Резултати претраге страна 54
Број резултата: 2231
A you so normal it's funny
With classmates so normal it's funny
We won’t suddenly change just because we’re graduating
Going without snacks so we wouldn't put on weight
Giving up on boyfriends because they stressed us out
When we graduate
Will we stop worrying about those things, one by one?
The ladies in our usual shop, that road
And the passage at the station
Where I once told someone I loved him
We’ll meet again, we’ll surely meet
We’ll smile again, we’ll surely meet
That’s the unspoken promise
We’re all exchanging
If this were a TV drama
Then in this scene we’d all be crying together
Yeah, I really feel like crying now
It’s true
Smiles and tears
An annoyingly normal youth
And that annoyingly shy girl
We can’t have any more meaningless fights once we graduate
It’s too early to let it go to our heads
But I’m getting panicking, even though I don’t know why
Graduation seemed
So far in the future
Someone played an MD to everyone
Of an amateur band whose name we didn't know
And they got really popular
When will we next meet?
When we next meet will everyone come?
It all, all feels like a dream
It’s true
With a smile…(Woo!)
We’ll meet again, we’ll surely meet
We’ll smile again, we’ll surely meet
That’s the unspoken promise
We’re all exchanging
If this were a drama
Then in this scene we’d all be crying together
Yeah, I really feel like crying now
It’s true
Smiles and tears
Thank you dear my friends
All translations are mine unless stated otherwise. Please credit me if using my translations. Contact me if you notice any errors.
To be comfortable
After saying goodbye
I'm not going to kiss you
There's only the two of us here, though
In hopes that you'll miss me
After saying goodbye
I'm going to refrain from kissing you
'Make tonight a good one, baby'
I spat out like that
But it's me who is going to miss you after all
I'm running out of breath
You're waving at me
The sun is going down
Now I'm already wanting to see you
Missing you
Just like that
I started running again
Returning to the starting point
Even just seeing your back satisfies me
I'll fall in love again with the back view of my beloved, baby
Why don't we stroll about the street?
How far down shall we go?
What do you say to going out just the two of us
Talking about stories you are already fed up with?
Calm down, calm down
Pretending to be cool
I'm going to refrain from kissing you
'I want to make tonight a good one'
I wanted to spit out like that
But my body reacts honestly
I gasp while walking
You're giggling at me
It looks as if time is going to stop
Now I'm already wanting to touch you
Missing you
Just like that
Is it okay to grab your hand and pull you close?
Thoughts like that run through my mind
The back view of you...
You, waving and smiling at me...
I'm convinced that you're my love
I nodded to myself
I love you
I'm looking forward to a future for us
Every moment full of dreams that I want to fulfill someday
Anyway, I want to spend it with you
Now I'm already missing your profile
Just like that
Is it okay to expect further developments after holding you in my arms?
Thoughts like that run through my mind
The back view of you...
You, waving and smiling at me...
I'm convinced that you're my love
You will be my love forever
Will continue to be special to me forever and ever
Now I'm already wanting to see you
Missing you
Just like that
I started running again
Returning to the starting point
Even just seeing your back satisfies me
I'll fall in love again with the back view of my beloved, baby
Good night baby
For This Love
Forget everything
Even the dreams that can never come true
Just live
As if nothing happened
Just like long ago, when we didn’t know each other
Like the flower without a name, blooming on the road
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that only hurt you
For this love
But even when I close my eyes
The light doesn’t disappear
My dazzling memories is only about you
Our promise that can’t be kept
Shines as a sad light in the night sky
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that can’t be withstood
Days that were happy because of you
Tears that I couldn’t hold back in the end
For this love that I’ll long for forever
For this love
Beautiful In My Life
Don’t walk away I’m falling down
Don’t walk away I’m falling down
The starlight in the night skies
Is only getting deeper
And I'm still at the same place waiting for you
Even if you don't say anything for a long time,
Just by peering into your eyes
I know it all, I feel you
Far in the night sky horizon wrapping up the sunlight
I'll become your star and protect you forever
The most beautiful times in my life
I've been saving them for you
I hope my heavy breath
Can reach you
Don’t walk away I’m falling down
Don’t walk away I’m falling down
Days that were helplessly passing
Times you were lonely
Are slowly getting further away
And It hurts cause I feel you
Far in the night sky horizon wrapping up the sunlight
I'll become your star and protect you forever
The most beautiful times in my life
I've been saving them for you
I hope my heavy breath
Will let you know It's only you for me
Look at the skies flowing in my heart
Come a step closer, don't go further
Day by day I'm at the same place
I'll stay by your side
Forever with the most beautiful in my life you
Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
Otvoren je sve do noci nas krevet
Ispod teskog meseca
Baci sumnju kao hodajuce senke
Kroz uglove nase sobe
Uvek sam mislio da imam pun rezervoar da idem
(ali ne veceras, nisi sam)
Uvek sam mislio da cu naci svoj put
Sta se desava u tvojoj glavi sad?
Da li je nesto sto sam rekao?
Znam da zivis u proslosti
Sta se desava u tvojoj glavi sad?
Mozda sam nesto rekao
Izludjuje me i mozes da pokusas da lazes
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
I mozes da trcis/pobegnes do brda
I mozes da zatvoris svoje oci
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav.
Boznje oci gledaju preko nas
Da ne prekrsimo zlatna pravila
7 mora, da li smo naucili
Ili plovimo na brodu budala?
Uvek sam mislio da imam pun rezervoar da idem
(ali ne veceras, nisi sam)
Uvek sam mislio da cemo jednog dana stici tamo
Izludjuje me i mozes da pokusas da lazes
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
I mozes da trcis/pobegnes do brda
I mozes da zatvoris svoje oci
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav.
Kada zatvoris oci, reci mi sta vidis?
Zakljucana u svojoj sobi, da li ima mesta za mene?
U plenu tvoje milosti
U postovanju tvog kreveta
U kolevci jutra
Sta je bilo sto si rekla?
Sta se desava u tvojoj glavi sad?
Neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
I mozes da trcis/pobegnes do brda
I mozes da zatvoris svoje oci
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav, moja ljubavi.
Čitava moja porodica
Svaki put kada odem na večeru
Čini se da postajem sve tanji
Sednem za trpezarijski sto
Mogu da govorim, ali oni to ne mogu
Kada ih pogledam vidim
da imaju samo jedno pitanje na umu
Voleo bih da sve može da se vrati na staro
Ali sada to nije lako jer...
Čitava moja porodica misli da sam gej,
Mislim da je uvek tako bilo
Možda način na koji hodam
čini da misle da volim... dečake*
Da volim dečake.
Prokleto pitanje jednostavno neće da nestane.
I svakodnevno me pitaju
Ali način na koji me pitaju nije suptilan
Kao, 'Kako si proveo dan? Da li voliš da ljubiš momke?'
To je najgore
To je bio moj strah
Sada su njihova mišljenja jasna
Zato što...
Čitava moja porodica sada je šokirana
U ormanu sam i vrata su zaključana
Moji dani slave su okončani
Bio sam Džon Elvej, sada sam Elton Džon.
Čitava mora porodica sada sumnja
da je gledanje Sunđer Boba imalo negativne posledice.
Nisam gej i to sam i rekao
Ako sam gej, hej, Bože, ubi me na mestu (zvuci kašlja)
To je čudno.
Samo šato što sam u navijačkom timu
I moja rođendanska proslava je bila u znaku Brodveja
Kada izađem napolje šta vidim?
Da su oblaci na nebu u obliku slova F-A-G**
Zato što...
Mislim da Bog možda misli da sam gej.
Ali šta on uopšte zna?
I baka mi je dala poklon prošle godine
I u poruci je pisalo 'Srećan rođendan, pederko!'
Čitava moja porodica misli da sam gej.
Eto zadnjice tog mladića, Bo, ubodi ga.
Zašto ne izlazi sa devojkama?
Nema drugog objašnjenja.
To je zato što sam suviše visok i mršav, ne zato što sam gej, okej?
Ne zato što sam gej.
Samo zato što se plašim snega,
ili zato što mi je omiljena boja, boja duge***, to je bila šala.
Ne bih da vičem ,ali plašim se da moram
Zato što gubim ljude kojima sam mislio da mogu verovati
Zato što...
Čak i moj dečko misli da sam gej...Drkadžija!
Svi vi verovatno mislite da sam gej...
Čoveće, ova pesma je kontraproduktivna
La la la la la...
Zato što...
Čitava moja porodica misli da sam gej.
Šta oni uopšte znaju?
Morate gledati direktno kroz maglu
Igranje sa dečijim setom za kuvanje**** je bila samo faza.
Čitava moja porodica misli da sam kvir.
To je sve što ikad čujem
Ali ja sam bio prav kao rampa
Ako ne računate religijski (biblijski) kamp
Biblijski kamp.
Kunem se da nisam gej.
Pevati za svoj život
[1. stofa]
Ljubav je najteža, ljubav je bitka
O, ljubav iznosi ono najbolje, najgore u mojoj senci
Ne, ljubav je najveći dar, hajde da se poljubimo ispod imele
Ljubav je najveći dar, hajde da se poljubimo ispod imele
Ljubav je najveći dar, hajde da se poljubimo ispod imele
O, želim da pokrenem bitku, bitku
O, otopiću taj led, taj led
Da, voleću te uprkos, o, uprkos svemu tome
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
[2. stofa]
Ljubav je najteža, ljubav je ratna zona
Ne, ljubav je hiljadu znakova pitanja ugraviranih u crnom zlatu
O, ljubavi, nauči me svim tvojim lekcijama ovde na Severnom polu
Ljubavi, nauči me svim tvojim lekcijama ovde na Severnom polu
O, ljubavi, nauči me svim tvojim lekcijama ovde na Severnom polu
O, želim da pokrenem bitku, bitku
O, otopiću taj led, taj led
Da, voleću te uprkos, o, uprkos svemu tome
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
Moj stari Deda Mraz
[Strofa 1]
Dragi, probudila sam se i gledala kako pada sa mog neba
Dragi, probudila sam se i osetila suzu kako mi je iskliznula iz oka
Dragi, probudila sam se i poželela još samo jednu noć
[Strofa 2]
Dragi, jedva mogu da dišem bez tebe pored sebe
Dragi, jedva mogu da dišem, ko će nositi moju božićnu jelku?
Dragi, jedva mogu da dišem, volela bih da nisam morala da te ostavim
Oh, tako je hladno bez tebe blizu mene
Moj svakodnevni Deda Mraze
Zato bebo dođi brzo
Počinješ da me napuštaš
Treba mi moj stari Deda Mraz
Pa, ako je ovo ono što doba donosi, onda
Moram da pobegnem
Moram da pobegnem
Jer ako je Božić tako zelen i crven, onda
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Pa, ako je ovo ono što doba donosi, onda
Moram da pobegnem
Moram da pobegnem
Jer ako je Božić tako zelen i crven, onda
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Zašto sam tako tužna?
[Strofa 3]
Dragi, probudila sam se sama, poželela da te nisam pustila
Dragi, probudila sam se sama, videla tvoje otiske cipela u snegu
Dragi, probudila sam se sama, tako sam te volela, tako sam te volela
Oh, tako je hladno bez tebe blizu mene
Moj svakodnevni Deda Mraze
Zato bebo dođi brzo
Počinješ da me napuštaš
Treba mi moj stari Deda Mraz
Pa, ako je ovo ono što doba donosi, onda
Moram da pobegnem
Moram da pobegnem
Jer ako je Božić tako zelen i crven, onda
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Pa, ako je ovo ono što doba donosi, onda
Moram da pobegnem
Moram da pobegnem
Jer ako je Božić tako zelen i crven, onda
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Pa, ako je ovo ono što doba donosi, onda
Moram da pobegnem
Moram da pobegnem
Jer ako je Božić tako zelen i crven, onda
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Pa, ako je ovo ono što doba donosi, onda
Moram da pobegnem
Moram da pobegnem
Jer ako je Božić tako zelen i crven, onda
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Zašto sam tako tužna?
Many Waters
A ship
Floating without an anchor
She has a sail
But there is no wind in the sea.
The sea is expanding
It spills into the ocean.
From horizon to horizon
There is no shade.
The ship is ancient
From the 15th century.
She has no engine.
She sailed to India.
The bread has grown mold.
The plague had spread through her.
The sail is torn.
The water had run out.
Perhaps a boat of natives will arrive
And bring corn
Or something to swallow.
The Captain is desperate
He jumps into the water.
Better for him to drown.
Meanwhile he floats
Near the ship.
The second-in-command watches on with his binoculars.
These is no India and no bread.
Not meat and no fish.
One sailor had sunk his teeth in a rotten plank.
And the hunger is terrible.
The ship will reach nowhere.
This ship
Is the Dahlia Maria
She will sink today.
She sinks today.
The Cathedral of St. Vitutus*
If you're not a believer, start believing
Boy, welcome to the new neighbourhood
Here nothing's like it used to be
All you trusted has changed, just like that
The world's most beautiful, dreamy internet
I was yours completely
But I guess in the end it was only an ugly mistake
That we should have all the information in our homes
The beautiful algorithms pried out my ugly sides
It's no use being on Insta if Sanni doesn't take a peek at you**
I am so alone, my head stays the same all summer and winter long
Here good intentions are buried under nonsense
When the facts grow dim, being civilized is boring
Even if the extreme ends of the spectrum were extremely wrong
Shut up dad, go and suck your own dick
You only do what someone told you to
I guess I'm not from here, I was found at the station
On RDX, I came from an exoplanet
And I was stupid enough to think that here deduction rules
When something nonexistent leaves you empty handed
What is sacred, I don't believe in anything
Not in the big bad dough or a good soul
We stay stupid and cynical
When nothing lasts
Except being pissed off
The post-truth church of the flesh
Quiet rooms of noise
Distances as long as the words
Between the lines an entire world
At the end of the rainbow nothing but a paranoia of binaries
The stars are faxing dead light
The eternal state of being pissed off***
If you're not a believer, start believing
Boy, welcome to the new neighbourhood
Here nothing's like it used to be
All you trusted has changed, just like that
That's where the hate storm started, another scandal was initiated
The kids are dying of boredom if there's no fighting
I'm not messed up enough to be completely nuts
But not sane enough to have had anything work out
The truth is found on Jodel, what are they yodeling about?
The world is a machine, daddy is fumbling with the modem
I can't feel my profile, face is numb****
I bought a Tamagotchi
A naughty boy who has wilted in the corner
I only read the same books and watch the same movies
All over again from the beginning, the resolution is obvious
I've sometimes talked to the clouds, and the cloud answered
I wanted to raise a question
but the question raised me
The post-truth church of the flesh
Quiet rooms of noise
Distances as long as the words
Between the lines an entire world
At the end of the rainbow nothing but a paranoia of binaries
The stars are faxing dead light
The eternal state of being pissed off
Tied between your hands
Just when I trusted myself
And a whole life I imagined
Just when I closed my eyes and jumped
Not knowing what was coming next
Just when I lowered my guard
When I saw a light in our history
Just when I wanted to add him forever
You left, so suddenly
With my love tied between your hands
With my dreams all tangled
With my love so far from your lips, oh
Just when I fell in love
You left and I don't know why
I don't know if fear has won you
Or is that for you I was just a game
All my friends told me
Be careful, look at yourself
You are very dedicated
Oh! Look at me
How did you leave me?
With my love tied between your hands
With my dreams all tangled
With my love so far from your lips, oh
Just when I fell in love
You left and I don't know why
You're not here
My soul goes away
And when you dream about me, it will go back to its place
With my love tied between your hands
Muzika za moje oči
[Strofa 1: Bradley Cooper]
Ti si muzika za moje oči
Morao sam da slušam samo da bih te našao
Voleo bih kada bi mi dozvolila da pevam uz tebe
Da ti dam ritam koji osetiš
[Pred-Refren: Bradley Cooper]
Želim da naučim svaki deo teksta
Želim da ti popunim prazna mesta
Želim da igram ulogu da bih ti dosegao do srca
Da ti pevam pesmu koju osetiš
[Refren: Bradley Cooper]
Ljubavi dozvoli da tvoja muzika bude moja
Pevaj dok se ja ne uskladim
Dozvoli da tvoje melodije lete u mom pravcu
Odvedi me do tvog raja
Na muzičkoj vožnji
Zaljubljen sam u tvoju muziku bebo
Ti si muzika za moje oči
[Strofa 2: Lady Gaga]
Tvoj glas je pravi pogled
Čula sam pesmu i onda sam te ugledala
Naučila sam tekst (pesme) i znala da si moj
Igrala bih horizontom sa tobom
[Pred-Refren: Lady Gaga]
Želim da ti otpevam izlazak sunca
I da budem svitanje koje znam da će te dirnuti
Volela bih da budem žica na tvojoj gitari
Dodirni me i sviraj ono što osetiš
[Refren: Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga]
Ljubavi dozvoli da tvoja muzika bude moja
Pevaj dok se ja ne uskladim
Dozvoli da tvoje melodije lete u mom pravcu
Odvedi me do tvog raja
Na muzičkoj vožnji
Zaljubljena sam u tvoju muziku bebo
Ti si muzika za moje oči
My home is dark
Lost in the forest
From all the damned ones
I choose only you
The cold light in the window
The sad wind will blow out
The wolf is howling in the deep
Lonelier than all of us
But at home - there's a fireplace
In the kettle - tea
Loved one, whisper to me
Anything tonight
But at home - there's a fireplace
In the kettle - tea
Loved one, whisper to me
After that will be dawn
Only we won't be here
We will leave in the dark
And light the house
After that will be dawn
Only we won't be here
Hey, all you damned ones
Pray for us.
Learn to be human
Please give me your key,
As I no longer have notes to your melody.
Do you see the turn?
Or do you still await a reward?
It's time to give up all that you have
And to keep only what's yours.
Might take a wrong turn for a while,
But everyone needs to go somewhere...
We all seem to need to get somewhere...
Further and further...
If only we could fall into heavens,
Extending hand to those who came after us.
If only we didn't forget who we are.
We need to learn how to be human.
We need to learn how to be human.
We need it so much....
Then, explain!
How can people sing strange songs?
Where from that much strength and
What about are their souls...
Raising eyes to the heavens and
Their faith on the dirty wings they carried.
Behind simple words - what's more important.
People were all so beautiful.
And it seemed they were happy.
It seemed to them.
Refrain 2x
We need to learn how to be human.
We need it so much....
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
Ostaćemo sami u gradu
Čujem glas odnekud, unutra
Pita me da samo odem
Ali možemo li zaboraviti naša osećanja?
Kaži mi? Kaži mi...
Menjajući vremenske zone
Odvojeni smo zemljama i gradovima
Toliko toga želim da kažem
Da si moja!
Ostaćemo sami u gradu
Pobeći ćemo od njih, od njih, od njih!
Fantomi u noći poljupca, viči
Pleši! Pleši! Pleši!
Мари Краймбрери:
Kako si? Čujem tvoj glas
I tako te želim pozvati
I reći ti za svoja osećanja
Ali ćutim, još malo
Znaš i sam za te činjenice
Tako sam jedinstvena
Tvoje najbolje!
Samo mi reci: Budimo zauvek
Ostaćemo sami u gradu
Pobeći ćemo od njih, od njih, od njih!
Fantomi u noći poljupca, viči
Pleši! Pleši! Pleši!
Ostaćemo sami u gradu
Pobeći ćemo od njih, od njih, od njih!
Fantomi u noći poljupca...
Ostaćemo sami u gradu
Pobeći ćemo od njih, od njih, od njih!
Fantomi u noći poljupca, viči
Pleši! Pleši! Pleši!
Take away my name
I don't know, for sure, I rushed perhaps.
After all I didn't become an example, like my dad.
Love lives in me, lives fear and pain.
I wake up and disappear again.
I wish I could start everything from scratch
When I met you.
When only in the morning in bed we lay.
You words: 'I'll never betray!'
I remember my friends have told me.
' Why do you need her, what family?'
I was sure, the envy was eating them.
We both disappeared in the end.
You're with someone else, and I'm also, today.
We were punished by the same fate.
When your first one will be born,-
Hear me.
You take away my name, give it to him, and in my honor name him.
Though we don't look alike, but something bothers me, that after all it's mine.
You take away my name, give it to him. I know, you will name him so.
Though we don't look alike, but something bothers me, that after all it's mine.
After all it's mine.
You are not here, the years have passed.
The road, wet asphalt.
My eyes are blinded by bright light.
Cold February, night.
Thinking out loud. Sometime it becomes easier.
I whisper the words from my old songs.
I remember, but I need to forget, I'm wandering in space.
But, no! Though, yes! I struggle with inconsistency.
Stop, cool down, take it easy, there is no need to dwell.
Listen, try to understand! I do not argue, it's a hindrance.
We are together, we can chase away the demons from the Hell,
So it's become easier, so it's easier to breathe!
You're with someone else, and I'm also, today.
We were punished by the same fate.
When your first one will be born,-
Hear me.
You take away my name, give it to him, and in my honor name him.
Though we don't look alike, but something bothers me, that after all it's mine.
You take away my name, give it to him. I know, you will name him so.
Though we don't look alike, but something bothers me, that after all it's mine.
You take away my name, give it to him. I know, you will name him so.
Though we don't look alike, but something bothers me, that after all it's mine.
After all it's mine.
На путу за рај
Ти се увек смејеш кад ја плачем.
Ја увек гледам у сутра
док ти жалиш за прошлим данима.
Увек ми стајеш на жуљ,
али моја љубав је рука која те води
и помаже ти где год да пођеш.
Ја никад нисам у праву, ти увек јеси,
али ја кроз све лажи ипак видим
светло које се никад не мења.
Киша пада по мени, руке су ми хладне,
хоћу кући,
али пут је под водом.
Чак и да се ја променим, ти нећеш.
Ја сам као сателит који пева
у некој чудној орбити.
Хоћу да волим, хоћу да се смејем,
загрли ме у мислима
и заустави ми мисли на трен.
Ја сам само будала која се навукла на жаоку,
али пошто ми стављаш трнов венац
око главе,
знаш да сам краљ,
краљ свега и ничега
на путу за рај...
Увек сам ту, увек поричем стварност
и кад не остане ништа између нас,
остаћу ја још мало.
Знаш да си слободна,
имаш крила,
а ја сам само неки анђео
који жели да пева.
Да, да, да, Свевишњи,
на путу сам за рај.
Да, да, да,
на путу за рај.
Желим да плачем, желим да украдем
један мали зрак савршене светлости
од сунца изнад брда.
Желим да се осмехујем, желим да се смејем,
загрли ме у мислима
и заустави ми мисли на трен.
Ја сам само будала која се навукла на жаоку,
али пошто ми стављаш трнов венац
око главе,
знаш да сам краљ,
краљ свега и ничега
на путу за рај.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
can't take my eyes off
i’m spacing out all day, yeah, yeah
i’m good sometimes but now i’m down, oh, no
why can’t i contact you? i’m suffocating, yeah, yeah
stop picking up to hang up
i wanna eat ice cream
and watch a film
wanna hold your hand on the weekends, hot place
i wanna leave for somewhere else
why am i falling for you?
i’m thinking of you all day
baby, i can’t take my eyes off anything about you, yeah
i’m in a relationship with my phone, i can’t take my eyes off it
i can’t take my eyes off it
i’m still locked in your feed
mama said if i studied this hard, i’d be going to seoul university
but i want more than that
be your boyfriend, yo
i wanna walk by your side
in the world van gogh and claude monet saw
alright, in the moments when i’m with you
i wanna eat something good
wanna watch us two together
i wanna fill my phone gallery
with pictures of us, yeah
wanna fill it up
i wanna fill up your days with me
why am i falling for you?
i’m thinking of you all day
baby, i can’t take my eyes off anything about you, yeah
i’m in a relationship with my phone, i can’t take my eyes off it
i’ve fallen for you, oh
i confess and you agree
i can’t take my eyes off you
can't take my eyes off
i’m floundering because i fell for you, girl
i wanna be wherever you are
you hold the hand
my phone used to be in, girl
i can’t take my eyes off you
i can’t take my eyes off you
you fell for me too
it’s fine even if we can’t sleep because of each other
i can’t take my eyes off you, yeah, yeah
i can’t take my eyes off you, yeah, yeah
i can’t take my eyes off you, eh, eh, eh, eh
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
you can't either
i can't either
you can’t take your eyes off me
i hope you’re in a relationship with your phone too
come close
i’m aching, my head’s pounding
my face flushes
it’s not actually a cold
this is what happens when i remember you
i wish you were here
to help me undo my buttons
if i can reach out to your small hand
i’ll be breathless from happiness
only you, only you, only you
my friends say i’ve changed
only you, only you, only you
my life has changed since i met you
my days of smiling have increased
i look forward to each and every day
come close to my side
promise you won’t go anywhere oh
i want to be close to you
i want to see your smiling face
i forget any pain
i feel like i’m in the sky
i want to be close to you
i sometimes find you in silence
when we sweetly kiss
i become immune to everything
i want to be close to you
talk to you when i miss you
i’m in front of your door, i ring the doorbell
i’m here to hug you and give you a gift
don’t worry about opening the door, i don’t care if you’re not wearing makeup
i wanna take a walk around the neighborhood with you, my sweetheart
i’ll post the photos we take together
if i’m ever too busy, baby
only you, only you, only you
my friends say i’ve changed
only you, only you, only you
my life has changed since i met you
my days of smiling have increased
i look forward to each and every day
come close to my side
promise you won’t go anywhere oh
i want to be close to you
i want to see your smiling face
i forget any pain
i feel like i’m in the sky
i want to be close to you
i sometimes find you in silence
when we sweetly kiss
i become immune to everything
i fly above the clouds everyday
because of you
i lay in bed
your gaze makes my heart flutter
i’ve opened the new beginning that is you
it’s only luck
hold my heart in your hands
this path we walk is so beautiful
i want to be close to you
i want to see your smiling face
i forget any pain
i feel like i’m in the sky
i want to be close to you
i sometimes find you in silence
when we sweetly kiss
i become immune to everything
i want to be close to you
hoping that you'd love me
i try so hard to hide my feelings from you
it’s all in vain, just be honest with me
why is there someone else at your side?
what’s behind and in front of you aren’t different
i think about it a hundred times a day
i scold myself for my racing heart caused by you
i clearly understand it won’t happen
but i’m still by your side when i close my eyes
i’m lonely when i can feel your empty space
it hurts so much to think i’m not yours
i know as much as you that it sounds crazy
but i’m hoping that you’d love me just a bit more
i’m hoping that you’d love me
i’m hoping that i’d feel those things
i’m hoping that you’d lean on me
no one else, i’m hoping that you’d be by my side
this is the first time i’ve ever felt this
am i like everyone else?
do these feelings come to everyone
at least once in their lives?
i need someone to tell me, i need an answer, not a question
you’re the only one who can answer my question
but you’re looking somewhere completely different
i’m at a crossroads, staring off into space
why don’t you know how i feel?
when can we tear down the wall between us?
i pray each day that you’ll open up a bit more
that your feelings for me will change
i’m hoping that you’d love me
i’m hoping that i’d feel those things
i’m hoping that you’d lean on me
no one else, i’m hoping that you’d be by my side
baby, baby
i’m worried i’ll lose you if i’m a step ahead
waiting, waiting
i can’t keep cool, i’m hoping you’ll approach first
every day until i go to sleep
every night i’m hoping that you’d be by my side
i’m hoping that you’d love me
i’m hoping that you’d love me (hoping that you’d love me)
i’m hoping that i’d feel those things
i’m hoping that you’d lean on me (lean on me now)
no one else, i’m hoping that you’d be by my side
Ladies also want love
Adult ladies also want love
What? Are you sorry, or what?
Go and help them! Your time is coming.
You will also become an adult.
Doing the waltz-swing on a chair
Smoking cigarettes.
You'll need to caress
You'll need to feel tenderness
Everyone will ignore these issues
Why won't you help?
In this universe of infinity, help the ladies.
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse...
The beach is overrated
It's just a pile of pebbles
My mind is like a phone book
Full of names that don't matter
And occasionally a flash of something
I peel you like a clementine
It completely pierces my consciousness
And I get caught on that memory
As if, as if you'd be with me
I feel your scent, it's only delusion
Or have I died during the night?
Fallen asleep and stayed there
Maybe I never woke up
I'm staring at the ceiling eyes open
Like I never even rested
I'm back in that moment
At the beach of Maspalomas, sand in my eyes
You're smiling at the sun
My back hurts yet I just stay quiet
I have these four walls
From behind them I can't see you
But I hear your voice
And it feels so real
I get up, go to the balcony
And my eyes are searching for you from the outside door
Even though I'm alone in the darkness
Like sirens in the night
I hear your voice, voice
The difference between a person in love and a crazy person is gossamer
I wake up next to a strange lady
And coke ready on the phone screen
But they disappear when you eat a handful of Stella
I wake up to the fire truck, it's night again
Always in sleep debt
New York 2012, I think I'm there
We always woke up to the siren
And we made love, do you still remember?
I fall asleep and wake up, wake up and fall asleep
Everything is just repeated, this has already happened
When I lay here on the bed and look back to the memory
It creates a new memory
And the imaginations, I tend to start believing in them
Falling in love and becoming crazy, I can't do it
Even though I'm alone in the darkness
Like sirens in the night
I hear your voice, voice
The number you have dialed is not valid
What do you mean it's not valid?
Your name is written with capital letters on my screen
Even though I'm alone in the darkness
Like sirens in the night
I hear your voice, voice
Everyone has missed (somebody)
And knows how the waiting has bothered
Like a sneeze that won't come
But is it a sneeze before it comes out of your mouth?
Tipi-tii on repeat in my mind
Top side of the moon, romantic Mickey D's
On Valentine's day 2015
Michael Gondry can not erase them
Is this all just a joke?
I'm stressin' like Avicii
We're that way similar
I don't know what's real anymore
This is a nightmare and soon I will wake up
Or is it the other way around?
You are a morphin dream running away
But I just want to get over the fact
That I just want to get on your lap
This won't end well
I have these four walls
From behind them I can't see you
But I hear your voice
Even though I'm alone in the darkness
Like sirens in the night
I hear your voice, voice
Uništi mi život
[Strofa 1]
Nedostaje mi to da me guraš skoro do ivice
Nedostaješ mi
Volela bih da sam znala šta sam imala kada sam otišla
Nedostaješ mi
Zapalio si mi svet, nisam mogla da podnesem toplotu
Sada spavam sama i počinjem da se smrzavam
Bebo, dođi i pomozi mi
Dozvoli da kiši po meni
Bebo, vrati mi se
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život, da
Želim da mi sjebeš noći, da
Da mi sjebeš noći, da, sve moje noći, da
Želim da učiniš sve to
Ako uradiš sve pogrešno, onda ću sve ispraviti, da
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život, da
Želim da mi sjebeš noći, da
Da mi sjebeš noći, da, sve moje noći, da
Želim da učiniš sve to
Ako uradiš sve pogrešno, onda ću sve ispraviti, da
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život
[Strofa 2]
Nedostaješ mi više nego što sam mislila da hoćeš
Nedostaješ mi
Znam da ti i ja nedostajem kao što bi trebalo
Nedostaješ mi
Zapalio si mi svet, nisam mogla da podnesem toplotu
Sada spavam sama i počinjem da se smrzavam
Bebo, dođi i pomozi mi
Dozvoli da kiši po meni
Bebo, vrati mi se (Bebo, vrati mi se)
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život, da
Želim da mi sjebeš noći, da
Da mi sjebeš noći, da, sve moje noći, da
Želim da učiniš sve to
Ako uradiš sve pogrešno, onda ću sve ispraviti, da
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život, da
Želim da mi sjebeš noći, da
Da mi sjebeš noći, da, sve moje noći, da
Želim da učiniš sve to
Ako uradiš sve pogrešno, onda ću sve ispraviti, da
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Volela bih, volela bih
Da se vratiš, da mi se vratiš
Mi se vratiš, mi se vratiš
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život, da (uništiš mi život, da)
Želim da mi sjebeš noći, da
Da mi sjebeš noći, da, sve moje noći, da (sve noći, sve noći)
Želim da učiniš sve to
Ako uradiš sve pogrešno, onda ću sve ispraviti, da (ispraviti sve)
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život, da (uništiš mi život)
Želim da mi sjebeš noći, da
Da mi sjebeš noći, da, sve moje noći, da (ooh)
Želim da učiniš to
Ako uradiš sve pogrešno, onda ću učiniti da bude u redu, da
Želim da mi uništiš život
Da mi uništiš život, da mi uništiš život
Song of a mouse
Save! Save! Oh horror, oh horror!
I don't surface any more, if I dive, -
I shall swim a little, I shall make a big effort,
But threngths will leave me - and I shall drown.
You could secretly answer me:
Am I a fishy mouse or a mousy fish? ..
I lay quietly in the comfortable hole.
Read, dreamed and ate puree.
And suddenly - the sea nearby,
Only as if a cat had cried, -
I have been in it soaked like a mouse,
And chilled to the marrow like a dog ...
Save! Save! I want as before,
Into the hole - on the divan of dried reed! ..
Here swim girls in outer clothing,
Who don't love mice at all.
And so I shiver from the ankle bones to the palms,
And they tell me about terriers and cats!
And suddenly a catlot will fall upon me,
Will decide falsely, that I am a mouselot! ..
There it was! I chattered with the teeth
Of cold and fear, -
I am here soaked like a mouse,
Chilled to the marrow like a dog.
I found my love in portofino
I found my love in Portofino
Down in a small Italian Bay
after my daily capuccino
In Portofino, love came my way
She was right there, It was September
I felt the fire in her eyes
that was a moment I'll remember
I fell in love in paradise
There was a place made just for lovers
across the street, a friendly bar
a piano man I loved and others
were singing playing a guitar
Please join me for a drink, I asked her
as she walked along the sand,
'you're good,' she said, in Portofino
she looked at me and took my hand
There was a place made just for lovers
across the street, a friendly bar
a piano man I loved and others
were singing playing a guitar
My life changed the day I met her
and since then, when we look above
she'll whisper softly Portofino
in Portofino, we found our love
Oluja U Mom Srcu
Ti si vetar u mojoj kosi
Moje suze što padaju
Pri samoj pomisli na tebe
Ti si vatra u mom srcu
Ti si moje sve
Ti si vetar u mojoj kosi
Moje suze što padaju
Sa svakim tvojim šapatom
Ti si svetlo u mom mračnom životu
Ti si oluja za mene
[ Hor: ]
Ti si oluja u mom srcu
Jer ti mi budiš osećanja, o, ti mi budiš osećanja
Izvadi trn iz mog srca
Zaustavi krvarenje, ja voleću te iznova
Uzmi me u svoje naručje noćas a ja ću te ljubiti do kraja života
O, ti mi budiš osećanja
O, ti mi budiš osećanja
Ne obraćaj pažnju na moje grehe
Ja ću praštati sve tvoje greške
Budimo ljubavnici zauvek, bebo
Ti si vatra duše moje
Ti pališ vatre svojim pogledom
Ponekad se pitam da li me možeš usrećiti
Da li si pravi muškarac za mene
Ti si oluja za mene
Zar ne vidiš svetla?
Pojaviće se opet
Put koji vodi do mene
Ti si bebo, znam da jesi
Uvek oluja u mom srcu
Zar ne vidiš oblake?
Opet će padati kiša
Divlja oluja mi već na pameti
Uragan u mojoj duši
Ali uvek velika oluja u mom srcu
(Hor ) (2x)
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki
Ne tiče me se
Bogami, čula sam da ti i ona imate problema
ona voli da se svađa - pa, mislim da vam je to zajedničko
Počeo si s vrha a sad si na dnu
ali dušo, to me se ne tiče
Nastavio si dalje, bolje ti je, prošlo je vremena, dušo
A tako je i meni
Vodio si je kući svojoj mami
Ali, vjeruj mi, ne razmišljam o tome...
vidjela sam na društvenim mrežama
ona liči malo na mene
ne mogu a da to ne vidim
a to nije ljubomora, ne
Bogami, čula sam da ti i ona imate problema
ona voli da se svađa - pa, mislim da vam je to zajedničko
Počeo si s vrha a sad si na dnu
ali dušo, to me se ne tiče
Bogami, čula sam da ti i ona imate nesuglasica
Želim ti sve najbolje, nadam se da te ona može popraviti
Zvaćeš ti mene čim shvatiš na čemu si
ali dušo, to me se ne tiče
Je li joj stalo? Je li joj kosa podignuta?
Onako kako si ti uvijek volio
Kada si sam, zna li
kako sve da ti njeguje tijelo?
vidjela sam na društvenim mrežama
ona liči malo na mene
ne mogu a da to ne vidim
a to nije ljubomora, ne
Bogami, čula sam da ti i ona imate problema
ona voli da se svađa - pa, mislim da vam je to zajedničko
Počeo si s vrha a sad si na dnu
ali dušo, to me se ne tiče
Bogami, čula sam da ti i ona imate nesuglasica
Želim ti sve najbolje, nadam se da te ona može popraviti
Zvaćeš ti mene čim shvatiš na čemu si
ali dušo, to me se ne tiče
Ne tiče me se, ne - ne
Nisam gledala tvoj 'stori' četiri dana
barem ne danas
Jer me se ne tiče
ne tiče me se
Bogami, čula sam da ti i ona imate problema
ona voli da se svađa - pa, mislim da vam je to zajedničko
Počeo si s vrha a sad si na dnu
ali dušo, to me se ne tiče
Bogami, čula sam da ti i ona imate nesuglasica
Želim ti sve najbolje, nadam se da te ona može popraviti
Zvaćeš ti mene čim shvatiš na čemu si
ali dušo, to me se ne tiče
Get Myself With You
I gotta get up
Some different feeling
This time is different
A pleasant mental breakdown
I think I have it
I've waited for the second chance
I gotta get up babe
I'm going to see you babe
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out c'mon right now, c'mon
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out, c'mon
Let's meet up now
I was so sorry
You must have hated me a lot
I regretted everyday
I can't sleep lately
Won’t you be ma lady
Would you be my Baby
We go back to the beggining
I feel something good, c'mon
I feel good, something is different
Get myself with you
with you, with you
I like your dream with you, with you
I was young
I was so twisted
I was in so hurry
I missed my step all the time
Thanks to you, I can find my place eh eh
This time, I eh
Won't lose you baby
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out c'mon right now, c'mon
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out, c'mon
Let's meet up now
I was so sorry
You must have hated me a lot
I regretted everyday
I can't sleep lately
Won’t you be ma lady
Would you be my Baby
We go back to the beggining
I feel something good, c'mon
I feel good, something is different
Get my self with you
with you, with you
I like your dream with you, with you
The shade that cover us
Is already a passed episode
You and my tough past
With this wind, pass
To the place we first met, yeah
Let me go first and wait for you, yeah
Oh, you know I’m waiting on
hanging on to you
Next to you like now
My shoulders for you
Let me offer them for you anytime, oh
I feel something good, c'mon
I feel good, something is different
Get myself with you
with you, with you
I like your dream with you, with you
I feel something good
I feel good
Moj plavooki princ
Moj plavooki princ će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Ovakve misli
Ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
Dođi, inspiracijo moja
Moj mladi kralj će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Zbog ovakve misli
Moje suze mi peku obraze
Moj plavooki princ će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Ovakve misli
Ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
We Banditto, Gangsteritto
We banditto, gangsteritto,
We knuckletto, pistoletto,
Oh yes!
We are shoot'o, we are kill'o
And we rob'o just a both'o,
Oh yes!
Bunk'o tresto presidentto,
We are heist'o un momento,
Oh yes!
And for this, producer'o our shoot'o in a film's
We banditto, famousitto,
We are shoot'o pistoletto,
Oh yes!
We fiato, everyday we drive'o a cabrioletto,
Oh yes!
We constantly drink Chinsano,
We constantly fullness 'n drunk'o
Oh yes!
We have bunk'o, grab million'os,
And we are spit at a law'os
We have bunk'o, grab million'os,
And we are spit at a law'os
We have bunk'o, grab million'os,
And we are spit at a law'os
Перевод данной песни принадлежит владельцу 'V.C.-Translate studio' коим и являюсь я...
We march by the Kremlin
Versions: #2
On the square lit by a glorious sun,
a celebration is underways.
Flags and standards flutter like wings
in the wind of youth.
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
The word we say,
these songs we sing,
it all raises the youth like a flag
beyond the frontiers.
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
The sound of our song can be heard
in Prague, in Budapest, in Poland
and even more young,
strong voices sing it.
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
Our song is a free messenger
praising peace and labour.
The day will come when
the whole world will sing our song!
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
I'm On The Way
I want to report to everybody - I'm on the way
I go here and there, to friendship
The sky is getting blue, I'm on the way
Only with it I'm good, I know
I want to report to everybody - I'm on the way
And I like every next step
The Sun burns like lava, I'm on the way
It's beautiful and I want to smile
The biggest joy is when you meet someone
Even if there are miles of days between us
My every story should make you laugh
My heart will be pleased
Tell everybody, I'm on the way
I go here and there, to friendship
I'll sleep under the stars
Who would wish me more
The Moon is watching over me, I know
Neither snow nor rain worry me
The Sun won't disappear
When the cold wind stroke my face
I want to take off
The rocks hugs me with dizziness
After all, I'm going my way
And I go after my dream
I'm going farther on my way