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We're Already

I am really and truly in love this time, because of you
You're the one who is making memories in me
Even the floating moon is full of you
It's shining through our night.
There are lots of things that catch my eye
And I'm making a lot of mistakes.
You never know if we're not gonna make it out of
I hope feelings in my heart will grow bigger
If I dream of hugging you,
If I'm in your arms when the sun rises tomorrow
I will always love you
Actually, I know it already
The night is tight to the moon.
It's the midnight that won't leave
It's getting deeper
So I can't get out of it again
Every night I'm filled with you
The heart you've built up with it
Your gaze is getting deeper
It's getting deeper
I am really and truly in love this time, because of you
You're the one who is making memories in me
Even the floating moon is full of you
It's shining through our night.
I'm shining.
I cherish what is in your mind
If you love me too,
I'm gonna lean on you without saying a word
We already know that
We already know that feeling
We already know that feeling
Your scent that I cut down
In a room full of worries.
In an empty heart
Wrong categories are located
If I could fall in love with this feeling
If I could be colored,
I'd go anywhere
Riding our story
Every night I'm filled with you
The heart you've built up with it
Your gaze is getting deeper
It's getting deeper
I am really and truly in love this time, because of you
You're the one who is making memories in me
Even the floating moon is full of you
It's shining through our night.
I'm shining.
I cherish what is in your mind
If you love me too,
I'm gonna lean on you without saying a word
We already know it
Loving you for me is
a dying ending in your arms
To greet again soon
That's how we live every day

Your Echo

I don't know if I'm dreaming
Am I trapped or awake?
The loneliness makes me so weak
I've cried a lot
Was at the end and alone
The cold freezes me
I try to be strong
I stare at the white wall for nights
Having every feeling of myself banished
Started counting seconds out of fear
A few more hours and I'll go my worst way
And the pain doesn't go away
It's not possible
I miss you so much here
Your Echo smashes my wall
Debris of reality, over which I walk, and I understand
It's too late
Your Echo eats my mind
It fades deep inside me, it gets cold and I feel like I'm losing myself
The windowless room
Is cold and full of dust
Can't believe my eyes anymore
The past is tearing me apart
I hope so much I'm dreaming
Don't wake me up
Because I can never do it
It's so tough to feel all those pictures
To touch the cold walls
To feel your pain
It's so tough to walk through a world
With pictures, of you
Still, ten years later
And the pain doesn't go away
It's not possible
I miss you here
I feel your Echo and wish me so
That I can do it and that I let you go
I feel your Echo and sense the chance
I let you go so you get your rest
The room is silent and empty
Your Echo fades away
But at some point I follow you
Am I trapped, or awake?


Try to call me right now
I know that you often feel
As if you were alone
In this strange place
Listen to how this strong wind whispers
Like those blue trains
That whizz through Rajasthan
Who knows, who knows what will happen?
Who knows, who knows what will happen to us tomorrow?
Who knows, who knows what will happen?
Who knows, who knows what will happen to us tomorrow?
Who knows where darkness goes when it isn't scary?
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
Feel how this strong wind caresses
It always seems like nighttime to me
And then I will brush against your skin
That will remind me of the stars
And we will try new things
That are always the most beautiful
Who knows, who knows what will happen?
Who knows, who knows what will happen to us tomorrow?
Who knows, who knows what will happen?
Who knows where darkness goes when it isn't scary?
Who knows, who knows what will happen?
Who knows, who knows what will happen to us tomorrow?
Who knows, who knows what will happen?
Who knows where darkness goes when it isn't scary?
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan
They whizz through Rajasthan.


Tell me if you want
Tell me if you wanna lie down a bit along the waterfront
With the scent of cherry trees in our heads
Tell me if you want
Tell me if you wanna just sit back-against-back
to stare at the sky seems like fresh grass
If it gets dark we are inside the storm
With you, with you, I am unafraid
Lightning falls to me, maybe a sign it's been awhile
I don't wonder anymore who I am
I don't wonder anymore who I am
Right now
We are in a vortex
Don't keep distance
Take, take my hand
In the night, we dance
Take, take my hand
In the night, we dance
In the night, we dance
I don't wonder anymore who I am
I stopped harming myself
And you, don't ask useless questions
You're still awake
Tell me if you want
Tell me if you wanna go out even though there's a full moon outside
With you, with you, I am unafraid
Lightning falls to me, maybe a sign it's been awhile
I don't wonder anymore who I am
I don't wonder anymore who I am
Right now
We are in a vortex
Don't fear distance
Take, take my hand
In the night, we dance
Take, take my hand
In the night, we dance
In the night, we...
Gimme only an hour, stay immobile
I am in line with my head in the clouds
Then I see you, I feel that
Lightning falls to me
The wind has been blowing for awhile
I don't wonder anymore who I am
I don't wonder anymore who I am
Right now
We are in a vortex
Don't keep distance
Take, take my hand
Tonight, we dance
Take, take my hand
Tonight, we dance
Tonight, we...
Lightning falls to me
The wind has been blowing for awhile
With you, with you, I am unafraid

The Peach Blossoms Laugh

The moon in my hands cracks a nostalgic smile
The clouds before my eyes go to bed early
The wind can’t knock over my willow tree waist1
In this peach blossom field, hopping around
Young one, you don't need to go home so early
The swallows come flying in pairs
The peaches are tender, the bananas still green
Who cares if the rain pours or the wind blows, the night is deep and clear
The flowers bloom a new red, yet will wither
The young lad's heart will never grow old
Appreciate the present moment2, blond hair hanging down3
I'll row the oars, shaking in the water
Willow tree seeds float in the wind past the corners of the sky
Have you ever seen the busy everyday life?4
Come back to chat with the peach blossoms
Willow tree seeds float in the wind past the corners of the sky
Have you ever seen the busy everyday life?
Hurry, come chat with the peach blossoms
The moon always cracks a nostalgic smile
The clouds are also waiting for the wind to come
The wind also can’t knock over my willow tree waist
In this peach blossom field, hopping around
Young one, you don't need to go home so early
The swallows come flying in pairs
The peaches are tender, the bananas still green
Even if the rain comes, you need to learn to smile like that moon
The flowers bloom a new red, yet will wither
The young lad's heart will never grow old
Appreciate the present moment, blond hair hanging down
Let's keep this place to ourselves5
Willow tree seeds float in the wind past the corners of the sky
Have you ever seen the busy everyday life?
Come back to chat with the peach blossoms
Willow tree seeds float in the wind past the corners of the sky
Have you ever seen the busy everyday life?
Hurry, come chat with the peach blossoms
Willow tree seeds float in the wind past the corners of the sky
Have you ever seen the busy everyday life?
Come back to chat with the peach blossoms
Willow tree seeds float in the wind past the corners of the sky
Have you ever seen the busy everyday life?
Hurry, come chat with the peach blossoms
La la la la la la la la la la woo
Hopping around this peach blossom field, ah
Hurry, come have a chat with the peach blossoms
  • 1. Idiom for a woman's slim waist
  • 2. Literally 'Listen to the chicken and the dog', short form of 鸡犬之声相闻,老死不相往来, meaning everyone is happy and living in the moment
  • 3. In the past, children did not tie up their hair, so this expression refers to children
  • 4. Literal: turbulent red dust
  • 5. Idiom (literally not worth speaking to outsiders), meaning to not tell others about the matter. Originally used in a story where a fisherman finds a secret peach garden isolated from the outside world, and was asked by its inhabitants to not tell anyone else

The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost

Versions: #1
Silly butterfly burned out on a candle
Hot and heated coal, smoky little circles
Little star has fallen in puddle near porch
The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost
Deadman hasn’t revived, sick man hasn’t bent over
Sighted hasn’t blind, sleepman hasn’t got up
Cheerfully brave hearts were walked from the coast
The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost
There was no more native, there was no more prettily
There was no more sick, there was no more happily
There was no beginning, ending was no most
The squad hasn’t noticed the soldier’s lost

Johnny (Do it for me)

Johnny, Johnny, please give it up
Johnny, Johnny, come with me
Johnny, Johnny, don't end it like this
I beg you Johnny at least do it for me
Johnny, Johnny, get rid of the pills
Johnny, Johnny, throw away the blades
Johnny, Johnny, ignore the rope
I beg you Johnny at least do it for me
Johnny, Johnny, toss the gun
Johnny, Johnny, move away from the window
Johnny, Johnny, let go of the gas pipe
I beg you Johnny at least do it for me
Johnny, Johnny, come outside the garage
Johnny, Johnny, turn off the engine
Johnny, Johnny, please give it up
Okay Johnny, sing for me
Okay, okay Johnny, okay
Oh Johnny, oh yeah
Oh Johnny, oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh Johnny, oh yeah
C'mon Johnny, oh yeah
C'mon Johnny, oh yeah
Oh Johnny
C'mon Johnny, oh yeah
Okay Johnny

A Flower

Perhaps you've seen - in shady wood,
Amidst a youthful, springtime mead
A flower - simple, humble, good?
(Alone in distant lands you tread.)
Awaiting you - in dewy fields
Alone it bloomed, flowered, grew...
And now its purest scent it yields,
The scents of spring it's saved for you.
The fragile stem you rip from earth.
And gently place it on your shirt
And you admire, with growing mirth,
The flower, which you've badly hurt.
You walk along a dusty path

Птице на жици

Као птица на жици,
Као пијанац у поноћном хору
Покушао сам на свој начин да будем слободан.
Као црв на удици,
Као витез из неке старомодне књиге
Сачувао сам за тебе све своје врпце.
Ако сам, ако сам био нељубазан,
Надам се да то можеш само да пропустиш.
Ако јесам, ако сам био неистинит
Надам се да знаш да то никада нисам био према теби.
Као беба,
Као звер својим рогом
Раздерао сам све који су посегнули за мном.
Али кунем се овом песмом
И по свему ономе што сам погрешио
Све ћу ти надокнадити.
Видео сам просјака наслоњеног на своју дрвену штаку,
Рекао ми је: „Не смеш толико да тражиш“.
И лепа жена наслоњена на своја затамњена врата,
Плакала ми је: 'Хеј,
зашто не тражити још? '
О као птица на жици,
Као пијанац у поноћном хору
Покушао сам на свој начин да будем слободан.

Spring Glory

In the midst of spring, I ran along with you
I just had this feeling then, that I would never forget
Hiding your tears from me, your strength
I knew it all along, you know
Let's not say goodbye, like we're always remembering
So please, any time you want, come back to my side.
With incredible speed, the days passing by us
I don't want them to end, even though I know it's impossible
These kind feelings, riding upon the spring breeze
Will pass through time itself
When we say goodbye, let's laugh and wave our hands
Please don't worry, because I'll do it somehow.
Let's not say goodbye, like we're always remembering
So please, any time, come back to my side.
Like we'll see each other again, let's talk like always
We should be able to rewind back to that time, right?

Fight, fight

You only dare to make me mad
Fight, fight, there will be fight, fight.
Dare to touch another
Fight, fight, you're mine, mine
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
There will be a fight, fight and you are mine, mine
your eyes won't be painted here, stay by my side
Our car, flowers every hour.
When something is mine, I keep it.
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
Who are you to send me
Fight, fight, there will be fight, fight.
Come here and confess to me
Wait, wait, I'll be your god.
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
Más información sobre este texto de origenPara obtener más información sobre la traducción, se necesita el texto de origen
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Paneles laterales

I am still lost

We met in snow.
Dazzled by youth and without seeing
a tangle of cheers and curiosity
we met in the language, a secret place
and thither we go,
again and again,
again and again,
and the notes became an elongated refrain,
a plot, a tale, a pop tune,
lullabies broken by the cries of the sirens.
We felt like,
an airless balloon,
an airless balloon
an endless sentence, completely capsized and empty
I am often haunted by ideas of escape
but laughter draws your face so beautifully1
You stretch your body
while the sun rises
while the sun rises
we brew coffee and drink a cup
and when we get caught up in the noise of everyday life
then we roll our eyes and share a smoke
then we founder,
where tenderness is,
where tenderness is
we march bravely with the army of benevolence
a love worn out and completely desperate
only carried by the promises, unyielding and clear
A trembling moment
my sleepy you
my sleepy you
my drama is long, my reason is broken
and when I get scared and when I get angry
then lower my ships and give me your peace
I see a coast
and soon it gets bright
and soon it gets bright
so take me for granted it seems so quiet
I am still lost despite the years
and sing with grattitude this love song
because it was supposed to happen
we met in the snow.
  • 1. A nod to the poet Inger Christensen, who in 'Alfabet' has a similar line.


Angela, Angela, my angel
I didn't believe that this night
Would actually be a goodbye
Angela, believe me, I don't want it
Angela, Angela, my angel
When I told you I wanted to leave
I only wanted to see you cry
Because I like making you suffer
I wanted to make you cry
See your tears
Feel that your heart
Is in my hands
Angela, Angela, my angel
But today you, instead of crying,
Looked at my face strangely
As if you were already too far
I beg you, Angela, don't leave
You can't leave me down here alone
It isn't possible that out of the blue
I can lose you, lose everything
Angela, Angela, my angel
I didn't believe that this night
Would actually be a goodbye
Angela, believe me, I don't want it
Angela, Angela, my angel
Angela, Angela, my angel
Angela, Angela, my angel
Angela, Angela, my angel

Lean On Me

All of the words in my heart
I don’t remember any of them
All of the reasons that I wanted to hear
I forgot them all
When I’m in front of you
All of me freezes up
Like this
Will you just wait for me in my arms?
That’s me
All of my thoughts get mixed up
I place meaning on everything and wander around
Then I get scared of everything
Yea, only you do that to me
Among the countless people
You make me not look for anyone else
You make me get more impatient
So I want to hold you
The words I want to say while erasing everything else
You can lean on me
I used to tell myself that I’m ok being alone
As I quietly tried to embrace my empty heart
Now finally
I can lean on you
That’s me
I get surprised by these special days
By these emotions that I don’t even know
I run out of breath, it’s so precious
Yea only you do that to me
Among the countless things
You make me not look for anything else
Yu make me happier
The words I want to say while erasing everything else
You can lean on me
Just like everyone has different thoughts
On the same landscape
Just like tears coming to you
Even on typical days
That reason is you
That’s me
I feel like I could do everything
But then I feel like I lost that one thing
My heart is stubborn
And it’s only toward you
Among the countless people
Only shine on me with your special light
So I can plant my feelings and watch it grow
So I can get my hopes up
The words I want to say while erasing everything else
Will you lean on me?
Among the countless times
You make me dream small dreams
You make me want to cry a bit
So I can comfort you
The words I want to say while erasing everything else
Will you lean on me?

The ghost of our nation is returning

Our desires were denied
Sin and pleasure
Our prophecies came true
Mud and blood
For freedom, sacrifice is waiting
Eternal suffering
Our uprising creates contempt
Autumn and Winter
The light from the deep is spewing out onto us
The light appears from the deep
The ghost of our nation is returning
Our nation is returning
From a violent storm
Attacks us
A maddened crowd
Which knows no prayer
A sinful thirst for power
A dagger in the heart
Our high walls made from our flesh
Are reaching towards the sky

How Do They Make The Waves...?

It wasn't me, yeah, who told you farewell
but I don't even know how one does it, how one will do it,
how one feels well, well, my head is pounding
I swear to you that I'll go drunk to your party
to take the things that I left
It's you that started
saying that love changed me
I will make a nice list in order to not forget
and then I'll let you go and then I'll let you go
And I'll speak about us,
about that time that
time will then explain to us,
will then explain to us
But how do they make the waves
always start again?
always start again?
I will speak about us,
about this love
that time will then explain to us,
will then explain to us
But how do they make the stars
always shine?
always shine?
We watch the TV, but we don't love each other anymore
A kiss in passing, only publicity
It's not normal, but if you move your heart to the right
I swear to you that this time it's not a complaint
C'mon, I'll come by for the things that I left
It's you who started
to say that love changed me
I will make a nice list in order to not forget
and then I'll let you go, and then I'll let you go
And I'll speak about us,
about that time that
time will then explain to us,
will then explain to us
But how do they make the waves
always start again?
always start again?
I will speak about us,
about this love
that time will then explain to us,
will then explain to us
But how do they make the stars
always shine?
always shine?
Time will then explain to us, will then explain to us
But how do they make the waves
always start again?
always start again?
I will speak about us,
about this love
that time will then explain to us,
will then explain to us
But how do they make the stars
always shine?
always shine?

Sierra Nevada

Versions: #1
Aaaaah - haa - haa - haaaah
Aaa - haa - haaahaaahaaa
haahaahaaa - haaa - haaahaahaahaa..
Sierra, Sierra Nevada
Sierra, Neva-a-a-a-a-a-da
Sierra, Sierra Nevada
Sierra, Neva-a-a-a-a-a-da
All around, this empty plain
Sand and wind, all that remain
Cactus flowers, surrounding me
that is all, the eye can see
days with burning heat
nights are cold, too cold for me
blood, and tears the price
wrought with sweat, this paradise
In Colorado, in the Denver plain
With Billy wagons loaded to the brim
they left behind their cattle, farms and gain
the trek was a go, the journey could begin
But that bliss, could only see
One who came, through death valley
only those, who reached the end
now would find, the promised land
(Stanza 1)
(Stanza 1)

On the wings of ashes

A faithless world
Is destroying itself
You believe yourself to be alive
But while imprisoned
During the winter of your pain
On it's melting ice
The light of your essence
Is resting, allowed to live
On wings of ashes it's revived
The endless
The eons of time
Brings the flame
Tortured by agony
It's burning your feet
The soul is spinning
A dark web
You sense hope
At the end of your journey
Row to the shore
Fly with the wind


I learned these from life:
Except for death, nothing is mandatory
That between me and far-away dreams,
Other than myself, nobody else is a wall
I learned these from life:
That one can fight fate and win
That fighting and losing is better-
Than to sit and grieve
The world is like a mirror, that it's good and bad-
Is just the reflection of my existence
The body and soul of every human on earth-
Is a piece from my warp and weft (my foundation)
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes
I learned these from life:
Except for death, nothing is mandatory
That between me and far-away dreams,
Other than myself, nobody else is a wall
I learned these from life:
That one can fight fate and win
That fighting and losing is better-
Than to sit and grieve
The world is like a mirror, that it's good and bad-
Is just the reflection of my existence
The body and soul of every human on earth-
Is a piece from my warp and weft (my foundation)
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes

I miss you

The love and the pain are twins
Hand in hand, since always
They turned my world upside down
Just to miss you
Just like the raindrop remembers the cloud
that's how my soul remembers you
For a moment I hate you, then I love you the most
But most of the time I miss you
For a moment I hate you, then I love you the most
But most of the time I miss you
Tonight, my blood is searching for you
My legs keep going where you are, on their own
The old love is damned
Who you do not have, does not let you forget
I would ask God a question
How from the mind and from the heart
to erase the one who left you
so much to remember
How to erase the one who left you
so much to remember
Tonight, my blood is searching for you
My legs keep going where you are, on their own
The old love is damned
Who you do not have, does not let you forget
Tonight, my blood is searching for you
My legs keep going where you are, on their own
The old love is damned
Who you do not have, does not let you forget

I Would Never Leave

When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Hu ha ah
When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Ha I will let you take over my life
Ha Let me grow old with you
Without many words
You will see that
You are my only one
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
This is a proof of love,
I am in your hands

Nevada Smith

In your eyes
is the world I want
but my name
is now Nevada Smith.
There is no peace
for someone like me
who has a rifle
in place of a heart.
They know
because I am like this,
they will pay
me, Nevada Smith.
I love you
but I will not stay here.
It does not matter
if then I die.
Do not try
to restrain me.
Give me a kiss and then
I will go away.
When the sun
in a bit will appear,
my embrace
will leave you.
In your eyes
is the world I want
but my name
is now Nevada Smith.
Perhaps one day
I will return to you
without the hatred that is here
in my heart—
oh-oh-oh in my heart.

The View I've Never Seen

Why can we run that way?
Why can we immediately stand up again?
Can our voices be heard?
Covered in mud, we go forward
Covered in scars, we struggle forward
The promises that cannot be broken
To protect them, we run
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine if we're dirty
It's fine if we're uncool
The view that can be seen from there
Let's see the same view
For example, even if we can't see our goal
For example, even if there is no answer ahead
Without hesitation, you walk on
Even if it might be useless
Even if it's lost its meaning
With the you who won't give up
Don't betray yourself
Under a bright blue sky, as if it can watch over you
On the bright blue sea, raise a tiny sail
It's fine even if we stop
It's fine even if we run away
If we start rowing again
Perhaps something will be visible
It's not that nobody walks the same path
You open a path for only yourself
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine even if we stop
It's fine even if we run away
On the bright blue sea, raise a tiny sail
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine if we're dirty
It's fine if we're uncool
The view that can be seen from there
Let's see the same view
The view I've never seen
Let's see your view

If we met in a dream

Aa~ The memories, flowing back vividly
Hey, always saying those things.
In order to talk, lets clasp hands and smile
With your dainty arms, you hugged me.
If we met in a dream.
I think that's a wonderful thing.
Someday, lets talk again.
Even now, your laughing right?
Aa~ the ultramarine sky
The Jean Valjean song is echoing
If you close your eyes, your body will be dancing.
As if I'm there like usual.
If we met in a dream.
The words would all flow together.
Why say things like 'I'm sad'.
Were still fine you know.
So just wave your hand, so we can meet again.
If we met in a dream.
I think that's a wonderful thing.
Were not far so listen to me,
I'll sing a song for you.

2032: Track 10 – The Angel of New Life (Milinevsky's Aria)

Versions: #1
It always seemed to me
That our goal is clear,
That we know what we are searching for.
A lie is justified
When it’s supposed to lead
To the results we’re aiming to achieve.
And by our people’s lives,
Ideas they work for,
The fate itself шs showing us the way,
But how it could be so,
That, now, this very goal
Is being thrown away by our man-made god?
But you were
Created as
The Angel of New Life!
The spring of yours
Has opened the door
To the break of days upcoming!..
It would be strange
To blame you now,
Because you know too much,
But how can we
Avoid the cost
That you’ve foretold for us?
Our century is hard
It’s full of contradictions
Sometimes, the joy is just illusion,
It’s possible that you
Will give illusions too
But leave behind the very things that matter.
But if your words are true,
And progress we’ve achieved
No longer needs our naïve aspirations,
Then our only goal
Is system with the role
Of supporting those who live consuming only!
But you were
Created as
The Angel of New Life,
The spring of yours
Has let us explore
The world of things we’ve dreamed of!
The day will come
And, then, you will
Realize everything once more

The Bride

Versions: #1
It’s midnight here, and no one’s around,
I’m waiting for him, I’m sure he will come.
Even though a little nervous, maybe he just forgot,
But he told me all his secrets without even a thought.
All the secrets are now mine, so, I know I will be fine, oh!
The car arrived and stopped nearby,
You’re finally here, I’m feeling so high.
You’re looking so damn good, you’re just like a cake,
And to lose such a man would be such a mistake.
I’ll just try a bit of yours once we are behind the doors, yea!
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
Your bride, that’s right, it’s me, but not her
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
All yours...
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
Your bride, that’s right, it’s me, but not her
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
All yours...
The car’s black inside, there’s crocodile skin,
Also, leather, and journals on the back seat.
We’re driving at full speed, and I cannot lie:
I’m lucky to have found you, my favorite guy.
Our date is so damn groovy, going for an awesome movie, oh!

I know where Sid Barrett lives

I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know he's not happy about the guests
I know how he makes coffee
When other people are sleeping
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
He sees how on the roofs are sitting
Peacocks and elephants
He sees how mice are pulling
A piece of silence
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
I know that in Big Theatre
Gilmore plays on the trumpet
Calculating all costs
Not forgetting about himself
He won't even make little mistakes
He doesn't let go of what's his
Tonight they will show
Him on the TV
I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know where his nest is
I know how he makes coffee
Not understanding anything
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves


Novice you are, love is older than you
Novice you are, your shoulders yet not broad
Novice you are, you outgrew those years
Novice you were, more than you are now
We learned love through movies and trailers
We were the heartbroken youth on the posters
We were lead actors in the fixed scripts
Such novices were we
Yet, love is a fairy tale to be lived once upon a time
More than a promise to be kept
Don't ever try to explain love, breathe it
Who knows, promises could be forgotten, or the life itself
Novice you are, love is older than you
Novice you are, don't go sour and live your life
Neither strength nor courage is enough
You have to understand its temperament
It will make itself familiar by time,
Will raise you with many occasions,
Will vanish without a trace, from time to time
Then will show its whereabouts
And finally it will ask, 'do you see now?'
We always listened to love in tragic songs
Always listened to love through stories of those defeated
You ask all the time: 'why?'
Yet, love is a fairy tale to be lived once upon a time
More than a promise to be kept
Don't ever try to explain love, breathe it
Who knows, promises could be forgotten, or the life itself
Novice you are, love is older than you
Novice you are, don't go sour and live your life
Neither strength nor courage is enough
You have to understand its temperament
You are still a novice
It will make itself familiar by time,
Will raise you with many occasions,
Will vanish without a trace, from time to time
Then will show its whereabouts
And finally it will ask, 'do you see now?'

If I Didn't Know You

If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
If I didn't have you, I wouldn't know how, at last,
I've managed to find in you what was missing in me.
In a loveless world full of pain,
the truth is so clear in your eyes - don't cry anymore.
And because of you, I feel
that this dream would die forever
if I didn't know you.
If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love,
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
And because of you, I feel that in my life no dream
would exist if I didn't have you.
I know our love would be so immense.
Together, the world shines brighter.
I never thought hatred would cause so much damage.
We'll only love each other in silence until the end.
And my heart tells me it is true.
If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love,
(Solitude doesn't exist anymore since you're by my side...)
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
(Next to you, I'm so happy, only because of you...)
I know our love would be so immense.
Together, the world shines brighter.
I know our love would be so immense.
It shines even in the dark.
And my heart tells me it is true.
That it is true.
Without your feelings, the dream would die
(Without your feelings...!) inside my heart,
without a reason, forever,
if I didn't know you.

Everything is like always

It's true the wind is a little bit colder
and we are all older
and the clouds fly where the breeze sends them
Look the scarecrow is turning to fertilizer
(The) Hot sun dried his leaf
But there are still some permanent things
Because, everything is like always
When (your) hand rasts in (my) hand
it feels like that
when we are spending (the) day together
It's like a rock that doesn't fall
And if you are ever feeling down
Everything is like always
and you know I will always be here for you
The leaves are already falling
It feels like the future is coming
Are you telling me tonight you intent to get down on your knee
But I am stumblebum in this things
And there's always a mishap
What if you leave romantic stuff to me
Yes, everything is like always
When I love her endlessly
It feels like I will never be alone again
But if I do that
and I am not afraid
It will all be alright, right?
Everything is like always
Sven make sure you do things right
It is a restless wind that this voice is travelling on
(is) something is coming, changes that the time carries
a moment of happiness is too short you know
To not let it be forgotten I will relish it and let it last
When the wind is a little colder
and every day we are a little older
we prepare the gifts of autumn sky
Forever we are in the land of plenty
Which serves all good people well
Let the Arendelle flag always fly
let it always fly
let it always fly
let it always fly!
Everything is like always
Time flies (and) it never stops
It feels like it
That the future is unknown
Leave all worries
In the past
Time won't leave us alone
Everything is like always
You know i'll always be here for you
For you i will always be
For you i will always be
For you i will always be here
You know i'll always be here for you


Tell me who you really are,
and I will tell you who I am.
The rest is nothing but the movie props.
I'm leaving today
without looking at the monitor,
where these shots will be put on repeat yet more than once.
I'm walking in circles...
Who are we to each other?
One may repeat it a thousand times...
We must be rivals -
there's something agonizingly nervous
that is shrinking somewhere inside me.
There's neither pain nor joy, only fatigue.
And that's all, nothing is left of me.
I'm alone with my own shadow,
as if I'm invisible.
You left me neither inhale nor exhale.
Well, such is life, one plays with no rules here.
Nobody is defeated, nobody has won,
but it's not me, I'm invisible.
Tell me who you were.
Have I ever been to you something more
than just doubts caused by a few phrases?
Remind me how long ago
that ostentatious formal addressing me
became easier for you than to leave without raising your head.
We are ready to attack -
let's cross our swords.
Farewell to my December.
I will close it and hide it.
What else should I do?
One may repeat it a thousand times.
There's neither pain nor joy, only fatigue.
And that's all, nothing is left of me.
I'm alone with my own shadow,
as if I'm invisible.
You left me neither inhale nor exhale.
Well, such is life, one plays with no rules here.
Nobody is defeated, nobody has won,
but it's not me, I'm invisible.

Wait a minute

Ah, Wait a minute.
1.2 of 3 to the South Island.
Let's go.
Tropical Lady.
Everybody's waist swinging (bang bang bang).
Ah Good Night.
The sound of the waves will stop you and me.
Palm trees shaking and flamingos dancing.
Ah, the moon shaking over the waves.
A mermaid swimming.
Ah, Wait a minute.
The sound of the waves will stop you and me.
Palm trees shaking and flamingos dancing.
Ah, the moon shaking over the waves.
A mermaid swimming.