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You Never Know (Nikada Nećeš Znati)

U dane kada prisiljavam sebe da se vedro nasmešim
Zašto je noć još tamnija?
Stalno me obara dole dole dole
Te reči koje svi tako lako ispljunu
Će se uskoro čuti
Čula sam dovoljno, čula sam dovoljno
Od stvari koje ja nisam
Čak i dok se ceo svet menja
Osećam se kao da sam ja još uvek ista
Ovaj put kojim hodam i o kom sam sanjala
Baš kao i tada
Baš kao i tada
Tada kada sam plesala svaki dan
Osećam se kao da sam još uvek na tom mestu
Ali nikada nećeš znati dok ne prohodaš u mojim cipelama
Nikada nećeš znati koliko su mi pertle zapetljale
Jer svi vide šta oni žele da vide
Lakše je osuđivati me nego verovati
Istrošene misli koje sam krila duboko u sebi
I ako me ponekad uhvate i muče
Koliko god da me muče, sijaću baby
Znaš da nemaju uticaj na mene
Nedelja uveče, progutao me je krevet
Skroz sam u svojoj glavi
Pitam se da li moram da pokušam da se pretvaram
Ni ja ne znam sebe baš najbolje
Bojim se da ću naći sliku sebe čekaju odobrenje drugih
I ako to svetlo postaje svetlije
Moja senka raste
Kada je suviše svetlo i zaslepljuje me
Da li ću moći da pogledam iza sebe?
Čak i dok se ceo svet menja
Osećam se kao da sam ja još uvek ista
Ovaj put kojim hodam i o kom sam sanjala
Baš kao i tada
Baš kao i tada
Tada kada sam plesala svaki dan
Osećam se kao da sam još uvek na tom mestu
Ali nikada nećeš znati dok ne prohodaš u mojim cipelama
Nikada nećeš znati koliko su mi pertle zapetljale
Jer svi vide šta oni žele da vide
Lakše je osuđivati me nego verovati
Istrošene misli koje sam krila duboko u sebi
I ako me ponekad uhvate i muče
Koliko god da me muče, sijaću baby
Znaš da nemaju uticaj na mene
Ne mogu da dozvolim sebi da potonem
Čak i ja to znam
Ne mogu da letim samo gledajući u tlo
Na drugoj strani oblaka
Sunce je još uvek svetlo
Unutar slike koje sam crtala
Čak i pocepani delovi
Sve ih isprazni, tako da mogu da se nasmešim
Želim da se suočim sa sobom koju sam mrzela da vidim
Setim se
Tako da ću biti u redu
Tako da moja plava soba može biti puna cvetajućih cveća
Uvek ću čekati
Ali nikada nećeš znati dok ne prohodaš u mojim cipelama
Nikada nećeš znati koliko su mi pertle zapetljale
Jer svi vide šta oni žele da vide
Lakše je osuđivati me nego verovati
Istrošene misli koje sam krila duboko u sebi
I ako me ponekad uhvate i muče
Koliko god da me muče, sijaću baby
Znaš da nemaju uticaj na mene

Dobro je da se nismo ikada videli

Planovi su napravljeni da se izvrše kasnije na vreme
'Istina je ono što mi pravimo, a ne šta vidiš
Dakle, ne ispituj se, ne ispituj se'
I podrugljive komentare i nepažnje
I poniženje su ti što žanjemo pokušaći da promenimo
Sada znaju gde se nalaze
I kleknu
Uglavno drugo
Sve vreme se to ugrađuje
Svaki tačan korak
I svi nas smo to promašili
Zidovi građeni
Od samoispravnosti
Će sve nas odvajati
I sada smo mi lake mete
I svima koji su za to, gledajte
Da eksploatišete svake slabosti koji vam pokazujemo
Skoro kao da
Želimo da nas
Da, imamo smrtnu želju
Dakle, uradite šta god želite
Da, imamo smrtnu želju
Dakle, uradite šta god želite

This clay bird

This clay bird
is actually me.
Angels have a habit
to start a song.
In the rhythm of rain and snow
to start a song,
and then with a running start
to throw me against the wall.
But colorful fragments -
rubbish, trash and fumes -
didn't get silent and are not silent
and will not get silent.
Angels have a habit
to sing and then stop.
But, fragile like frost,
the spirit is breathing in the cold clay,
whistling - and is not getting tired.

Having not learned anything

Having not learned anything
but having received the gift as a gift
I will share it as a gift as well.
Slightly obsessive motive
is pulling the string:
having taken the gift as a gift,
I will not hide it in the bag.
Given as a gift, this gift,
only this one,
in the midst of the blazing heat
and among non-melting ice floes.

The larks have arrived

The larks have arrived,
the larks.
Old herbs in the bed
are rusty and broken.
Old herbs make a litter
for a new weed,
like Palestinian sandstone does
for our Easter.

And suffered, and was buried

And He suffered and for a moment
doubted: just like us.
So the Incarnation
is not a concept, an opinion
or an idea

Oh bee, the bee, what for and why

Oh bee, the bee, what for and why
Is it not for me that you turn poison into honey

Don't go farther than the forest

Don't go farther than the forest,
Don't look for a ford in the river,
Here is the clearing, the country road and the bridge.
Only the poor imp
Constantly seeks to plunge into the water
Relying on his tail as on a steering wheel.
But for you, not for an imp,
There's no interest in this,
So clap and stomp on the bridge
With no shyness for your walk,
But having reached its middle,
Look up from depth to height.

No words needed

No words needed. No words?
But where to put them?
Put them into suitcase's belly,
Deeper under the bed.
No sighs and exhales needed,
No ah and oh

Poor fly into amber

Poor fly into amber
accidentally flew.
Orwellian tear-off calendar
has met its limit.
Poor fly in the amber
can't breathe and can't tremble.
And on a bunk in January
it's hard to turn in tightness.
Flame licks Orwell's book
in a quiet stove.
The poor fly sings
but no one hears her.

We were children

And we - we were children
and got caught into nets,
traps and snares.
And to us - under a lamp with a book,
with armpit thermometer -
moths flew.
And someday they will ask us,
where the wind takes us,
where we are rushing
at full speed. 'Chasing',
'sorcerers' and 'bastards'...
And yet, where should we go?

Having swallowed ninety grievances

Having swallowed ninety grievances
I will say unequivocally:
if a mouse is sleeping behind the stove
then happiness is possible.
If 'Sleep-my-joy-sleep' song is flowing,
then it was not splashed out,
the one that paints days happy,
the silvery drop.

То је живот

Имам посао
У реду је
Али терају ме да радим ноћ и дан.
Ударали су ме
ударам их
да ли је ово заиста
смисао живота

If only

It's the same as yesterday
Just another day missing the old way
One question about us is put on replay
If I hadn't done what I did
I wouldn't have regretted it
If only I'd done what I felt inside
If only I hadn't been scared to speak my mind
If only I'd followed what my heart desired
The loss wouldn't have been so dire
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
It's been torture missing you
You wouldn't understand how I long for you
If I could go back to say how much I love you
I want you so much it aches
I'd give whatever it takes
If only I'd done what I felt inside
If only I hadn't been scared to speak my mind
If only I'd followed what my heart desired
The loss wouldn't have been so dire
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got

Never Too Late

Is it too late?
There's one question on my mind
If I did that then
How would it be now?
Is it too late?
How many chances wasted?
If I'd known I wouldn't have done so
If I'd known I wouldn't have let you go
The thought keeps running through my head, if I had a chance to go back
I'd fix what happened in the past
Just keep thinking it in my head, it wouldn't put me on the right track
Cuz I can't turn back the time
Hurt because of what you've done is better than doing none
You'll be sorry if you let your one chance go to waste
Hear what your heart says, listen and follow all the way
Late is not in our vocabulary
Never too late
Would you regret? If you love but don't profess
You think but don't dare to say it
You end up watching them go away

I Need You

Why should I hide
I have nowhere to go
So even if I make you out of gold,
it's the same
When you love with your heart, you lose a tiny bit of it
so, out of spite, everything you love - you get over
when everything that's worthy fades completely
How can my heart, so hot and in love
live through a winter day
without hearing your voice?
And my soul, hot and promised to another...
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy
When you love with your heart, you lose a tiny bit of it
so, out of spite, everything you love - you get over
when everything that's worthy fades completely
How can my heart, so hot and in love
live through a winter day
without hearing your voice?
And my soul, hot and promised to another...
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy
All, all I have I leave to you
what I have, I gift it to you
and I need you, by my side
to caress your hair
May you save my smile,
cover me with the skies
and while you kiss me, when you wake me up
may you wake me up happy

Love crime

We came home when parents were asleep
You were giving kisses, we were drinking.
I’m giving you my love
But now you want more
You turn off your phone
It won’t interrupt our criminal ecstasy
You are asking for more
Pulse is getting faster
Let’s get down on the floor right away
Before someone comes in.
I’m reading your mind
Cast away your worries
Fire in your eyes, you are so beautiful
I’m following you through the hallway,
Seeing everything you hide inside
In this little town
I will give you love

So it didn't happen

Become my bird in the sky
So it didn't happen
We will find a house where I would be with you
I fell in love again
Because of the pain, everything is surreal
Let's together
Until the blizzard destroys the nest
Hiding you behind a cloud
Become my unstoppable fire
So it didn't happen
We will find a house in the rain
Where we would love you
Because of the pain, everything is surreal
Let's together
Burning everywhere, we know tomorrow
We will become a cloud
Become my infinite sky
So it didn't happen
For the birds that are through me
They played in the clouds
Because of the pain at the height
I will hide from other wings
And between the waves, let the birds see
I will only fly with you
So it didn't happen
So it didn't happen
So it didn't happen
So it didn't happen

No Need

It seemed to me, that there's no end
To my utter loneliness
And around me people are running about
But among them I don't see your face
Tell me, why are you doing this to me, I'm dying
In this stone forest without you
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
I got used to the inevitability
There were many words, but little tenderness
And it seemed to me, that there's no end
To my utter loneliness
Tell me, why are you doing this to me, I'm dying
In this stone forest without you
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need

Whatever it is, it will pass

Versions: #1
I was a little boy and didn't know yet,
that adults also cry,
suddenly - look, on my paper kite, my mother's tears had fallen.
Wax faces, still silence,
and covered mirrors,
even number of marigolds
brought my old one
and whispered quietly:
Dearst, it is not easy for you I know,
you think the world had fallen apart,
but every bad is for good,
whatever it is, it will pass.
We are standing in love, me and you,
near that january train,
you with a wish in your olive eyes,
to build a bridge to Mostar.
Around us with drunk voices,
they sing 'oh, machine' for a hundredth time,
instead of oath, I told you word,
to stay when I'm gone.
And, it is not easy for you I know,
you think that the world had fallen apart,
but every bad is for good,
whatever it is, it will pass.
Our love is still alive,
she has a name and angels face,
she stands confused on the threshold of the reality,
with her pink nightmares.
Your heart as a linoness
protects her nigihts and days,
instead of lullaby with old truth,
you wipe away hers first love tears.
And, it is not easy for you I know,
you think that the world had fallen apart,
but every bad is for good,
whatever it is, it will pass.
The pain doesn't mean
you should give up
so don't cry,
you have me so embrace me,
whatever it is, it will pass.
You have me so embrace me,
whatever it is, it will pass.

Wild Pigs

Where do the wild pigs go
Tell me, so I know
Who are those pretty ladies
That carry this city
Think about it how
Think of how God
Stands between us
The whole world in coloured rain
Wet streets and passion
In every letter of a name
In every name is a child
With everything I have in myself
I want you to know
Once all that passes
And when we are no longer
On the way to everything
Always an eye ahead
I love you like love, like a song that doesn't stop
I love you then, like the land that takes you
Try, close your eyes and let them light up
Talk about your fears, of the people who we miss
Through the window all the way to happiness
Always an eye ahead
Everyday I walk the Earth, it turns
Take us and throw us where it all starts
I love you like love, like a song that doesn't stop
I love you then, like the land that takes you

Slaying hand

Today was some sort of bad day
Same as all this week been hitherto
I would rather now with mattock and plow
Smash all fucking faces in real
But pigs will get me busted for it
I don't really want to do a time on the bunk
So to make it to the morning at least
I will fuck up at least somebody in Twitter
And in Instagram I will cuss everyone
And in Facebook I will stick some dicks
And to VK1 will flow a pack of fucks
My slaying hand will bring a fucking hell
Hop, go ahead
Hop, go ahead
Hop, go ahead
Dominate humiliate! (2 times)
And heart like a flaming engine2
Hefty hands are tapping like machine gun
You have got a fucking hardcore
I will fuck with every account
I have my clean honor, and my
all conclusions are more valuable than diamonds
I will visit all my communities
And will fuck with every account
And in Instagram I will cuss everyone
And in Facebook I will stick some dicks
And to VK will flow a pack of fucks
My slaying hand will bring a fucking hell
Hop, go ahead
Hop, go ahead
Hop, go ahead
Dominate humiliate! (3 times)
  • 1. Russian online social media
  • 2. Slightly changed famous quote from a song

Jake and the Never Land Pirates

Just off the shores of Never Land a hideaway at sea
Yo-ho yo-ho let's go, let's go
A pirate band outwits the plans of Captain Hook
Yo-ho yo-ho let's go, let's go
The brave crew of Never Land Pirates
Jolly liitle Never Land buccaneers
The brave Never Land Pirates are waiting for you
Jake's calling, they need some volunteers
Jake: 'Ahoy!', Izzy: 'Ahoy!'
Cubby: 'Ahoy!', Skully: 'Ahoy!'
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Climb aboard and be a pirate true
Let's go, with Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Sailing the Never Land seas
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Yo ho, let's go

My Love, Where Are You?

Like the stones we are,
Like inert and unshakable stones,
Even if our pride
Pretends that we're our own unbound and free masters.
My love, where are you?
My love, where are you?
What is the purpose of the thought,
Of which I am so proud,
If it can't get you wherever you are,
If it can't bind you to my soul?
Mute, deaf, fascinated
By a memory that does not recompose itself
To give you back to me, I call you and I invoke you
And I can't have you with me again.
My love, where are you?
My love, where are you?
Among planets and stars
The caravels of infinity fly.
What's the use, if I stay here,
Being unable this way to see you, to hear you?
Like a stone,
Like a crushed stone,
Like a truncated branch,
Which will no longer be whole,
But it will always look
For its half.
My love, where are you?
My love, where are you?
I wish I could go back to nothing,
In the old days,
To be just an atom among atoms,
From that energy to which everything tends,
Life of my soul.
Like the stones we are,
Like inert and unshakable stones,
Even if our pride
Pretends that we're our own unbound and free masters.
My love, where are you?
My love, where are you?
My love, where are you?