Резултати претраге страна 4
Број резултата: 199
Lovesick Girls (Ljubavno bolesne Devojke)
Beskrajna noć
Ljubav nas je zatrpala u sobi bez prozora
Šta da kažemo
Želimo ljubav iako boli svaki put
Povredim se i padnem Ja
ne znam zbog čega se još uvek držim
Ako odem svejedno ću te mrzeti u mom povređenom stanju
Ne možemo nešto zaustaviti pre nego što je završeno
Kao da smo čekali ovu agoniju
Možda je sve samo za trenutak
Šta toliko tražimo bez nišanjenja
Ali nije me briga uradiću to ponovo i ponovo
Jednostavno mi trebaš u životu
Mi smo ljubavno bolesne devojke
Jednostavno ne možeš da prekineš ovu ljubav sam
Mi smo ljubavno bolesne devojke
Ništa sam bez ovog bola
Ali smo rođene da bi bile same
Yeah mi smo rođene da bi bile same
Yeah mi smo rođene da bi bile same
Ali zašto još uvek tražimo za ljubavlju
Bez ljubavnih pisama, nema tu x i o-vi
Bez ljubavi nikada, moji bivši znaju
Bez dijamantskog prstenja, to je kamenje
Levo, bolje ostavljena sama
Nisam želela da budem princeza, nemam cenu
Princ ni nije na mojoj listi
Ljubav je droga koju ostavljam
Nijedan doktor ne može da pomogne kad sam ljubavno bolesna
Možda je sve samo za trenutak
Šta toliko tražimo bez nišanjenja
Gledam te mojim nervoznim pogledom
Ti si sve što mi treba čak iako boli
Mi smo ljubavno bolesne devojke
Jednostavno ne možeš da prekineš ovu ljubav sam
Mi smo ljubavno bolesne devojke
Ništa sam bez ovog bola
Ali smo rođene da bi bile same
Yeah mi smo rođene da bi bile same
Yeah mi smo rođene da bi bile same
Ali zašto još uvek tražimo za ljubavlju
Ljubav je klizanje i padanje
Ljubav te ubija dušo
To neustravšivo uzbuđenje se vraća čim bol nestane
Ne mogu da te čujem
Srećna sam sa ovim bolom
Žališ me, ali ću ja tebe više žaiti što mene žališ
Mi smo ljubavno bolesne devojke
Jednostavno ne možeš da prekineš ovu ljubav sam
Mi smo ljubavno bolesne devojke
Ništa sam bez ovog bola
Ljubavno bolesne devojke
Svako ode na kraju
Ljubavno bolesne devojke
Otupila sam od plakanja
Ljubavno bolesne devojke
Povređena ponovo i ponovo
Ljubavno bolesne devojke
Ali još uvek tražimo za ljubavlju
Don’t Know What To Do (Ne Znam Šta Da Radim)
Da li neko može da zaustavi vreme ne sekundu
Osećam se kao da se desila velika greška
Pokušala sam da se samo neprijatno nasmejem
Ali žalim sebe
Kažem da sam u redu ali
Ne znam šta da radim bez tebe
Ostavljena sam sama u ovom sitnom prostoru
Zamišljam sećanja o tebi, samo su plave
Ljudi se menjaju
Zašto sam ovakva
Na ovako lepom danu
Kako je sve tako teško
Ne znam šta da radim
Ja ne znam šta da radim bez tebe, yeah hey hey
Ja ne znam šta da radim bez tebe, yeah hey hey
Ja ne znam šta da radim bez tebe, uh, uh, uh
You, uh, uh, uh
You, uh, uh, uh
Znaš da ne znam šta da radim
Ne znam šta da radim
Kao ljudi koji su došli i otišli
Izgleda da nismo bili srodne duše
Pitam se da li će telefon zazvoniti
Mrzim sebe što beskorisno učestvujem
Kucanje mog sata me
Pogotovo nervira
Možda izgledam totalno u redu ali
Ne znam šta da radim bez tebe
Pitam se da li će moja osećanja biti viđena u ogledalu
Usne koje sam nacrtala su plave
Udobna sam kad sam sama
Takva sam
Na ovako lepom danu
Kako je sve tako teško
Ne znam šta da radim
Ja ne znam šta da radim bez tebe, yeah hey hey
Ja ne znam šta da radim bez tebe, yeah hey hey
Ja ne znam šta da radim bez tebe, uh, uh, uh
You, uh, uh, uh
You, uh, uh, uh
Znaš da ne znam šta da radim
Ne znam šta da radim
Kažem da sam u redu ali
Ne znam šta da radim bez tebe
Ostavljena sam sama u ovom sitnom prostoru
Zamišljam sećanja o tebi, samo su plave
아니길 (Hope Not) (Nadam Se Ne)
Sedim pored prozora gde hladan vetar duva
Mislim o tebi dok gledam u daleko nebo
Sigurno sam budala kojoj nema pomoći
Čak i kada se menjaju 4 doba, ja se ne menjam
Kažu da nema smisla u kajanju ali
Ja ću nastaviti da mislim o tebi (Pogrešila sam)
Nasmešiću se ako te vidim
Kao da se ništa nije desilo
Za tebe je u redu ako patim
Kada sam ti samo dala bol
Za vreme kada smo bili zajedno
Ali ti, ljubav koju ti želiš
Moraš da nađeš nekoga boljeg od mene i budeš srećan
Ali nadam se ne toliko da me zaboraviš
Ne mogu da zaspem ove noći ispod mesečine
Nije bitno koliko god da čekam, nećeš doći
Pored mene je prazno mesto
Više mi nije nepozanto da budem sama
Kažu da nema smisla u kajanju ali
Ja ću nastaviti da mislim o tebi (Pogrešila sam)
Nasmešiću se ako te vidim
Kao da se ništa nije desilo
Za tebe je u redu ako patim
Kada sam ti samo dala bol
Za vreme kada smo bili zajedno
Ali ti, ljubav koju ti želiš
Moraš da nađeš nekoga boljeg od mene i budeš srećan
Ali nadam se ne toliko da me zaboraviš
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Još uvek u ovom mestu, ne mogu da te zaboravim
Za tebe je u redu ako patim
Kada sam ti samo dala bol
Za vreme kada smo bili zajedno
Ali ti, ljubav koju ti želiš
Moraš da nađeš nekoga boljeg od mene i budeš srećan
Ali nadam se ne toliko da me zaboraviš
Kao Da Ti Je Poslednja
Ništa drugo sem tebe ne mogu da vidim
Možda mi srce malo prebrzo kuca
Moje rumeno lice, moje srce takođe
Ništa neće da ide kako ja hoću
Kao rukohvat peska
Si baš ti
Zavodiš me toliko da je teško, još teže
Ništa neće da ide kako ja hoću
Želim da osetiš moje najsitnije uzdahe
Čak i kada te gledam, nedostakeš mi
Tako da, zar me nećeš osloboditi više?
Dušo, još malo, još čvršće, još jače, zauvek
zagrli me ― ništa drugo mi ne treba
Iskreno, upravo sada želim da me poljubiš
Kao da ti je poslednja ljubav
Kao da ti je poslednja, kao da ti je poslednja
Kao da ti je poslednja noć, ljubavi
Kao da ti je poslednja, kao da ti je poslednja
Kao da sutra neće doći, ljubavi
Uh, zaljubiću se, dušo
Ti ćeš me uhvatiti
Uh, daću ti sve ovo, dušo
Zovi me lepom i gadnom
Zato što ćemo dobiti sve, na moju ljubav možeš da se kladiš
Udupliraćemo ulog na sve njih, woah!
Ja ću biti Boni i ti budi moj Klajd
Mi smo zajedno bez obzira na opasnost
Iksevi i oksevi
Kako svaki sat prolazi postajem nestrpljivija sada
Ti si mi sve, a nedostaješ mi
Tako da, zar me nećeš osloboditi više?
Dušo, još malo, još čvršće, još jače, zauvek
zagrli me ― ništa drugo mi ne treba
Iskreno, upravo sada želim da me poljubiš
Kao da ti je poslednja ljubav
Kao da ti je poslednja, kao da ti je poslednja
Kao da ti je poslednja noć, ljubavi
Kao da ti je poslednja, kao da ti je poslednja
Kao da sutra neće doći, ljubavi
Na jedan, dva, tri sada počinjemo mi
Nemoj više nikada da se okrećeš nazad bez obzira na sve
Prihvati i uhvati sve moje
Neću dati nikome da nam smeta
BLACKPINK u vašem kraju
Dušo, još malo, još čvršće, još jače, zauvek
zagrli me ― ništa drugo mi ne treba
Iskreno, upravo sada želim da me poljubiš
Kao da ti je poslednja ljubav
Kao da ti je poslednja, kao da ti je poslednja
Kao da ti je poslednja noć, ljubavi
Kao da ti je poslednja, kao da ti je poslednja
Kao da sutra neće doći, ljubavi
Emoboy, emokid with you
You drink and sing
Don't look, I suck
You know, that
I am laughed at
And they want me to leave faster
I'll write emocore
Like I have a pierced lip
You kiss and cling
at her, she becomes softer
They look around, they show the finger
I'll finish writing, writing it anyways
We're together in this song
If you want, I'll show you
I'll show it right on the stage
Or in the entrance
It's not important to me, I'm not scared of dying
It's scary to not say that you haven't loved someone
Emoboy, emokid with you
You drink and sing
Don't look, I suck
You know, that
I am laughed at
And they want me to leave faster
I'll write emocore
Like I have a pierced lip
You kiss and cling
at her, she becomes softer
They look around, they show the finger
Emoboy with a lip piercing
Emokid is just like you
Emoboy has blood on the blade
Emokid, you'll sob bitterly
Emo-emo-boy, boy
Emo-emo-kid, kid, kid, kid
Emo-emo-boy, boy, boy, boy
Emo-emo-emo-emo-kid, kid, kid, kid
Emo-emo-boy, boy, boy, boy
Emo-emo-emo-emo-kid, kid, kid, kid
Tears fall from the veins
It's okay, let them drop
From your fragile knees
In your head, 'It's time to sleep'
Tears fall from the veins
It's okay, let them drop
From your fragile knees
Emoboy, emokid with you
You drink and sing
Don't look, I suck
You know, that
I am laughed at
And they want me to leave faster
I'll write emocore
Like I have a pierced lip
You kiss and cling
at her, she becomes softer
They look around, they show the finger
Emoboy with a lip piercing
Emokid is just like you
Emoboy has blood on the blade
Emokid, you'll sob bitterly
Emo-emo-boy, boy
Emo-emo-kid, kid, kid, kid
Emo-emo-boy, boy, boy, boy
Emo-emo-emo-emo-kid, kid, kid, kid
Emo-emo-boy, boy, boy, boy
Emo-emo-emo-emo-kid, kid, kid, kid
Tears fall from the veins
It's okay, let them drop
From your fragile knees
Prekrij me sunčevim zracima
Sanjala sam
prijateljska lica
Imam toliko vremena da ubijem
samo zamisli
ljude kako se smeju
Znam da ćemo jednog dana moći
i čak i ako je daleko
provedi me kroz još jedan dan
prekrij me sunčevim zracima
okupaj me dobrim vremenima
reci mi da se svet okretao od početka
i sve će biti uredu
prekrij me sunčevim zracima
iz daljine
sve te planine
su samo mala brda
divlje cveće
ono nastavlja da živi
dok samo mirno stoji
Nedostaje mi juče
ali šta ako postoji bolje mesto
prekrij me sunčevim zracima
okupaj me dobrim vremenima
reci mi da se svet okretao od početka
i sve će biti uredu
prekrij me sunčevim zracima
reci mi da se svet okretao od početka
i sve će biti uredu
prekrij me sunčevim zracima
La la la
prekrij me sunčevim zracima
okupaj me dobrim vremenima
reci mi da se svet okretao od početka
i sve će biti uredu
prekrij me sunčevim zracima
Strange love
With a light eight beat you wink at me
A typical talk in a scene of the city at night
Are you trying to have Casanova airs? The cocktail glass is empty
Looking down with the hand on the chin, is a sign of romance
The recitation begins, a tender bossa nova
If you want to make me cry, put a painful 50's blues
I'm glad that you say goodbye before being mellow
If I fall in love before, there would be timid motions and dangerous smell
Strange magic, strange love
You violate me with your look
Strange magic, strange love
I'm frustrated but madly in love
Strange magic, strange love
I won't give excuses
Strange magic, strange love
My hot heart is dynamite
The city life darkened with jokes is coloring
Ah, you make me hide the temptation to the point of sighing
You call me in a night that suits with a blue mood
I entrusted my body to the typical tenderness
Love begins, an intense disco beat
If you want to get me drunk, put a jazzy swing
If you talk about love, the story will end
I started to feel a serious motion, better to be like now
Strange magic, strange love
Love turns a woman whimsical
Strange magic, strange love
I'm frustrated but madly in love
Strange magic, strange love
I won't regret
Strange magic, strange love
My hot heart is dynamite
Strange magic, strange love
You violate me with your look
Strange magic, strange love
I'm frustrated but madly in love
Strange magic, strange love
I won't give excuses
Strange magic, strange love
My hot heart is dynamite
Dobro došao U Mašinu
Dobro došao sine moj, dobro došao u mašiu
Gde si bio?
Sve je u redu znamo gde si bio.
Bio si u cevovodu, popunjavao vreme, snabdeven igračkama i izviđanjem za dečake.
Kupio si gitaru da kazniš svoju mamu
I nisi voleo školu,
I znaš da nisi ničija budala,
Tako da, dobro došao u mašinu.
Dobro došao sine moj, dobro došao u mašinu.
Šta si sanjao?
Sve je u redu rekli smo ti šta da sanjaš.
Sanjao si veliku zvezdu,
Svirao je bezobraznu gitaru,
Uvek je jeo u Steak Baru.
Voleo je da vozi svog Jaguara.
Tako da, dobro došao u mašinu
Zbogom Okrutni Svete
Zbogom okrutni svete,
Napuštam te danas,
Zbogom, svim ljudima,
Ne postoji ništa što biste rekli
Da biste mi promenili mišljenje.
LAST CHRISTMAS ~ Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
Versions: #1
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone specials
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone specials
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby do you recognise me?
Well It's been a year
It doesn't surprise me
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone specials
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone specials
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
Everybody sneered at him
But on Christmas day of that year
Santa Claus used to say
That your shiny nose comes in useful
To guide me through the dark night road
The reindeer that always used to cry
He rejoiced himself tonight
He rejoiced himself tonight
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If I'm with you
My heart is paralyzed
The strength of my body escapes
And my breath dyes of pink
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Why are you hesitating?
Saying unsuitable words
The clock is spinning
I want to become honey
My mood depends on you
Why don't you kiss me?
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Let's get out of the store
I want to be the two of us alone
Come with me
I know you have
Somebody else
But for tonight
You're completely mine
Loving each other is wonderful
Loving each other is wonderful
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Without You
Love is painful, although love is painful (hah!)
I repeat it like a fool, that's what I always do
But pain is beautiful (Yeah), it's same as you
Hope turns into disappointment, hope turns into despair (Wo..)
The deeper love grows, the deeper the pain gets
I make the mistake of thinking and hoping it'll be different this time
In the end, how many years would have passed?
There is no such thing as forever
In the end, were we never mеant to be?
I am alone again
Barely, barеly, barely
I thought I only barely found true love
But in the end, in the end, it ends like this
My heart is just like the first time
But now it’s filled with scars because of you
We keep changing, at your cold voice
I cool down too
We grown so far apart to turn things back
To linger around each other without any feelings
It was so hard that I gifted you with separation
And after turning around, fallin' without you
In the end, whose fault was it?
There is no such thing as love
In the end, is breaking up, losing?
I'm tired and I fall asleep
Barely, barely, barely
Is this point barely our last?
In the end, in the end, are we becoming strangers again?
My heart is just like the first time
But now it’s filled with scars because of you
We keep changing, at your cold voice
I cool down too
We grown so far apart to turn things back
To linger around each other without any feelings
It was so hard that I gifted you with separation
And after turning around, fallin' without you
Yeah, fallin' without you, hey
Let's go
I didn't know at first, I liked her empty spot
But after a day or two, I would appreciate her
I didn't know about myself
I thought I could live well without you
Tomorrow will be different from today
It's already been one, two years
As much as the hardships of those times
My lingering attachments increase
I pray that things will change as time passes
For you, my baby
My heart is just like the first time (Hey)
But now it’s filled with scars because of you (For you, my baby)
We keep changing, at your cold voice
I cool down too
We grown so far apart to turn things back (Turn back)
To linger around each other without any feelings (To linger)
It was so hard that I gifted you with separation
And after turning around, fallin' without you
Yeah, I'm fallin' without you...
Season of Love
I have a crush on that person that I can't forget
Wearing a blue shirt, its like seeing an ocean
Barefooted on a small shellfish boat
Despite how its impossible for my tears to start appearing
Love, this is my love
Dyeing the skies, setting it on fire
Until the day I die, I will have to decide to be alone
Like what he said, its the season of love
Love, my love
Dyeing the skies, setting it on fire
The coffee as bright as the night sky, let's drink it together
Like what he said, its the season of love
Love, my love
Dyeing the skies, setting it on fire
The coffee as bright as the night sky, let's drink it together
Like what he said, its the season of love
It's the season of love, yeah
Bubble (strangers when we kiss)
To a camel coat leaving
A lonely woman waves her hand
For one night only we warmed our skins
The fingers in the pockets
Nobody will pay attention
'Cause we're strangers when we kiss
We can have a love like a bubble
Strangers when we kiss
When we meet, everyone are strangers
For example, though I seated
With you on the cafe table
It's an eternal casual meeting
To spend the time with a pout face
Is a bit lonely
'Cause we're strangers when we kiss
We can have a love like a bubble
Strangers when we kiss
Everyone live alone
Love slips through
To be everywhere
Strangers when we kiss, ha ha
Strangers when we kiss, ha ha
Strangers when we kiss, ha ha
Strangers when we kiss, ha ha
Strangers when we kiss
We can have a love like a bubble
Strangers when we kiss
When we meet, everyone are strangers
Strangers when we kiss
We can have a love like a bubble
Strangers when we kiss
Everyone live alone
If in this world surprises and palpitations were missing
Seasons would never change from being winter. OH!
While ordinary days repeat over and over
A small word makes you shine. OH! OH!
Your heart puts its most honest face
And you start to say it before you realize
Even if you push your lips and close your chest
That small word tells about you.
An OH! of palpitations
An OH! of joy
An OH! of shyness. An OH! of inspiration
An OH! of joy
To decorate this world of vivid pink
Is preferable to have a sensitive heart OH!
More than the best prepared face
Is preferable uncovered with a small word OH! OH!
For example, feeling the emotion with the fingers
Meeting people like a miracle
To be dazzled with a sudden happening
That small word tells it all
An OH! of palpitations
An OH! of joy
An OH! of shyness. An OH! of inspiration
An OH! of joy
Surfing pirate
We manage without reins a tide like a devil
We monopolize the rumors on a summer day
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
We both are a couple of surfers
In the Pacific, in the Atlantic, from tide to tide
Sea spray, glittering rainbow
We're a sexy pair, a surfing honeymoon
An uproar, a flower of the shore
A storm of passionate kisses
He's a cheater who always forgets about me
Invited by a wink, I go with him aimlessly
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
Love is a dangerous trump card
I'm fascinated, I throb, I get nervous
We manage smoothly
The white pipeline, a risky rendezvous
Among kisses and applauses
Gulls are looping the loop
He's popular and gathers the cute girls
Beware that in the moon nights, he wants to dress in white
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
A bermuda and a red bikini
Dance, entwine and shine
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
We both are a couple of surfers
In the Pacific, in the Atlantic, from tide to tide
Док те нисам волео
Док те нисам волео,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
где год бих заспао, спавао сам,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
Али сада кад те волим,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
не могу да се одморим,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
Излазим из куће да одем негде,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
а не знам куда идем,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
Јадно моје срце,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
није те оставило,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Док те нисам волео
Док те нисам волео,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
где год бих заспао, спавао сам,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
Али сада кад те волим,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
не могу да се одморим,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
Излазим из куће да одем негде,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
а не знам куда идем,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
Јадно моје срце,
чежњо моја, чежњо,
није те оставило,
чежњо моја, чежњо!
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Versions: #1
Proceed with caution, men are wolves!
When they get to that age, be careful.
Even those with the face of a sheep, deep down in their hearts
You can count on the wolf in them baring their fangs at you!
“This man is a good one”
Don’t thoughtlessly believe that lie!
Don’t Don’t Aah! Don’t Don’t!
Look, look here! I bet you
Today another girl’s in a pinch again!
On enchanting nights you might fall head over heels
against your better judgement, but please reconsider!
Once you shut your eyelids you’ll lose, And if you push yourself too hard,
It’s all over, I swear it!
Don’t absentmindedly accept
That “it’s like what our ancestors said”
Please don’t! Don’t Aah! Don’t Don’t!
Look, look here! I bet you
Today another girl’s in a pinch again!
Farewell To Toys
There comes such a day –
we remember it until today –
there comes a day when you have to
bid farewell to toys.
You throw your beloved doll
into the depths of your drawer
and even if you’re sorry, you know well:
nothing can be done about it!
It just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
There comes such a twilight,
gloomy like November,
when you’re sad and you feel like crying,
when everything is upside down.
You’d like to take a doll
and hug a teddy bear again,
to be with them all night
in a way that nobody see it.
Because it just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
Because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
Farewell To Toys
There comes such a day –
we remember it until today –
there comes a day when you have to
bid farewell to toys.
You throw your beloved doll
into the depths of your drawer
and even if you’re sorry, you know well:
nothing can be done about it!
It just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
There comes such a twilight,
gloomy like November,
when you’re sad and you feel like crying,
when everything is upside down.
You’d like to take a doll
and hug a teddy bear again,
to be with them all night
in a way that nobody see it.
Because it just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
Because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
Pretty Savage
It seems similar, we are different from the start
We are pretty shameless, but we're the best on the stage
Born skinny, bitch, even if I gain weight, I'm dry
Slow at calculation, but fast at sense
I don't want to talk about popularity, my mouth would only hurt
F boys, not my boys, cut in slices
If you get our name wrong, du-ddu-du-ddu hit
Drip, drip, ice it out, bust it down, top to the bottom
Black, pink
All up in it, make it lit, like
Yeah, we some bitches you can't manage
I make this difficult thing again
We are pretty savage
We some prеtty savage
You better run, run, run
You bеtter run, run, run
All my diamonds, they yellow or bright white
Got 'em blind can't find me, I'm outta sight
If you mad stay mad, we not alike
S-A-V-A-G-E, keep it pretty, pretty savage
I wore something similar to you, but it looks better on me
If you're salty, lay down the carpet first
I was black, I was pink, I can shapeshift if I want
Your jealousy is the problem, maybe I'm the problem
Black, pink
All up in it, make it rain, like
Yeah, we some bitches you can't manage
I make this difficult thing again
We are pretty savage
We some pretty savage
You better run, run, run
You better run, run, run
All my diamonds, they yellow or bright white
Got 'em blind can't find me, I'm outta sight
If you mad stay mad, we not alike
S-A-V-A-G-E, keep it pretty, pretty savage
Pretty girl
I smile, but I'm not weak
And I wish you would
The rain and wind blows, the higher it flies
I got nothin' left to say to you
If you want, I'll show you attitude
I don't have to say anything, you know everything (You know)
Savage, you look the part and look pretty
Savage, So pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
Savage, you look the part and look pretty
Savage, So pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
Lovesick Girls
A night that lasts forever
A love trapped us in a room without windows
What can we say
A love that I long for even though it hurts every time
Even though I get hurt and break down
I don’t know what I'm believing in to hold on
Either way, if I leave, I’ll hate you in my pained state
We can’t end it before we see this to the end
Like we’ve been waiting for this pain
It might've all been just for a moment
What are we looking for so much that we're wandering
But I don’t care I’ll do it over and over
I just need you in my world
We are the lovesick girls
You can’t just end my love by yourself
We are the lovesick girls
I have no meaning without this pain
But we were born to be alone
Yeah we were born to be alone
Yeah we were born to be alone
But why we still looking for love
No love letters, no x and o’s
No love never, my exes know
No diamond rings, that set in stone
To the left, better left alone
Didn’t wanna be a princess, I’m priceless
A prince not even on my list
Love is a drug that I quit
No doctor could help when I’m lovesick
It might've all been just for a moment
What are we looking for so much that we're wandering
You're inside my lovesick gaze
Even if it hurts, as long as I have you I have all I need
We are the lovesick girls
You can’t just end my love by yourself
We are the lovesick girls
I have no meaning without this pain
But we were born to be alone
Yeah we were born to be alone
Yeah we were born to be alone
But why we still looking for love
Love is slippin’ and fallin’
Love is killin’ your darlin’
The feeling of a fearless thrill returns once the pain subsides
I can’t hear what you say
I’m happy with this pain
The you who pities me is more pitiful in my eyes
We are the lovesick girls
You can’t just end my love by yourself
We are the lovesick girls
I have no meaning without this pain
Lovesick girls
Everyone eventually leaves
Lovesick girls
Even if I become numb to crying
Lovesick girls
Getting hurt over and over again
Lovesick girls
But we’re still looking for love
Ice cream
Come a little closer 'cause you looking thirsty
I'ma make it better, sip it like a Slurpee
Snow cone chilly, get it free like Willy
In the jeans like Billie, you be poppin' like a wheelie
Even in the sun, you know I keep it icy
You could take a lick, but it's too cold to bite me
Brr, brr, frozen, you're the one been chosen
Play the part like Moses, keep it fresh like roses
Look so good, yeah, look so sweet
Lookin' good, enough to eat
Coldest with this kiss, so he call me ice cream
Catch me in the fridge, right where the ice be
Look so good, yeah, look so sweet
Baby, you deserve a treat
Diamonds on my wrist, so he can call me ice cream
You could double-dip 'cause I know you like me
Ice cream chillin', chillin', ice cream chillin'
Ice cream chillin', chillin', ice cream chillin'
I know that my heart can be so cold
But I'm sweet for you, can put me on a cone
You're the only touch, yeah, they get me melting
He's my favorite flavor, always gonna pick him
You're the cherry piece, just stay on top of me, so
I can't see nobody else for me, no, get it, flip it, scoop it
Do it like that, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, like it, live it, lick it
Do it like la, la, la, oh, yeah
Look so good, yeah, look so sweet
Lookin' good enough to eat
Coldest with this kiss, so he call me ice cream
Catch me in the fridge, right where the ice be
Look so good, yeah, look so sweet
Baby, you deserve a treat
Diamonds on my wrist, so he can call me ice cream
You could double-dip 'cause I know you like me
Ice cream chillin', chillin', ice cream chillin'
Ice cream chillin', chillin', ice cream chillin'
Ice cream chillin', chillin', ice cream chillin'
Ice cream chillin', chillin', ice cream
Chillin' like a villain, yeah, ra, ra, ra
Going so fast it looks like I’m crazy in my La Fera
I’m too fast, if you want to get hurt then just buy it quickly
I make millions and billions every day, ice on my wrist in midsummer
Keep it movin' like my lease up
Think you fly, boy, where ya visa?
Mona Lisa kinda Lisa
Needs an ice cream man that treats her
Keep it movin' like my lease up
Think you fly boy where ya visa
Mona Lisa kinda Lisa
Needs an ice cream man that treats her
Na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Ice on my wrist, yeah, I like it like this
Get the bag with the cream
If you know what I mean
Ice cream
Ice cream
Ice cream chillin'
Na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Ice on my wrist, yeah, I like it like this
And I'm nice with the cream
If you know what I mean
Ice cream
Ice cream
Ice cream
Day by day, Jizo, day by day, don’t love
Even if it's too bad, I'm probably relocating my heart
No matter what your nose, I keep looking for my net
I can't help it, I saw my damn limit
'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
Turner over, turn over and draw
You and me, who are screaming for me
Even if I want it all, I'm still high
I can't help it and do it with my net
'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?
Pinky Murder
LG No Mercy
The plot is simply beautiful
You lied to me, your eyes were red
Having issued a red card, I was punished
I was kicked out by you, alright
Did you listen carefully to what I said?
My serious feelings are waiting for an answer from the air
Do you really love me?
You didn't let me go with your kisses
Like a well-aimed shot,
You hit right to the heart, the heart
Stop pretending, you're not the Mona Lisa
Last sweet words mixed with swearing
She said I wasn't warm enough, so put on his coat
She wanted more freedom, and I was just her hobby
Teard up the past
Lost my temper
Deleted all the text messages
I was full of alcohol
Looked at the pointer swinging
All the memories of closing your eyes were solidified into ice
Girl I need a tattoo on my body
Drunk several cups of coffee
Music anesthetizes myself
Maybe this is the best match
Even if I saw your missed call, I was indifferent
I filled all the holes with new shoes and music
I need a new gold chain
Threw away the old one
I've long forgotten who you are
Who the hell forgot who
I got more fans
They love my perfume
I work hard everyday
I work hard everyday
I work hard everyday
I work hard everyday
The plot is simply beautiful
You lied to me, your eyes were red
Having issued a red card, I was punished
I was kicked out by you, alright
Did you listen carefully to what I said?
My serious feelings are waiting for an answer from the air
Do you really love me?
You didn't let me go with your kisses
Like a well-aimed shot,
You hit right to the heart, the heart
Stop pretending, you're not the Mona Lisa
Last sweet words mixed with swearing
Once you were my necessity, but now it has been replaced by others
From then on, many people in my heart just don't have you
When a day goes like a year goes
Draw a smiling face on the glass
I am the best actor
I will no longer miss performing
In this game, all the chips are lost,
and all the promises are invalid and flew away
I want to earn more money to buy a new microphone
I'll buy Gucci and LV, but I won't give them to you
After you left,
It's easy for me every day
Right after you left,
Inspiration seems to be in full swing
The plot is simply beautiful
You lied to me, your eyes were red
Having issued a red card, I was punished
I was kicked out by you, alright
Did you listen carefully to what I said?
My serious feelings are waiting for an answer from the air
Do you really love me?
You didn't let me go with your kisses
Like a well-aimed shot,
You hit right to the heart, the heart
Stop pretending, you're not the Mona Lisa
Last sweet words mixed with swearing
how you like that
I crumbled before your eyes
Hit rock bottom and sunk deeper
To grab onto the last bit of hope
I've tried to reach out with both of my hands
Again in this dark place light up the sky
While looking into your eyes I’ll kiss you goodbye
Laugh all you want while you still can
Because it's about to be your turn 1,2,3
Ha how you like that?
You gon’ like that that that that that
How you like that?
How you like that that that that that
Now look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
How you like that
Now look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
How you like that
Your girl need it all and that’s a hundred
10 out of 10 I want what's mine
Karma come and get some
I feel bad but there's nothing I can't do
What’s up, I’m right back
The trigger cock back
Plain Jane get hijacked
Don’t like me? Then tell me how you like that
In this even dark place shine like the stars
With a smile on my face I’ll kiss you goodbye
Laugh all you want while you still can
Because it's about to be your turn 1,2,3
Ha how you like that?
You gon’ like that that that that that
How you like that?
How you like that that that that that
Now look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
How you like that
Now look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
Look at you now look at me
How you like that
The day I fell without my wings
Those dark days where I was trapped
You should've ended me when you had the chance
Look up in the sky it’s a bird it’s a plane
Bring out your boss bish
How you like that
You gon’ like that
How you like that
The Sky Above
No matter how fashionable you are,
No matter how cute,
You’ve always had your head in the clouds
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
A feeling of love,
That’s what I have here
Although it sounded like a sigh,
It was my voice cracking from these feelings
What should I do? Hey…
I wonder what you’re thinking
In the hand holding mine,
In those millimeters of the universe
I realized, even now,
You’re still losing your way
But, no matter how fashionable you are,
No matter how cute,
You’ve always had your head in the clouds
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
A feeling of love,
That’s what I have here
I wonder if you’ll make it?
I wonder if we’ll meet up soon?
I can’t see into the depths of your eyes
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
My uncontrollable emotions
Have turned into affection
During an unnaturally long night
I dreamt of a brighter time
A questionable feeling,
It was heartbreaking and frustrating
In the hand holding mine,
In those millimeters of the universe
I realized, even now,
You’re still losing your way
Selfishly, I want you to hold me
And never let go
Even if there’s something wrong with it
It’s alright
It’s our world
That melody heard from all corners,
Please let me listen ‘kay
I want it all to myself
“Even though I tried, I couldn’t tell you
I’ve always been pretty insecure
I question myself when I see your face
But once again, I foolishly make the same mistake
If it were just you and I on Earth
I think it would trouble you,
Is that childish of me?
I just want to be yours
I want to stay beside you forever…”
No matter how fashionable you are,
No matter how cute,
You’ve always had your head in the clouds
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
A feeling of love,
That’s what I have here
Selfishly, I want you to hold me
And never let go
Even if there’s something wrong with it
It’s alright
It’s our world
That melody heard from all corners,
Please let me listen 'kay
I want it all to myself
Summer Wonderland
Once again you want to return without me
I heard from my friend that it's GAME OVER with you
The same sandals
I go back without throwing them out
Even that blue dress
I could not dare to throw it out
It is a little lonely without holding your hand
A new summer wonderland has come
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
The magic of summer love
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
Towards a new story that will begin from today
Wow wow
I met you during the summer time last year
I was burning in the hot weather as the days passed by
Cause trouble was in your genes
A complete demon
We had a real and dreamy love all by chance
I am looking for the old glory
I believe in the love story of those sweat dreams
I believed that it was fate
Before I could even realize it
The summer love that I indulged in was like a trip
He was part of my dream?
I was part of his dream
I wish for a new faithful encounter
A love burning as brightly as the sun
I will open my heart so please try to catch it wonderland
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
A dramatic rainbow in the summer
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
To a new story that will continue tomorrow
Wow wow
I will let go of the memories that have been left behind
There is another new world a Wonderland
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
The magic of summer love
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
Towards a new story that will begin from today
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
A dramatic rainbow in the summer
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
To a new story that will continue tomorrow
Wow wow