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You Are Your First Love

I look in the mirror and try to find
That girl who used to be so sweet
With a smile in her eyes
But that cute girl is gone
All that's left is me
I'm a little cold, perhaps a bit crazy
But the mistake wasn't mine
But I can say that, even so, I love myself
I can say that I'm the only one who can care for me
I can say that I never needed you
I never depended on you in that way
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
My friend, listen, I may not even know you
But from afar, I can feel your vibes
Don't let anything put you down
I'll always be by your side
Don't get upset, don't cry
Love always comes at the right time
Pick your head up and take care of yourself
For I'm here, and I won't leave you alone
The time has come for you to think about your dreams
Respect your body, you are beautiful and have value
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
You are your first love
You are your first love
You are your first love
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
You are your first love
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love

Jasmine love of tears

Closing my eyes
With you I fall in love again
The twilight gets dark, ah ah, on the hill of a foreign country
The lights of a distant city shake
Hold me that I'm shivering
That day when only the word 'goodbye' remained in my ears
Without showing tears, he closed softly the car door
Please please go away, he said biting his lips
Last summer day started to run
Hey, about the airmail I received once
Why the letters at the upper right are blur?
To that man who told me this painful love
I caress his cheek, ah ah, the sea breeze announces the fall
He didn't write any adress
My show of courage isn't different
Jasmine love of tears
I search for you in Chinatown, it's like a maze
The harbor view passing by is reflected in the car window
Please please tell me why, the reason of your tenderness
'I'll be waiting for you' you said that time
Hey, I'll tell you a dream I saw in the distance
In that moment I liked you
Closing my eyes
Together we fall in love again
The twilight gets dark, ah ah, on the hill of a foreign country
The lights of a distant city shake
Hold me that I'm shivering
Jasmine love of tears
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Omen

Nigrae legiones, ferus imperator, sinus occultus, fatum terminatum
The omen
Imperio imperio inferna fortuna crudelitas
You turn in the black light
Your shadow explodes like a volcano
You are like a star that speaks
I fall apart in your delusion
You drown me in your spell
Immortal, then give me life
Open the gate to the black legions
Close the circle of evil, the omen
Imperio imperio inferna fortuna crudelitas
I lower my head before you
when you glisten in the orbit
I feel the power
when you separate me from the Gods
You are my sanctuary
You are my light in space
You are life
You are the curse
You are the omen
The omen
Nigrae legiones, ferus imperator, sinus occultus, fatum terminatum
You are the strength, the power, and the prophecy for eternity
You are the omen
Imperio, imperio inferna, fortuna crudelitas

The Ring of the Nibelungen

Come to me!
Come to me in my dark kingdom!
Come to me
in my dark kingdom!
Sempiternus raptus est...
Bloody revenge
Betrayal and robbery
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Forged from Rhine gold
Forced by gods
Destroying the curse
The Ring of the Nibelungen1
Come to me!
Come to me in my dark kingdom!
Come to me
in my dark kingdom!
Souls burned
The blood sea dried up
Heroes are dead
And the song cruel
Forged from Rhine gold2
Forced by gods
Destroying the curse
The Ring of the Nibelungen
Sempiternus raptus est
Te tenebo in umbras
Exire imperio nemo potest
Si sinistra te tango
In me aeterno ardes
Et in obscuritas captatus est
Come to me!
Come to me in my dark kingdom!
Come to me
in my dark kingdom!
  • 1. The Ring of the Nibelungen (Der Ring des Nibelungen) is an opera by Richard Wagner. It has four cycles and is based on German and poetry and mythology.
  • 2. Rhine gold (Das Rheingold) is the name of the first opera in the cycle and also refers to a type of gold that must be guarded in the story.

I will love you

I believe, I believe in the word of love
I know that you bring me silence to my soul
I believe in better and better, I guess
and in your song and your love...
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
love will follow its destiny...
You let too much longing in his will
Never listen anybody's words
I know I exist and I exist because I love
Love, believe in me and my love!
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
love will follow its destiny...
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
and I will defend the love
It's gonna do her duty
It's gonna do her duty
only love

In the Ward

You have been through a lot since your mother and father broke up, since that you have been living in fear in a way
You started to cut yourself, you said it makes you feel better, you say that you're anxious but you just can't tell why
Father home alone wondering what went wrong, a suicidal daughter in a ward in Pitkäniemi1
Treatment periods one after another, all these different pills you should take
You started to escape, started to drink too, started to give sex for alcohol
You looked at others being happy while at the same time you tried to kill yourself harder
When you thought of life, you always started to cry, you cut your arms and were given stitches in the hospital
'What is wrong with the world' you pondered in a psychiatric hospital
You felt like no one needed you, rather anxiety, depression and insomnia started to bother you again
So young yet so much problems
You wondered if it was just easier to stop living
It feels so bad to be in the ward
It feels so bad to be in the ward
You're locked in your room, security guards behind your door
Bloody scars in your arms and legs
Yesterday you tried to kill yourself once again, nurses come and as how you feel
Well what do you think, no one helps me
Let me out of here already, for fuck's sake
The last bit of joy dies in the closed ward, you hit your head on the wall and try to bite through your skin
None of these nurses know how you feel, they have been giving you pills for a long time without anything changing
The girl escaped and flipped off at the nurses, boozed and was raped at night
Little girl, I don't want the pain to win, and when you messaged me saying that you get empowered from me
I took up a pen, wrote your life down here
I and your family care about you, you're safe here
I want to see you smile today, and I know you smile when you listen to this
I want to see you smile today, and I know you smile when you listen to this
It feels so bad to be in the ward
It feels so bad to be in the ward
  • 1. Alongside with Niuvanniemi in Kuopio, Pitkäniemi in Tampere is one of the two psychiatric hospitals in Finland which offers treatment for especially difficult-to-treat adolescents. Both Pitkäniemi and Niuvanniemi are infamous for being the 'last place' a young person should be taken to

Shaped like a thunderbolt

We can run, we can go away
Or remain fixed and let everything shine
We can take ourselves, we can get lost
We can tell each other just simple things
We can laugh and let fuck us
Dance uncoordinated and leave it alone
We can believe, make us explode
As weapons, only electric guitars
We can illude ourselves, dance while standing fixed
And pay attention to when we're happy
We can grow but remember forever
Your little scar shaped like a thunderbolt
Then continue living and have nothing to lose
We can run, don't know what to do
Save us and then start crying
We can read and know nothing
Heal wounds, shoot people
Singing lullabies, unleashing wars
Then repair damage, give names to the stars
We can laugh, look at each other through
See a lost plane in the dark
We can live illuminated nights
Eternal promises at the bottom of dirt tracks
We can do half marathons
To reach your unattainable heart
Then continue living and have nothing to lose
We can run, be hail
In these very weak superpowers
We can build peace and great works
That sooner or later will return to dust
We can go to the farthest stars
Even though the subways are surrounded
We can navigate at sight without rules
To have everything to win, nothing to defend
We can delude ourselves, dance while standing still
And pay attention to when we're happy
We can grow but remember forever
Your little scar shaped like a thunderbolt
Then continue living and have nothing to lose
Then continue living
Then continue living
Then continue living
Then continue living

Nuclear Reactor -meltdown-

The city lights are spectacular,
But I feel ether's lingering chill
I can't sleep, it's 2 AM,
And everything seems to move so quickly
I’m like a lighter out of fluid
My insides are on fire
Sometimes I wish
It was all a lie
In my dream I strangled you
In the languid afternoon light
I watched your throat, thin and twitching
Through eyes brimming with tears
I want to
Jump into the core
Beauty wrapped in pure blue light
If I could
Jump into the core
I feel as if all would be forgiven
On the other side of the veranda,
The sound of footsteps climbing the stairs
The sky that started to cloud over
Falls through my windowpane, into my room
The twilight scatters
The sun is red as if from crying
As if melting, bit by bit,
Bit by bit, the world is dying
In my dream I strangled you
As the curtains fluttered in the spring breeze
The words spilling from your dried-out, worn-out lips
Were like foam
I want to
Jump into the core
My memories would melt into brilliant whiteness and disappear
If I could
Jump into the core
I feel like I’d be able to sleep again like I used to
The second hand on a clock,
A TV host
Someone there I just can't see
Their laughter echoes as it swells
Allegro agitate
The ringing in my ears won’t fade, won’t stop
Allegro agitate
The ringing in my ears won’t fade, won’t stop
I dreamed the whole world vanished
In the night, my room feels vast
And the silence chokes my heart
Making it hard to breathe
If I
Jumped into the core
I'd vanish, like I had gone to sleep
A morning without me
Would be perfect
All the gears meshing together
That's how the world would be

Sa kime ćeš se ljubiti

Ja sam ti dečko bio,
Samo vreme da ti prođe.
Učinila si da te zavolim puno,
A (sad) od mene odlaziš.
Šta sam ti zgrešio?
Tražim da mi kažeš.
Ako odeš, uzmi život moj,
Da umrem ako si drugog zavolela.
Refren (2x):
S kime ćeš se ljubiti?
Ko će te voleti više nego ja?
Ko će da ti briše suze,
Kad budeš plakala noćima.
Ja ću ti dati život svoj,
Iako me nisi volela.
Drugu devojku ja nemam još uvek,
I tako ću umreti, da znaš.
Šta sam ti zgrešio?
Hoću da mi kažeš.
Ako odeš, uzmi život moj,
Da umrem ako si drugog zavolela.
Refren (2x)

Christmas Present

If I could have
One wish granted
On Christmas night
I would have the snow fall
So that we can remember our love
The candlelight is flickering
Why won't you blink
Those tearful eyes?
You've just been staring at me
So I don't ruin those tears
I just endure your gaze
In this wide world
That I got to meet you
Is a present from God
A wonderful present
The time we spent loving each other
Is a passageway in my heart
Leading to the future
It was practice at being happy
The new sky for each of us
Will be in different places, but
On Christmas night
I would have the snow fall
So that we can remember today
It's okay to cry now
Tears are pain erasers
They make us stronger
Someday, somewhere
I'm sure we'll meet again
I won't forget, and wait for that day
A wonderful present
In the time we spent loving each other
You taught me
The true meaning of love
After we say goodbye
And even more than the love I feel right now
That's something that will last forever
When Christmas comes
I wonder if the snow will fall
So that we can always remember
The time we spent loving each other
Is a passageway in my heart
Leading to the future
It was practice at being happy
The new sky for each of us
Will be in different places, but
On Christmas night
I would have the snow fall
So that we can remember today

When The Seagulls Cry

The wind becomes a storm 
The waves grow enraged 
The roaring sea calls to the witch who has lived a thousand years
How I have longed for this day! 
How I have dreaded this day! 
Who will celebrate destiny?
Oh, Witch! Oh, Witch! 
What will you disclose to me?
As the moon crosses the night sky, the waves grow tall 
The cries of the seagulls beckon the clouds of uncertainty
The Golden Curse and the words left behind 
And the secret smile all become smeared with crimson
What are you seeking with closed eyes? 
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments 
They shall spill from the hands that touch them and never reach you 
Without love, you cannot see the decorated truth and lies
Beatrice! Cruel Witch! 
Of beauty without equal 
Beatrice! Oh! Of capricious sweetness 
Never can I free myself from your spell 
If this suffering must go on, at least have pity on me for a moment
The dancing butterflies' wings flutter back and forth between reality and dreams 
The unceasing sound of the raindrops hides both truth and lies
The beginning banquet and the chosen lamb 
And the entangled hatred fill the glass
What are you searching for this imprisoned world? 
Though one may wish for the miracle of forgiveness 
Their voice shall be carried off by the wind and never reach you 
Without love, the recurring loneliness shall never disappear
Joy and sorrow break and retreat like waves 
And flow towards the sea in the dark dead of night 
Tears and scars all blur together 
And you, the liar, fall into the darkness
The sound of the waves, the voice of the sea like a song 
Listening to it seems to purify me of the crime committed 
The sound of the waves gently cradles me 
It sends me to tranquil sleep and I dream happy dreams
What are you seeking with closed eyes? 
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments 
They shall spill from the hands that touch them and never reach you 
Without love, you cannot see the decorated truth and lies
What are you seeking with closed eyes? 
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments 
They shall spill from the hands that touch them 
and never reach you 
Without love, you cannot see 
the decorated truth and lies
Without love, you cannot see the truth

Unrequited Love

I beg of you, reflect me in your eyes, so I will not drown in sorrow
Your eyes are gazing to a faraway fading place
Ringing the bell inside my painful heart
My sigh escapes from my mouth, and I can’t smile well
As if I am a prisoner of yours, as if I am rejected by you
I’ll keep the cries of cowardice in my heart, no matter if you answer me, forever
I beg of you, call my name, so that I shall not drown in sorrow
No matter how mistaken I am, if I am right somewhere
Everyone still wants to search for a gentle way to escape from grief
I want to know everything about you, your strength and your weakness
My fingers may touch you, but my feelings cannot reach you
I am scared of the broken tomorrow, but even if my heart hurts I still will never give up
I thought that all my hopes and wishes would come true
And now I will put an end to those selfish moments
My loneliness has stretched so far that I am now seeing it in my future
But I will still head and walk toward the faint light
My fingers may touch you, but my feelings cannot reach you
I tremble in fear thinking of losing you, but I still will never give up, ever

The world is mine

[Second verse: TPS]
From a small (prison) cell to the streets of Poland and foreign lands.
Horizons broaden with ink not chalk.
I've been taught to hustle, I don't fuck with death.
I still got a lot to do before I die.
My life is portrayed in those tracks.
ZDR, the Grim Reaper is waitin' somewhere.
Snitches must be punked.
Address on a postcard on which corrections officer puts a stamp on.
Time stopped. I've learned things, now I'm putting it into use.
Tomorrow I'll have more. I need to buy shit, you know I'm sayin'?
I want stacks (of cash) , everything I've been waitin' for.
He bettered himself, minus the time spent in the slammer.
I smoke weed to calm myself down. I know what I gotta do.
Finally things are lookin' good.
New album, I need to find a place for myself in this crowd.
Why? Cause I can. I took the right path.
[Third verse: Murzyn]
One has to accept all the necessary lies
just like the truth which is too hard to swallow.
How to come to terms with reality, where to look for a way out,
who's goin' to help you?
Lay a hand on her and I'll shank you.
She won't turn a blind eye, she's raising children not cared for.
She teaches you to keep your mouth shut.
If you got the dough, remember to keep it hush-hush.
I wasn't burnin' bridges, I don't own anything to anyone.
Man should be economical with his words.
I'm swearing an oath.
If you're losin' something, it means you haven't learned anything.
Dear Lord, please keep me safe.
You can live a peaceful life or take the job.
Suffer the consequences, you won't make more (money).
You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud, too.
My own world, plata o plomo.
[Fourth verse: Dobo]
The world is ours, everything is within arm's reach.
Life is beautiful and it doesn't have to be a torment.
Sometimes it grabes you by the throat like a pitbull.
You need to be hard like titanium.
ZDR with another album, streets chronicles.
If shit hits the fan remember to keep your mouth shut
or you'll be dethroned, you halfwit.
Always remember to get rid of weak links.
If someone doesn't seem reliable, tell him to push off
before he shows his dark side.
He'll throw his partners under the bus to save his own skin.
I'm rapping about what them streets taught me.
Downtown front, 26-600, capital of tiredness.
The Infamous Mobb graced us with their presence on this track.
This is our world, even though we're thousands of miles apart.

I'll do work someday

When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
Damn, this went well
I think I slept through the morning's traffic
I don't even feel bad about that
I'll glide on out of here and thank myself
You and Juha can take care of Finland's risings.
I won't even put pants on
And don't think I'm a lazy dude
God rested on the 7th day aswell.
When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
I shout go go go, let's go
I don't care where I'll go
To the work: no no no no no
I promise I'll do work some day
I get a stamp on my Passport and I forget about money
I grab an Ice tea, or a Mango lassi
I look at people's holiday photos, and think me too
I don't think about where I get my bread from, only Ray-Bans
Please tell me that your job is fun
I'm just waiting to get home from work
I'm drinking in the pool, writing on the to-do list
that there's space for more mojitos
Am I even alive if I don't enjoy life
A burnout is a dangerous disease
The migratory bird is nesting inside me
It can't take the two week summers
When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
Heading to Tenerife with my brother
Or to a campfire with Loiri
I have seen enough action
Heading to Tenerife with my brother
Damn, I'd even go pick berries
The migratory bird is nesting inside me
It can't take the two week summers
When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
I shout go go go, let's go
I don't care where I'll go
To the work: no no no no no
I promise I'll do work some day
I promise I'll do work some day

Golden Sneers ~Lovely Banquet~

Welcome to this night party of madness
Let's start the game of the great occasions
I won't bore you
Come on, move the pawns
I will crush your childish ideas
The seven deadly sins have been washed away
The ninth night has finished without incoveniences
The thirteen victims have been sacrificed in the just ritual
I will give you rose coloured wine
I will love you to the bone
Kiss my feet, kiss them
Come on prostrate yourself before me
I will cook you very well
With the spice of despair
Your laments are like a sweet orchestral melody
How beautiful your screams are!
I become inebriated just hearing them
The wing is broken,
the eagle has fallen from the sky
It's feathers are scattered throughout the seas and mountains
Let my poor soul rest in peace!
Let my poor soul rest in peace!

Do jutra

Zato što si ljubomoran
Ili prerdivan lažov
Ti si sve za mene
Kad odeš, sama u krevetu,
Moje misli su samo sa tobom!
Pred refren:
Život je kratak zato znaj
Otvori širom oči
Povedi me gde god želiš i tamo
Voli me, dragi!
Noći padaju preko nas
Ljubiš mi gola ramena
Do jutra
Sve-do sve-do sve do jutra.
Ne želim tražiti od tebe,
Mesec sa neba,
Samo želim biti sa tobom,
Osvetliom si me,
Sa jednim toplim osmehom
Kao sa hiljadama reči.
Pred refren:
Život je kratak zato znaj
Otvori širom oči
Povedi me gde god želiš i tamo
Voli me, dragi!
Noći padaju preko nas
Ljubiš mi gola ramena
Do jutra
Sve-do sve-do sve do jutra.
Kada sunce izađe
Još uvek volećemo se
I tako stalno svakog dana (x2)
Uhm, aha!
Crna kola, šal, rezervoar je pun
Crveno samo za pešake, ne znamo kuda idemo
Veu veu veu posle kako trčimo,
Posle kiša, ispod bora, volimo se, volimo se
Gde, gde idemo ni ne plaćamo ništa
Vidi, vidi, kako dobro se poznajemo
Super ni ne trebamo pričati,
I usaglašeni smo sve-do sve do....
Sve do jutra!
Noći padaju preko nas
Ljubiš mi gola ramena
Do jutra
Sve-do sve-do sve do jutra.
Kada sunce izađe
Još uvek volećemo se
I tako stalno svakog dana (x2)

Come to me

Now I'm trying to tell you I made a mistake
Santa Claus is just a poor youngster
I want you to let me
make you understand
as I said in the begining
that at night I'd...
All as one, in the summer, we'd make it
all the girls were all dressed up!
Bro, all the discos are far?
It's winter again, what, am-I not right?
I can't believe that you sang
I don't understand, you didn't even tried!
(and play!)
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Memories don't let me think
they jump on me, they circle me
they ambush me, they cool me
A year ago, on the hot sand,
beetween the thousands of shells, I found a little...
Lie to me, tell me that it's not your fault
You left, you went back, nobody wanted to keep you
The disco is the best, you don't need anything
come to the greatest party if you know what I mean!...
I can't believe that you sang
I don't understand, you didn't even tried!
(and play!)
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!
Please, come back
to be both together again(naked)
Come back to me
I want to be with you!

Smrtonosni hitac

Zvučiš kao kuja, kuja
Začepi jebenu gubicu!
Kad tvoji fanovi postanu tvoji hejteri
Jesi li završio?
Jebote, tvoja brada je čudna
U redu
Dereš se na mikrofon, tvoja čudna brada
Radimo ovo jednom
Dereš se na mikrofon, tvoja brada je čudna
Zašto se dereš na mikrofon? (llla)
Rijana mi je upravo poslala poruku
Sinoć sam ostavio modrice na njenom vratu
Ček, ti si me upravo si me kritikovao*? Baš sam zbunjen
Vrijeđaš me u jednom stihu, daješ komplimente u sljedećem
Dođavola, baš mi je žao što želiš da imam srčani napad
Gledao sam 8 Mile na svojoj traci za trčanje
Shvatio da sam zaboravio da ti uzvratim poziv
Evo ga onaj autogram za tvoju ćerku, napisao sam ga na Starter kačketu
Stan, Stan, sine, slušaj, čovječe, Tata nije ljut
Ali kako ćeš nazvati sebe po prokletom pištolju
I nositi mušku punđu?
Džin se probudio, oči otvorene, nesumnjivo
Obezbjeđuje dim, naložio vatru
Kažeš da me imaš na meti, ali si me okrznuo
Jedan moj poziv Interskopu i ti si nestao
Gomila je na tvoj odgovor vikala 'Wooo!'
Zato prije nego što umreš da vidimo ko može koga nadmašiti u pretjerivanju pri reagovanju
S tvojim otrcanim stihovima (Slim, ti si star) - aa, Keli, oh
Ali imam 45 godina, a i dalje sam prodavaniji od tebe
Do svoje 29. imao sam tri albuma koji su rasturili
Sad pričajmo o nečemu što ja baš i ne radim
Odlazim u usta nečije ćerke, kradem hranu
Ali ti si jebeni krtičnjak
Sad ću napraviti planinu od tebe, woo!
Ho, iskuliraj, ponašaš se kao da si stavio hromatsku cijev oružja u moju koštanu srž
Mitraljezac? Kujo, ti nisi ni luk i strijela
Kažeš da ćeš krenuti na mene kao na račun za telefon, raspršujući olovo
Praveći se mrtav, to je jedino vrijeme kad si miran (drži se)
Jedeš li žitarice ili ovsenu kašu?
Šta je u jebenoj zdjeli, mlijeko? Wheaties ili Cheerios?
Jer ja se serem u njih, Keli, potreban mi je materijal za čitanje
yo, Slim, tvoja posljednja četiri albuma su bila sranje
Vrati se na Recovery(oporavak), o sranje, to je bilo prije tri albuma
Šta ti znaš? Ups
Upoznaj se s činjenicama prije nego što kreneš na mene, mali glupane
Luksuz, o, jesi ti puko, kujo? Da, imao sam dovoljno novca 2002.
Da ga zapalim ispred tebe, kujo
Mlađi ja? Ne, ti si pokušaj mene, smiješno je ali je tako istinito
Radije bih bio osamdesetogodišnji ja nego dvadesetogodišnji ti
Dok ne dođem do starosti
Još mogu popuniti cijelu stranu sa bijesom desetogodišnjaka
Imam više fanova nego ti u tvom sopstvenom gradu, klinac, idi se igraj
Imam osjećaj kao da sam bejbisiterka Lil Teju
Imaš Didija, okej pa si potrošio cijeli dan
Snimajući video samo da bi sebi iskopao sopstveni grob
Uhvatio te na tvom bdenju, ja sam jarac
Nikad nisi stvorio listu kraj nekog Bilija ili Džeja
Kraj Tejlor Svift i te kurve Igi, stvarno ćeš da rasturiš (popušiš)
Keli, stavljaće tvoje ime
Pored Dža Rula, pored Benzina **- umri, drkačijo!
Kao i posljednji drkadžija koji je uzalud govorio Hejli
Mozak vanzemaljca, satanisto (da)
Moji najveći neuspjesi su tvoji najveći hitovi
Igra je moja opet i ništa se nije promijenilo osim brava
Zato prije nego ubijem ovu kuju, mwa, pošalji poljubac Džejd
Moram probuditi Praznik rada za ovo (šta koji?)
Bogat-osramoćen od strane nekog kretena koji koristi moje ime za namamljivanje klikova
U stanju blaženstva jer sam rekao njegovo prokleto ime
Sad moram povući okidač, meta
Da, kujo, otvori šampanjac za ovo!
Ovo je tvoj trenutak
Ovo je to, najviše što ćeš postići, zato uživaj
Morao sam ti dati karijeru da bih je uništio
Smrtonosna injekcija
Ideš na spavanje 3 metra ispod zemlje, daću ti 4 za trud
Ali da sam visok 120cm
Gledao bi gore u mene, i da se zna
Popušio bi kurac da budeš ja na sekund
Lizao jaja da budeš na mom kanalu
Dao svoj život da ovako očvrsneš
Ovo jebeno sranje je kao kad Rambo ostane bez metaka
Pa za šta je jebeni mitraljez ako je ostao bez municije?
Dosta mi je ovog utegnutog repera što mumla
Kako je moguće da se on i ja nadmećemo?
Morao bi da jebe Kim u mom flanelu
Daću mu svoje sandale
Jer on zna, doke god sam ja Šejdi, on će morati da živi u mojoj sjenci
Iscrpljujuće, oslobađam svoj izdanak
Kao cijev oružja, kujo, skini mi se!
Plešeš oko ovog kao sombrero, svi to vidimo
Jebeno si ljut
Jer su jaja mladog Džeralda duboko u Helzi***
Tvoj crveni džemper, tvoja crna koža
Ti se bolje oblačiš, ja bolje repujem
Je l' to prijetnja smrću ili ljubavno pismo?
Mala bijela čačkalica
Misli da je to zbog slike, samo mi se ne sviđaš, kretenu
Hvala što si me dissovao
Sad imam izgovor na mikrofonu da napišem 'Not Alike'
Ali stvarno, nije me briga ko je u pravu
Ali ti gubiš borbu koju si izabrao
Ko još to želi, Kels?
Pokušaj propada, Baden, Els
Jebeni nokti u ovim mrtvačkim sanducima meki kao Kotonel
Smrtonosni hitac, neću omašiti, i dalje sam sa doktorom
Ali šef ovog idiota gucka pilule i govori mu da ima vještinu
Ali Kels, dan kad ti izbaciš hit je dan kad Didi prizna
Da je on izbacio hitac koji je ubio Tupaka
Ah, dodijalo mi je da vas gledam izubijane
I i dalje koristite taj jebeni autotjun
Pa hajde da pričamo o tome (hajde da pričamo o tome)
Muka mi je od tvojih mrmljavih reperskih usta
Treba da izvadiš kurac iz njih
Prije nego možemo da i pričamo o tome (pričamo o tome)
Muka mi je od tvoje plave kose i minđuša
Samo jer se gledaš u ogledalo i misliš
Da si Maršal Meders (Maršal Meders)
Ne znači da to stvarno jesi, i nisi čak ni blizu
Zato ostavi moj kurac u svojim ustima i drži moju ćerku dalje od njih
Ti jebeni... o
I ja se samo igram, Didi
Ti znaš da te volim


[Intro: Eminem e Justin Vernon]
Sapete, tutti mi hanno detto cosa pensano di me negli ultimi mesi
C'è troppo rumore
Forse è arrivato il momento di dirgli cosa penso io di loro
Non lo sento arrivare dalle scale del corridoio fino dal parcheggio
C'è troppo rumore
Congela la mia corona lì sopra
Fuoco lento
Non scagliarti sulla mia faccia
Non scagliarti sulla mia fiducia, oh
Non scagliarti sul mio destino
Non scagliarti sulla mia fiducia, oh
Non scagliarti sul mio destino
Non scagliarti sulla mia-
[Strofa 1: Eminem]
Mi devo concentrare, corro contro il tempo
Non ho tempo da buttare, sono già in ritardo, ho il ritmo di un maratoneta
Sono passato dall'essere un tossicodipendente ad uno stacanovista,
parola di Dr. Dre in quella prima cassetta con la marijuana
Credo di esser diventato un caso cronico
E non sto solo facendo fumo, a meno che non sia in faccia a tua madre
So che questa volta Paul e Dre non mi diranno quello che non devo dire
Anche se io e i giorni in cui facevo festa abbiamo praticamente preso strade diverse
Giureresti su Dio che mi sia dimenticato di essere il tizio che ha fatto 'Not Afraid' [
Un'ultima volta per Charlemagne *
Se la mia risposta è in ritardo, significa solo che ci vuole tempo
Per colpire il mio fottuto radar, sono troppo distante
Questi rapper sono come gli Hunger Games
Un minuto scimiottano Jay
Il momento dopo, copiano il loro stile da Migos e poi copiano Drake
Forse non so quando voltarmi e andarmene
Ma tutto l'odio io lo chiamo il caso 'Walk on Water'
Ne ho avuto tanto quanto ne posso sopportare
Sono nauseato e stanco di aspettare, ho perso la pazienza
Posso prendermela con tutti voi figli di puttana tutti in una volta
Volevate Shady? Eccolo!
[Ritornello: Eminem & Justin Vernon]
Non scagliarti sulla mia faccia
Non scagliarti sulla mia fiducia, oh
Non scagliarti sul mio destino
Non scagliarti sulla mia fiducia, oh
Non scagliarti sul mio destino
[Strofa 2: Eminem]
Qualcuno avvisi Budenn prima che io scleri, farebbe meglio a tenerselo stretto
o riempirà il suo sacco da cadavere
La cosa più vicina ad una hit che abbia mai avuto è stata picchiare delle troie
E non costringermi a dover prendermela con Akademiks
Se dici di nuovo che questa roba è spazzatura, farò in modo che ti si ritorca contro come quando pensavi di avermi beccato mentre facevo un passo falso in tele
Anche quando mi fanno un pompino, non mi beccherai mai con una troia
e in mancanza di qualcosa, 'non sta più rappando come prima nella sua ultima roba'
Puttanella, faresti meglio a tornare indietro e ascoltare
Mi conosci meglio, pensando che rallenterò o mi lascerò andare
Chiamala trappola perché è un totale inganno
Spero che voi rapper ci cadiate dentro
Dre mi ha detto 'tieni la testa alta'
Kathy Griffin ha accatasto munizioni, inserisco il caricatore e premo il grilletto sulla competizione, ecco come sono arrivato al top (pew)
Gabby Giffords, Il mio attacco è aggressivo, Jack lo squartatore, ritornato nel business
Tyler non crea nulla, capisco perché ti chiami frocio da solo, coglione
Non è solo perché hai mancanza di attenzione
è perché veneri le palle dei D12, sei sacrilego
Se hai intenzione di criticarmi, faresti meglio almeno ad essere bravo quanto me o migliore
Prendi Earl, the Hooded Sweater, qualunque sia il suo nome, per farti aiutare a
mettere insieme qualche parola che conti più di due lettere
I fan hanno aspettato questo momento
Come quando in quel feat ho rubato lo show
Scusate se ci ho messo un secolo
[Ritornello: Eminem & Justin Vernon]
Non scagliarti sulla mia faccia
Non scagliarti sulla mia fiducia, oh
Non scagliarti sul mio destino
Non scagliarti sulla mia fiducia, oh
Non scagliarti sul mio destino
è troppo facile
[Strofa 3: Eminem]
Ricordate soltanto - io ero qui prima di voi
e sarò qui dopo che litigherete per voi
Detraete questo, dovrei fottere Pitchfork con un cavatappi
è solo quello che mi ha ordinato il dottore
La vendetta è la miglior medicina
Aumento la dose, libero il mostro
Poi dico ai Grammy di andare a farsi fottere, succhiano il sangue dagli artisti più importanti come delle sanguisughe
Loro li nominano, li fanno andare lì, prendono qualcuno per presentare lo show
Guarda lo spettacolo, ogni parassita ha bisogno del proprio portatore
Poi assegnano l'Album dell'Anno a qualcuno che nessuno ha nemmeno mai sentito
Tutto ciò che so è che ho sempre scritto ogni singola parola di tutto quello che ho distrutto
è tempo di separare le pecore dalle capre
E non ho fiducia nei vostri scrittori, non credo nei fantasmi
Quando il rap ne aveva più bisogno, io ero quello su cui tutti contavano
Un barlume di speranza, l'uccello in aria
Da qualche parte qualche ragazzo sta pompando questa canzone mentre
si guarda cantando allo specchio
Ecco per chi lo sto facendo, degli altri non mi interessa nemmeno
Ma pensereste che porti un dizionario Oxford in tasca ed è così che seppellisco questi artisti
Nella scala del 'quanto vi eccita' voi siete 'meno'
E quello che probabilmente vi spaventa di più è che non potete compararmi con la vostra macchina perché io ho appena iniziato
E vado fino a Lord Jamar, faresti meglio a lasciarmi fottutamente in pace
O ti mostrerò un clone di Elvis
camminare in questa casa che possiedi
Fidati del mio osso pelvico
Dovresti usare il telefono e andare a prendermi il telecomando
Metto i piedi sul tavolino e mi accomodo come a casa
Appartengo a tutto questo, pagliaccio!ùnnon venire a parlarmi della cultura
Io ho ispirato gli Hopsin, i Logic, i Cole, i Sean, i K-Dot, i 5'9', e oh
Ho fatto scoprire al mondo 50 Cent, voi vi siete rannicchiati e vi siete
lamentati ma io non cadrò... stronzi!
[Outro: Justin Vernon]
C'è troppo rumore
Non lo sento arrivare lungo scale del corridoio dal parcheggio
C'è troppo rumore
Congela la mia corona lì sopra
Fuoco lento

Mine, mine, mine

Cortez's gold, Pizarro's jewels
Are just knickknacks and not to be recommended
The gold findings here promise much more.
Oh, now do your best, guys
Dig in Virginia, guys
Mine, guys, mine are the mountains
And dig, guys, dig until you fall
Dig in the shaft, guys, go on, guys
Mine with your shovels
Then get out the lovely nuggets, they sparkle so finely
Yes, gold, it's mine, mine, mine
Dig and dig and dig constantly
Dig and dig and dig constantly
Dig and dig and dig constantly
Oh yes, I like that
Pile it up
There's tons of that
And then I sit very high up there
(...and constantly, constantly, constantly)
My enemies at home, I'm not really bitter
They'll twist in horror when they see how I glitter
The ladies at court, one single twittering
Then the king will knight me
No, lord me
Because mine, mine, mine all of this will become
Yes, my boys, get me the gold
These nuggets will
Spill fame on me
Jamesy can't complain
Hopefully build me a shrine
When all this gold is mine
And dig and dig and dig constantly
And dig and dig and dig constantly - dig
For so many years I've looked for a land like this one
A land really can't be wilder and brighter
A hundred dangers are threatening and not one will escape me
If I get and tame the land
The biggest adventure would be mine - you have to work
Mine - and not lazy around
Come, guys (clear the vein of gold)
Come (and then bring here even more of it)
Dig on the gold (dig, dig constantly)
Wonderful gold (dig, dig out this gold)
Soon this land will be my land
Pile up the gold, guys (dig)
I'd like to help you dig, boys (dig)
But I've got a crick in my leg
I wanted it like this
The land is so lovely
I feel carless here
The gold will become my treasure
And the gold is mine, mine
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


You know, everybody's been tellin' me what they think about me for the last few months
It's too loud
Maybe it's time I tell 'em what I think about them
Can't hear it coming down the hallway stairs from the parking lot
It's too loud
Freeze my crown all up in it
Slow fire
Don't fall on my face
Don't fall on my faith, oh
Don't fall on my fate
Don't fall on my faith, oh
Don't fall on my fate
Don't fall on my–
[Verse 1: Eminem]
Gotta concentrate against the clock I race
Got no time to waste, I'm already late, I got a marathoner's pace
Went from addict to a workaholic, word to Dr. Dre in that first marijuana tape
Guess I got a chronic case
And I ain't just blowin' smoke, 'less it's in your mama's face
I know this time Paul and Dre, they won't tell me what not to say
And though me and my party days have all pretty much parted ways
You'd swear to God I've forgot I'm the guy that made 'Not Afraid'
One last time for Charlemagne
If my response is late, it's just how long it takes
To hit my fuckin' radar, I'm so far away
These rappers are like Hunger Games
One minute, they're mocking Jay
Next minute, they get they style from Migos, then they copy Drake
Maybe I just don't know when to turn around and walk away
But all the hate I call it 'Walk on Water' gate
I've had as much as I can tolerate
I'm sick and tired of waitin', I done lost my patience
I can take all of you motherfuckers on at once
You wanted, Shady? You got it!
[Chorus: Eminem & Justin Vernon]
Don't fall on my face
Don't fall on my faith, oh
Don't fall on my fate
Light him up!
Don't fall on my faith, oh
Don't fall on my fate
[Verse 2: Eminem]
Somebody tell Budden before I snap, he better fasten it
Or have his body baggage zipped
The closest thing he's had to hits is smacking bitches
And don't make me have to give it back to Akademiks
Say this shit is trash again, I'll have you twisted like you had it when you thought you had me slippin' at the telly
Even when I'm gettin' brain, you'll never catch me with a thot
Lacking with it, 'he ain't spit like this in his last shit'
Hoe, you better go back and listen
You know me better, thinkin' I'll slow up, let up
Call it traps 'cause it's a total setup
Hopin' that you rappers fall in that
Dre said, 'Hold your head up'
Kathy Griffin stackin' ammunition, slap the clip and cock it back on competition, this is how I shot a head (pew)
Gabby Giffords, my attack is viscous, jack the ripper, back in business
Tyler create nothing, I see why you called yourself a faggot, bitch
It's not just 'cause you lack attention
It's 'cause you worship D12's balls, you're sac-rilegious
If you're gonna critique me, you better at least be as good or better
Get Earl, the Hooded Sweater, whatever his name is to help you put together some words, more than two letters
The fans waited for this moment
Like the feature when I stole this show
Sorry if I took forever
[Chorus: Eminem & Justin Vernon]
Don't fall on my face
Don't fall on my faith, oh
I won't
Don't fall on my fate
Light him up!
Don't fall on my faith, oh
Don't fall on my fate
It's too easy
[Verse 3: Eminem]
Just remember–I was here before you
And I'll be here after you make your run-in for you
Detract this, I might have to fuck Pitchfork with a corkscrew
Just what the doctor ordered
Revenge is the best medicine
Increase the dose, unleash the monster
Then tell the Grammys to go and fuck themselves, they suck the blood from all the biggest artists like some leeches
So they nominate 'em, get 'em there, get a name to 'em
See the show, every parasite needs a host
Then give Album of the Year to somebody that no one's ever even heard of
All I know is I wrote every single word of everything I ever murdered
Time to separate the sheep from goats
And I got no faith in your writers, I don't believe in ghosts
When rap needed it most, I was that wing in the prayer
A beacon of hope, the B-I-R-D in the air
Somewhere, some kid is bumping this while he lip-syncs in the mirror
That's who I'm doin' it for, the rest I don't really even care
But you would think I'm carryin' a Oxford dictionary in my pocket how I'm buryin' these artists
On the scale it turns to minus
Mines is various as hardly and what's scary is you prolly can compare me to your car 'cause I'm barely gettin' started
And as far as Lord Jamar, you better leave me the hell alone
Or I'll show you an Elvis clone
Walk up in this house you own
Brush my pelvic bone
You should tell a phone and go fetch me the remote
Put my feet up and just make myself at home
I belong here, clown!
Don't tell me 'bout the culture
I inspire the Hopsins, the Logics, the Coles, the Seans, the K-Dots, the 5'9's, and oh
Brought the world 50 Cent, you did squat, pissed and moaned, but I'm not gonna fall... bitch!
[Chorus: Justin Vernon]
It's too loud
Can't hear it coming down the hallway stairs from the parking lot
It's too loud
Freeze my crown all up in it


When I counted three, I became a girlfriend
When I counted four. I became an adult
What shall we do when we meet next time?
Maybe this is the last time, i wonder
When I counted three, you behaved coldly
When I counted four, you acted as you used to
Somehow, I can't understand you
Maybe this is the last time, i wonder
There's no reason I don't love you
There's no reason I don't love you
When I counted three, what begins?
When I counted four. a dong begins
The world is just an illusion all along
Maybe nothing happens forever, I wonder
When I counted three, I felt sad
When I counted four, I felt happy
I can't understand the reason
Maybe this is the last time, i wonder
There's no reason I don't love you
There's no reason I don't love you
When I counted three, I became a girlfriend
When I counted four, I became a boyfriend
What shall we do when we meet next time?
Shall we kiss when we meet next time?
What shall we do when we meet next time?
Let's have sex when we meet next time
There's no reason I don't love you
There's no reason I don't love you

Not to us oh Lord

Not to us, oh Lord, not to us, oh Lord, but to your name give the glory
Not to us, oh Lord, not to us, oh Lord, but to your name give the glory

Give peace, oh Lord

Give peace, oh Lord
To our days
Because no one else
Can fight for us
But only you, our God.
May there be peace thanks to you
and opulence in your towers.
Give peace, oh Lord
To our days
Because no one else
Can fight for us
But only you, our God.

One Winged Bird

The final judgement shall be delivered
Nobody can escape the sin that
flows through their veins
The dark clouds gather to the tune of the rumbling sea
The winds of the tempest begin to ring
The enigmatic words make the witches chuckle
While the banquet of this irregular night repeats
(Lies in the evil) Falling towards hell,
(is it a sin?) these golden butterflies dipped their wings in how many sins?
Don't cry,
destroy these imprisoned illusions
Just once, rise above your demise
Hold on to the unfulfilled promises into your heart
And burst open the deep, deep red!
Are you without sin?
How heavy is my punishment?
Are you aware of that which has no voice?
Are you aware of your own sins?
This open wound is like a crimson rose
This hatred lodged in my heart begins to bloom
(Keep this secret) With its wing snatched away,
(is it a sin?) who does this one-winged bird call out to in its final moment?
Don't run,
accept your errors, the truths, the lies And let magic change everything With love, with sorrow, take this answer that came too late and tightly, tightly hold on to it. See?
———The dazzling light begins to flow, the door to paradise is opening
Miracles pour onto this obstinate fate
This entangled world is crumbling
Don't speak the words of the eternal curse
Don't listen to your true wishes
Don't cry,
destroy these imprisoned illusions Just once, rise above your demise Hold on to the unfulfilled promises into your heart And burst open the deep, deep red.
It is impossible to get to the real
secret if you do not realize all of the love

I don't want to have you next to me anymore

I sleep crying again
With you on my mind
And I dream of you, that you come to ask me to forgive you
You tell me crying
All that's on your mind
You tell me that you love me, but I don't believe you anymore (x2)
I don't want to have you anymore, to see you anymore, to keep you next to me anymore
It's better for me to die than to live any more next to you
I loved you and I couldn't stay a day without you
You didn't want me, and you lost me (x2)
I loved you a lot
So much
That even today I fear loving you anymore
But I don't want it anymore
No, I don't want it anymore
I won't return anymore, instead, I cry, I leave you (x2)
I don't want to have you anymore, to see you anymore, to keep you next to me anymore
It's better for me to die than to live any more next to you
I loved you and I couldn't stay a day without you
You didn't want me, and you lost me (x2)
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Trebaš me

[Strofa 1: P!nk]
Pijan si, kafa je zagorela
Mrzim kada te nalazim ovakvog
Uvek te nalazim ovakvog
Dođem kući i spremam tvoj nered
Šta bi radio bez toga?
Zašto se uvek vraćam?
Oh, šta sve ne bih uradila za tebe
[Huk: P!nk]
I počinjem da mislim da me možda trebaš
Možda me trebaš
Možda me trebaš
I počinjem da mislim da me možda trebaš
Možda me trebaš
Možda me trebaš
[Strofa 2: P!nk & Eminem]
Ima noći kada želim da pobegnem
Nikada nije lako sa tobom
Ne mogu da te urazumim
Ali tvoj osmeh je retko videti
Šta bih radila bez toga?
Možda je to razlog zašto se vraćam
Oh, šta sve ne bih uradila za tebe
[Huk: P!nk]
I počinjem da mislim da me možda trebaš
Možda me trebaš
Možda me trebaš
I počinjem da mislim da me možda trebaš
Možda me trebaš
Možda me trebaš
[Strofa 3: Eminem]
Počinjem da mislim da smo stvoreni jedno za drugo
Ali jedan od nas u ovoj vezi odgaja drugog
Podsećaš me na moju mamu
Izluđujemo jedno drugo kao i nas dvoje
I oboje smo odrasle osobe zato nema izgovora
Za igre koje igramo međusobno
Gde si? Kod prijatelja? Ne, nisi, kučko!
Ali poverovaću joj
Kad god mi se pojavi sumnja, zadrhtim kada je dodirnem
Jer je mnogo volim, jer sam naivčina
Naša donja usna može da zadrhti kada je ona u nevolji
U teškoj je situaciji, mislim da sam je uhvatio kako vara opet
Dati joj još jednu šansu? I još jednu nakon toga?
Plivam u toj Egipatskoj vodi, jer sam u poricanju
Kažem da ne jedem govna, ali imam taj 'jeo sam govna' kez kada se osmehujem
Tražim izgovor za nas samo da izguramo
Ona se samo ponaša nedolično, sa svojim unutrašnjim detetom
Onda zapalim istinu
Jer ću radije verovati u laž
Nego da uzdahnem od olakšanja u koje ne verujem
Idem u krevet besan, pokušavam
Da napravim od loše devojke dobru
Ali zar nisam stajao uz tebe u dobru?
U zlu? Počinjem da se osećam kao da sam ti jebeni otac
Jer bukvalno mislim da bi umrla od 'da li bih
Trebao da odem zauvek?' - i nikada ne bih
Sve bi bilo loše, nikada nisam razumeo zašto to zovu zbogom
Ali mislim da sam prokleto dobar momak
I ti si dobra osoba takođe
Mogu da te spasim, mogu da te nateram da se promeniš
Ali nastavljam da se sramotim
Svaki put kada dođem i izbavim te (iz zatvora)
Kada zapneš u nevolje u koje si dovela samu sebe
I u nevolji sam ali ne mogu da odem, izdaću te
Nikada ne bih mogao da ti okrenem jebena leđa - šta je to?
Tako sam zavisan, tek sad primećujem
Ali nekako, kao, svaki put kada sam spreman da raskinem
Nemam muda da to uradim, niti srca
Naš stan je raskidan
Koristiš moje srce kao pikado tablu
Ali Bog mora da nam je uskladio zvezde
Jer neko nas je spojio
A kažu da On nije sposoban da pravi greške
Ali ova je savršena, jer ja -
[Huk: P!nk]
I počinjem da mislim da me možda trebaš
Možda me trebaš
Možda me trebaš
I počinjem da mislim da me možda trebaš
Možda me trebaš
Možda me trebaš

U tvojoj glavi

[Intro: The Cranberries]
Ono što ti je u glavi, u tvojoj glavi
Zombi, zombi, zombi-i-i
Ono što ti je u glavi, u tvojoj glavi
Zombi, zombi, zombi-i-i, oh
[Strofa 1: Eminem]
Pakujem svoje stvari, što više stvari mogu da strpam u auto
I samo vozim što dalje mogu da stignem
Daleko od ovih problema dok ne zaboravim sve moje tuge
Kakvo će biti sutra? Jer večeras počinjem život ponovo
Dođem do ćoška i stanem, gde ja to jebeno idem?
Osim što postajem psiho kada sanjarim da počnem ceo život ispočetka
Da baš, oh i možda odem i
Na hipnozu da ne bih prepoznavao više nikoga
Trudim da izgledam živo jer nema ničeg kao držati
Svoju glavu visoko kada si mrtav iznutra i samo sakrivam, zato u
Slučaju da se pitaš zašto mi se iznutrice vide
Jer sam prolio sva creva* i ona su moja zato
Ih kupim i vraćam nazad
Zajebi, dovoljno sam postigao u repu
Oporavak me nije doveo nigde sem
Do mesta gde sam i bio i možda
Bi ovo bio moj pobednički krug da nisam na ivici pogoršanja
[Refren: The Cranberries]
Ono što ti je u glavi, u tvojoj glavi
Zombi, zombi, zombi-i-i
Ono što ti je u glavi, u tvojoj glavi
Zombi, zombi, zombi-i-i, oh
[Strofa 2: Eminem]
Izgleda da je ovo glavna stvar koja se ponavlja
Sranje koje sam sanjario po danu kada sam bio klinac, imao sam 18 godina
Prešao sam iz besnog tinejdžera u to da i dalje besnim
Nije li zapravo neverovatno: tada sam stavljao bilo šta
U rime, bilo to tužno, ludo, srećno ili besno
Bacao sam rime, mejnstrim, ubijao sam
Jeej ja, uspeo sam! (Uspeo šta?) Hailie
Bebo, nisam hteo da te pretvorim u osamdeset
Posto onoga o čemu sam repovao
Možda sam trebao da uradim bolji posao i da odvojim
Sumnjivo i zabavno od stvarnog života
Ali ova prokleta stvar je i dalje najteža stvar za objasniti
Najluđa je stvar koju sam
Ikada video, i tada sam bio kao, nije me čak
Ni bilo briga da uzmem pod razmišljanje
Jednog dana kada budeš starija i možda budeš čula da govorim stvari
Uradio sam to, platite me i ostavite, to jednostavno nisam ja
Okej, zato dame i gospodo hajde da skinemo sve
I vidimo koji je glavni razlog zašto se osećam kao jadno govno
Ili bih trebao da zvučim mrzovoljno i ogorčeno
Da se žalim, gunđam i prepirem oko istih stvari
Jer kada se pogledam, ne vidim ono što oni vide
Osećam se sramotno, pohlepno
I u poslednje vreme sam razmišljao
Da pobegnem, da odem i idem gde god me ovaj put odvede
Izluđuje me unutra u mojoj—
[Refren: The Cranberries]
Ono što ti je u glavi, u tvojoj glavi
Zombi, zombi, zombi-i-i
Ono što ti je u glavi, u tvojoj glavi
Zombi, zombi, zombi-i-i, oh


So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
And the crowd roars like buffalos (buffalos, aah)
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
If places tear apart, so what about it
Today had to bring something
that would be enough also for tomorrow
I don't want anything to drink
I'm gonna leave like Nelson, who died of sex
Pointless for me to talk shit here
When I see a girl I start to stutter
And I'm not even good in bed
Sometimes can't see the forest for the trees
But I see a pine tree and
Now I have the serious stuff
Audience is so very friendly
That's because they are drunk
I'm lucky to be in this band
I'll heal your migraine
Get to go to hollywood and play myself in a movie
A little dreaming comes with the territory
Five six seven eight
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
And the crowd roars like buffalos (buffalos, aah)
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
If places tear apart, so what about it
No noise is silent suffering for me
I wanna jump to China from the bridge of Hakaniemi 1
I want free booze to the backstage
Oona in the morning and Iina in the evening
And honey, tea and painkillers in the morning
Remembering the drunkeness of yesterday
What the hell guys, last night took half of this day again
Yep I threw it away
I don't think I need more than yesterday
When we go hard we live only half
And this much fun should no one have
But it's pointless to try be drier
As I can't get those kind of kicks anywhere else anyway
It's enough that I can be the culmination of your night
I don't want to be with others anyway
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
And the crowd roars like buffalos (buffalos, aah)
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
And the crowd roars like buffalos (buffalos, aah)
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
If places tear apart, so what about it
Night gets darker and I feel like it would be crazy to slow down
Night gets darker and I feel like it would be crazy cool
to get this pack gamboling
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
And the crowd roars like buffalos (buffalos, aah)
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
If places tear apart, so what about it
Enjoying your life with a little twist
And the crowd roars like buffalos (buffalos, aah)
So what
Nothing criminal about
Enjoying your life with a little twist
If places tear apart, so what about it (what about it)
Dog is out
Roope Salminen ja koirat
Buffalos baby
  • 1. a district in Helsinki

Until morning comes

Hey, you, time won't wait for us
Give in, come on, let's hide in a whisper
And listen, my voice is calling to you
Hold me by the hand without being afraid
Come on, let's flee among the stars
Lost in the night, we hide from them
And we dance, we throw ourselves into the ocean
Light up my moments until the sun rises
Until morning comes
Hold me in your arms until morning comes
Until morning comes
The sea is ours until morning comes
I want to wear you
This summer, I want to be only with you
Until morning comes
Only with you, with you
Hey you, come closer
I need to feel you 24/7
And I'd like for you to be by my side
Only this way are my nights more serene
Come on, let's flee among the stars
Lost in the night, we hide from them
And we dance, we throw ourselves into the ocean
Light up my moments until the sun rises
Until morning comes
Hold me in your arms until morning comes
Until morning comes
The sea is ours until morning comes
I want to wear you
This summer, I want to be only with you
Until morning comes
Only with you, with you
With you . . .
Only with you, only with you
This summer, I want to be only with you
Only with you, only with you
Yeah, this summer I want to wear you
Until morning comes
Hold me in your arms until morning comes
Until morning comes
The sea is ours until morning comes
I want to wear you
This summer, I want to be only with you
Until morning comes
Only with you, with you . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Eyes on me

Leave me, leave me to see your eyes of ice
Love at the surface from now on
Because there's no hope anymore, I can't deal with it anymore
We were at the last fumes
We shot like lunatics from thousands of directions
We steal our morning peace
We condemn ourselves when we consume ourselves
We console ourselves when we embrace
We extinguish slowly with hate
In our souls, the storm dominates
Yes, I loved you obsessively
I know, I shouldn't have, because
You behave as if you've already forgotten me, yeah
When I'm with you come on, eyes on me
And my gaze will keep on reminding you, yeah
If it keeps you here, come on, eyes on me
You behave as if you've already forgotten me
Where are you looking, eyes on me
Or do you want to leave? Then what keeps you here?
'Cause love leaves and doesn't come back
And then you can't blame me anymore
Tell me where you're looking, eyes on me
Play the game of gazes, today it doesn't keep you here
You have eyes in your tears, you wrote everything on pages
You tore them up, I glued them back together, and I've reached the margins
We complete each other, half-half
And now each of us leaves in a different direction
Sighs follow, regrets
Memories, pictures on the walls
Of two, neither can forgive anymore
Ego too large to pick up with a sponge
It takes you and it makes you see what is good
Where are you looking, eyes on me
You behave as if you've already forgotten me, yeah
When I'm with you come on, eyes on me
And my gaze will keep on reminding you, yeah
If it keeps you here, come on, eyes on me
You behave as if you've already forgotten me
Maybe I'll start to change
Or maybe it's that I need time
I prefer to tell you before I feel
I don't want to come to lie to you
It starts with a fight and a war follows
Until one of us is a step behind
Then both of us are full of mud
See what makes of us
A perfect chaos
And I just try to understand
No matter how much I avoid you
Eyes don't lie
You behave as if you've already forgotten me, yeah
When I'm with you come on, eyes on me
And my gaze will keep on reminding you, yeah
If it keeps you here, come on, eyes on me
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

B-Side (Cover of Jan Delay)

Life's a misery on the record shelves
Are you 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th, or 5th choice?
Always just standing around
And nothing ever happens after a quick rummage
But if it does, then they play side A
But they never want to turn that shit over
A little B-side
That waited for someone to free her
She wanted, she wanted to escape anonymity
She only ever wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
A little B-side, she wanted, she wanted
A little B-side, she wanted, she wanted
She sees all the others in the charts
A little B-Side
With massive videos right from the start
But that, that'll never be her, she can only wait, wait, wait
All she does is pray
That the DJs will put her on sometime
The people come and they're like what's this then?
How come this hit is on side B?
Every record has two sides, just like the sausage
If you can't stand one of them anymore
You just have to turn that shit over, oh-woah-oh
A little B-side
She wanted to escape anonymity
A little B-side
She wanted, she wanted
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted out, out, out