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Baby, I want

Baby I want you to see the ring
That that guy bought for Dana, they already set a date.
Baby I want you to see the hall
That they booked in Pardes Hana*, well how princess is he!
She already started to look for, measured three dresses,
Made the invitations, For aunt Tova aswell,
Bunch of friends had planned a bachelorette and a 5 floors cake
Damn she has no satiety
Well well, I think im in a bit of trouble,
Bye bye I already said to my friends.
Enough enough, Im saying goodbye to freedom,
And now im gonna meet her parents!
Her father is a cop, and her mom is a kindergarten teacher,
Telling me well well well, when will she get married?
Come on wake up, when are you proposing?
And if you wont rush, another guy will come!
Lets go go go, Wedding ing ing ing,
At the neighborhood ood ood, the whole country ry ry,
Are making here!
So baby I want a production like in a movie,
A fancy limo, a lifetime wedding,
So baby I want the best proposal,
And an engaged status, to promote the relations!
Already has planned the trash, the best cosmetician,
And a top class hair, million dollar style!
She has picked the gifts with the girls aswell,
Took a wedding course and graduated.
Well well, I think im in a bit of trouble,
Bye bye I already said to my friends.
Enough enough, Im saying goodbye to freedom,
And now im gonna meet her parents!
Her father is a cop, and her mom is a kindergarten teacher,
Telling me well well well, when will she get married?
Come on wake up, when are you proposing?
And if you wont rush, another guy will come!
Lets go go go, Wedding ing ing ing,
At the neighborhood ood ood, the whole country ry ry,
Are making here!

You were on my mind

Out of a sudden, you were on my mind
Can you live while you're away from me or not?
I left you a while ago, but I still feel like you didn't leave me.
I don't care about who's the one who abandoned the other,
The result is that you and I both lost,
And I'm not doing fine, because after you the source of my joy is gone.
I can't stand the thought that you're gone
Please, find another ending we deserve
If you ever say the words 'I forgot' and I hear them from you,
I'll still pretend you didn't say anything
There are many people that accuse me of my love for you
They said I've been neglecting myself as I took care of you
I'm the one who got lost after looking for you
Believe me, I won't be able to forget you
You tore me apart in every dream I dreamt
How can I forget you, when you're carrying me on a thousand paths I'm walking on?
“Avoir une autre langue c'est posséder une deuxième âme.”
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
- Charlemagne ❤


U mojoj glavi

Svako trazi ljubav - Oh
Zar nije to razlog zbog kog si u ovom klubu - Oh
Neces je naci plesuci sa njim - Ne
Imam bolje resenje za tebe devojko - Oh
Samo podji sa mnom, reci rec i odlazimo
Bicu tvoj ucitelj, pokazacu ti fore
Videces stranu ljubavi za koju nisi znala
Mogu da zamislim kako ce se to odvijati, odvijati
U mojoj glavi vidim te svuda po sebi
U mojoj glavi ispunjavas sve moje fantazije
Moja glava, vristaces, ohhh
U mojoj glavi, dogadja se
Moja glava, dogadja se
U mojoj glavi, da
U mojoj glavi, o da
Neki likovi znaju da kazu prave stvari - A
Kad se dodje do toga, to je samo igra - da
Umesto price, daj da ti pokazem - da
Bacimo se na posao i preskoci 4 - sviraj - A
Samo podji sa mnom, reci rec i odlazimo
Bicu tvoj ucitelj, pokazacu ti fore
Videces stranu ljubavi za koju nisi znala
Mogu da zamislim kako ce se to odvijati, odvijati
U mojoj glavi vidim te svuda po sebi
U mojoj glavi ispunjavas sve moje fantazije
Moja glava, vristaces, ohhh
U mojoj glavi, dogadja se
U mojoj glavi, dogadja se
Eo, eo, eo
Ooo, pevaj mi bebo, u mojoj glavi, bas sad
Eo, eo, eo
Ooh, vristace kad se sve to dogodi
Samo podji sa mnom, reci rec i odlazimo
Bicu tvoj ucitelj, pokazacu ti fore
Videces stranu ljubavi za koju nisi znala
Mogu da zamislim kako ce se to odvijati, odvijati
U mojoj glavi vidim te svuda po sebi
U mojoj glavi ispunjavas sve moje fantazije
Moja glava, vristaces, ohhh
U mojoj glavi, dogadja se
U mojoj glavi, dogadja se

The New Human

[Verse 1]
I launched horses
To ace the big days
I have gofled streams
And until then they run
I started fathoms
to daring rides
I got stars going
And until then they mark
I am water and I drift
Human is too much
I am water there on the shore
Human is galloping
I am water, the heights
The dreams,the ideals
I see from above and I get up
The new Man ( Human)
[ or maybe the Modern Human]
[Verse 2]
I played shakes
I blew bushfires ( wildfires)
I planted comets
And until then they grow
I gave the rivers
the way to the sea
I turned away the pass,
And until then i hope

Will we build a snowman today?

Will we build a snowman today?
Oh, come on, we'll do this!
I haven't seen you for so long
Don't hide, have you ran away somewhere or what?
We used to play together
And now we don't
Why is that, do you know?
Will we build a snowman today?
Or we'll do something different?
(Anka, just go away!)
Well, bye then...
Will we build a snowman today!
Or maybe you'd rather go cycling?
Am I suppose to wait longer?
Or else I'll start talking to these pictures here, that's for sure!
You go, Joan!
And it's kinda hard for me
Being within these walls by myself
To put up with a clock's ticking
I know, I'll find you there
People are asking what and how
They say 'Be brave!' and although I have a rough time
I wanna dry your eyes
Will you give me any sign?
We don't have anything but each other
I have you, you have me
How are we suppose to live from now on?
Will we build a snowman today?

Volim svoj život

Daj mi svoju dušu
Nikada neću potpuno odustati
Jednog dana naše ruke će biti
Dovoljno snažne da me drže
Možda neću biti u svim tvojim bitkama
Ali ti ćeš na kraju ipak pobediti u njima
Nadam se da ti dajem sve što je potrebno
tako da mi jednoga dana kažeš ...
...Volim svoj život
Snažna sam
Lepa sam
Slobodna sam
Volim svoj život
Predivna sam
Divna sam
Svoja sam
Volim svoj život
Ne treba mi suditi
I Bog zna da sam grešio
Pitao sam anđele,
A odgovor koji su mi dali si bio/la ti
Ne mogu ti obećati da neće biti tuge
Voleo bih da je mogu skloniti od tebe,
Ali ti ćeš naći hrabrost da se suočiš s ludilom
i da ga vidiš jer je stvarno
Volim svoj život
Snažan sam
Zgodan sam
Slobodan sam
Volim svoj život
Divan sam
Čudesan sam
Svoj sam
Volim svoj život
Sa srcem
Poput tvog
Idi daleko
Idi slobodno
Ja sam s tobom
Volim svoj život
Snažna sam
Lepa sam
Slobodna sam
Volim svoj život
Predivna sam
Divna sam
Svoja sam
Volim svoj život
Snažan sam
Zgodan sam
Slobodan sam
Volim svoj život
Divan sam
Čudesan sam
Svoj sam
Volim svoj život
I konačno
Tamo sam gde želim da budem
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Sinful thoughts

You’re standing in the doorway like a formidable lion.
You undress me with your sight.
You don’t have to tell me anything.
I know what you want today.
Close the doors, come closer, come on.
Your senses already feel it.
I’m obedient, you’re a wild animal.
Do everything you want with me today.
Touch me again,
He( wild animal) wants to do it again.
Do it till braining out,
Do it till braining out.
They have hungry bodies.
They’re hungry again.
Touch me again.
He wants to do it again.
Do it till braining out.
Do it till braining out.
They have hungry bodies.
They’re hungry again.
Once again.
We don’t need a champaigne.
I’m got drunk by you till infatuation.
Let sweet shawl divide us.
Let bodies’ dance divide us.
Sinful thoughts aren’t a sin.
He and you want the same.
Don’t stop being so kind while touching me so gently.
Touch me again,
He( wild animal) wants to do it again.
Do it till braining out,
Do it till braining out.
They have hungry bodies.
They’re hungry again.
Touch me again.
He wants to do it again.
Do it till braining out.
Do it till braining out.
They have hungry bodies.
They’re hungry again.
Once again.

Autumn, Dead And Dying Rains

Versions: #2
Autumn, dead and dying rains,
Autumn, young approaching night frosts,
Frozen birch trees seem to be lost,
As they stump through Russian plains.
Autumn, drunken river flow
That has flooded country roadway,
Autumn, fear of deadly doomsday
On the old man you bestow.
Tatar face is my ordeal,
Though my last name is Ukrainian.
Why did I in drunken yearning
End up under driving wheel?
I am stabbed without a sword,
I am shot but not by bullet,
You have blown my candle out,
Autumn - furtive soul abhorred.
Drunken dregs fall from the skies,
Why do I repent before Him?
I believe the end is near,
In my veins quicksilver dries.
The poetic language bliss
Is a lightweight night chimera,
Love and Faith in my soul steer,
Rake the clouds, what did I miss?
Autumn, feeling old like rains,
Autumn, young approaching night frosts,
Frozen birch trees seem to be lost,
As they stump through Russian plains.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Castiti sebe

Prokletstvo,radila sam bas naporno na sebi,na mom zdravlju,i mojoj sreci
Imala pauzu u mom zivotu,uzela vremena da se priberem,radila manje
Zato sto sam se izgubila,zaboravila sam sebe,i to ne zasluzujem
U redu...
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem,a-ha
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem,a-ha
Kazem sebi ''ustani i plesi''
Tako da pomeram noge,volim sve na meni,a-ha
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,zelim to)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,zelim to)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,zelim to )
Uh,daj da dam moj...
Ooo,obecao si mi da cu castiti sebe dobro(Amin,hej!)
Ooo,trudim se da nikada nemam nenaspavane noci
Boricu se za sebe,i iskreno zasluzujem nesto kredita
U redu,dragi
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem,a-ha
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem,a-ha
Kazem sebi ,,ustani i plesi''
Tako da pomeram noge,volim sve na meni,a-ha
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem(Vuu!)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,zelim to)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,zelim to)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ja,ja cu castiti sebe)
Uh-huh,daj da dam moj...
Reci,ja cu biti dobra prema sebi,ti treba da budes dobar prema tebi
Bicu dobra prema sebi,ti treba da budes dobar prema tebi(Hej!)
Bicu dobra prema sebi,ti treba da budes dobar prema tebi,oh
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem,a-ha
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem,a-ha
Kazem sebi ,,ustani i plesi''
Tako da pomeram noge,volim sve na meni,a-ha
Dozvoli mi da sebi pomognem(he-ej)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,oh,dragi,casticu sebe)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,vuu)
Zelim to,casticu sebe(ahhh,reci da cu biti dobra prema sebi,castiti me)
A-ha,daj da dam moj...(Ti treba da budes dobar prema tebi)


I wonder how many times I can fall in love before turning 20
I seek something today as usual
As in the past, I wash my heart until it turns white
Without leaving a stain
I wash it with soft bubbles
He still can't forget her
So he puts white flowers in the river
People are bound to regret something
Say, hurting someone with small lies
Even so, we can't help wanting to love
Falling in love, growing out of love
Being jealous, kissing
I learned a bit to love in this town
Come to see me again, please
I was ridiculously in love with you
Don't disappear, please
I want to know you more
I wonder how many jackpots I can hit out of 10
I seek something today as usual
My heart seeks something tender
Things like the red coat that she loved
The unforgettable place where we first met
Somehow this town seemed important to me
Come here again, please
Your smiling face seen through the finder was my favorite
Let's keep that our secret forever
Although I want to be by your side like I was that day
I know people come and go
But, I'm sure that this is a miracle
Falling in love with you, taste of your kiss
Everything is a story
So, be sure to come to see me again
I was ridiculously in love with you
Don't disappear, please
I want to know you more
A day when my heart gets extremely dirty
I wash it, recalling the memories of that day
With soft bubbles, I wash my heart


I step into the room, resembling your father
I take out the snake and these bitches scream for more
I ooze toxic testosterone
I have no reason to come out of this box
If you were a boss lady, baby
your euro would be a euro and not some fucking chicken feed
The roof is armored glass
I look at women and see only conquests and jailbaits
Yeah I fuck fans and surely you're the most beautiful
but when we talk it's all-male panel
And you have a honey trap between your legs
This is a dude-anthem and next comes the hook
Boys will be boys (That's right)
Humor is raunchy (That's right)
Hey dear brother, life is a game and it goes like this (That's right)
Boo-hoo-hoo it's not my fault
I'm a white hetero, others should content themselves
No, we're not letting assholes win (What?)
No, we're not letting assholes win
I'm a manly man, too wimpy or too small is not a man
A pacifist or a junkie is not a man, too beautiful or too feeble is not a man
You can already tell it from the word, feeble is a fag
You're not a real man, you're a pussy
A real man is what a real man wants to be
A real man is an asshole and there's nothing wrong with it
My car model is Janis Petke
A real man doesn't sentimentalize, he only coughs for a moment
He doesn't regret and never apologizes
and freezes drunk in the snow
Boys will be boys (That's right)
Humor is raunchy (That's right)
Hey dear brother, life is a game and it goes like this (That's right)
Boo-hoo-hoo it's not my fault
I'm a white hetero, others should content themselves
No, we're not letting assholes win (They say)
No, we're not letting assholes win
(What are they saying?)
And the third verse is for the little asses
Excuse me, I meant for the little ones
And those few idiots who snort peas up their nose
Soon I can't go to the local supermarket anymore
When kids sing these lines during break
I guess words become weapons, toy gun goes bang bang
And that's why I polish my shield
A chauvinist passive could clean up today
Someone else could do something about it
'Might as well try that one too', I'm liberal like that
I promise I won't do this again
but turn all the flaps around
Boys will be boys (That's right)
Humor is raunchy (That's right)
Hey dear brother, life is a game and it goes like this (That's right)
Boo-hoo-hoo it's not my fault
I'm a white hetero, others should content themselves
No, we're not letting assholes win
No, we're not letting assholes win

March in step, one, two, three

Ah-... Ah-...
At daybreak, the sounds of war songs resound throughout the village roads,
their bayonets high, the soldiers advance on the road of training.
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Your mothers, which have cooked your food, affectionately wave their hands,
through out your chests, majestically walk forwards, brazenly.
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Before the troops, the Great Commander's star shines on the deep-red flag,
we, who are close to the spirit of Mt. Baekdu, are the ones who will fulfil it.1
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Ah-... Ah-...
March in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Ah-... Ah-... One, two three!
  • 1. Unsure about this part.

We learn Russian

Perestroika, perestroika
Crazy paranoia,
You see a department store
And in reality it’s a mess. 1
No cheese, no eggs,
Afghans and Chinese beat us,
Lithuania with Latvia leave the SU… 2
Why, the fuck, we need this law?
In a village in Kazakhstan
the bear fucked the Komsomol girl.
- “Fuck her!” - cried all the people,
- “The government fucks us too!”
  • 1. Or a “brothel” - depending how you understand the word “бардак”.
  • 2. Soviet Union.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Мојој младости

У једноме тренутку сам желела
Да нестанем са овога света
Цео свет ми је изгледао тако мрачно
И сваке ноћи сам плакала
Да ли ће ми бити боље
Ако само нестанем одавде?
Тако сам се бојала
Свих очију упртих у мене
Током тих прелепих дана
Била сам у болу
Мрзела сам себе
Јер нисам могла да прихватим љубав
Моји родитељи
Пазе само на мене
Не осећам се тако
Али настављам да се удаљавам од њих
Шта да радим?
Шта да радим?
Шта да радим?
Шта да радим?
Стварно је истина када кажу
Да време лечи све
Како су дани пролазили
Стварно ми је било боље
Али понекад, када сам превише срећна
Плашим се да ћу поново патити
Плашим се да ће неко
Да ми отме ову срећу
Те прелепе успомене
Тако су болне
Патила сам и патила
Али бол никако није нестајао
Моји пријатељи, сви ови људи
Они пазе на мене
Ја нисам заиста оваква
Али настављам да се удаљавам од њих
Али ипак, можда могу да будем
Зрак светлости у овоме свету
Можда након свег овог бола
Могу на тренутак да засветлуцам
Зато нисам могла да одустанем
Нисам ни ноћ могла мирно да заспим
Јер, можда, ако овако наставим
Покушавати да се усправим
Пронаћи ћу себе
Ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах
Ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах, ах
Колико ли сам само патила?
Колико ли сам само патила?
Колико ли сам се само надала?
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Химна УЕФА Лиге шампиона

Они су најбољи тимови
Они су најбољи тимови
Главна церемонија
Велики тимови
Један велики окупљање
Један велики спортски такмичење
Главна церемонија
Они су најбољи
Они су најбољи
Они су шампиони
Велики тимови
Велики тимови


Do you remember how we used to run around together
under those trees?
What are they, anyway? Perhaps poplars
But those don't tend to be that tall
Or maybe they do
Do you think they were already growing there back then?
It was a long time ago
We came when it was already dark
Otherwise, they could've laughed at us
Who was it, anyway? Kids from the area,
women going from the shops, but what does it even matter?
Why should anyone have to laugh?
Do you remember how we used to run around together
under those trees?
Do you remember? Of course you don't
After all, you're already dead

Love Song

You've never told me, dear
You've never told me you care
You know that I like you
and you can come to me whenever you want to
I can make a nest for you right here next to me
But I know that if I start to plan something
it won't work out, it's the law of drama or something
I've already imagined it four hundred and twenty times
Committed it to memory, how I would act
How I would brew some tea, tell you not to get a blister on your tongue
and then you'd laugh and realize
that I'd actually be just perfect for you
Or then you'd laugh and realize how lame I am
And I thought I'd found my own darling
I whispered into your ear: 'My dearest'
You told me, hey, Mikko, my friend
and looked me in the eye and showed me this
This wasn't, this wasn't, that love song
This wasn't, this wasn't, that love song
I'm alone
I shot myself in the head with a peashooter
only you didn't die with me, but said 'I'm moving come autumn'
Under palm trees, pleading for alms
I stood alone at the bus stop like Janos Valmunen1
You fell asleep in the bathroom, I passed out in the toilet
I made a song about you on TV, now I guess I'm testing you with it
Whether you even remember me, I still have the same spark
The song sold platinum but I never got you
You didn't ever say anything bad to me, just goodbye
And we didn't even really fight
I wanted to be more to you
and you can come to me whenever you want to
Oh fuck, I'm so lame
When I thought I'd found my own darling
I whispered into your ear: 'My dearest'
You told me, hey, Mikko, my friend
and looked me in the eye and showed me this
This wasn't, this wasn't, that love song
This wasn't, this wasn't, that love song
I'm alone
  • 1. Janos Valmunen was a Finnish singer with a song called 'At the Bus Stop'

My Kingdom of the Heart (Reprise)

What (used to) filled my heart
I've lost (now)
Also lost
There was no-one else like her
So kindhearted1 and warm
But he was my life2
She was all (of) my life
Where could he be?3
If only I could tell her
I am alone
And take her by the hand4
And hold her in (my) arms5
All my whole life
All my life
I'd give for6
One moment
(Of) just being with him7
To be by her
Now it lies shattered8
Lifeless, cold and pale
My kingdom of the heart
Meaning alludes me
I've lost all my courage9
As long as the memories hurt me so
Every shine now fades around me
Even music and dance don't excite me anymore
How can10 I live like this?
Every day's the same
It will never reign11 again
My kingdom of the heart
  • 1. literally 'good of heart'
  • 2. 'doch' adds emphasis, usually translating to 'just', 'only' or 'but'
  • 3. literally 'Where does he like to be?'
  • 4. literally 'and carry her in (my) hands'. 'Jemand auf Hände tragen' is also used as a phrase for 'wait(ing) on someone hand an foot'
  • 5. literally 'and take her in (my) arms'
  • 6. literally 'I'd trade (in) for'
  • 7. literally 'just to be by him'. The idea translates better when taking this line and the three before it as one, giving 'I'd trade my whole life just for one moment with him'. The same goes for Rollo's line.
  • 8. literally 'in shards'
  • 9. literally 'I lack every courage'
  • 10. literally 'should'
  • 11. literally 'exist'

White and black (We choose, we are chosen)

Versions: #3
We choose, we are chosen,
How often this does not match!
I after you follow your shadow,
I get used to mismatches!
Who will err?
Who will guess?
Different [kinds] of happiness
Will rain on us
Often the simple
Seems absurd
The black is white
The white is black
I get used to [it], I'm glad to see you!
You won't know, indeed and don't need to!
You won't know - indeed and [neither] will you be able to -
That it didn't work out - together it didn't work out!
Happiness - such a difficult thing:
The shrewd1 and the purblind2.
Often the simple seems absurd,
The black is white, the white is black.
  • 1. Lit. 'farsighted'
  • 2. Lit. 'shortsighted'

Завирити у моју душу

Видим твоје лице пред очима
Падам у таму
Зашто морам да се борим да останем жив?
Хероји падају
Пробуди ме, зар не можеш да ме чујеш како дозивам?
Они долазе из таме, пузећи
Овде сам, изгубљена сам у твојој земљи
И надам се да ћеш ти - завирити у моју душу
Сенке падају, пусти ме, чуј мој позив
И ја ћу увек веровати - завири у моју душу
(језа из дубине ће престравити твој ум)
(језа из дубине ће се хранити твојом кичмом)
Падам у ноћ
Очи ми се затварају
Сенке излећу из светла
Моје ноћне море могу почети
Пробуди ме, зар не можеш да ме чујеш како дозивам?
Они долазе из таме, пузећи
Овде сам, изгубљена сам у твојој земљи
И надам се да ћеш ти - завирити у моју душу
Сенке падају, пусти ме, чуј мој позив
И ја ћу увек веровати - завири у моју душу
Завирујеш у моју душу - постаје ван контроле
Морам да пронађем начин да побегнем из ове црне рупе
Зар је правду у свету тако тешко наћи?
Време је дошло...Морам да се одлучим
Без обзира колико се далеко удаљиш и сакријеш
Све моје мисли су заробљене унутра
Језа из дубине ће престравити твој ум
Језа из дубине ће се хранити твојом кичмом
Овде сам, изгубљена сам у твојој земљи
И надам се да ћеш ти - завирити у моју душу
Сенке падају, пусти ме, чуј мој позив
И ја ћу увек веровати - завири у моју душу

Paranoid #3

Versions: #2
(Hey, how have you been?)
Again on the same couch
How does it feel to be the one people meet after they've hit the rock bottom?
I used to come here gladly, (aha), I was searching for my soul
But one can't control themselves (Well yeah that's true...)
Dear diary
During the day I concentrated on inhaling
And during the evening to be quiet (shhh)
I'm waiting for every difficult morning
Every single night and keep count of them (Great)
And you're the one who decides
What is wrong and what is right? (Well I wouldn't exactly phrase it that way...)
Being stubborn,
When the mouth says scurrilous shit
This is an inquisition
Interest sponsors my own promo video
A big rabbit, Donnie Darko
Egg cartons are filling my walls
Guests who know less say
'What a nice home studio'
No, the heaven is falling
I won't clean or do the dishes anymore
It's futile
The recorder knocks, horrible laughter on the cord
I repent, I can't keep my mouth shut
I'm waiting on the doormat, next to the mail slot
That could they finally visit
Between the shades I'm lurking completely alone
That who is the one following me outside on the shade of the eaves
Psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum
Psycho, psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum
Pain is just a sensation
Ambulance is just a ride
I can feel myself safe
Until I notice that my home is closed, oops
Scapegoat of the school social worker
The sick mind is the one blocking the toilets
And not any ignorant kid
They don't tend to
They're the ones who raised you too
I'm sorry for existing
I am not sick, not even when having cholera
I am listening to my neighbours like I would be working at Sonera 1
A pizza guy on your door: 'Hello, here's the pizza'
Don't open
Treatment plan meeting, room 10
Ten people, ten times
The feelings aren't going to die
Even when each time comparing to the previous one
The only pulse is impulse
Went two-folded
I have the power to turn the waters to wines
I wriggled on the cross, give me a kibbutz
On the mirror, I see Pertti Pasanen, Petri Gerdt and the Number of the Beast
Six Six Sicko
I am more than healthy
But I'm still spending my weekends here
Psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum
Psycho, psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum

Rachamim [Or: Mercy]

All the men in the neighborhood
Carry their eyes up to me
They say, 'You're beautiful like a picture
Like the sun at dusk'
And they all lay out their nets for me
And they all want and want
But I only ask for mercy [also: Rachamim]
Rachamim, oh Rachamim
Watch and observe
And you might also notice
How in the vineyard there will bloom
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
They all whistle to me at their window
But I can't hear it
My heart is like a telephone
At the Welfare Office
Busy for two months now
No connection, no phone lines
And they're all on their knees
Rachamim, oh Rachamim
Watch and observe
And you might also notice
How in the vineyard there will bloom
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
But if I'll leave without escaping
My feet would go to you
Oh Rachamim, when will you lay
Your mercy over me
So we could go out to the street
Embraced like two lovebirds
And I'll be glowing
Rachamim, oh Rachamim
Watch and observe
And you might also notice
How in the vineyard there will bloom
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
Oh oh oh oh

Paranoid #3

(Hey, how have you been?)
Again on the same couch
How does it feel to be the one people meet after they've hit the rock bottom?
I used to come here gladly, (aha), I was searching for my soul
But one can't control themselves (Well yeah that's true...)
Dear diary
During the day I concentrated on inhaling
And during the evening to be quiet (shhh)
I'm waiting for every difficult morning
Every single night and keep count of them (Great)
And you're the one who decides
What is wrong and what is right? (Well I wouldn't exactly phrase it that way...)
Being stubborn,
When the mouth says scurrilous shit
This is an inquisition
Interest sponsors my own promo video
A big rabbit, Donnie Darko
Egg cartons are filling my walls
Guests who know less say
'What a nice home studio'
No, the heaven is falling
I won't clean or do the dishes anymore
It's futile
The recorder knocks, horrible laughter on the cord
I repent, I can't keep my mouth shut
I'm waiting on the doormat, next to the mail slot
That could they finally visit
Between the shades I'm lurking completely alone
That who is the one following me outside on the shade of the eaves
Psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum
Psycho, psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum
Pain is just a sensation
Ambulance is just a ride
I can feel myself safe
Until I notice that my home is closed, oops
Scapegoat of the school social worker
The sick mind is the one blocking the toilets
And not any ignorant kid
They don't tend to
They're the ones who raised you too
I'm sorry for existing
I am not sick, not even when having cholera
I am listening to my neighbours like I would be working at Sonera 1
A pizza guy on your door: 'Hello, here's the pizza'
Don't open
Treatment plan meeting, room 10
Ten people, ten times
The feelings aren't going to die
Even when each time comparing to the previous one
The only pulse is impulse
Went two-folded
I have the power to turn the waters to wines
I wriggled on the cross, give me a kibbutz
On the mirror, I see Pertti Pasanen, Petri Gerdt and the Number of the Beast
Six Six Sicko
I am more than healthy
But I'm still spending my weekends here
Psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum
Psycho, psycho, psy-psycho-cho
What a pity, alas, how much we have to cope with
Woe, if you just could by any means keep it at the minimum
  • 1. Sonera is a former Finnish telecommunications company which has now merged with the Swedish company Telia

Momci mojih godina

Nisam vidjela svog bivšeg otkako smo raskinuli
Vjerovatno jer on nije htio da odraste
Sad sam napolju i nosim nešto dekoltirano
Uskoro ću dobiti pažnju od nekog odraslog
Jer me držiš kao ženu
Na način koji nikad ranije nisam osjetila
I zbog toga želim da istrajem
I zbog toga želim biti u potpunosti tvoja
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me dodiruju
Ne znaju kako da me vole
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me dodiruju
Ne znaju kako da me vole
Sve što je ikad htio je oralni seks
Ono što smo trebali da uradimo dok su svi njegovi prijatelji u blizini, da
Pušeći travu, nikad nije htio izaći iz kuće
Sad ima prazan jastuk na toj sofi
Rekla sam mu: Srećno sa sljedećom.
Možda će ona biti podjednako nezrela
Moram da mu zahvalim, on je razlog
Što znam šta tražim
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me dodiruju
Ne znaju kako da me vole
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me dodiruju
Ne znaju kako da me vole
Zato se nikad ne vraćam
Ne, nikad se ne vraćam nazad
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Ne znaju kako da postupaju sa mnom
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me dodiruju
Ne znaju kako da me vole
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Ne znaju kako da me zadrže
Momci mojih godina ne znaju kako da me dodiruju
Ne znaju kako da me vole
Zato se nikad ne vraćam
Ne znaju, ne znaju, ne znaju
Ne, nikad se ne vraćam nazad
Ne znaju kako da me dodiruju
Ne znaju kako da me vole
Zato se nikad ne vraćam
Ne, nikad se ne vraćam nazad

Follower of the storm

When the days are standing still
And silently wither away
The air has been tranquil for long again
Your memories are yelling
Telling to you
The stormy weather is attracting you
Do you hear it when the winds rise
And alarming sounds begin
What do you do when the clouds darken
And the lightnings are calling you to them
Follower of the storm, rise with the wind
And let loose of the ground
You can't forget
And the thunderstorm again as well
Reminds you of it in your head
When the storm is raging
and everything is disappearing
Only then we are fully alive
Do you see, how the clouds are darkening
Soon the stormy weather conquers the world
What do you do when the walls fall
And the rumbles are born in your soul
In the vortex, ahead of us
The sky opens up
Now you know it, you're a follower of the storm
Do you see, how the clouds are darkening
Soon the stormy weather conquers the world
What do you do when the walls fall
And the lightnings are calling you to them


When I close my eyes
I can feel even the warm breeze on that day
Guess I was feeling your breath
Passing by my nose
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
I can't even call you out
In front of the beautiful sunset
With the thought of you laughing on that day
I paint you even thicker
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
Because for me each and every past day is precious
As the time passes
Everything will blur little by little
Even the moment I was loving
Even my colored heart - all of it will get erased in the end

I don't l****you

I am not emotionally handicapped
I have feelings
But I'll shut my mouth from emotions
Which one should I punish, the mouth or the feelings
When I can't speak
I can only ram?
Allegedly I can't say 'my love'
Yeah, I can't, I'll take it back
It is such an ugly word
That no matter how drunk I see you on the street
I'll swallow it down
Am I inclined to be bitter
I guess I needed something more reliable
I still have my brain
And I'll let the brain train my senses
If I don't see you, smell you, hear you, I can't **** ***
A flower, I'll let you wilt
I'll kill you from my heart, I don't need you
I don't miss your smell
I don't want to be next to you
I don't believe your lies
I don't miss you, not much
Times are changing
I smashed your flower pot
You wore me out to exhaustion
I had to close the lid
I won't let my cheeks
To get wet, I'll resist
That funny feeling
I don't **** you
It didn't work out properly
I feel clean
Does your conscience hurt?
I knew you
But I didn't know properly
You changed into something else
Than the picture I have of you
That pictureI used to ****
Now the picture's a memory, it used not to be
It used to be of my wife, children and loans
But it went with you
I was sure that it'd last
When you jump off the swing that then it's permanent
And if someone suddenly asks me
Then the feelings are gone and shall be gone from now on too
I am not bitter about it being over
I am bitter about you being
You took time away from me, you pulled it past me
And time is money, I want that money back
I don't miss your smell
I don't want to be next to you
I don't believe your lies
I don't miss you, not much
Times are changing
I smashed your flower pot
You wore me out to exhaustion
I had to close the lid
I won't let my cheeks
To get wet, I'll resist
That funny feeling
I don't **** you
I'm shredding your letters
In film, you're scoffing of memories, fuck that
Before I would have died for you
And risen from the dead
To take away your pain
I would have run all the way to Africa
If you would have looked at me in a ****** way
You have a mask on
I'll cut it in half
Under it you're not smiling as mesmerizingly
I don't need you
I am just getting more sure of it
The salt can't get inside my wounds
So it's pointless to get sad
I ***** you
But I don't **** you anymore
I won't **** anyone
Ever again so thanks a lot!
I don't miss your smell
I don't want to be next to you
I don't believe your lies
I don't miss you, not much
Times are changing
I smashed your flower pot
You wore me out to exhaustion
I had to close the lid
I won't let my cheeks
To get wet, I'll resist
That funny feeling
I don't **** you

Who Will Hug Me

And on each passing day, I remember you
I get up, run and collect some logic that I've left in you
We stopped on our path and you keep on going
This isn't for me, I want to disappear
Who will hug me, who
Tell me just who will find me alone again
So who will kiss me, who
If it's not you, I guess it isn't me
So who will hug me, who
Tell me just who because I can't find myself anymore
So who will hug me, who, who, who
And it's a little strange for me
That in the end you forget, to take the key
A memory that was sealed within me and there's no one to open the door
I'm still asking
Who will hug me, who, who
Who will hug me, who, who
Who will hug me, hug me
You've left me a memento, feelings inside a photo
A love without a frame with a little different feeling
And it's a little sad that you're happy again without me
And it doesn't matter to you, you run far away and then scream
Who will hug me, who
Tell me just who will find me alone again
So who will kiss me, who
If it's not you, I guess it isn't me
So who will hug me, who
Tell me just who because I can't find myself anymore
So who will hug me, who, who, who
And it's a little strange for me
That in the end you forget, to take the key
A memory that was sealed within me and there's no one to open the door
I'm still asking
Who will hug me, who, who
Who will hug me, who, who
Who will hug me, hug me
So who will look for me, who
Tell me just who because I can't find myself anymore
So who will hug me, who

Your name

Refrain (2x):
Again and again I keep forgetting your name
But you never leave my head - it's always the same
There's no one around and room's light is opaque
Surely, for a while I'm asleep, but maybe awake.
How many times I tried to forget - hopeless
How many times I cried 'turn around' - dangerous
I am so tied to you - cannot break away
Can't simply go around smiling on my way.
Again and again I feel déjà vu
Dark nights to the sleeplessness threw
I only think of what kind of pursuits there can be
When even the sun doesn't warm me.
Refrain (2x):
Again and again I keep forgetting your name
But you never leave my head - it's always the same
There's no one around and room's light is opaque
Surely, for a while I'm asleep, but maybe awake.
I stand alone on yet another bleary day
For my return to you no more reasons to lay
I know I am not the very best - after all, I am a man
As though I read all libraries' content.
But I will come back for you hence
Will look into your eyes, see common sense
Because even a fool could unravel you
You constantly say 'something wrong with me'
But I heard this
More than once...
Refrain (2x):
Again and again I keep forgetting your name
But you never leave my head - it's always the same
There's no one around and room's light is opaque
Surely, for a while I'm asleep, but maybe awake.

Whisper of The Wind

I wish the morning would never come
Crouching down in the pitch dark, wrapped up in the comforter
Again, I hit this guy and that guy
That won't change my life
For heaven's sake, change me into someone else
A compass I bought randomly
The flow of time I gaze absently
I smoke an unfamiliar cigarette
Even going out for a walk is a matter of life or death to me
Ah, I think it's not all that bad to cry today
Whisper of the wind offends my ears
Shut up, you don't know anything whatever about me
Under the tiffany blue sky
I keep pursuing my stupid dream
It seems to be within my reach, but I can't catch it
There is that hairy, bearded guy
Badgering me with, 'Do you have a dream?' any day
Annoying enough, but there is an untouchable reality
Even though my time card has no blank to be filled
In my pocket, there's only a bronze medal
Made of paper scrap today as usual
The doctor pretending to be serious
All he says is trite
Grabbing my hand with his shaky hands
He says to me persistently
'Feel free to come over whenever you want'
That's the way it is
Crouds are swept away quickly
Don't laugh at me as if you understand me
Don't tell me, 'Go for it,' shithead
I'm living with all my might
I don't want you to tell me such things lightly
Whisper of the wind offends my ears
Shut up, you don't know anything whatever about me
Under the tiffany blue sky
I keep pursuing my stupid dream
It seems to be within my reach, but I can't catch it
I'll try a little bit, anyway
Where the heck do I fit in?

The wooden costumes

How we all tend to be merry and sullen,
But if we must choose and choosing is difficult,
We choose the wooden costumes,
People, people ...
To us will long be suggested - not to miscalculate.
- Oh! - it is said, - what do you say, you haven't lived yet!
You must only-only begin ... -
Now, and then will be offered: either - or.
Either beaches, viewing of exhibitions or even
Steamships, with filled holds,
Carriages, horse races, tours, voyages ...
Or simply - the wooden costumes.
And they will be merry and sullen,
And they will be in the roles of the bad buffoons or good judges,
But us will be offered the wooden costumes,
People, people ...
Us may even be offered to smoke.
- Oh! - they remember, - you however have long not smoked.
Yes, you already not began to live ... -
Now, and then will be offered: either - or.
The smoke of a cigarette casts something ...
One inhaling - the thoughts get merrier.
The desire to smoke, oh, smoking desire!
But one must select the wooden costumes.
They will be polite and gentle so much -
A happy life will be offered on a dish.
But we shall refuse ... And beat them brutally,
People, people, people ...

The Music Of My Heart

With you in my life
I'm finally happy
Every day is a dream
That must never end
I cannot keep from singing
This song you've put into my heart
You set the music ringing
And you're the sweetest part
Katherine & Semino:
You're the song I'll sing forever
You are the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
We were born to be together
You're my reason,
You're my rhyme
Katherine & Semino:
You're the words I build my life on
You're my eternal symphony
You are the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You are the music of my heart
From the concert of my life,
You're the composer
You're the writer of every word,
Of every note of my life's score
You are the song of all the songs
Each word is the truth
You're the season never changing
You're the summer in my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You're the song I'll sing forever
You are the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
We were born to be together
You're my reason, you're my rhyme
Katherine & Semino:
You're the words I build my life on
You're my eternal symphony
You are the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You are the music of my heart
You are the words I build my life on
You're my eternal symphony
You are the music of my heart
Katherine & Semino:
You are the music of my heart
Of my heart.