i markirani morski putevi ribara i karte dubina ne važe za nas.
Ciliated woman of the night
Ciliated woman of the night, of the night
Don`t look at my black love, love
don`t look black
Anyways what was to burn, it`s burnt
don`t you fire a flame,
Wearing black daisies
throw away those black roses
I can`t breathe without you
Don`t leave me by myself
Anyways what was to burn, it`s burnt
don`t you fire a flame.
Vitamin D
Give me the shock ...
A good day replaced the night,
and in the sky the stars are like you (exactly the same)
There are no negative factors, evil directors,
unsafe sectors.
All the boredom fled, and reminded: I'm not tired.
Yes. I worked hard, but this beauty invigorates.
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless ...
nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D. (along with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
Your smooth movements improve the sight of everyone
(All!) Get pleasure from the moment of each
(with you) on each body a glare, the dew shines (it is necessary)
And everyone sees! Everybody sees! Everyone sees miracles, and I ...
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D.
(together with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
They asked: '... tell at the mercy of the sisters and brothers that in the beginning there was music or dancing ...?'
The answer is simple: no one has seen such beauty,
let's dance do not wait ...
First you appeared!
In the beginning appeared: 'Hey, you! You're there, let's go dancing with us!
Hey, you! You are there with us! Come on! Do not be bored, get Vitamin D,
Well, a little more ...
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
What do I have to do?
What do I have to do
if fever for you
does not disappear?
What should I say?
You look at me like that,
you make me die, yes, die.
What do I have to do
if fever for you
does not disappear?
What should I say?
You look at me like that,
you make me die.
is my heart
I did not need this love.
What do I have to do?
What do I have to do
if you fever for you
does not disappear?
What should I say?
You look at me like that,
you make me die.
is my heart
I did not need this love.
What do I have to do?
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
At the end of the road
Let them think that I will go nowhere
The only thing that can stop me is a bullet
Even unmarked, no one will let you pass
But we need to keep going forward, back home we do not back off
The paths are full of obstacles, I'm not one of the people creating them
I don't want to complain, no, Sadek is strong
They are scared of us, they judge us from where we live
For the future I have drain cleaner, I don't want to end up at the hospital
My brothers fall as dead leaves, all the year is October
All the year is Autumn, violence is inflated with Botox
The path we took is grotesque, I hope God protects us
My 'flow' is a surgeon, everyone is false, I'm sorrounded by fake people
Our neighborhoods have hearts beating behind their big pecs
The kitchen of my mother smokes the one of the greatest hotels
I have projects, I have dreams I postponed to the future
Far from my eyes, close to my heart, see you at the end of the road
[Refrain: Sadek&Soprano]
I lost my sleep and I think only about the future
What is waiting for me at the end of the road?
It doesn't matter the sacrificies I have to do to arrive there
It will only be important that I am at the end of the road
Let them speak, they just want you to stay in your place
You are not born to sweep up but to leave a mark
Brother, don't lower your arms when the situation is bad
you need to see a king each time you look at yourself in the ice
The road is long, yes, the road is difficult
All the roads bring to Rome, but no road is safe
Accept your wounds, tomorrow they will be your strenght
Yesterday you bent your back, today you have to bend your torso
Scars on your back, here we die alone
We kneel only in front of god, it is a matter of morals
If you don't get down you are no one, every day is a test
To gain altitude you will sometimes have to let go of weight
You've eaten the leftovers while dreaming of a treat
Now it's the big restaurants, [fini d'trainer en R5]
We do not believe in luck, your future is in your hands
Don't look back, see you at the end of the road
[Refrain: Sadek & Soprano]
[Third part: Soprano]
We grew up around fourth clovers in plastic
We became like Usain Bolt because of these ballistic stories
Transformed all the prisons of France into a touristic place
No more prisons, today, my mother needs her Île Moustique [Meaning his mother needs him, her perfect private island]
Let's change the predictions of those who have never bet on us
To no longer be the servants of those who call us negroes and french/africans
Stay upright even when the universe falls on you
Stay up even when the tsunami falls on you
Strong ... like all these fathers who came from our home countries
Who had to destroy their pride to fill our plates
We must ... know how to hold the boat in the middle of the waves
Never think we are like Zidane when we have no legs
To stop me from succeed is like trying to extinguish
a volcano erupting with an ice cube
Years in the race, without ever touching the brake
Look at me, my head held high at the end of the road
Praise Thee, The Lord, Praise God In His Sanctuary
Praise thee, The Lord
Praise God in his sanctuary
Praise him in the firmament of his power
Praise him for his great deeds
Praise him according to his magnificent greatness
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet
Praise him with the psaltery and harp
Praise him with the timbrel and chorus
Praise him with strings and other instruments
Praise him with resounding cymbals
Praise him with jubilant cymbals
Let every breath praise The Lord
Praise thee, The Lord
Long, long way
There's nothing like
A sky without any star
Where nothing will ever change
Where you will fall asleep
If you want to find the one you'll love
It's a long, long question
And every morning is the same
Be it of feathers, of straw
Or broken bottles
Be it in the shade, be it in the sun
If you want to find the other one tomorrow
It's a long, long way
Wherever you go
There will be water and straw
There will be water and straw
And tender grass for the small of your back
On your way
There will be water, and sun
There will be water, and sun
Not a single day, not a single night will be the same
But it's a long, long way
It's like a prickle in the palm of your hand
It's a long, long way
It's a long long long long long long long long long long long way
Because finding the one to love
It's a long, long question
It's a long long long long long long long long long long long quextion
It's a long long long long
Long long long
Long long long
Wherever you go
There will be water and straw
There will be water and straw
And tender grass for the small of your back
All along your way
Then, when you know it's him
Run to meet him
You will be like in his arms
Free, near his open heart
It pains me
There's so much I want to tell you
but I cannot recognize even myself anymore
so much do people dream the dreams of others
from this madness, I have nowhere to go anymore
He is taking everything, everything from me now
even your look ower [my] shoulder
It pains me, every morning
that wakes me without you
I don't breathe anymore, I seek you
but any other [girl] is the same
I am still yours
on the pillow with my tear I write your name
And who am I to disturb that to you?
you gave me everything but I refused [it all]
Chorus ×2
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi
Promise me, my love
may your eyes stay protected, may your eyes stay protected
I love you to death, my love, and I fall apart without you
and I love your madness, I love your madness
I can't imagine a moment in my life without you, I swear
tell me that you're keeping the promise, my love, tell me you still love me
I have no reason for loving you, it's my fate
promise that we never be apart, my love
I want to dream and fly, I want to dream and fly
hold you with my wing and the world looks small in my eyes
and you tell me that you love me, hug me and I'll hold you
for the promise that's between me and you, I will never betray you
I can't be for anyone else but you, the passion of eyes I feel it with you
take me on the wing of love, the dream of lifetime is to stay together
promise me that we will never be apart, my love
just stay by my side, I will hide you in my eyes
you fall asleep and tell me that you need warmth, I'll keep you warm on my chest
and the night, night, I beg you
to pick up your darkness, forget about us, for your stars' sake
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
My Dream
I saw the fire extinguish
I saw the candle burn down
And my dream fell into a doze
When my heart broke in two
Now I'm driving along the field
And the night is over
Now I'm free
I want to stay here now
For the rest of my life
I want to live my life, I break away
Go where I've never been before
Feel that my heart is still beating
Recapture my dream
I want to live my life in every minute
See the whole world open and bright
Find my way and follow it now
Recapture my dream
The morning has awaken
Now the light has returned
And here between mountains and valleys
We take the road home
Now I'm free
I want to stay here now
For the rest of my life
I want to live my life, I break away
Go where I've never been before
Feel that my heart is still beating
Recapture my dream
I want to live my life in every minute
See the whole world open and bright
Find my way and follow it now
Recapture my dream
I can feel that my heart is still beating
Recapture my dream
I want to live my life in every minute
See the whole world open and bright
Find my way and follow it now
Recapture my dream
Find my way and follow it now
Recapture my dream
To tell
Who are you to do me that?
How I loose myself in front of you!
I smile when you write to me,
If you go, I would suffer.
Today, at 3 o”clock,
I saw you, but you were with your mates,
And as usually
I hide from your eyes.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
I”m at classes, but I”m dreaming,
I cannot concentrate,
I spy on your profile,
I am there in one photo, too.
Yesterday, at 3 o”clock,
I was avoiding you as usually,
Today you take my hand,
I look in your eyes.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
On a paper, a little heart, you even forgot your name,
You give him attention, he doesn”t notice you,
You too good, he”s out of your league,
From so many good guys, the bad one put a spell on you.
Don”t believe everything you see, it”s an illusion,
You know I, you know I wish you the best,
And now I am at my last verse,
Delete him from your list, take my eraser.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
Bang! Story of my Life
A life together, clicking better,
Dreaming words of self, of me
Swimming above it
Brushing past the crazies
I accept the task, I give the old caged monkey fever,
The one who's following me with his eyes.
Two bodies on strike, forgetting better,
All outta sync, upside-down
Desiring those sweets
Of bashful grace, forget it, too old for that,
The wise man's got my tongue
Against my wishes
And you - you're not sleeping any more from it all
You fought hard
Blundering soldier
You'll tell me
So many truces, everything's so raw,
So little grit
Stay or lie
It's cooking up well, this life together
Marauding around, looking for better
My heart in the past - actually, come quick before it stops
I'm afraid of ending up in debt
I'm afraid I'm making a big thing of it
I'm afraid of ending up in debt
Against my wishes
And you - you're not sleeping any more from it all
You fought hard
Blundering soldier
You'll tell me
So many truces, everything's so raw,
So little grit
So many big dreams where the wind rises
And you - you're not sleeping any more from it all
You fought hard
Blundering soldier
You'll tell me
So many truces, everything's so raw,
So little grit
So many big dreams where the wind rises, stay or lie
Stay or lie
Stay and lie
Uvek nadjem vremena
Ti si prva stvar ujutro
I zadnja stvar u noci
I uvek cu te cuti kada zoves
Uvek si mi u mislima
Ne zelim da budem niko za tebe , ooh , ooh
I ne treba mi drugo kidanje zivaca
Ne zelim da te delim , ooh ,ooh
Zelim da ti budem sve
Izlazak sunca , sve dokle budes moj
Ponoc , bice sasvim dobro
Kisovito ili suncano , nece me naterati da se predomislim
Ja , ja , ja , uvek nadjem vremena
Gledam oko sebe
Stalno vidim tvoje lice
To je osecaj koji okruzuje
On je u svakom pokretu koji napravis
Svi ti drugi momci koje vidim , ooh , ooh
Ne dobijaju drugu sansu
Cudno koliko me ne zanimaju , ooh , ooh
Ne bacam na njih drugi pogled
Sve sto zelim je da te ucinim svojim
Treba da mi verujes
Nikada te ne bih prevarila
Nikada te ne bih pustila da odes
Ne pricaj o odlasku
Ostavljajuci me ovde
Nikada te nema kod kuce
Kada te zovem telefonom , i
Izigravam budalu
Ne pricas o romansi
Pricas o zadnjem plesu
Ne pricaj o ljubavi
Kao da je moda
Ljubavi bez prave strasti
Jesmo li zaista jos uvek u ljubavi
I sve sto zelim
Je da te ucinim mojim , mojim , mojim
Sve sto zaista zelim
Je da te tako , tako usrecim
Sve sto zaista zelim
Je da te ucinim nasmejanog
Ne mozemo da nastavimo da pricamo
O ovome opet i opet
I sve sto zelim da uradim
Je da te ucinim svojim
Ne uzimaj ovo zdravo za gotovo
Jos uvek zelis da si potreban
Sve sto smo ikada radili je borba
Pricajuci o odlasku
Jedno drugom iza ledja
Ne pricaj o ljubavi
Kao da nista ne znaci
Ljubavi bez pravih osecanja
Jesmo li zaista tako sami
Jer sve sto zelim da uradim
Je da te ucinim mojim , mojim , mojim
Mojim , mojim
2ooo kilometara
Otisao je dve hiljade kilometara
To je veoma daleko
Sneg je pao
Hladnije je iz dana u dan
Nedostajes mi
Deca ce pevati
On ce se vratiti za Bozic
U ovim zaledjenim i tihim nocima
Ponekad u snu ces se pojaviti
Napolju ispod ljubicastog neba
Dijamanti u snegu iskre
Nasa srca su pevala
Osecalo se kao na Bozic
Dve hiljade kilometara
Veoma je daleko kroz sneg
Mislim na tebe
Gde god da si
Otisao je dve hiljade kilometara
To je veoma daleko
Sneg je pao
Hladnije je iz dana u dan
Nedostajes mi
Cujem ljudi pevaju
Mora da je Bozic
Cujem da ljudi pevaju
Mora biti da je Bozic
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Vau , vau , vau
Reci da me vise neces ostaviti
Uzecu te nazad opet
Nema vise izgovora , ne , ne
Jer sam ih sve cula ranije
Stotinu puta ili vise
Oprosticu i zaboraviti
Ako kazes da neces nikada otici
Jer je istina ono sto kazu
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Vau , vau , vau
Nasa ljubav nije bila savrsena znam
Mislim da znam rezultat
Ako kazes da me volis , oh decace
Necu traziti vise
Doci cu ako budes zvao
Bicu ovde svakog dana
Cekajuci da pokazes svoju ljubav
Da istina je ono sto kazu
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Vau vau vau
Vraticu te nazad
Vraticu te nazad opet
Vraticu te nazad
Vraticu te nazad opet
Whose Turn is it?
Versions: #2
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
If you want to go, go. Leave your pain around me.
Let me learn never to go to passion with my own accord
Oh my heart, don't regret [the wasted time of] my life and the nights
I regret that one day I made you everything I have
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
My World
Versions: #2
The beautiful night is an ember,
A host of stars, now the world awakes,
Naked I stand,
Alone here.
A beautiful man yet so timid,
Approaches cautiously, observes,
Dark as kelp his hair,
Pale flint skin.
Be my,
My world,
Be mine,
My world.
You back away,
Frightened, in pursuit of bliss,
Enchanted, I follow you,
Stay with me.
Sea and sky fade to one,
Roused, your hands shiver,
I enter your world,
Touch me.
Be mine,
My world,
Be my,
My world.
I locked the chest, I hid the key,
I blessed it against enchantment,
The man is my sea,
The night is off.
Spellbound, he embraces me,
He names me his talisman,
Everyone is gone,
All alone.
Be mine,
My world,
Be my,
My world.
Be mine,
My world,
Be my,
My world.
Be mine,
(My skin, my mortal frame)
My world,
(I won't miss it)
Be my,
(A skin, a frame)
My world.
(I won't forget it)
My skin, my mortal frame,
I won't miss it.
A skin, a frame,
I won't forget it.
It will be better
Nobody is asking me here
what I hide under my smile
all around love me
because I´m always in a good mood
no one asks me for something else
And that I´m smiling with you all
there is nothing to do with me
heart sends the ad, look for
my love, let me know
nobody is asking me here
Chorus. 2x
My life, it will be better
I´m still in a good mood
althought I´m not the best
and now, goodbye my friends, my dear one
just he exist for me
Love is not for be measured of the clock
to listen me like brother listen a sister
to measure my time, vases
as my heart says
love is not for be measured of the clock
All around love me
because I´m always in a good mood
no one asks me for something else
Chorus. 4x
Nobody is asking me here
When you Left
When you left, I waited for so long
And I said (to myself) that you’re going to come back again
When you left, I waited for so long
And I said (to myself) that you’re going to come back again
(But) Life has been wasted and time passed by
Oh, my heart, go and ask her
“Who is suffering from this love?”
No one but you came to try the bitter taste (x2)
This is what love is about, with all its wounds
And lovers who never felt happy with their love
There are people their tears dried out
(Crying) for others who have betrayed them and left (x2)
Do you remember those nights of love?
And those days we have lived together
Do you remember those nights of love?
And those days we have lived together?
You left, and nothing remained for me
I’m looking for your place
I might glimpse you once
Maybe one day, my eyes will (know) how to rest (x2)
Who is the one that you found in this world instead of me?
And you felt comfortable in his arms and fell asleep
Because of my fear of (seeing) you leaving
You left me and stepped on my heart (x2)
Oh My Minnoş
I hunting partridge in mountain
I oiling gun
I am a strange boy
Oh my minnoş(pretty)
You burned me minnoş
Again be evening
Having fun gakkoş(friends)
Wow my mad heart
Where is the evening?
Oh my minnoş
You burned me minnoş
Cruel cryed me
She tied me up
on my poorest days
She left me
Ah my minnoş
You burned me minnoş