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Hố Đen Siêu Cấp

Ôi cưng ơi, em không thấy anh đang đau khổ à?
Ôi cưng ơi, em không thấy anh đang rên rỉ à?
Em đã bắt được anh trong cái bẫy dối lừa của em
Đến khi nào em mới giải thoát cho anh đây?
Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy
Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy
(Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy)
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
(Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy)
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
Anh đã từng ngỡ anh không thể điên tình vì ai cả
Nhưng cưng ơi anh đã hóa điên vì em rồi
Em là nữ hoàng của sự hời hợt
Đến khi nào em mới chịu nói ra sự thật đây
Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy
Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy
(Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy)
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
(Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy)
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
Hố đen siêu cấp
Hố đen siêu cấp
Hố đen siêu cấp
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
(Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy)
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
(Em khiến linh hồn anh rực cháy)
Đá băng tan chảy trong màn đem chết chóc
Và các siêu sao bị hút vào 'siêu cấp'
Hố đen siêu cấp
Hố đen siêu cấp
Hố đen siêu cấp


هذا هو الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة
مهلاً، كيف كنت سأبدأ هذا؟
لقد نسيت
أسلوبي الارتجالي سيكون
قاسياً للغاية وشديد اللهجة
هل أخاطب به 'ترامب'؟
لا، على الأرجح
ولكن هذا كل ما لدي حتى
أطرح أغنية محكمة القوافي
لدي خطة قوية والآن يجب أن أنفذها
'مثل مروحيات 'الأباتشي
'عندما تطلق صواريخ 'توماهوك
سأدخل المسجد في شهر رمضان
وأقوم بالدعاء في كل مرة
تلقي 'ميلاني' فيها خطاباً
لقد تماديت. سأتوقف، ولكن يجدر بنا
أن نُطري 'أوباما' لأن من يوجد في
البيت الأبيض' الآن هو شخص'
انتحاري، والذي على الأرجح
سيتسبب في إبادة نووية وبينما
تندلع المآسي وهو ينتظر أن تهدأ الأمور
سيقلع على الأرجح بطائرته ويحلق
في الأرجاء حتى تتوقف عمليات القصف
لقد احتدمت الأمور وأصبحت
الأحوال السياسية في تفاقم
عندما يتعلق الأمر يا
ترامب' بالاكتراث فأنت'
بخيل مثلي تماماً. ولكن عندما يتعلق الأمر
بامتلاك الشجاعة لمواجهتي
فأنت تلجأ للاختباء
فالعدم هو أفضل تشبيه لرجولتك
العنصرية هي الشيء الوحيد الذي يميزه
فهذه الطريقة يحصل على نشوته، ويصبح
'مثل صخر في فرقة 'الرائعين الأربعة
.وبشرته برتقالية اللون
نعم، سُمرة تثير الاشمئزاز
لهذا السبب يريدنا أن نتفرق. لأنه
لا يستطيع تحمل حقيقة أننا لسنا
خائفين منه. ولكن تباً
لمراعاة مشاعر الأخرين،
فقد جئت لأقول رأيي بكل صراحة
لهذا السبب يستمر في الصراخ قائلاً
طهروا الحكومة من عديمي الوطنية'. فهو'
عالق في مأزق ولا يستطيع تبرير موقفه
الأمر كما لو أننا نأخذ خطوة إلى الأمام
ثم أخرى إلى الخلف
ولكن هذا هو أسلوبه في الإلهاء
بالإضافة إلى أنه يجد استجابة
جماهيرية هائلة عندما
'يهاجم 'دوري كرة القدم
فنصب اهتمامنا على ذاك الأمر
'بدلاً من مناقشة الشأن 'البورتوريكي
أو قوانين مراقبة الأسلحة
'لصالح ولاية 'نيفادا
وسط كل تلك الفواجع المؤلمة ينتابه شعور
بالملل ويفضل أن يثير الجلبة
على 'تويتر' بمعاونة مؤيديه
يقول أنه يريد تقليل الضرائب
المفروضة علينا، ولكن من إذاً سيدفع
تكاليف رحلاته الباهظة ذهاباً
وإياباً مع عائلته إلى منتجعات
الجولف خاصته وقصوره؟
إنه نفس الهراء الذي جعله
'يشوه سمعة 'هيلاري
ويفتري عليها كذباً، ثم يفعل أضعاف ذلك
'من دعمه لـ 'بانون
.'الذي يؤيد منظمة 'كو كلوكس كلان
وصولاً إلى مسيرات المتطرفين
ضد الجنود ذوي البشرة السمراء
الذين رجعوا من 'العراق' وما زال
'يُقال لهم أن يعودوا إلى 'أفريقيا
فليذهب للجحيم أبوه العنصري
العجوز الذي أصبح جداً وما زال يتجاهل
عواملنا التاريخية التي
أصبحت في حالة يُرثى لها
والآن، إذا كنت رياضياً من ذوي البشرة
السمراء، فأنت فتى مدلل لمحاولة استخدامك
برنامجك الانتخابي أو مكانتك في التعبير
عن هؤلاء ممن ليس لديهم تلك الرفاهية
فمن وجهة نظره، أنتم - أيها الحمقى - تقللون
من شأن الجنود الذين قاتلوا من أجلنا
ما لم تكن من أسرى الحرب الذين تلقوا تعذيباً
وضرباً مبرحاً؛ فهم عديمو القيمة بالنسبة له
لأنه لا يحب أن يقع أبطال الحرب في الأسر
!هذا الكلام ليس تقليلاً من شأن الجيش
'تباً لهذا! هذه تحية لـ 'كولن
!أظهروا له الاحترام
واستمروا في إظهار تعاضدكم بهذا
الشكل مثل رأس 'ترامب' الصلعاء
سوف يتخلص من جميع المهاجرين
سوف يبني الجدار ليتخطى طوله هذا الارتفاع
حسناً، إذا كان سيقيم هذا الجدار
فأرجو أن يكون متيناً كفاية
لأنني سأستخدم جميع ألاعيبه
الدنيئة، مثلما يفعل في السياسة
لأنني سأستخدم نفس عقليته وتفكيره
العقيم حتى ترى الناس حقيقته
وأيّ من معجبيني ومؤيديه في نفس الوقت
سأضع حداً فاصلاً
فأنت في صفي أو ضدي
إذا كنت مشتت التفكير ولا تستطيع
أن تقرر أي الفريقين ستساند
سأقرر نيابة عنك بهذا الشكل
!تباً لك
بقية الشعب الأمريكي فليصمد ويواجه
نحن نحب جيشنا ونحب بلدنا
'ولكننا نكره 'ترامب

12 Months Opening Song

Clouds go away
The trees turn green
Flowers bloom
It is spring
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
The sunshine brightens
the world with a golden light
When it gets hot
then it is summer
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
Without you, our world would never be so magical and beautiful
Without you, we would never have seen the world in its full splendor
Forests glow
In its colorful dress
Birds migrate
It is autumn time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
The snow falls softly
And colors the earth white
Snow and ice
bring the winter
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
Without you, our world would never be so magical and beautiful
Without you, we would never have seen the world in its full splendor
Only because of the change
in the course of how nature is
we become happy
And rejoice about the world
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Tulips from Amsterdam

When spring arrives I will send you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will pick for you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When I come back again I will bring you
Tulips from Amsterdam
A thousand yellow ones, a thousand red ones
They wish you the very best
What my mouth can't say (what I can't speak)
Tulips from Amsterdam will say
Jan (male name) from the county side said: Antje (female name)
Oh dear child, I like you
How can it be done dear Antje
Tomorrow I go to The Hague
And at the old mill
Under a sky so blue sounded
I love you and you love me
Oh Antje, I'll always be loyal to you
When spring arrives I will send you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will pick for you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When I come back again I will bring you
Tulips from Amsterdam
A thousand yellow ones, a thousand red ones
They wish you the very best
What my mouth can't say (what I can't speak)
Tulips from Amsterdam will say

I Won't Ever Be Able to Become You

I will give you all of my belongings
So that you never lack anything, my dear
I will give you all of my veins
So that you heal all your of your heart's wounds, my dear
But I won't ever be able to become you
I'll become anything, everything
I'll become a monkey
I'll become anything, everything
I'll become a wolf
So that I can howl at you all night long
But I won't ever be able to become you


Madly, I press your body
against my body.
A few golden minutes,
as long as precious matching chords ring1
A fragile ball
Immobile heart
I walk the music
like a tightrope.
Madly, I press your night
against my night.
I stake it all for life2
The forbidden slow dance,
A few golden minutes,
as long as precious matching chords ring.
I live for the music,
the only settings
A strange party
A strange defeat.
Impossible one-on-one
A strange dance
A strange beat
Impossible chance
Madly, I grip your body
harder and harder.
I'm counting the chords, out of time,
I know I still have some left.
A fragile ball,
a useless ball.
I'm wandering the music
like an island.
Madly, madly,
Madly, I dance for you
A strange party
A strange defeat
Impossible one-on-one
A strange dance
A strange beat
Impossible chance
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
Madly, madly
A strange party
A strange defeat
Impossible one-on-one
A strange dance
A strange beat
Impossible chance
Impossible chance
  • 1. 'accord' can mean both 'match' and ''chord'
  • 2. hijacking of the expression 'tenter le tout pour le tout' (stake it all)
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Ned's Newt

There once was a boy who wanted a pet
when he got to the store that was all what he get
He brought it home with a little surprise
The new one lay there like he weren't alive
The Pet Store Owner knew what's to do
he gave the boy a can Zippo for Newt
Ned's Newt he's all the monkees [?]
Ned's Newt with some percussions [?]
Ned's Newt he's where the fun is yeah
Ned's Newt he's the normest baby
Ned's Newt so doubts disasters baby [?]
Ned's Newt he's where the fun is yeah

Acept My Wings

I wanna spread my white wings
Until a ray light
But this up so high sky
Doesn't seduce me anymore
Together with this cold rain who is covering my heart
I'm coming back to the loneliness
The memory echoes far away
As a scream of pain
Today the darkness is my childrood
And the future will be what it has to be
I'll slepp between the brumes and I'll dream
That I'll arrive
To the destiny where a day
My heart wanted to let me to
What about the sweepings of my soul?
Who will recall them?
As a feather who soars in the wind
This is how I wanna live
The memory echoes far away
As a scream of pain
Today the darkness is my childrood
And the future will be what it has to be
I'll slepp between the brumes and I'll dream
That I'll arrive
To the destiny where a day
My heart wanted to let me to
What about the sweepings of my soul?
Who will recall them?
As a feather who soars in the wind
This is how I wanna live
So my fantasy
Will never end up
My dream will come to life!


A long journey, and a boring one too
we have arrived, tired,
our bags are heavy
and our clothes are creased.
Thank goodness we got here,
in a well-lit hotel
there's a room for us,
for us, who have traveled so much.
I know everything around here by now
and I know the cold feeling of this key in my hand.
And you are getting ready to inhabit
this room as if it was
a house and I wait
while you put in the drawers
your clothes and mine too.
Outside the window
there's a sensational moon
that watches us with sadness.
A jam-moon1 for the two of us
we have a house and kids, both of us,
but we smiled shamelessly
at the prospect of one last love.
  • 1. a pun on honeymoon


There are many men who walk by my side
I don't know them... They are all strangers...
But you, who are so far away
Far beyond the deserts and the lakes
Far beyond the savannas and the islands
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
If your long, dark nights are mine
If my eyes cry for your very own tears
If our dreams are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Even though the words we speak are different
And you're black and I'm white
Since both our wounds are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Traversing all the national borders
Traversing the defensive walls and the moats
Since our screams always sound the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Even though the words we speak are different
And you're black and I'm white
Since both our wounds are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
We share the same country
We both share the same struggle
I'm offering you my hand,
A brother's hand!
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
Even though the words we speak are different
And you're black and I'm white
Since both our wounds are the same
I talk to you as a brother...
I talk to you as a brother...
If you're weeping, in poverty
If you're suffering, without justice
If full of rage
You hide your anger deep inside
To you, full of strength
I offer my hand,
My brother...


You came too late
You're like a love rain
Pouring slowly from my eyes...
You, in the insane poets'
Emotional poem lines
You're the fairy they're describing....

The Birds

I'm distressed and lonely,
Confused and without you here.
This is how I dreamed
But I didn't want it.
What difference? the day was done
There is a conflict, a node
I diffuse anyway
The birds come
Take me there
Visit the sky
And to see you raising the veil
For me.
But they only see me
When I don't already know
If I'm healthy,
What a bad dream is,
And what a good dream is.
What difference? life is the same,
that's so and I don't know
I don't know ...
I don't know ...
I don't know ..
If this is you.
Who's there?
If it's for me to see you then let me sleep.

Military Genius of the Red Army

Grandpa is a funny joker
Grandpa is a funny joker
Grandpa is a funny joker
Military genius of the red army
Grandpa, who jokes
How many funny jokes do you know?
Grandpa, you're the last fool
Your genius gestures
Are created on that in you is not present.
Grandpa is a funny joker
Grandpa is a funny joker
Military genius
Military genius of the red army
Military genius of the red army
Tibor from QS-FB

How did it happen

How did it happen,
I can't tell you how it happened,
I can't figure out what went on,
but I fell in love with you.
It was a light
that brightened up all my being,
your laughter, like springwater
filled my life with disquietude.
Was it your eyes or your mouth?
Was it your lips or your voice?
Was it, perhaps, the impatience
of being so long waiting for you?
But, I don't know,
I can't tell you how it happened,
I can't figure out what went on,
but I fell in love with you.
How did it happen,
I can't tell you how it happened,
I can't figure out what went on,
but I fell in love with you.
It was a light
that brightened up all my being,
your laughter, like springwter,
filled my life with disquietude.
But, I don't know,
I can't tell how it happened,
I can't figure out what went on,
but I fell in love with you.

Accept my wings

I want to be able to fly, as the sun's light.
The white wings knock, the stars are the destination,
But the same light stops me, melts the wings,
It also melts the heart.
Within me I feel a voice, something she wants to say
Like a blurred memory, it is lost in the rain
I will stretch my wings again, I get the sky,
I live my dreams
And I live for a purpose, to see you.
And if the pieces of my heart fall back on the earth
In the loneliness, the paths will find them.
Within me I feel a voice, something she wants to say
As a memory, it is lost in the rain
I will stretch my wings again, I get the sky
I live my dreams
And I live for a purpose, to see you
And if of my heart the pieces fall back on the earth
In the loneliness, the paths will find them.
I need to be saved, to heal
My heart was able and everything forgave me, I live.

Nothing to lose

History does not write itself
So listen to me
You and I, we are part of something big
There's a lot of work to be done
And the stakes are high
Together we're giants
And we have one goal
A spark turns into a fire
And we can't control it
It travels around the world
Every continent shines in bright lights
We're losing ourselves in the sensation
The waves take us with them
You and me
A sea of a thousand voices
The firework lights up the night
We're going from start to finish

Just one heartbeat apart

We're both just one heartbeat apart
I can't sleep tonight
Was just lying awake
What will I do with this life?
I would spend this year with you if I knew how to
I browse the internet, monotony
A thousand picture but I don't see anything
Nothing but smoke and mirrors, I'm thinking of you
I close my eyes just to hear you
You're living in my world, I won't ever let you go again
We're just one heartbeat apart
I can feel the ice melting, it's warming me
I can't feel any pain when I'm with you
Notice all the wonders again
We're just one heartbeat apart
I can feel the ice melting, it's warming me
I can't feel any pain when I'm with you
Notice all the wonders again
With all those beautiful words coming from soulless throats
Stealing every bit of life from my day
You're my lighthouse,
Cause I'm travelling strange seas
That pretend to be home
A thousand lights but they don't blind me
I only need your light, I'm thinking of you
And I close my eyes just to hear you
You're living in my world
I won't ever let you go again
We're just one heartbeat apart
I can feel the ice melting, it's warming me
I can't feel any pain when I'm with you
Notice all the wonders again
We're just one heartbeat apart
I can feel the ice melting, it's warming me
I can't feel any pain when I'm with you
Notice all the wonders again
We're just one heartbeat apart
But we're united for eternity
Even when it's carved in stone
Your heartbeat is never far
This life here is worth more than just a wonder
Being free with you makes all negative things carefree
You're my spark of fire, you present me in the proper light
Cause there aren't any borders for true feelings
Our heartbeats are synced
Even through crisis and distance
Cause a heart beats however it wants to
And not how you want it to
We're just one heartbeat apart
I can feel the ice melting, it's warming me
We're just one heartbeat apart
Notice all the wonders again
Notice all the wonders again
Feel your heartbeat
Just one heartbeat
Just one heartbeat

Accepting my wings

Finally, I put on my wings,
But the rain ruins them,
They are big, they are so beautiful,
Sadly this depresses me,
I'm feeling lonely, in the wind, it's cold,
In this unending sadness,
I fall into oblivion,
A land of asylum and a welcoming land,
I search for a land to go,
A virgin and perfect country,
Without sadness and mourning,
I fly away hoping to have the strength to get there,
Are my wings able to hold me, to guide me,
Towards this land of my dreams,
The place that I'm flying to, I see the light,
Finally, I'm calm
Goodbye my sadness,
Goodbye my anger,
I search for a land to go,
A land of asylum and a welcoming land,
A virgin and perfect country,
Without sadness and mourning,
I fly away hoping to have the strength to get there,
Are my wings able to hold me, to guide me,
Towards this land of my dreams,
I take off and everything is behind me,
My demons and my fears,
I'm already far,
Yet I'm not afraid.
I'm kind of like a ghost,
With wings.
I take my swing for discovering
other worlds and wonders.

La, la, la

There were so many songs that my mother sang
I won’t forget how one of them sounded
A song about loneliness, about love and luck
My childhood dreams are bringing those songs back to me
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
I lost the big illusions with the time
I found luck and love and also loneliness
Though I’ll never forget what mother sang
It’ll stay in my heart, the old melody
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…

Beautiful Wish

I know that if the dreams are melted with love ...
They will become stardust
And that's why you have to believe
You must celebrate your birth
And you must be proud.
Your gaze of angel shines with glare
Your fears will not tarnish it
That light that wrapped you at birth
Bad karma can erase
If you know how to handle
and accept its sense ...
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
If my strength can help
so that a dream is realized,
I want to be born,
I want to become love
Your gaze of angel shines with glare
Your fears will not tarnish it
That light that wrapped you at birth
Bad karma can erase
If you know how to handle
and accept its sense ...
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
If my strength can help
that a dream is realized,
I want to be born,
I want to become love
If you learn to win
when in despair
The pain that is going to vanish
opening your prison
when there is love constancy will germinate
in the flower of happiness.
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
If my strength can help
that a dream is realized, I want to be born,
I want to become love...


But what is this?
Like the floor is not weak.
But lately the peasants are like women!
Walk like a heifer
Now everyone calls 'fashion'.
Here is the democracy of action,
Here to you and freedom.
What kind of guys?
I would break his hands!
How a boy can dress
Instead of sneakers UGGI?
Handbag on the handle.
A thumb is protruding.
I'm such a girl,
Just a sweet boy!
Narrow jeans,
I'm so cool.
Understand the baby,
It's just dangerous to be with me.
Yes, well, it's understandably dangerous to be near the rooster ...
Lohom screwed to be steeper
Than to be not lohom.
And let the chickens scream! It is beautiful'
The man was created by God
Immediately with a glass of beer.
And the boys normal
With the world then on a string!
All the others write and see the word 'DISCOUNTS'
Now every second
On this topic is crazy!
And instead of the word fucked
You can hear the fashen.
About how I want to look
How will you sing,
When a man says:
'Darling, I have nothing to wear!'
Beda Ukraine, Byelorussia, Russia.
Around the world went
And all shout with such force
What is so beautiful.
as for me so simple
Well, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia.
Let's shout together!
wear jeans
For pisyuna violence.
This is not a man, but
Bunch of craps, homosexuals in a house on the river.
Duriki, Zhoriki Valiky, Soul of the Mannequin.
Scarlet, sweet, tall and small.
These are not boys, but stupid felt boots.
Tell me what's cool,
Che is then. I do not understand.
The group of Cossacks trudged here
To the whole country!
And not one of our
On Belarus and Rush.
With your prayers,
Soon everyone will know Sasha.
I will not need to read on heels,
Build a fagot, shave your legs so everyone says 'Ah.'
In the peasants should be a little brutal.
But these assholes fashion enveloped.
Come on, let's have a drink of vodka!
'I do not drink as a lady, but I missed it!'
Martini is not here, sorry. This is for the ladies.
Our man if he drinks, then to the end and into the trash.
Yes, I'm just shocked by what happens.
Along the street every second Dima Bilan walks.
And just imagine you were alone:
'Beloved, can there be sex?'
'Forgive my dear, these days!'
Beda Ukraine, Byelorussia, Russia.
Around the world went
And all shout with such force
What is so beautiful.
How so simple for me
Well, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia.
Let's shout together!
wear jeans
For pisyuna violence.
This is not a man, but


When the whole world goes mad...
When the whole world goes mad...
The whole world is going mad...
The whole world is going mad...
And tomorrow...
And tomorrow it will be a new day
But nobody will understand
What was a lie will become the truth tomorrow, and then the other way round
There's no end to this fairy tale
The king of the mountains will receive his sacrifice again, and declare a new year
The crowd will create an idol
The lord of sleepy flies will put on a mask, and the carnival will begin
This is likely our destiny
But it will become a thousand times worse than an execution on the day,when we all go mad
When we all go mad...
When the whole world goes mad
Then we will understand
That our life is Armageddon
And tomorrow it will be like yesterday
And in cages of concrete, an eternity of endlessly gray days flows
An idol creates an idol
The world is on the brink of coma, with every new year it becomes dead
A crimson reflection in the window
The sky smells like oil, war begins again in the East
A hand tightens into a fist
How to see this before the day comes where the world is mad?
The whole world is going mad
The whole world is going mad
The whole world is going mad
We all see this
And then we will understand
That our life is Armageddon
When the whole world goes mad!


Zorbas, the bitter narrow road,
Zorbas, yellow candle,
night and rain are crying,
a humid breeze falls on the heart,
night and rain.
Zorbas, the heart is a knot,
Zorbas, the ring in the sticks,
Hit anvils and hammers
Ι cry for consolation,
oh, for consolation.
Bitterness is laid upon the lips, friends are lost and well gone,
The candle stays without oil, bitterness is laid upon the lips,
Love burns me up, it melts me, it is about to start but doesn't settle,
on the cross and it crucifies us, love burns me up, it melts me,
spring and summer, wild black pigeon,
what will it get, what will it bring around, spring and summer,
it took, it smells thyme, the moon is now full,
wounded brave young man, it took, it smells thyme,
and rain.
Bring violins and dulcimers, wine and grapes,
our ultimate rush is holding a flintlock.
Zorbas, give your hand to him again,
to the sun so that we become a pair
In Crete, they set an ambush,
In Mount Ida they set a bolthole,
life, give me your hand again,
and the dance goes on.

The sister of La Coneja

In a dirty warehouse,
bastion of Ciudad Vieja1
the sister of La Coneja,
has lost her virginity.
Witness in the dark,
a moth eaten matress,
that was left printed
with indelible memory,
and its the origin of this story,
that I don't know if it's true.
It was like it always happens,
she fell in love with Tito,
that skinny brunette,
who charmed her with cuddles.
And challenging the fate
he had enough of making out,
the hornet's nest got stirred up,
sixteen years is too much
when he hits you like a dog
and life asks for sex.
Later well know stories,
the what can we do with it
The you can't have him,
the I already got the money.
A crying, four caresses,
and everything will be all right.
The back of a warehouse,
the farewell to the skinny Tito,
and the beginning of a journey,
more swayed than a train.
Today she's a Mrs so and so,
and has summer holidays in the east.
Anyone who sees her won't imagine
she was from playa Pascual2
Her hoax is going bad,
she says 'children' and 'college'3
she really does a good job
she rides an outstanding car
she wears rubber sandals instead of jute
and doesn't ask for the prices.
Now she really has fun,
in a good matress.
Short la garçonne hairstyle
And glasses with chain.
She goes to the psychiatrist,
she doesn't even name her sister,
but she's marked by a shadow
she never could avoid
how she got screwed,
there at Ciudad Vieja.
The sister of La Coneja
  • 1. A neighbourhood in Montevideo
  • 2. A small town in the outskirts of Montevideo. To say that she's from there is like to call her a lousy woman.
  • 3. instead of 'kids' and 'school'
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A Wish of Happiness

The autumn day is very bright
In the blue-blue sky
On the wind, like a red heart,
Flutters an autumn leaf
Now is a holiday, now is evening
On our factory
I will stay, will admire
How the girls dance
How they dance! The floor shakes!
Very modern
Suddenly the orchestra plays a waltz
An old one, from before the war
I used to dance this waltz
Such a long time ago
In '41, seeing off
My soldier
In '41, seeing off
My soldier
I kept wiping away tears
You will leave at sunrise
You told me, 'We'll finish dancing!
I will return with victory.'
And victory, and salutes,
Bloomed in the sky
Only you and I
My dearest, didn't finish dancing
Only you and I
My dearest, didn't finish dancing
Now I see it all
If I only close my eyes
And today I dance
This waltz with you
To our young girls
Will you tell them everything?
Ah, you girls,
I wish you happiness!
Ah, you girls,
I wish you happiness!


Moraš da mi se makneš iz misli...
Nikada nisam zadovoljan
Nikada nije dovoljno dobro.
Kao da uvek uspevam da nadjem pravu,
Formulu za trpljenje, da.
Pokušao sam da te volim, bebo
Na svaki način, na svaki način
Pokušao sam da te zadovoljim, dušo
Ali nisi htela da ostaneš, nisi htela da ostaneš
Ja sam kao detelina i žito
Ti me podvijaš
Ako zaista želim da nađem nekog drugog,
Naćiću neko društvo
Ja sam u žurbi, ne bih brinuo o malom štucaju
Zašto ne možeš videti?
Zašto ne možeš videti?
Zašto ne možeš videti, da mi je muka od ove ljubavi
Pokušao sam da te volim, bebo
Na svaki način, na svaki način
Pokušao sam da te zadovoljim, dušo
Ali nisi htela da ostaneš, nisi htela da ostaneš
Pokušao sam da te volim, bebo
Na svaki način, na svaki način
Pokušao sam da te zadovoljim, dušo
Ali nisi htela da ostaneš, nisi htela da ostaneš
(Znao sam da je pogrešno, ali i dalje sam mislio o tebi)
Devojko, ne znam
Gde bežiš
Ja sam tvoj cilj, ljubavi,
Ja sam pravi za tebe.
Ako me predješ
Ako sam ti okrutan
Ti si budala za mene,
Ja sam budala za tebe
Hrabro priča o svojim novim opcijama
Ali to ne znači da su mi opcije pretnja
Glavni ključ perfektno pristaje tvom paljenju
Zauvek pod najvećim posedovanjem
Nisi uopšte strana ovoj rečenici
Nadam se da je ovo prvi put da si uradila ovo sranje
Sobe pune golih i belih devojaka
Sobe pune golih i belih devojaka
Sobe pune golih i belih devojaka

Song of the Sailors

Hear what is happening
In the deep waters
Of the great stormy sea,
Where the mermaids wait for the sailor to come down,
But he cannot return...
(Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the caressing wind... Perfect day for sailing.)
(Oh, yes. Delightful...)
(A good backwind and a pretty quiet sea. King Triton's in a friendly mood today.)
(King Triton?)
(Yes, king of the merpeople, my good lad. Every long-serving sailor knows about him.)
(Merpeople. Eric, pay no attention to this nonsensical prattle.)
(This ain't nonsense, it's the truth. They've been living in the depths of the ocean since forever!)
With its blinding blue light...


My love was sincere
I really wanted you
Despite your silence
I wanted you more
A kiss in the metro
Everything was so violent
Sometimes so frenetic
I get desperate
I have a feeling that you'll come back
My argument is, I know that it will never happen
Nobody else will love you
Like I could love you
Nobody else can stand you
Like me, like me
Don't yell at me please
You smell like liquor again
I wish I could from my body
Erase your kisses
It was everything in Febuary
It was a romance without money
Your sex so poetic
Like your jealousy
I have a feeling that you'll come back
My argument is, I know that it will never happen
Nobody else will love you
Like I could love you
Nobody else can stand you
Like me, like me
Oh oh oh-oh oh oh
Oh, oh my love nobody else will love you
My life is a torment
My life is a lament
Nobody else will love you
Like I could love you
Nobody else can stand you
Like me, like me

Return to The Sea

Like the last page of a fairytale
That was rewritten and changed
Into tragedy and even the one that truly believed
In the story and now the dream is forever gone
Love, dreams are just castles
That were built by children on the beach, gentle
And temporary even if you don't want them to be
And even now I can't get rid of
The song that you gave me, a melody
Echoes inside of me and I feel
That I came back to that day and all
Of that was like a cage that imprisoned me and I promise
I will break free from these cables
That you've wrapped and shut me deep within
And now we're together, the love
Will light up our path, destiny had already decided
What will be with us all and if the stars
Will be gone it'll be because all of the people
Are afraid of emotions

Addicted to you

Addicted to you, a song for me
Reckon you're tired of my marathon-like stories
About you and and the happiness you bring
In my life, makes you the protagonist in my mind
In the morning, the evening, every minute that passes
I am looking for you
I am looking for you
Sa isip at paniginip, bawat pagpihit ng tadhana
In my mind and dreams, every turn of fate
I am looking for you
I am looking for you
Wishful of you, even though all day we were together
Like a soap opera
And our ending, escort you home
Then say good night, then there's a kiss, then say bye-bye
(Ad Lib:)
(Though I try to forget you,
I always find
Your voice and music
Every time it rains
Even the land we grew up in
Seemed already forgotten
The heart suddenly left
And is with someone else)
At school, during flag ceremony
Until going home every day
I'm looking for you
And even if you bear children and end up with him someday
I will still look for you
I will still look for you

Ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis

Moram da ti kazem da bez tebe
ne zatvaraju se rane,
da bez tebe nikad ne pronalazim izlaz,
da nisam ono sto ocekujem,
da ne dolazim do pokusaja
onoga sto zelim biti i sto nisam.
Moram da ti kazem da
te nosim unutar moje duse,
da bez tebe gubim veru, gubim mir,
jer kada si daleko,
trazim da budem tvoj odraz,
da te osetim ovde blizu mene.
Ti si obelezio moju dusu
na sporoj vatri, sa svakim pogledom,
sa svakim poljupcem koji si mi dao,
sa onim sto si znao da mi je trebalo.
Ti mi dajes sve, dajes mi snagu,
dajes mi krila.
Ti, moja avantura, moja zelja da volim.
Ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis
i da me ostavis bez tvojih poljubaca,
ne govori mi da odnosis
svaki moj san.
Ne usudjuj se da mi kazes
u lice 'zao mi je',
da bi me kasnije ubedio
u tvoje kajanje.
Ne usudjuj se,
ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis,
ni ne dolazi mi sa tim da ti treba vremena,
ti koji si me voleo
kako nikad nije znao niko,
ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis!
Moram da ti kazem da vec duze vremena
vise ne uspevam da zaspim,
ako nisi sa mnom,
da sati mi prolaze,
da mi se cine vecnim,
da bez tebe ja ne znam
gde idem.
Ti si obelezio moju dusu
na sporoj vatri, sa svakim pogledom,
sa svakim poljupcem koji si mi dao,
sa onim sto si znao da mi je trebalo.
Ti mi dajes sve, dajes mi snagu,
dajes mi krila.
Ti, moja avantura, moja zelja da volim.
Ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis
i da me ostavis bez tvojih poljubaca,
ne govori mi da odnosis
svaki moj san.
Ne usudjuj se da mi kazes
u lice 'zao mi je',
da bi me kasnije ubedio
u tvoje kajanje.
Ne usudjuj se,
ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis,
ni ne dolazi mi sa tim da ti treba vremena,
ti koji si me voleo
kako nikad nije znao niko,
ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis!
Ne usudjuj se da mi kazes
u lice 'zao mi je',
da bi me kasnije ubedio
u tvoje kajanje.
Ne usudjuj se,
ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis,
ni ne dolazi mi sa tim da ti treba vremena,
ti koji si me voleo
kako nikad nije znao niko,
ne usudjuj se da me zaboravis!


Versions: #2
It's a friendship story by a girl and a boy
a friendship story without ambiguity
We are goods buddies
between us nothing will ever happen
- For me you're just a sexless buddy
- Good, it's ok, do not overdone too much please
- It's always good to have a friend, someone to count on
- Who does your ironing, and serve you as a foot rest.
- We have the sames tastes, it's look like you did on purpose
- No, i assure you that i like makeover and Gossip Girls !
- You are the first person that i think when i'm on vacations
And you need someone who arrose your plants.
- We are fusional, we all do as a little couple
- Besides make sex, because it's the base of a couple
- I'm in the friendzone, zone zone zone,
blocked in the friend zone, zone zone zone,
I am condamned, to masturbate, forever.
- I can tell you the story when i make love with a boy,
- it does not bother you if you can show me some pictures for explain me better?
- You were here for comfort me when i got stalked
- I remember then when i had the campagne and the confettis babey
- You are my amigo, my poto, my balls and my little poop
- You can stay with your initial name, it's ok for me.
- We can sleep together like friends in the same bed
- But you forgot your pyjamas,
- but where did i have my head?
I am in the friendzone, zone zone zone,
blocked in the friendzone, zone zone zone,
i am comdamned, to masturbate, forever.
- I give her some little massages when she needs it.
- But your hands are in my breasts
- But it's a tibetan message.
- Both we are just buddies,
- We know that nothing would happen
- Are you supposed repeat that in all the song, it's starting to get annoying
- I can tell you my heart problems with my lover.
- Ah you got back with I did not know I'll walk a bit on the highway
- For me you are more than i buddy, i considered you like a brother.
- Do you know that in certains towns, some peoples make sex with their brother or sister ?
- Eww, it's gross.
- Yeah, no, but uh.. no, it's gross, yeah.
Um, yeah, i have a thing to tell you, i lance myself. It's been a longtime that we are friends you and me. And for me that we live, it's just more than simple friendship so i have a little gift, i think it's would be very cool !
- Wow, a friendship ring, thank you're so nice !
- No, it's, no !
I am in the friendzone, zone zone zone,
blocked in the friendzone, zone zone zone,
i am condamned, to masturbate, forever.
in the champ of blé.
I am in the friendzone, zone zone zone,
blocked in the friendzone, zone zone zone,
i am condamned, to masturbate, forever.
In the Milky Way,
i'm in the frienzone!