Резултати претраге страна 52
Број резултата: 2054
Zvr zvr
Halo? Jesi tu?
Halo? Jesi tu?
Šta ćeš, šta ćeš da uradiš?
Ako me izvedeš večeras
Znam da mi možeš promeniti mišljenje (oh)
Juče smo bili završili
Ali danas osećam da sam ti bliže (oh)
Nema više Ubera kasno u noć, bebo
Neću doći kod tebe, jesi li lud?
Rekao si da si kod kuće
Ali videla sam ti na story-ju, u izlasku do jutra
Nisi sam, zato ćeš sada da zoveš
Zvr zvr
Halo? Jesi tu?
Iskreno, zbog tebe ludim
Halo? Jesi tu?
Jesi negde napolju sa svojom dragom?
Halo? Jesi tu?
Iskreno, zbog tebe ludim
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Zvr zvr (zovem te kasno)
Jesi tu? (izmišljaće ti)
Halo? (eto me na putu do tebe)
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Zvr zvr (zovem te kasno)
Jesi tu? (izmišljaće ti)
Halo? (eto me na putu do tebe)
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Imam mnogo prijatelja, veruj
Ne želiš da mi upoznaš brata
Zato nemoj da mi zalaziš u kraj, veruj
Svi znamo da si se jebao sa drugom
Ako preživiš (ah)
Možda možeš ovo da ispraviš (možda možeš ovo da ispraviš)
Jer toliko puta sam ti rekla
Sledeći put ću biti hladnija prema tebi, prema tebi
Nema više Ubera kasno u noć, bebo
Neću doći kod tebe, hah, jesi li lud?
Rekao si da si kod kuće
Ali videla sam ti na story-ju, u izlasku do jutra
Nisi sam, zato ćeš sada da zoveš
Zvr zvr
Halo? Jesi tu?
Iskreno, zbog tebe ludim
Halo? Halo? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Jesi negde napolju sa svojom dragom?
Halo? Jesi tu?
Iskreno, zbog tebe ludim
Halo? (Halo?)
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Zvr zvr (zovem te kasno)
Jesi tu? (izmišljaće ti)
Halo? (eto me na putu do tebe)
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Zvr zvr (zovem te kasno)
Jesi tu?(izmišljaće ti)
Halo? (eto me na putu do tebe)
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Halo, halo, poziv moram da se javim
Halo, ooh, zglob hladan, ledenica, ooh
Ako je loša, uzeću ljubičati pikap (ljubičasti pikap)
Zaustavljam se, spuštam krov, dva sedišta (skrr skrr)
U Vegasu smo, ooh uspeo sam (ooh uspeo sam)
Hoće da se slika sa mnom jer sam poznat (jer sam poznat)
Brojim pare, znam da to mrze (znam da to mrze)
Sve je to bila samo jedna noć, nikada nismo bili u vezi
Vratili se na zadnjem sedištu i iščezli (i iščezli)
Slažem 'papir' imamo asfalt (imamo asfalt)
Upravo tako (tako)
Svi mrze (svi mrze)
Halo? Zaustavljam se, upravo
Zvr zvr (zovem te kasno)
Jesi tu? (izmišljaće ti)
Halo? (eto me na putu do tebe)
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Zvr zvr (zvr zvr, sve što čujem je ton zvona)
Jesi tu? (pitam se da li spavaš sama)
Zvr zvr
Zvr zvr (zvr zvr, sve što čujem je ton zvona)
Jesi tu? (pitam se da li spavaš sama)
Zvr zvr (zvr zvr, sve što čujem je ton zvona)
Jesi tu? (pitam se da li spavaš sama)
Zvr zvr (zvr zvr, sve što čujem je ton zvona)
Jesi tu? Jesi tu? Jesi tu?
Zvr zvr
Demoni su iza mene, mislim da su mi potrebni
Prate me već duže vreme, sve više i više znam, poznati su mi
Na njih mogu računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
Mogu samo na njih računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
[Verse 1]
Dođi u moju galaksiju između zvezda, leti se uzbrdo pada nizbrdo
Najbolja stvar koju sam naučio jeste da zaboravim sve što sam ikada naučio
Grešim u hodu, ali vežbam da budem što jači poput metala
Pritisni dugme, projektili se apsorbuju, ja sam pravi robot a ne Android
Moj život je bio test višestrukog izbora - tri krsta na svemu
Sortiraj moje podatke u Kreuzberg-u, ko je prijatelj a ko protivnik?
Opet demoni postavljaju zamke, ali to ne pomaže (nije korisno)
Žele da idu u rat sa nama, ali svi govore previše
Oni hoće da nas destabiliziruju
Ali nemoguće, svi oni žele kralja
Ali pad je smrtonosan, eyyy
Demoni su iza mene, mislim da su mi potrebni
Prate me već duže vreme, sve više i više znam, poznati su mi
Na njih mogu računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
Mogu samo na njih računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
[Verse 2]
Objašnjavaju mi ljubav, ali objasni mi rat u sekundi - čudno za njih
Mnogi od prvih saradnika su pali
Gomila demona oko mene, ali naučio sam da ih ukrotim
Mnogi govore o pet uglova, oni znaju da ne komuniciraju
Ey, moj život je vremenski dijagram, šta je ostalo za mene na kraju?
Od kamena sam isklesao dijamant, kreirao sopstvene vrednosti
Pustio melodije u atmosferu
Hiljadu pitanja kao da sam u gubitku
Žele da idu u rat sa nama, ali svi govore previše
Oni hoće da nas destabiliziruju
Ali nemoguće, svi oni žele kralja
Ali pad je smrtonosan, eyyy
Demoni su iza mene, mislim da su mi potrebni
Prate me već duže vreme, sve više i više znam, poznati su mi
Na njih mogu računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
Mogu samo na njih računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
[Verse 3]
Nikada nećeš videti anđele kako plaču na mojoj sahrani
Hodam sa svojim demonima
Sa svojim demonima
Nikada nećeš videti anđele kako plaču na mojoj sahrani
Hodam sa svojim demonima
Sa svojim demonima
Demoni su iza mene, mislim da su mi potrebni
Prate me već duže vreme, sve više i više znam, poznati su mi
Na njih mogu računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
Mogu samo na njih računati jer mi pokazuju ko sam
Ona želi
[Part 1: RAF Camora]
Niko ne zna šta ona ima
Ne kupujem je ni reč
Mi se poznajemo od juče
Ali brat se pretvara kao da je Transformer
Poznati smo, imamo love, imamo pištolje
Naravno da je vlažna u njenim helankama
Želi Mesut Özil-a ili Alabas Schwanz
Ljubav je prljava i na prodaju je
Ona želi to na zadnjem sedištu Range Rover-a
Tražim da je tucam u svom Daytona
Pričam sa momcima o novcu
Uzmi kurvu i daj joj po ušima kao Legolas
Šalje mi svoje slike na telefon, šta je pristojno?
Igrala mi je asa kao u tenisu
Bez obzira koliko je njen svet u rasulu
Kurva će uvek biti princeza njenog tatice
[Hook: Bonez MC]
Ona želi zabavljača i spaljuje papir koji je bogatstvo njenog tate
Daj joj Panameru, daj joj Zebru, nema mesta u helankama
Dođite u klub, vidite momke za šankom, sedite pored njih
Još ništa nije doživela i ne želi ostati u malom gradu
[Part 2: PA Sports]
Mala glumi da je Kylie Jenner (Jenner)
Traži repera na internetu
Tvoj jadni tata misli da si dobra devojčica
No večeras obojica imamo sastanke
Baby snimaš filmove preko pola sveta (pola sveta)
Ona želi da ponovo eskalira pre ciklusa
I ima fetiš za pušenje gangstera
Osetite temperaturu kada tverkuje u VIP-Area
Baby, nisi Jennifer Lopez
Bez Podcast, želi da se slika kao da je bitna ličnost
A kokain joj je u toaletu
Ti si igrač, pokazaću ti moje pakovanje
Vozila se kao Kim K., napravili smo prolećni odmor
Westside-Kanake će te pokupiti danas sa svojim Caddi ab
Ali kod kuće si i dalje tatina ljubav
[Hook: Bonez MC]
Ona želi zabavljača i spaljuje papir koji je bogatstvo njenog tate
Daj joj Panameru, daj joj Zebru, nema mesta u helankama
Dođite u klub, vidite momke za šankom, sedite pored njih
Još ništa nije doživela i ne želi ostati u malom gradu
[Outro: Bonez MC]
Ona želi zabavljača i spaljuje papir koji je bogatstvo njenog tate
Daj joj Panameru, daj joj Zebru, nema mesta u helankama
Dođite u klub, vidite momke za šankom, sedite pored njih
Još ništa nije doživela i ne želi ostati u malom gradu
[Part 1]
Pišem tekstove pesama, ali mi svi kažu 'Daj sebi vremena!'
Ne mogu prestati, jer sam toliko daleko dogurao
Uspeh je poput drolje, pokazala je svoje lice
Radi se o njoj, o meni, podelio sam svaku pesmu sa njom
Zanemari Vikipediju
Ukoliko želiš da me upoznaš, brate dođi
Ispričaću ti priče o Petom kvartu, kao da je Compton
Otac građevinac, želeo je da studiram i jednog dana doktor budem
Rafa svira gitaru, jednog dana postaće zvezda ali ne
Moj put je Corleone
Levica, desnica politike, ne vidim ništa
Idem samo pravo do svetla
Moj put je Corleone
Đubrad se pojavljuju ispred mene
Za mene je uvek oružje koje puca
Moj put je Corleone
Ni za šta interesovanje
Samo ravno do svetla, ah-ah
Bez straha od rata
Ne, tako će biti sve dok me Bog voli
Moj put je Corleone
[Part 2]
Iz Napulja sam, krv Vendetta teče mojim venama
Drevna mržnja u grudima, ali pokušavam da se promenim
Često se sranja dešavaju kada si mlad, ali dobro, postaćeš mudriji
'Da li je vredno svega toga', pomislićeš kada primiš metak u srce
Čoveče, zajebi Vikipediju,
Želiš li me upoznati, brate onda slušaj moje pesme
Možeš to, ukoliko želiš, čoveče, dajem šansu
Dokonim hejterima koji jedu burgere i pomfrit
Drugi govore, da te vole pre nego što su ove reči postale posebne
Moj put je Corleone
Levica, desnica politike, ne vidim ništa
Idem samo pravo do svetla
Moj put je Corleone
Đubrad se pojavljuju ispred mene
Za mene je uvek oružje koje puca
Moj put je Corleone
Ni za šta interesovanje
Samo ravno do svetla, ah-ah
Bez straha od rata
Ne, tako će biti sve dok me Bog voli
Moj put je Corleone
Past them
[Hook: Bonez MC]
Bottle of Rum at the counter
my boys by side
nobody's searching here for problems
We prefer to run away
And throwing money arround
As they were worthless papers
Other worths which count
If you know what I mean
[Part 1: RAF Camora]
Not everything that shines seems to be gold
The neclace is Dimond, the Watch is braz,
Spots by me an my team on your 16-inch
Million Views in your ass, say who should break us
The palm trees are pure gold
They come, because its running like Usain Bolt
For the haters six digits at the bank
For the enemies six shots in the colt
They tell me about glory, but no way
They Can do nothing then talk what they can
Ask me how it goes, creating my life, dancing Lambada
Enjoy it with Chips (ey) and Champagne
One hand at the beat, one at the mic, one at Para
My Alfa is lowered on the street
R-A Camora , your father
Dont talk to me on Insta, im about to be criminal
[Hook: Bonez MC]
Bottle of Rum at the counter
My boys by side
Nobody's searching here for problems
We prefer to run away
And throwing money arround
As they were worthless papers
Other worths which count
If you know what I mean
[Part 2: Bonez MC]
Monday evening, drinking vodka without a Ground
One thousend Euro left, my daughter wants to have a dog
Paid with bank card but than it was gone
But it doesnt matter, the night was too perfect
We're high 'n fly
Let the Motherfckers talk
And I have so many plans
Golden teeth, happy tears on my life
[Bridge: Bonez MC]
I will never forget how it was
The Security says:'No, you dont enter Here'
and today they play my Songs there
Past them with sweatpants
Past them at the charts
Highway, left track, let them behind me
'Stop, police!', I'll past them
Past them
[Hook: Bonez MC]
Bottle of Rum at the counter
My boys by side
Nobody's searching here for problems
We prefer to run away
And throwing money arround
As they were worthless papers
Other worths which count
If you know what I mean
[Outro: Bonez MC]
I will never forget how it was
The Security says:'No, you don't enter here'
And today they play my Songs there
Past them with sweatpants
I will never forget how it was
The Security says:'No, you don't enter here'
And today they play my Songs there
Past them with sweatpants
Past them at the charts
Highway, left track, let them behind me
'Stop, police!', I'll past them
Past them
I still love you, I’m just a little but tired
I’m afraid I might hurt you
I’m not a nice guy, I’m just being selfish
Saying I still love you is a lie
You wanted and answer from the beginning
Like an ending of a movie you’ve already watched
You were getting more and more difficult for me
Like the perfect story you wanted
You won’t be able to bear the cruel goodbye
My lips wouldn’t say the words even if I try
I still love you, I’m just a little bit tired
I’m afraid I might hurt you
I’m not a nice guy, I’m just being selfish
Saying I still love opyou is a lie
I’ve thought about this time and time again
How you will be without me
Unkept promises of us
Nothing but meaningless words
You won’t be able to bear the cruel goodbye
My lips wouldn’t say the words even if I try
I still love you, I’m just a little bit tired
I’m afraid I might hurt you
I’m not a nice guy, I’m just being selfish
Saying I still love you is a lie
Why can I not say the words
I loved you but now I’m tired
Baby I need you to say something say something
You know this is the end
Baby I need you to say something say something
Lying I love you
Lying I love you
You Are The One
The sound of the fall ocean waves that we listened together
As I held you in my arms, is being washed
And thrown away by the tears that are falling now
Look at me and don’t cry
You are the one, you’re the only love for me
You are the sun, your smile washes over me
You are my love
And I’m the only one for you
I’ll always be by your side
Love grows deeper as the tears do
I become older as the pain grows
I want to believe that all will be okay
If I go where my heart takes me
You are the one, it’s been awhile, but I’ll say
You are the sun, I’ve always been only for you
You are my love
Sometimes I hesitated, afraid that
I’d be too close standing a step behind you
Even if a wind blows across your heart someday,
Hold onto me tightly and don’t let go my love,
Hold onto me with your smile
You are the one, it’s been awhile, but I’ll say
You are the sun, I’ve always been only for you
You are my love
Sometimes I hesitated, afraid that
I’d be too close standing a step behind you
You are the one, you’re the only love for me
You are the sun, your smile washes over me
You are my love
And I’m the only one for you
I’ll always be by your side
He has at least seventy years life
He can't jump, but skillful in swimming
He is happy to see my friends who swim
Get together till die
Big and brave to speak his own
What he avoid is only little ants
This brain is smart and can compose every frame
I will never forget your face
When I was a child they laughed at me
They called me elephant
(I was angry) I was angry
Now I knew it was a compliment behind a mockery
They remembered I was angry
Now they shake my hand and call me 'elephant'
You are my friend, you wished me well
Have a smart brain, and I have to be tough
When I fall, the other elephants will help
Your body willing to be my shield in all situation
When we are small, we knew nothing
And normally that makes us tempered
When we are small, we knew nothing
That the worst, can be the best in the future
That the worst, can be the best in the future
You are my friend, you wished me well
Have a smart brain, and I have to be tough
When I fall, the other elephants will help
Your body willing to be my shield in all situation
You are my friend, you wished me well
Have a smart brain, and I have to be tough
When I fall, the other elephants will help
Your body willing to be my shield in all situation
Everyone knows Juanita
Everyone knows Juanita
With her crooked red nose,
With hair under it and with her iron teeth,
And with a hand which she drags on the ground.
(-These aren't the lyrics.
- There're children presented!)
And her hair is shriveled,
Her walk is bow-legged,
But my ugly face
Prevents me from pleasing her.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Let them
Yeah! Yeah Yeah Yeah
OC Dawgs | ExB!
--- Bosx1ne: ---
Just forget about it, just just have fun
Dont be a fool, just laugh it off
Girl problems should not bother you
Just let them chase you right?
I told you all of them are cheaters
Suddenly leaves after leaving you
So don't repeat it
So don't repeat it
--- Jnske: ---
Here we go again, when will you learn?
Love is just a headache, so don't be a fool
Why are you so gullible?
Haven't you learn from the past?
How many times should i give you advice?
I just don't want you to be hurt
Im not trying to make you sad
If you choose, a lot of (girls) now is easy to get
It's easy to be scratched if there's an itch
So think now, bro
--- King Badger: ---
Don't be afraid if she leaves you
Don't worry cause theres still a lot
It's much better to laugh than be an idiot
Until you get used to it, because all of them are like that
Maybe you don't know, you can't count
On your fingers the girls who will only hurt you
So just chill, don't be a fool
Don't make just a person your world
You know that
So, stop kidding yourself
Let them drool looking at you
Until their the one who chase you
After doing that, they will look up to you
--- Bosx1ne: ---
Just forget about it, just just have fun
Don't be a fool, you should laugh it off
Let them chase after you, right?
I already told you all of them are cheaters
Suddenly leaves after leaving you
So dont repeat it
So dont repeat it
--- Brandon ---
They will use your fame
I told you, not all are loyal
Bitches that only want riches
Dont give your all and feelings
From the start is not enough
Will forget you after getting what they want
Use you slowly like songkeramai
So just laugh, they're not your lost
We should be the man who they cry about
So let them chase you
So they know that we arent easy to say goodbye
So believe in me, theres more girls out there
We are one of the few goodlooking fellas left in the world
--- Bullet D ---
I told you don't repeat it
You're so thickheaded my friend
Your heart has been torn so many times
Gets angry if you get scolded
Oh yeah, listen to me
I know the moves of those girls who leads you on
So if i were you, don't
A person is a fool waiting for her
Just brush it off just because of some words
Use you forcefully without knowing
That's the situation now
I dont have anything left to say, i know you know what it is
--- Bosx1ne ---
Just forget about it, just just have fun
Dont be an idiot, just laugh it off
Girl problems should not bother you
Just let them chase you
I already told you, all of them are cheaters
After using you will just leave ohh
So dont repeat it
So dont repeat it
--- Skusta Clee, Bosx1ne ---
The the theres so may bitches in the club
There so many sexy ladies, why can't you find one?
Let's just drink
Sadness is now allowed, its not permitted
Listen to me bro
In this age, theres no serious girls
Believe in what im saying
I know that because i've been hit once
So its time to say goodbye bye bye
Say 'goodbye bitch' to your chupai girlfriend
Set up tonight wala ng chick ngayon na totoo
Set up tonight, theres no honest girls
All are cheaters
If I were you, just forget it
--- O.C Dawgs ---
Hey dude listen to me know
I say, I say, hey dude dont be foolish
Theres a lot out there, don't be an idiot
Just open your eyes and you will be amazed
See them pretty ladies in the club tonight
Why not just find from right
Throw the past bye bye
Dude just stop wasting your time
Dont force it
Just enjoy it
Let them chase you
Point it to me and i will teach you
--- Bosx1ne & Skusta Clee ---
Just forget about it, just just have fun
Don't be a fool, you should laugh it off
Girl problems should not be bother
Let them chase you right
I told you all of them cheats
Leaves you after everything
So dont repeat it
So dont repeat it
Let them, let them
Let the chase you!
Until Forever
We learned to love you
From the heights of history.
You beat the death
With the light of your bravery.
Here stays the clear,
And fond transparency
Of your dear existence,
Comandante Che Guevara.
You approach burning the breeze,
With the sunlight of spring,
To plant the flag,
With the light of your smile.
Here stays the clear,
And fond transparency
Of your dear existence,
Comandante Che Guevara.
Your revolutionary love
Leads you to a new formation,
Where they wait for
The strength of your liberating arm.
Here stays the clear,
And fond transparency
Of your dear existence,
Commander Che Guevara.
We'll march forward,
Like we marched with you.
And with Fidel we will tell you,
Until Forever, Comandante!
Here stays the clear,
And fond transparency
Of your dear existence,
Comandante Che Guevara.
Che: 'That time will be growing every day, that time will no longer stop.'
My little orange
My sun-ball, my little orange,
my sun-ball, my little orange,
your mother is a tree, yes,
your mother is a tree, yes,
your father is a little honeybee,
your mother is a tree, yes,
your mother is a tree, yes,
your father is a little honeybee.
Red is your dress,
it shall adorn you,
red is your dress,
it shall adorn you,
white is the skirt underneath,
white is the skirt underneath,
you are so sweet I want to pick you,
white is the skirt underneath,
white is the skirt underneath,
you are so sweet I want to pick you.
And also your scent
wants to infatuate me,
and also your scent
wants to infatuate me.
My little orange, my sweet,
my little orange, my sweet,
i like you, do you want to be mine?
My little orange, my sweet,
my little orange, my sweet,
i like you, do you want to be mine?
Lies mess-ups
and misunderstandings
Issues bedevilments
Jealousies and disturbances
Only these things I remember from you
you felt nothing for me
Don't dream because
God is laughing
You are broken glass
That* cannot be fixed
And you say to me with one message
It's over
These sort of love affairs cannot
Don't dream because
God is laughing
You are broken glass that* cannot be fixed
I've told you that it wouldn't take much time
time would come
You would arrive on your knees
It's me who doesn't want right now!
Shifty suspicious
Words, meetings
You haven't done a thing
you were** full of demands too
Only these things I remember from you
you felt nothing for me.
U prolazu
Živi u mom umu u prolazu
Upoznah njene usne
I ostadoh
Tako je lepa
Tako je lepa
Njene malene okice
Gledaju me
Glava se prepustila
I plovi mnome
Tako je lepa
Tako je lepa
Da bi me zavela
Dovoljan je osmeh
I njen pogled se prikovao još više
Njena mala masaža, plešem pribijeno sa njom
Imam devojku japanku
Koja mi ne izbija iz glave ayyy
Imam devojku japanku
Ljubi me, ljubi me
Imam devojku japanku
Koja mi ne izbija iz glave ayyy
Imam devojku japanku
Ljubi me, ljubi me
Sa druge planete je
Pomera kukove
Njena mala masaža, plešem pribijeno sa njom
Igramo se doktora i lečimo se
Poljupcima gde god da se dotaknemo
Tako je lepa
Tako je lepa
Da bi me zavela
Dovoljan je osmeh
I njen pogled se prikovao još više
Njena mala masaža, plešem pribijeno sa njom
Imam devojku japanku
Koja mi ne izbija iz glave ayyy
Imam devojku japanku
Ljubi me, ljubi me
Imam devojku japanku
Koja mi ne izbija iz glave ayyy
Imam devojku japanku
Ljubi me, ljubi me
Imam devojku japanku
Koja mi ne izbija iz glave ayyy
Imam devojku japanku
Ljubi me, ljubi me
Etiquette Lessons
Versions: #2
Cultivate good manners
for your bad examples
If you don't want your peers
to point their fingers at you.
Dress your base instincts up
in sheep's clothing.
The cowl does not make the monk,
but it sure looks like it does.
In public, present yourself friendly,
attentive, considerate,
courteous, thoughtful, polite,
solicitous, accommodating.
And when you fuck up, do make sure
to adorn the blunder*
So that, admiringly, the world says
How prettily he fucks up!*
Have a smile on your face,
as you swing the whip.
Break the bad news to people,
but wrapped like a present.
Tell the world with a bouquet,
that you came to raze it down.
Sign death sentences,
but with spiffy handwriting.
Put God as your witness,
and lie creditably.
Make people fall in line,
but without raising your voice.
Because at first sight one cannot see
the rottenness of your guts.
Looks can be deceiving
to your own benefit.
Listen to me and start taking
lessons of etiquette.
Cultivate good manners
wherein you can hide your sins.
Embellish your work clothes with silk
and test the results.
Although you might be
- the scum of humanity-
A complete perfect bastard,
but with regal demeanor.
Insult with civility,
steal with sophistication,
murder cleanly
and swindle with class.
Slander, but without lacking decency,
betray with pizazz,
spray perfume on your foulness
with exquisite etiquette.
One, Two, Three
Where can I find my place
I just follow advice
Ok, let's be placed
And so everything is at it's place again
One, Two, Three,
Nothing else
Hey hey, let's be like others
Who is, this is how they find bliss
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us
Alone you can't see everything
Then there's advice
There's also people to explain
So easy is this solution
One, Two, Three,
Nothing else
Hey hey, let's be like others
Who is, this is how they find bliss
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us
When loneliness is one's only friend,
When nothing welcomes hope
And when sadness covers the garden
And a mist of sorrow fills my home,
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The story changes like a season,
The sea changes, the stars change,
The skin rejuvenates and songs also change,
And love leaves with an absurd dream
And you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The secret that you gifted to me
Is the strength for all my journeys
Because you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The voice of my song lives in Mallorca
And my dream rises in Alexandria,
And corals adorn me in Nicosia
And the breeze caresses me in Menorca
For you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
The secret that you gifted to me
Is the strength for all my journeys
Because you keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You keep the sun for me...
You're The Only One
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
Honestly, I was afraid
That I would see you
Since the day we broke up,
I kept hurting
I tried to be calm but for some reason,
Your eyes look at me
With pity
But I'm really okay now
I still only think of you,
Didn't you know
That I only loved you?
Don't go like this,
Look at me,
Did everything of me really leave you?
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
In the already cooled down heart,
The memories of you and I are there
How can I live with erasing you?
My heart has fallen into chaos
I want to live with you together,
I want to run with you 'till the end
But I guess that's wrong,
I guess you didn't really love me
I still only think of you,
Didn't you know
That I only loved you?
Don't go like this,
Look at me,
Did everything of me really leave you?
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
Even for a moment
I've never thought about tomorrow
Although I have to let you go now
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
(Don't go like this)
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
Raxli Faxli
There was a boy who was called Axel
he usually thought it was very mean
when adults talked
and said, 'You are still too little.'
Then they choosed
hard words
and laughed
about him
But one day, Axel has also made what is
Raxli, faxli, pullipaxli,
ronte – monte – mo,
tallatulla, mallamulla,
hucka – lucka – lo.
Uncle Hans said astonished to the father:
“Axel is a smart
What the kids learm
there you see
how far they are.“
„Can you repeat
said the father in
Now everyone looked at
and Axel said
Raxli, faxli, pullipaxli,
ronte – monte – mo,
tallatulla, mallamulla,
hucka – lucka – lo.
The next morning at school,
it was in biology,
the teacher spoke about small animals.
Slipper animal are they called.
There Axel thought about his father
cause he also wears
And suddenly he should repeat - there Axel showed what he can:
Raxli, faxli, pullipaxli,
ronte – monte – mo,
tallatulla, mallamulla,
hucka – lucka – lo.
The teacher does not want to blame himself that he knows no Raxli, Faxli.
He knew nothing of Puxli, Paxli, let alone from Rontement.
So he said “Excellent and scientifically matured.“ Tell it again, my dear Axel, so that it understands every child.“
Raxli, faxli, pullipaxli,
ronte – monte – mo,
tallatulla, mallamulla,
hucka – lucka – lo.
After twenty years, people saw a smart man in the television. He was called Professor Doctor
Who was called by many people.
He always knew an answer
whatever the people asked him
He putted the the glasses on the nose
and said
Raxli, faxli, pullipaxli,
ronte – monte – mo,
tallatulla, mallamulla,
hucka – lucka – lo.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt
This is the story of the Baby Kitty Schmidt,
a cute baby boy of one year.
It was quiet in his buggy,
let himself diapering, feeding, carry,
until that day when her birthday was.
Kitty's parents drank brandy with the guests in the evening.
Suddenly Aunt Elli staggered toward him.
and shouted: ?kissy! kissy! dear!
Tickly! Tickly! Kiss!
There Kitty throw her the cake in the lap.
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Everyone smoked Kitty could barely breathe.
Suddenly she grabbed in the ashtray
Two cigars was
Slipped the Dad in the
There dad started to yell like a Lion:
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Later then dancing she was raised. A pale, a queue and splint. Aunt Rosi called: 'Helloho! Now I bite you in the butt!? Then the baby released a thunder poop.
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Because the baby cried, the Grand took his snaps and he said: 'drinkydrink! Fine juice! Because then my little bunny is sleeping!? Kitty raised for his nose and bit in anger in it with all power.
Pooh! Yuck! Bad Baby Kitty Schmidt!
You! You! You! No! No!
Baaah! Baba! Kitty, Kitty nana!
Will you be a good baby now!
Suddenly, the baby ran alone in the hallway jumped casual on a skateboard and drove away Mama cried, dad swallowed, the family but looked really puzzled after the baby, what a
After a while, it was back infront of the house ten-portions of ice-split it handed out fast again, everyone applauded, cheered and congratulated this fabulous, lovely, sweet child.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Jedan poljubac
Jedan poljubac je dovoljan,
da se zaljubis u mene,
izgledam kao sve sto ti treba.
Pusti me da ja preuzmem noc,
volim bas lagano,
i znam da jos uvek zelis da me vidis,
u nedelju ujutru, muzika je stvarno glasna,
dozvoli mi da te volim dok je mesec jos na nebu
Nesto u tebi je zapalilo raj u meno,
taj osecaj mi ne da da spavam,
jer sam izgubljena u nacinu na koji se kreces,
nacinu na koji te osecam.
Jedan poljubac je dovoljan,
da bi se zaljubio u mene,
izgledam kao sve sto ti treba.
Samo zelim da te osetim na sebi,
osetim tvoje oci kako istrazuju,
strast u poruci kad se smejes,
uzmi moje vreme
Nesto u tebi je zapalilo raj u meni,
taj osecaj mi ne da da spavam,
jer sam izgubljena u nacinu na koji se kreces,
nacinu na koji te osecam.
Vidim zemlju cuda u tvojim ocima,
mozda ce mi zatrebati tvoje drustvo veceras
Avenija Medenog Meseca
Pokledala sam u retrovizor
i izgledalo je da ima mnogo vise smisla,
ono sto vidim ispred nas, ispred nas,
spremna sam da uradim ovaj trik,
pre nego sto se oboje srusimo i zapalimo,
jer ce to biti nasa propast, nasa propast, duso.
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci.
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom,
zato sto ne mogu da te imam na nacin na koji zelim,
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Hej, sta se desilo sa leptirima?
Izgleda da su naisli na taj znak zaustavljanja,
a moje srce je u zutom svetlu, zutom svetlu,
hej, upravo kada mislim da smo ga nasli,
poceli smo se vracati,
govoreci 'duso, ne brini',
ali mi i dalje idemo u pogresnom pravcu, duso
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci.
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom,
zato sto ne mogu da te imam na nacin na koji zelim,
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Kazu da se samo budale zaljube,
mora da su pricali o nama,
i ponekad se osecam kao da sam vec bila ovde,
mogla bih i pogresiti, ali znam da sam u pravu,
bicemo izgubljeni ako nastavimo da se svadjamo,
duso, znam, da,
mozemo naci put do kuce.
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci.
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom,
zato sto ne mogu da te imam na nacin na koji zelim,
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
moj dragi,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Kada smo bili na aveniji medenog meseca,
medenog meseca,
duso,kretali se kao ludi,
mozemo li se vratiti na nacin na koji smo bili pre?
Znas kako da vozis na kisi,
a ti si odlucio da ne napravis promenu,
zaglavio si se u istoj staroj putanji,
idemo u pogresnom pravcu kuci
Osecam se kao da je moje srce zaglavljeno u zakrcenom saobracaju,
ja sam pod pritiskom... pritiskom...
hajde da se vratimo na pocetak
Vuk Samotntjak
Kad vuk samotnjak poziva-on ne nosi oklop
kada dođe-tu neće biti borbe
nego kada vuk samotnjak zove, on to radi ne bi li naučio deo tvoje duše
doće kao lopov-u noći
dakle, da li si spreman da se zamrzneš
ili bi trebalo da držiš vrata otvorena
dakle, da li si spreman da se zamrzneš
ili da otvoriš širom vrata, otvoriš širom, otvoriš širom
Budgerigar and sparrows
As my yellow Budgerigar
flew out of the window
a bunch of sparrows hacked at him
cause he sang a bit different
and wasn't as grey as the others
and that does not fit in sparrowhawk.
One runs on the Christmas market, after which people turn around.
Something green he smeared in his hair
He wears Glitter Pants and on the left ear jewelery,
something cheeky, the neck is tattooed.
Sluggish people are getting blithely. Silent citizens are indignant.
dirt slogans they throw where he goes and stays
Someone says: That's the scum! Something would have to shoot!
When that were my son
I knew what I would do
Someone says: He ran
away! Someone says: Get lost. Go away!
Somewhere, one calls in a low voice: Gay pig.
Someone spits at his feet. Someone throws a roll after him.
A drunken one grabs him and hits him.
As my yellow Budgerigar
flew out of the window
a bunch of sparrows hacked at him
cause he sang a bit different
and wasn't as grey as the others
and that does not fit in sparrowhawk.
Five soldiers on the shack. Four are immediately big friends,
only the fifth is a pipe, that's for sure!
Everyone already was drunken just he don't don't know anything from soccer
In the evening he lies with his book in his nest.
Every day the pipe writes letters and gets mail from other countries.
Everyone brags about their wives, only he is silent.
He messes up the whole mood when they tell each other Jokes
Its on time that they tell him the opinion from themself
Sunday night, the pipe is already asleep. Our four are drunk.
In the dark, they pull him out of bed.
They give him a bottle of brown booze and
And his book is smeared with boot fat.
As my yellow Budgerigar
flew out of the window
a bunch of sparrows hacked at him
cause he sang a bit different
and wasn't as grey as the others
and that does not fit in sparrowhawk.
In the restaurant is children's Carnival.
There is whispering at the door.
A mother brings her Startalerchild. This is severely mentally handicapped, can not speak, just grumble, but it smiles bright because there are so many children here.
And the mother sits down with him at the long coffee table,
her little startaler claps to the music.
Nobody gives them cocoa, no one sits near them
now and then they only do a stealthy look.
As the children dance, she also swings her child around in circles.
Some continue to dance, others stop.
Someone says: That's tasteless, man, we're not an institution. Our children should not see such a thing.
As my yellow Budgerigar
flew out of the window
a bunch of sparrows hacked at him
cause he sang a bit different
and wasn't as grey as the others
and that does not fit in sparrowhawk.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
123 (One Two Three)
Old school is back
On my head, du-rag
Old school is back
On my head, du-rag
I’ll bring the nightmare nightmare
Swing swing swing your arms and legs
Swing swing swing your butt
I need somebody I want somebody
Dance with me
Together, everybody
Let’s dance, forget everything and dance
It‘s Friday night, there’s nothing to do (No)
Nobody calls me tonight
I wanna do something, my body is itching
So I’m calling
Everyone who’s resting, let’s play
I call and gather them up
And go to the hottest place, go go go
Every minute, every second is precious
Time is gold, it’s Friday
Just got a call from Samuel
He’s telling me to come right now, it’s peak time
That club is so packed now
Says people are gonna leave if I come any later
Hurry, we gotta bounce now
I need to warm up my body today
As you know, I’m a pretty well known dancer
Whenever I dance, they all fall for me
No competition, I’m on center stage, back up
This place is mine, wow
Swing swing swing
Your arms, legs, body, a little faster
Swing swing swing
Your butt, your waist, I want you
I need somebody I want somebody
Dance with me
Together, everybody, let’s dance
Forget everything and let’s dance
This place is so hot
It’s about to explode, a strong dynamite
The floor is so hot, this dance floor
The heat making it hot hot hot
Hotter than a summer
Party ain’t over
Till when I say it’s over
Just like this
Till the morning sun comes up
Keep on dancin’
Dancing king dancing king
I’m a I’m a dancing king
Dancing king dancing king
I’m a I’m a dancing king
I need somebody I want somebody
Dance with me
Together, everybody, let’s dance
Forget everything and let’s dance
One more time 1 2 3
People are covered with sweat
Mixing it up in this party
Skin to skin, as if it’ll touch but not
A breathtaking disco party
Each minute, each second is precious, so move like you’re busy
Put your body into the music, like a speeding Ferrari
Alluring movements
They’re like touch my body
Like there’s no tomorrow
Man I love this party
It’s getting hotter
The vibe is peaking
My mood keeps climbing up
Higher higher fire
Swing swing swing
Your arms, legs, body, a little faster
Swing swing swing
Your butt, your waist, I want you
I need somebody I want somebody
Dance with me
Together, everybody, let’s dance
Forget everything and let’s dance
Useless People
There's another humanity
That will not leave
Laws and monuments behind them
People destined to lose
And no one will sing about
Their failures
Men at the mercy
of a god and of the unhappiness
That never abandons them
Needles in the haystacks
Hidden among the passers by
They are the useless people
People who aren't able to live
That don't show their teeth and muscles
That surrender sooner or later
They are the useless people
The truest, the humblest
That we'll never find
On the newspapers or in the parades
But love every day, more than we do
And they continue like this
Resigned to saying yes
To getting by
Always condemned to delude themselves
That they are in a movie
Finally lovers
Men at the mercy
Of dreams and of nostalgia
That will never grow
Dwarves in the middle of troubles
With the hearts of giants
They are useless people
People destined to lose themselves
That have too many wounds in their souls
That don't defend themselves anymore
And that get sick sooner or later
Because the useless people
Are alone, are weak
And will never take
Neither medals nor trophies
But love every day
More than we do
All the useless people
Will win sooner or later
But they'll never know it
And we will never go
Into their heaven
(Where are you, honey ?)
(Where are you, honey ?)
This evening, like every evening,
I know where you are
You're gonna meet him
Without seeing me
You're gonna be her Monroe
Puckering up
With your hips on his skin
Under his vigorous hands
You would even handle the knife
To the smalls of his back
With back and forth, like a boat
Making me reel for nothing
This evening, like every evening,
I know where you are (Where are you ?)
With your black pants
And my faded hopes
You're gonna do big things for him
By moving mountains
He will smile at you with that smile laying your smell on his waist
You'll tell him your prose
And even when one wins
But you took too much roses
For our way too simple reunion
This evening, like every evening,
I know where you're loosing yourself (Where are you, honey ?)
You'll come back too late,
With only that little light open,
And I'll listen to you
Over the noise
You try hard to fuck
As high as a B
I had the adress,
I will shut the boredom quickly
I'll come to get you
To kill all those shouts
This evening, like every evening,
I know where you are
And I come back to see you
See if you've forgotten me
(Where are you, honey ?)
(Where are you, honey ?)
Where the hell are you ?
I look for you into the darkness
This evening, like every evening
I'd like to believe you again
Kiss you one time,
One last time
Cross my heart, cross my heart and hope to die
I'll move on at dawn
I've been fooled one more time
With your sentimental words
And your mongrel promises
Making me sleep too early
I look for you into the night
Where the smell of all this false
Is on boulevards
Of our hopes, without any coat
But, where the fuck are you hidding ?
I look for you into the 'too late'
This evening like one last hope
I'd like to finally catch you
To tell you everything I've in my heart, there,
To tell you every mistakes I've made, there,
To tell you how much I'm scared
To count you every tear I've shed
Please, come back drink it
Here, everything must be seen, yes,
Here, it's daytime you know ?
There are more than one-night stands, you know
You won't ever regret
If you come back to sit here
Where no one but me knows how
To look at you
(Where are you, honey ?)
I look for you into the darkness
(Where are you, honey ?)
I look for you into the darkness
(Where are you, honey ?)
Ја сам тај
Да, гледаш у истину, новац никад не лаже
Ја сам тај, да, ја сам тај
Рано јутро у зору, знаш да желиш да возиш сада (то је тачно)
Ја сам тај, да (то је тачно), ја сам тај, да
Да, болесна си од свих осталих имитатора
Не дозволите да вас једини прави застраши
Видиш како гледаш, не иди одавде сада
Ја сам тај, да
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
Да да!
Ја сам тај који је ударио на исто место (ударио га)
Она она која им доноси кише (кише падају)
Враћамо се, запамтите црисс-цросс и школицу?
Ви сте тај који ме држи када је блок вруће (вруће)
Направићу ваше снове када се пробудите (сањате)
А ваш изглед је исти без икаквог шминка
Морао сам да повучем твоју маму, видиш од чега си направљен (мама)
Не морам да се бринем о њиховим комадима, јер мој колач
Можеш да трчиш унутар мог живота из славе аутобуса
Зато што обећавам када изађемо да ћете бити познати
Савремени дан Бонние и Клајд шта су нас назвали
Јер кад подигнемо (прр прр) све углове
Да, гледаш у истину, новац никад не лаже
Ја сам тај, да, ја сам тај
Рано јутро у зору, знаш да желиш да возиш сада (то је тачно)
Ја сам тај, да (то је тачно), ја сам тај, да
Да, болесна си од свих осталих имитатора
Не дозволите да вас једини прави застраши
Видиш како гледаш, не иди одавде сада
Ја сам тај, да
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
Ок, ипак
Ух, она је претукао лице са новим Chanelom
Свидја јој се цена, она види лед како га чини кохиши топи
Када сам је упознао у клубу, питао сам је о чему се осећала
Онда је отишла и ставила тај плен на тај Gucci појас
Немамо никакву етикету
Каже да жели бочице, нема столице
Она нема креветна рампа, она нема столове
Само гледамо Нетфлик, она нема каблове, у реду је
Плуг, утикач, утикач, ја сам њен утикач
Она жели црњу која јој повуче косу и држи врата за њу
Душо, то сам само ја, кучка, у реду је са мном
Душо, у реду, добро
Да, гледаш у истину, новац никад не лаже
Ја сам тај, да, ја сам тај
Рано јутро у зору, знаш да желиш да возиш сада (то је тачно)
Ја сам тај, да (то је тачно), ја сам тај, да
Да, болесна си од свих осталих имитатора
Не дозволите да вас једини прави застраши
Видиш како гледаш, не иди одавде сада
Ја сам тај, да
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
Тражиш једног? Па, кучко, гледаш у њега
Још сам најбољи, а ипак, мој најбољи тек треба доћи
Зато што сам тражио некога, а не само било ког јебеног тела
Не терајте ме да ухватим тело, то је за било кога и за све
О Боже! Ударила ме је цијели дан, не даје одговор
Кучко, удишете моје високо, то је као претварање злата у бронзу
Окрени очи
А када је на моли, она је зомби
Она мисли да смо Клајд и Бони, али то је више као Вхитнеи Бобби
Боже, опрости ми
Tunechi и finessin, ја сам легенда
Изађите из полумјесеца, одлетите свој бај за Ессенце
За записник сам познавао Каледа када је тај дечак спинин рекорд
Мула ганг добијају рекорд, само се упуштам на моје еке, о Боже!
Да, гледаш у истину, новац никад не лаже
Ја сам тај, да, ја сам тај
Рано јутро у зору, знаш да желиш да возиш сада (то је тачно)
Ја сам тај, да (то је тачно), ја сам тај, да
Да, болесна си од свих осталих имитатора
Не дозволите да вас једини прави застраши
Видиш како гледаш, не иди одавде сада
Ја сам тај, да
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам тај
Ох-ех-ох-ох-ох, ох-ех-ох
Ја сам једини
(Још један)
Зар не знаш девојку, зар не знаш девојку
Ја сам онај за тебе (ја сам онај) Да, ја сам тај
Зар не знаш девојку, зар не знаш девојку
Ја сам онај за тебе (ја сам онај) Да, ја сам тај
Зар не знаш девојку, зар не знаш девојку
Ја сам онај за тебе (ја сам онај) Да, ја сам тај
Зар не знаш девојку, зар не знаш девојку
Ја сам онај за тебе (ја сам онај) Да, ја сам тај
Sad Song
I have a sad song in my heart
Cheerful, but not too much as sun as the sun appears
And I take my jacket
And a soul song
Yes, the verse needs changing, but...
It could work
Letting yourself go a bit
Playing with vigor
Further ahead, deep down in the heart
Without accelerating
I have a sad song
In my heart
I'd have a lot to do
Dear friend Joe
You've fused
Yes, and I need to repair
Something that doesn't work
The motor needs to be redone but
It could leave again
Letting it burn
Pushing with vigor
Further ahead, deep down in the heart
Without accelerating
I have a sad song
In my heart
In the evening as it gets dark
That just doesn't go down
To whom, to you, to whom I must tell it
If only you are here
The day rises, love, the night sets
...and we return
From the blue Hills we come
From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as stupid as we are
With the glasses on the nose
He looks like an Easter bunny
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as stupid as we are
With a bald on his head
Does he look like grandma's pot?
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as stupid as we are
With the chalk in his hand
He looks like an elephant
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as nice as we are
Don't gives us bad marks
Because we have it
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Our last song
And if we were still together
And if this were our last song
We ran out of words
And you that have never got
Where to start
Let's get a drink
As if this were our last night together
Let's pretend to dance
We can't stand
But now they're closing the pub
And let yourself go
Breathe deeply
Our last song
And don't turn around
It's starting now
Our last song
(Our last song)
For you, that are better than before
And it's worthwhile
For you, that if they call you girl
Your heart hurts a little
And this night, for the last time
Let yourself go
Breathe deeply
Our last song
And don't turn around
Dance now
Our last song
(Our last song)
And let yourself go
Breathe deeply
Our last song
And don't turn around
As if it were
Our last song
(My last song)
One Night Stand
Na na na na
Na na na na na na
Na na na na
Na na na na na na
Ty moja ljubimaja
Takaja divnaja, krasivaja-ja
Spravedlivaja, nepobedimaja
Ty moja-ja, Baby, ty moja-ja
Ty moja ljubimaja
Takaja divnaja, krasivaja-ja
Spravedlivaja, nepobedimaja
Ty moja-ja, Baby, ty moja-ja
[Part 1]
Baby, come on, get in and we'll drive through the city
The outfit you're wearing today, confuses my mind
Yeah, she sometimes upsets me and sometimes makes me sick
But each of my Gucci Sweaters, she's washing with the hand
Come on, we'll drive to the hotel, baby, let's just lay around
We smoke joints, watching Netflix, I'm happy
Sometimes we are loud, when we love each other (na na na na na na)
But sometimes so quiet, that I think I hear your blood flowing (na na na na na)
Baby, let's go flying I'll hold you, you'll never freeze again
We fly to Hawaii and walk completely high on beach
I still want to try out so much, so many nice goals
Marokko, Chile, is it real love? (na na na na)
Or just an one night stand?
Or just an one night stand?
Baby, tell me
Is it just an one night stand?
Is it just an one night stand?
Na na na na
Ty moja ljubimaja
Takaja divnaja, krasivaja-ja
Spravedlivaja, nepobedimaja
Ty moja-ja, Baby, ty moja-ja
Ty moja ljubimaja
Takaja divnaja, krasivaja-ja
Spravedlivaja, nepobedimaja
Ty moja-ja, Baby, ty moja-ja
[Part 2]
Baby, come on, get in and we'll drive straight to me
You love the purple paper (na na na na na na)
But you say you are in love
We're Standing in front of my door and you're blowing up like dynamite
Yeah, she sometimes upsets me, but her smile calm me down
Yeah, she knows the Bratans , man, she even knows my shelter
Yeah, I feel free when I'm just driving with her (na na na na na na)
Come on, we fly to Dubai and I'll buy you rich clunker
No, I'm not a pumper, but will bring you to the end of the world
'Till they fall to pieces under us
No, I never pretended myself
But I ask myself, is all of this real? (na na na na)
Or just an one night stand?
Or just an one night stand?
Baby, tell me
Is it just an one night stand?
Is it just an one night stand?
Na na na na
Ty moja ljubimaja
Takaja divnaja, krasivaja-ja
Spravedlivaja, nepobedimaja
Ty moja-ja, Baby, ty moja-ja
Ty moja ljubimaja
Takaja divnaja, krasivaja-ja
Spravedlivaja, nepobedimaja
Ty moja-ja, Baby, ty moja-ja
Is it just an one night stand?
Na na na na na na