Резултати претраге страна 55
Број резултата: 2054
100 Kroner
You knew when you first saw me
I was born a winner
I understood you
Not like the other women here and there
But when you couldn't reach me
You couldn't get any further
You saw that you could rip me off
Like the other women here and there
And here and there
When I opened up, it was gone
When I opened up, you were gone
Cause you stole all my millions
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
Well, like a thief in the night
Through the storm, the rain and the thunder
You saw you could take it
If it works, well, then it works
Here and there and here and there
When I opened up you were gone
Cause you stole all my millions
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
You, now I sit broken
And the bar is open
Can't get what I want
How can you make sense of that
You have been leading astray
Like a wolf amongst lambs
And transfered to Sweitzerland
If you were here you would be given tar and feathers
Cause you stole all my millio-o-o-ons
Now all I have left is a hundred Krone-e-e-er
Yes, you have stolen
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
what makes us happy other than
God teaching us love and loving us
and, O' father, this is a prayer
declares our unity as the family of the Lord
one, our Lord is one
one, and our book is one
one, and our faith is one
our head is one
what makes us happy other than
God teaching us love and loving us
and, O' father, this is a prayer
declares our unity as the family of the Lord
one, who died on the cross
one, whom we love
one, who's coming on the way soon
one, whom we seek
one, our redeemer is one
one, and our Jesus is one
one, our Lord is one
one, the shepherd of shepherds
one, to whom we kneel
one, whom we worship
one, the God of existence
one, among us
People of Jesus, say Hallelujah
rise up your flag with repentance
glory to Jesus the sacrificed
Salvation is in his cross
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها
Neko Bilo Ko
Ne mogu da podnesem i da te pustim unutra
Samo te posmatram
I ne znam sta da radim
Iznutra se osecam kao budala
Osecam sve to sto krijes
Mislio sam da si moj prijatelj
Ali, izgleda da tu nema kraja
Potreban mi je neko, bilo ko
Zar ne moze neko da mi pomogne?
Sve sto mi je potrebno
Je da budem voljen samo radi sebe
Dajem ti ovo i ono
Dajem, a za uzvrat ne dobijam nista
Sve to ima veze
Sa stvarima koje radis
Iznutra se osecam kao budala
Sudeci po svemu onome sto si pokusao
Ja sam nistarija
Potreban mi je neko, bilo ko
Zar ne moze neko da mi pomogne?
Sve sto mi je potrebno
Je da budem voljen samo radi sebe
Gledam, potpisujem, potreban mi je neko
Da mi pomogne sa necim
Pokusavam, placem, przim se u gomili govana, umirem, umirem, umirem
Potreban mi je neko
Bilo ko
Potreban mi je neko
Bilo ko, Bilo ko
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)
Tu Nema Nikoga
Ti i ja
Nemamo lica
Uskoro ce nasi zivoti biti izbrisani
Da li mislis da ce nas se secati?
Ili cemo samo biti zamenjeni
Oh, voleo bih da mogu da vidim,
Kako bih voleo da mogu da preletim
Sve stvari koje vise nada mnom
Do mesta gde mogu da placem
I sta to moze da bude?
Niko me necuje kako dozivam,
Odjekuje nazad
Tu nema nikoga.
Svim ovim bezimenim osecanjima
Sa kojima ne mogu da se suocim u svom zivotu
Svim ovim pohlepnim ljudima
Koji pukusavaju da se nahrane onim sto je moje
Morate da zasitite svoju glad
I da prestanete da se zajebavate sa mojim umom
Znam da je vreme da ostavim sva ova mesta daleko iza sebe
Ti i ja
Nemamo lica
Oni nas vise ne vide
Nema ljubavi, bas kao sto su i obecali
I nema vere za ono sto je skladisteno
Oh, voleo bih da mogu da vidim
Kako bih voleo da mogu da preletim
Sve stvari koje vise nada mnom
Do mesta gde mogu da placem
sta to moze da bude?
Niko me necuje kako dozivam,
Odjekuje nazad
Tu nema nikoga.
Svim ovim bezimenim osecanjima
Sa kojima ne mogu da se suocim u svom zivotu
Svim ovim pohlepnim ljudima
Koji pukusavaju da se nahrane onim sto je moje
Morate da zasitite svoju glad
I da prestanete da se zajebavate sa mojim umom
Znam da je vreme da ostavim sva ova mesta daleko iza sebe
Gde se sva ova osecanja kriju?
Plesu unutar i van mog uma
Sagorevaju sve ono za cim zudim
I hrane me dok ne propadnem
Gde si ti? Moja dusa krvari
Ja tragam, da li sam slep?
Sasvim sam i vecno vezan
Zarobljen unutar sebe za sva vremena
Svim ovim bezimenim osecanjima
Sa kojima ne mogu da se suocim u svom zivotu
Svim ovim pohlepnim ljudima
Koji pukusavaju da se nahrane onim sto je moje
Morate da zasitite svoju glad
I da prestanete da se zajebavate sa mojim umom
Znam da je vreme da ostavim sva ova mesta daleko iza sebe (x2)
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)
Sama (Remix)
[1. strofa: Holzi]
Rekao je da je pokušao da me nazove, ali da nikad nemam vremena
Reklao je da nikad ne slušam, ali ja čak i ne pokušavam
Imam novi stan u Kaliju, ali svake noći izlazim
Pa ga popunjavam strancima, tako da ga oni održavaju
Rekla je da ti je rekla da me poznaje, ali lice se ne uklapa
Pitala je da li je prepoznajem i rekla sam joj možda
[Pred-refren: Holzi]
Vidiš, gdje god krenem
Nailazim na milion različitih ljudi koji pokušavaju biti sa mnom
Ali sam i dalje sama u svom umu, da
[Refren: Holzi]
Znam da umireš da me upoznaš
Ali ti mogu reći samo ovo
Dušo, čim me upoznaš
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
(Poželjećeš da nikad nisi)
[2. strofa: Big Šon]
Unh, vidi
Ja sam stvarno rijetka individua
U fizičkom sam i u metafizičkom
Znam da ti je potrebno neko vrijeme samoj, to je kritično
Ali meni je potrebno nešto od tvog vremena, je li to licemjerno?
Dođavola, znaš da sam vezaniji za tebe više nego za porodicu
Zato neću samo sjediti i pustiti te da potoneš u živi pijesak
Vidi, znam da imaš planove od milion dolara
I pokušavaš da napraviš brend, da živiš život visoke potražnje
Zbog tebe bande skreću u stranu, tvoja torbica ima male hiljadarke ($)
U Gučiju do čarapa kao Bigi i Lil Siz*
Hajde da odemo na Maldive i krijemo se iza drveća palme
Malo crveno vino, trava i mirni povjetarac
Jer dušo, živiš život unutar mjehura(/u obmani)
Kad si posljednji put imala nekog da te zagrili?
Čekaj, kad si posljednji put imala nekog da te voli?
Čekaj, kad si posljednji put voljena nekog ko te voli?
[Pred-refren: Holzi]
Vidiš, gdje god krenem
Nailazim na milion različitih ljudi koji pokušavaju biti sa mnom
Ali sam i dalje sama u svom umu, da
[Refren: Holzi]
Znam da umireš da me upoznaš
Ali ti mogu reći samo ovo
Dušo, čim me upoznaš
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
(Poželjećeš da nikad nisi)
[3. strofa: Steflon Don]
Ostani budan i uzmi me cijelu noć na hiljadarkama
Znaš da kažemo da ja imam opak jezik
Uvijek mi govoriš da kažem, drska sam
I ne sviđa ti se moja prijateljica jer je nepristojna
Ipak, ja se dovozim u Mercedesu, uz zveckanje zlata
Spuštam prozor jer moraš da me vidiš s mojim kraljem
Šta piješ, dečko ja odlazim, sad ti ludiš
Odsjeći ću ti tvoje krilo, tadaah
[Pred-refren: Holzi]
Vidiš, gdje god krenem
Nailazim na milion različitih ljudi koji pokušavaju biti sa mnom
Ali sam i dalje sama u svom umu, da
[Refren: Holzi]
Znam da umireš da me upoznaš
Ali ti mogu reći samo ovo
Dušo, čim me upoznaš
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
(Poželjećeš da nikad nisi)
Da, da
(Znam da želiš, ja, ja znam da želiš)
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi, o
(Znam da želiš skliznuti pod moj oklop)
(Znam da želiš, ja, ja znam da želiš)
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
Versions: #2
Svi moji prijatelji su bezbožnici, budi oprezan
Sačekaj da te pitaju koga znaš
Molim te nemoj da praviš iznenadne pokrete
Jer ne znaš ni pola užasa
Dobrodošao u sobu gde ljudi
Koji žive sa nekada voljenim ljudima jednog dana
Budu izbačeni
Samo zato što proveravamo prisustvo oružja na ulazu
Ne znači da su naši umovi postali opasni poput ručne granate
Ne znaš da li je pored tebe psihopata
Ne znaš da li je pored tebe ubica
Misliš 'Kako sam ja dospeo ovde?'
Ali posle svega što je rečeno, molim te ne zaboravi:
Mi se ne dogovaramo najbolje sa autsajderima
Kažu da novajlije imaju poseban miris
Da ne pominjem činjenicu da imate problema sa poverenjem
Kažu da mogu osetiti vaše namere
Ne znaš da li je pored tebe nakaza
Ne znaš koji drugi čudaci su u blizini
Misliš 'Kako sam ja dospeo ovde?'
Ali posle svega što je rečeno, molim te ne zaboravi:
Svi moji prijatelji su bezbožnici, budi oprezan
Sačekaj da te pitaju koga znaš
Svi moji prijatelji su bezbožnici, budi oprezan
Sačekaj da te pitaju koga znaš
Zašto si došao, znaš da trebaš ostati
Pokušao sam da te upozorim da se držiš podalje
I znaš da su oni napolju spremni da te uhvate
Moraš biti spreman da postaneš jedan od nas
Ako ja
Ako ja
[1. strofa]
Rekao je da je pokušao da me nazove, ali da nikad nemam vremena
Reklao je da nikad ne slušam, ali ja čak i ne pokušavam
Imam novi stan u Kaliju, ali svake noći izlazim
Pa ga popunjavam strancima, tako da ga oni održavaju
Rekla je da ti je rekla da me poznaje
Ali lice se ne uklapa
Pitala je da li je prepoznajem
I rekla sam joj možda
Vidiš, gdje god krenem
Nailazim na milion različitih ljudi koji pokušavaju biti sa mnom
Ali sam i dalje sama u svom umu, da
Znam da umireš da me upoznaš
Ali ti mogu reći samo ovo
Dušo, čim me upoznaš
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi (poželjećeš da nikad nisi)
[2. strofa]
Ostala sam jednu noć u Parizu gdje nisu znali moje ime
I upala sam u neku nevolju s tim pićem u svojim venama
Imam problem sa zabavama, jer je to glasno u mom mozgu
I nikad ne mogu da se izvinim, jer neću preuzeti krivicu
I znam da uvijek nestanem
I ležiš budan
Ali ako se pitaš zašto sam distancirana
O, ja bježim
Vidiš, gdje god krenem
Nailazim na milion različitih ljudi koji pokušavaju biti sa mnom
Ali sam i dalje sama u svom umu
Znam da umireš da me upoznaš
Ali ti mogu reći samo ovo
Dušo, čim me upoznaš
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
(Poželjećeš da nikad nisi)
Ja, ja znam da želiš
Ja, ja znam da želiš
Ja, ja znam da želiš
Skliznuti pod moj oklop
Ja, ja znam da želiš
Ja, ja znam da želiš
Ja, ja znam da želiš
Skliznuti pod moj oklop
Vidiš, gdje god krenem
Nailazim na milion različitih ljudi koji pokušavaju biti sa mnom
Ali sam i dalje sama u svom umu
Znam da umireš da me upoznaš
Ali ti mogu reći samo ovo
Dušo, čim me upoznaš
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
(Poželjećeš da nikad nisi)
(Znam da želiš)
(Ja, ja znam da želiš)
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
(Znam da želiš)
(Skliznuti pod moj oklop)
(Znam da želiš)
(Ja, ja znam da želiš)
Poželjećeš da nikad nisi
Jedan poljubac
Jedan poljubac je sve što treba
Zaljubi se u mene
Ja sam sve što ti je potrebno
Dozvoli da uzmem noć, ja volim stvarno lako
I znam da i dalje želiš da me vidiš
U nedelju ujutru, muzika stvarno glasna
Dozvoli mi da te voli dok je mesec još napolju.
Nešto u tebi je upalilo nebo u meni
Taj osećaj mi ne da da zaspim
Zato što sam izgubljen u načinu na koji se krećeš, kako osećaš.
Jedan poljubac je sve što treba
Zaljubi se u mene
Ja sam sve što ti je potrebno
Jedan poljubac je sve što treba
Zaljubi se u mene
Ja sam sve što ti je potrebno
Samo želim da osetim tvoju kožu na meni
Osećam kako tvoje oči istražuju
Strast u poruci kad se smeješ
Uzmi moje vreme.
Nešto u tebi je upalilo nebo u meni
Taj osećaj mi ne da da zaspim
Zato što sam izgubljen u načinu na koji se krećeš, kako osećaš.
Jedan poljubac je sve što treba
Zaljubi se u mene
Ja sam sve što ti je potrebno
Jedan poljubac je sve što treba
Zaljubi se u mene
Ja sam sve što ti je potrebno
Vidim zemlju čuda u tvojim očima
Možda će ti trebati večeras
Nešto u tebi je upalilo nebo u meni
Taj osećaj mi ne da da zaspim
Zato što sam izgubljen u načinu na koji se krećeš, kako osećaš.
Jedan poljubac je sve što treba
Zaljubi se u mene
Ja sam sve što ti je potrebno
Jedan poljubac je sve što treba
Zaljubi se u mene
Ja sam sve što ti je potrebno
nova u gradu sa izmisljenim imenom u andjeoskom gradu,
i kamera bljesti, cini da lici na san.
imala si to da ukapiras otkad si bila u skoli
svi vole lepotice, svi vole kulere.
zato preko noci izgledas kao kraljica sezdesetih.
drugo ime pojavljuje se u svetlima, kao dijamanti na nebu.
i oni ce ti reci sada, ti si jedna srecnica
aha, reci ce ti sada, ti si srecnica
ali mozes li mi reci sada, ti si jedna srecnica
sada je to veliki crni automobili, i pogledi na Rivijeru,
a tvoj ljubavnik je voajer koji te cak i ne poznaje
a tvoje tajne zavrse rasute u vestima na naslovnoj strani
i onda ti kazu da si srecna
a ti si tako zbunjena,
jer se ne osecas lepo , samo se osecas iskorisceno
i sva ta mlada bica se upisuju da zauzmu tvoje mesto.
drugo ime pojavljuje se osvetljeno, ti brines hoces li izaci ziva iz toga.
a oni ti kazu sada, da si srecnica
aha, oni kazu sada, kako si jedna srecnica
mozes li mi reci sada, ti si jedna srecnica, oh,oh,oh.
to je bilo par godina kasnije, pojavila sam se ovde.
a oni i dalje pricaju legendu o tome kako si nestala,
kako si uzela novac i svoje dostojanstvo, i izbavila se napolje iz tog pakla.
kazu da si kupila komad zemlje negde ,
birajuci Rouzin Vrt preko Medison Skvera,
i uzela neko vreme za sebe, ali sada razumem.
jer sada je moje ime pod svetlima reflektora, ali mislim da si imala pravo.
reci mi sada, ti si jedna srecnica
hajde reci mi sada, ti si jedna srecnica
reci mi sada, ti si jedna srecnica, oh,oh,oh
i oni ti sada kazu , ti si srecnica.
aha, oni ti kazu sada, ti si srecnica
i oni ti kazu sada, ti si jedna srecnica, oh,oh,oh
In My Zone
When girls smile at me, I spend until the last dime
Thats why I bought drinks for a trillion
I throw money around like an idiot
They can all tell I'm in my zone
[Verse 1]
I roll into the club a little before 2 a.m.
All these girls look like a million bucks
I think I just got myself a fan
Watch me walk out of here with your woman
When I see sunshine and summer dresses
I know all roads lead to rum and cola
I¨m looking at the bill I just recieved
My bank is calling me, but I'm busy
When girls smile at me, I spend until the last dime
That's why I bought drinks for a trillion
I throw money around like an idiot
They can all tell I'm in my zone
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
[Verse 2]
And I've poured drinks on you all night now
You say some things that I don't understand now
You say, you're not ready, I must wait
Don't you know you're fucking around with the legend
When I see sunshine and summer dresses
I know all roads lead to rum and cola
I'm looking at the bill I just recieved
My bank is calling me, but I'm busy
When girls smile at me, I spend until the last dime
That's why I bought drinks for a trillion
I throw money around like an idiot
They can all tell I'm in my zone
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
[Verse 3]
I'm pretty wasted, I can feel it
Both in my pocket, in my head, in my heart
But you got me, you got me, I'm head over heals
My friends tell me, I gotta learn, but
When girls smile at me, I spend until the last dime
That's why I bought drinks for a trillion
I throw money around like an idiot
They can all tell I'm in my zone
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
In my zone, in my zone
I throw money around like an idiot
Write a text
But everyone says, 'Take your time!'
I can not stop
Because to stop, I'm far too far
Success is a whore
She showed her face
It's about her, it's about me
I shared every song with her
Fuck on Wikipedia
Do you want to know who I am
Brother, come over
Tell stories from Funfhaus
As if it were Compton
Daddy works on the building to study
I want to be a doctor
Rapha plays guitar
At some point he will be a pop star, no
My way is Corleone
Left, right politics, I see nothing
Go straight into the light
My way is Corleone
Imagine a bastard in front of me
I still have a gun that shoots
My way is Corleone
Interest in nothing
Always on to the light, ah-ah
Do not be afraid of the war
No, as God loves me
My way is Corleone
I'm Napolitano
The blood of the vendetta flows in me
Old hatred in my chest
But I try to change
Shit often happens when you're young
But good, you get older
Was it really worth it?
You only think when you have a bullet in your heart
Man, fuck on Wikipedia
Do you want to know who I am
Brother, then listen to my songs
You can do it if you want
Man, I'm giving it a chance
Lazy hater do nothing
And eat burgers with fries
Others say they love you
Earlier these words were special
My way is Corleone
Left, right politics, I see nothing
Go straight into the light
My way is Corleone
Imagine a bastard in front of me
I still have a gun that shoots
My way is Corleone
Interest in nothing
Always on to the light, ah-ah
Do not be afraid of the war
No, as God loves me
My way is Corleone
Left, right politics, I see nothing
Go straight into the light
My way is Corleone
Imagine a bastard in front of me
I still have a gun that shoots
My way is Corleone
Interest in nothing
Always on to the light, ah-ah
Do not be afraid of the war
No, as God loves me
My way is Corleone
Left, right politics, I see nothing
Go straight into the light
My way is Corleone
Imagine a bastard in front of me
I still have a gun that shoots
My way is Corleone
Interest in nothing
Always on to the light, ah-ah
Do not be afraid of the war
No, as God loves me
My way is Corleone
With My Tears
The sun is about to set
Children run to play
Faces that smile
And I'm here
With my tears, like this
With wealth or I could
Buy what I would like
Not simple joy
So I am here
With my tears, like this
The sun is about to set
Another day goes away
Everyone is having fun
And I'm here
With my tears, like this
jedan od milion
mislim da mi je trebalo neko vreme da se izgubim
trebalo mi je malo dusevnog mira
nesto dusevnog mira da bih ostao
zato sam tumarao dole do seste ulice i Los Andjelesa, 90610
mozda medjugradski autobus ide u mom pravcu
policija i crnci, tako je
sklonite mi se s puta
ne treba da kupim nista od vasih
zlatnih okova danas
ne trebaju mi nikakve lisice za ruke
da mi stegnete za ledjima
treba mi samo moja karta, do tada
hocete li malo da me zaobidjete ?
ti si jedan od milion
aha, to je ono sto si
ti si jedan od milion, duso
ti si zvezda padalica
mozda cemo te jednog dana videti
pre nego sto nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dosegnemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, previsoko,
previsoko, da, ou !
imigranti i koji pozajmljuju cigare
nemaju smisao za mene
dosli su u nasu zemlju
i misle da ce moci da rade sta hoce
kao pocetak nekog malog irana,
ili sirenje neke jebene zaraze
oni govore na tako mnogo prokletih nacina
sve je to grcki za mene
pa, neki kazu da sam lenj
a drugi kazu da sam jednostavno takav
neki kazu da sam lud
mislim da sam oduvek bio
ali proslo je mnogo vremena
otkad sam znao da razlikujem ispravno od pogresnog
sve su to sredstva koja vode kraju, ja
ja nastavljam dalje
ti si jedan od milion
oo, ti si zvezda padalica
ti si jedan od milion, duso
znas da jesi
mozda cemo te jednog dana videti, oo
oh, pre nego sto nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dostignemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, oo, previsoko
previsoko, huh,no,no,oh
ou !
radikali i rasisti
ne upirite prstom u mene
ja sam beli decko iz malog grada
samo pokusajte da se ne vidjamo
ne treba mi vasa religija
ne gledam previse televiziju
samo vodim svoj zivot, duso
pa, to mi je dovoljno
jedan si od milion
da to si ti
jedan u milion, duso
ti si zvezda padalica
mozda te jednom vidimo
pre nego nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dosegnemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, ou, previsoko,
previsoko, previsoko
aha, da,da,da !
ou ! previsoko
oh, previsoko, ah
previsoko,ou, previsoko
We All Know Juanita
We all know Juanita
The colors of her eye are bizarre
She has the teeth of a horse
and the chin of a wolf
Also her dress keeps getting dragged on the ground
[You changed the words!
We have underage company!]
Her hair is a kitchen sponge
Her legs are molokhia stalks
And if my looks were a bit better
She might have considered me
[You reminded me of the old times]
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
My mother
If I am far - I'd be missing
If I am sad-I'd be complaining
My mother, you're the only
Whom I esteem
My mother, wish you you were laughing cheerfully
Were with me long
My heart would start singing
My mind would be always young
Those who have mothers
Never age
I am you eagle
Flying high in the horizon
I am your racer
sent by you to a race
My mother, wish you you were laughing cheerfully
Were with me long
My heart would start singing
My mind would be always young
Those who have mothers
Never age
I call you my fort
You're my soul's remedy
My mother, if I am thinking of you
I cannot sleep
My mother, wish you you were laughing cheerfully
Were with me long
My heart would start singing
My mind would be always young
Those who have mothers
Never age
You become more beautiful every year
Again and again this murmuring
Again and again this amazement
They are all fascinated by your charm
And I ask myself daily:
'Is that [even] possible?'
It is simply enviable
It is simply unheard of
You become more beautiful every year
You become more beautiful year by year
It seems to me
That you know a secret
Because it almost borders on a miracle
You become more beautiful every year
And it's the same with me
Because as your beauty grows
My love for you grows year by year
Girls hardly want it
to become like a young boy in his youth
That can not
Always be against the laws of nature
But in your case
All will fail
You have turned my world upside down
You become more beautiful every year
You become more beautiful year by year
It seems to me
That you know a secret
Because it almost borders on a miracle
You become more beautiful every year
And it's the same with me
Because as your beauty grows
My love for you grows year by year
Because as your beauty grows
My love for you grows year by year
To you
To you
Give me a hammer
Give me a hammer.
(What do you want to do with it?)
I want to hit my head with it
hit whoever I don't like, yes yes yes.
To that flirt
with painted eyes
that everyone makes to dance
leaving me to watch,
How it angers me!
How it angers me!
Give me a hammer.
(What do you want to do with it?)
I want to hit my head with it
[hit] whoever I do not like, eh eh eh.
To all couples
that are stuck,
who want the lights out
and the songs slow.
How it bores me!
How it bores me!
And give me a hammer.
(What do you want to do with it?)
To break the phone
I will see to it because yes!
In a few minutes
Mom will call me
Father, by now, is about to return,
I have to go home, ugh!
I want to have it, no no no!
I want to have it!
A blow on the head
who is not one of us
and, like that, our party
will be more beautiful.
It will be us alone
and we will all be friends:
We will dance together,
the surf and the Hully Gully!
What strength it will be!
What strength it will be!
Ova glupa pesma ispunjena sažaljenjem
Nadam se da će stići do neba
Moja molitva koju sam pevao celu noć u suzama
Nadam se da će stići do tvog srca
Bio sam mlad, nisam znao da ću biti ovakav
Mislio sam da je tad sve bilo posvećeno
Osmeh koji si ostavila iza sebe
I dalje ostaje u mom srcu
Iskreno, još mislim da mi je potrebna ljubav
Što duže sam usamljen
Sve više se plašim tebe
Nedostaju mi ti dani, nedostaješ mi
Mnogo mi nedostaješ
Konačno počinjem da osećam prostor između nas
Mnogo mi nedostaješ
Suze padaju ovako
Zašto nisam ovo znao?
Tako lepa, lepa
Lepša si od bilo koje druge
Nemoj se razboleti, ne plači
Ako čuješ ovu pesmu posvećenu tebi
Vrati mi se
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Videvši samog sebe u ogledalu
Osećam se čudno i uplašeno, i zato mi trebaš
Mrzim sebe zato što sam ovo tek sad shvatio
Vrati mi se
Sećanja su kao velika garaža, poput okeana
U njima sam izgubljen ceo dan
Čak i ova usamljenost koju osećam
To su tvoji tragovi
Stoga sebe prisiljavam da zatvorim oči
I izdržavam ovaj dan
Mnogo mi nedostaješ
Konačno počinjem da osećam prostor između nas
Mnogo mi nedostaješ
Suze padaju ovako
Zašto nisam ovo znao?
Tako lepa, lepa
Lepša si od bilo koje druge
Nemoj se razboleti, ne plači
Ako čuješ ovu pesmu posvećenu tebi
Vrati mi se
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Videvši samog sebe u ogledalu
Osećam se čudno i uplašeno, i zato mi trebaš
Mrzim sebe zato što sam ovo tek sad shvatio
Vrati mi se
Želim da držim cveće koje je lepo kao i ti
I opet da stanem ispred tebe
Želim da izgledam bolje nego pre
I da se pojavim pred tobom
Sećam se starih vremena,
Plačem na istom mestu kao pokvaren sat
Svetlucajuća, anđeoska
Lepa, želim te držati u svojim rukama
Želim ponovo da te vidim
Tako lepa, lepa
Šta ako ti negde plačeš
Nemoj ići, nemoj me ostaviti, iako je tvoja ljubav laž
Ne zanima me šta ćeš reći
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ mi
Tvoje poslednje reči pre nego što si otišla
Osećam se čudno i uplašeno, i zato mi trebaš
Mrzim sebe zato što sam ovo tek sad shvatio
Ova glupa pesma ispunjena sažaljenjem
Nadam se da će stići do neba
Moja molitva koja je celu noć tebe nadgledala
Nadam se da će stići do tvog srca
Never look too deep in beautiful eyes
Never look deep in
beautiful eyes,
And they are also shining
You're just looking for a
little girlfriend,
And suddenly you have a
I advise you: stay bachelor
and remember this song
never look deep in
beautiful eyes,
what do you need a
woman for?
Number one
Number one!
Number one!
Now listen up:
Here's a lesson to trick!
Few are the things to learn!
If you want to be bad, you can:
You just have to chase this guy!
Furtive and safe, as light as a flower,
Be careful not to make any noise.
No! Don't touch it!
What are you doing?
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Look at this net, follow my plan:
When I say it, throw it far.
Throw it on him, not on me! Oh, let's try something else.
What will I do? Look here:
Anyone passing here will fall to the ground!
Oh! What are you doing!?!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one.
Hey! Hey!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
We are one
On your way to growth,
There must be a lot of things you don't understand.
The only thing we know,
Things always happen unexpectedly.
But every day you need to face bravely,
Even if your dream becomes blank.
We are full of pride and anticipation around you.
We are part of each other.
(We are family. We are family. We are family.)
Young Kiara:
I understand nobody is perfect,
I wish I could keep being myself,
following my heart,
Maybe I'm just one of the plans.
Those who left us,
They are still with us,
Your journey has only begun.
Sometime it tastes the bitters or sweets,
It cannot hurt my pride,
From the bottom of my heart, we are one.
(We are one. We are family. We are family.)
We are one,
Like the world cannot be separated,
We are the family under the sun.
Let the wisdom lead you to go,
And being with your courage,
You will understand that we are one.
Narrator: Simba
As long as you live here,
You are who you are.
You will understand in the future.
(Being more understanding me.)
(Being more understanding me.)
(Being more understanding me.)
Неко као ти
Осећам топлину када помислим на тебе
Ако ти кажем да ми недостајеш, да ли ћеш се вратити?
Свет се зауставља, у њему само ти постојиш
Речи које ти желим рећи, драга моја, драга моја...
О, неко као што си ти
Да ли ме она слуша?
О, неко као што си ти
Где је та особа?
Волео бих када бих могао
Да те сретнем у својим сновима
Драга моја, драга моја, волим те
Ако тебе нема, и ја ћу нестати
Зажалићу ако се то деси
Опроштаји су болни, а успомене дуго трају
Не напуштај ме, драга моја, драга моја...
О, неко као што си ти
Да ли ме она слуша?
О, неко као што си ти
Где је та особа?
Волео бих када бих могао
Да те сретнем у својим сновима
Драга моја, драга моја, волим те
Чак и ако одеш
Посматраћу те издалека
Можеш ми се вратити када год пожелиш
Ја ћу те чекати
Драга моја...
О, некога као што си ти
Не могу да пронађем
О, неко као што си ти
Немој ме напустити
Ја не могу
Ако то ниси ти, ја не могу...
Драга моја, драга моја, волим те
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)
Everyone Knows Juanita
Oh, how nice is Juanita
She is cross- eyed
She has buck teeth
Her nose a little dented
And her earrings reaching the ground
-You don't sing it right
-Yes, but not in front of the children
Like matches her legs, so thin
Well, how not to love her
And if I were a little better looking
I would've dared to pick her up
Exhausted by the work I want to fall asleep
To find the blessed rest in my bed
But once I am going to bed, I hit the road again
Towards my dream, towards the same aim.
For the hundredth time my dreams and feelings are
Walking down to you on the piligrim road
And not closing my tired eyes
I see the darkness that even a blind man can see
I'll never find peace of mind because of love
I'll never find peace of mind because of love
I am always on the road, day and night
I am always on the road, day and night
Deprived of sight I am looking for you in the darkness
With an attentive glance of my heart and mind
And the darkness seems mafnificent
When you enter into it like a light shadow
For the hundredth time my dreams and feelings are
Walking down to you on the piligrim road
And not closing my tired eyes
I see the darkness that even a blind man can see
I'll never find peace of mind because of love
I'll never find peace of mind because of love
I am always on the road, day and night
I am always on the road, day and night
Ludi šaljivdžija na zlatnom tronu
Krvavi dijamant, letnji dom
Pogrešni ljudi sa pravima da znaju
Ali ja ne mogu ništa da uradim povodom toga
Svi govore da je život težak
Ne želimo ga u našem dvorištu
Trebalo bi da smo dalje od početka
Ali ja ne mogu ništa da uradim povodom toga
Tako se plašimo, odmah pucamo
Šta je vrednost života
Tako se plašimo, ponavaljamo grešku
Samo da bismo bili prvi
Mi smo lažljivci pred licem činjenica
Drugačije oružje ali isti napad
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Svaka lekcija je izgubljena u prošlosti
Izvinjavam se, ali ne želim da se vraćam
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Mislimo da će nas babaroga uhvatiti
Mislimo da je neprijatelj ono što je drugačije
Ovako je već vekovima
I ja ne mogu ništa da uradim povodom toga
Ne možemo da dočekamo da pucamo iz topa
Ne možemo da se suočimo sa ogledalom koje sve govori
Padamo zbog grehova naših očeva
I ja ne mogu ništa da uradim povodom toga
Tako se plašimo, odmah pucamo
Samo da bismo bili prvi
Mi smo lažljivci pred licem činjenica
Drugačije oružje ali isti napad
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Svaka lekcija je izgubljena u prošlosti
Izvinjavam se, ali ne želim da se vraćam
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Jer znam da nisam u ovome sama
Nisam u ovome sama
Ne, nisam u ovome sama
Nisam jedina
Koja ne želi da baca kamenje
Mi smo lažljivci pred licem činjenica
Drugačije oružje ali isti napad
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Svaka lekcija je izgubljena u prošlosti
Izvinjavam se, ali ne želim da se vraćam
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Mi smo lažljivci pred licem činjenica
Drugačije oružje ali isti napad
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Ne, ne bacam
Ne, ne bacam kamenje
Even though you would say 'no thanks' million times
I would still give you everything I have
If you would like me to change for you
I would change every little thing in me
Say a word and reserve me
Even though they say no one can be owned
Please take me now, don't wait, I'm already sold
You know you only need to choose me, I'm already sold, sold
You can do anything you like to me and pay with your love
Come and take me now, don't wait, I'm already sold, sold
I know I haven't always treated you right
So I understand why doors are sometimes closed
I don't usually talk about my feelings like this
But if I can have you I can talk about them forever
Say a word and reserve me
Even though they say no one can be owned
Please take me now, don't wait, I'm already sold
You know you only need to choose me, I'm already sold, sold
You can do anything you like to me and pay with your love
Come and take me now, don't wait, I'm already sold, sold
You can try me, no problem
Just never return me
Please take me now, don't wait, I'm already sold
Please take me now, don't wait, I'm already sold
You know you only need to choose me, I'm already sold, sold
You can do anything you like to me and pay with your love
Come and take me now, don't wait, I'm already sold, sold
Wing wing wing wing
Hey, I’m going crazy
Boom boom boom boom
I threw it toward your heart, oh my god
But the arrow came back to me like pyoo
And it tortures me, no no no no
What are you? What
You drive me crazy, drive me crazy
I’m pretty decent too, hey
But how come you make me feel so small?
I don’t know Know
Oh your face, your actions, every single thing, love it
No no no no no
No no no no no
Look at me, only look at me
Only stick close to me
Oh my love, don’t go
Wing wing wing wing
Hey, I’m going crazy
Am I the one who’s spinning or the one who’s throwing?
Hey, I’m going crazy
Boom boom boom boom
I’m running to you, oh baby, come into my arms
I’ll be honest with you, there’s no other guy like me
Never let you go
I’m a fool who only looks at you, oh what
People keep teasing me
But I don’t care, whatever they say
I only need you, all I wanna do
Oh your face, your actions, every single thing, love it
No no no no no
No no no no no
Look at me, only look at me
Only stick close to me
Oh my love, don’t go
Wing wing wing wing
Hey, just throw it
Am I falling for you or bewitched by you?
Hey, just throw it
Boom boom boom boom
Baby, do you know? Don’t you know?
How much I want you?
I promise you, I only have you
I promise, wherever it is, I’ll take you there
Whatever anyone says, I don’t care
I can put a ring on your finger
Wing wing wing wing
Hey, I’m going crazy
Am I the one who’s spinning or the one who’s throwing?
Hey, I’m going crazy
Boom boom boom boom
Two voices
My mind tells me 'just walk away from this' from one side,
and on the other side my heart tells me not to.
And here I am in the middle struggling desperately ,
like an acrobat that his roap is being snipped..
Two voices are shouting ,
two voices are driving me crazy,
to walk away ...and go where ?
Two voices are shouting,
two voices are scaring me,
to stay ..and do what?
From one side logic tells me to go
but from the other the sentiments tell me don't!
And here I am in the middle begging them to stop,
without my own voice being heard...
Two voices are shouting ,
two voices are driving me crazy,
to walk away ...and go where ?
Two voices are shouting,
two voices are scaring me,
to stay ..and do what?
Jedan je najusamljeniji broj koji ces ikada naciniti
dva moze biti isto tako los kao jedan
to je najusamljeniji broj jos od broja jedan
ne postoji tuznije iskustvo koje ces ikada znati
da, to je najtuznije iskustvo koje ces ikada znati
jer jedan je najusamljeniji broj koji si ikada nacinio
jedan je najusamljeniji broj koji ces ikada znati
jednostavno vise nije dobro otkad si otisao
sada provodim svoje vreme samo praveci stihove o jucerasnjici
jer jedan je najusamljeniji broj koji ces ikada naciniti
jedan je najusamljeniji broj koji ces ikada znati
jedan je najusamljeniji broj
jedan je najusamljeniji broj
jedan je najusamljeniji broj koji ces ikada naciniti
jedan je najusamljeniji broj, mnogo, mnogo gori nego dva
jedan je broj deljiv sa dva
jedan je najusamljeniji broj.
Izgubljeni snovi
Prešao sam, dugačak put
Tuga na ramenima, ali ne zaboravljam
Nazad, ponovo da se vratim
Duša me napušta, tebe se još drži
Toliko, izgubljenih snova, oči moje pune tuge
Ne gledajte unazad
Nije nam bilo suđeno, nedostaje vam
Nedostaje nama
Dalje, u predvečerje
Nada još živi, govori srce
Možda, jednom dođe
U zagrljaju da se nađemo
Toliko, izgubljenih snova, oči moje pune tuge
Ne gledajte unazad
Nije nam bilo suđeno, nedostaje vam
Nedostaje nama
Pepeo, naš život je pepeo
Zamrzao se vazduh, ljudi krvare
Pepeo, od mržnje
Rat je otac, rat je ubica
Rat je ubica
You make me sexy
TS sound (hey baby)
yeah, come on (no one else could)
you want me to track the dawn Thalia, ah
no one else could
TM (love you as I love you)
you 're just another winner
woo, yeah, umh, yeah, umh, terror
come on, woo, oh, oh
What happened in my life
to deserve one love like this
how much I cried and suffered
days and nights I was waiting you
to come for me
and now you are here
So gallant that you make me vibrate
with your toasted skin, always so sensual
and all those things that you plan to talk about
you make me sexy, sexy
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I'm feelin 'love in the deepest fall, give you the keys and all
you even when helped me when the beef was on
Tell me if maybe this love is real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Don´t you see
this story full of love
will never end
and I can swear no one else will doing
the games that we invent when we are making love
we´re eating our lips until we bleed
So gallant that you make me vibrate
with your toasted skin, always so sensual
and all those things that you plan to talk about
you make me sexy, sexy
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I'm feelin 'love in the deepest fall, give you the keys and all
you even when helped me when the beef was on
Tell me if maybe this love is real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Uh, slow down, love
don't you see me with my girl, what you thinkin' it was
I know you're used to seein' me in the clubs
different chicks, sippin' Cris', just a million in dubs
but I've changed, only got eyes for her
believe me, ain't no girl dividin' us
we could maybe elope, have a baby and all
'cause I don't wanna be a player no more
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Tell me if maybe this love is real
'cause I'm feeling something real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Tell me if maybe this love is real
'cause I'm feeling something real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Baby, baby, baby, baby
baby, baby, baby, baby
The Seashell
Love and its reminiscence, who freed me
From people, this place and time itself,
Magically filled my very life
With beautiful gleams of gold and silver.
On day, in the evening, it arrived dissipating all mirages:
I bid them all farewell - everything must fade and die -
And (in my hand) crumbled, somewhat reluctantly,
A seashell come from distant beaches.