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Build a snowman with me

Build a snowman with me
Come on let's go and play!
I don't see you anymore
And you're not coming out just like you've gone away!
We used to be like twins
And now we're not
Oh, I wish that I know the reason!
Build a snowman with me
Or we can do something else!
Anna, get away from here!
Okay, bye.
The gloves help you
See, don't feel
Don't reveal
Don't show it to anyone
Build a snowman with me!
Or let's take a round in the castle
I need your company as soon as possible!
Because I'm talking to paintings and stealing their peace!
Hang in there Joan!
I feel so lonely in those rooms
While clock is boringly ticking!
I'm afraid!
They're getting stronger!
If you're upset it's even worse
Calm down
Don't touch me!
Please, I will hurt you
See you in two weeks!
Do you really have to go?
Everything's gonna be fine Elsa
Your Majesty
I know that you're inside
People are already worried about you
I'm trying to be brave!
I'm here when you need me
Just say a word
From now on this world
It's just you and me
We need to find strenght
Build a snowman with me

In Love

I don't know if it's love anymore
What I feel in my heart
I only know that this love
Envelops me, I don't know how to say no
If I see you I paint a wish
Of the sweet taste of your kiss
It calms me when you come touch me
You come close, my head spins
Your voice is a poem
A kiss to make my world stop
And to make me love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I don't know if it's love anymore
What I feel in my heart
I only know that this love
Envelops me, I don't know how to say no
If I see you I paint a wish
Of the sweet taste of your kiss
It calms me when you come touch me
You come close, my head spins
Your voice is a poem
A kiss to make my world stop
And to make me love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I only know how to love you, to love you

Paradise (낙원)

Versions: #3
Marathon, marathon
Life is long, take it slow
At its end is full of paradise of dreams.
But really, the world is different from what’s promised.
We have to run, we have to step on it
When they fire the signal
You, without a destination
Without any scenery
Until you’re out of breath
You need to you need to
It’s okay to stop and stand
You don’t need to run without knowing the reason at all
it’s okay to not have a dream
If there are brief moments when you can feel happiness
It’s okay to stop and stand
Now (we/you) don’t run without knowing the purpose
It’s okay to not have a dream
All the breaths you exhale are already in paradise
We dream our dream from someone else (Like debt)
We learn that we must become great (Like the light)
Your dream, in reality is a burden
If only the future is the dream
Then what was it that I dreamed last night?
It’s okay if the name of the dream is different
Buying a laptop next month
Or just eating and sleeping
Or just having lots of money doing nothing
As if dream must be something so grandiose
Just be anyone
We deserve a life
Whether it’s big or small, you’re just you
But really, the world is different from what’s promised.
We have to run, we have to step on it
When they fire the signal
You, without a destination
Without any scenery
Until you’re out of breath
You need to you need to
It’s okay to stop and stand
You don’t need to run without knowing the reason at all
it’s okay to not have a dream
If there are brief moments when you can feel happiness
It’s okay to stop and stand
Now (we/you) don’t run without knowing the purpose
It’s okay to not have a dream
All the breaths you exhale are already in paradise
I don’t have a dream
At times, it’s scary to dream
Just living like this
Just surviving, this is my small dream
To dream, to hold the dream
To breathe, is at times too hard
Telling me so-and-so lives like this, lives like that
The world pours curses at me.
The world doesn’t have the right to curse you
Because it never taught how to dream in the first place
Because it’s a dream that was made up
Sleep talking of tears
Waking you up from the nightmares, for you
Let’s try to smile every day now, in that paradise
It’s okay to stop and stand
You don’t need to run without knowing the reason at all
It’s okay to not have a dream
All the breaths you exhale are already in paradise
Stop runnin’ for nothin’ my friend
Now, stop this foolish race
Stop runnin’ for nothin’ my friend
All the breaths you exhale are already in paradise
Stop runnin’ for nothin’ my friend
A dream that everyone dreams is not needed
Stop runnin’ for nothin’ my friend
All the words that create you are already in paradise

95 graduation (졸업송 Pt.2) (Graduation Song Pt.2)

Versions: #2
Even as time pass, we’ll forever remember
Thoughtless we were, you and I
Even after graduation, it’s still like this
That unchanged moment Oh I remember
That this has ended
The reality hasn’t hit
Weaving around the neighborhood
It seems like it was just yesterday
Everyday working through the nights going back and forth
You’ve seen me work hard right
My debut story too I almost didn’t make it
After graduation
Even as time passes
Don’t ever forget about us
Even as time pass, we’ll forever remember
Thoughtless we were, you and I
Even after graduation, it’s still like this
That unchanged moment Oh I remember
The reality hasn’t hit
The weight(responsibilities) of being a 20 year old
There’s nothing in particular
But time’s passing so so fast
As long as I’m here like this
As long as you there you and I
Even as time pass
Even after graduation
I remember that day
Even as time pass, we’ll forever remember
Thoughtless we were, you and I
Even after graduation, it’s still like this
That unchanged moment Oh I remember

Straight through the wind

As I sit in the cafe, I observe the people from the corner of my eye
and I recall the times when I had dark days
When I didn't know what to do, hell and shit everywhere
When I fantasized about happiness, measuring life to be as high as the branches
With another is happiness - that's how the saying goes
From Bučno go the trains - not even one random passenger
From every side I lie about why you aren't in school
And I have no idea what to say when they ask about you
But the pro's [hit-men?] won't be calling your house like everyone thinks
You're sick as hell, I'm always bringing you medicine
But now tell me quickly why you called me here
This will bring us a pile of shitty problems
He shows me his hand - 'I know, that's why I'm calling
Because I believe you like a friend, because I just started to inject'
What!? I don't believe it, you've pierced the vein
'I'm completely fucked, that's how it started and hooked me'
What!? 'That's how it started and hooked me' - do I hear that correctly
But you used to beat the shit out of, abuse and spit on junkies!
'Yes I admit it, I know everything, it was a mistake
Believe me, I remember our agreement and I've crossed that line'
Brother, it'll be hard, but I haven't been with you from the start
For everything there's a cure - let's go practice like before
Because in front of you here is one who is ready even for hell
He waits to come by your side to face whatever monster
From there the years passed, but brother, I still miss you
Because I no longer meet people who have that kind of good heart
With a straight face I reminisce while I gaze at the tracks of the clouds
So if there's worse problem- I'm here for you, call if you need me!
Ref. Do you know how I live every day
And yet I'm still full of smiles
Through these oceans of problems I sail straight through the wind!
I meet an old buddy from the block - He's been using dope for years
There was no end to our reminiscing, so he's now sleeping in the hallways
He was once someone to look up to, you could trust him with your life
But now he just sits there poor and destitute, with no women by his side
But I remember how as kids everything was disgusting
While we watched the older junkies waste away like flies
I would have given up my head back then to protect myself from that destiny
But now when I look into his eyes I only think: 'What a pity'
And my conscience eats at me because I'm freaking out since I could
have pulled him out of that place from which I have lifted my hands
I could have at least told someone, and then I could have moved away
If at least his family would have known the truth prior to his collapse
then maybe they too would now also be alive, and he would have had a chance
if they had sent him to Moscow when it still wasn't too late
But I just watched and shut my mouth, and left him to use
I thought he'd come around, that he'll be able to turn around
That he won't let his life to go to complete shit, that's its all just a temporary phase
I didn't know the devil's face - a being stronger than anything
And now on the edge of the path powerlessly I look at my friend
My corrupt soul, now in it a deep wound that oozes pus
And so I want to tell those of you who now look up to someone
Don't fuck around with your life because you'll fuck up those you love
You won't be able to turn back even if you now think you can
Because those whose lives have now turned to shit also thought like that
And now they're just graves, bitter to the taste and memory,
Not because of what they were but because of what they became.
Ref. Do you know how I live every day
And yet I'm still full of smiles
Through these oceans of problems I sail straight through the wind!

Wait for a bit

Versions: #2
Have you forgotten that your heart is cold,
You are a priority
Wait for a bit.
You're on the phone for an hour, what are you talking?
Make me undestand, slowly slowly
Slowly slowly
Wait for a bit
The water will come to the shade,
Wait for a bit
You're telling me to relax
Ah hide me with you
Leave me alone for a bit
And we waited, but didn't talk,
We didn't reply not even a bit,
You're on the phone for an hour,
What are you talking?
Make me understand slowly, slowly
Slowly, slowly

Kosovo is Serbia

I drank some inspirations to sing some amusing verses about Serbia
Some provocations because of the situation
There will be woes in the Southern part of our nation and in a part of the population
There will be a middle-generation and they won't rest in peace Nobody will be allowed to bury the ax. We're taking what's ours, spilling our blood so we can say: Kosovo is ours!
Whether by right (peacefully) or by might badja will stay where it was
Nobody will move it even by a single tiny 100th
where they till the fields with their nails and worm like roaches, filthy and destitute
But fuck it, a mudpile like that won't be reached so easily
Now here, brother, needs to begin a third Serbian uprising
Let's go now all Serbs rise up, hook, hoe and maj.
Signal flares
Slaughter everyone, Albanians, Albanian whores
The better ones will be broken in their homes
Mojne will straight away fuck your mother
if you once more try to touch our part of the Balkans.
You took Kosovo and you still want more
but that won't happen, not even America will be able to help you.
Clearly you have forgotten the strength of Serbian roots.
We naturally speak how important this is to us
Now the time has come to celebrate the Serbian victory
in our mind only one thought:
Kosovo is Serbia, Serbia is Kosovo.
That which is now yours will be ours once again.
VTO leads the battle charge
and it's still not over!
Albanians, Kosovars, extremists and mafia
I spit on all one by one together with my buddies.
Albania is shit so you now want Serbian territory
There will be less of you when we come there with with our guns.
One girl is pregnant ten times one grandpa has 100 grandsons.
Poor girls, let's save them from their misery,
All for sterilization, to clip them from the generation.
Because you breed like wild pooches
Everyone, brother, thinks the same thing about you
Not just Serbia, you and I both.
Why should we suffer when Albanian debauchery floods our land
On every corner they'll be a mosque
Every morning the mullah will dress up
Serbia will break apart just like former Yugoslavia
You are the extremists, we the so-called terrorists
Nationalists and avengers
A bullet is reserved for you all because you're scum who shoot at children.
If you know what's good for you don't touch what belongs to Cetniks, Kosovo won't be multi-ethic.
Go the fuck back to the city of Tiran.
We have planned a battle to fuck your mother,
Kill, slaughter, so the Albanians exist no more.
Albania, is afraid of me my dear people,
Nobody whatsoever is afraid of your shit
Over here let's slaughter those people and fall them all in line
You breed children like crazy so every single one has to be counted
You'd better pray that VT organization doesn't show up at your door,
Baščaršija, reaction, there goes our whole nation
You have thick mustaches and beards for nothing
Burn the buildings, pray however much you want
Bin Laden is finished, we ousted him just yesterday
Don't brag about that to your many sibling look-alikes because we didn't touch them
Until now you haven't been afraid
But you will be, in time,
wherever we are, when we come
You'll all be finished
But the children and the women we won't touch at all
It's been a long time coming, the Serbian king is gritting his teeth
Cutting off heads like baskets
When we come, tails between your legs, run as quickly as you can
If you want to survive, fire from our side of Europe.
Hundreds of years back the struggle for Kosovo began to unwind
now it's unwinding once again
When we paid to ensure our tribes survival
so that we flourish, the ducklings hadn't yet hatched
now there's a mountain-full, tribes like a herd
So they have mustered up the courage to attack us where it hurts.
Burned our churches, the bells no longer chiming
They began to burn and destroy our houses
They began to rub their hands greedily as if to say, 'Homes, sweet homes'
Forcing women, children, stop, I say to that
Like terminators [bad word] dogs there they go beside me
We need to teach you how to use condoms
If you don't follow that advice, we'll fuck you morons up
I can easily find some guns or bombs
to throw again at your katakongs
Your final words will be 'Burial grounds, sweet burial grounds'.
I'm the last one on the list, and the theme is rather delicate
I speak for the team of under age people, special Cetniks
who are dissing the poor bastards,
Censures will be no more, so fuck it
First, let's straighten some things out
who controls who, who is controlled by whom
This battle will last a long time, it's already starting to get old
the Albanians have been fucking with us there for two centuries already
First a united tribe, then afterwards entering the city
Every Serb for that reason carries a gun under their ears
And a sabre under the pillow
so that some (Albanian) bastard doesn't mug him
the judges throw the bastard in jail, and quickly set him free.
Excuse me, where is the logic in that?
That's like freedom being cast away in the wind
Kosovo is the darkest tale in our chronicle.

City kids

What will she say, what would your mamma say,
what, what, what will she say, what would mamma say,
don't go with us, what would your mamma say,
those are the city kids, with them is only fighting, bickering
don't go with us, what would your mamma say,
those are the city kids, with them is only fighting, bickering
You're too young, you hope too much
that you'll one day be highly valued by them
climb up to your apartment, come on now girl
we're going to Prague, Monte Carlo, Amsterdam
when the stars come at the end if I become the object of your desire,
but this night is for us so that you remember me,
in heaven darkness reigns, but you'd share it, are you really that pure?
I heard that you're a good one, city talk says as much,
I heard that all the other fish are nothing like you,
I heard that you're so dangerous that everyone knows you,
whenever you enter the city everyone stops, everyone talks
I heard you're poisonous, when you pass everyone stops
nobody has it easy, everyone stares at you at the side,
I'd like to come closer to only tell you one thing
good evening my love, let's go over hereee
When the stars come at the end if I become the object of your desire,
but this night is for us so that you remember me,
in heaven darkness reigns, but you'd share it, are you really that pure?
When the stars come at the end if I become the object of your desire,
but this night is for us so that you remember me,
in heaven darkness reigns, but you'd share it, are you really that pure?

Above The Vineyards On The Hillsides...

Above the vineyards on the hillsides
The golden clouds float on high.
Below: with green waves like the sea tides
The darkened river whispers sighs.
The gaze retreats from charming valley
And slowly rises to the heights,
It sees the temple up the alley,
It's round, grand, and full of light.
In that celestial home of heavens,
Where mortal life won't find a place,
The air flow is light and level,
Like desert breath it leaves no trace.
When sound reaches there, it weakens,
Just voice of Nature can be heard,
And something festive wafts and beacons
Like Sundays' silence undeterred.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

There is nobody beside you

There is nobody beside you, however you breathe.
Let's organize an appointment with you!
Marina, write a letter to me -
I'll answer you at the phone.
May it be so, like two years ago,
May we meet for longer or forever,
May our appointment be only at random,
Though you however work, of course.
I never have ever seen another such a hand,
Which thus caressed me, -
After that the sailors long, -
Now my soul is yearning.
I shan't sing songs for anybody -
You may, perhaps, not be pleased about it, -
For you I want to go to prison -
May that be an award for you.
Don't belief what will be spoken,
I don't belief, that people are pleased,
Some time we shall drink together,
Sweet nonsense and sweet poison.

Where is my city

When I clench my eyes lights of the city sparkle,
When I close my eyes lights of the city follow me.
Lately, I feel like I'm losing it,
Through the bus window I follow him and wonder...
Where is my city?
Disappeared under the snow,
Fell asleep into a weird dream.
Where is my city?
He changed his face,
I don't recognize him anymore.
Where is my city?
Disappeared beneath the snow,
Fell asleep into a weird dream.
Where is my city?
He changed his face,
I don't recognize him anymore.
And I'm not sure if tomorrow will love me.
He's my lover and reprobate,
There's no better than him.
Over the bridge he's waiting for me like a true love.
And when he's under my legs,
Only then I'm alive...
I hold out my hand to him,
But what welcomes me is a cold breath.
Chills to the bones.
There lives fear.
If he forgets me,
There's nothing left.
Oh, if only he holds me and never let go.
Where is my city?
Disappeared beneath the snow,
Fell asleep into a weird dream.
Where is my city?
He changed his face,
I don't recognize him anymore.
Where is my city?
Disappeared beneath the snow,
Fell asleep into a weird dream.
Where is my city?
He changed his face,
I don't recognize him anymore.
He runs, he runs, I catch him like a breath.
He runs, he runs, I fall into the dark.
I'm in a hundred struggles because I'm searching for a stranger,
I'm touching his face, but that's the face of a stranger.
He runs, he runs, I catch him like a breath.
He runs, he runs, I fall into the dark.
I'm in a hundred struggles because I'm searching for a stranger,
I'm touching is face, but that's the face of a stranger.
The face of a stranger,
The face of a stranger, ah.
Where is, where is, where is my city?
Where is, where is, where is my city?
Where is, where is, where is my city?
Where is my city?
Disappeared beneath the snow,
Fell asleep into a weird dream.
Where is my city?
He changed his face,
I don't recognize him anymore.

Your Love Won't Die

Foresake me o you the familiar one,
Because I've already foresaken you,
Like others, you also become a stranger to my destiny,
I want your love to die in the heart,
I want your memory in the mind to end,
Foresake me o you the familiar one,
Because I've already foresaken you,
Like others, you also become a stranger to my destiny,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart.

Riga Resounds

Riga Resounds Riga Resounds
Who Made Riga So Resound?
Aijaija Tallalla
Who Made Riga So Resound?
Aijaija Tallalla
Who Made Riga So Resound?
Those Are Forging A Dowry For That Maiden
The One With 3 Brothers
Aijaija Tallalla
The One With 3 Brothers
Aijaija Tallalla
The One With 3 Brothers
Brother To Her Father Forged The Dowry
Brother To Her Mother Forged The Key
Aijaija Tallalla
Brother To Her Mother Forged The Key
Aijaija Tallalla
Brother To Her Mother Forged The Key
True Brother To Herself
Cast It’s Lid Of Gold
Aijaija Tallalla
Cast It’s Lid Of Gold
Aijaija Tallalla
Cast It’s Lid Of Gold
Riga Resounds Riga Resounds
Who Made Riga So Resound?
Aijaija Tallalla
Who Made Riga So Resound?
Aijaija Tallalla
Who Made Riga So Resound?


It seems that many things fill this world to overflowing
However, what exist here and what don't exist here
are everything
I wonder what I can say for sure
That we are living now, and that we will die someday
They're all I can say
However, I'm singing to find something more
You or all mankind except you
If I could save only one of those two,
who would I chose? I'd chose you without hesitating!
If you cry on Monday,
make complaints on Tuesday
and feel can't go on any further on Wednesday
you can smile on Saturday and Sunday
I hope your coming with me today
It's a shame it's shame if you're clogging your mind
Now don't you ever say it's like the end
It's OK it's OK not even started yet
I hope you remember wold said
Then everyday, everyday will be an holiday
OPQRSTUVW double you and me let's slide along side
Both you and me and let's slide along side

Tu es mon espérance, tu es ma joie

Versions: #2
Nous entendons l'écho de la vieille parade,
Nous nous lançons sur la route principale,
Tu es mon espérance, tu es ma joie,
Dans le cœur du soldat, toi, Moscou.
Nous avons honnêtement gagné notre victoire,
Dévoués à une sainte et sanglante cause,
Dans chaque nouvelle maison, dans chaque nouvelle chanson
Souvenez-vous de ceux qui sont parti se battre pour Moscou.
Manteaux gris. Talent russe.
L'éclat bleu des yeux sincères
Des jeunes cadets sur les plaines enneigées.
L'immortalité a commencé. La vie a été brisée.
Dans ce monde, je n'ai besoin de rien,
Seulement que tu soies en vie dans les moments difficiles,
Tu es mon espérance, tu es ma joie,
Dans chaque cœur russe, toi, Moscou.
Tu es mon espérance, tu es ma joie,
Dans chaque cœur russe, toi, Moscou.
Nos enfants se souviendront de ceux qui étaient avec nous,
De tout ce qu'ils ont perdu, de tout ce qu'ils ont sauvé pour eux,
Tu resteras seulement le meilleur de la planète,
La ville la plus juste de la Terre.
Le regard frémissant de nos vieilles rues,
Les mots durs de nos jeunes chansons,
Tu es mon espérance, tu es ma joie,
Dans chacun de nos cœurs, toi, Moscou.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

We are the team

Versions: #2
Bs, team ready for everything
My whole life I am about training
To knock down the obstacle
To paralyze the trouble
The big one on my soul
So I did my best
In the worst time
Walked over thorns
Not over red carpet
Even when the life wasn't good
It was all making sense
I never felt bad
For giving everything up 300 times
And I was biting like Pit Bull
Faced with the crisis
I could lift 10
But I lifted 150
I never felt a defeat
Somebody says it is bitter
Somebody says that the fight
Is just a foreplay for disaster
When it is hard they say 'enough'
In fact it is a trap
But I have a medicine against it
Formula is the will
Sun that is burning
Like it tells me to resist
Wind is music to the ears
Rhythm is a rain that is falling
Over Belgrade asphalt
Where legends are being made
They bloom like pumpkins
Until they become the best
Through the cracks sprung up
In every neighborhood in the city
They rised all the way to the stars
But they all remember where they are from
Chorus 2x
Sun is shining like a gold
Everybody in attack, be brave
Know that in Belgrade
Today is the day for victory
We are the team
That understands each other in the movement
Fights by the code
Matts in one turn
We are the team
With the state of possesion
Agreement in one look
Sufficient for a desicion
When the emotions are carryng us
And the concearns are breaking us
That's the point of the team
Everyone knows us by that
Everybody to remember the champions
Millions of champions
That leave their heart
Until they burn in the fight
Because we grew up that way
Raised the Spartan way
We had no childhood
Just to become the best
To stay immortals
We have connected
We have renounced ourselves
That's the way we were preparing
Come on, put your hands up
Because this people is made
To cheer until the dawn the ones
That are burning for colors of my flag
Because we came here
To achive our dreams
To set sea on fire
Make all of you to stand up
Our thought, idea
Let it shine as a flare
Everybody, be together with us
Because from here, there's no going back
Chorus 2x
Sun is shining like a gold
Everybody in attack, be brave
Know that in Belgrade
Today is the day for victory

Fill with Love

Fill with Love,
Fill with Love,
Fill with Love
With Love - Everything Around.
And go to Life,
And go to Life,
And lead eternal circle round.
Shine with Light,
Shine with Light,
Shine with Light,
As I Do.
Give free rein to your feelings,
Give free rein to your feelings,
And in the morning Earth will give its smile to You
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy

We hear the echo of the old parade,
We dream of the routes of the main attack,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In the soldier's heart - you are, my Moscow.
We have reached honestly our suffered victory,
Betrayed to a holy consanguinity,
In every new home, in every new song
Remember those who left for the battle for Moscow.
Gray overcoats. Russian talents.
Shining of blue of unbiased eyes
On the plains of snow young cadets are standing.
Immortality began. Life was broken off.
I do not need anything in this ancient world -
Just that in the hard times you will be alive,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy,
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Everything what happened, our children will remember,
All that we have lost, and what have saved for them,
I wish you to remain the best on the planet,
The most fair and just city of the Earth.
Quivering looks of our old streets,
Strict lyrics of our young songs,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In each of our hearts you are, my Moscow.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy

We hear the echo of the old parade,
We dream of the routes of the main attack,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In the soldier's heart - you are, my Moscow.
We have reached honestly our suffered victory,
Betrayed to a holy consanguinity,
In every new home, in every new song
Remember those who left for the battle for Moscow.
Gray overcoats. Russian talents.
Shining of blue of unbiased eyes
On the plains of snow young cadets are standing.
Immortality began. Life was broken off.
I do not need anything in this ancient world -
Just that in the hard times you will be alive,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy,
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Everything what happened, our children will remember,
All that we have lost, and what have saved for them,
I wish you to remain the best on the planet,
The most fair and just city of the Earth.
Quivering looks of our old streets,
Strict lyrics of our young songs,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In each of our hearts you are, my Moscow.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט


At times I say I'm so tired
Now I say I'm doing well
I don't know well but I can feel it
My heart fills with energy I want to run
I open my hands widely
Let me catch the desire inside me
I open my heart widely
Let me fulfill the courage inside me fully
At times I say I want to cry
Now I say I'm about to leave
I don't know well but I can feel it
My heart fills with energy I want to run
I open my hands widely
Let me catch the desire inside me
I open my heart widely
Let me fulfill the courage inside me fully
I dream everyday
Eheradiyadiya eheradiya
That I can also go
Eheradiyadiya eheradiya


They say he scaped froma dream
in his almost best dribble
who doesn't even respect the dreams
he goes so full of bravery
without much clothes
and without any mask
They say this boy scaped
from the faceless men's dream
who challenge the powerfuls
and attack the evilests
without more weapons in hand
than a 'ten' in his sweater
A glowing ball falls from the sky,
everybody around the world sees,
a round revenge in his feet,
the whole country runs with him
the troops of his majesty fall,
and the north of the rich Italy falls,
and the pope going in circles can't explain it,
he bites the tongue of Joao Havelange
Maradó, Maradó...
Rhinoscopy charge against any
any guy of the lethal power
rhinoscopy, ivory horn
platinum edge to break
And the champagne that they open today
save the corks to make a boat
that hunger and thirst river is coming
and there aren't goals to feed
Maradó, Maradó...
When the walls of this great town
fall in pieces
When no longer remain in the air the ashes
of what will be, what will be...
And Diego is still, the best in his thing
if you were him there wouldn't be so much weed
and the pimp goes through the slide
he goes up and laughing, ha!
And the magic carpet travels abroad
private carpet of a billion
everyone gets dressed for the occasion
and they expect a crumble!
Maradó, Maradó...
When the walls of this great town
fall in pieces
When no longer remain in the air the ashes
of what will be, what will be...
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Bolshevik revolution
Some awful datas
Thaf's true... that's true
12 millions of victims
For imposing a regime
Thaf's true... that's true
Workers and moujiks
under state violence
The great famine era
Under the regn of Lenin
Thaf's true... that's true
In the name of the single-party
No more democratic life
Thaf's true... that's true
dissidents and refuzniks
in mental institutions
Thaf's true... that's true
And in all their puppets states
They force the plebiscites
In sending the tanks
crushing dignity.
Keep that in your memory, comrade
when the human rights are in danger
It's always to west that people escape
Under the Liberty path
Thaf's true...
Boot camps for terrorists
Behind the marxists boundaries
Thaf's true... that's true
Military advisors for revolutionary wars
Some 'Liberation Front' to serve their ambitions
And under cover of humanism
They mark their expansionism
Keep that in your memory, comrade
When you goes marching for peace
The Red Army which marching on the great plaza
Is ready to attack
And ask to Afghans, comrads
You who're talking for 'oppressed peoples'
Cause the blood of childrens killed by grenade
Has the color of your ideas...

Magical evenings

Magical evenings
With sweet touches
Bodies sizzle
'I love you', they say
Magical nights
Will make believers
Let all hell break loose
All sorrows will die
The sighs will burn as well
Bodies break on the dance floor
Damage happens
All the bad people will break out
And the good ones will go to jail
Everything is a deception
Throw it out
And don't listen to them
Nobody has ever lived twice
Don't search for it
You won't find the edge
In the world of the roughneck
We only live one time
Those who hate us will die
And debts will be limited
The bodies are making an earthquake that's a 10 on the Richter scale
Hell is breaking loose
The old gods will have us
Among the insane when we live in the ancient times
Everything is a deception
Throw it out
And don't listen to them
Nobody has ever lived twice
Don't search for it
You won't find the edge
In the world of the roughneck
We only live one time
Magical evenings
With sweet touches
Bodies sizzle
'I love you', they say
Magical nights
Will make believers
Let all hell break loose
Nobody has ever lived twice
Don't search for it
You won't find the edge
In the world of the roughneck
We only live one time
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


fuera tu me doy la vuelta
antes que toques a mi puerta,
piénsalo bien que aun no es tarde,
no ves, no ves...
Que traigo nubes de equipaje,
que de dolor va hecho mi traje
y que la vida de este viaje
verás, verás...
Toda mi noche y mi luz
que sentirás solo tu...
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción.
Dice el soldado precavido
en guerra no termina herido,
si aun así vienes por mi, debo decir,
nadie te hará sentir más vivo...
En mi noche y mi luz
existirás solo tu...
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción.
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción.
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción.

The past is a wound in my heart

Versions: #2
I too fell in love in the past
It was this love that inflamed my life
Realized the cost of this love,
It was my youth that slipped away.
I was on my knees.. but
She was not to be mine
I lost myself in the end
in the green sea of her eyes
Though, I haven't hugged her on the waist, I did not let go of my passion.
It's been a sad adventure, they took her away from my hand.
She became someone else's, others became happy.
My heart became all over a place in ruin.
The past is a wound in my heart
My fortune is darker than my hair
What tears me up from time to time
is this sad memory of her.
Has never let me sleep in her bosom
Has never consoled me with a kiss
Many years passed since
That woman too forgot me.
Though, I haven't hugged her on the waist, I did not let go of my passion.
It's been a sad adventure, they took her away from my hand.
She became someone else's, others became happy.
My heart became all over a place in ruin.


Pejzaž je divlji krajolik prirode
Tišina je, i veličanstveno je sve
Čuje se samo pevanje ptica
I razbijaja tišinu te pustinje.
Putujući oblaci prave senke
Matacuervos se oporavio
Velikom biku je oprošteno
On za život nikada nije molio
Matacuervos, Matacuervos
Ko te je stvorio takvog
Ai i i
Vidio sam te kako svojim rogovima bodeš
Nestašne vrane eto kakav si ti
Matacuervvos, Matacuervos
Arena te videla da plačeš
Ah ah ah
Kad si bio hrabar
I nisi želeo da napustiš arenu
- - -
Mesec u divljini prirode
Dok sija, moli se
Prekrivajući zracima od zlata i svile
Matacuerosa dok spava
Magla se spušta
Sa Matacuervosom se želite poigrati
Kao što su se igrali nekad
Kad je on bilo tele
Tele bez premca
Matacuervos, Matacuervos
Ko te je stvorio takvog
Ai i i
Vidio sam te kako svojim rogovima bodeš
Nestašne vrane eto kakav si ti
Matacuervvos, Matacuervos
Arena te videla da plačeš
Ah a a
Kad si bio hrabar
I nisi želeo da napustiš arenu
Matacuervvos, Matacuervos...


Da sam ti okrenula bih se
pre nego sto pokucas na moja vrata,
razmisli dobro jer jos uvek nije kasno,
ne vidis, ne vidis...
Da nosim oblake u prtljagu,
da od bola sam napravila moje odelo
i da zivot od ovog putovanja
videces, videces...
Celu moju noc i moju svetlost,
koju ces osetiti samo ti...
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji.
Kazu oprezni vojnik
u ratu ne zavrsava ranjen,
ako cak i tako dodjes po mene, moram da kazem,
niko nece uciniti da se osecas jos zivljim...
U mojim nocima i mojoj svetlosti
postojaces samo ti...
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji.
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji.
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji.


We ough to learn how to share (comrade)
No other choice to live as a society (comrade)
We ough to learn how to tolerate each other (comrade)
So that we get a bit of our humanity back (comrade)
Whatever your country, your skin colour (comrade)
Anyone on Earth has a right to happiness (comrade)
Oh oh oh comrade! (comrade)
Loving our human brethrens doesn't earn money (comrade)
That's mankind's whole tragedy (comrade)
And if the world looks like a mess now (comrade)
it's because we ignore our neighbours too often (comrade)
Whatever your country, your skin colour (comrade)
Anyone on Earth has a right to happiness (comrade)
Oh oh oh comrade! (comrade)
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

One, Two, Three

Where can I find my place
I just follow advice
Ok, let's be placed
And so everything is at it's place again
One, Two, Three,
Nothing else
Hey hey, let's be like others
Who is, this is how they find bliss
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us
Alone you can't see everything
Then there's advice
There's also people to explain
So easy is this solution
One, Two, Three,
Nothing else
Hey hey, let's be like others
Who is, this is how they find bliss
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us
In the middle of everything I stay and stand
I guess the doubt will get to power
Similar as how you see with me
Earth is just sand flying in front of us

Nothing More

Walking up a bridge and then down,
Continuing to slowly look,
Another day that goes
And you're like a shadow that envelops me
Only you, a strange encounter that by now
You search for me and ask for more
Oh, you already give me
Frozen streets made deliberately for us
Yellowed stories with double meanings and then
I'll search for you, when the stories are done, I'll leave without you
I'll walk alone without you
And at great lines I'll see, I'll search for
A new world that I'll have
Between squalid loves put on auction for those who
Live life fully with a simple 'yes'
I don't want anything more
Nothing more
Than walking, not thinking and then throw myself a bit upward
I don't want anything more
Nothing more
Than living life at high speed, but without you
Like going to a concert alone,
Double-parked tone-deaf sensations,
And then I'll get tired
And certainly I'll try without you
Alone without you I'll forget
The bitter taste and I will search more for
A new world that I'll have
Between squalid loves put on auction for those who
Live life fully with a simple 'yes'
I don't want anything more
Nothing more
Than walking, not thinking and then throw me upward
I don't want anything more
Nothing more
Than living life at high speed, but without you
I don't want anything more
Nothing more
Than walking, not thinking and then throw me upward
I don't want anything more
Nothing more
Than living life at high speed, but without you


Versions: #2
Trams are giving off sparks
like flares on the overhead lines.
A kiss is blown and flies.
Catch my lips with yours.
The tram is driving away, you're waving me goodbye
and I'm standing there all alone in the snow at the stop.
I would like so much to be with you, but no way, it's too late.
I'm going home, a cold wind blowing in my back.
The tram is driving away...
Snowflakes are flying, my boots are slipping.
In the corner, a tram is driving away unhurriedly,
a tram in which you sit while I don't.
You're so far away, farther than ever.
The tram is driving away, you're waving me goodbye
and I'm standing there all alone in the snow at the stop.
I would like so much to be with you, but no way, it's too late.
I'm going home, a cold wind blowing in my back.
The tram is driving away...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Stealing dreams.

I see you every day and I can't understand,
How can you be more beautiful than moonlight?
And my heart drops, it skips a beat
At the moment you smile accidentally
Only you!
And I stand still, I am riveted to the spot
My thoughts become confused, I have lack of words...
And I know for sure, we'll never be together
And I was awake last night again!
It's for nothing.
I know that
And I'm waiting for dawn.
Probably, I don't even cross your mind,
I warm you in my dreams
You are like shining light
A girl, who's stolen my dreams
Stars hang over and it seems to me, they are closer
You sleep and have sweet, beautiful dreams
And I don't sleep, I'm thinking about making us closer,
You and I get to be a part of this early spring.
My spring.
I will dream about you till the end of times
But you have a flame, that burns for love!
I know, you love one man,
And dammit, he isn't me
He isn't me