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Super Mario

Apple wine in our Aalto glasses
The light from the Riisipallo is weak
Everyone is laughing, someone is dancing
But you sit quietly
Look, the world is heading towards hell
Our direction is dark and clear
A cigarette in your mouth, you whisper
''I don't feel like partying''
Hey, even if I were to play through
Super Mario within minutes with my eyes closed
Even if I were the drunkest at the party
Solved the Rubik's cube for you
It'd all be useless if I won't get a smile from you
Can I even beat your melancholy
My beautiful girl, grimly sweet
On your shirt a burning Jim Morrison
On your lips Mirame strawberry
I'd like to be your hero
Beat the monsters of your mind
We could be an unbeatable team
Capture the cities and each other
But you carry around the pain of your world
Won't you let me help
Hey, even if I were to play through
Super Mario within minutes with my eyes closed
Even if I were the drunkest at the party
Solved the Rubik's cube for you
It'd all be useless if I won't get a smile from you
Can I even beat your melancholy
My beautiful girl, grimly sweet
Hey, even if I were to play through
Super Mario within minutes with my eyes closed
Even if I were the drunkest at the party
Solved the Rubik's cube for you
It'd all be useless if I won't get a smile from you
Can I even beat your melancholy
My beautiful girl, grimly sweet

The inevitability of spring

It's February.
Yet birds are all atwitter -
Tired waiting for spring

The Good and the Bad

I like to hold your hand entering the cinema
Show off your beauty with the naturalness of your being
With so little paint you flaunt your beauty
And with it your skin
And the other, I love that the band asks
And gives me kisses tasting of Buchanan's
Her little short skirt calms me
And her neckline incites me to kiss her little mouth
And lose my hand in her bra
I don't deny I love to paint smiles on your face
The afternoons of sushi or having coffee are beautiful
And even I don't understand the flamboyance I also get
But out partying the other one I love
Well, the roll follows me with my comrades
Dancing and drinking in the early morning
And already dawning we go to bed
And with her long nails, she scratches my back
It's a dilemma, it's a problem I know it and I hold it
And it's not in my hands to be enamored
To be a little corny but accelerated
An angel by day a demon by night
And if you have to decide...
Look, plebes, I don't want to be shameless but if you have to decide, the legal...
One during the day and the other at night
I don't deny I love to paint smiles on your face
The afternoons of sushi or having coffee are beautiful
And even I don't understand the flamboyance I get
But out partying the other one I love
Well, the roll follows me with my comrades
Dancing and drinking in the early morning
And already dawning we go to bed
And with her long nails, she scratches my back
It's a dilemma, it's a problem I know it and I hold it
And it's not in my hands to be enamored
To be a little corny but accelerated
An angel by day and a demon by night
And if you have to decide...
Look, plebes, I don't want to be shameless but if you have to decide


Versions: #1
Text after another
I am in deep, just that you know
Your lover is killing me
Burning me endlessly
No matter how long it takes
I'm waiting on your promise
Just send me anything
To comfort me
Tell me my love, do you still remember?
You still shiver just by hearing my name?
Day after another
How could I stand this!
The night comes and goes
I am siting here wishing
I wish you would come back
I am waiting on your promise
We will chat
Only you know
Even if you are away for a day or for a month
I can't stand it
You being away kills me
I can't stand it


Mastering time is such a wise virtue,
loving on time and letting go on time,
as the saying goes, give time some time...
after all, time feeds on love and pain
What of that love I loved with delay,
making a martyr of myself and for so long
that I never felt time passing
so acutely as that time
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted.
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Mastering time is such a wise virtue...

To you returning your headshot

The rose scent that I’m breathing in
Of (the) old park brings sweet memories,
And of the words “I love you so”
You said to me few months ago
You love in me ignited then,
You left and didn’t come again.
But those sweet words “I love you so”
I won’t forget, this you must know.
My love is not a fog, my darling,
That disappears in (the) broad daylight
Only, you just passed by me, smiling
As if I weren’t in your sight
To you returning your headshot,
Of love won’t beg you anymore,
This letter, surely, blames you not,
I love you like I did before.
My love is not a fog, my darling,
That disappears in (the) broad daylight
Only, you just passed by me, smiling
As if I weren’t in your sight
To you returning your headshot,
Of love won’t beg you anymore,
This letter, surely, blames you not,
I love you like I did before.

Overturned The Mountain

Versions: #1
Overturned the mountain
So buried two shepherds
So buried two shepherds
Two shepherds two fellows
So buried two shepherds
Two shepherds two fellows
First begs, release me
Waits for me first love
Second begs, release me
Waits for me elderly mother
Speaks the mountain
Ey you two shepherds
Lover grieves dawn to noon
Mother grieves until the grave
Mother grieves until the grave

All of the birds started singing

All the birds started singing
One isn't singing, one isn't singing
Oh, one isn't singing
Her friends asked her why she isn't singing, why she isn't singing
Oh, why she isn't singing
My mother has only me
I'm the only one, the only one
Oh, the only one
So she gives me to the old man
I don't want him, I don't want him
Oh, I don't want him


Prvi put kada sam te upoznao
Plakao sam čim sam te ugledao
Da li je to bilo jer sam bio srećan?
Da li je to bilo jer sam bio tužan?
Čak se i ne sećam
Pošto nisam imao šta da dam,
samo sam prihvatao
Čak i tako, tada nisam znao
kako da budem zahvalan
Živeo sam u neznanju
Sve ovo vreme živeo sam previše slobodno
Majko, kada zovem tvoje ime
Zašto me srce ovako zaboli?
Dala si toliko, ne mozes jos puno da das
Ali ti je zao zbog toga
Sta ja tebi za uzvrat mogu dati?
Majko, moja draga divna majko
Zasto ti te suze teku niz lice?
Najlepsa na svetu
Ti si moja, moja draga majka
Sada shvatam koliko ti je bilo teško
Puno si plakala zbog mene
Zašto sam bio takav?
Koliko sam puta bio takav?
Molim te nemoj ba te dirne moj mali dar
Jer ti si meni dala svet
Biću bolji, biću bolji
Majko, kada zovem tvoje ime
Zašto me srce ovako zaboli?
Dala si toliko, ne mozes jos puno da das
Ali ti je zao zbog toga
Sta ja tebi za uzvrat mogu dati?
Majko, moja draga divna majko
Zasto ti te suze teku niz lice?
Najlepsa na svetu
Ti si moja, moja draga majka
Mozda se ne secam te prve slike tebe,
kada sam te prvi put pogledao
Ali do svog zadnjeg trenutka cu te se secati
I iz dubine svog srca uvek cu te voleti
Majko, kada zovem tvoje ime
Zašto me srce ovako zaboli?
Dala si toliko, ne mozes jos puno da das
Ali ti je zao zbog toga
Sta ja tebi za uzvrat mogu dati?
Majko, moja draga divna majko
Zasto ti te suze teku niz lice?
Najlepsa na svetu
Ti si moja, moja draga majka
Ti si moja, moja draga majka

You are one with me

I used to know all colors
Then I still believed every word
And if a cloud cried silently
I was never afraid, I was rather expecting the good
My heart reach the sky
And it wasn't waiting for miracles
He lived in it for a while
After all you have to live
You speak to me and I hear every secret word
There will be another 100 once upon a time together
I borrowed another childhood from you
To not be an adult,
don't be an adult yet
I've dreamed about you many times long ago
I imagined how you looking at me
I knew, it only takes a few more steps
And the dream has become a reality
My heart reach the sky
And it wasn't waiting for miracles
He lived in it for a while
After all you have to live
You speak to me and I hear every secret word
There will be another 100 once upon a time together
I borrowed another childhood from you
To not be an adult,
don't be an adult yet
My face is the same in the pictures
My life is one with you from the priori
And although many see it differently
But the world is a tale for us
You speak to me and I hear every secret word
There will be another 100 once upon a time together
I borrowed another childhood from you
To not be an adult,
don't be an adult yet
Innocent little soul
A new life is waiting for us
Feel free to trust me with everything
The sea, the land and the sky
Me and the universe
We'll take care of you forever

Personal Favorite

A song of love, much like Stas Mikhailov
So I'll write, and the ladies will go 'Ah!'
Gold, diamonds, fur,
I'll make sure that is what my songs are about,
I'll water my chorus down,
So I can sing it to my mother-in-law :
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
I'm rich in spirit too,
I'll give 'em the Heavens, I'll give 'em the dawn,
The stars, and the sunsets,
And in the song, I'll give you a Bentley
I'll water my chorus down,
So I can sing it to my mother-in-law :
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
I'll find a new approach for everything I do,
It'll come from the heart and the head.
My song will stick, but it will fail,
But it'll be stronger than pills and drugs. 1
I'll water my chorus down,
So I can sing it to my mother-in-law :
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
  • 1. It says herbs but given Leningrad's past, I'd assume it's drugs.

One More Time

I'm losing all of my friends
This time, this evening
But we'll meet at dawn
Please, don't let it be long
How everyone is dispersing like the cloud of confetti
That has spread across the sky
And I have never felt this divided
And there has never been so much melancholy in me
As there is right now
And I have moved in to you old apartment
And I'm not much happier because of that
On the other side of the stream
Stands the pot in which you cooked my life
Or the dream that was my whole world
Once upon a time
Now, my whole life exists in a bar
And they're playing our song
And so it's time to think about going home again
What sounds through the time between the moments when I'm at my best
I don't have to relive the summer of 2017 again
Because I dare to believe that all the best things haven't happened yet
And longing is my only power
But now everything has ended
And those in the back has already started to leave
How long should I wait before I get what I want
And before I get to hear your voice
One more time
Just one more time
Just one more time
One more time
Just one more time
Just one more time
One more time
Just one more time
Just one more time

My Most Beautiful Defeat

Versions: #1
I wonder how far away are
the good days?
You broke my wings
So don't become somebody elses sky
My prayer, and the one who listens to it, is certain
The rest is predestination.
My heart did not die out of impatience
It has a murderer...
If they ask me about you
I'll say he's my most beautiful defeat
If I go back to you, they’ll call it a suicide
I wasn't going to give that last value.

Tandem (Duo)

Versions: #1
In the word je t'aime
Too much M
And never never a single N
In love
It's win or loose it's
often the hatred
They stare at me
They consider me
Like a girl that I'm not
I flee
Too fragile
Thousand and one nights
Are keeping me away from me
In the word je t'aime
Same number M
Sometimes it shines like a tiara
Always the same theme
It's ditto
Soon the crash
I don't know when
You're strong in theme
But in math-superior
You become fade
In love
It's win or loose
You reap what you sowe
You stare at me
You consider me
Like a girl I'm not
You flee me
So fragile
Thousand and be nights
Keep me away from you
In the word je t'aime
Same number M
Sometimes it shines like a tiara
Always the same theme
It's ditto
Soon the crash
I don't know when.

Ya msafer wenasy hawak

Oh traveller! forget your love
i want you, i swear by the prophet i want you
i want you, i swear by the prophet, i want you
I swear to you with the tears of my eyes
there is no need to swear for you
years will pass away
i will remember you and not forget you
i want you, i swear by the prophet, i want you, i want you
you ask, is it right that you fall in love?
i did not answer and i did not turn away
i wish the words, if only
they revealed about your love
i want you, i swear by the prophet, i want you, i want you
tell him Oh wave of Matrouh
on the heart that has become wounded
from the separation of my darling
go and tell him that my heart/spirit is with you
i want you, i swear by the prophet, i want you, i want you

Ritual [Song]

From a color to a choice,
[She] picked potion/herbs
Then she sang her ritual song
She picked, she picked, became sad
Then she sang her ritual song again
The she sang her ritual song again (4x)
Who am I to you?
The earth or the sky?
No longer needed
No longer needed (2x)
From a color to a choice, she picked herbs
Then she hugged her beloved
She embraced, she embraced, and cast a spell
The she sang her ritual song
Then she sang her ritual song again (4x)
Who am I to you?
Earth or sky?
No longer needed
No longer needed (2x)

People do not fly

One of my buddies flew from the roof
When he landed, did not get up
And boots were carrying along the streets for a while
His mixed with blood brains
People, people, people do not fly (x4)
People do not fly, do not fly like birds
Because they grew big asses
Because of inclement weather
Because crawling is more popular nowadays
People, people, people do not fly (x4)
Yes, sometimes I am like an angel
And then I start flying, oh, oh, oh
I get wasted with vodka and I put face into the puddle,
With scream: fuck your mother
People, people, people do not fly (x4)

The Eight Tamburica Players From Petrovaradin

Bring me red wine
I want to remember the story
Right in this wonderful place
Where I first saw her eyes
Stop the Danube and the old clock hands
This is my song and my darling's song
Let them follow me everywhere with a song of red wine
Eight tamburica1 players from Petrovaradin2
You will come with me dressed in white
I will take you to our wedding
They will throw flowers of happiness at us
Nobody will ever part us
Stop the Danube and the old clock hands
This is my song and my darling's song
Let them follow me everywhere with a song of red wine
The eight tamburica players from Petrovaradin
Tamburica players, play to me
Beautiful songs from the old times
I will kiss her hair
And slowly drink my wine
Stop the Danube and the old clock hands
This is my song and my darling's song
Let them follow me everywhere with a song of red wine
The eight tamburica players from Petrovaradin
  • 1. a popular folk instrument in Pannonia, similar to the mandolin
  • 2. A town and fortress on the Danube, opposite of Novi Sad

Kids in the streets (Children)

[Verse 1]
Three months laying in the living room
Italy is so beautiful
What does Germany know about it?
Tolerance is a pimp
Humanity inhuman
I wait for dawn in the streets
Migraine’s like a mosquito
The car goes by, goes “nino-nino”
I’m looking for a partner for hide and seek
I take half a sleeping pill
And i can’t breath
I can’t even free myself in my dreams
Damned Lucifer
Get away from my sippy cup
No, no, no, no, no,
This night doesn’t change us
No, no, no, no,
I have the keys of dawn
It’s not perfect, but it takes us home
Paper boats, kids in the streets
No, no, no, no, no
If you close your eyes tight they won’t catch us
Let’s kiss each other and make the mistake of the year
There’s no nirvana, adults at home
Kids in the streets
Kids in the streets
[Verse 2]
I look around
I’m in a phase where i don’t talk
I wanted to chill at the beach
But the cops came
Dust in my money box
What did these kids see?
Is it the “T” in tabacco shop
Or the “T” in cross?
You have a rose as earring
I lose my dreams in this wine
You fall in love, i’m not the type
How many things are said?
I make a fool out of myself
You’re more beautiful than Mykonos
No, no, no, no, no,
This night doesn’t change us
No, no, no, no,
I have the keys of dawn
It’s not perfect, but it takes us home
Paper boats, kids in the streets
No, no, no, no, no
If you close your eyes tight they won’t catch us
Let’s kiss each other and make the mistake of the year
There’s no nirvana, adults at home
Kids in the streets
Kids in the streets
Kids in the streets
Kids in the streets
No, no, no, no, no,
This night doesn’t change us
No, no, no, no,
I have the keys of dawn
It’s not perfect, but it takes us home
Paper boats, kids in the streets
No, no, no, no, no
If you close your eyes tight they won’t catch us
Let’s kiss each other and make the mistake of the year
There’s no nirvana, adults at home
Kids at home

New Year

Day by day
In our daily routine
We wait for that day like a miracle
When we get together our friends and relatives
We'll put our normal routine aside
We'll light sparklers
In the name of the happiness of people throughout the world
In the name of love
New Year will come to Earth
And the magic holiday will come to us
It will give a miracle to us
And light colorful stars everywhere
We will send
Best wishes to everyone
And have fun till the morning
May hope live in every heart
Let the holiday start
And let love come to every home
Let the new year
Bring light and joy to us
New Year will come to Earth
And the magic holiday will come to us
It will give a miracle to us
And light colorful stars everywhere


Ages ago, divs lived in this land,
And ate bitter honey upon the City Mountain
They kept a dark secret of the recipe,
And tried it only in the night of Nardughan.
Far far away, upon the Kala-Tau,
Fires were started in the night of Nardughan.
Far far away, on the ice of Zay river,
Sleigh racing in the night of Nardughan.
And one Bulgarian Emir had captured this land,
And the waters of Zay turned into red blood,
The green field was covered with corpses,
And brave divs disappeared forever.
But the moons of midwinter will blossom,
And the rays of new sun will appear.
Voices sound behind the fosse,
Former masters are celebrating.
Far far away, upon the Kala-Tau,
People drink mead in the night of Nardughan.
Far far away, upon the Kala-Tau,
Legacy of divs is at the bottom of a jar.


Green build of a spring forest,
Silvery expanse of cold lakes.
Here, beside the creek with crystal water,
You and me have parted forever.
Wind has shown us the way,
Solaced the suffering soul upon the road.
But the blossom of spring faded in my heart,
When you left me forever.
Amber build of autumn forest,
Elteber’s host has returned from the war.
A grave remained in a foreign prairie,
And Bulgarian banner will keep the memory.
Like shadow, I’ll slide behind my home’s door,
Holy hope beats in the air.
I believe, I will hear the patter of hooves,
I still call you: «My unbound eagle!»


He has been unremembered for long time. Songs of him have been long forgotten.
His colour is blue, just as sky above the earth.
When it rains, he cries tears of joy.
Our keeper Tengri, the confidant of time.

The Dream of the Boy

They knocked on the door of the humble home
The voice of the mailman was heard clearly
And the boy running with all of his anxieties
He stepped on the little white dog by accident
Mommy, mommy -- he came closer yelling
The missed mother left the pool
And the boy said to her laughing and crying
Today the club has sent me the summons
Dear mommy
I will make money
I will be a Baldonedo
A Martino or a Boye
The boys say
Of Argentinian west
That I have more of a shot
Than the great Bernabe
You will see how beautiful
When there in the field
They applaud my goals
I will be a winner
I will play in the fifth
Then in the first
I know that it waits for me
The consecration

I Know The Road

If you're not coming, I'll pick you up
I'll take a shortcut and arrive
I'm not afraid of the dark
I know you with the palm of hands
I know the road
That leads to your heart
If you don't call me, I'll call you
(If you don't call me, I'll call you)
When we want we don't let it pass
There'll be no barrier or fog
I want to set fire to this passion
I know the road
That leads to your heart
I'll turn around and look for you
I won't leave what is mine
I'll turn around and go without hesitating
I'll give back the love that is yours
I'll go, the stars will be my guide
And the moment I embrace you
There'll be no explanation
I'll go, the good weather will help me
I know the road
That leads to your heart
If you don't call me, I'll call you
(If you don't call me, I'll call you)
When we want we don't let it pass
There'll be no barrier or fog
I want to set fire to this passion
I know the road
That leads to your heart
I'll turn around and look for you
I won't leave what is mine
I'll turn around and go without hesitating
I'll give back the love that is yours
I'll go, the stars will be my guide
And the moment I embrace you
There'll be no explanation
I'll go, the good weather will help me
I know the road
That leads to your heart
I'll go, the stars will be my guide
And the moment I embrace you
There'll be no explanation...


Looking back at our photographs
The danger was side by side
I didn't see it
I understand it all now
That there is no villain in our story
I didn't see it
And I'm here not knowing what to say
In my life you was off the radar
When away from me, it will get worse
That's why I'm saying
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me, me
I used to getting your company drunk
Didn't want to think the end would arrive one day
I rode through your body, I deciphered your dreams
Deliriously I was living in our utopia
You make me feel awkward
Playing with my heart and it is a con game
I remember us making smoke all night long
Always knocks me for a loop when the effects of Cachaça wears off
Tell me the truth
My cherub
It's so hard to accept the end
That's why I came
To water this little back garden of ours
I want your 'yes'
And everything will be [?]
I'm here not knowing what to say
In my life you was off the radar
When away from me, it will get worse
That's why I'm saying
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me, me

Lose me

[Verse 1]
The summer goes
Is seen at a home party
We both know
Our night ends after
Forgot to forget
When we are together
Let the time stop
Say we are over
But I would die if you kissed someone else
Standing in your hall again
Shouldn't be here
But I can't hold myself
When you are like you are
I believe I am starting to fall for you
And that it's not okay
Please beg me to go
It doesn't get any easier this way
Can't lose myself
Lose myself in you
I can't lose myself in you
Lose myself in you
[Verse 2]
I say, someone should be
Hurting the other one now (someone should be hurting the other one now)
But you just laughed
And said, 'Then it should be you' (You said then it should be you)
Forgot to forget
When we are together
Let the time stop
So that we are over
But I would die if you kissed someone else
Standing in your hall again
Shouldn't be here
But I can't hold myself
When you are like you are
I believe I am starting to fall for you
And that it's not okay
Please beg me to go
It doesn't get any easier this way
Can't lose myself
Lose myself in you
I can't lose myself in you
Lose myself in you
Can you only hurt me this way
Please do it now
Can you just beg me to go
That's what you should do
Can you just hurt me now
Please do it now
Can you just beg me to go
That's what you should do
I can't go away from here
Please, tell me that
Jo, you have to hurt me hard
So I can forget now, ooh
Standing in your hall again
Shouldn't be here
But I can't hold myself
When you are like you are
I believe I am starting to fall for you
And that it's not okay
Please beg me to go
It doesn't get any easier this way
Can't lose myself
Lose myself in you
I can't lose myself in you
Lose myself in you
Lose myself in you (lose myself in you)
I can't lose myself
Lose myself in you, ooh

Cantata about Stalin

On the wide earth and in the blue sky,
where the lonely eagle flies over the snow,
about the leader of Soviet peoples – Stalin,
our era still composes a beautiful song.
And this song flies like a silver bird
and the oppressor and the enemy trembling before its anger.
And nothing for it borders and walls,
and barbed wire, and guard, and whip.
This song is not afraid of a manhunt, nor a bullet,
this flaming chant takes you into battle.
With this song on the tongue both arap and coolie,
And Chinese partisan are shedding their blood.
On the wide earth and in the blue sky,
where the lonely eagle flies over the snow,
about wise, beloved in the people – Stalin,
our era still composes a beautiful song.

A fantastic day

Elsa: You never celebrated this famous day,
You only sighed behind my locked door.
And so only if you laugh
On your birthday
We will enjoy it together,
I can't wait.
Anna: Elsa, you're sneezing, do you have a cold?
Elsa: I never do, besides...
You know how I'm always one with the cold.
And now follow the thread!
I plan to laugh a lot stupidly with you.
Who would tell me that I'll handle everything?
Your party only offers amazement:
Even Kristoff and Sven took a shower solemnly!
And if someone won't desire you
On your birthday,
Then his heart is cold.
Only I will give you the Sun and the Moon!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream,
And for you it's just an experience being in this dream with me!
Those long winters passed and appeased the darkness!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream!
Anna: And to a third one!
Elsa: That's right!
The best one is coming at last.
Anna: Well, I'm really happy but you're hot like an oven.
And I'm worried,
So go take a rest quickly.
Elsa: No, no, no, let's go,
There's only a ship left.
Anna: Elsa, your bed is waiting for you.
Elsa: No, I want to celebrate until next morning.
Anna: It scares me that you won't see a doctor.
Oaken: You have a cough? Take this medecine I made with love.
Elsa: No thanks.
Anna: I'll take it.
Chorus: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
Elsa: Still only look up to me!
Chorus: The best princess of all, that wish she has,
Princess Anna's day.
Elsa: Dance and sail.
You're my sweetheart!
Chorus: It's a fantastic day and only for you,
a fantastic day, remember,
it's a fantastic day and only for you!
Elsa: Come on, let's reach it Anna.
Anna: Elsa, it's already a lot, you must have a rest.
Elsa: I want to use the birthday sneeze... I mean attraction!
Fulfill your dreams where you stand.
Come, come, just come!
Up to the end follow the nil, you're my only reason to live!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What? It's fiiine.
Let's go even further and don't yell about it,
Follow the thread to the end.
Very, very, very happy birthday with a lot of amazement...
Anna: Elsa, wait now, you have a fever, you're so hot.
No, you can't go any further, you're all weakened.
Now now, just admit it.
Elsa: Fine. I'm sick.
Forgive me Anna, I wanted to set a wonderful birthday party, but I ruined everything. Again.
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, you just need to go to bed.
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow.
Everyone: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
An a day like that is only decorated with glow and light!
Kristoff: Who said it will be chaos?
Olaf: Confusion Wow-Yeah!
Everyone: It's a fantastic day and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember!
A fantastic day like a dream, for you only.
Kristoff: I wish you all the best.
Everyone: A day like a laughing smile.
Kristoff: I love you baby!
Everyone: We thank you for what you did and don't lose your style!
Let this day be fantastic and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember,
It's a fantastic day and for you only.
Elsa: Your big day!
Anna: Enough, go to bed now.
Elsa: No, wait a minute, there's still the royal horn that needs to be played by the queen!
Anna: Oh no no no no. It was the best gift of all!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That I can take care of you.

End Of The Road

We won't get to the end of the road
I know that you're tired
And I'm also tired
I only ask you to respect
The name I gave you
And for the love of God
Don't deny I loved you
I'm already convinced
That it would be better if I hadn't left
Now I see the result
We're two lost souls
Do what I say, love
Don't go, turn around and walk away
I want to see you happy
See you joyful, always smiling
We won't get to the end of the road...
I'm already convinced
That it would be better if I hadn't left
Now I see the result
We're two lost souls
Do what I say, love
Don't go, turn around and walk away
I want to see you happy
See you joyful, always smiling
We won't get to the end of the road...

You are the woman that I love madly

We met in the spring
When the flowers were blooming in the meadows
I had picked the most beautiful roses as a gift for you
And I gave you all my love
You are the woman that I love madly
And the one my heart hopes for
I hope to see you again in my life
In the early spring
I could never forget
The summer we spent together
The touch of your hand,the tears in our eyes
Our farewell when we said goodbye
You will be in my heart forever
Even though you're far away from me
I have heard that you didn't find happiness with him
So come and stay with me

I was born on Easter

I was born on Easter,honey
I was born on Easter
I was baptized on St.George day
I was baptized on St.George day
Mother gave birth to me,honey
Mother gave birth to me,
She gave me white milk to drink
She gave me red wine to drink
That is why I am slim and tall,honey
that is why I am slim and tall
That is why they named me Georgina
that is why they named me Georgina
That is why I am fresh-faced and healthy,honey
that is why I am fresh-faced and healthy
that is why they call me Georgina
that is why they named me Georgina